
cmaloneyEvening and all that jazz01:56
cmaloneyGood morning12:29
brouschDamn Windows13:10
brouschAn automatic update went wrong last weekend. Start up failed. Disk check mode: Can't check due to error with recently installed software - restore from restore point. Restore point: Can't restore because there's a disk error.13:11
rick_h__hmm, missed I got disconnected13:49
rick_h__well that's strange13:50
jrwrenGOOD MORNING14:27
rick_h__are we done yet?14:28
jrwreni've been done for weeks.14:29
jrwrengreat link cmaloney, thanks.14:29
brouschDone with what?14:29
rick_h__work :)14:29
cmaloneyjrwren: yw14:30
rick_h__I'm battling running CI tests remotely on saucelabs mixing Make, shell, nodejs, mocha, and selenium via saucelabs...ugh14:30
brouschNo. Working today and 1/2 day tomorrow, then rest of the week off14:30
cmaloneyAlso: Suicidal Tendencies Art of Rebellion is one of my "perfect albums"14:30
* rick_h__ is ready to nuke it all from orbit14:30
cmaloneyseriously, this album never fails to make me happy.14:30
brouschcmaloney: Suicidal Tendencies never fails to make you happy?14:31
cmaloneyThe band, yes.14:32
cmaloneyI love groove-metal14:32
brouschI actually couldn't tell you a single song from them14:33
cmaloneysecond link has "Nobody Hears"14:34
brouschThen what good will it do me?14:35
cmaloneyhar har14:35
cmaloneyI mean the second link should be more complete14:35
cmaloneyJust click on it14:35
cmaloneyIt's totally work-safe. ;)14:36
brouschI will find my headphones14:36
cmaloneyHas Robert Trujillo on bass FWIW14:39
cmaloneyAlso: tmux session switching is awesome.15:04
cmaloneyhelping me to keep my focus this morning15:04
jrwrenwhat does it do?15:06
cmaloneyIf you have more than one tmux session running you can use <ctrl>-b s to switch between them15:07
jrwrenah, good tip15:09
jrwreni wonder if I should switch to multisessions, more than 10 windows gets to be a pain15:10
cmaloneyMorning greg-g16:19
rick_h__party party16:19
cmaloneybrousch: How'd you like Suicidal Tendencies?16:19
brouschI have not listened yet16:19
cmaloneygreg-g: ^^16:20
cmaloneyThat's crazy talk16:20
rick_h__lmao https://twitter.com/totalfilm/status/413248168885645312/photo/116:31
brouschWho will buy this for me for Xmas? http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/laptops/ideapad/yoga/yoga-2-pro/18:25
=== jrwren_ is now known as jrwren
cmaloneybrousch1: I think you've been nominated. :)20:37
brousch1For what?20:39
cmaloneybuying that yoga 2 for yurself for Christmas20:39
brousch1I want a dual boot Kubuntu/Android tablet/laptop like the Microsoft Surface Pro 220:40
brousch1Is that so much to ask?20:40
cmaloneyReply hazy. Try again.20:42
jrwrenwhy would you want a dual boot tablet?20:45
jrwrenoh, you want iwth keybaord.20:45
jrwrenso you really want an ultrabook with touchscreen.20:46
jrwrenand detachable keyboard.20:46
jrwrenWANT WANT WANT20:46
brousch1But dual boot android and Kubuntu20:47
brousch1So I can use it for consuming or creating20:47
brousch1Wonder if it will work on my Asus Infinity20:54
greg-ggah, stupid "electrician" turned off my entire house's power23:53
greg-gon accident, he's working on the house next door (it's a duplex)23:54
greg-gright when I was in the middle of a productive streak, too23:54

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