=== Jackson_ is now known as Jackson | ||
=== Jackson is now known as Guest33015 | ||
JonathanD | Morning. | 10:33 |
rmg51 | Morning | 10:42 |
JonathanD | hey rmg51 | 11:33 |
pvl1 | morning folks | 11:51 |
JonathanD | hi pc | 11:52 |
JonathanD | hi pvl1 | 11:52 |
pvl1 | has anyone been to hive76 in philly | 12:03 |
JonathanD | pvl1: yes. | 12:17 |
JonathanD | For sure, KyleYankan, jedijf, myself, pleia2, I think waltman might have gone once too. | 12:17 |
rmg51 | bye | 12:21 |
KyleYankan | yo | 12:30 |
pvl1 | JonathanD what's y'all do there | 12:32 |
pvl1 | hello KyleYankan | 12:32 |
KyleYankan | Hey pvl1. I'm with Hive76. Not really doing anything with it at the moment though. What can I do for ya | 12:32 |
pvl1 | Not much, I'm just looking for geeky friends around Philadelphia | 12:34 |
KyleYankan | Well, I'd invite you to check out #plug, it's pretty active and a good group of folks all around the area. #fosscon and #hive76 are decently active channels nad Philadlephia based as well. You'll see lots of overlap though, it's a good crowd that keeps itself involved. | 12:38 |
teddy-dbear | Morning peoples, dogs, turkeys and everything else | 13:06 |
JonathanD | pvl1: and come to PLUG | 13:21 |
pvl1 | JonathanD when is it | 13:54 |
JonathanD | 14:04:23 < plugbot> Speakers are needed for: Wed Jan 8 (Central), Tue Jan 14 (North), Mon Jan 20 (West), Wed Feb 5 (Central), Tue Feb 11 (North), and Mon Feb 17 (West) | 14:04 |
JonathanD | pvl1: there is more than one. | 14:04 |
JonathanD | pvl1: the next one is in center city on the 8th | 14:23 |
KyleYankan | center city? I thought it was at pen? | 14:42 |
KyleYankan | penn* | 14:42 |
MutantTurkey | might be working with waltman soon | 15:27 |
MutantTurkey | should be gud! | 15:27 |
JonathanD | KyleYankan: oh I guess it is penn | 15:35 |
KyleYankan | University City, pvl1. | 15:36 |
KyleYankan | AKA, Weeeeest Philadelphia..... (born and raiseD) | 15:36 |
pvl1 | I've partied in west Philly | 15:37 |
KyleYankan | On the playgrounds? spent.. most of my days. | 15:38 |
* KyleYankan sings awkwardly | 15:38 | |
JonathanD | pvl1: I'm usually at north. | 15:39 |
pvl1 | JonathanD in montco | 16:40 |
JonathanD | pvl1: north is in blue bell | 16:43 |
JonathanD | see you on the 14th? | 16:43 |
JonathanD | pvl1: also, /join #Plug :) | 16:43 |
pvl1 | I got in there earlier today JonathanD, thank you | 16:44 |
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