
ypwongJackYu, ping02:00
JackYuypwong, hi02:08
JackYuypwong, hi02:25
ypwongJackYu, sorry, ping 错了02:25
ypwongJackYu, meeting at 10:30?02:25
JackYuypwong, yep02:26
=== jzheng is now known as jzheng_afk
JackYuhappyaron, hi, configtool还没有人sponsor啊。。。07:27
happyaronJackYu: 有sponsor,但是要通过NEW queue啊07:48
happyaronJackYu: 这个没人来弄。07:48
happyaronJackYu: bug 1259525 really fixed?08:21
ubot5bug 1259525 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Lubuntu & Xubuntu & Ubuntu Kylin lightdm session fails to start. user-session is not set" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125952508:21
JackYuhappyaron, OK11:52
JackYuhappyaron, 最新的daily iso 修复了bug 125952511:52
ubot5bug 1259525 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Lubuntu & Xubuntu & Ubuntu Kylin lightdm session fails to start. user-session is not set" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125952511:52

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