[00:18] great.. thanks [00:18] I think what I was looking for was something like: start on stop rc[2345] [00:27] linux_dr: =) that would work. [00:28] linux_dr: you can override starton/stopon conditions for a few jobs as you see fit. [00:28] linux_dr: do use an override file. E.g. "echo start on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=2 | sudo tee /etc/init/ssh.override" [00:29] (i didn't test above, but I think that's about the right syntax) [00:29] linux_dr: the benefit, if there are typpos / mistakes in the override, just the override is rejected and the job will start/run using the base config. [00:29] linux_dr: and it works transparent for package upgrades [00:30] linux_dr: any stanzas from the override are preferred over the base job file. See cookbook for further details. [00:30] or man pages.