=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha === Ursinha is now known as Guest45150 [00:09] nwilson5, The default gateway is the destination for all packets not bound for 1) a local subnet, or 2) a network with an explicitly-defined route. [00:10] nwilson5, So you wouldn't really need more than one. If you need finer-grained control over routing, you need to define routing table entries other than the default route. [00:26] Hey guys do you know if bug report #728666 has been resolved ? [00:27] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=728666 [00:27] Debian bug 728666 in libpam-smbpass "libpam-smbpass: No talloc stackframe at ../source3/param/loadparm.c:4831, leaking memory" [Normal,Open] [00:27] i take the "normal, open" as no still under going root cause ? [00:27] mr bot? [02:11] hey, can i define multiple ssl keys to be used by one instance of postfix? === Guest45150 is now known as Ursinha-afk [04:28] nyRednek: ssl is negotatied fairly early, which makes it hard to use more than one SSL key on any given {IP,Port} Having said that, if you want them on different IPs or Ports, that could be done with -o options inside of master.cf [04:29] lamont: thanks === shauno_ is now known as shauno [12:47] what is the best way to backup the whole system, by making an archive of it or just copying the whole files with ordinary cp or rsync? [12:58] ice9: I'd use rsync [12:58] or perhaps tar [12:58] but rsync works well === Onnutani is now known as Ontani [13:09] its strange, the device is booted completely but the splashscreen doesn't go away === HackeMate is now known as Guest95256 === mikehale_ is now known as mikehale === xnox_ is now known as xnox === ddsss_ is now known as ddsss === igalic_ is now known as igalic [14:47] hi [14:47] may somone enlighten me on a not so simple memory usage question ? [14:47] all swap is off, sum of rss memory is 2G , 1G is cache , yet i have 7gb used , 1gb free [14:47] blender trying to allowate more than 1gb get oom killed, so thats really 1gb free [14:50] blender on a server? [14:50] well...no [14:51] but #blender is often a bit childish so i dont hang there too much [15:34] hey guys I have a question im trying to set a user through ACL to have access to /var/log yet i get a message setfacl -m u:jaquilina:rx /var/log setfacl: /var/log: Operation not supported [15:34] what am I missing? [15:39] setfacl -m u:jaquilina:r ; setfacl -m u:jaquilina:x works ? [15:45] eagles0513875: do you have permissions to /var/log to set a facl to it? [15:45] orogor: is blender trying to allocate huge chunk of contiguous memory? [15:45] jrwren_: im trying to set the permissions for my user using root [15:46] i should be able to do so as root no? [15:46] i am unsure your syntax is good [15:46] eagles0513875: yes. [15:46] well its not letting me [15:46] is the syntax i have above right or am i missing something [15:46] eagles0513875: try r-x instead of rx [15:47] jrwren_, noidea [15:47] jrwren_: nope with r-x it still gives me the operation not supported issue [15:47] sudo setfacl -m u:jrwren:r-x /var/log #WFM [15:47] eagles0513875: oh! is the filesystem mounted with acl? [15:47] oh crap i think that is what im missing [15:48] ahh that is what i forgot doh [15:48] brb [15:48] sudo mount -o remount,acl / [15:48] :) [15:50] thanks jrwren_ [16:05] openstack question: has anyone set it up here? [16:05] I'm using ubuntu server [16:15] harushimo: yes, a bit. [16:15] harushimo: one does not simply setup openstack :) [16:17] jwren: they are missing packages that i'm encountering [16:17] which pkgs? [16:17] are you using cloud archive? [16:17] jrwren: no [16:17] use cloud archive [16:18] thank you. Is that where all the files are [16:20] jrwren: the packages are nova-conductor and neutron-server [16:20] I didn't get the keystone-all either [16:20] given that neutro didn't exist until havana (rename), yes, you MUST use cloud archive to get those. [16:20] thank you so much. I'll add it to the source list [16:21] the guide should have said to use cloud arhive [16:21] no it didn't [16:21] I'm using the one from openstack foundation [16:22] when I add the new site to get the application, add it to my source list and then do I need to do apt-get update [16:23] http://docs.openstack.org/havana/install-guide/install/apt/content/basics-packages.html says it is optional [16:23] but its required to use a version newer than what shipped with that version of ubuntu server. [16:24] so I pretty much need to get everything again [16:25] I got most of the packages from ubuntu repository not the cloud repository correct? [16:25] i think 12.04 shipped with folsom or maybe essex [16:25] yes, if you didn't configure any other repo, then you got it from ubuntu repository [16:26] jrwren: I should be able update those packages even if I download them from cloud archive correct? [16:27] yes [16:27] jrwren: perfect. let me try all of this. if I get anymore questions, I'll ask you. thanks [16:27] yw [16:55] jrwren_: even with ACL permissions on /var/log i am not able to copy them on to my local machine :( [16:56] eagles0513875: i'm not sure what copy you are trying [16:58] jrwren_: just drag and drop im on dolphin in this laptop as im running kde. im using the fish protocol [16:58] which is a fancy way to do sftp [16:59] some files are still not readable. e.g. /var/log/syslog is 640 not 644 by default. [16:59] eagles0513875: what exactly are you trying to do? [17:03] jrwren_: basically sftp the syslogs from this system for indepth analysis [17:04] just syslogs? those get rotated, maybe setup a cron job to setfacl on them? or change logrotate to setfacl after rotating [17:04] jrwren_: i know they get rotated im wanting to pull the current syslog and the rotated ones [17:05] sudo setfacl -m u:jrwren:r-- /var/log/syslog* [17:06] and add setfacl -m u:jrwren:r-- /var/log/syslog to the postrotate section of /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog [17:06] jrwren_: i have rx on /var/log [17:06] so the permissions stay [17:06] yes, that lets you read the contents of that directory. it means nothing about the individual files. [17:06] ahh ok [17:07] ok lets back track lol [17:08] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_system_permissions [17:13] jrwren_: [17:13] would i need sudo in front of setfacl -m u:jrwren:r-- /var/log/syslog [17:28] not in the postrotate section, no [17:28] the rotate script already runs as root [18:57] does dpkg-buildpackage automatically run make all? === mibofra_ is now known as mibofra [19:10] mgw: not really. It runs "debian/rules build". What that does is down to debian/rules. [19:10] mgw: see: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html#s-debianrules === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha [20:16] rbasak: that's what I thought too, but something seems to be calling "make all" during the build process [20:22] mgw: that's down to what debian/rules does. Often it uses debhelper, which ends up calling dh_autobuild or something [20:23] yep [20:23] dh build calls dh_autobuild [20:23] which calls make [20:23] so I can just override dh_autobuild [20:23] right? [20:26] You can define a rule called override_dh_auto_build or something. [20:26] In there you can choose to call dh_auto_build or something else entirely. [20:34] rbasak: yeah, that works. what about calling dh $@ --without auto_clean? [20:34] (and auto_build) [20:34] man dh seems to indicate you could do that, but it doesn't work [20:35] looks like auto_clean doesn't count as an addon [20:35] dh —list does not include it [20:42] mgw: we're at the limit of my dh sequencer knowledge, sorry. [20:43] mgw: AIUI, using override_dh_auto_build is the accepted/recommended way of doing it. [21:18] rbasak: thanks, I read man dh again and saw that, thanks [21:18] np === esde_ is now known as esde [23:56] I'm packaging a project. Can one package install multiple daemons, each with their own upstart config?