
cmaloneyHope you had backups handy00:57
rick_h__meh, power off shouldn't cause you to run for the backups00:57
cmaloneyWell, by backups I mean saved your work.00:57
jrwrenanother reason I like laptops over desktop. the battery is a built in UPS :p01:32
cmaloneyjrwren: Yeah, and you don't have to worry about upgrade options. :)02:18
jrwrenhahaha. TRUE!02:21
rick_h__but but but03:39
greg-gyeah, laptop work was fine, and the synology nas was ok after the drop of power. considering getting a UPS for the nas now04:29
rick_h__yea, I run the desktop, router, and nas on the UPS04:29
rick_h__hopefully if power goes out I've got time to shut down the desktop/nas and run the router for a while until things come back04:29
greg-gyeah, the router/modem/nas shouldn't be too much draw04:30
cmaloneyGood morning14:48
brouschTired morning14:49
cmaloneySorry to hear that14:50
widoxlast work day of the year for me, woo!15:06
widoxand, its a half day15:06
jrwren_got any coding projects lined up for the break?15:43
greg-gugh, I think carrie/rowan got me sick19:14
greg-gyay xmas19:14
cmaloneygreg-g: woo woo19:17
brousch7It's not xmas without puke and red/green snot wads19:24
greg-ghah, got a bill from the trash people from the old place for... $0.00. I wonder if I'll be getting $0 bills for the rest of my life?19:51
cmaloneyIt's probably part of their new paperwork reduction act.19:57
greg-galso, glasses suck reason #51243: the enjoyment of blowing on your coffee/tea near your face, and getting the nice warm steam: foggy glasses!20:40
gamerchick02my chromebook charger came today!23:02

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