
=== KyleYankan is now known as Santa
=== Santa is now known as SantaClaus
=== SantaClaus is now known as SantaKlaus
=== SantaKlaus is now known as KyleYankan
rmg51Merry bah humbug day :-D10:39
jedijfmerry merry11:46
pleia2I am going to the zoo!16:51
waltmanFlorida has zoos? Who knew?16:53
pleia2miami has a pretty impressive one, I hear (and soon shall see16:53
pleia2and it's 73F out today, so <316:54
waltmanIt's a balmy 27 here!16:55
pleia2appropriate for christmas16:57
waltmanI wouldn't mind spending the holidays someplace warm one of these years...16:59
waltmanBut there are some advantages. I bet they don't have penguins at the Miami Zoo. :)17:00
pleia2waltman: probably true, but remember when we went to camden and it was too cold for the penguins :)17:01
waltmanyeah, what was up with that? I thought penguins were tougher than that!17:01
JonathanDMerry Christmas.17:11
pvl1mornin folks, merry Christmas!17:55
InHisName1Mornin' y'all21:17

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