
jalcineMerry Christmas to those who celebrate!00:55
goawhello, I just upgraded my system to 12.10 & the upgrade caused a malfunction in the usage of the language tools. Furthermore I'm now not able to login to my primary user login02:12
goawany helps would be truly appreciated02:12
=== dolomite` is now known as dolomite
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:34
=== idleone_ is now known as io
=== ValicekB_ is now known as ValicekB
glenrockis there a setting to control how long a taskbar item flashes when there is new activity in the window?04:36
=== thomas is now known as Guest84590
=== thelionroars_ is now known as thelionroars
apb1963_anyone know how to get plasma desktop weather wallpaper to work?  kubuntu 12.0409:10
=== cabal is now known as Guest80582
sasdaniHi All! :)10:53
BluesKajHiyas all11:29
user__привет всем11:38
user__как можно в проводнике добраться до программ, поставленных через Wine?11:38
user__Эй, мужики!11:39
BluesKaj!ru | user__11:42
ubottuuser__: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.11:42
user__ah, so it is english channel)11:44
user__How can i run programs installed using wine?11:45
user__How can i find them in Nautilus?11:45
dheerajHow to configure cdma dongle in Ubuntu.?13:00
=== ali is now known as Guest67317
Guest67317türkçe bilen varmıdır?13:25
ed765432345please help, is there another vpn client for kubuntu? the default  one doesnt have the option to reconnect after connection is dropped13:41
lordievaderGood afternoon.13:42
=== Steakanbake|slee is now known as Steakanbake
=== Steakanbake is now known as Steakanbake|slee
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
=== Steakanbake|slee is now known as Steakanbake
chachaned765432345, http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=10218814:09
chachanhope that helps14:09
=== S-USA is now known as SonikkuAmerica
amichairever since I upgraded KDE to 4.12.0, the panel freezes several times a day (rest of desktop, alt-tab etc. are ok), then after a few minutes it unfreezes and goes back to normal. Is this a known issue?14:53
ice9when installing kubuntu-desktop on Ubuntu, does it install any kind of codecs?15:13
vmusrhow to enable my bluetooth adapter? I can see it in lsusb, but there's no bluetooth in the OS15:53
ovidiu-florinvmusr: do you have bluetooth in System Settings?16:07
vmusryes, but no adapters - however dmesg and lsusb seem fine16:08
vmusralso I have proper rfkill output16:15
smurfhello averybody16:21
=== Guest12088 is now known as denysonique
=== Toast_ is now known as Tosat
=== Tosat is now known as Toast
rcw2what are the main differences between running ubuntu on a mac vs pc17:04
=== Steakanbake is now known as Steakanbake|slee
=== vmuser is now known as vmusr
abu_sadois precise not getting the 4.11.4?18:26
=== Steakanbake|slee is now known as Steakanbake
=== Vito_ is now known as Vito
jdolesWhich versions of X, the kernel and radeon am I supposed to use together?19:49
jdolesThe combination I am using now doesn't work.19:49
=== thomas is now known as Guest88273
=== leon is now known as Guest69031
valoriejdoles: are you using packages as provided?21:12
valorievia muon or apt-get, aptitude, etc.21:13
skreech_jdoles: What versions do youhave?21:13
ice9I can't type with keyboard and window titles disappeared21:17
ice9also when I open the main menu and click anywhere on the desktop, the menu didn't hide, I have to click on it again21:17
ice9I installed kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu21:17
skreech_ice9: Got help?22:00
skreech_uBUXUBu: Hello22:21
* uBUXUBu offers skreech_ some pistachios...22:22
=== ToBeFree is now known as wells
=== wells is now known as SoulOfTheInterne
uBUXUBudoes kubuntu offer an application that will take the place of my home phone?22:52
uBUXUBui d like to get rid of my phone22:54
=== SoulOfTheInterne is now known as ToBeAFK
=== ToBeAFK is now known as ToBeFree
valorieuBUXUBu: there are some SIPP clients, yes23:00
uBUXUBucan i ditch my mphone23:02
valorieif you find a provider willing to accept your old phone number, sure23:03
valorieI went the easy way and just bought a vonage box23:04
valoriehardly any fuss at all from the old phone company23:04
uBUXUBuwhat is a vonage box23:04
valorieand since it's hooked to the cable line through the cable box, it's rarely down23:05
uBUXUBuso u can make and recieve phone calls right23:05
valoriecommercially available in lots of places23:06
uBUXUBuis it cheaper23:06
=== Steakanbake is now known as Steakanbake|slee
valorieyes, make and receive phone calls, and they have a free message service as well23:07
valorieI just didn't want to take the time to set up something and leave a computer on all the time to host it23:08
ubottuekiga is an Internet telephony application included with Ubuntu, which supports the SIP and H323 protocols. Information and help at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ekiga23:08
skreech_valorie: Vonage only works in  America I guess?23:08
valorieif we still had our own server set up in the back bedroom, we could have gone with ekiga instead, I guess23:09
valorieskreech_: dunno23:09
valorieI can make and get international calls23:09
valoriefrom the US23:09
valoriewhether people can sign up outside the country, I don't know23:10
valorieI assume their website says!23:11
valorieuBUXUBu: yes, quite a bit cheaper23:11
valorie$10/mo rather than about $3023:12
valorieI switched when they charged me about $25 for a 2 minute long distance call (which should never have been made in the first place)23:12
valoriethat was the last month/last bill with ma bell23:13
uBUXUBuso i wonder if i can go to my cable company and do it23:15
valorieyou don't have to tell your cable company unless you want to use their service23:16
valoriewhich IMO is more expensive and more sucky23:16
valoriebut we should go to #kubuntu-offtopic for this23:17
valoriesorry for the off-topic, folks23:17
uBUXUBuok ill go to offtopic i need more info im getting ripped off bad23:17
=== mike is now known as Guest82894
=== Steakanbake|slee is now known as Steakanbake
Guest82894can anyone here help me out with a sound problem i'm having, in windows i can plug my guitar in the audio input and have the sound come out of my speakers, i was wondering if i can do the same in kubuntu, i can't figure out how to do it thanks very much for your time23:21
skreech_Guest82894: As like a passthrough?23:24
Guest82894well in windows, there's an option i can select to listen to device and the sound then comes out of my speakes, is there a way to do that in kubuntu23:25
Guest82894would i need to install jack to get that working23:29
valorieI think pulseaudio should do that for you23:32
valorieyou might want to install the pulseaudio volume control widget23:32
Guest82894can you tell me what to do exactly, i'm new to linux and wanting to get away from winblows23:32
valoriein the tabs there are all kinds of controls23:33
Guest82894thanks for your help valorie23:33
valoriewell, you should experiment with the settings23:33
valorieyou should be able to do as you wish23:33
Guest82894thanks very much for your help23:33
valoriehave fun!23:35
skreech_Yeah I've not done that but I think that would work23:40
Guest82894i just wee veronix volume control in the widgets oh well, back to winblows i guess, thanks anyway23:42
skreech_Guest82894: I would guess you can try #pulseaudio23:42
valorieveromix seems buggy lately23:44
valoriethe pulseaudio volume control seems to work fine23:44
Guest82894it's just a bunch of zombies in pulseaudio channel  :)23:51
valorieGuest82894: it is the day after christmas!23:52
valorieand boxing day where the most active devel is living23:52
valorieerrr, maybe the morning after by now23:52
Guest82894true sorry23:52
valorieok, going afk23:52
Guest82894wanna skype valorie23:53
valorietry again with the pulseaudio volume control widget23:53
valorieno skype here, sorry23:53
valoriebye for now23:53
Guest82894where do i get it23:53
Guest82894ok found it, happy  boxing day23:54

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