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Noskcajmicahg, Do you have the time to review https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/trusty/xfce4-session/light-locker/+merge/196436 yet?05:13
NoskcajOr some of my other stuff so i can get a testimonial for MOTU and xubuntu packageset05:14
micahgI hate UDD merges05:14
NoskcajSorry? ;)05:15
* micahg looks quickly at bug 126327905:15
ubottubug 1263279 in python-boto (Ubuntu) "Sync python-boto 2.20.1-1 (main) from Debian experimental (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126327905:15
NoskcajI think bug 1212848 is my only other sync. I really need to finish off the ktp stuff05:18
ubottubug 1212848 in ktp-accounts-kcm (Ubuntu) "Sync ktp-accounts-kcm 0.7.0-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121284805:18
micahgI'm reluctant to upload python-boto right before bed since I'm not sure how it interacts with the various cloud packages that depend on it05:20
* micahg sees if the other one is any better05:20
NoskcajThe ktp stuff is very simple05:22
micahgsigh, that's really not good on the ktp-accounts-kcm bug, it needs more than a fakesync, it needs a tarball repackage05:22
micahgwait, which one is which (this is all horribly OT here)05:22
Noskcajyeah. KDE make their tarballs from a git upstream tracking branch, which makes stuff harder than it has to be05:23
micahgphew, it's ok05:37
brainwashochosi: does the transparency fix for the gtk3 indicator wrapper actually work?12:14
brainwashapplied the patch, nothing changed12:15
elfybrainwash: I sent a mail to the list with the PPAs I think we've got for the new stuff for people to add anything else they know about14:31
knomedid we/you schedule a meeting for today?19:03
elfy#agree Next meeting on Thursday, January 2nd at 19:00 UTC19:04
elfyseems like we were actually awake at that point :)19:04
elfy/s/still awake19:05
brainwashdownloaded the daily image, fired up vbox and... lightdm greeter does not list the user "xubuntu"19:08
brainwashdidn't someone fix this?19:09
elfynope - if you look at the bug(s) you'll see that19:10
elfynone of this user session stuff has got further than triage for us19:11
brainwashso strange19:11
elfyand - if you don't bother to look at bugs - look at Iso tracker - where it's still listed19:11
elfymaybe so - I'm off now19:12
knomemicahg, can you look into the session issue? Unit193 has created a branch that should fix the issue, now we just need updating some packages for that.19:53
ElderDryaspleia2: http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/best-distro-2013.html (see 2nd Place :)19:53
brainwashwait what... the branch that fixes the user session is 2 weeks old19:57
brainwashknome: :(19:57
Unit193It's pretty easy to test, boot the live cd in text mode, create the file, service lightdm start.20:26
NoskcajIf we're going to put more xfce 4.11 parts in 14.04, we really should get them in sooner rather thn later. At least libxfce4ui.22:05
NoskcajAnd can some more people on the team leave testimonials at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Noskcaj#Xubuntu_PackageSet ?22:08

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