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xubuntu222why the bar window is not displayed07:43
elfyyou'll need to explain what the bar window is :)07:45
xubuntu222parameters in the file manager is inaccessible. the windows do not have borders and can not close or reduce ...07:47
xubuntu222What can I do with please?07:49
oakyxubuntu222: do u have a panel on the bottom of the screen?07:49
elfyxubuntu222: try Alt+F2 then command xfwm4 --replace07:50
xubuntu222there here07:50
xubuntu222the windows opened are automatically placed in the corner and can not be move also07:54
xubuntu222my Xubuntu becomes completely uncontrollable07:59
elfyonly time I've ever heard of that is with something like devilspie - you could try removing session information08:04
elfyopen settings manager - session and startup - session tab - clear saved sessions, logout - make sure it's not saving session - login08:05
superpazzoXubuntu 14.04 is installing! Maybe this time I'll manage to give a new life to the old crappy Acer Aspire 1350 with only 512 MB RAM12:13
superpazzoI meant 12.04 of course!12:13
olbiit wasn't problems with installing it, like crash or smth?12:13
olbioh, 12.04 you mean :P12:13
superpazzono..... for the moment :)12:13
superpazzoyes, LTS12:13
superpazzoLubuntu 13.10 and Xubuntu 13.10 failed for this old laptop, strange crazy errors :(12:14
superpazzoso I decided to try Xubuntu 12.0412:14
olbi13.04 and laters have pae kernels, maybe that's why12:14
superpazzothis is a VEEEEERY crappy machine12:14
superpazzoe.g. CD-ROM does not work, and BIOS does not support USB sticks12:15
olbiI have same problems on some machines when try to install 13.1012:15
superpazzoI used an USB floppy disk to boot!!!!!12:15
olbiand CPU doesn't support PAE :P12:15
superpazzook, let's forget 13.10 and le'ts wait for the real 14.04 :)12:15
olbihehe :)12:16
superpazzoPAE? not a problem, I don't have spare RAM  chips, I'll use the old 256+256 .....12:17
superpazzoIbought this laptop in 200312:17
superpazzonow I got it12:17
superpazzowell let's give it a shot with 12.412:18
superpazzoat least I got to the GUI! it's a GREAT thing! and the USB stick this time has no damaged files (I used UNEtBootIn)12:18
superpazzook,it installed thelanguage packs (Italy), going on!12:19
superpazzoxubuntu rocks12:25
xubuntu631i've tried to set up duel monitors on my laptop. and now when i disconnected i have no display on my laptop screen on my main account. however the guest account works fine. help anyone?12:25
cfhowlettxubuntu631, xrandr is the app multi-display application.  I'd suggest looking for the hidden .xrandr configuration file in your guest account and copying it to your /home12:27
cfhowlettxubuntu631, OR find, kill and restart the .config account in /home12:27
xubuntu631how could i search for that?12:27
cfhowlettxubuntu631, manually.  go to file manager, display your /home, hit ctrl-h to display hidden files and look for .xrandr?  but first bring this question to #ubuntu.  Someone there may have a more direct solution12:28
xubuntu631okay thanks man12:28
cfhowlettxubuntu631, best of luck12:29
xubuntu631i get permission denied, so i tried to do sudo -s in terminal and cd to the home dir, and still permission denied:((12:30
akis63hi all. i followed theese details http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/07/download-and-install-androidsdk-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/ and i installed in my /home android. because it does not work properly i deleted /android from my /home. is there any possibility that it has anything be changed from this application on my /root (except of course of openjdk-6-jdk and libgl1-mesa-dev which are necessary to run the application)?12:30
bekksakis63: Unless you did it using sudo: no.12:31
akis63bekks: i didn't use sudo. i only installed penjdk-6-jdk and libgl1-mesa-dev from software center and i konw that they have been installed in my /root. But the androids-sdk i downloaded from here: http://dl.google.com/android/android-sdk_r20-linux.tgz and then i unzipped it in my/home and i run it from there.12:34
bekksakis63: then it didnt change anything outside your /home12:35
akis63bekks: ok. thank you for confirmation. is it clear that nothing has been changed outside my /home although sdk-manager downloaded the newest android packages?12:37
bekksakis63: Unless it used sudo privileges to do so - nothing has changed outside /home12:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 1208204 in Ubuntu Studio "[SRU]Update indicator-sound-gtk2 with patch" [Undecided,New]12:37
junkahas this been fixed?12:37
cfhowlettjunka, if it was fixed, it would state same so ... not yet12:38
junkawhere does then "fix released" apply to? 14.04 alpha 1?12:40
akis63bekks: no sudo pirivileges were used. just an update procedure from sdk manager as it is described here: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/07/download-and-install-androidsdk-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/#tc-comment-title under 'Install Android updates if there are any available'12:40
brainwashjunka: right, saucy is listed separately and the updated package is available in the proposed repo12:42
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acalbazaanyone know how to fix menu editor in 13.10?  i cant get it to keep my additions.14:53
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phil__hello there !16:31
phil__any idea on how dkms terminate is compile; with no messages anyway ...16:32
phil__something wrong or not ?16:33
Orioais there anyone around17:12
TheSheep!ask | Orioa17:13
ubottuOrioa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:13
Orioai need help changing the network shares when i click on browse network it opens to windows network but my network is different17:15
Orioathen when i open windows network it has workgroup i need to change that to my network but do not know how17:15
Orioato my workgroup sorry17:16
TheSheep"windows network" is for the type of network, not for the name17:20
TheSheepit should list all the workgroups that are available17:20
TheSheepif it's not listed, you should be able to open it with Go -> open location17:21
Orioaok ty17:22
brauleincheni need to convert a 16:9 avi file to 4:3, that is aspect ratio. I just mkv'ed the file (mkvmerger), how do I do that?18:53
brauleinchenbazhang, is that a program?18:56
bazhangbrauleinchen, a gui one, yeah18:56
bazhangyou could use ffmpeg for the cli18:56
brauleinchenbazhang, what is ffmpeg?19:07
brauleinchenand im trying to figure how to change the aspect ratio, but i cannot find anything19:07
brauleinchentips welcomed19:07
bazhang!info ffmpeg19:07
ubottuffmpeg (source: libav): Multimedia player, server, encoder and transcoder (transitional package). In component main, is optional. Version 6:0.8.9-0ubuntu0.13.10.1 (saucy), package size 94 kB, installed size 241 kB19:07
bazhang^ brauleinchen19:07
brauleinchenwhat does ffmpeg do? encoder and transcoder doesnt say enything to me19:08
bazhangwhich is why I suggested the gui handbrake19:08
brauleinchenthe one imusing19:09
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omegahacker[redir from #xfce] I just upgraded from ubuntu/mint 13.04 to 13.10 last night, and now have a serious problem with xfce4-terminal - when I start it one one screen, *every* terminal on the other screen (all workspaces) dies instantly with 'BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)' etc19:21
omegahackerand sorry, meant xubuntu in that, pasted from my previous brainfart19:22
bazhangwhich mint19:25
omegahackernot mint, xubuntu19:26
holsteinomegahacker: i would test as another user, or with the config removed or moved out of the way.. then, you can see if the issue is with the actuall application, or just your user config19:39
omegahackerk, will try that when I have a breaking point in my coding19:42
holsteinif you are carrying a config over from mint, that could do it.. a bunch of custom or outdated xfce user configs19:44
omegahackerno, mint was a typo, it was never involved19:44
holsteinif you upgraded from a version of mint with the upgrade too, thats a bad idea19:44
holsteinupgrade tool*19:44
omegahackerfresh install of xubuntu 13.04, upgraded last night to 13.1019:44
holsteinthen, you have no reason to be too put off by trying a fresh install of 13.10, since that will likely take much less time over all, and you have no data to bother with backing up or saving19:45
omegahackerno, I have plenty of data, the 13.04 was a long time ago19:46
speckleby fresh install, you mean you didn't keep up with upgrades?19:46
speckleor you mean 13.04 was the first version you installed?19:47
omegahackerI mean I got new hard drives at that time19:47
omegahackernew drives, 13.04 fresh, do lots of work, upgrade to 13.10 last night19:47
speckleI had a couple issues with 13.10 but nothing too serious - it does feel less table than 13.04 though :(19:48
omegahackerstarting rsync of home from / to my raid just in case I'm forced to reinstall, but really hoping not19:48
brainwashyou mean separate X screens?19:48
omegahackerand if I reinstall I'll be splitting / and /home into separate partitions so I don't have this mess again19:49
brainwashah, found it19:49
brainwashbug 124335419:49
ubottubug 1243354 in xfce4-terminal (Ubuntu) "Xfce4-terminal cannot run on more than one X screen at a time" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124335419:49
omegahackeryup, looks to be it19:50
brainwashsadly no progress on this one :/19:51
holsteinomegahacker: you can have whatever data you have, but the fresh install last night of 13.04 will be the same as the fresh install of 13.10 i was saying you shouldnt be afraid of doing19:52
omegahackerguess I can try to compile the xfce4-terminal version from 13.04 and see if that is enough to fix it19:52
holsteinomegahacker: so, the issue happens as another user?19:53
speckleholstein, it was found to be a confirmed open bug19:53
holsteinomegahacker: you are certain its not your config? and its an issue with 13.10?19:53
omegahackerfirst, the fresh install of 13.04 was many many months ago, after which I've got 80GB of /home on root19:53
holsteini had read nothing that indicated there were mulitple x screens..19:54
omegahackerI haven't actually logged in as another user yet because I haven't had a stopping point in my work yet, so I have no idea if it's a user config issue yet, but I strongly doubt it from the bug report19:54
holsteinassuming its relating to your actual problem, it seems plausible19:55
omegahacker"when I start it one one screen, *every* terminal on the other screen"19:55
holsteinomegahacker: sure.. but that doesnt mean to me an x session is split19:55
bsdtuxHey guys and gals, where can I get the xubuntu documentation for offline viewing? I check /usr/share/doc/xubuntu-doc and xubuntu-desktop but only say a copyright and changelog.gz20:09
bsdtuxthanks Unit19320:10
Unit193Sure, just make sure xubuntu-docs is installed.20:10
xubuntu114Hi! Is it possible tyo install a software in xubuntu that plays music has a playlist and you can edit the order in whgich the songs wqill paly?20:32
xubuntu114such application does evene xist?20:32
TheSheepsure, lots of them20:33
xubuntu114sorry for the bad typying20:33
xubuntu114i tried lots and couldn find one that did20:33
TheSheepif you like winamp, you will like audacity20:33
TheSheepthe default is rockbox, I think20:33
holsteinxubuntu114: i cant think of many that dont.. what did you try?20:33
xubuntu114gnome music player does not play them sequentialy20:33
holsteinxubuntu114: you can select if you want them to go in order or random20:33
xubuntu114im goin  to try audacity now20:33
TheSheepsorry, not rockbox20:33
holsteinxubuntu114: audacity is not a player like that20:33
holstein!info audacity20:33
ubottuaudacity (source: audacity): fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.3-1 (saucy), package size 2395 kB, installed size 6330 kB20:33
TheSheepholstein: how was it called then?20:34
holsteinxubuntu114: you can open the one you were using, and configure it to play sequentially20:34
xubuntu114in gmusic i couldnt change the order of stuff in the playlist20:34
TheSheepseems I've forgotten all the names :(20:34
TheSheepxubuntu114: that's strange, should work20:34
xubuntu114it does not do that20:34
xubuntu114seems like a bug20:35
xubuntu114on the gnome music polayer20:35
holsteinxubuntu114: it does.. but choose one, and lets get into it20:35
xubuntu114i remeber it working fine somewhere else20:35
holsteinxubuntu114: what would you like to use? banshee is a popular one20:35
xubuntu114i'll try both audacity and banshee20:35
holsteinxubuntu114: audacity, is *not* a player like that20:35
holsteinxubuntu114: you dont want audacity.. its a recorder20:36
xubuntu114i get it20:36
holsteinxubuntu114: no need to try it at all for what you are doing... it has no playlists20:36
holstein!info banshee20:36
ubottubanshee (source: banshee): Media Management and Playback application. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.1-2ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 4504 kB, installed size 13677 kB20:36
xubuntu114Banshee is just great!20:42
xubuntu114thabnsk guys20:42
xubuntu114what a nice application20:42
xubuntu114holstein: thanks for recommending banshee it's so much better than the default one20:43
holsteinxubuntu114: its not actually "better".. its just preffered by you, and thats great.. enjoy, and i hope it meets your needs20:44
Sysiif I install 12.04.1 with backported xorg and kernel, will I get newer 12.04.3 xorg and kernel with apt-get upgrade?20:56
holsteinSysi: you'll get whatever is in the repos.. everything should just come in, assuming you are OK with that much coming in20:57
holsteinSysi: it'll maybe be similar to downloading the new iso20:58
Sysiholstein: different point-releases just have those backported from different releases, I can upgrade them manually too21:00
Unit193!info xserver-xorg-lts-raring21:01
ubottuPackage xserver-xorg-lts-raring does not exist in saucy21:01
Unit193!info xserver-xorg-lts-raring raring21:01
ubottuPackage xserver-xorg-lts-raring does not exist in raring21:01
Unit193Bah, whatever, it's in precise.21:01
holsteinSysi: im just saying, if you want to end up with the updated 12.04, the data tranfer of installing the older one and upgrading is probably quite similar, if not even a bit more than just downloading the newer iso21:01
holsteinSysi: last time i did it, i think it was 900 or so mb's after the install, using an older 12.04 iso21:02
Sysiholstein: I don't really care about that21:02
holsteinSysi: the end result is, you get the latest from the repos21:02
Unit193Yes, but the -lts-bleh packages don't get auto installed, at least not from the dep trail I see.21:02
holsteinSysi: sure. but, that is literally the only thing to care about.. the data transfer and the time.. if the end result is the same21:02
holsteinthe time will be less to just download the latest iso21:03
Sysiholstein: like Unit193 said, it won't be21:03
Unit193You can easily install the metas, though.21:03
SysiI guess I'll do that, I'd probably gone with 12.04 original if I had ".0" 32bit image handy21:04
Sysihum, I have mini.iso21:08
holsteini like the mini iso. its handy21:10
GllmHi there21:27
Gllmfirst time here.21:27
Wilsonb could someone tell me what the best way to back up my t428 with Xubunut flashed on it?22:28
Wilsonb<Wilsonb> I updated and configured it, now want to try other flavors, but worked on it for a while.22:28
Wilsonb<Wilsonb> How to backup the Roms?22:28
sideup66hey room22:42
xubuntu550Hello, i need help22:42
sideup66i have a question regarding a wireless adapter on my toshiba laptop running xubuntu 12.0422:43
xubuntu550How i can uninstall programs from xubuntu.22:43
sideup66xubuntu550: look up the program you want to remove in synaptic22:43
sideup66and click on it and select remove22:43
sideup66then apply22:43
Unit193sideup66: What card/chip?22:44
sideup66my question is, what is going on with my netgear wna1000 usb dongle, for some reason itll connect from a cold system start, however a reboot and it becomes disabled and does not connect to the network22:44
sideup66i dont think the usb is honestly going to sleep because itll show it under network connections as disabled by hardware switch22:45
sideup66its just strange how its affected by powering off vs rebooting22:49
sideup66unit193: for some reason it loads up a realtek driver to run things22:53
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brauleinchencan i play m4v on linux?23:34
brauleinchenthat is not apples format, is it?23:34
Mike-Linux-NLbrauleinchen: m4v should be playable23:48
Mike-Linux-NLin vlc or totem23:48
brauleinchenMike-Linux-NL, i checked, it is apple23:48
brauleinchenisnt it?23:48
Mike-Linux-NLit is, but still playable.. apple uses that format as well23:48
Mike-Linux-NLand you can convert m4v's into mkv's or mp4 with Handbrake23:49
xyzoneisn't m4v just mp4 with a different extension?23:50
Mike-Linux-NLan m4v is very similar to mp4, but as an option you can add DRM to it...23:50
Mike-Linux-NLapple uses it to put tv episodes or other restricted content on iTunes23:51
Mike-Linux-NLDRM options like copy protection etc...23:51
Mike-Linux-NLfor more info regarding M4v please check: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M4V23:52
xyzonestill looks like it's just an extension change. the drm is going into mp4 containers23:53
xyzonedrm is so goofy23:54
brauleinchenany linux program to turn m4v into mkv or anythhing else?23:59

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