
=== ph_afk is now known as ph
Sharkboy0901What's up folks04:16
SonikkuAmericaNot much.04:17
SonikkuAmericaAre you an Ubuntu GNOME user?04:17
Sharkboy0901Just installed it a few hours ago04:19
SonikkuAmericaNice! I'm a seasoned GNOME user myself. Used it since 12.10, when it was still only a "remix"04:19
SonikkuAmericaI may not be using it much longer, however, due to Ubuntu Studio being more relevant to my line of work.04:20
SonikkuAmerica(It uses XFCE. I might still install the GNOME Shell just to have it, though.)04:20
Sharkboy0901Yea I know a guy who uses Ubuntu Studio he says he likes it but I never tried myself04:21
SonikkuAmericaSharkboy0901: The default package array for Studio isn't useful to too many people outside of people needing audio workstations, art studios, music software or video production environments.04:22
SonikkuAmericaOther than that and a -lowlatency kernel, it's Xubuntu04:22
Sharkboy0901hey any tips/tweaks you use on ubuntu gnome?04:24
SonikkuAmericaOh sure.04:24
SonikkuAmericaWhat would you like to know?04:24
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as S-USA_1dot0ubunt
=== S-USA_1dot0ubunt is now known as S-USA_deb
S-USA_deb(Someome in #ubuntu-offtopic turned me into a package ): )04:26
Sharkboy0901Just searching for some customization options, was wondering if you knew of some?04:27
S-USA_debCheck out the Tweak Tool.04:27
S-USA_debThe Tweak Tool has all sorts of customizations. You can change title bar/font sizes, the shell theme, and key combinations, among other things. But the biggest thing is how to change the activity bar font. (There's no GUI for that)04:29
S-USA_debIf you want to get the ugly (imo) Cantarell Font off the Activity bar, you'll need to change the font-family line in /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/gnome-shell.css04:32
Sharkboy0901Thanks i t=really didnt like that font lol04:34
=== S-USA_deb is now known as SonikkuAmerica
SonikkuAmericaSharkboy0901: I have assigned the string 'really' to string 't'.04:37
SonikkuAmerica(I changed it to the Ubuntu font myself, just to give the whole thing an Ubuntized look and feel)04:38
Sharkboy0901Going to try that right now see how it looks04:41
Sharkboy0901Yes much better04:44
SonikkuAmericaTo activate the change to the gnome-shell.css you need to hit Alt+F2 and type R and hit <ENTER> to restart the GNOME shell.04:45
Noskcajdarkxst, What's still on the todo list for ubuntu-gnome, other than bribing debian to upload more of the stuff they have in svn?07:04
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losetdHow install gnome3.10 in ubuntugnome ?08:59
losetdplase waiting , restart pc after update09:02
darkxstNoskcaj, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming/+spec/packaging-roadmap21:41
darkxstthere is also the apps that overlap with Ubuntu (nautilus, system-monitor, empathy etc), hopefully can get these updated once gtkheaderbar is fixed21:48
darkxstbut that will probably have to wait until the desktop team is back21:49
Noskcajdarkxst, In your gsettings-desktop-schemas update, could you merge from debian rather than just making the delta bigger?22:31
darkxstNoskcaj, I could, but the debian package is not 3.8 safe22:36
darkxstas in the delta won't change much, we have to revert all the removed keys. Debian doesnt have to.22:41
Noskcajlibgweather just got uploaded to experimental, so i'll merge that sometime later today23:15

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