
antarusI jsut look at the source code to usb-imagewriter00:10
antarusand cry00:10
antarusone of these days I will find a tool that works ;(00:10
xnoxantarus: dd ? or usb-creator. both can flash desktop/iso and armhf/sdcard images00:11
xnoxantarus: and usb-imagewriter was removed from the archive. last release it was published in was quantal.00:12
antarusxnox: yeah I tnoiced00:15
antarusxnox: I haven't tried usb-creator yet00:16
antarusI'm too stupid to use dd00:16
antarusisnt' there some magical thing I need to do to make it bootable?00:16
infinityantarus: No, dding our ISOs to a USB stick should Just Work.00:32
infinityantarus: dd if=foo.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M00:33
infinityantarus: That's all there is to it.00:33
infinityantarus: You only need fancy things like usb-creator if you're trying to create a key with persistent session support and such.00:33
antarusI guess easier than burning ISOs00:40
antarusstupid cdrecord00:40
antaruswe still use PXE at work, so I ignore everything else ;)00:40
infinityantarus: Yeah, I netboot a lot at home too, just to avoid sneakernetting things around.00:45
infinity10 minutes of bootp/tftp setup for a lifetime of laziness.00:45
antarushave you set up booting over the network with UEFI?00:46
infinityNope.  No UEFI-only machines here that I need to care about, so I'll wait until people like cjwatson and stgraber tell me that it's dirt easy and it all Just Works, and cargo-cult someone else's setup. :P00:47
antaruswe are also avoiding this00:47
antarusmostly we want to do some form of secure network booting00:48
antarusmy current plan (not yet staffed) is to write an android app that downloads a Goobuntu image to your phone over wifi, and you plug your phone into yoru workstation and the phone is responsible for image verification00:49
antaruswhich is slightly better than unencrypted tftp ;)00:49
antarusafaik though, I think you need to root your phone to be able to do it00:49
antaruswhich is not so nice ;(00:49
devicenullantarus: why not use ipxe and https01:03
devicenulliirc you can embed your own CA, so you could verify all the images that way01:03
antarusdevicenull: not following how I get my secure verifiably copy of ipxe?01:05
devicenulldd it onto a usb stick ;)01:05
devicenullor burn it into the NIC01:05
antaruswell thats the ticket innit ;)01:07
devicenullwell at least you only need dd :)01:07
antarusteh support org wants to move away from a centralized inventory process01:07
antarusso it might be tricky ;)01:07
antarusthats why I nominally like the phone idea01:08
antaruseveryeon already has one, we nominally trust the phone anyway01:08
devicenullI'm not following how having the phone implies no central inventory01:10
antaruswell the former implies a supply chain problem01:13
antarusbuying USb sticks01:13
antarusmanaging the versions of stuff on them01:13
antarushow do you get sticks to weird locations like the middle of Africa01:14
antarusan app on the phone may disallow you from using an older copy of the software01:15
antarususers already have phones (so no procurement issues)01:15
antarusI'm not familiar enough with putting new firmware on NICs to really evaluate that one..but it nominally has similar problems01:16
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stgraberantarus: I haven't tried it myself yet but I know slangasek got UEFI netboot working over both IPv4 and IPv6 using grub and shim, so booting machines that have secureboot enabled.10:26
stgraberantarus: from what I remember the actual setup is trivial, the problems were with shim being buggy and needing fixing (which we've now done)10:27
stgraberantarus: on the dhcp server side all you have to do is point to shim's .efi binary rather than pxelinux.0 (you'll likely want to vendor/platform check to only have that done for EFI machines) and on the tftp server side you need to have a directory with shim.efi, grub.efi and any required config.10:28
stgraberI haven't tried this myself (well, I did but it was broken back then) but it's on my home todo list as I've got to rebuild my tftp server anyway (but I'm not home now so it'll have to wait until I'm back on the other continent)10:29
antarusstgraber: good to hear someone got it working ;)21:49

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