
Nautilusi am setting up a ubunter-server VPS app by app, (LAMP stack, postfix+dovecot, etc).   Now I'm wondering if theres a good preconfigured install out there. I'm probably just going to put a few personal sites on it but it might be neat if it was more shared hosting like, with separate logins to a control panel, etc.00:57
bekksthere are software solutions out there that may fit your needs, like cpanel, etc. - Personally, I wont recommend any of them.01:00
NautilusI was thinking that might be the case01:06
Nautilusright now I've got nginx, MySQL, PHP, postfix+dovecot+spamassasin but still need to work on the authentication (LDS/something) for that.01:07
NautilusTLS? can't remember, kind of dropped the project as xmas came up01:08
mardraumthe authentication for what?01:08
TJ-Nautilus: I've used VirtualMin with Webmin for years for the same purpose without any problems, with one user account per domain, and it doesn't interfere with any manual admin I do.01:08
Nautilusmardraum: iirc, IMAP etc01:09
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.01:09
mardraumNautilus: add a user to the system?01:09
TJ-bekks: That factoid is so wrong! I use webmin to manage many services on several serves and its never upset the Debian/Ubuntu way of doing things01:10
Nautilusalready have me and my brother, which is probably all it will have01:10
bekksTJ-: That factoid is oh so true for a decade now.01:10
mardraumNautilus: then you should be able to use dovecot for imap just fine.01:11
TJ-bekks: Not for the last 7 years that I've been using it01:11
bekksTJ-: Just because you personally never experienced any issues it doesnt mean that webmin isnt known for breaking setups.01:11
Nautilusmardraum: at this point I think it sends the password in clear text (without the auth stuff)?01:11
bekksTJ-: And desupporting it wasnt a decision of a single person but a decision of several people more deep into the caveats of webmin than me.01:12
TJ-bekks: Same can be said for update-manager, release-upgrade, et al. Maybe since that decision was made things have improved. I certainly stress-test it with unusual scenarios and webmin/virtualmin/usermin have never broken.01:13
bekksTJ-: Well, it wasnt my decision. ButI strongly support it since I have seen too much setups broken by webmin.01:13
mardraumNautilus: setup a self signed cert and do SSL then01:18
Nautilusyea I found what I was thinking of, SSL/TLS01:19
NautilusI think I'm pretty much setup at that point?01:19
Nautilushm, actually it would be nice to have some monitoring of the box, not sure what that would be exactly...01:22
TJ-Nautilus: You can get as many TLS certs as you need for your domains from startSSL, and their CA widely recognised01:22
bekksNautilus: Use nagios for monitoring.01:23
Nautilusaha, I've heard of that01:23
TJ-Or Icinga, the nagios fork01:24
bekksOr that, yes.01:24
TJ-Cacti is useful for historic graphing, with SNMP and other sources01:25
Nautilusah, one TLS cert per domain?01:26
Nautilusfor what reason would I pick nagios or icinga?01:27
mardraumthe one you like the most?01:28
Nautilusknowing 0% about each01:28
bekksNautilus: Personal preference.01:28
Nautilusis one lighter weight than the other?  I suppose I mean CPU usage01:29
bekksDepends on your configuration.01:29
TJ-icinga when forked was intended to be more responsive to user requests, and implemented more client-side Javascript code for the UI, but remains backward compatible with nagios 3.x last time I tested it01:32
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forresthopkinsaHi ppl04:41
forresthopkinsaI have a quick question that I can't figure out04:41
forresthopkinsayou know how, in the default command line, it shows $path $ <what you're typing>04:42
mardraumthe prompt04:43
forresthopkinsaI just made a new user, and when I log into it using SSH, it doesn't show that.04:44
forresthopkinsaIt just shows the $04:44
forresthopkinsaand it can't seem to access bash.bashrc aliases04:44
forresthopkinsawhen I use an alias, it says:04:45
forresthopkinsa-sh: 1: <alias>: not found04:45
forresthopkinsathe second time, it's04:45
forresthopkinsa-sh: 2: <alias>: not found04:45
forresthopkinsawould screenshots help?04:45
mardraumwhat is their shell set to?04:46
forresthopkinsasorry I'm relatively new to this04:47
forresthopkinsaonly been doing it for a month or two04:47
forresthopkinsaI don't know all the terminology, sorry to be a noob :/04:47
forresthopkinsauhm, their primary group is not their username04:49
forresthopkinsaand their $PATH is /home/jacob04:49
forresthopkinsa(username is jacob)04:49
forresthopkinsawould screenshots help?04:49
forresthopkinsaoh, ok so normally the prompt looks like this:04:50
forresthopkinsabut on Jacob's profile, it's04:50
forresthopkinsayou will need to zoom in a bit, I know it's not high quality04:57
forresthopkinsaas you can see, Jacob's prompt does nto contain the <user>@Neptune:~$04:58
forresthopkinsamardraum: help pls05:00
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trivenI have Ubuntu lts server installed on vbox on windows xp. When i run "sudo apt-get install apticron" I get "E:unable to get package apticorn". I have Ubuntu iso on virtual cd drive. Is it necessary to be connected on Internet to install package.16:53
trivenI think the package will get installed from iso file.16:54
bekksThat package does not exist. And for getting updated package lists, you need an internet connection.16:55
bekksWell, it does exist, but isnt part of the installation cd.16:56
trivenokay thank :).. I am learning linux and quick response to my problems over here gives me more motivations . Everyone here is very helpful:):):)16:57
trivenbekks , I connected to Internet but still I am getting same message.. Please help me how I can I install this package.17:10
RoyKtriven: try apt-get update to update the index17:13
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trivenRoyK, I think I am not properly connect to Internet. Let me try to fix it first.17:14
RoyKtriven: that would probably help, yes ;)17:15
aFeijoI added a line to mount my www.box.com account using webdav, when I boot the server it asks for user and password, but it wont go thru it and the server never finish booting!!!18:23
Alina-malinahow can i run a virtual machine in ubuntu-server? is it possible to do?22:48
Alina-malinais there any papers on how i may do that?22:52
bekksJust install the hypervisor of your choice and create a virtual machine. I's recommend installing virtualbox, which has a very good documentation on www.virtualbox.org22:52
Alina-malinabekks, virtalbox that with gui?22:52
bekksIt works without a GUI, too.22:53
Alina-malinaoh no i am not about gui, i need it all to be working in console mode22:53
bekksThen use Virtualbox on console.22:53
Alina-malinahmm, ok not sure if i am on my righ way but thanks, any other examples would be apreciated22:54
MrAndyEditing the network/interfaces file to make a static LAN IP - do I have to add 'dns-nameservers' to that file aswell? The wanted dns servers have been setup in the router, however thinking logicly - how does it recive the dns setup if the settings in the server are static and no more uses DHCP to catch the DNS from.22:54
bekksAlina-malina: xen, kvm, vmware.22:54
Alina-malinaas i have only ubuntu-server installed on my machine with console mode22:54
bekksAlina-malina: I'd just use Virtualbox in console mode.22:55
Alina-malinabekks, are those virtual machines ?22:55
Alina-malinaneed to practice with virtualbox22:55
bekksThose are hypervisors.22:55
Alina-malinai need virtual machine22:55
Alina-malinashould i install it with apt-get virtualbox?22:55
bekksNo. Follow the installation instructions in the virtualbox manual.22:56
Alina-malinaoh ok, thanks for information22:57
Alina-malinahypervisors and virtual machine are not the same things right?22:57
bekksNo. A hypervisor runs virtual machines.22:57
MrAndyPardon me for highlightning you bekks - but do you know the answer to my question?23:00
bekksMrAndy: If you want a statically defined DNS server - yes, add that entry too.23:00
MrAndybekks - but if I dont, it'll just fetch it from the router, yes?23:01
bekksMrAndy: No, then simply no DNS server will be used.23:01
MrAndybekks - Alright, thanks for your help and time.23:02
bekksMrAndy: you're welcome.23:02

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