
=== wolfger_ is now known as wolf
=== wolf is now known as wolfger
rick_h_4th birthday party survived03:47
greg-gwhoa, nice!03:48
* rick_h_ feels old03:48
rick_h_and the need for a larger house with a 1200sq ft play room03:48
greg-gno kidding right04:00
greg-gbut honestly, I want him to have a play shed. He'll have his, and I'll have mine.04:00
greg-gdo whatever to the walls/floor04:01
rick_h_I'm with you there. One day I'll build the woodshop with the upstairs home working office04:01
greg-goh man04:01
rick_h_20ft from the house04:01
rick_h_or http://www.thegarageplanshop.com/006g-0085.php04:04
greg-gjeezbus, $350 for a pdf or $265 for 5 printed copies04:10
greg-grick_h_: I did something drastic tonight: https://secure.flickr.com/photos/grggrssmr/04:15
greg-g(still uploading a few more, but you get the idea)04:16
greg-gwait, is it just me, or is jorge never in here anymore?04:16
cmaloneyIt's not just you.04:47
greg-g:( :(04:47
rick_h_greg-g: whoa, welcome back from the woods man :)14:54
rick_h_greg-g: cmaloney he's on a giant boat traveling I believe14:54
rick_h_greg-g: https://secure.flickr.com/photos/grggrssmr/8403778091/14:55
rick_h_greg-g: <3 that one14:56
brousch1greg-g: geez, your hair was getting out of control15:34
cmaloneyGood morning17:53
cmaloneyrick_h_: Yeah, but we never see jcastro even when he's not on a giant boat17:56
cmaloneyFew things more nerve-wracking than upgrading a machine remotely21:54
wolfgerRelying on people in India to upgrade your server remotely?21:59
cmaloneywolfger: Not exactly.22:21
cmaloneyIt's my linode instance.22:21
wolfgerNo, I was suggesting something more nerve-wracking ;-)22:26
wolfgerSomething which I deal with at Chrysler too frequently22:27
cmaloneyYeah, no kidding23:47

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