
Ze_ForceHi, i would like to know what ppa to add to have the latest version of ardour ? im under US 13.0400:13
HarryHaarenZe_Force, checkout the KXStudio repos, they're usually up to date: http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/Repositories00:14
Ze_Forceok thanks00:14
studio-user598hi i'm install u-studio right now06:15
studio-user598is 13.10 fairly stable?06:16
studio-user598hello, last time i used this distro was 11.04, has it gotten better06:17
studio-user598will be using for web development, design work06:18
studio-user598okay, i'll try it out bye06:20
jakezen2just dropped to say hi with a fresh copy of 13.10 salamander07:33
jakezen2busy but hope to contribute something to this community07:35
jakezen2ok ciao07:39
maxxsireWhat are some good high end tablets that you can install ubuntu studio on?11:34
maxxsireWhat's a good high end tablet to install ubuntu studio on?11:48
zequencemaxxsire: I haven't heard of anyone trying that11:48
zequencemaxxsire: There's no arm version of the linux-lowlatency kernel yet11:48
zequenceIf you can get Xubuntu installed, Ubuntu Studio should work fine too, except for the kernel11:49
zequenceOne could install one of the other flavors, and then add packages11:49
maxxsireSo regular ubuntu would go on then? Also would ubuntu studio work with a high end slate or is that the same thing?11:51
maxxsireI was looking to do something like here (http://www.techradar.com/us/news/software/operating-systems/install-linux-on-your-x86-tablet-five-distros-to-choose-from-1162825) but on a high end tablet/slate. You say I can just add the video and audio packeages and such and it should work correct?12:05
zequencemaxxsire: Yes, but I have no idea about how well that stuff would work12:21
maxxsireWould what they did here (http://www.techradar.com/us/news/software/operating-systems/install-linux-on-your-x86-tablet-five-distros-to-choose-from-1162825) work on a higher end tablet? If so which ones would work? Would any windows 8 tablet work?12:43
maxxsireThank you for your time!12:45
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ornjWhy should I have to look so fucking hard to find the minimum system requirements for the distro and how much space it'll take?22:48

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