[02:03] amyone. having text corruption on ubuntugnome 13.10? [12:08] Hi all. Have a nice day! [13:05] Hi [13:06] Please can you help me to setting up two monitor using Ubuntu Gnome ? [13:06] is possible to have panel and poupup notify in all monitor? [13:19] check mutter settings [13:19] in dconf-editor [13:20] open dconf then Ctrl+F then type mutter [13:20] or search with monitor through all settings === Uallas is now known as UallaAWAY === UallaAWAY is now known as Uallas [16:03] good day can anyone tell me how to fix font corruption? [18:33] Hello [18:34] Is anyone here? [18:34] hi zeklandia [18:34] Hello [18:34] For some reason, my GDM is not starting automatically [18:34] I have to start it manually with # start gdm [18:35] so when you boot you drop to a command prompt? [18:37] I hit CTRL + ALT + F1 [18:37] and log in as root [18:37] then run start gdm [18:37] and switch back to TTY7 [18:38] er... ok... why not simply login at the login screen? [18:38] it doesn;t come up [18:38] that's the problem [18:38] GDM is not starting [18:38] I have to start it [18:38] there are no errors [18:38] ahh, what version are you running? [18:39] 14.04 with GDM 3.11.2 [18:39] are you running the gnome3-team ppa's or rcotz-testing? [18:39] gnome3-team [18:39] have you tried sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ? [18:40] sounds like your missing something [18:40] I have, everything is fine [18:41] no package issues or anything [18:41] i'd try installing ppa-purge then and removing gnome3-staging (which should drop you down a version or two for gdm) [18:42] I am using the staging PPA [18:42] right, so stop - and drop your versions down to whatevers in gnome3/gnome3-next [18:43] or try re-installing gdm - sudo apt-get install --reinstall gdm [18:43] I just reinstalled, no difference [18:44] And I don't see the package gdm in the gnome3-next ppa [18:44] its probably not, which means you'd drop back to whatevers in gnome3 or even the standard ubuntu repo's [18:44] which is likely 3.8 [18:45] some of the packages I have require GDM >= 3.10 [18:45] try sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm [18:52] Didn't fix it [18:53] I think this is just one of those upstream bugs that gets fixed the minute before release [18:53] hmm idk, it seems like other people have had similar problems int he past [18:53] though there's nothing super recent, go ahead an report it on bugzilla [18:54] alright [18:54] thanks for the help though! [18:54] bye! [18:54] you could perhaps try installing lightdm and see if that'll at least let you login [21:39] Hi [21:40] hey haruto [21:41] how install ubuntugnome in gnome3.10 polish language, i download and install language in repo, but not view polish language in setting ? [21:42] not view language list http://www.editer.pl/publikuj/cf863834b41fc292d278d90d13787f83_1.jpg/ [21:42] Just open gnome-language-selector [21:44] not worked, view http://www.editer.pl/publikuj/537f412160f08683d38f50dc44754684_1.jpg/ [21:45] locale [21:45] LANG=en_US.UTF-8 [21:45] LANGUAGE=en [21:45] LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8" [21:45] LC_NUMERIC=pl_PL.UTF-8 [21:45] LC_TIME=pl_PL.UTF-8 [21:45] LC_COLLATE="en_US.UTF-8" [21:45] LC_MONETARY=pl_PL.UTF-8 [21:45] LC_MESSAGES="en_US.UTF-8" [21:45] LC_PAPER=pl_PL.UTF-8 [21:45] LC_NAME=pl_PL.UTF-8 [21:45] LC_ADDRESS=pl_PL.UTF-8 [21:45] LC_TELEPHONE=pl_PL.UTF-8 [21:45] LC_MEASUREMENT=pl_PL.UTF-8 [21:45] LC_IDENTIFICATION=pl_PL.UTF-8 [21:45] LC_ALL= [21:47] How adding pl language ? [21:50] it is bug ? [21:54] Are you still in gnome-language-selector ? [21:56] yes added polish language and deleted english language , but not worked [21:56] OK, did you reboot? [21:56] yes, yesterday [21:57] Did you reboot when you selected Polski as your language? [21:57] Yes [21:57] but not worked [21:58] I was looking for solutions, but does not work [21:59] And you clicked "Apply System-Wide"? [21:59] yes [22:00] And you edited your locale file to read pl_PL.UTF8 and "LANGUAGE=pl" and rebooted? [22:02] This edited the file because it was empty, but it did not work [22:03] i;m edited sudo gedit /etc/locale.conf [22:03] and sudo gedit /etc/locale.conf [22:04] past in file LANG="pl_PL.UTF-8" [22:15] so it is bug yes [22:18] heh [22:19] where find help ? [22:20] gnome chanell ? [22:20] *channel ? [22:23] haruto, try #ubuntu [22:25] ok [22:36] look ubuntu not help,