
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
JacobGuy7800I have a problem with ubuntu00:04
JacobGuy7800It's not drawing the screen00:04
JacobGuy7800Ubuntu installer isn't drawing the screen00:05
JacobGuy7800It's leaving a cursor trail00:05
thom_rjacobGuy7800, are you booted from usb or dvd?00:05
vbgunzI'm really getting burnt up with the forums. I can't login using sso (I'm new to it). I haven't logged into ubuntu forums in quite a long time and trying to do so now is a real pita. I keep getting "That username is already in use or does not meet the administrator's standards. If you are shipit-ubuntulinux-org and you have forgotten your password, click here."00:05
vbgunzI changed my preferred email address, I have no idea what to do, I cannot reclaim my old account00:06
JacobGuy7800It's installed, now..00:06
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thom_rJacobGuy7800: try a usb, dvd's run pretty slow sometimes00:06
JacobGuy7800thom_r, It's installed now00:06
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thom_rJacobGuy7800: what kind of hardware is it?00:06
JacobGuy7800thom_r It's a nvidia 76000:06
thom_rsounds like a driver issue00:07
thom_rwhat version of Ubuntu are you running?00:08
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:08
JacobGuy7800thom_r 13.10, i'll just install the drivers00:08
vbgunzI'm trying to post a solution I came up with for mic hissing, crackling in pulseaudio where it was also responsible for terrible sound in some games and terrible stuttering in others00:08
JacobGuy7800Hey does wubi work on windows 8?00:09
vbgunzI cannot recover my ubuntuforums account, this really sucks00:09
OerHeksJacobGuy7800, no.00:09
JacobGuy7800OerHeks Ok what can I use that's like wubi for win8?00:10
thom_rvbgunz: crackling and hissing sound, and you have tried changing pulse audio?00:10
caroloswhat is the channel for kali linux00:10
vbgunzthom_r: what do you mean changing pulseaudio?00:10
bekks!kali | carolos00:10
ubottucarolos: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)00:10
vbgunzlike turning it off and using alsa instead?00:10
thom_rvbgunz: I mean the settings there00:10
OerHeksJacobGuy7800, virtualbox is a free solution, but best solution is a real install, side by side.00:11
smithzvI just got an update that wanted to replace Grub, normally I wouldn't have noticed, but it said that I had a customized Grub config (which I don't remember doing).  I asked it to show the differences, it didn't and instead completed the update (I assume).  What is going on and do I need to worry?00:11
vbgunzwell, nothing in pavucontrol or alsamixer helped me at all, I've had a problem for more than a year with this and I just came up with the solution for it, was trying to post it on an old forum post but I cannot log into the forums00:11
lukecarrierurgh I hate dpkg00:12
thom_rso you got it fixed?00:12
vbgunzthom_r: yes00:12
lukecarrierdocumentation sucks and the tools are really difficult to understand because they're so fragmented00:12
thom_rok, I had a very similar issue and I was going to link you to a post on how to fix it, but you got it fixed.00:12
vbgunzI left a post open from about a year ago maybe begging for help. I remember distinctly stating that I hope I don't end up in a corner case. that was the last post a year ago. I finally solved it and want to post it there.00:13
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lukecarrierdoes anybody have any input whatsoever on taking an existing package in the Ubuntu repos and updating it to its newest upstream release?00:13
thom_rhow did you fix it?00:13
vbgunzman, the forums is kind of upsetting atm00:13
glitsj16vbgunz: have you tried contacting ubuntuforums thru http://ubuntuforums.org/sendmessage.php yet?00:13
vbgunzglitsj16: no, been stuck last half hour trying to log in and recover but keep getting stumped at finally logging in00:14
vbgunzglitsj16: The administrator may have required you to register before you can view this page.00:14
glitsj16vbgunz: i don't know how the forums administration works, just seems a good idea to contact them about your issue.. :)00:15
=== dziegler is now known as dziegler_off
carolosthat's probably the funniest name i've ever seen00:18
vbgunzcan someone do me a big favor?00:18
lukecarrieruscan is supposed to run uupdate00:19
lukecarrieryeah right00:19
vbgunzif you have a forums account, can you send a private message to the user "vbgunz"?00:19
vbgunzjust say hi00:19
caroloshow come kali linux never came with slowloris00:21
bekkscarolos: Do you have an actual Ubuntu support question?00:22
=== carolos is now known as SynCorp
SynCorpbekks: No00:22
glitsj16vbgunz: done00:24
vbgunzglitsj16: thanks!00:24
glitsj16vbgunz: no trouble, hope you get things worked out00:25
vbgunzUbuntu Forums from glitsj16, entitled "testing"00:25
vbgunzI got the email now trying to log into that account is a satanic ritual00:25
glitsj16vbgunz: that'll be it yes00:26
lukecarrierthanks to whichever maintainer never reads his emails: apache2: Syntax error on line 34 of /home/luke/Code/LukeCarrier/LibsoupPpa/libsoup2.4-2.42.2/libsoup2.4-2.42.3/tests/httpd.conf: module unixd_module is built-in and can't be loaded00:26
vbgunzhmm, it came in at a weird email address00:26
vbgunzmajor thanks glitsj16, I really appreciate that00:26
glitsj16vbgunz: when preparing the message i was offered a dropdown containing vbgunz and vbgunz2 .. that's about all i know of satanic rituals lol00:27
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=== Administrator is now known as Guest38818
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vbgunzglitsj16: thanks to you, I recovered my account, big thanks!00:29
Balzy_hello, any good reason not to trow away some old cd-rom with very very old ubuntu releases (5.10 - 8.10)?00:29
glitsj16vbgunz: yw00:29
microshello. i am trying to sftp to my box but the client always prompts for a password (as opposed to key passphrase). the auth.log shows Connection closed by x.x.x.x [preauth]. any ideas?  ssh via putty with the ppk version of the same pem key file seems to work ok using the key passphrase.00:29
citizensnipshello is anyone there?00:30
citizensnipsHi :) I've got a couple questions that I would love if they were answere00:30
microsi dont i can help. im a linux newb00:31
=== juliano is now known as Guest89512
Balzy_citizensnips ask, if somebody knows the answer he will reply00:31
Guest89512hi guys00:32
citizensnipsMy new project is to put ubuntu onto a windows 8 laptop, but when getting into the boot screen on the BIOS I am not getting a USB boot option00:32
Guest89512My name is like guest, how i can change this in smuxi?00:33
Guest89512Somebody knows?00:33
lukecarrierGuest89512,  /nick joebloggs00:34
Balzy_citizensnips wait a second00:36
Balzy_I can help you00:36
K1CKA55Hello, Anyone else expierncing an issue with booting into a black screen with a mouse cursor but it draws the desktop as soon as password is typed in.00:37
Balzy_citizensnips you must plug in the drive (don't remove it from now on) enter the BIOS configuration screen and set as first boot device your drive, then it should work, remember after ubuntu is installed to remove the drive00:38
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Balzy_citizensnips do you have little experience with the BIOS screen and also with installing ubuntu?00:38
citizensnipsBalzy_ the option for that drive isn't even coming up?00:38
citizensnipsBalzy_ This is actually a project my dad is working on and ran into trouble with, so I told him that I would sound out the channels for help. He's got experience working in the BIOS, but I dont think any with Ubuntu00:39
axizorcan someone help me setup a simple samba share please00:39
axizorim having problems in 13.1000:40
axizornever had issues in 12.0400:40
Guest89512Guys, someboy know a good screen recorder for ubuntu? i'm using Kazam, but its so slow... :(00:40
naryfaHello, I have a joke: sudo apt-get install Windows XP00:40
Balzy_citizensnips look here: http://www.esaugumas.lt/images/336/bios.jpg00:42
Balzy_citizensnips here and here: http://www.consulenti-ict.it/images/stories/Bios-BootPriority.jpg00:42
citizensnipswhich one should I tell him to run?00:43
Balzy_depending on your bios verision you should have a frame, or how it is called, where you can set the priority which will be followed during bootstrap00:43
Balzy_citizensnips you mean which device?00:43
impossibleis the laptopbrightness button glitch something ubuntu is working on00:44
glitsj16Guest89512: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/12/simple-screen-recorder-linux claims to be fast, i never had issues with kazam being slow so i never tried simplescreenrecorder00:44
citizensnipsBalzy_ Just tell him to set his USB device as the first one, then it will work?00:44
citizensnipsBalzy_ because he already tried that, but it didn't work00:44
Balzy_yes, does it read the usb drive while starting?00:45
Balzy_citizensnips do you see the light flashing?00:45
hank_pachacaHi fellows. Is there anyway to install Wine 1.7.8 instead of 1.7.9 on Ubuntu?00:45
daixtrhallo.. how can i disable 'guest' in ubuntu? i tried but could not find the file /etc/lightdm/lighdm.conf00:45
bobptzguys, I found errors in my GRUB settings.  Anybody can help me fix them?00:45
idueppeIs mdadm and gpt not supported by 12.04?00:45
citizensnipsIt can read the drive, but it says there isn't any bootable image00:46
Balzy_ah okay, so the problem is the image on the drive00:46
Balzy_how did you write the image?00:46
aFeijoHey folks :) I installed sendmail in this new VPS server I created this week, but the emails are not been sent. How can I find out the cause?00:46
axizorcan anyone please help me setup a basic samba share00:47
citizensnipsSo there are potentially two issues, one is the boot image not being correct, the other is that there is no option to add devices to the boot sequence00:47
hank_pachacaAny expert in Wine present?00:48
ikoniatry the #winehq channel00:48
citizensnipsBalzy_ also the image was made with unetbootin-windows-58500:48
Balzy_well, if you set the usb drive as first option and when booting (trying to boot) the light of the drive flashes and it tells you "no bootable image"00:48
Balzy_citizensnips it is probably due to the way you wrote the image00:49
thom_rcitizensnips: try making the live usb again00:49
[Jano]hank_pachaca: Why not 1.79 from repository ? this 1.78 version: http://sourceforge.net/projects/wine/files/Source/wine-1.7.8.tar.bz2/download?use_mirror=garr00:49
htnscan anybody here recommend a good terminal emulator for fluxbox?00:50
htnsive tried rxvt but it doesnt work well with copy/paste in vnc :\00:50
Balzy_citizensnips did you format the drive right before putting on the image?00:51
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Balzy_do you have any other files on it?00:51
citizensnipswhat's the correct format for the drive Balzy_00:51
aFeijoHey folks :) I installed sendmail in this new VPS server I created this week, but the emails are not been sent. How can I find out the cause?00:52
=== [1]ninjai is now known as ninjai
Beldarbobptz, I saw the bootinfo, can you detail the problem you're having to the channel, and end goal.00:52
Balzy_citizenship you don't have to format it by yourself, there should be a tick option in unetbootin00:52
Jordan_Ubobptz: What problem are you having specifically?00:53
Balzy_citizenship also try following this guide, seems really detailed: http://www.everydaylinuxuser.com/2013/09/install-ubuntu-linux-alongside-windows.html00:53
Balzy_citizenship you could try following this to make the usb bootable stick00:54
Balzy_with Universal USB installer, I've always used this one and it worked great00:54
Balzy_citizenship try with Universal USB installer first :)00:55
glitsj16aFeijo: maybe you can find some clues in /var/log/mail.err and /var/log/mail.log00:55
citizensnipsBalzy_ we are looking at the screen right now, and there is no tick box for formatting the drive? Does it have to be in FAT32 or in NTSC?00:56
aFeijoglitsj16, found something in mail.err, config error: mail loops back to me00:56
Balzy_citizenships sorry did you read the previous messages? I wrote your name without the ending s, check those00:56
Balzy_citizenships write your stick with universal USB installer, as suggested by the official ubuntu website and as I have always done00:57
glitsj16aFeijo: that's a start i guess, never was any good with mail servers personally, perhaps prepare a paste with the exact error(s) and your config and put it out here for people to look at00:58
citizensnipsBalzy_ The Pen Drive Linux installer, correct?00:58
aFeijoglitsj16, I might :) thanks00:58
vbgunzif anybody here is having poor performance in games, due to stuttering, has audio problems and stutters in some games, microphone sounds terrible, compositing is buggy, try this solution http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2159373&p=12886274#post1288627400:59
vbgunzit's not meant to tweak anything, it's really meant to address those problems, you gotta have those problems for it to work00:59
vbgunzI really want to know if this works for anybody else00:59
Balzy_citizensnips yep that link!00:59
ikoniavbgunz: pushing people randomly at fixes without understanding the problems others have is not really something that should be done00:59
Balzy_citizenships there there should be the "format option"01:00
vbgunzikonia: I sort of tried describing it. I've dealt with it for several releases. I'm damn happy I solved it, no one else. I'm pretty happy with that and want to share that with others01:00
citizensnipsBalzy_ yeah I can see that option there01:00
Balzy_citizensnips what? your nick's not citizenship(s) ... Feeling dumb01:00
juliano_Alternatives for Kazam Screencaster?01:01
ikoniavbgunz: yes, but putting hte link to people who don't have a problem, or may not have the same problem is not really something we recommend in the channel01:01
juliano_I don't line Desktop Recorder :)01:01
hank_pachaca[Jano] Thanks for the link. I'm not sure, but I think the program I use don't run with 1.7.9. I will do more testing to clarify.01:01
Balzy_citizensnips :D I read it quickly and convinced myself it was something else gh01:01
ikoniavbgunz: working a problem through to find out if that fix has any relevence before recommending it is how to proceed please.01:01
=== AndresSM_away is now known as AndresSM
Balzy_citizensnips yeah try that way and tell me if you can boot then01:01
citizensnipsBalzy_ do we choose just plain Ubuntu, or the Ubuntu boot CD?01:02
gdi2kI did a fresh install of 12.04 yesterday. Now it seems my user is no longer a member of the sudo group and I never set a root password. So I booted into recovery mode and used root to try to add my user to the sudo group, but it fails with "cannot lock /etc/passwd try again later". I tried just changing the root password, but it times out with Authentication token manipulation error. Any ideas?01:02
ikoniagdi2k: "no longer" - that implies it once was01:03
Balzy_citizensnips I don't know, I've never seen that option01:03
thom_rdgi2k: did you try tunning sudo su01:03
ikoniagdi2k: the user created at install time should be added to the sudo group, if that's not happened your install has not worked01:03
ikoniathom_r: no - that is just wrong01:03
Balzy_citizensnips does it tell something more about the 2 options?01:03
citizensnipsBalzy_ on the Linux distribution dropdown menu01:03
gdi2kikonia, yes, when I installed, I was the first user, and obviously was a member of adm and sudo01:03
juliano_gdi2k: You have a pen drive with linux live?01:03
ikoniagdi2k: so after a clean install it's not a member of the sudo group ?01:04
gdi2kafter a clean install it was, then I installed LTSP and added a bunch of users to the system and assigned home directories, and now it's brokenb01:04
ikoniagdi2k: ok - so you probably made a user error01:04
ikoniagdi2k: just re-add it01:04
ikoniagdi2k: no need to set the root password or break the permissions model01:05
Balzy_citizensnips I think Plain ubuntu is for running ubuntu from the usb as if it was your hard-disk while the boot option is for installing it, please somebody correct me if I'm wrong.01:05
gdi2kre-adding results in he "cannot lock /etc/passwd - try again later" error01:05
gdi2kat least from recovery console01:05
Balzy_citizensnips go with the boot one, if it will show you an option/icon for installing ubuntu it's the right one01:05
citizensnipsBalzy_ the iso that we are using is 12.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso so we've picked the dropdown menu "Ubuntu" rather than "Ubuntu boot CD"01:05
=== zenix` is now known as zenix`away
ikoniagdi2k: how are you re-addeding the user exactly01:06
demophobiaIs there a way to adjust monitor brightness in Ubuntu 12.04? Trying to adjust it manually on the monitor itself, it says the Brightness is at 0 while the Contrast is locked at 80 with 'Not Available' for the adjustment controls, so I wonder if it's 'Not Available' because of some interplay with the operating system.01:07
gdi2kikonia, usermod -a -G sudo gdi2k01:07
ikoniagdi2k: can you check your user with the command "id" please.01:07
Balzy_citizensnips well, good point, maybe ubuntu boot CD is something completely different01:07
gdi2kikonia, sec, booting from live cd now, hoping for better luck with that01:08
gdi2kikonia, but it's 100001:08
K1CKA55I got a odd issue. Black screen with a mouse cursor where the login should be fixed by logging in. Anyone have any suggestions?01:08
=== nicole is now known as Guest32564
ikoniagdi2k: then it's not got permissions to modify the password file01:08
Guest32564hi, I have an xps m1210 but no sound.  it appears the sounds works through the system settings but alas, no sound.  any ideas?01:09
q0Do I have to set $CVSROOT every time ? What's the way to set it permanently ?01:09
gdi2kikonia, my regular user is 1000 but root (from console) is 0 I think01:09
techinsteindoesn anyone know how to get conky working on 13.10?01:09
q0I don't understand why everyone - not most but EVERYONE-  chooses to type it before "co" or "update" ?01:09
ikoniagdi2k: check01:10
citizensnipsBalzy_ ok we are currently formatting the USB drive01:10
q0And how ridiculously time consuming it is.. Finding how to set CVSROOT. I must be braindead01:10
Balzy_citizensnips good, do you know how to install ubuntu without messing up with windows?01:11
Balzy_citizensnips pay attention not to delete/replace windows partition01:11
citizensnipsBalzy_ I am a total Ubuntu noob so nope :)01:11
q0So, if you will, help me find out how to set CVSROOT permanently, please01:11
gdi2kikonia, back in recovery console as root. id shows uid=0 gid=0 and groups=01:12
Wayward_VagabondBalzy_: Does the machine in question have a spare partition?01:12
Balzy_citizensnips then check this: http://www.everydaylinuxuser.com/2013/09/install-ubuntu-linux-alongside-windows.html01:12
ikoniagdi2k: ok, run the command and give me the exact output please.01:12
ikonia(from the recovery console)01:12
Balzy_Wayward_Vagabond don't know, ask citizensnips01:12
Wayward_Vagabondcitizensnips: if it does, it can be done quite easily01:13
Wayward_Vagabondif not, it may or may not even be possible01:13
Balzy_citizensnips follow the guide I just linked you when it comes to editing the partitions and choosing where to install ubuntu01:13
noideasbobptz: Okay I am just considering the one hard drive you want to install ubuntu and grub. Can you tell me what the partitions on that hard drive are?01:13
Balzy_Wayward_Vagabond as far as he told me, it's a pre-installed win8 pc01:13
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gdi2kikonia, "usermod: cannot lock /etc/passwd; try again later."01:14
ikoniagdi2k: is the file system mounted read/write01:14
Wayward_VagabondAh, my policy with a preinstalled system is to /always/ wipe the drive and start fresh01:14
citizensnipsWayward_Vagabond It is a completely stock and practically brand new windows 8 laptop01:14
gdi2kikonia, you're right, it's mounted read only01:14
ikoniagdi2k: we have a winner01:14
=== Guest32564 is now known as nicole2
Wayward_VagabondSo I've got nothing helpfull on the matter01:14
bobptznoideas, if I reinstall ubuntu, then I want to format the partitions that ubuntu is now01:15
qinq0: only coz your nick had yellow color: http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/987/cvs-set-cvsroot-environment-variable/01:15
bobptzmaybe I will merge some of the partitions01:15
bobptzand then I want to install ubuntu in a partiion that I will name UBUNTU01:15
gdi2kikonia, if I look at mount, my partition (md0) is mounted rw, but if I try and touch /test it fails with read-only error... can I unmount root and remount it without causing carnage?01:15
bobptznoideas, like I wanted to do with E:01:16
ikoniagdi2k: mount -o remount rw01:16
citizensnipsBalzy_ basically the issue with the whole installation process was that it was not even possible to boot Ubuntu off of the drive, since the BIOS was not giving the option to boot from the drive01:16
ikoniagdi2k: is it a software or fakeraid device ?01:17
gdi2kikonia, software01:17
ikoniagdi2k: worth checking the raid device state01:17
ikoniagdi2k: that maybe why it's dropping into read only mode01:17
thom_rcitizensnips: have you tried disabling secure boot? Have you tried enabling Legacy mode?01:17
Balzy_citizensnips no, it was not possible because the image on the stick wasn't written in the proper way, I think, from what you told me01:17
Balzy_citizensnips done with usb installer? tell me when you try booting it01:17
noideasbobptz: Would you be able to provide the reason for why you want you ubuntu partition to be associated with the letter E:\ ?01:18
citizensnipsBalzy_ it is very close01:18
gdi2kikonia, yeh, I have md1 intentionally degraded, but md0 is complete, so I wasn't expecting it to be mouned ro01:18
FelipeGarciaAlguem Do Brasil?01:18
bobptznoideas, no, no problem01:18
ikoniagdi2k: odd one, mount it rw see what happens01:18
lukecarrierNot receiving emails from launchpad01:18
bobptznoideas I just want to know where it will be installed01:18
citizensnipsthom_r should secure boot be disabled as well as legacy mode enabled?01:18
lukecarrierI need to verify ownership of a key01:18
ikoniabobptz: it will now show up in windows01:18
lukecarrieris there no other way?01:18
nicole2I have a Dell XPS M1210 but no sound, system settings seem ok.  any ideas?01:18
bobptznoideas I know that Ubuntu requires about 20 gb.  So I want to make a partition of 20gb and place it there01:19
=== AndresSM is now known as AndresSM_away
thom_rcitizensnips: Legacy mode shouldn't have to be. I usually disable secure boot when I am installing a Linux OS.01:19
bobptznoideas, ok, maybe I did it wrong, maybe I need some clear instructions on how to install ubuntu in a Windows pc01:19
demophobiaWhat is a daemon? ...01:19
ikoniabobptz: it will not show up in windows - so you don't assign a drive letter to it01:19
* demophobia searches the internet.01:20
ikonia!install | bobptz01:20
ubottubobptz: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate01:20
gdi2kikonia, looks like it worked, added to sudo group without any grumbles, rebooting now to test01:20
q0qin, your kind shall inherit earth01:20
noideasbobptz: So if I am understanding this correctly you want a visual representation of where ubuntu is installed?01:20
ikoniagdi2k: cool01:20
* demophobia finds http://askubuntu.com/questions/26542/what-is-a-daemon01:20
q0thank you01:20
bobptznoideas, YES01:20
Balzy_citizensnips good, and for your files' sake, pay attention when editing the partitions! follow very carefully the guide I linked you01:20
citizensnipsBalzy_ the driver was done01:20
Balzy_citizensnips try to boot!01:20
noideasbobptz: Okay, so now I know why your Grub is not working properly01:21
vimeshello, trying to install ubuntu LTS but I fail to boot it. I boot from uSB but get to 'Minimal BASH-like edition is supported" and it says "GNU GRUB VERISION 1.99-21ubuntu3.10" at the top01:21
bobptznoideas, I had no problems for more than a year01:21
vimesthe computer also has crunchbang which I will delete, no windows01:21
bobptznoideas  why did it break today?01:21
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/appendix-preseed.html - See also !cloning01:22
thom_rvimes: are you trying to boot from dvd or usb?01:22
noideasbobptz: Wait, so it has always been associated with the drive letter E:\ ?01:22
bobptznoides, NO. I made that partition in order to install it there.  But it did not install there01:22
noideasbobptz: How recent?01:23
gdi2kikonia, awesome, all good now, thanks for your help. I must have deleted all my grop memberships somehow as I am now just a member of my own group and sudo (having fixed that). Should I be a member of any other groups like adm?01:23
demophobiaWhat is TTY in the context of a daemon?01:23
bobptznoideas, the installation was exactly last year01:23
bobptzand it broke today01:23
ikoniagdi2k: nothing "needed" you can always add to it if you find a need to01:23
vimesany one?01:23
bobptzmy niece playon on my pc, maybe she broke it01:23
thom_rvimes: are you trying to boot from dvd or usb?01:24
noideasbobptz: Possible but i doubt it.01:24
vimesinstalled it with uninet01:24
vimestried Lilo too, same problem01:24
noideasbobptz: From my experience you have to have a black partition. Unformatted in order to install an operating system01:24
Balzy_citizensnips working?01:24
citizensnipsBalzy_ we are currently disabling the secure boot right now01:25
bobptznoideas, I do not know how to create an unformated partition.  Ubuntu should be able to format it in the way desirable01:25
noideasbobptz: associating a partition with a drive letter that is part of another operating system form my understanding would alter the installation01:25
citizensnipsBalzy_ just disable secure boot, then go into the BIOS?01:25
bobptznoides, I understand.  This is what I intended to do, but obviously this did not happen01:26
citizensnipsBalzy_ do we have to disable fast boot as well?01:26
bobptznoides, anyway, Ubuntu is NOT on E:01:26
noideasbobptz: simply delete the partition and do not format, will give you an unpartitioned partition01:27
Balzy_citizensnips try, could be the problem01:27
noideasbobptz: simply delete the partition and do not format, will give you an unformatted partition **01:27
Balzy_citizensnips I don't have that option so I can't be sure01:27
bobptznoideas, ok01:27
noideasbobptz: one more question?01:28
noideasbobptz: have you tried rebuilding your grub?01:28
bobptznoideas, many times01:28
bobptznoideas also did boot-repair01:28
noideasThen I believe the easiest solution would be to re-install ubuntu with grub. I personally would not associate a drive letter with the partition (for visual representation)01:30
noideasbobptz: I have had past experiences with updating grub or the kernel and it broke the boot, but there was many distro's ago01:31
bobptznoideas, ubuntu is installed in /dev/sdb7  while GRUB says: set root='(hd1,msdos7)'  .  How can I check if the setting is correct?01:31
idueppeDid anyone manage to install ubuntu by debootstraping it with mdadm lvm and luks? I cannot find any hind why grub-install quits with "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: no such disk."01:31
ikoniaidueppe: because /proc is not mounted01:32
noideasbobptz: one sec01:32
ikoniaso it's not aware of the disks as your boot strapping it01:32
ikoniaidueppe: also /dev may not be correctly populated01:32
idueppeI mounted /proc and /dev01:33
ikoniathen it's not populated correctly01:33
AcidRain2012why does my drive with label Server2 never mount right?01:33
idueppesorry /dev is not mount..01:33
AcidRain2012i just formatted it to ext4, but its had this issue01:34
AcidRain2012any widgets i have cannot access it01:34
AcidRain2012the other 2 drives, all widgets access them fine01:34
AcidRain2012other 3 rly01:34
AcidRain2012do i have to use fstab or what?01:34
AcidRain2012do we still even use that?01:35
Bashing-ombobptz: I have ben following somewhat, "hd1" is the second harddrive, msdos IS NOT MicroSoft Disk Operating Systm, rather the partitioning scheme that ubuntu uses, (msdos7) is th 7th partion. Now as far as I can tell there is nothing wrong with grub.01:35
noideasbobptz: by viewing /boot/grub/gurb.cfg with vi, vim, nano01:36
EromejHello, I (still) have a problem with my (crypt) swap partition causing an error message on boot, despite formatting it twice already following advices on askubuntu :/01:36
AcidRain2012actually my Server2 drive mounts with its uuid, or at least it attempts to mount. and i get an error: the kernel drive for this filesystem is not available.01:36
AcidRain2012then it DOES mount on /media/Server2,01:36
Bashing-ombobptz: The only problem you have now is that you are booting to a terminal login vice to the GUI ? correct ?01:36
EromejI did all this here : http://askubuntu.com/questions/341979/what-to-do-about-the-disk-drive-for-dev-mapper-cryptswap1-is-not-ready-yet-or twice01:36
citizensnipsBalzy_ Ok fastboot has now been disabled. We selected run ubuntu without installing, and now just have a black screen01:36
bobptzBashing-om, yes ALMOST01:36
bobptzI have the feeling that I changed root to point to another drive01:37
bobptzbecause when I do ls from the terminal , I see different (windows) files01:37
AcidRain2012 /dev/sdd alrdy mounted or /media/Server2_ busy01:37
Balzy_citizensnips ah, nice .-.01:37
aFeijoI noticed something in my server at port 25 (smtp), it show as localhost.localdomain, and this is marked as spam by spamhous. How can I change it in my server?01:37
AcidRain2012i dont want it to mount on Server2_, which it doesnt. so why is this an issue?01:37
Balzy_citizensnips at least it's booting..01:37
citizensnipsBalzy_ Have we done something wrong?01:38
Balzy_citizensnips is it a 64 bit version the one you're trying to run?01:38
citizensnipsBalzy_ yes01:38
Balzy_citizensnips I think no.. does something appear before black screen?01:38
citizensnipsBalzy_ we had the option to install ubuntu, or run without installing01:39
AcidRain2012An error occurred while accessing 'WDC WD10TMVV-11BG7S0', the system responded: The kernel driver for this filesystem type is not available.: Error mounting: mount: /dev/sdd already mounted or /media/Server2_ busy01:39
Balzy_citizensnips did you try to wait for 2-3 minutes? nothing appear?01:39
Bashing-ombobptz: roger, then as advised look at /boot/grub/gurb.cfg and see what is going to be parsed by the operating system, a very good way to know.01:39
bobptzBashing-om, so if GRUB is correct, why do I go to command line?01:39
idueppeok...sorry I'm not sure. Under the rescue system "/dev on /mnt/ubuntu/dev type none (rw,bind)" is mounted but I cannot see it after "chroot /mnt/ubuntu". Is this correct?01:39
bobptzwait, I will do it now01:39
citizensnipsBalzy_ we have been waiting for ~3 minutes now01:39
citizensnipsBalzy_ typically how long does it take?01:40
noideasbobptz: are you able to navigate to your ubuntu install?01:40
Balzy_citizensnips 2-3 minutes maximum, for me01:40
Bashing-ombobptz: that could be caused by many things, 1at is generally a changed in authorization to access Xserver, nect is usually a broke proprietary grahics driver. As you do boot to a terminal, the system is booting. The system as a whole must be intact.01:41
Balzy_citizensnips no errors? the screen becomes immediately black?01:41
citizensnipsBalzy_ It appears that our system is stuck on a black screen01:41
theGrgHi. Can anyone share their default /etc/sysctl.conf with me? I messed around with it without making a backup.01:41
citizensnipsBalzy_ no, no error messages01:41
noideasBashing-om: what doesn't make sense to me is why the terminal is directed to another mount point?01:42
bobptznoideas, I can find and edit the grub.cfg file, if this is what you mean01:42
Balzy_citizensnips check with the guide I linked you for partitioning and installing with win8 if there's something else to set in the bios screen01:42
theGrgI'm on Ubuntu 13.0401:42
noideasbobptz: yes, scroll down past ### Begin /etc/grub.d/20_memtest86....01:42
bobptzBashing-om, I am sorry, have I donre something wrong?  Maybe an update gave me the wrong drivers?01:43
Bashing-ombobptz: you mean that the terminal prompt is not as ecpected ? How are you seeong a mount point in terminal ?01:43
noideasbobptz: opps i mean right before01:43
Balzy_ Turn off secure boot - check that paragraph citizensnips01:44
citizensnipsYes, secure boot was turned off01:44
bobptznoides, I am there01:45
bobptznoideas, I am there01:45
Balzy_citizensnips so I have no idea.. that's quite a strange behavior01:45
noideasbobptz: look for set root=''01:45
bobptznoideas BEFORE the ### BEgin  ?01:45
noideasbobptz: look for the first  " menuentry "01:46
bobptznoideas  yes, the first one ABOVE the ###BEGIN, set root='(hd1,msdos7)'01:46
citizensnipsBalzy_ we selected the drive from the Windows Power option "Select EFI drive"01:47
bobptzit is the RECOVERY mode01:47
noideasbobptz: then it seems like it is set correctly01:47
Balzy_citizensnips all I can suggest you right now is to check with the guide if all steps and settings have been performed01:47
noideasbobptz: no that is the file used by grub to boot ubuntu01:47
Balzy_citizensnips I don't know exactly that part, I've always installed ubuntu along with win xp and 701:48
bobptznoideas, that menuentry is the 2nd one of the grub menu and it says RECOVERY MODE01:48
noideasbobptz: the only way I can understand your terminal to point to another mounting point would have to be an internal change within ubuntu.01:49
bobptzanyway, the normal one, just above has the same value01:49
hexacodeanyone know if theres such thing as an rsync stat? i need to find out if a directory is being versioned under rsync01:49
citizensnipsBalzy_ so select the USB device from the BIOS rather than from the Windows boot options?01:49
glitsj16theGrg: take /usr/share/doc/procps/examples/sysctl.conf as a fresh copy to /etc/sysctl.conf and do a "sudo sysctl -p" to activate01:49
noideasbobptz: recovery mode should be visable on your grub menu01:49
citizensnipsBalzy_ because we still had the same "try ubuntu without installing" and "Install Ubuntu" options normally given, I assume01:49
Jordan_Ubobptz: Could you please summarize the problem you're trying to solve?01:49
bobptznoideas, I went into recovery mode and I played with the menus there, maybe I changed something there01:49
Balzy_citizensnips try but I think it's the same01:50
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bobptzJordan_U after the GRUB menu, I go into command lie01:50
theGrgOh thanks glitsj1601:50
bobptzseems like a silly thing01:50
noideasbobptz: would you happen to know what you changed?01:51
AcidRain2012dolphin doesnt even read my drive as being mounted properly01:51
AcidRain2012it doesnt give any information on it01:51
bobptznoideas, it looked like a DOS or a BIOS screen01:51
glitsj16theGrg: no trouble, doing the sudo sysctl -p will clear out the mess ;)01:51
citizensnipsBalzy_ We have followed the guide, but we are not able to boot into Ubuntu01:51
bobptzand I think it promtrd mr for the correct partition or something01:51
Jordan_Ubobptz: Does "sudo service lightdm start" bring you to a normal login screen?01:52
bobptzafter that , whenever I do the "ls" command, I see different (windows) directories01:52
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whatisthematrixhello. i could use help figuring out how to mount my external usb blu-ray drive if someone has some ideas on how-to01:52
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bobptzJordan_U  NO, it gave me some orange text01:53
bobptzlooks like shutting down01:53
noideasbobptz: Not sure what that would be. I must leave unfortunately, but my recommendation would be to freshly install ubuntu, as you did the first time or boot from a disk. Sorry I was not more help, good luck.01:53
bobptzsays: checking battery state01:53
Jordan_Uwhatisthematrix: Are you really just trying to mount a blue ray disk or are you trying to play a blue ray movie?01:54
bobptzok guys, you tried very much to help me01:54
bobptzI will clean install Ubuntu01:54
whatisthematrixJordan_U: i would like to mount it so that i can use MakeMKV01:54
Bashing-ombobptz: Unless you are out of patience, I am still here and willing to help, (re-)install is the nuclear solution !01:55
Balzy_citizensnips I really don't know then.. I'm sorry01:55
Balzy_citizensnips Try to ask later here if someone had the same problem with win 801:56
bobptzBashing-om, it is late.  If you have any suggestions I am here01:56
Jordan_Uwhatisthematrix: What if anything happens when you insert a blue ray disk?01:56
whatisthematrixJordan_U: nothing that i can tell. the device doesn't show up with the 'lsusb' command01:57
AcidRain2012appears its not booting properly because it doesnt have a mbr01:57
AcidRain2012its the only drive on my comp that doesnt have one01:58
whatisthematrixJordan_U: i must say, i'm not in the ubuntu desktop. i'm in xfce.01:58
Bashing-ombobptz: From your last I can gather that the prompt you are seeing is indeed a "grub" prompt, Are you booting with the 2nd hard drive as 1st boot priority ?01:58
whatisthematrixJordan_U: but i could go into the ubuntu desktop01:58
bobptzBashing-om    yes01:58
bobptzBashing-om, but wait,   after th GRUB menu, it takes me to UNIX command line01:59
bobptzBashing-om  I do see the red Ubuntu 12.04 with the 4 dots splash screen01:59
bobptzBashing-om   and then I have to login02:00
citizensnipsBalzy_ no matter which option is selected on the page, the computer remains at a blank, black screen02:00
bobptzBashing-om    and then I do ls02:00
bobptzBashing-om and I see the following:   Desktop   downloads    jforex   pictures   templates   videos    documents    examples.desktop   music   public   Ubuntu one02:01
bobptzBashing-om    so I think I am in the wrong drive02:01
bobptzBashing-om   AHA!02:02
bobptzBashing-om  I did cd / and now it did take me to the correct root directory02:02
whatisthematrixJordan_U: perhaps my problem is that i don't have the 'discover' package installed. going to install it now02:02
bobptznow I see the linux files02:02
Bashing-ombobptz: If you are getting to a terminal TTY1, - login and password ->then you are for a fact booting ! ... There are other issues here at play !02:03
bobptzBashing-om    yes02:03
Balzy_citizensnips try to google your problem, sorry it's really late I'm going to bed now..02:03
citizensnipsBalzy_ thank you for all of your help :)02:03
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Balzy_citizensnips no problem, check those links!02:04
bobptzBashing-om   any  suggestions?02:05
Bashing-ombobptz: Back to others advisement, what results from the terminal command -> sudo service lightdm start <-, let's say it is a unity problem and see.02:05
bobptzBashing-om   I have (had) gnome classic02:05
bobptzBashing-om   the above command forced me to shutdown02:05
bobptzBashing-om   maybe repair Gnome?02:06
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whatisthematrixJordan_U: no change. still not listed from doing 'lsusb' command02:07
VlanXIs it the wrong place to ask for a problem with WGET?02:08
Bashing-ombobptz: make that then -> sudo service gdm start <- .. there are other causes, one should at this time take a look at the file /var/log/Xorg.0.log and see if a graphics driver is loaded.02:08
bobptzBashing-om    gdm: unrecognized service02:09
SaberX01VlanX, in a strict sense, yes, but it's quick and easy probably get a good answer back.02:09
SaberX01*if it's quick02:10
VlanXSaberX01: hey wow I already found it, was the -i option02:10
Bashing-ombobptz: Yuk, no more guessing, what results from terminal code: echo $DESKTOP_SESSION <- ?02:11
bobptzBashing-om     a BLANK line02:12
Bashing-ombobptz: wow ! .. no desktop is available ??.. let me ponder on this ! .. I will be back !02:13
SaberX01lol yeah, that may be an issue :-)02:13
SaberX01Unless its a server install of course ..02:14
bobptzBashing-om   I am falling asleep.   If you find a quick fix, please email me at bobptz@gmail.com02:14
bobptzneed to go02:15
idueppeI guess I ran into this grub http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=673573 bug - how can I update to a new grub version than 1.99-21ubuntu3.14?02:15
ubottuDebian bug 673573 in grub-common "grub-probe: error: no such disk. when probing LVM device (problem with symbolic links)" [Important,Fixed]02:15
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SaberX01idueppe, you could dl the .deb or enable backports something along those lines, I'm on Grub2  v2.02 SO I can't help much more than that.02:20
AcidRain2012what package name is disk utility?02:22
AcidRain2012i need to launch it from terminal02:22
SaberX01AcidRain2012, Disk utility .. for like partitions and formatting, fdisk02:22
drdrewwwthis is not really a ubuntu thing although i am streaming off ubuntu would someone help me by opening a stream in vlc i want to test it :D02:23
Bashing-ombobptz: Let's say that you are running gnome as the DM, what results from terminal command : sudo start gdm <- , while I ponder some more. I see you are foing, I will be back in my AM ,, and will pick this back up.02:23
idueppeSaberX01, maybe I should use 13.10 instead of 12.04? Does it have a newer version of grub02:23
SaberX01idueppe, that is entirely up to you, but for me, in production, I stick with LTS. I'm on a 14.04 box right now, but it's testing only for ubuntu-qa and install testing etc etc02:24
hitsujiTMOAcidRain2012: gnome-disks i think02:24
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SaberX01idueppe, But I will say, allot of folks here in IRC are pretty happy with 13.10 .. so if I were to choose a non-LTS, 13.10 would be my target.02:25
idueppeSaberX01, that the reason I choose 12.04.. but I cannot manage to install a full crypted system02:26
SaberX01idueppe, and to answer your question on which release has which Grub2, here's the list: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=grub202:27
SaberX01idueppe, may have to ask others about encrypted system / home folders etc, as I don't use it on servers or desktop.02:28
idueppeSaberX01, thx02:28
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AcidRain2012i got like... 10billion GB of music02:35
glitsj16idueppe: there's a backported grub2 2.00 in a PPA for precise you might try before jumping to a non-LTS: https://launchpad.net/~spuzirev/+archive/grub202:37
intraderAnyone, I am trying to install XAMPP - it's installation instructions say to o to a Linux shell and login as the system administrator root:su. The system asks me to root password, I supply my password with which I can do sudo; please, let me know what the difference between su and sudo is02:37
idueppeglitsj16, thx, i will try this one02:37
bazhang!xampp | intrader02:38
ubottuintrader: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.02:38
bazhangintrader, sudo gives you administrator rights, use sudo -i if you need a root shell02:39
intraderbazhang, thank you!02:39
mojtabaHi, I have inserted a SD card in my laptop. Do you know how can mount it from terminal?02:40
seventhcypherwhat is the safest way to change the root user name???02:40
seventhcypherin new to linux/unix02:40
seventhcypher *i'm02:40
hitsujiTMOseventhcypher: you don't.02:41
GerowenAnybody know why AVIDemux crashes constantly?  If all I do is work with one video and clip sections out of it, it works fine, but as soon as I click a menu to do anything, when I close that menu and go back to the video, the whole program freezes.02:41
seventhcypherhitsujiTMO: thanks02:42
hitsujiTMOseventhcypher: do you want to change your accounts username?02:42
seventhcypherjust thought I would ask02:42
hitsujiTMOseventhcypher: the safest thing to do, is create a new account anhd migrate over your data/settings before deleting your old account02:43
mojtabaHi, I have inserted a SD card in my laptop. Do you know how can mount it from terminal?02:43
seventhcypherhitsujiTMO: ok02:43
hitsujiTMOmojtaba: sudo mkdir /mnt/sd; sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt/sd                               just replace XY with whatever refers to your sdcard02:44
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seventhcypherhitsujiTMO: thanks for the help02:45
AcidRain2012mojtaba, is it not auto mounting?02:45
mojtabahitsujiTMO: I have made the directory in the /media. but I can not mount it.02:45
AcidRain2012easiest way to do it is to run nautilus, and let it automount it once you cl ick on the drive.02:45
mojtabaI have used sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/mmcblk0p1 /media/mojtaba/SD02:45
mojtabaAcidRain2012: no02:46
mojtabaAcidRain2012: I want to use terminal02:46
AcidRain2012u dont HAVE to specify the filesystem type02:46
mojtabaAcidRain2012: it asks02:46
AcidRain2012oh... hmm.... havent delt with sd cards02:46
AcidRain2012mojtaba, now did you touch /media/mojtaba AND /media/mojtaba/SD?02:47
AcidRain2012what error do u get?02:47
mojtabaAcidRain2012: it is mount: unknown filesystem type 'crypto_LUKS'02:47
hitsujiTMOmojtaba: if its asking for a filesystem then it cant read any from the card. sounds like its corrupt or an unsupported filesystem02:47
mojtabaI have formatted the SD as encrypted ext402:47
AcidRain2012is there anything on the drive that you want?02:47
mojtabaAcidRain2012: no02:48
hitsujiTMOmojtaba: ahhh02:48
mojtabahitsujiTMO: do you know what is going on?02:48
AcidRain2012ya. i believe the encrypted part of it has something to do with it02:48
hitsujiTMOmojtaba: you cant mount encrypted filesystems directly: http://askubuntu.com/questions/63594/mount-encrypted-volumes-from-command-line02:49
AcidRain2012bingo ;)02:49
SaberX01Indeed :-)02:49
mojtabahitsujiTMO: thanks02:50
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Y2KVetIs there a way to get the console to beep?02:57
Y2KVetfrom the commnd line?02:58
foxxY2KVet: dude, you couldnt do a simple google?02:58
foxxcome on man :/02:58
foxxi just googled for 'console beep ubuntu'02:58
foxxand the answer was on the first page02:58
ramborockshow do i know which open gl drivers i should get02:59
ramborocksi have official nvidia but heard the open gl might be better for me02:59
foxxY2KVet: at least TRY and find the answer yourself dude, ffs :/02:59
ramborocksim on a x64 ubuntu02:59
Y2KVetfoxx: Been there, done that.  'beep' doesn't work.  That's the reason I'm here.03:02
foxxY2KVet: define doesnt work.03:02
foxxare you doing it on a local machine? via ssh? via tty? via vmware?03:02
Y2KVetlocal host03:03
foxxread throug those links i sent you, see if any of those answers solve your problem first03:03
hitsujiTMOY2KVet: looks like a "non-fix bug" https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/486154             the pc speaker was abused so its a good thing that its not loaded by default03:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 486154 in metacity (Ubuntu) "System beep broken in Karmic despite heroic efforts to fix it" [Medium,Triaged]03:05
hitsujiTMOY2KVet: http://askubuntu.com/questions/96511/getting-the-pc-speaker-to-beep/107618#107618 might help03:06
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whatisthematrixJordan_U: hello. i figured out why my external usb blu-ray drive wasn't showing up as a device if you're curious03:12
Jordan_Uwhatisthematrix: I am. What was the problem?03:16
gnudocan anyone recommend me a currently developed and user friendly application to convert a sqlite3 database to csv ?03:17
notmotHay, I have a question about the application submission / publishing process and I was wondering if this is the correct place to ask about it.03:17
AcidRain2012 /media/Server2/My_Documents/Music          /media/AcidShower/FTP/ftpuser/My_Documents/Music        bind  _netdev,bind         0  003:18
SaberX01gnudo, how about a small script: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5776660/export-from-sqlite-to-csv-using-shell-script03:18
AcidRain2012this doesnt mount. i get no error with sudo mount -a03:18
whatisthematrixJordan_U: it was that i was plugging the drive into a usb header port on the front-top part of my computer. i had to plug it into one of the usb ports on the rear of the computer, close to the motherboard03:18
AcidRain2012i think its still linking my Server2 drive to /dev/sdd instead of /dev/sdi03:19
whatisthematrixJordan_U: i guess the ports on the top-front aren't part of and actual root hub03:19
hitsujiTMOnotmot: #ubuntu-app-devel might be more appropriate03:19
thom_rwhat is a good alternative to cafesuite?03:19
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hitsujiTMOAcidRain2012: I would assume  /media/Server2/ isn't mounted fast enough03:21
SaberX01thom_r, there's loads of them it would appear: http://alternativeto.net/software/cafesuite/03:21
AcidRain2012hitsujiTMO, as u can see Server1 IS /media/Server/My_Documents/My_Videos       /media/AcidShower/FTP/ftpuser/My_Documents/Videos/      bind  _netdev,bind         0  003:22
AcidRain2012it works.03:22
hitsujiTMOthom_r: as a person with firsthand experience with such software I can tell you that they all suck03:22
AcidRain2012hitsujiTMO, even at that. it should still mount when i do mount -a, thats after everything has been mounted03:23
thom_rmy brother in-law has a computer shop and he is thinking about switching to Linux.03:23
citizensnipsHello, is anyone active?03:24
SaberX01thom_r, Good plan, get him hooked up with Canonical03:24
hitsujiTMOthom_r: we just wrote our own03:25
thom_rhe needs a program so he can monitor the time used by each computer.03:25
citizensnipsI've gotten my Ubuntu system to work, but the computer will not adjust its backlight. It can display video, but the backlight is not turning on03:25
notmotthanks hitsujiTMO03:26
SaberX01thom_r, time used? not sure I understand what data he's wanting to gather, you have an example?03:26
notmotit solved my problem03:26
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: can you pastebin the output of ls: -l /sys/class/backlight/03:27
thom_rpeople come in, rent a computer for an hour, two hours, whatever. He is looking for a program to monitor the time used by each station.03:27
citizensnipshitsujiTMO I'm sorry, I dont understand, what you're asking03:29
SaberX01thom_r, that's standard sysadmin stuff, porbably outside the scope of this channel but: last, lastlog, auth.log can all provide the data.03:29
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: i presume you have a working monitor connected to the system right now?03:29
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citizensnipsHitsujiTMO Yes I am, over HDMI. It is currently downloading updates. I found something that I think might fix the problem03:30
citizensnipsMy computer is a Lenovo G70003:30
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: nomodeset is not backlight related03:30
citizensnipshitsujiTMO yeah I do not have ATI/AMD graphics, just the integrated Intel03:31
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: can you open a terminal and pastebin the output of: ls -l /sys/class/backlight/03:31
LoshkiSaberX01: so where does the sysadmin stuff get discussed?03:31
citizensnipshitsujiTMO so go into the terminal and type "ls -1 /sys/class/backlight/"03:32
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SaberX01Loshki, I think thee's a couple channels #ubuntu-sysadmins #systemadmins and a few others for general *Nix03:33
cfhowlettLoshki, #ubuntu-server??03:33
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: yest. then copy + paste the output to: paste.ubuntu.com    paste the link to that here03:33
john_doe_jrMy external hard drive is not being detected or mounted…is there a tool that I can use to figure out something about it03:33
hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr: usb connection?03:33
LoshkiThanks guys!03:34
hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr: start with lsusb and see if its there03:34
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: also i'm presuming you have tested the backlight in another operating system and its not the case that the inverter is gone?03:35
citizensnipshitsujiTMO the light has been working, just not on this03:35
citizensnipswe got two lines, acpi_video003:36
john_doe_jrit just says vendor specific device03:36
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: cat /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness03:37
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness03:37
hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr: can you pastebin the output of: lsusb -t03:38
citizensnips28 for the acpi and 4882 for the intel_backlight03:39
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citizensnipswere the results hitsujiTMO03:39
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: also whats: cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/max_brightness03:40
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: also whats: cat /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/max_brightness03:40
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DarthEaronwhere can i go to get support for touchegg?03:40
citizensnipsthe intel_backlight is at max03:41
citizensnipsthe acpi_video0 is 100 hitsujiTMO03:42
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: echo 100 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness03:42
citizensnipshistujiTMO so type in "echo 100 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness"03:42
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: yes03:43
daskaloshello happu new uean :)03:43
hitsujiTMOwhats a uean?03:43
SaberX01year maybe ? :-)03:43
citizensnipshitsujiTMO so now it says that it is at 100, but the screen has not changed03:44
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && xrandr | pastebinit03:45
daskalos<hitsujiTMO> I'm fine to do yourself03:45
john_doe_jrhitsujiTMO: here is the output => http://pastie.org/858664903:45
AcidRain2012ye ye son pwnt03:46
citizensnipsso type "sudo apt-get install pastebinit && xrandr | pastebinit"03:46
DarthEarondoes anybody have experience with touchegg?03:46
AcidRain2012all drives work03:46
SaberX01!details DarthEaron : maybe someone can help03:47
ubottuSaberX01: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:47
john_doe_jrhitsujiTMO: basically what I did was reformat the drive as exFat and how it is not being recognized on either a Mac or Windows but Windows does show that it can't install the right driver for it03:47
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: yup03:47
AcidRain2012issue was for anyone having this same problem: i had to delete the folders that i was mounting into, and recreate them. not sure why or what that has to do with anything. but when i was deleting them, i noticed they reappeared. so i cleared out fstab, restarted computer, deleted folders, recreated, returned fstab to how i had it setup, and sudo mount -a03:47
AcidRain2012worked miracles.03:47
daskaloslike a good mind and wish Merry Christmas to all here as a company :)03:47
SaberX01My bad :-)03:47
Bugbear76how do i change the lightdm greeter/login?03:47
SaberX01!details } DarthEaron : maybe someone can help03:47
ubottuSaberX01: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:47
citizensnipshitsujiTMO I am also downloading some updates, so should I wait until all the changes have been applied?03:48
hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr: sounds like the controller is gone03:48
SaberX01!details | DarthEaron : KB on 14.04 has issues :-)03:48
ubottuDarthEaron : KB on 14.04 has issues :-): Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:48
john_doe_jrhitsujiTMO: what does that mean exactly?03:48
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: yes, once they are complete please run that03:48
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hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr: whats the exact type of device? is it a usb pen drive or a hdd caddy or what?03:49
SaberX01wow, my KB mapping is all wrong for for several punctuation items .. lol03:49
sisco_dreamhi all03:52
sisco_dreamim really stuck and i need your help03:52
ubottusisco_dream,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:52
hitsujiTMO!details | sisco_dream03:52
SaberX01!details | sisco_dream03:52
ubottusisco_dream: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:52
sisco_dreamwell i made a bash script that run ffmpeg, works perfect03:53
john_doe_jrhitsujiTMO: it's a Seagate (9W6044-500) 160 GB USB 2.0 Hard Drive03:53
SaberX01your too fast hitsujiTMO :-)03:53
sisco_dreamso into the bash script03:53
sisco_dreami get a variable from file text03:53
sisco_dreamattach it to the end of the m3u803:54
SaberX01sisco_dream, best help for bash is in #bash those guys are heavy weights in there.03:54
sisco_dreamok well saber03:54
bazhangsisco_dream, why not ask in ##ffmpeg03:54
hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr: most likely its the caddy controller itself has gone. you have to take out the hdd itself to test to see if that works connecting directly or in another caddy03:54
sisco_dreamits bash thats right and its ffmpeg, and im trying to call it from god script (ruby)03:54
sisco_dreamruby doesnt reconize the command that get variable from file03:55
john_doe_jrhitsujiTMO: totally confused…another caddy?03:55
hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr: the encosure for the hdd03:55
SaberX01pass .. only thing I know about Ruby is my wife likes them and they cost allot of $$ :-)03:55
whatisthematrixSaberX01: :-)03:56
hitsujiTMOsisco_dream: sounds like you need #ruby then03:56
john_doe_jrhitsujiTMO: well, windows shows something connected when I plug in the USB it just doesn't have the drivers for it03:56
DarthEaronokay so I am trying to get touchegg to work and so far i have compiled and installed. the geustures are not being picked up by touchegg, after searching online, i tried to edit source code for unity and recompile it from this guide. http://askubuntu.com/questions/57586/how-can-i-disable-arbitrary-default-multitouch-gestures-in-unity to no anvil. im using ubuntu 12.04. cant get touchegg to recognize my touchpad gestures03:56
sisco_dreamim even lost ruby or bash or ffmpeg lol03:56
litropy__Hello, I am following the following outdated guide: http://askubuntu.com/questions/22108/how-to-control-fan-speed03:56
huttansisco_dream: u can exec any bash command or script u made from ruby03:56
citizensnipshitsujiTMO here is the output03:56
hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr: thats because the controller is no longer sending the correct data to the pc so it has no idea how to communicate with it03:57
litropy__sudo /etc/init.d/module-init-tools restart ### is an outdated command. I tried to find the upstart job, to no avail.03:57
sisco_dreamit works but03:57
sisco_dreamok can i past the code here?03:57
xangua!paste | sisco_dream03:57
ubottusisco_dream: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:57
huttansisco_dream: pastebinit and ill look at it while i have morning coffee03:57
sisco_dreamok i will use pastbin03:58
john_doe_jrhitsujiTMO: so take the casing off and then do what exactly?03:58
SaberX01litropy__, sudo service module-init-tools start03:58
hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr: shut down a desktop pc. and connect the hdd directly to the pc internally to test to see id the hdd is still alive03:59
john_doe_jrhitsujiTMO: I'm 90% sure the hard drive is still alive…it just doesn't like the format that I formatted it with03:59
litropy__SaberX01, module-init-tools: unrecognized service04:00
citizensnipshitsujiTMO any idea on a remedy?04:00
litropy__SaberX01, both lm-sensors and fancontrol packages have been installed.04:00
SaberX01litropy__, let me go dig on that on fer a minute.04:00
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: can you please try: xrandr --output LVDS1 --brightness 104:01
litropy__SaberX01, sudo sensors-detect has been run, but I've yet to sudo pwmconfig ... if that helps.04:01
sisco_dreamsorry for the delay04:02
sisco_dreamhere the link04:02
john_doe_jrhitsujiTMO: when I enter in the mount command it shows the following: "/dev/disk1s2 on /Volumes/eSATA300"...04:02
sisco_dreami hope to fix this :(04:02
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sisco_dreamby the way the chat and template is beautiful here great job04:03
SaberX01litropy__, some basic info: Just for information, "modules-init-tools" was replaced by "kmod" recently in 13.10, and I am not sure if for 13.04, but kept compatibility with previous commands and you can use, if it is the case in 13.04, 'rmmod' and 'modprobe' as before. No changes to the syntaxe!04:03
hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr: so its esata and not usb?04:03
SaberX01litropy__, that sais, the commands inside this package are lsmod, modprobe, rmmod, etc.04:04
john_doe_jrhitsujiTMO: yes04:04
litropy__SaberX01, any time I have to rmmod, modprobe, etc, I get very confused.04:04
hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr: what type of cable do you connect it to the pc with?04:04
john_doe_jrguess I'll just reformat it from the command line now04:05
john_doe_jrhitsujiTMO: it's a thick cable…I'm assuming eSATA04:05
citizensnipshitsujiTMO nothing happnened04:05
SaberX01litropy__, well .. in a nutshell, that's how you add and delete modules to the kernel for things that aren't included you your kernel build.04:05
litropy__SaberX01, it makes me feel like I might rip something crucial out and not know how to stick it back in, especially since removing one mod also seems to remove modules related to it.04:06
hitsujiTMOjohn_doe_jr: hehe, so when i ask if its usb don't say yes if its not :P04:06
SaberX01litropy__, mor often than not, if you modprobe a module it either it works or it doesn't, rarely will it cause a kernel panic or anything like that.04:07
john_doe_jrhitsujiTMO: well, I've gotta know the difference first04:07
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SaberX01litropy__, from what you've posted, your trying to get lm-sensors working?04:07
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: you need to try a kernel param next: i915.invert_brightness=104:08
litropy__SaberX01, pfft ... I just read upward in my terminal. "You might want to run kmod start." I think I'm okay now.04:08
litropy__SaberX01, thx for your help04:08
citizensnipshitsujiTMO it said the command was not found04:09
hitsujiTMO!nomodeset | citizensnips have a look at this but instead of nomodeset enter i915.invert_brightness=104:12
ubottucitizensnips have a look at this but instead of nomodeset enter i915.invert_brightness=1: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:12
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citizensnipshitsujiTMO i'm sorry I don't really follow. so type "!i915.invert_brightness=1"04:14
citizensnipsubottu i don't understand04:14
ubottucitizensnips: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:14
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: bo . read the linked page. but instead of the nomodeset param. you want to enter i915.invert_brightness=104:15
citizensnipshitsujiTMO so follow the procedure to permanently set boot options?04:15
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: i would try the temp procedure first. only do the permanent if it fixes it04:16
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: "How to temporarily set kernel boot options on an installed OS" is the one you want04:17
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citizensnipshitsujiTMO so get into the grub page?04:17
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: yes you need to reboot to grub04:18
markbrHi guys, I'm upgraded (did a clean install) from my Ubuntu 12.04 to Ubuntu 13.10 and got disappointed by empathy. I cannot sort my contacts, and their avatars are huge (cant change also). I'm wondering if there is other hot IM option there for Gtalk + FB, outside Pidgin.04:19
bow_vernonhi people04:20
bow_vernonI have a question. Can I connect to a ipv6 machine using ipv4 address? I have a linux vps that only has ipv6 address. And my interfaces doesn't support ipv6 yet04:20
hitsujiTMObow_vernon: you need an ipv6 tunnel https://www.sixxs.net/04:21
cfhowlettmarkbr, whole lot easier (and more sensible) to search the Software Center than IRC ...04:21
markbrcfhowlett: I know, I'm not a noob user. Is just that I'm wondering if there is a new hot IM client out there.04:22
hitsujiTMObow_vernon: i would suggest getting a vps with a ipv4 address if you can tho.04:22
SaberX01markbr, Im pretty sure Pidgin works with Gtalk .. not sure what FB is04:22
markbrI know, its just that I loved empathy because it was so integrated into ubuntu04:23
bow_vernon<hitsujiTMO>, wew I'm still trying to find out what is a ipv6 tunnel and how to use it04:23
SaberX01markbr, still is tightly integrated .. just maybe not in ways some would like :-004:24
hitsujiTMObow_vernon: it like a ipv6 vpn. allow you to connect to ipv6 address ay tunneling those connections through your ipv4 isp to a point that can handle ipv604:24
bow_vernonhowever as far as I read here I have to install something04:25
bow_vernonugh, I'm using linux04:25
SaberX01bow_vernon, see section 6to4 tunnels: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv604:26
citizensnipshitsujiTMO I missed clicking on the right option in grub and it rebooted normally, but this time the screen started working04:26
citizensnipshitsujiTMO but I am still going to go into grub04:26
hitsujiTMObow_vernon: they support linux too.04:27
bow_vernonthx SaberX0104:27
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citizensnipshitsujiTMO I am in the grub and after  the quiet splash it says $vt_handoff do I delete that and add the "i915..." or add that on after the $vt_handoff04:32
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: dont delete it. put it before it04:32
hitsujiTMOso should be ... quiet splash i915.invert_brightness=1 $vt_handoff04:33
citizensnipshitsujiTMO it seems like it has worked, the screen is working04:36
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: then try the permanent method by adding it to /etc/default/grub04:36
darkblue_bhi - i see a file with ls -la  that has a lot of question marks instead of permissions, as well one quesiton mark for owner and group.. What is that, or better, what to do about it04:39
citizensnipshitsujiTMO the $vt_handoff is not present here, should I add it or just type the i915... and save and exit?04:40
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: no just type i915.invert_brightness=104:40
bow_vernonwell I ended up installing miredo instead04:41
bow_vernonand it works! I can ping ipv6.google.com04:41
citizensnipshitsujiTMO I just have two more, quicker questions04:41
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: fire away04:42
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firehitsujiTMO: ?? :D04:42
SaberX01bow_vernon, Im kind of a noob with Ipv6 so .. glad you got it working.04:43
bow_vernonaaargh failed. I can't ping my machine though04:44
bow_vernonit's unreachable04:44
citizensnipshitsujiTMO so whenever I boot, I never see the option to boot into windows instead of ubuntu, is that because I had to install ubuntu on legacy mode rather than UEFI?04:44
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citizensnipsso do I follow this to patch the install to run in EFI? http://askubuntu.com/questions/272728/black-screen-after-grub-cant-install-uefi04:45
SaberX01bow_vernon, which ping you using, ping or ping6 ?04:45
bow_vernonping6 ofc04:45
SaberX01Im not sure which way it has to go, ping6 obviously fer Ipv6 host, bu from Ipv6 to Ipv4 should be just ping?04:46
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: if windows and ubuntu are installed in 2 seperate manners then yes that will cause issues. but that depends on if windows was installed as uefi or not.04:46
citizensnipsthe windows was pre-installed hitsujiTMO04:47
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: what version of windows?04:47
citizensnipshitsujiTMO Windows 804:47
SaberX01bow_vernon, try ping <name or ip> -4 from the Ipv6 host04:48
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: yeah. you should install ubuntu as uefi then. most likely you just need to edit grub and add that i915.invert_brightness=1 to the grub menu in the install disk to get it working04:48
citizensnipshitsujiTMO and that will allow me to switch into windows?04:49
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: yes, or you can simply use the efi boot menu04:49
citizensnipsHitsujiTMO is that on ubuntu?04:49
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: thats in your laptop itself04:49
citizensnipsso I dont have to do this hitsujiTMO http://askubuntu.com/questions/272728/black-screen-after-grub-cant-install-uefi04:50
citizensnipspatching the install to EFI?04:50
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: that seems like a different issue. I would not follow that as its doesn't actually give the details of what he did04:52
citizensnipshitsujiTMO what would you have me do then in order to consolidate the two installs?04:52
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bow_vernonSaber, what do you mean?04:53
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: try editing grub with the i915.invert_brightness=1 when you run the installer itself.04:53
citizensnipshitsujiTMO which installer?04:54
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hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: the ubuntu installer04:54
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hitsujiTMObow_vernon: may I ask how you ended up with an ipv6 only vps?04:55
citizensnipshitsujiTMO is the ubuntu installer what allows me to switch between windows and ubuntu?04:55
SaberX01bow_vernon, nevermind, that bad .. to ping an ipv6  gotta use pin6 .. the ping <hostname> -4 / -6 dont work.04:56
bow_vernonI used ping6. I could google ipv6.google.com04:56
bow_vernonbut my vps can't be pinged04:56
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: it adds an entry to grub for windows if it discovers it during the install04:56
bow_vernonhowever, I got a secondary vps which is ipv6 compliant, and I can ping my vps from that machine04:56
Bashing-omwin 304:57
citizensnipshitsujiTMO sorry I'm getting really lost here. So I'm in ubuntu right now and I want to switch back to windows, how do I do that?04:57
SaberX01bow_vernon, so ipv6 vps to ipv6 vps works but you can't ping into either from ipv4?04:57
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: atm you'd have to boot it from the efi boot menu in your bios04:57
citizensnipshitsujiTMO does that mean that I would then have to turn legacy off and switch back to UEFI?04:58
hitsujiTMOcitizensnips: yes04:58
bow_vernonI haven't tried the second machine. Because it has ipv4 and ipv604:59
SaberX01bow_vernon, that's the goal I'd be looking for, setting up ipv4 & 605:00
SaberX01or just ipv4  ..05:00
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bow_vernonhehe but doesn't it depend on the ISP?05:00
bow_vernonaaarhg the second machine can't be ping6-ed05:01
bow_vernonpinging the ipv4 address is no problem though05:01
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
citizensnipshitsujiTMO so I switched to UEFI and now am on windows. How do I go back to Ubuntu and make that also UEFI?05:04
SaberX01bow_vernon, I think a call into your host is in order and have them dual-stack both your VPS machines correctly, being solly on ipv6 opens the door to a very small community at the moment.05:04
bow_vernonthey said it could be problem with the ip4 sharing. my vps ip4 address is shared05:06
SaberX01bow_vernon, Google stats is saying only 2.75% of their clients (u and me the users) access them via Ipv605:06
bow_vernonplus it's free so complain is a lil bit 'rude'05:06
SaberX01bow_vernon, indeed, to complaing about free probably not good thing to do :-)05:07
bow_vernonwell then, I guess I have to feel satisfied with the cat-and-mouse approach with my free vps provider05:08
allstarsnorks2Hi guys, I am thinking of triple booting my current install of Ubuntu GNOME and Windows 8. Is it possible?05:10
SaberX01bow_vernon, however, we all may as well get onboard with Ipv6, as Ipv4 IP's are running out fast.05:12
bow_vernonbut the ISP over here are so full of doubt about it05:13
SaberX01bow_vernon, some instersting stats: http://www.google.com/ipv6/statistics.html#tab=ipv6-adoption05:13
saiarcot895allstarsnorks2: I would think so. Out of curiosity, what's the third OS?05:15
allstarsnorks2Ubuntu Trusty05:15
citizensnipshitsujiTMO how do I access the ubuntu installer on ubuntu itself to allow edit access to the grub, or should I just boot into grub?05:15
saiarcot895allstarsnorks2: Given that you have enough hard drive space, you should be able to.05:16
allstarsnorks2is 10GB enough?05:16
xel_any body?i am new05:17
xel_r we ubuntuer loser?05:18
SaberX01allstarsnorks2, my 14.04 install used about 11.5 GB .. I've only installed a couple vry small tools after base.05:19
thom_rthat's pretty fat05:20
snuffthey guys05:21
snuffti started downloading a website via ftp the other day (using wget + ftp to handle recursion), but it stopped at 5 levels. what command would i use to start it where it left off and to recurse infinitely?05:21
thom_ryou were downloading a website?05:22
allstarsnorks2I'm surprised Ubiquity hasn't been updated yet.05:22
SaberX01thom_r, the ISO is way over size at the moment, Im sure they will trim allot of fat of the base before release. But this is more for Ubuntu+1 than here.05:22
snufftthom_r, a client website, yes. there's not enough space on his hosting plan to tarball it, so i have to do the ftp thing :(05:22
snufftnormally i'd do it via something gui, but i'm downloading it to a remote server that has ssh05:23
thom_rSaberX01: how big was the iso05:23
SaberX01thom_r, like 850M-900M something like that05:24
thom_rI wish Ubuntu could get the iso size back down to cd size.05:25
SaberX01thom_r, current daily is 895M05:25
SaberX01thom_r, they will, it's not even at A2 level yet.05:25
thom_rwhat is a cd size, 700mb?05:26
ubottuthom_r,: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD05:26
SaberX01thom_r, yes, about that.05:26
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SaberX01thom_r, I used a DVD, no problem at all.05:27
thom_rI know dvd's can be used. cd's are just cheaper05:27
intraderbazhang, on 8.04 I had XAMPP installed and liked its control console and the security precautions that it gives - none of this is by default available in what is specified in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP. I am through with the apache2 and php steps, on to mysql. I sorely miss the ease of XAMPP install05:27
SaberX01thom_r, 1GB USB key works too :-)05:28
thom_rSaberX01: I have like 9 or 10 usb's05:29
SaberX01and they are reusable .. so that gotta be the cheapest route :-)05:29
thom_rwell I mean for giving people a copy of Ubuntu05:29
cfhowlettthom_r, CD is a dying media platform.  New Macs lack a CD drive.  things change05:30
SaberX01They want you to buy it as an option, that's why  .. they all about the mighty $$05:31
SaberX01When CD's cam out, they said FDD was dead too, but system still ship with FDD's installed :-)05:33
SaberX01Dont think the CD/DVD arena gonna be dead any time soon, though it may have competition from digital-chip media.05:34
thom_rit's just much easier for me to give someone a copy of a Linux OS on a cd/dvd than it is to give them a usb05:36
SaberX01thom_r, I used, back in my Global Service Days, the little mini-CD's for that, fits in a  shirt pocket.05:37
cfhowlettthom_r, xubuntu and lubuntu will fit on a CD05:37
SaberX01Ubuntu fits on CD too, just not Ubuntu+1 at the moment, but it will at release time.05:37
SaberX01This is all a conversion for OT otrUB+1, but, from cdimage site: Warning: This image is oversized (which is a bug) and will not fit onto a standard 703MiB CD. However, you may still test it using a DVD, a USB drive, or a virtual machine.05:39
SaberX01They will fix it.05:39
uBUXUBudoes anyone know if ubuntu plays well alond side of w8 in dual boot?05:42
intraderbazhang, the script says 'Use any method to install to mysql'; but it does not specify how!05:42
techinsteinuBUXUBu,  yes 13.10 does and older not alpha05:43
techinsteinuBUXUBu,  any ubuntu based distro does on 13.1005:43
SaberX01uBUXUBu, Im on an "along-side" install right now, plays very well.05:43
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thom_rSaberX01: Does 14.04 have the Amazon web app, and all the online search results in the dash?05:44
SaberX01thom_r, yes it's still there.05:46
thom_rI know I can turn it off, it's just annoying05:46
cfhowlettthom_r, first world problem  ... :)05:47
SaberX01It's easy to get rid of if one doesn't like it.05:48
SaberX01A simple: sudo apt-get remove unity-lens-shopping   .. job done.05:48
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thom_rsee I had heard that would remove a lot of the unity interface05:49
cfhowlettthom_r, or you could use the alternate desktop environments and bypass unit altogether ...05:49
thom_rcfhowlett: I like Unity, just not the integrated search results05:50
SaberX01There's a few others too, photo, file .. etc .. dpkg -l | grep lens  to see what you ahve or want to be rid of.05:50
cfhowlettthom_r, fair enough --- as pointed out above, amazon lens is quite easy to disable05:50
SaberX01I didn't like Dash at first, but the more I use, the more I'm warming up to it, especially the Hot-Keys.05:52
unstableIs pydance gone from 13.10? Is there any alternative DDR software to use with a DDR pad?05:53
kostkon!find pydance05:53
ubottuFile pydance found in fvwm-crystal, games-thumbnails05:53
kostkon!info pydance05:54
ubottuPackage pydance does not exist in saucy05:54
hitsujiTMObiggest annoyance for most is the hud. its takes focus off the app and onto dash and therefore breaks a lot of keyboard shortcuts on terminal apps05:54
SaberX01unstable, looks like it stopped at 10.0405:54
thom_rI just ran sudo apt-get remove unity-lens-shopping and it didn't remove anything. Amazon is still there05:54
unstableSaberX01: :(05:54
SaberX01It should have.05:54
kostkonthom_r, logout and log back in05:55
hitsujiTMOunity-lens-shopping existed in 13.04 not 13.1005:55
unstableI'll compile from source.05:55
thom_rah, I'm on 13.1005:55
kostkon!info unity-lens-shopping saucy05:55
ubottuPackage unity-lens-shopping does not exist in saucy05:55
hitsujiTMOfor 13.10 just disable the shopping lens in dash itself05:55
thom_rI already did that, I just want to get rid of it05:56
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kostkonhitsujiTMO, scope05:56
hitsujiTMOkostkon is that not used for all the lens tho? not just the shopping ones?05:56
intraderbazhang, oh well google it: `sudo apt-get install mysql-server`05:57
SaberX01thom_r, Info: http://askubuntu.com/questions/192269/how-can-i-remove-amazon-search-results-from-the-dash-or-disable-the-feature05:57
kostkonhitsujiTMO, a lens can have many scopes not the opposite05:57
intraderbazhang, and more `how to install libapache2-mod-auth-mysql` no idea05:58
hitsujiTMOkostkon: ahh my bad05:58
thom_rI'm hungry, I'm going to eat, be back later05:58
cvtsxthom what are you eating?05:59
hazzHI there i'm trying to install linux-kernel-devel, but i' encountering this error:E: Unable to locate package linux-kernel-devel06:00
thom_rpizza from a local place06:00
SaberX01hazz, you wanting the headers, is that what your after?06:01
hitsujiTMOhazz: what exactly are you trying to install?06:01
hazzI'm trying to install drivers for TBS satellite06:01
hazzalready installed the headers06:01
hitsujiTMOhazz: install build-essential then06:01
SaberX01then: udo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)06:02
hazzalready done sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)06:02
SaberX01hazz, sri my bad missed that you install headers already.06:02
guest078514Hi brothers, I am ported from Windows to Ubuntu due to a big reason (I love Ubuntu). I am a web developer, i was using Aptana Studio and Navicat (for remote mysql browser).. I am facing problem to use it in Ubuntu 13.10. Any alternative or solutions please?06:03
hitsujiTMOguest078514: best alternative is sublime text + mysql command line +/ phpmyadmin06:04
hazzbuild-essential is already the newest version06:04
hitsujiTMOhazz: then follow the readme to compile the module06:04
SaberX01you may also need linux-source too06:05
hitsujiTMOSaberX01: why?06:05
hazzbut what about the unable to locate the package kernel devel06:05
hitsujiTMOhazz: because there's no such package06:06
SaberX01To compile the lernel, you need the source06:06
hitsujiTMOSaberX01: hes not comiling a kernle. hes compiling a module :P06:06
hazzok i see i give a try06:06
SaberX01The error he's getting is is becasue it's looking for the kernel-source files <linux-kernel-devel> not module / header files06:08
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intraderbazhang, and more `how to install libapache2-mod-auth-mysql` no idea - same with phpadmin, following http://askubuntu.com/questions/359362/how-to-correctly-install-apache2-php5-mysql-and-phpmyadmin results in errors and no working phpadmin06:08
intraderbazhang, in old 8.04 I used XAMPP to do this as a one-click-install!06:09
SaberX01intrader, lots of ways to skin that cat. Have a read through this: http://www.webrichsoftware.com/?p=1606:10
intraderbazhang, things have reressed considerably - I don't know what I am doing06:10
intraderSaberX01,  things have reressed considerably - I will read06:11
SaberX01Good Plan.06:11
hitsujiTMOintrader: you have looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP right?06:11
SaberX01intrader, and just for into, the easisy way to install the Lamp server: sudo tasksel  .. then select LAMP .. phpmyadmin is then normal sudo apt-get install.06:12
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roninnwhere in kernel.org are actually the downloads06:14
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intraderSaberX01, I have done https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#For_more_information and when I got to the line that that says to use any method to install mysql-server libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql, troubles! Your new prescription requires me to back out of all this? How?06:15
SaberX01roninn, you have the site correct, latest stable kernel listed in tha tbig Yellow Button06:15
hazzSaberX01, how can installed the kernel source?06:16
SaberX01hazz, sudo apt-get install linux-source .. but I'd have a serious look at why your needed to do a custom compile, that's not as easy as it looks.06:17
SaberX01intrader, what version of ubuntu are you on ?06:17
hazzSaberX01, thanks06:18
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intraderSaberX01, 12.04 - and I am here because of problems with 13.0406:18
hazzlinux-source is already the newest version.06:19
intraderSaberX01, I realize that 12.04 already installs mysql, but what about the mod?06:19
SaberX01hazz, then Im at a loss as to why your getting that error, what How-Too are you following?06:19
SaberX01intrader, do you ahve a working http server now, after installing LAMP ?06:21
geraldhi all06:21
intraderSaberX01, yes, and php is up and running06:21
SaberX01intrader, then: sudo  libapache2-mod-auth-mysql  .. but you need to reconfigure apach2 to use it.06:22
intraderSaberX01, how to reconfigure apache2?06:23
intraderSaberX01, is that not sudo apt-get liba...06:24
SaberX01intrader, See Section called Apache2 Modules: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/httpd.html see06:24
intraderSaberX01, oh how I long for 8.04 and XAMPP one-click06:25
SaberX01I have no idea bout XAMPP  .. and I've not been on 8.04 for years.06:25
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intraderSaberX01, I don't want to return to 8.04, progress... but the new XAMPP has trouble with chromium and firefox executing as root or with root permissions - and they should complain06:27
SaberX01intrader, Im sorry but I can't help with XAMPP06:27
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intraderSaberX01, no worry, I just want simplicity and not this lampp instructions in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#For_more_information06:28
SaberX01intrader, If you want XAMPP, I suggest you contact those that author the application./06:29
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roninnshouldn't the new stable be something like 3.806:29
snufftdoes wget -m override existing files?06:30
SaberX01roninn, new stable what Kernel ?06:30
intraderSaberX01 as I said I don't want XAMPP but I want the lampp stack installed properly06:30
SaberX01intrader, I told you how to do that, tasksel, select LAMP .. then add you mod_auth module and configure it per the server guide, but you dont want to do that, so it's up to you.06:31
guest078514hitsujiTMO: thanks a lot brother..06:31
intraderSaberX01: I am frustrated as hell, stuck at the 'Use any method to install: mysql-server libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql that this inane instructions in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#For_more_information06:32
hiteshtri updated my ubuntu from 13.04 to 13.10 now my apache never start automatically on boot and also when i make new folder in /var/www/ my apache show me message of access denied when i try to access that folder from localhost06:33
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jveTry this vpn server http://tiked.net/bb25606:35
hazzDo not know what to do next!06:36
intraderSaberX01: I am going to your http://www.webrichsoftware.com/?p=16 and continuing with phpmyadmin installation06:36
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SaberX01intrader, Im sorry your frustrated, nobody said server administration is easy.To install and configure you mod_auth package is 5 steps, clearly outlined in the Apach2 Modules section, it doesn't get  much easier than that.06:37
hazzdone what it says06:38
hazzoptional in case packages aren't already installed) install prerequisite packages using Ubuntu package manager:06:38
hazzapt-get update06:38
hazzapt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`06:38
hazzapt-get install linux-kernel-devel06:38
FloodBot1hazz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:38
intraderSaberX01: except that During the installation, you will be first prompted to select a web server for automatic configuration. I am putting this step in caps as most people goof it up (and later have problems with accessing phpmyadim via Apache" does not happen - no errors just missing06:39
SaberX01hazz, you are putting sudo in front of the install commands yes?06:43
hiteshtr i updated my ubuntu from 13.04 to 13.10 now my apache never start automatically on boot and also when i make new folder in /var/www/ my apache show me message of access denied when i try to access that folder from localhost06:43
hiteshtrcan any one help me to remove this problem06:44
hazzSaberX01, sure man06:45
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SaberX01hiteshtr, just so other can see, what error do you get when you try to start Apach2 manually?06:46
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SaberX01hazz, an you installed build-essential as well?06:46
linuxusertthe disk of the install has started to work like doing a defrag or checkdisk and not stops until i restart the system06:46
linuxusert<x> is that normal?06:46
hazza dist-upgrade does it has got any sense?06:47
linuxusertinside the desktop session!06:47
hazzyes also that06:47
linuxusertand this already happen to me on two different computer06:47
SaberX01hazz, and refresh our memory here, what is the current error your getting now?06:48
hazzE: Unable to locate package linux-kernel-devel-3.11.0-14-generic06:49
SaberX01hazz, and what command are you using when you get that error?06:49
hazzsudo apt-get install linux-kernel-devel-$(uname -r)06:50
SaberX01hazz, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-3.11.0-14-generic06:50
hiteshtrSaberX01: when i do not use sudo following error comes * The apache2 configtest failed.06:50
hiteshtrOutput of config test was:06:50
hiteshtrmkdir: cannot create directory '/var/run/apache2': Permission denied06:50
hiteshtrchown: changing ownership of '/var/lock/apache2.F2eF4BdO8a': Operation not permitted06:50
hitsujiTMOhazz: linux-kernel-devel does not exist. can you link the article that's telling you to install that package?06:51
hazzlinux-headers-3.11.0-14-generic is already the newest version.06:52
thom_rSaberX01: What kernel does 14.04 use06:54
hazzSaberX01, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6661215/06:54
SaberX01thom_r, 3.1206:54
hitsujiTMOhazz: how old is this hardware? its been a while since a package linux-kernel-devel has existed in ubuntu06:55
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hitsujiTMOhazz: linux-kernel-devel is pre 10.0406:56
SaberX01That looks to be an old How-To06:57
hazzso do you have any idea how can i compile that06:58
hitsujiTMOhazz: what is the exact card you are trying to compile the module for?06:58
allstarsnorks2Er guys, I am currently installing Ubuntu and I'm not connected to the net. Ubuntu doesn't ask me whether I want to connect to a network.06:58
hitsujiTMOallstarsnorks2: its optional. you can connect in top right corner if you wish06:59
hiteshtrSaberX01: did you saw the error i wrote06:59
allstarsnorks2But I am using a Broadcom WiFi card and it doesn't connect06:59
hitsujiTMOhiteshtr: did you update your apache configs to be compatable with 2.4?07:00
SaberX01hiteshtr, yes, I saw it, but not sure what's happening .. what command are you running when you get the error?07:01
allstarsnorks2Why does Ubuntu not have support for Broadcom cards?07:01
hitsujiTMOallstarsnorks2: it does. they're just a pain in the ass to get working07:03
thom_rallstarsnorks2 What version do you have?07:03
thom_rwhat version of Ubuntu that is07:03
hitsujiTMOhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BroadcomSTA(Wireless)07:03
SaberX01hazz, Im not finding allot of new material for that card / install how-too .. still looking.07:03
intraderSaberX01: something amiss with `mysql -u root` reports back that 'ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)' So, how do I set the password for mysql root?07:05
hazzSaberX01, thanks very much about your help indeed07:07
SaberX01intrader, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MysqlPasswordReset07:07
SaberX01hazz, sri mae, that one's got me stupped for sure.07:08
SaberX01hazz, all the stuff I was finding, refered to 2.6 kernels, nothing I found was even in the last year or so even.07:09
hiteshtrhitsujiTMO: no i did't but i tried to uninstall apache completely and then again installed it nut still same problem07:09
hitsujiTMOhazz: looks like the company in question do not keep their documentation uptodate. You may want to consider contacting them for a more uptodate instruction set07:09
amireldorI installed the nautilus emblems extension. I can set new emblems but can't remove any!07:10
amireldorDid anybody encounter this?07:10
SaberX01hiteshtr, how did you do the removal of apache2?07:10
hitsujiTMOhiteshtr: 13.04 had apache 2.2   13.10 has apache 2.4           theres a number of fundamental changes to configurations that need to be addressed for any vhosts you've defined07:10
hiteshtrSaberX01: sudo apt-get remove --purge apache207:11
hiteshtrhitsujiTMO: should i remove apache by using complete removal of synaptic and reinstall it ?07:12
hazzhitsujiTMO, just wrote to the forum let's see thanks for the helps07:12
intraderSaberX01: thanks I will follow07:12
hitsujiTMOhiteshtr: no. have you defined any virtual hosts in /etc/apache2/sites-available ?07:13
hiteshtrhitsujiTMO: yes07:13
SaberX01hiteshtr, apach2 is a meta file, I would follow the remove with: sudo apt-get autoremove  .. then .. sudo apt-get remove apache2*  and try the reinstallation.07:14
amireldor(...hmm just needed to refresh the view)07:14
hitsujiTMOhiteshtr: have a look at http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/upgrading.html for changes you may need to maker to the configs07:14
SaberX01Seems like there's config files, or somethign not getting removed, but the permission issue is odd.07:15
hiteshtrhitsujiTMO, SaberX01, thanx i try ur suggestions than if problem persist i will revert back on IRC :)07:16
SaberX01We'll be here .. hopefully you get it resolved.07:16
intraderSaberX01: first two steps seem to be obsolete07:20
intraderSaberX01: going for the purge method in same article07:23
SaberX01intrader, maybe your better off with the solution at the bottom of the article.07:24
SaberX01hitsujiTMO, wehre can I read about the apache 2.2 & 2.4 deltas ?07:26
hitsujiTMOhttp://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/upgrading.html is the basic reource07:27
SaberX01Ok thanks07:27
hell_hello ubuntu user, i'm fresh installing ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS on my lenovo x60s07:27
hitsujiTMOtheres also changes to the api which means that some mods that have not updated are missing from 13.10 such as libapache2_mod_auth_mysql07:28
cfhowletthell_, no you're not as there IS no 12.04.5 ...07:28
cfhowlettdetails matter07:29
hell_12.04.3 LTS sorry typo heheh07:29
cfhowletthell_, :)  so what's the issue?07:29
hell_no, i've a questions about sharing connection with TL-WN321G how to configure as a hotspot? because i don't see any ssid on my android07:30
SaberX01hitsujiTMO, I saw a several posts about 13.10 and mod_auth missing  .. but the other fella here was on 12.04 .. so he should  be ok on that one.07:31
intraderSaberX01: sorry obsolete, making a mess I think! Help07:32
SaberX01intrader, what do you mean obsolete?07:33
HUANGCHhow to install ubuntu in UEFI?07:34
intraderSaberX01: the commands suggested to change password does not work - requires to install mysqladmin, then if I use the password command change again, it does not have the table row needed07:34
hitsujiTMO!uefi | HUANGCH07:34
ubottuHUANGCH: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI07:34
intraderSaberX01: here is the output of the first command:http://pastebin.com/ThieMxCG07:36
SaberX01intrader, the output tell you what to do: sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean  t.. then reinstall mysql07:40
intraderSaberX01: repeating07:41
SaberX01intrader, you may also have to: sudo deluser mysql ; sudo rm -rf /var/lib/mysql  to finsh the cleanup before reinstalling.07:41
SaberX01intrader, and I would highly recommend using tasksel: sudo tasksel  .. then select mysql server, it will ask for your PW (twice) ..07:43
intraderSaberX01: it did that also, but I get this where it is now hanging "131229 23:42:31 [Warning] Using unique option prefix key_buffer instead of key_buffer_size is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use the full name instead."while setting up sql server07:45
SaberX01intrader, sudo apt-get install mysql-server --fix-missing --fix-broken07:48
SaberX01intrader, I gotta say, I've never seen a Ubuntu Lamp server install with this many issues. Somthign is clearly not right on this system, what that is, I've not idea.07:50
intraderSaberX01: It went past the seeming hang, with a message that it could not set the root password, and continued to starting the server.07:50
SaberX01*no idea07:50
SaberX01intrader, sis you set the PW during the tasksel install ?07:51
intraderSaberX01: precisely I went through the purge, then the install - this gave me the option to supply the password . I have not done the mysqladmin step07:53
SaberX01intrader, forget about phpmyadmin for the time being, until you MySQL up and running, that's of no value. pastebin the output of:  ps aux | grep mys07:54
grahamsavageif i stick another graphics card in, is there any reason i can't get 4 monitors working?07:56
intraderSaberX01: http://pastebin.com/5EZey8yd07:57
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SaberX01intrader, it's running try to connect: sudo mysql -u root -p   .. it will ask you for the PW07:58
SaberX01why it's skipping grant and networking I dont know though07:59
intraderSaberX01: sorry:ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)08:01
intraderSaberX01: is this process mucking around with my password?08:02
SaberX01intrader, By pawwsord you mean you user PW ?08:03
intraderSaberX01: well the command is being issued with sudo do it asks for PW08:03
SaberX01intrader, this is all mysql, not you system level PW08:04
intraderSaberX01: hunch, I will give it the root password of mysql...08:04
SaberX01intrader, Yes, if you gave it a PW, during mysql install, that is what you should be using to connect to the mysql server.08:06
intraderSaberX01: YES, logged in as root to mysql08:06
SaberX01Ok, you can quit out of mysql08:07
SaberX01intrader, now you should be able to install phpmyadming and connect using root + your mysql PW08:07
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intraderSaberX01: I am out from what point do I install phpmyadmin?08:08
SaberX01intrader, Additionally, you may also need to reinstall the mod_auth module if you removed it earlier.08:08
SaberX01intrader, just do: sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin08:09
SaberX01intrader, The ins a Browser, point to your server: http://localhost/phpmyadmin08:09
SaberX01That is of course, if the server is on the machine your working on, if not use the IP address / FQDN08:11
intraderSaberX01: I am at the point where the cursor is on the Please choose the web server ... and cursor is on line for apache; but I don't know how to choose - type what?08:14
intraderSaberX01: Terrible interface from the 60s08:15
SaberX01intrader, yes, select apache, that's the server unless you installed Nginx or something else.08:16
intraderSaberX01: I don't know how to select - it merely puts the cursor on the line but I can type anything08:16
SaberX01intrader, are you in tasksel ?08:16
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intraderSaberX01: similar 60s interface, but this is Configuring phpmyadmin08:17
intraderSaberX01: I can't type annything but a tab, and I can back tab back08:18
intraderSaberX01: what do you think if I simple accept the first selection and tab to the Ok08:19
SaberX01intrader, use the arrow keys to move to apache, space bar to select and tab to OK.08:20
SaberX01then enter08:20
intraderSaberX01: got it with the space bar!08:20
intraderSaberX01: done, will try http://localhost/phpmyadmin08:21
intraderSaberX01: sorry, unable to connect08:22
SaberX01intrader, is apache running?08:24
intraderSaberX01: apache not available. something killed it08:24
SaberX01intrader, sudo service apache2 start08:25
intraderSaberX01: not long ago it was responding08:25
SaberX01intrader, if you get an error about FQDN dont worry about that08:26
intraderSaberX01: phpmyadmin running08:27
SaberX01intrader, now, do a reboot of the box and check that you can get back to phpmyadmin08:28
* SaberX01 has a headache !!08:30
intraderSaberX01: put wait, 'cannot login to MySQL server' - are we back to square - no sql password?08:31
intraderSaberX01, no phpmyadmin found . D...08:36
intraderSaberX01, while booting I got some kind of a broken pipe message08:37
SaberX01intrader, need to check if apache2 is running: sudo service apache2 status08:37
intraderSaberX01, my mmistake, must start in browser08:38
intraderSaberX01, 'root' as username and mysql password as I recorded it does not login08:40
SaberX01intrader, is it the same PW you used to log in directly to MySQL?08:41
intraderSaberX01, yes same password08:42
SaberX01intrader, well need to check that MySQL is running first, ps aux | grep mysql08:43
SaberX01or sudo service mysql status08:44
alketis it possible to add a command whenever i click a file ? I want to add a param at a program08:44
intraderSaberX01, seems to be08:46
mbroekeralket, search and copy the desktop file of your application to your Desktop and edit the file08:46
alketmbroeker, i want to make zip files open with file-roller -h08:46
intraderSaberX01, running08:47
SaberX01intrader, try logging into mysql like we did earlier in the terminal mydql -u root -p  and see if you can get in there.08:48
intraderSaberX01, running08:50
SaberX01intrader, ok, in the terminal, lets try to add a new root PW:  mysqladmin -u root password NEWPASSWORD  <--  Edit NEWPASSWD to whatever you want.08:51
intraderSaberX01, and phpMyAdmin is running!08:51
SaberX01Before or after the PW change ?08:52
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intraderSaberX01, before, just the mysql -u root -p08:53
SaberX01intrader, Ok, so apache2 is ok, phpmyadmin is rendering, and you can log into mysql from the terminal, just not phpmyadmin yes?08:54
mbroekeralket, file-roller uses gconf and i don't know whether this behaviour can be toggled or not08:56
intraderSaberX01, I am in phpMyadmin - so far so good but don't understand how to 'test' create a table08:58
polkis it possible to upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04 alpha directly?08:59
thom_rpolk, sudo apt-get upgrade08:59
thom_r14.04 has not been released yet though08:59
SaberX01intrader, Ok, that's where I end the help, I dont use phpMyAdmin, so got your Apach2 Running, and your in phpMyAdin ... job done fer me :-)09:00
polkthom_r, that just update pkgs to latest ver of sausy repo.09:01
thom_rUpgrade, not update09:01
ObrienDavethom_r, upgrade will NOT do the distro09:02
thom_rwell I stand corrected09:02
SaberX01intrader, Here's tutorial, but there's allot of them, just Google phpMyAdmin tutorials, and lots come up: http://www.reg.ca/faq/PhpMyAdminTutorial.html09:02
polkI know that, but should not first repos point to 14.04 release first?09:03
intraderSaberX01, you bet, thanks for the help. What remains is how to secure it. Thanks a bunch09:03
polkits dist-upgrade for updating between releases09:04
SaberX01intrader, same thing, google securing phpMyAdmin, saw lots of tutorials there too.09:04
SaberX01thom_r, polk base info: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/installing-upgrading.html09:04
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thom_rsaberX01 I just saw that09:05
SaberX01It's for servers, but does the same for DE also.09:05
thom_rI knew it was upgrade something or other09:05
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polksaberx01 thanks, that worked09:06
SaberX01polk, I have a side-bye-side install, I keep the latest LTS as one, and test the next dev-release on the other, I rarely do upgrades for production, only for ubuntu-qa testing.09:10
hitsujiTMO!dist-upgrade | polk09:10
ubottupolk: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.09:10
cristian_cI've purchased a serial to usb adapter09:11
cristian_cI've tried it with a serial mouse, for example09:11
cristian_cI've tried the mdetect command and the terminal has returned intellimouse09:11
cristian_cthen, I've set intellimouse protocol with the inputattach command09:11
cristian_cI've found a new input device in xinput list but I don't know how to enable it09:12
cristian_cI've noticed a strange thing, also: if I disconnect the mouse, I see the new device in xinput list yet :O09:12
cristian_cAny ideas?09:12
SaberX01:-) buy a USB mouse :-)09:12
cristian_cSaberX01, I've already got an usb mouse09:13
cristian_cSaberX01, any ideas?09:13
thom_rare you trying to plug a usb mouse via connector into a serial plug?09:14
SaberX01Plug it into a USB port? seriously though, not not really, I've never had good luck with serial to USB.09:14
cristian_cthom_r, I've connected the serial mouse to a serial->usb adapter09:14
thom_rwhy not plug it into a serial mouse port?09:15
hitsujiTMOserial to usb should be straight forward. the thing is tho, serial mouses are 20 years old. xorg may not even be tested against them any more09:15
cristian_cSaberX01, It's a try, I can use the adapter to try also other serial devices09:15
cristian_cnot only mice09:15
cristian_cthom_r, I can try, but what have I to do after this?09:16
cristian_chitsujiTMO, ok, I saw also the ubuntu wiki page about this09:16
cristian_chiteshtr, but it's not easy because I'm not very expert with serial matter09:17
hitsujiTMOserial should be a problem. its a quite literal straight forward protocol09:18
SaberX01cristian_c, when you say serial, you taling about the 9pin serial port or the little PS2 round ports?09:18
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: can you pastebin your xorg.conf09:19
cristian_chitsujiTMO, the strange thing is that the devices is added in xinput list09:19
cristian_cI can paste the line09:19
ApathicWhat's the best desktop environment for use on a VPS? The VPS has 2Gb of ram and 35gb of space.09:19
cristian_cSaberX01, 9-pin09:19
Rory!best | Apathic IMO lxde09:19
ubottuApathic IMO lxde: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:19
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: there should be more than one line :P pastebin the full xorg.conf on paste.ubuntu,com09:19
hitsujiTMOrory, Apathic for this one i'd certainly go with "none"09:20
SaberX01cristian_c, wow, yeah, the 9pin mice not been around for a very long time.09:20
RoryApathic: It depends what you want to use it for; why do you feel you need a desktop environment?09:20
cristian_chitsujiTMO, ok, but I don't have got an xorg.conf, it doesn't exist in /etc/X11 :(09:21
cristian_chitsujiTMO, ok, but with 'paste the line' I refer to the 'xinput list' output :)09:21
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: ahh i see09:22
ApathicFor file editing and other functions... and for the GUI experience...09:22
SaberX01Apathic, is a local VPS or over the net VPS?09:22
llutzApathic: a. there are cli-editors, b: strange gui experience via vnc/rdp/x-forward whatever you'll have09:22
ApathicSaberX01: over the net.09:23
cristian_chitsujiTMO, yes, long time ago xorg.conf was a default09:23
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: ok. can you pastebin the output of: inputattach --help09:23
cristian_chitsujiTMO, ok09:23
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:23
RoryApathic: Something as lightweight as possible. lxde, openbox etc09:24
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: sorry wrong command09:24
SaberX01Apathic, there's several options, non-of-which will give you local performance .. rdp, vnx, but for most work on a remote machine, terminal via SSH is the best route.09:24
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: sudo cat /dev/ttyS009:24
cristian_chitsujiTMO, ok, I connect the adapter and the mouse too09:25
cristian_cbut I think /dev/ttyUSB0 is the right device09:25
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: well cat that then :P09:25
SaberX01Apathic, as for DE's well like was already said, LXDE, Xfce, Mate  things along those lines.09:26
ApathicAlright, thanks.09:26
cristian_cI tried but I remember that it returned something similar to 'busy resource'09:26
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: not "Input/output error" ?09:27
cristian_cconnected :)09:27
cristian_cI try09:27
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: how many buttons are on the mouse?09:28
cristian_chitsujiTMO, the output is suspended09:28
cristian_chitsujiTMO, three09:28
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: good. ctrl + c then :P09:28
cristian_cbut no output09:29
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: actually run it again: sudo cat /dev/ttyUSB009:29
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: and move the mouse. press a button or two09:30
cristian_chitsujiTMO, with cat /dev/ttyS0, I get , instead: cat: /dev/ttyS0: Input/output error09:30
cristian_chitsujiTMO, I've tried but nothing is printed09:30
cristian_chitsujiTMO, ah, actually there is not the device listed in xinput list09:31
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: ctrl + c again then: run: sudo inputattach --mshack /dev/ttyUSB009:31
cristian_chitsujiTMO, I think I have to use inputattach to set the protocol before09:31
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: anything happening with the mouse?09:32
cristian_chitsujiTMO, output is suspended with your line09:32
cristian_chitsujiTMO, usually I try sudo mdetect before09:33
Wiz_KeeDhello guys09:33
cristian_chitsujiTMO, if you want, I can paste the sudo mdetect result09:33
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: do09:34
Wiz_KeeDI have a strange issue where ubuntu does not see my wireless card but yesterday after 5-6 reboots it did but didn't connect.Now this morning it doesn't see it at all and neither in windows...09:34
Wiz_KeeDany advice on what could it be?09:34
cristian_chitsujiTMO, but I have read somewhere that the first line is not important09:34
hitsujiTMOWiz_KeeD: pastebin output of lspci09:34
cristian_cthe second, instead , yes09:34
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: do you have another mouse connected?09:35
cristian_chitsujiTMO, I know that if I use intellimouse with inputattach , it was accepted09:35
cristian_chitsujiTMO, no, only the touchpad09:35
Wiz_KeeDI don't know how I can do that from one laptop to another hitsujiTMO09:35
cristian_cbut I can connect an other mouse, if you want09:35
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: sudo cat /dev/psaux09:35
Wiz_KeeDbut it does not have any Wireless card, yet yesterday what it detected it lspci did show it09:36
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: then play with the touchpad... any output?09:36
cristian_chitsujiTMO, command suspended with touchpad and with mouse too09:36
hitsujiTMOWiz_KeeD: lspci > ~/output.txt09:36
hitsujiTMOWiz_KeeD: cpy that to usb and pastebinit09:37
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: so no output at all?09:37
cristian_chitsujiTMO, I can try with inputattach and intellimouse09:37
cristian_chitsujiTMO, no09:37
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: then thats for something else. ignore it09:37
Wiz_KeeDhitsujiTMO, okay09:39
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hitsujiTMOok. with the usb2serial and mouse connected. can you reboot the pc please. it may need it connected from first boot. (serial devices were sometimes finnicky that way)09:40
cristian_c<hitsujiTMO> cristian_c: then thats for something else. ignore it09:40
cristian_cops, sorry09:40
cristian_csudo inputattach --daemon --intellimouse /dev/ttyUSB009:40
cristian_chitsujiTMO, I could try with: sudo inputattach --daemon --mshack /dev/ttyUSB009:41
cristian_chitsujiTMO, this command is accepted09:42
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: but sudo cat /dev/ttyUSB0    is giving no output when you move the mouse so it prob wont work09:42
cristian_chitsujiTMO, now, I get cat: /dev/ttyUSB0: Device or resource busy09:43
cristian_c⎜   ↳ Microsoft Mouse                         id=12[slave  pointer  (2)]09:43
cristian_cafter: sudo inputattach --daemon --mshack /dev/ttyUSB009:44
Wiz_KeeDhitsujiTMO, https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/Cw-eeZiA0PgXHlvGj9RgD2j0oZmofrw6pu_rNWbyLJhnaYeIWfiYejndTAFdnK6QY_nYKEzCDF2_FjZCGd8tddI6Blxj9kB4Lv2GH9C-dtYyKGzBa67SjdBCHQ09:44
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: thats becvause inputattach now has locked that dev. so you can no longer test anything09:44
cristian_chitsujiTMO, I can try to reboot with serial and mouse connected09:44
cristian_cas you told me :)09:44
cristian_chitsujiTMO, ok, the input device is attached to xinput list anyway09:45
cristian_cas I pasted above09:45
cristian_chitsujiTMO, I try to reboot with these connected to the usb port09:46
hitsujiTMOplease do. and then we'll test if we can get any output from the device09:46
llutzWiz_KeeD: does your laptop allow you to change the wifi-card (mini-pci most likely) to be changed easily? try to pull it out, clean the contacts, put it in again and check for function. if it still isn't recognized, go and buy a replacement09:46
Wiz_KeeDi don't know if it can, should I call warranty?09:47
llutzWiz_KeeD: if you still have warranty, i'd call it09:47
Wiz_KeeDok so it's a hardware issue then...09:49
Wiz_KeeDdamn! :09:49
hitsujiTMOWiz_KeeD: simply put ubuntu cannot see any card there anymore. Some odd laptops have hardware switches that disable cards at a low level(such that they would be missing from lspci) do you have such a hardware switch?09:49
llutzWiz_KeeD: if neither win nor linux see the pci device at all, its most likely hardware or bios09:49
Wiz_KeeDhitsujiTMO, I do not see such a switch, nor does the manual show one, and it wasn't needed until now, it showed up all the time09:49
Wiz_KeeDllutz, should I boot in BIOS?09:50
hitsujiTMOWiz_KeeD: look for anything to disable it in the bios then09:50
Wiz_KeeDthing is, I havn't touched it since I came back from my vacation09:50
SaberX01Is this a laptop?09:50
Wiz_KeeDasus noyenook09:50
hitsujiTMOWiz_KeeD: what model?09:51
llutzWiz_KeeD: thing is: hardware tend to die in inexpectable ways09:51
SaberX01Chek you function keys too then .. some have fn + F-Key to enable / disable wireless on them.09:51
cristian_chitsujiTMO, xinput list dows not return no new devices09:51
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: are you back yet?09:51
cristian_cyes, I've rebooted09:51
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: thats good. we dont want it to list anything09:51
Wiz_KeeDAsus R501VB-S3116D09:51
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: once again: sudo cat /dev/ttyUSB009:52
Wiz_KeeDAlso just before it did this it happened that it detected my wireless card but did not detect any networks and had to reboot09:52
hitsujiTMOWiz_KeeD: that could be it dying09:52
cristian_chitsujiTMO, command suspended, no output09:52
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: play with the mopuse09:53
cristian_chitsujiTMO, no output09:53
GreyMatterCurrently need help, disabling my laptop from suspending when the lid is closed Ubuntu 13.10, I've found solutions on the forums however I have had no success.09:53
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: are you absolutely sure that /dev/ttyUSB0 is the usb to serial adapter? is this missing if you remove the adapter?09:54
SaberX01Wiz_KeeD, look like Fn +F2 to enable / disable wireless ..its a long shot but worth a shot.09:54
Wiz_KeeDSaberX01, the only thing that shows up is Networks stack Disabled in uefi mode09:54
Wiz_KeeDBut I did not touch the bios and it briefly worked yesterday detecting it09:55
thom_rGreyMatter, I'm curious why you don't want your laptop to suspend when the lid is closed?09:55
cristian_chitsujiTMO, have I to find in /dev?09:55
GreyMatterI'm using this laptop as an xbmc media server09:55
cristian_c*looking for09:55
SaberX01Wiz_KeeD, well if it's disabled there, for whatever reason, no chance for it working in the OS unless it's enabled.09:55
GreyMatterAnd its sole purpose is to fit inside my TV stand and play movies and what-not.09:56
Wiz_KeeDnetwork stack?09:56
Wiz_KeeDin uefi mode09:56
hitsujiTMOGreyMatter: SystemSettings -> Power09:56
GreyMatterI've tweaked that09:56
GreyMatterAnd it doesn't do anything.09:56
Wiz_KeeDnow it detected it in windows but it does not find any networks....and I didn't touch anything, this is most likely hardware09:56
thom_rGreyMatter, system settings, power, don't suspend when lid is closed09:57
GreyMatterYes, and that does not prevent the laptop from suspending. :(09:57
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: ok. unplug the usb 2 serial adapter. does /dev/ttyUSB0 still exist?09:58
GreyMatterI lose display on my TV when it closes09:58
GreyMatterAnd the laptop09:58
SaberX01Wiz_KeeD, could be flaky HW I suppose.09:59
Wiz_KeeDblah, and just bought the thing a month ago09:59
GreyMatterI attempted to edit the logind.conf file with gedit and then power off and turn the laptop back on09:59
cristian_chitsujiTMO, when I disconnect the adapter from the usb port, ttyUSB0 disappears09:59
GreyMatterBut I noticed after I had saved the file and typed ls in terminal, there is now two logind.conf files : logind.conf, logind.conf~10:00
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SaberX01Wiz_KeeD, stands to reason, if you ahve issues both in Win and *Nix .. something not right in UEFI or HW not up to speed.10:00
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: ok. since you're not getting any raw output from /dev/ttyUSB0 when you use the mouse then that suggests that either the mouse is not working ro the usb2serial adapater is not working10:00
GreyMatterThe and the one with the "~" retains all the old settings.10:00
thom_rGreyMatter, did you check the bios? Might be something in there.10:01
cristian_chitsujiTMO, ok10:01
Wiz_KeeDSaberX01, I totally agree, that's good logic yes10:01
GreyMatterI'll take a look now that you mention it.10:01
GreyMatterBe right back10:01
SaberX01Wiz_KeeD, I'd be calling Asus or whomever you got the box from and get the Windows side working firmly first, then work on the *Nix side. I have several Asus MB's and they not the greatest for *Nox support.10:03
Wiz_KeeDSaberX01, I imagine that, but it worked perfectly fine in ubuntu from the first run without any tweaking show it should in theory work once they fix the underlying problem10:03
Wiz_KeeDSaberX01, should I call them 2 days before new year? :)))10:04
SaberX01Wiz_KeeD, personally, I wouldnt' care when I called if it supposed to work and doesn't .. you paid good money for it, and expect it to work.10:04
Wiz_KeeDthat sounds reasonable yes10:05
SaberX01Wiz_KeeD, and something working then all of a sudden starts intermittently working now, not at all, sound like a NIC gone bad10:06
cristian_cuait, a second please, I unblock the privmsg10:08
SaberX01Man this mouse issue being a real pain to resolve ..10:13
cristian_chitsujiTMO, what tests could I do yet?10:15
cristian_ctest adapter or mouse10:15
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: test another serial device. or test a different usb2serial adapter10:17
cristian_chitsujiTMO, ok, thanks10:17
steve_fiheya, hoping I can get a push in the right direction ... I bought a Dell Venue 11 pro tablet and I'm trying to install 13.10 or 14.04 on it, and thus far I can figure out that I can see the video output of the micro-HDMI, but not the primary display10:19
steve_fiI'm also having difficulty with the dell wireless LAN/BT card, which prevents me from just using SSH to figure it out10:19
steve_fianyone able to point me in the right direction?10:20
luckymuraliHi All10:20
lotuspsychjesteve_fi: is this a touchscreen tablet?10:20
steve_filotuspsychje, yeah, a core i5 haswell one10:20
luckymuralihow to recover my files after 'dd' command?10:20
ActionParsnipluckman212: use your backups10:21
SaberX01luckymurali, what dd command did you run?10:21
lotuspsychjesteve_fi: and you have ubuntu desktop on it?10:21
steve_fithus far no, I've booted the live USB, the "touch" part of the screen works, just displaying nothing10:21
lotuspsychje!touch | steve_fi10:21
ubottusteve_fi: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch10:21
steve_fiI know the difference between touch and desktop10:22
thom_rsteve_fi ignore ubottu it's a bot10:22
lotuspsychjesteve_fi: im note sure 13.10 got touch support10:22
hitsujiTMOit has10:22
lotuspsychjeoh really10:22
hitsujiTMOminor but theres some there10:22
steve_fiit does, I just told you that the touch screen accepts my touches, the display doesn't work.10:22
ActionParsnipsteve_fi: what GPU do you use?10:23
steve_fiit's an Intel HD 420010:23
ActionParsnipsteve_fi: tried the boot option: nomodeset10:23
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steve_fithe cpu is an intel haswell i5 4210Y I think10:23
steve_fido I pop that in grub?10:24
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | steve_fi10:24
ubottusteve_fi: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter10:24
hitsujiTMOsteve_fi: can you see if more than one screen show up from the command: xrandr10:24
steve_fiActionParsnip, cheers, I'll give this a bash first10:24
hitsujiTMOActionParsnip: i doubt a tablet has an nvidia or radeon gpu :P10:25
ActionParsniphitsujiTMO: its an Intel GPU, so may help. nomodeset isn't specific to NVidia or ATi GPUs :)10:25
luckymuraliSaberX01, dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb10:26
hitsujiTMOActionParsnip: I have yet to see an intel gpu that requires it10:26
SaberX01luckymurali, and are you trying to recover files from /dev/sbd ?10:26
steve_fiActionParsnip, thanks! that works!10:26
hitsujiTMOreally? o.O well. gotta take note of that for future then10:27
RoryWhat packages do I need on my remote server in order to run GUI applications on it, and have them appear on my local display with X-forwarding over SSH?10:27
Rorythe bare minimum, preferably10:27
SaberX01Allot of the Intel GPU's for whatever reason seem to be plagued from this.10:27
lotuspsychjeso if desktop version installs on tablets..why do we need ubuntu touch for exactly?10:27
luckymuraliactually i bought new HDD and tried dd command to copy image from old one. but I copied the image from new hard disk to ols one10:27
steve_fibecause the desktop version isnt very touch friendly10:28
SaberX01luckymurali, if the target of the dd is wehre the files were that you want to recover, there's little hope in that.10:28
lotuspsychjesteve_fi: well come back to chat to feedback how smooth your tablets runs ok10:28
hitsujiTMOluckymurali: thats unrecoverable10:28
steve_filotuspsychje, I will do, working on getting it running asap :)10:28
llutzRory: iirc installing xeyes without any recommends  would pull a working minimum (xorg-common + some other), not sure10:29
lotuspsychjesteve_fi: im curious10:29
SaberX01luckymurali, you can check the forensic sites and such, but it's pretty tough, here's an example: http://www.noah.org/wiki/Forensics,_Undelete,_and_Data_Recovery10:29
llutzRory: nope, sry. thats in x11-apps, too much10:30
hitsujiTMOSaberX01: that will not work when the data has been overwritten10:30
SaberX01hitsujiTMO, ddrescue may, but like said earlier, not much hope if it was dd over.10:31
Roryllutz: I got xserver-xorg-core seemed to do the trick10:31
hitsujiTMOSaberX01: nope the data has been overwritten. will not work10:31
andyfiedi'm a junior data recovery pro, sadly the data is gone and forensics won't help10:32
lotuspsychje!info testdisk | andyfied10:33
andyfiedyou MIGHT pull some bits up with testdisk/photorec10:33
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ubottuandyfied: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.14-1ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 534 kB, installed size 1269 kB10:33
SaberX01that's what I said initially, but hey, one has to have hope :-)10:33
andyfiedta lotuspsychje, i know :)10:33
llutzhope dies last10:33
lotuspsychjephotorec is one nice package10:33
bajranghi , I need help. Zealdoc is not working on my system. http://askubuntu.com/questions/397543/zeal-not-working-on-my-ubuntu-13-0410:33
luckymuralithanks all10:34
andyfiedphotorec is good10:34
lotuspsychjeandyfied: been able to recover many data from ages ago with that :p10:34
_pacmyc_Hi there! Newbie question; how do I convert all *.SFW files to jpeg in current directory with gm? (gp -convert *.SFW *.jpeg just gives me one file, *.jpeg)10:34
andyfiedphotorec won't be able to recover things that have been overwritten with a blank HDD image, but there might be some bits and pieces left10:35
lotuspsychjeandyfied: i recovered stuff on formatted drives10:35
andyfiedformating doesn't overwrite the data10:35
hitsujiTMOlotuspsychje: a zero'd drive tho?10:36
lotuspsychjehitsujiTMO: no :p10:36
llutz_pacmyc_: for swf in *.swf;do gp -convert $swf ${swf/.swf/.jpg};done                      might work10:36
luckymuralibut i recovered few folders using testdisk10:36
luckymuralibut I lost my home folder10:36
hitsujiTMOlotuspsychje: the person in question lost his data because he used dd the wrong way :P10:36
lotuspsychjehitsujiTMO: oh i see, did her dd zero his drive?10:37
thom_rwhat is the best way  to completely wipe data from a hard drive10:37
andyfieddd is pretty good10:37
_pacmyc_llutz: Thanx. OK, so the old DOS-style just using wildcard for fileoutput  doesnt work on linux?10:37
hitsujiTMOlotuspsychje: dd'd destination to source, rather than source to destination when cloning the driver10:37
SaberX01He used: dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb10:37
llutz_pacmyc_: not for all programs10:37
Rorythom_r: "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/sed/sda" where /dev/sda is the drive to wipe10:37
andyfiedthom_r: if you're pushed for time a big hammer will work too :D10:38
thom_rRory, that will get rid of everything to the point that it can't be recovered no matter how hard you try?10:38
_pacmyc_llutz: thanx, that worked out!10:39
hitsujiTMOthom_r: while many people insist that you can recover data from a zero'd drive. there's no actual proof o fit10:39
hitsujiTMOof it*10:39
BarrytheboyHi I am trying to access my additional internal hard drive but I'm getting an error says unable to access"spare" spare is the name I labelled the drive.10:39
andyfiediiiiin theory you can recover from a 0'd drive, no one will bother spending that much time and money doing it10:39
OltreIrc`10996Ciao a tutti10:39
lotuspsychje!it | OltreIrc`1099610:39
ubottuOltreIrc`10996: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:39
andyfiedlike in theory you can crack a lot of encryptions but it will take a super computer hundreds of years to do it10:40
BarrytheboyI also have three hard drives one has windows 8 one has ubuntu and one is for storage.10:40
ubottuOltreIrc`10996: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:40
Rorythom_r: It depends how paranoid you are. In principle dedicated data recovery labs might be able to recover data10:41
thom_rI was just wanting to know in case I ever sell a computer and leave the hard drive in it for the next person. If I just wanted to destroy the drive I think a nice big fire would do the trick.10:41
hitsujiTMOthe !list trigger should be an auto kick at this stage :P10:41
Ben64Barrytheboy: what format is the drive in?10:41
Rorythom_r: zeroing the drive will be fine10:41
lotuspsychjehitsujiTMO: i think you skared him, he thinks youre a warez bot :p10:41
Barrytheboy@ben64 I'm not sure mate how can I check I am not very technical10:42
SaberX01Yeah, like Los Alamos size super computer + 100's of CPU yrs to break encryption .. dont have of of those handy to test it out10:42
Ben64Barrytheboy: pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l"10:42
ravionrailsany links from twitter open up linkbucks .com in firefox, any idea how to solve this10:43
BarrytheboyBen64 ok two sec10:43
Roryravionrails: Check your Firefox extensions list10:43
andyfiedthom_r: zero the drive since it will cost $1000s to get anything off it, if in doubt open the cover and scratch the platters up10:44
Barrytheboy@ben64 http://pastebin.com/SLMxwXsv10:44
ravionrailsnothing suspicious there Rory10:45
Ben64Barrytheboy: well what happens if you say yes?10:45
SaberX01thom_r, somebody mentioned a hammer, that definitely works :-)10:45
thom_rSaberX01, I mentioned fire10:45
Barrytheboy@ben64 I've not try shall I type yes and continue10:45
Roryravionrails: Does it only occur in Firefox?10:46
andyfiedSaberX01: yes, thump it while it's spinning with a big hammer. we frequently get drives dropped from 6' while spinning. they are always dead10:46
ravionrailsRory, on both, chrome and firefox10:47
Barrytheboy@ben64 http://pastebin.com/HBhuAjJP10:48
SaberX01andyfied, OT but, I put a plexiglass cover and blue LED's on a drive once, looped a chkdsk and watched the thing run, was pretty cool10:48
Roryravionrails: Does it occur on other machines connected to the same router10:48
Ben64Barrytheboy: ok, and which partition are you having problems mounting? is it on the 1000GB drive or the 250GB drive or the 3rd one?10:49
Barrytheboy250GB @ben6410:49
Ben64Barrytheboy: and which version of ubuntu?10:50
thom_rravionrails, http://www.securitystronghold.com/gates/remove-linkbucks-com.html10:50
Barrytheboy13.10 @ben6410:50
ravionrailsRory, on other machines too10:50
Roryravionrails: OK, your router is compromised10:50
Roryravionrails: It's not an issue with Ubuntu, but reset your router to factory settings, and then change the password on it to something more secure10:51
thom_rI have to agree with Rory, your router is the culprit10:51
ravionrailsok thanks Rory thom_r10:51
bekksravionrails: I dont second that.10:51
ravionrailsi will do it, is any other thing to worry10:52
bekksFrom the linkgiven, it is pretty clear that is a browser infection, not a router issue.10:52
thom_rit's on all computers though10:52
bekksravionrails: Please read the link carefully, step through the manual cleanup methods on ALL affected computers and see if it is solved after.10:52
ravionrailsbekks, but it happens on all computers10:52
bekksravionrails: I bet the problem will persist after resetting your router. Just for the logs.10:53
ravionrailsi think i should first reset my router10:53
Ben64Barrytheboy: try this... "sudo mkdir /dev/shm/test; sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc2 /dev/shm/test;sleep 5; nautilus /dev/shm/test" and see if that works, if not, pastebin the errors10:53
SaberX01What is the OS on all the computers having the issue?10:53
ravionrailswindows / ubuntu10:53
Barrytheboy@ben64 shall I copy and paste full text10:54
Ben64ravionrails: yeah sounds less like an ubuntu problem and more of a security issue with your network or router or something10:54
SaberX01it's pretty tough to infect a *Nix box from or with a Win virus.10:54
bekksSaberX01: Its a browser infection as the link states.10:54
Ben64Barrytheboy: all the stuff in the quotes i posted above, but don't type the quotes themselves10:54
Barrytheboy@ben64 ok thank trying it now10:55
ravionrailsSaberX01, imo you are right i have never face a problem since last 5 years, it's my first time10:55
SaberX01But still, how does it jump fences from Win to *Nix10:55
Ben64dns, mitm, etc10:55
bekksSaberX01: It is a browser infection... Firefox e.g. works the same across OS.10:56
ravionrailsbekks, it's on chrome also10:56
SaberX01So they all went to the same site or place and got this bug ?10:56
Barrytheboy@ben64 will I need to wait awhile icon flashing after >10:56
llutzif a "virus" needs binary code to run, it won't cross the fence10:56
bekksravionrails: And Chrome works the same across OS, too.10:56
Ben64Barrytheboy: possibly10:56
bekksSaberX01: Correct.10:57
SaberX01I guess we'd need to see the bug listed on the bug hunter sites ans see how it exploits the browser.10:58
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Barrytheboy@ben64 tab still flashing? shall I go away and come back later11:00
bekksSaberX01: If you want to see it there, look for it there ;) Or read the manual removal instructions here: http://www.securitystronghold.com/gates/remove-linkbucks-com.html11:00
steve_fiis there any way from the bootusb to edit grub for my other "partition", the one I installed Ubuntu to? I hit shift to enter grub at startup, but it boots regardless (need to put nomodeset parmanently on)11:01
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SaberX01bekks, Says affected OS is all Windows.11:01
bekksSaberX01: And the removal instruction include browser instructions only.11:02
bekksSaberX01: So its a browser issue.11:02
Ben64Barrytheboy: should take maybe 30 seconds, maybe you typed it incorrectly?11:02
Barrytheboy@ben64 I will try again11:03
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | steve_fi11:04
ubottusteve_fi: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter11:04
Barrytheboy@ben64 I start on Sudo end on errors11:04
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Ben64Barrytheboy: huh?11:07
Barrytheboy@ben64 I sent screen shot of what I typed11:07
Barrytheboy@ben64 I started copied what you sent from the word sudo to the word errors11:08
Ben64sudo mkdir /dev/shm/test; sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc2 /dev/shm/test;sleep 5; nautilus /dev/shm/test11:08
Ben64exactly that is what you should have typed ^11:08
Barrytheboy@ben64 shall I pastebin what it said11:09
Wiz_KeeDSaberX01, now after another reboot it connected to wireless in Windows :\11:09
SaberX01bekks, seeign tlak of this being both a router and / or browser exploit.11:09
Ben64Barrytheboy: sure11:10
Barrytheboy@ben64 http://pastebin.com/hLauX04J11:10
SaberX01Wiz_KeeD, try UB again, see if it stays up and runnning.11:10
=== Granis` is now known as Granis
Ben64Barrytheboy: ok you need to check the partition in windows a couple times, and do not use hibernation at all. windows 8 has it enabled by default, they call it "fast startup"11:11
Barrytheboy@ben64 how do I do that?11:12
maxxsire_What's one of the highest end windows 7 tablets that you can put ubuntu desktop on? Or where is a list of the highest end hardware you can put in a windows 7 covertable laptop so it will have both tablet and desktop fuctions?11:12
Ben64Barrytheboy: http://www.typicaltips.com/2013/02/disable-fast-startup-in-windows-8.html11:13
Ben64Barrytheboy: for more information on windows stuff, you can ask in ##windows11:13
Barrytheboyok cool thanks ben11:13
Wiz_KeeDSaberX01, now it worked...it took a while longer to connect but it did11:14
Wiz_KeeDSaberX01, how am I going to explain this to the warranty guys?11:14
Wiz_KeeDNow it workes...but it didn't before a lot of times11:14
SaberX01Wiz_KeeD, And you've changed noting in UE / BIOS or settings?11:14
Wiz_KeeDSaberX01, nothing, just rebooted11:14
Wiz_KeeDand left it running a bit more while I was using my other notebook11:14
Wiz_KeeDand now it disconnected from the network...wtf11:15
CTCP2hi. i have DFI LANParty DK 790FX-M2RS motherboard and i can't boot ubuntu-13.10-desktop-amd64.iso from USB stick (i've created bootable USB stick with instructions from http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows ). when whole BIOS past, everything just stop and freeze. this is photo of bios when booting should start: http://s30.postimg.org/tzmmsgldt/dfi_1.gif & http://s12.postimg.org/vn43tggml/dfi_2.gif11:15
RoryCTCP2: Does your BIOS support booting from USB?11:16
SaberX01Wiz_KeeD, Well I'd test that for a while, in both Win and UB if it goes South again, write up all that you done in the interim and call them.11:16
SaberX01Wiz_KeeD, Careful though talking about Dual boot and Ubuntu of it did not come with it originally, they may give you a hard time about it.11:17
CTCP2Rory : ive created BOOTABLE USB for flashing bios update from here http://www.dfi.com.tw/DFI-Lanparty/support/forum/faq_en.html and it worked11:17
SaberX01*if it did not.... .. .. .11:17
Wiz_KeeDSaberX01, I was just thinking of that, the will most likely give me crap about it :((11:17
SaberX01Wiz_KeeD, just tell them the issues as you see them in Windows.11:17
CTCP2and in BIOS there are options to "boot from removable drive (USB)" and it is selected11:18
CTCP2(boot sequence order)11:18
=== zenix`away is now known as zenix`
Wiz_KeeDSaberX01, it seems to be working fine in windows...11:18
SaberX01For now, but it wasn't a short time ago.11:18
Wiz_KeeDI'll keep using it under windows for like 2 hours then go back to ubuntu11:20
SaberX01Wiz_KeeD, if you can try to keep tabs on how long it takes to fail, startup to fail  and the frequency.,11:23
Wiz_KeeDYeah at least that will provide some statistic...11:24
SaberX01Wiz_KeeD, like in 24hrs, failed X times = MTBF11:24
azharHi, can someone tell me why  cpuinfo shows all my processor cores to be running at 800MHz  when they should be at 2100 ?11:24
SaberX01laptop of desktop11:24
StephenSIm oracle fan11:25
SaberX01Mean Time Between Failure11:25
SaberX01azhar, is it a laptop or desktop ?11:25
llutzazhar: powerstepping, cpu only uses full speed if needed. energysaving11:26
azharit's a laptop11:26
azharit's always at 800 MHz , till it overheats and shuts.11:27
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
SaberX01azhar, the default gonernor is generally set to on-demand, so if your not using any CPU cycles, it can get throttled back. Are you also having Heat faliures?11:29
azharSaberX01: Even when a lot of applications are running in the background it stays at 800 MHz , Heat failures are not that often usually occur with wine or multiple flash using websites are open.11:32
SaberX01azhar, for example, my laptop is a dual-core 2.0Ghz box, and if I do:  grep MHz /proc/cpuinfo  .. Im getting 1000 or 1Ghz .. but when I load the laptop, it will throttle up to 2.0.11:32
SaberX01azhar, when all those background apps are running, have you checked your speed then?11:33
SaberX01azhar, You can try to adjust with apps like: indicator-cpufreq  where you can set the performance levels wich in turn adjusts clock speed.11:34
azharSaberX01: Yeah it's constant at 800MHz . I had the same problem with 13.04 but i installed jupiter and kept it at max performance all the time , now i kinda want to know what's going in the background.11:34
cristian_cAnother question11:34
cristian_cI've placed a script in /etc/pm/sleep.d/11:35
cristian_cThis script runs another script, an .sh script11:35
cristian_cbut when I suspend the system, I get errors in pm-suspend.log11:35
cristian_cin the .sh script there is a synclient command11:36
DwarfDefendersudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf11:36
DwarfDefendersysctl: /etc/sysctl.conf(61): invalid syntax, continuing...11:36
DwarfDefendersysctl: /etc/sysctl.conf(62): invalid syntax, continuing...11:36
DwarfDefender2 last lines of sysctl11:36
DwarfDefender* soft nofile 40960011:36
DwarfDefender* hard nofile 102400011:36
FloodBot1DwarfDefender: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:36
DwarfDefenderhow do i properly solve11:36
miguelaraujoHi! I upgraded to 13.10 and now I don't have the global menu on chrome. Why is this happening? is it a bug?11:36
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: did you supply the full path of any scripts binaries called in your scripts?11:36
cristian_chitsujiTMO, yes11:37
hitsujiTMOmiguelaraujo: there is no global menu in chrome11:37
miguelaraujohitsujiTMO: but I had it on 13.0411:37
cristian_chitsujiTMO, su - $USER -c "sh /usr/local/sbin/setupTouchpad.sh"11:37
hitsujiTMOmiguelaraujo: chrome has its own menu. no matter what DE you use in 13.10 there is no menu. So i'd assume that google have removed it if they detect 13.1011:38
miguelaraujohitsujiTMO: understood, thx11:38
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: su - $USER -c "/bin/sh /usr/local/sbin/setupTouchpad.sh"11:39
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: /bin/su - $USER -c "/bin/sh /usr/local/sbin/setupTouchpad.sh"11:39
cristian_chitsujiTMO, ok, but the .sh script is executed11:39
slind14does someone use rsnapshot ?11:39
cristian_chitsujiTMO, the problem is with synclient11:39
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: whats in setupTouchpad.sh then?11:40
cristian_cI don't get sh errors11:40
=== zenix` is now known as zenix`away
maxxsire_What's one of the highest end windows 7 tablets that you can put ubuntu desktop on? Or where is a list of the highest end hardware you can put in a windows 7 covertable laptop so it will have both tablet and desktop fuctions?11:41
cristian_chitsujiTMO, synclient HorizTwoFingerScroll=111:41
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: whats the error that you get?11:41
MonkeyDustmaxxsire_  better aks in #ubuntu-offtopic11:41
slind14is it possible to run rsnapshot like "backup /home/   user@remoteserver.com:/" ?11:41
cristian_cstdin: is not a tty11:41
cristian_cNo protocol specified11:41
cristian_cFailed to connect to X Server.11:41
maxxsire_Whats this channel for?11:42
cristian_c/etc/pm/sleep.d/00my-sleep-resume resume suspend: Returned exit code 1.11:42
SaberX01slind14, I don't have the syntax off top of my head, but that's that its designed for, local and remote BU.11:42
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hitsujiTMOcristian_c: then it seems that it requires an xserver running and its being called when its not. what is it exactly that you are trying to do?11:43
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=== AbyssOne__ is now known as AbyssOne
cristian_chitsujiTMO, I must enable that touchpad option after resume11:43
cristian_cLooking for in the web with google, I've found a page. In this page is written: 'Applying those two solutions together yielded a working result: 1. sleeping for two seconds (the script is already processed in the background, so the resume won't take longer!) 2. running sh -c 'export -p' > env on a normal terminal and sourcing that env file before the call to synclient'11:44
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cristian_cHow can I apply these methods? What changes have I to do exactly?11:45
cristian_cAny ideas?11:45
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: first. change the name of the script from starting with 00 to starting with 9911:45
lotuspsychjemaxxsire_: ubuntu support questions11:46
cristian_chitsujiTMO, ok, but I hacve read the pm-suspend documentation11:46
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: if you're adding a sleep to it then you want it to be the last thing to be called11:46
cristian_chitsujiTMO, numbers have got a particular meaning, 00 means that the sleep.d script is executed last11:46
cristian_cin the resume phase11:47
cristian_chitsujiTMO, exaclty11:47
hitsujiTMOahh ok. wasn't aware of that peculiarity.11:47
cristian_cin suspend phase: 00, 10, .... 9911:47
cristian_cin resume phase : 99, 80, ... 10, 0011:48
Guest78629Other question: what could be the problem if the mouse arrow disappears sometimes so that the mouse itself works but you dont see the symbol of the mouse?11:48
cristian_chitsujiTMO, backwards11:48
cristian_chitsujiTMO, I've understood this reading the doc11:49
BluesKajHiyas all11:49
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: ok then in your resume/thaw method. set the first line to be "sleep 2"           this will give you your 2 seconds delay to wait for the xserver to become active11:49
cristian_chitsujiTMO, ok11:49
cristian_chitsujiTMO, I can paste my actual script11:49
cristian_cin pastebin11:49
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: please do11:50
cristian_chitsujiTMO, http://pastebin.com/evPMf9Gj11:51
=== ib is now known as Guest59897
hyturewhere should I ask for problems with a wireless card in a Ubuntu virtualbox?11:51
hytureUbuntu as a guest system11:51
ikoniahyture: if it's the guest - then it's not a wireless card11:51
ikoniahyture: that would be the host11:51
hitsujiTMOhyture: whats the exact problem. vbox should expose it as eth not wireless11:51
ezra-shyture, ubuntu will see a wired network card inside a virtualbox11:51
cristian_chitsujiTMO, how can I add the sleep command to the script, exactly? :)11:52
hyturethats the problem. lsUsb sees the ralink usb adapter but ifconfig not11:52
hytureso NetworkManager is unable to show wifi networks11:53
bekks hyture so you passed through the usb device to your vm?11:53
bekkshyture: you still have to install all necessary drivers in your guest.11:54
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: try http://paste.ubuntu.com/6662264/11:54
bekksAnd honestly, ralibk chipsets are the worst choice for wifi.11:54
cristian_chitsujiTMO, ok11:55
n008how do I play pair my ubuntu laptop to an external speaker using bluetooth11:55
cristian_chitsujiTMO, have I to execute also the second point?11:57
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cristian_c'2. running sh -c 'export -p' > env on a normal terminal and sourcing that env file before the call to synclient'11:57
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: one issue at a time.11:57
cristian_chitsujiTMO, ok11:57
cristian_cI try the first method11:58
cristian_chitsujiTMO, thanks11:58
hitsujiTMOcristian_c: reboot. and check the error log11:58
cristian_chitsujiTMO, I've to quit but this will be the first thing I'll do11:59
cristian_chitsujiTMO, thanks again11:59
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quink_I have to rm .adobe directory each time, or running acroread from cmdline will show nothing, what's the problem?12:04
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hyturei lost the connection12:07
=== fallout is now known as Guest83019
n008easier than I thought12:07
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hytureifconfig wlan0 managed Ethernet12:08
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hytureLink Encap: Ethernet12:11
hitsujiTMOhyture: can i ask why you choose to passthru your wifi device rather than configure it in the host os?12:12
bekkshyture: Wifi uses Ethernet, too.12:12
=== sd is now known as Guest45792
hyturehitsujiTMO: Because it is unusable12:13
hyturehitsujiTMO: Touchpad doesn't work12:13
hytureand i have no more usb ports12:13
ubottuNerdScatore: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:13
hyturehitsujiTMO: Touchpad fails on all distros12:14
bekkshyture: The touchpad has nothing to do with wifi.12:14
hytureFedora, Slax, Debian, Megia, Fedora12:14
ubottuNerdScatore: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:14
bekkshyture: And in every OS, you have to install/configure the driver for your wifi device.12:14
airtonixbekks: really?12:14
bekksairtonix: Really :)12:14
airtonixbekks: last time i did that in ubuntu was about five years ago12:14
hyturebekks: yes but that was the main reason i am using a VB machine12:15
bekkshyture: Whats a "VB machine"?12:15
bekksNerdScatore: Stop it, finally. Try reading what ubottu tells you.12:15
hyturebekks: VirtualBox. On Mint, the adapter works without any extra configuration "just plug¬play"12:16
hitsujiTMOhyture: so your deivces wont work in ubuntu in as your host os, so you're using ubuntu as a guest and passing thru the devices to ubuntu ... where they will again not work??? that seems to be what i'm getting from what you've said.12:16
bekkshyture: And on other OS, it doesnt. So you have to configure it.12:16
* airtonix chuckles12:16
mautog1hello ubuntu guys12:16
hytureNo. xd12:17
hitsujiTMOhyture: what os is your host os?12:17
BluesKaj!it | NerdScatore12:17
ubottuNerdScatore: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:17
ubottuNerdScatore: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:17
bekksNerdScatore: Stop it.12:17
BluesKajbekks, don't think he understands English12:17
hytureOkay. Ralink USB adapter works fine with Linux as Host OS12:18
bekksBluesKaj: Obviously he doesnt understand italian either.12:18
bekkshyture: Then use it on your host OS.12:18
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hyturebekks: I can't.12:18
mautog1theres a Fillippinino here12:18
bajranghi , I am getting error while turning on an application. it says "Global hotkey binding problem detected" ..And then I when I press OK is closes down. pls help ..12:18
bekkshyture: Why not?12:18
hitsujiTMOhyture: why cant you ... if it works?12:18
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
hyturebekks: Because Touchpad doesn't work, Touchscreen acts like a mouse, it hibernates when a 2nd batteri is about 3%12:19
hitsujiTMOhyture: again.. what does the touchpad have to do with thewifi?12:20
hyturehitsujiTMO: Because that is the reason why I don't use the USB Wifi with Linux as OS system where it works fine12:21
=== ubuntu__ is now known as Guest56817
amrutansuhow do i reduce brightness in ubuntu 12.04 ? I got an option in search panel and brought the adjust bar to zero but nothing happens12:22
bekkshyture: the touchpad is totally unrelated to your wifi. Why cant you use the _wifi_ on your host OS?12:22
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bajrangAnybody having problem in installing Zealdoc on Ubuntu 13.04 ??12:22
airtonixhyture: not sure if it's obvious, but you're not making sense.12:22
MonkeyDust!find zealdoc12:22
ubottuPackage/file zealdoc does not exist in saucy12:22
hitsujiTMOhyture: /facepalm. hyture configure the wifi on the host OS. this will be then exposed as a wired connection in the guest OS. Then you will not have issues12:23
MonkeyDustbajrang  what's zealdoc?12:23
SaberX01Offline document reader, pretty nifty actually.12:24
bajrangMonkeyDust : http://zealdocs.org/12:24
abhinavbor.up.nic.in hindi font problem12:24
hitsujiTMOhmm.. thats what appcache is for :P12:24
Guest56817hello everyone, can anyone please help me here? I had ubuntu 12.04 installed on my laptop. I install compiz and then decided to kill it as it was access too much of resources. Now when I restarted my laptop, I  don't get login screen. It just freezes there with blank screen. I tried to reinstall 12.04 on top of my current install w/o formatting the root drive, but now in this new install I don't have any drivers (no wi/fi, bluetooth12:25
Guest56817, etc).12:25
hytureNow, I have W8 as Host OS where the adapter is working. I added it to "Filter devices". Guest OS (Ubuntu) display it on lsusb as a Ralink Wifi adapter but Networkmanager is unable to scan wireless networks.12:25
bekkshyture: Use the adapter on the host OS.12:25
Guest56817Can anyone please assist me?12:25
abhinavhindi font how to use on bor.up.nic.in12:26
hyturebekks: I want to use it on the virtual machine12:26
hitsujiTMO!in | abhinav12:26
ubottuabhinav: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India12:26
bajrangSaberX01 : Do you use it ? on ubuntu 13.04 ?12:26
hytureOn the Host OS i already have Internet12:26
SaberX01bajrang, no .. but have used it before.12:26
bekkshyture: Then configure a network adapter for your vm and dont pass through the USB.12:26
hitsujiTMOhyture: then use that internet in the guest OS!12:27
Guest56817Anyone? Please?12:27
bajrangSaberX01 :  on ubuntu 13.04 ?12:27
thom_rGuest56817, just wipe the hard drive and do a clean install12:27
hyturehitsujiTMO: Thats not the problem12:27
SaberX01bajrang, no .. on a different distro all together.12:27
abhinavya but the problem is up.bor.nic.in and go to satyapan then not show in hindi12:27
gordonjcp!anyone | Guest5681712:28
ubottuGuest56817: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.12:28
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thom_rGuest56817, can you boot from a usb?12:28
bajrangSaberX01 :  ok.. But this not working on ubuntu 13.04.12:28
hitsujiTMOGuest56817: what desktop environment were you using ?12:28
SaberX01bajrang, I used it for generating Docsets .. nothing even closely related to your question / issue.12:28
Guest56817thom_r, I've a lot of valuable data, can't take backup as It doesnt allow me to mount pendrive. Also have windows installed, cant format all.12:28
bekkshyture: Then why do you create problems where there are no problems? What is the reason you want to use the USB wifi dongle in your guest OS, instead just using your working internet connection?12:28
abhinavusing 13.1012:29
bajrangSaberX01 :  ok12:29
thom_rGuest, backup your data, boot into Windows, format the Ubuntu partition, and do a clean install12:29
BluesKajGuest56817, you have to format the / drive and reinstall the OS to it , as long as you still have a /home partition for your data12:29
Guest56817thom_r, yes I'm currently using live usb.12:30
abhinavany body know hindi12:30
hitsujiTMO!in | abhinav12:30
ubottuabhinav: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India12:30
MonkeyDustabhinav  try the indian channel, or is it pakistan12:30
Guest56817hitsujiTMO, ubuntu 12.04 if that is what you are asking.12:30
SaberX01thom_r, he can do that from the installer by simply selecting manual partitioning, not need for Windows intervention.12:31
Guest56817Can I access my files in install ubuntu, from this live usb?12:31
trijntjeHi all, how can I get my Broadcom BCM43235 wireless usb-dongle to work with ubuntu?12:32
hyturebekks: because securiting script and tools need it12:32
MonkeyDust!bcm | trijntje start here12:32
ubottutrijntje start here: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx12:32
SaberX01thom_r, unless he needs / wants a BU first.12:32
thom_rwhat is a BU12:32
bekkshyture: So your touchpad is totally unrelated to what you are trying to achieve. You could have said that from the beginning.12:32
thom_rah, understood12:32
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bekkshyture: Then pass through your wifi, and configure it in your vm.12:33
MonkeyDustGuest56817  importaznt data should always be backed up (backupped?)12:33
bekkshyture: As you have been told earlier, multiple times.12:33
bekksMonkeyDust: "Important data" implies that there is a backup already. :)12:33
SaberX01WIFI doesn't work in VM's, it's ethx either passthru or bridged.12:34
bekksSaberX01: That not true. Passed through USB devicesd do work in VMs.12:34
SaberX01Bridged beign the easiest setup most of the time.12:34
SaberX01I dont think that's the case, USB devices, yes, wifi, I dont think so, but could be wrong.12:35
Guest56817Now as I'm logged in using live USB, how can I back up my data from installed Ubuntu, either to windows or to a usb?12:35
Guest56817"sudo fdisk -l" doesn't show me windows partitions12:36
thom_rGuest56817, plug in another usb and save the files to it12:36
bekksSaberX01: You are wrong. USB device - whichever - do work.12:36
Guest56817thom_r, ok let me try12:36
trijntjeMonkeyDust: that page takes me to http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/brcm80211, but I'm not sure what to do with the info on that page12:36
James0rthere an apt-get command to reinstall all files that are marked as 'no longer required'?12:36
thom_rshould work, just blindly stabbing in the dark as I have never had that problem before.12:36
James0ri installed a .deb file and unknowingly removed a bunch of important packages.12:37
hyturebekks: okay, it strange because I hoped that it was plug&play like having it as host SO12:37
ozberkhi guys I need to ubuntu touch channels name12:37
SaberX01bekks, please show us a links to setting up a USB WIFI passt-hrough, that would be a good factoid.12:37
bekkshyture: We told you multiple times that if it doesnt work out of the box, you have to configure it.12:37
hitsujiTMOhyture: whats the exact device id?12:37
ogra_ozberk, unsurprisingly it is #ubuntu-touch (but it is very quiet there over the holidays)12:37
bekksSaberX01: www.virtualbox.org -> Documentation.12:37
bekksSaberX01: I dont think that "go reading the vbox docs" is a good factoid ;)12:38
SaberX01bekks, Did I say it was, no.12:39
hyturebekks: Sorry , Too much time using VmWare workstation for WiMax troubleshooting12:39
bekksSaberX01: I didnt say that you said it.12:39
bekkshyture: VMware is unrelated to Virtualbox.12:39
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BazGeehttp://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/1tzd55/for_everyone_impatiently_waiting_for_mobile/ - everyone click on the up arrow on this post so it goes higher so everyone sees this as I think it helps people to stop being impatient! :)12:43
hytureBazGee: wrong channel12:43
Meerkatthat's against the reddiquette12:43
thom_rGuest56817, how's it going?12:44
hitsujiTMOdown vote time :P12:44
ObrienDavefor sure12:44
hytureDown voted12:44
morpheus7hello - i'm looking to use glances on 12.04 running on ESXi. does anyone know if it accurately reports the CPU usage?12:45
bekksmorpheus7: Depends on your settings.12:45
MonkeyDustmorpheus7  install it, then decide if it suits your needs12:45
morpheus7bekks: MonkeyDust: is the glances application itself a CPU hog?12:46
hytureVB doc is not very helpful. ;/12:46
bekksmorpheus7: Of course it is - do you think realtime stats grabbing happens with 0% CPU time?12:46
MonkeyDustmorpheus7  best way to find out, would be by trying, i guess12:46
bekkshyture: Virtualbox is out of question. It is entirely an issue of configuring your host OS.12:47
bekkshyture: Vbox has nothing to do with what you are doing inside your guest.12:47
morpheus7bekks: yeah, but i assumed it would be low usage. i'll install it and see for myself :)12:48
bekksmorpheus7: thats the best way to go, yes.12:48
ObrienDavedown voted ;P12:48
airtonixanchors away!12:50
hytureAnother question12:51
hytureWhere i should report bugs related to "evdev"? Launchpado or bugzilla.kernel.org?12:52
ikoniahyture: depends on the bug12:52
hytureNew touchpad hardware12:53
ikoniahyture: that's not a bug - that's just a senctence12:54
falematteHi all, I have a crash after launching google-earth on a Ubuntu 12.04 64Bit machine. Here is the error log http://pastebin.com/2ywzRM4712:55
falematteHi all, I have a crash after launching google-earth on a Ubuntu 12.04 64Bit machine. Here is the error log http://pastebin.com/2ywzRM47 . Anyone may help?12:57
MonkeyDustfalematte  it didn't say "Google-earth invalid http request"?12:57
ObrienDave!patience | falematte12:57
ubottufalematte: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/12:57
falematteMonkeyDust, mmm don't think so...12:58
SaberX01Funny enough, having not read the "Documentation" for Vbox in a few weeks, chp6 mentions noting about WIFI in the Guest other than being bridged from the host.12:59
lugHi all, I have a problem with Google-earth.I don't see terrain, while I can see borders, streetview, panoramio, etc. Tried a lot of different solutions to no avail12:59
thom_rlug, what version of Ubuntu are you using?12:59
hytureikonia: What did you mean?13:00
lugThis is my first week with Linux13:00
thom_rlug, what version of Ubuntu are you running?13:00
bekkshyture: Whats the actual bug with evdev you are experiencing?13:01
MonkeyDustlug  what's the outcome of    cat /etc/issue13:01
lugVerion 12.04 LTS13:01
hyturebekks: It seems that it is detected but a "touchpad switcher" is off13:02
hyturethere isn't any switcher or FN keys combination13:02
bekkshyture: That what is detected? Please for a full sentence which describes the "bug".13:02
lugUbuntu 12.04.3 LTS \n \l13:03
hyturebekks: It is detected by xiput as Synaptics 103S, on Xorg.0.log there is no (EE) or (II) errors.13:04
hyturePowertop says using 0.25% of battery.13:05
hytureit is enabled on GPointingDeviceSettings13:06
TJ-hyture: Is this any help to you? http://darkjoker.github.io/2013/10/20/Touchpad-switcher.html13:08
hytureI revised values on gconf-editor13:10
patrickgamermy LG has been wrongly detected and I can't get the right resolution options. How can I force Ubuntu to "try again" in detecting my monitor type? It's an ultra-wide (2560 x 1080) and the distortion is pretty bad13:10
hytureI don't know what i shoud try13:12
hitsujiTMOpatrickgamer: whats it detecting as can can you pastebin the contents as /var/log/Xorg.0.log13:12
hytureI get no answer on #xorg13:12
hitsujiTMOs/can can/and can13:13
patrickgamerhitsujiTMO:  k sec.13:14
hillary_lwhich command for clearing temporary folders in ubuntu 12.0413:16
patrickgamerhitsujiTMO: http://dpaste.com/1529662/13:16
hitsujiTMOpatrickgamer: full Xorg.0.log please13:16
hyturebekks: should i report it as a "bug"13:18
patrickgamerhitsujiTMO: kk - it's big. I need to install xsel. one moment13:18
hitsujiTMOpatrickgamer: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log13:18
bekkshyture: I havent followed your random statements.13:18
patrickgamerhitsujiTMO: heh nice. thanks. http://paste.ubuntu.com/6662610/13:20
hitsujiTMOpatrickgamer: it certainly seems to be detecting the correct res Modeline "2560x1080"x0.013:20
patrickgamerhitsujiTMO: but it shows as "goldstar company" in the Screen Display GUI and only offers 1080p res option13:21
dfgfsooory i lost connection again13:21
dfgfShould i report it as a "bug" on evdev?13:22
hitsujiTMOpatrickgamer: can you run: xrandr | pastebinit13:22
dfgfTouchpad doesn't work on any distro13:23
dfgfI also tried adding some Grub enrties13:23
patrickgamerhitsujiTMO: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6662629/13:24
TJ-dfgf: What is the exact make/model of the PC?13:24
dfgfHP Split x213:24
hitsujiTMOpatrickgamer: HDMI-1 i presume?13:24
dfgfTJ-:HP Split x213:26
TJ-dfgf: And it comes with Ubuntu pre-installed by HP?13:26
patrickgamerhitsujiTMO:  yes that's correct13:27
patrickgameri've got two monitors connected to my laptop13:27
patrickgamerthe laptop screen is disabled (for now)13:27
patrickgamerhitsujiTMO: the acer screen is fine13:27
BluesKajpatrickgamer, have you tried to install nvidia additional drivers , since nouveau default driver is loaded , it may not be able to handle the monitor's native resolution13:28
TJ-dfgf: See this "...One thing I did that solved the touchpad problem was to disable in the power options the ability to stop the usb/pci-express devices to save energy..." at  http://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Notebook-Lockups-Freezes-Hangs/HP-Split-13-X2-Mouse-Touchpad-FREEZES/td-p/320186313:29
TJ-dfgf: Further in that forum post another user says "Return while you can .. because the problem is the conector between the screen and the keyboard, if you try to move the screen everything will start to malfunction .. like usb will get disconnected, the headset will fail, the touchpad will freeze, the sdcard will eject, and so one ..."13:30
dfgfTJ- Thats on Windows13:30
dfgfOn Linux HDD, keyboard, and USB works so no problems...13:31
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TJ-dfgf: You obviously haven't read the posts. It's a hardware issue those posts are talking about13:31
patrickgamerBluesKaj: no, i hadn't considered that13:31
TJ-dfgf: If that isn't your issue then I suggest you contact HP support13:31
dfgfTJ-: Disable powervoptions is on Windows Device Manager, a config tab13:32
BluesKajpatrickgamer, is your laptop using the "optimus system" , 2 gpus ?13:32
dfgfYep, In ordet to obtain "We don't support Ubuntu on your computer. Thanks anyway"13:33
patrickgamerBluesKaj: it's a ROG G74S. Vid is a 560M 3GB card13:33
TJ-dfgf: The same thing can be done on Linux using the power control interfaces in the sysfs  under "/sys"13:33
patrickgameri'm going to try installing the nvidia driver after a conference call13:35
TJ-dfgf: According to the HP service manual Ubuntu can come pre-installed: See page 3 of http://h10032.www1.hp.com/ctg/Manual/c03958968.pdf13:35
hitsujiTMOpatrickgamer: since your connection via hdmi that could also be the limiting factor. HDMI 1.0 spec has a maximum resolution of 1920 x 1200. for your monitor you need to ensure the laptop is capable of hdmi 1.313:36
BluesKajpatrickgamer, just to be sure , run sudo lshw -C video , in the terminal and paste line "configuration"13:37
dfgfYes but HP doesn't have a Synaptics touchpad 103S troubleshooting section13:37
patrickgamerBluesKaj: yeah it does b/c I'm fine when I boot into windows13:38
dfgfbekks: I have reconfigured VirtualBox. Now it is unable to scan anything13:38
BluesKajpatrickgamer, we need to show the driver in use , hence the terminal command13:39
hitsujiTMOBluesKaj: driver is nouveau. have that from his xorg.log13:39
BluesKajnouveau works ok with some monitor resolutions , but not all...think he needs the nvidia-current driver , hitsujiTMO13:42
hitsujiTMOBluesKaj: yup. i'd agree there13:43
hitsujiTMOpatrickgamer: am i right in thinking this is a 450?13:44
patrickgameri'm on a work hangout but as soon as I get out I'll install that driver.13:44
BluesKajpatrickgamer, in the terminal , sudo apt-get install nvidia-current , then you'll have to reboot13:44
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patrickgamerhitsujiTMO: no, it's an nvidia 560M13:44
BluesKajpatrickgamer, alt+F2 type additional drivers , check what's available13:46
hitsujiTMO560m. hmm. interesting that you're not using optimus then.13:46
dfgfTJ-: What can I do if HP doesn't answer me? Submit a bur report to bugzilla.kernel.org?13:46
TrebsNoob needs help with desktop on hd4000 not fitting 50" screen. xrandr only solution?13:49
hitsujiTMOTrebs: what do you mean by "not fitting 50" screen"?13:50
Trebsedges outside tv-screen13:50
hitsujiTMOTrebs: thats an issue with the tv. you need to disable overscan13:51
Trebsok and option exists on older tv's as well? 5 year old plasma13:51
cigritsyeah check your scale settings.13:51
hitsujiTMOtrebs they should do13:52
cigritsi have a ~3 year old samsung with that option13:52
Trebsok thank you, I'll go check13:52
patrickgamerthanks guys13:52
dfgfhas anyone dealed with HP support for Linux related issues?13:55
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nettezzaumanai resolved my question already, sorry, no ask :D13:58
ikoniadfgf: yes, many times13:58
ikoniadfgf: how does this fit into #ubuntu ?13:58
dfgfI don't know if i should fill a bur report, becaue i've tried everithing i can imagine.13:59
ikoniadfgf: a bug report on what ?14:00
dfgfThere s not a Touchpad swither but SO acts like it would14:00
ikoniadfgf: what you said makes no sense14:01
chach23Hi! I have gigabyte p34g I understand it has an ambient light sensor. Could someone suggest how do I go about getting ubuntu to detect it and display the value please?14:01
ikoniachach23: does it have linux support ?14:02
chach23ikonia: the company itself does not appear to support linux, but ubuntu runs on it well14:02
dfgfSorry Touchpad is detected and managed by "evdev" but it seems "disabled". It doesn't move cursor, or a click or anything14:02
ikoniachach23: that doesn't mean that device supports linux14:02
ikoniadfgf: have you checked it's linux support status14:02
TJ-dfgf: If the touchpad works under Windows on that device, but not with Ubuntu, try this testing guide and if you confirm its a software issue, report a bug as recommended in those testing guides: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multitouch/Testing14:02
dfgfTJ-: It doesn't work on SUSE, Maegia, Fedora 20...14:03
ikoniadfgf: have you checked it's linux support status14:03
dfgfsame issue14:03
TJ-dfgf: Well, start with Ubuntu and then you can always link to an upstream bug report later14:04
dfgfikonia: evdev module is loaded and running14:04
ikoniadfgf: have you checked it's linux support status14:04
dfgfikonia: no. How?14:05
ikoniadfgf: look up the device from the hardware vendor and see if there is any linux support for it - if so what does it detail the support requirements are14:05
ikoniadfgf: also looking up the device on one of the many linux hardware compatability databases, and again, checking it's support requirements14:05
hardy1i need some help please14:11
dfgfikonia: I'd like to use my TouchPad with a different operating system (DOS, UNIX, OS/2, Linux). You can use the TouchPad as a standard pointing device with these systems by using a standard mouse driver. Synaptics does not provide TouchPad drivers for these systems, so you won't be able to take full advantage of all of TouchPad's enhanced features with these systems. However, independent software developers have created Linux drivers that14:11
hardy1lsusb tells me 007: ID 0fce:adde Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB Boot loader14:12
hardy1and i want to connect over adp14:12
hardy1i mean a fastboot-connection14:12
nyc-h0st_all, i have a process console-kit-dae using 4GB of memory, what in the world is that thing?14:12
hardy1i suppose that i need firmware still, but how i can doo it?14:13
nyc-h0st_seems some process to track users, but 4GB of memory?14:13
nishifrnd how to install wine-1.1.14?14:13
Rory!atemyram | nyc-h0st_14:13
ubottunyc-h0st_: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html14:13
dfgfikonia: But Ubuntu uses evdev insthead of synaptics14:15
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TJ-nyc-h0st_: See bug #23255714:18
ubottubug 232557 in ConsoleKit "console-kit-daemon leaks memory" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23255714:18
TJ-nyc-h0st_: Ahh, ubottu isn't showing links... here it is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/consolekit/+bug/23255714:18
dfgfikonia: There is no info on google if y type my synaptics touchpad14:19
MssngPrsnso i'm having trouble getting grub2 to recognize my xp partition, i have grub-customizer installed, but don't know what to enter in to make it show up14:21
ogra_TJ-, thats fixed since natty ...14:22
belkinsaIs there a way to sync the programs that you have installed via Software Center?14:23
BluesKajMssngPrsn, open a terminal, sudo os-prober, then run, sudo update-grub14:24
BluesKajMssngPrsn, grub customizer is clunky and dangerous14:24
trijntjebelkinsa: I think so, if you have ubuntu one. You can also use dpkg --get-selections, google it for the exact procedure14:24
* ObrienDave loves grub-customizer ;P14:25
trijntjebelkinsa: I see in software center you can go to file -> synchronise computers14:25
belkinsaBut will that stay if you reinstall Ubuntu on that same computer?14:26
belkinsaOr is that all in Ubuntu One?14:27
trijntjebelkinsa: yeah, because it stores it in ubuntu one. So if you reinstall and connect to ubuntu one again you should get all your programs back14:27
belkinsaOkay, thank you.14:27
trijntjeBut I've never used it myself, you can also store all your programs in a file as a backup14:28
trijntjein a terminal: dpkg --get-selections > software.txt, then if ubuntu one fails you can still have all your programs14:28
ObrienDavetrijntje, and how would you load those to re-install?14:30
ObrienDave*that file14:30
belkinsaI think it just gives a list what is installed on your computer/14:31
ObrienDaveyup, got it. there is probably a way to do that14:31
trijntjeObrienDave: belkinsa http://askubuntu.com/questions/101931/restoring-all-data-and-dependencies-from-dpkg-set-selections14:32
belkinsaThank you.14:32
=== Thorium220 is now known as Thor|Away
ObrienDavetrijntje, thanks14:32
sixtustha5Hello all14:36
oquidavehow do i upgrade my ubuntu 12.04 to 13.10 from a usb flash disk?14:38
OerHeksoquidave, upgrade 12.04 > 13.04 > 13.1014:38
OerHeksso that could take such a time, fresh install will be faster14:39
oquidaveOerHeks: is that possible using iso images already downloaded?14:39
OerHeksoquidave, unlikely all your installed packages are available on an iso14:40
oquidaveOerHeks: am fine with just upgrading the core OS itself14:40
linuxeartharia2c is not downloading at the max speed14:41
linuxearthwhat can be done?14:41
OerHeksoquidave, putting in a 13.10 iso and adding it to your sources, won't work14:41
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade14:42
linuxeartharia2c is not downloading at the max speed...what can be done?14:42
wlemuellinuxearth: u can try axel14:42
linuxearthwhat's that dude?14:42
wlemuellinuxearth: another application for download (multi-)14:43
linuxearthits better than aria2c?14:43
ObrienDavelinuxearth, look for apt-fast ppa14:43
wlemuellinuxearth: I always use axel ^k^14:43
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linuxearthaxel is that good?14:43
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:44
ubuntuaddictedhi guys, i have a reproducible crash with pulseaudio. i am trying to get the audio to play through my internal analog card as well as the hdmi out from my AMD graphics card. i enabled the simoltanious output from within pulseadudio preferences and everytime i play something with vlc pulse crashes and restarts14:49
oquidaveOerHeks:  okay so i've to move from 12.04 to 12.10 to 13.04 then finally to 13.10 ?14:49
OerHeksoquidave, yes indeed14:50
ObrienDaveoquidave, yes, but if you wait until April, you can go from 12.04 to 14.04 directly14:50
imghostoquidave, why not a fresh install?14:51
TJ-ogra_: Hasn't been backported to Precise though, according to the last comment by Scott14:53
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MssngPrsnso i'm having trouble getting grub2 to recognize my xp partition, i have grub-customizer installed, but don't know what to enter in to make it show up14:53
ObrienDaveMssngPrsn, did the suggestion given you work?14:54
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BluesKajMssngPrsn, did you try the suggestions ?14:54
MssngPrsnI didn't see any suggestions14:55
ObrienDaveBluesKaj> MssngPrsn, open a terminal, sudo os-prober, then run, sudo update-grub14:55
PleaseHelpMeI'm trying to install nvidia 331 drivers on  Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with the Edgers repository, but when I try to load the nviida kernel module, I keep getting an error:  http://pastebin.com/tTexiYX4   <-- any suggestions?14:55
oquidaveObrienDave: thanks, but i can't wait till then though14:55
PleaseHelpMehey is anyone using an NVidia 780M card?14:56
MssngPrsnBluesKaj: No volume groups found14:56
PleaseHelpMeBluesKaj: herro ;)14:56
PleaseHelpMe<-- Rey14:56
ObrienDaveoquidave, i c. then yes, you MUST stair step ;P14:56
PleaseHelpMe* Roey14:56
oquidavethe problem is i've a custom application pre-bundled with ubuntu 12.04 and so i need to just upgrade14:56
ogra_TJ-, precise (12.04) is a year younger than natty (11.04) ... would be funny if it would not have the fix14:58
MssngPrsnBluesKaj: Here's my pastebin: http://paste.debian.net/73264/14:58
ubuntuaddictedhas anyone gotten audio to output to 2 sound cards using pulseaudio? my pulse will crash everytime when I try15:01
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nemsterri'm having trouble installing ubuntu alongside windows 8. first the cd wouldnt boot, i disabled secure boot and installed the 'booting tool' included on the installation cd. grub starts, when i 'try ubuntu without instalation' i receive an error message "failure reading sector 0x0 from 'cd0' you need to load the kernel first; press any key to continue"15:05
nemsterrwhen i press anything it goes back to the grub15:05
thecodethinkerWhen I check my OpenGL version with glxinfo I get two version numbers. The core profile version (3.3) and the OpenGL verison (3.0). Should I be able to use opengl 3.3 programs or only 3.0 and below?\15:06
nemsterrwhen i try installing i receive a message 'windows failed to start. a recent hardware or software change might be the cause. to fix the problem insert windows installation disc and click repair your computer15:07
BluesKajmnemon, try installing ubuntu in legacy mode in uefi/bios15:07
alketIs there a portable LAMP ?15:07
patrickgamerBluesKaj: I've switched drivers via "additional drivers" and rebooted. I still don't get new resolution options.15:07
BluesKajoops nemsterr^15:08
nemsterrBluesKaj: is that for me ?15:08
nemsterrok thanks buddy. ill give a go and report15:08
BluesKajpatrickgamer, check the nvidia settings15:08
BluesKajnvidia control that is15:09
patrickgamerBluesKaj: hmmm. nvidia has the right monitor... but the resolution settings app doesn't15:09
patrickgamerBluesKaj: ah... i think i see15:10
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ehndei'm trying to install 13.10 and the installer is stalling out on me. it has been sitting at "Preparing to install Ubuntu" for 20 minutes now. any suggestions?15:10
patrickgamerBluesKaj: xserver only set up on one display, not both15:11
BluesKajpatrickgamer, nvidia puts acontrol gui where you casn set up resolutions , but not sure where to find it on unity gnome , I'm a kde user15:11
PleaseHelpMeHeya BluesKaj15:11
loahello. how i can inspect what use my space on hard drive?15:11
BrianHIs there a better way to see all installed Applications on a system than using Unity's Dash?15:11
PleaseHelpMeBluesKaj: could you help me with an nvidia driver issue?  I try and load the nviida kernel module but get an error15:11
BrianHSomething perhaps like OSX's Launchpad?15:11
patrickgamerBluesKaj: found it. i've got to enable xserv on both screens and reboot15:12
loafor example fast move between direcotories and check size of different directories.15:12
ehndeBrianH: sudo dpkg -l15:12
BrianHehnde: GUI-side15:12
ehndeBrianH: sorry, i don't use their gui for package management15:12
PleaseHelpMeBluesKaj: I get this:  http://pastebin.com/tTexiYX415:12
BrianHehnde: Not for package management, but simply opening an App15:13
BluesKajPleaseHelpMe, which nvidia kernel module , how are you trying to load it?15:13
ehndeBrianH: ahhh ok, i'm using plain old gnome15:13
ehndeBrianH: you can press alt f2 to "run an application" i think15:14
ehndebut that still just brings up the unity search15:14
PleaseHelpMeBluesKaj: kernel module:  nvidia proprietary drivers 33115:14
BrianHehnde: Right, I mean viewing all installed Apps, like this: http://currenteditorials.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/launchpad.png15:14
BrianHUnity's Dash is terrible to navigate.15:14
BluesKajPleaseHelpMe, from additional drivers ?15:14
ogra_BrianH, use th filters15:15
PleaseHelpMeBluesKaj:  I am issuing "sudo modprobe nvidia", and get the error I linked to above.15:15
PleaseHelpMeBluesKaj: I actually installed the Edgers PPA15:15
culightHi guys, I'm a undergrad student with limited experience and I want to get involved in the Gnome accessibility projects. I'm not sure where to start. What is the best place for me to start?15:15
PleaseHelpMetrhat provides NVidia 331 drivers15:15
BrianHI think Slingshot might be what I'm looking for: https://launchpad.net/slingshot15:16
BluesKajPleaseHelpMe, why ? have you tried the additional drivers already available , alt+F2 , type additional drivers15:16
PleaseHelpMeBluesKaj:  because only the 331 drivers seem to suppor the NVidia 780M15:17
PleaseHelpMeotherwise I would have gone with stock15:17
hitsujiTMOloa: disk usage analyzer15:17
BluesKaj331 drivers are experimental , PleaseHelpMe , afaik ,15:17
PleaseHelpMeright, I know.  So are the 319 drivers.15:17
PleaseHelpMecuren ubuntu stock drivers are 30415:18
BluesKajPleaseHelpMe, ok try this , sudo apt-get install nvidia-33115:18
PleaseHelpMeBluesKaj: nvidia-331 is already the newest version.15:18
BluesKaj304 driver should provide dir and 3D15:18
PleaseHelpMenot for the 780M card though15:19
BluesKajPleaseHelpMe, have you looked at the additional drivbers as i suggested?15:19
actionparsniploa: you can see the size of the directories in the pwd with:    du -sch ./*15:20
actionparsnipPleaseHelpMe: are you getting 3D acceleration?15:20
loaactionparsnip, yeah i use it, but i want something quick, with database or something.15:20
PleaseHelpMeBluesKaj:  checked Additonal Drivers.  "Found but not in use".15:21
PleaseHelpMe"Activated but not in use", rather15:21
PleaseHelpMethat's what it lists there.15:21
actionparsniploa: hmm, not sure of anything like that. I know you can search for files using locate after updated, something like that for space, not sure tbh15:21
actionparsnipPleaseHelpMe: have you tried:   sudo nvidia-xconfig15:21
PleaseHelpMeactionparsnip: I am not getting 3D acceleration.  I  get errors when I try to modprobe the nvidia module (12.04 LTS here btw, trying to install drivers for an NVidia 780M)15:21
ouyeshello everybody, how are you guys doing on UBUNTU15:22
PleaseHelpMeactionparsnip: the error is in installing hte kernel modjule15:22
actionparsnipPleaseHelpMe: if you run:   sudo lshw -C display    do you see an Intel GPU as well?15:22
loaactionparsnip, yeah it is right example base from "locate"15:22
actionparsnipPleaseHelpMe: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc15:22
BluesKajPleaseHelpMe, then choose one that is lower down that's more stable and click on activate15:22
PleaseHelpMeyes I do have an Intel haswell on this, actionparsnip15:22
hitsujiTMOPleaseHelpMe: according to the nvidia site nvidia-319 in ubuntu repo supports 780m15:22
PleaseHelpMeBluesKaj: the 331 driver listed is the only one there15:23
actionparsnipPleaseHelpMe: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc     its a single line, so no need to pastebin :)15:23
BluesKajPleaseHelpMe, try actionparsnip suggestion , you may have an optimus dual gpu setup15:23
PleaseHelpMeactionparsnip: precise15:24
actionparsnipPleaseHelpMe: then you have that Optimus garbage and need Bumblebee to support it.https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee15:24
PleaseHelpMethat's what we were seeing.  Itis an MSI  laptop15:25
wallzeroGreetings. I have installed Ubuntu 13.04, but it has not installed the wireless drivers. How to I install the drivers for an Intel 6235 adapter?15:25
hitsujiTMOwallzero: whats output of: lspci15:25
PleaseHelpMeBluesKaj, actionparsnip:  MSI GT70 laptop15:26
wallzerohitsujiTMO: 02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6235 (rev 24)15:26
BluesKajPleaseHelpMe, sudo lshw -C video, pastebin the output15:26
hitsujiTMOwallzero: lspci -nn | grep Network                          then please15:27
ubuntu_girlhi boys can u  help me understand this regular expression ?  sed 's,^.*index="\([^"]\+\)".*<list>\([^<]\+\)</list>.*$,\1\,\2,g' or how can i decode it online?15:28
wallzerohitsujiTMO: 02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6235 [8086:088e] (rev 24)15:28
BluesKajbb in 5 mins15:28
p3rrorhow to upgrade kernel linux in an ubuntu15:29
actionparsnipp3rror: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:29
p3rroractionparsnip, no I can not15:30
p3rroractionparsnip, run apt-get upgrade15:30
p3rroractionparsnip, this is a prod machine and I need to keep it as is it15:30
PleaseHelpMeBluesKaj: in a sec15:31
p3rroractionparsnip, all I need is to upgrade the kernel15:31
actionparsnipwallzero: Raring is EOL in a matter of weeks. I suggest you use a wired connection and upgrade to Saucy, or clean install Saucy, then upgrade to Trusty in April15:31
p3rroractionparsnip, only15:31
somsipubuntu_girl: my stab at it "{anything} followed by index="{anything}" {anything} <list>{anything}</list> anything, should be replaced globally by the anything in double quotes, with a comma, and the anything contained in the <list> tag'15:31
actionparsnipp3rror: yes you will get the latest kernel in the repositories15:31
PleaseHelpMeBluesKaj: so with Bumblebee, is there a way to set power management policy?  I want to only use the NVidia card.  This laptop is a CUDA development laptop.15:31
hitsujiTMOwallzero: what version of ubuntu are you using?15:31
p3rroractionparsnip, when I run apt-get upgrade it will upgrade many packages that I need to keep15:32
actionparsnipPleaseHelpMe: it will use the Intel by default but if you prefix commands you want to use the Nvidia GPU with 'optirun' it will use the Nvidia15:32
PleaseHelpMeBluesKaj: I just installed bumblebe15:32
p3rroractionparsnip,  all I need is to get the last starble kernel version from kernel.org15:32
PleaseHelpMeactionparsnip: is there a way to set it to NVidia by default?15:32
actionparsnipp3rror: then try:  sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic    and it will only update that package15:32
actionparsnipPleaseHelpMe: seems a bit silly to have optimus then.....15:32
PleaseHelpMeI just want to get nvidia running.15:33
PleaseHelpMeright now,15:33
PleaseHelpMeI get this error when I try loading the driver.15:33
actionparsnipPleaseHelpMe: some applications don't need it, like text editors and so forth15:33
actionparsnipPleaseHelpMe: did you install Bumblebee?15:33
PleaseHelpMeactionparsnip: I did.15:33
PleaseHelpMeit inbstalled without error.15:33
p3rroractionparsnip, no there are already a personalized kernel installed instead of the ubuntu kernel15:33
hitsujiTMOwallzero: what is the output of cat /etc/issue15:34
p3rroractionparsnip, I can get the kernel from kernel.org but I need to keep the same config find in .config15:34
PleaseHelpMeactionparsnip: so yes, I did install bumblebee.  What now, reboot?4\15:34
p3rroractionparsnip, I did a locate .config but I did not find it15:34
PleaseHelpMeBluesKaj, actionparsnip: I will BRB (this is Roey btw)15:35
wallzeroactionparsnip: My apologies, this is a fresh install of Saucy. Not 13.04 then, but 13.10.15:35
actionparsnip!kernel | p3rror15:35
ubottup3rror: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)15:35
wallzerohitsujiTMO: Saucy.15:36
actionparsnipPleaseHelpMe: yes, reboot15:36
* actionparsnip wishes Optimus would fade out15:36
PleaseHelpMeactionparsnip: aye aye, keptin15:36
hitsujiTMOwallzero: please pastebin output of: dmesg | grep iwlwifi15:37
Tophi upgraded from 13.04 to 13,10 but I seem to still have the former login screen appearing each time the computer comes out of suspend. I have power set to login without password, but the former login seems still active15:38
actionparsnipwallzero: if you run:    sudo iwlist scan | egrep -I 'chan|ssid'     do you see lots of networks on the same channel?15:38
molqrtrying to install ubuntu 12.04 on a win8 box .. it has uefi ... so when it comes to the grub installation stage.. it can't find windows ... should i install grub to MBR?15:39
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI15:40
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ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:40
wallzerohitsujiTMO: dmesg | grep iwlwifi outputs nothing.15:40
hitsujiTMOwallzero: please pastebin dmesg15:41
actionparsnipwallzero: if you run:    sudo iwlist scan | egrep -I 'chan|ssid'     do you see lots of networks on the same channel?15:41
HelpRoeyThanksBluesKaj,  actionparsnip;  well now the nvidia 331 driver loads.15:41
actionparsnipHelpRoeyThanks: cool15:41
BluesKajHelpRoeyThanks, ok good to hear15:41
HelpRoeyThanksHowever, now I get this error when I try glxinfo: trogdor@trogdor:~$ glxinfo  name of display: :0.0 Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig15:42
HelpRoeyThanksBluesKaj, actionparsnip:  ^15:42
BluesKajHelpRoeyThanks, install mesa-utils15:42
actionparsnipHelpRoeyThanks: try:  optirun glxgears15:42
ubuntuaddictedcould someone tell me how to apply a diff patch to a file please?15:42
ubuntuaddictedwell, i think i have a diff patch15:43
ubuntuaddictedthis is what I have http://cgit.freedesktop.org/pulseaudio/pulseaudio/patch/src/pulsecore/resampler.c?id=e4adf9c4d8a33509828b9b7658d4cccc7f5af56315:43
HelpRoeyThanksBluesKaj, actionparsnip:  optirun glxinfo WORKS15:44
wallzerohitsujiTMO: http://pastebin.com/gtiSC37i15:44
actionparsnipHelpRoeyThanks: yes, that's the NVidia GPU stepping in, otherwise you will use the Intel thing and save power15:44
wallzeroactionparsnip: I only see lo and eth015:44
HelpRoeyThanksBluesKaj, actionparsnip:  How can I set this up so that my desktop environment and all other commands gthat use GL use NVidia by default?15:44
OerHeksubuntuaddicted, short guide to diff and patch >> http://jungels.net/articles/diff-patch-ten-minutes.html15:44
actionparsnipHelpRoeyThanks: you will need to make aliases, or edit the .desktop files that run applications you want to run on your Nvidia GPU15:45
HelpRoeyThanksactionparsnip: there is no qui k setting in the bumblebee configuration for this?15:46
hitsujiTMOwallzero: output of: lsmod15:46
actionparsnipwallzero: do you dual boot?15:46
BluesKajactionparsnip, are we absolutely sure he's got an optimus setup , never did see any indication so far , or is that particular nvidia chip only used in optimus setups15:46
actionparsnipHelpRoeyThanks: you will just need to edit them using a text editor.15:46
HelpRoeyThanksBluesKaj, actionparsnip: bbswitch won't work?15:47
HelpRoeyThanksactionparsnip: edit the what, the desktop files?15:47
wallzeroactionparsnip: No. This is a fresh install with LUKS and ZFS. Everything else is working smoothly. I believe the wifi is an independant issue15:47
actionparsnipBluesKaj: NVidia + Intel = optimus     lshw -C display shows both so it uses optimus junk and is a massive headache15:47
HelpRoeyThanksactionparsnip: I don't seem to have a ~/.desktop15:48
BluesKajok actionparsnip i must have missed that paste15:48
actionparsnipHelpRoeyThanks: eg:  gksudo gedit /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop       and change the Exec=   command to start with 'optirun'15:48
HelpRoeyThanksoh, ok15:48
wallzerohitsujiTMO: http://pastebin.com/niSRcNdW15:48
actionparsnipwallzero: is it a laptop?15:48
wallzeroactionparsnip: Yes.15:48
ubuntuaddictedOerHeks, so is this a patch file? http://cgit.freedesktop.org/pulseaudio/pulseaudio/patch/src/pulsecore/resampler.c?id=e4adf9c4d8a33509828b9b7658d4cccc7f5af56315:49
actionparsnipwallzero: is the wifi enabled in BIOS? Do you have a hardware switch or key combo to enable / disable the wifi?15:49
wallzeroactionparsnip: No. No hardware switch and it is enabled in the bios. I had a similiar install of 13.04 previously with LUKS and BTRFS with working wifi.15:50
hitsujiTMOwallzero: can you try: sudo modprobe iwlwifi15:50
rostamhi I am not sure if this is a right place to ask. So forgive me in advance.  I would like to unmount the filesystem on my linux box when reboot command issued. Is this possible? thx15:50
OerHeksubuntuaddicted, i am not sure what to make out of that15:51
wallzerohitsujiTMO: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:791 kmod_module_insert_module: could not find module by name='iwlwifi'15:51
jhutchinsrostam: What other behavior do you imagine occurrs?15:51
OerHeks ubuntuaddicted you might want to check #pulseaudio too15:52
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actionparsnipwallzero: are there any bugs reported?15:53
ubuntuaddictedOerHeks, ok, so you don't know what patches look like? I guess I assumed since you linked me to a patch guide you were familar with the standard format they were in15:54
wallzeroactionparsnip: None that I know of. I could not find any.15:54
OerHeksubuntuaddicted, yes, but i used to have the patch or diff file as seperate file, not like this.15:55
demophobiaShould IRC be the last resource one tries in problem solving?15:55
demophobiaI've compiled a list of problems I have with ubuntu at http://demophobia.netne.net/compprob.html15:55
demophobiaI'm thinking perhaps I should post in message boards before coming here ...15:55
demophobiaand search the internet before posting15:56
actionparsnipwallzero: may want to report the issue. Maybe a BIOS update would help, or try the boot option:  noacpi15:56
qcjnhi. one of my computer is dead. I'm in it right now with a booted usb of ubuntu. I ran an "sudo fdisk -l" but it doesn't see the disk with the Ubuntu system on it ? Any suggestion ?15:56
hitsujiTMOwallzero: dpkg --get-selections | grep linux-firmware15:56
rostamjhutchins, sometimes after issuing reboot command. My system is stopped at the grup menu.15:56
jhutchinsdemophobia: An internet search enegine should generally be your first resource.15:56
demophobiaso 1) search internet, 2) post in message boards, 3) post link to message board here ... is that a good use and understanding of this channel?15:56
actionparsnipdemophobia: use it as well as searching. Its all part of the community15:56
jhutchinsdemophobia: You should also look for relevant pages on wiki's related to the distribution and to the general subjects you're looking for.15:56
ikoniademophobia: there is nothing wrong with just using irc15:56
jhutchinsdemophobia: If you've at least doen that and your question isn't too obscure, or about some rare configuration or software, IRC can be great real-time help.15:57
demophobiaYou don't see any hierarchy or ordered methodology for problem solving, ikonia ? i'm wondering about the mechanics of getting a problem solved as quickly as possible, while also minimizing the work needed by the community.15:57
actionparsnipdemophobia: if you unload then reload the driver module for the wireless, does it work ok then?15:57
jhutchinsrostam: That is after it has shut down.15:57
ikoniademophobia: just ask if you need help - it's a pretty simple model15:57
wallzerohitsujiTMO: linux-firmware install    linux-firmware-nonfree install15:57
demophobiaactionparsnip, I don't know if that's what unplugging and plugging back in does or not ...15:58
ubuntuaddictedOerHeks, i'll copy all that text into a file to create my patch file BUT do I need this line? index 17f1783..38c5202 10064415:58
jhutchinsrostam: If you pay attention to the console messages as the system shuts down, you will see "unmounting all file systems" as one of the later steps.15:58
actionparsnipdemophobia: give it a try, if it is the fix, we can make it happen each time you boot15:58
demophobiai have nearly no experience with drivers -- last was back with ubuntu 6.06 or 9.04 trying to get wireless working15:58
demophobiai don't know how to unload and reload a driver15:58
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hitsujiTMOwallzero: this is just odd. cant find the module yet its installed :P15:58
Dragon64laptop with an external monitor running an updated install of Ubuntu 13.10. When I close the lid it suspends even though settings in the ui are set to "do nothing" and I have changed /etc/systemd/logind.conf to add "HandleLidSwitch=ignore" and rebooted. any suggestions ?15:58
actionparsnipdemophobia: sudo lshw -C network     will show the module, you can then run:  sudo modprobe -r foo; sleep 3; sudo modprobe foo15:59
rostamjhutchins,  yes you right, then the question is why I get stuck on grub menu sometimes when I get issue reboot command? thx15:59
actionparsnipDragon64: does the system have a make and model?15:59
demophobiathanks, i'll write this down. i thought i should return the adapter to the store and buy a different one -- netgear advertises this product as being for "windows laptops"15:59
demophobiaand i've got a desktop here15:59
demophobia(and not windows)15:59
Dragon64yes its an hp pavillion g4 ... low end laptop15:59
OerHeksubuntuaddicted, i don't know, maybe someone else here knows?16:00
actionparsnipdemophobia: the physical kit doesn't matter, laptop and desktop doesn't matter any16:00
wallzerohitsujiTMO: I installed non-free and the iwlwifi-6000g2b-6.ucode after I had issues but before I came on IRC for help. Would I have to update-initramfs?16:00
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XonDKok anyone here able to help me, for some reason lightdm is refusing to work correctly even though before my reboot it worked just fine and worked together with x11vnc to give me what I needed, is there any other way to get access to the unity/ubuntu desktop via vnc for my remote server, only have terminal access currently16:00
jhutchinsdemophobia: I would include man pages, /usr/share/doc/*, and the web pages for projects, often found through sourceforge.16:00
actionparsnipXonDK: what do you do on the remote system in the VNC session?16:01
hitsujiTMOwallzero: update-initramfs would be triggeed by a hook16:01
jhutchinsdemophobia: As far as the wireless adapter goes, rfkill is a utility you can use to control that.16:01
demophobiaactionparsnip, I see that in principle concerning hardware, however, this adapter is also about the width of a thumbnail, and I think something the size of an older USB flash drive -- e.g. ~6 cm -- might physically be capable of receiving a stronger signal16:01
OerHeksubuntuaddicted, i think you have the diff now, and any @@ is a patch16:01
wallzerohitsujiTMO: I ran it manually. I will restart and also check my BIOS settings.16:01
actionparsnipdemophobia: try the module manipulation. it may be the fix :)16:02
actionparsnipXonDK: what is the purpose of the VNC connection? You will probably find there is a sleeker and faster alternative16:02
jhutchinsrostam: I've had that problem sometimes as well - in fact, I think my server is currently doing that.  (I don't reboot it that often.)  I think that somehow grub thinks a "keyboard event" has occurred - you've hit some key to stop the default boot process.  I don't know if there's  a single fix for it.16:02
XonDKactionparsnip: I use it for general navigation and easier set up of various stuff, and I already put a few things onto the desktop, which i'd like to use, totally open to better ways though16:03
ubuntuaddictedOerHeks, ok, i just don't know if i need those couple beginning lines OR the end line16:03
Dragon64lid action is handeled by logind.conf correct?16:03
actionparsnipXonDK: surely when its setup, it's done...?16:03
Yud_ZrocI just did a SMART test on my HDD, and was wondering about "Read Error Rates" and "Seek Error Rates". I am wondering what is a "very bad" value vs a "normal" value16:03
actionparsnipXonDK: if you want file access, then you can access SFTP using Nautilus and access your file securely over the network16:04
XonDKactionparsnip: yeah, that's just it, it was set up, x11vnc was working fine and reboot and boom and now lightdm does not want to work at all16:04
rostamjhutchins,  I found this on web: http://askubuntu.com/questions/55551/how-can-i-force-ubuntu-to-boot-on-a-stuck-boot-menu16:04
jhutchinsYud_Zroc: Generally, a value that is increasing over time is bad.16:04
demophobiajhutchins, wouldn't rfkill correspond to the GUI in the top right of the screen, where i can click to enable/disable it? the problem, though, is that i am first met with the 'enable wireless' greyed out, and the message 'disabled due to hardware switch' ...16:04
XonDKactionparsnip: wasn't completely done with the setup using the GUI because I am not comfortable with linux yet and its easier to find out stuff with it16:04
gvoXonDK: Had the same thing happen when I did a apt-get upgrade.16:05
XonDKgvo: found a way to fix it?16:05
gvoNope, finally installed another dm16:05
qcjnif fdisk doesn't show the disk it's because there's a problem with this disk (or connection ) ?16:05
hitsujiTMOYud_Zroc: just looking at mine, i have 0 and 016:05
Yud_Zrocjhutchins: I just looked at it for the first time, and the number is 68m for read (assesment says ok) and seek error 39m(assesement also says ok)16:05
wallzerohitsujiTMO: BIOS confirms power to the wifi adapter and update-initramfs did not make a difference.16:06
Yud_Zroctime for a new HDD I assume?16:06
actionparsnipYud_Zroc: is it an old drive?16:06
ubuntuaddictedcan anyone tell me if this is a correctly formatted unified diff file?16:06
Yud_Zrocactionparsnip: no its a 5 month old computer16:07
actionparsnipYud_Zroc: you could always try hdparm to set more specific drive tunings16:07
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hitsujiTMOYud_Zroc: whats your threshold at?16:07
nashantHey guys. Anyone else have issues with the cursor in chrome?16:07
Yud_Zrocactionparsnip: I am not familir with that, more details on my HDD 68783944 (Normalized: 114, Threshold: 6, Worst: 99)16:07
demophobiaactionparsnip, when you said "sleep 3", do you mean to wait three seconds before executing the next terminal command?16:08
Yud_ZrocThat is Read Error Rate16:08
jhutchinsdemophobia: "Hardware Switch" is what rfkill handles.16:08
actionparsnipdemophobia: yes, run it as one command and it will happen on its own16:08
actionparsnipYud_Zroc: search online, possibly could be a bad drive but its still under warranty16:09
Yud_Zrocactionparsnip: thanks ill check it up16:09
hitsujiTMOwallzero: once again can you try: sudo modprobe iwlwifi16:11
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wallzerohitsujiTMO: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:791 kmod_module_insert_module: could not find module by name='iwlwifi'16:12
wallzerohitsujiTMO: But /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf exists.16:12
hitsujiTMOwallzero: i'm confised on this one16:13
actionparsnipwallzero: what is the output of:  uname -a16:14
wallzerohitsujiTMO: This seems like a similar problem but with 13.04: http://askubuntu.com/questions/353047/no-wlan0-interface-after-uninstall-ubuntu-13-0416:14
wallzeroactionparsnip: Linux xxxxxxxxx 3.11.0-14-generic #21-Ubuntu SMP Tue Nov 12 17:04:55 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux16:15
actionparsnipwallzero: running Saucy (Ubuntu 13.10)?16:15
ubuntuaddictedwell scrap that, even if i apply the patch i'd still have to recompile and reinstall pulseaudio so I may as well just compile the latest pulse and install that.16:15
actionparsnip!info Linux-image saucy16:15
ubottuPackage Linux-image does not exist in saucy16:15
actionparsnip!info Linux-image-generic saucy16:15
ubottuPackage Linux-image-generic does not exist in saucy16:15
wallzeroactionparsnip: Yes.16:15
actionparsnip!info linux-image-generic saucy16:15
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 2 kB, installed size 33 kB16:16
actionparsnipwallzero: ok so fully updated :)16:16
ubuntuaddictedanyone have a good guide for installing the latest pulseaudio into 12.04.3?16:16
actionparsnipubuntuaddicted: check the official documentation 'sound troubleshooting procedure'16:16
actionparsnipubuntuaddicted: its a big command but will update your Alsa16:16
actionparsnipubuntuaddicted: and pulse16:17
ubuntuaddictedactionparsnip, looking at sound troubleshooting guide i don't see anywhere for installing the latest pulse and also into 12.04.3 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=188524016:19
jhutchinsdemophobia: In answer to your question about lists, you can embed lists within lists, but redefining the style of a DL so that it automatically numbered the entries isn't a standard feature.16:19
actionparsnipubuntuaddicted: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure16:20
actionparsnipubuntuaddicted: too obvious?16:20
HelpRoeyThanksBluesKaj, actionparsnip  Hi!  So after installing Bumblebee, I was able to launch the Unigine Valley benchmark with Optirun.  My only issue now is performance:  I get 8 FPS where I see others on Youtube withg the same CPU and GPU pullling 40.16:20
hitsujiTMOwallzero: whats output of: lspci -k | grep Network16:22
demophobiajhutchins, thanks, that's the impression i'm getting. unfortunately, embedding an ordered list and definition list doesn't seem to work, since it only numbers the lists, rather than the list entries ...16:23
wallzerohitsujiTMO: 02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6235 (rev 24)16:23
ubuntuaddictedactionparsnip, oh ok, the "procedure" instead of the "guide" Thanks. I see that would only install version 2.0 for precise and I need a version after July of 2012 since there was a patch released then that fixes a resampler.c crash16:23
wallzerohitsujiTMO: It seems some Arch users have had issues as well, but kernel 3.10 should have fixed them: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=164764&p=216:24
jhutchinsdemophobia: Yes, that is the expected behavior.16:25
vantageHi, I'm running a new Dell XPS 13, which I've upgraded to 13.10. Currently the wifi doesn't seem to work with any kernel above 3.8. It's the Intel 7260 and I've grabbed the latest firmware and copied it over to /lib/firmware. How can I tell which firmware it's using?16:26
hitsujiTMOwallzero: sorry, i should have asked for output of: lspci -k | grep -A 2 Network16:26
jhutchinsdemophobia: It is possible to do this by embedding individual DLs within each OL entry, or by manually formatting each LI.16:26
actionparsnipubuntuaddicted: a search for:   Ubuntu sound troubleshooting procedure     gives it as the top link16:27
wallzerohitsujiTMO: 02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6235 (rev 24) Subsystem: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6235 AGN16:27
demophobiaah, i see, thanks, jhutchins ... it seems better to use CSS to format the dt rather than create a dl for each li16:28
wallzerohitsujiTMO: It also lists my ethernet card, which is working: 03:00.0 Unassigned class [ff00]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTS5209 PCI Express Card Reader (rev 01)16:28
demophobiaor format the dl, if not each dt ...16:29
Lizards|Workjoin #ubuntu-server16:29
Lizards|Worksorry ;)16:29
actionparsnipwallzero: try:   dmesg | grep -i Centrino16:29
actionparsnipdemophobia: did the command work ok, for the wifi device?16:29
wallzerohitsujiTMO: There is no output.16:30
actionparsnip!bug 1180256 | wallzero16:30
ubottubug 1180256 in linux (Ubuntu) "Supports Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6235 [8086:088f] subsystem id [8086:5260]." [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118025616:30
hitsujiTMOwallzero: can you try booting an older kernel and see if it loads?16:30
ubuntuaddictedhas anyone compiled pulseaudio from git into 12.04.3?16:31
demophobiaactionparsnip, sorry, i haven't tried. i've been doing other things. i will probably try it tomorrow when i boot up the PC again.16:31
demophobiathank you, though, since it could save me ~$40 ... i dunno if i should try replacing the card for speed, though -- i need to compare the specs of these wireless adapters16:32
wallzerohitsujiTMO: I only have 3.11.0-14-generic and 3.11.0-12-generic16:32
hitsujiTMOwallzero: try 1216:33
wallzerohitsujiTMO: Okay I will have to use Trusty.16:34
actionparsnipwallzero: its LTS (when it is released) :)16:34
wallzeroactionparsnip: Oh thats good. In April?16:35
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x0011BFOi oi, I got this bash script online to set up a virtual wifi network, and it doesn't quite work in its original form. The original form is this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6663582/16:41
x0011BFThe problem is something to do with dhcpd, which doesn't seem to work as advertised. It works when modified as such, to use dnsmasq: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6663574/16:41
x0011BFIn the original script, there's a "killall dhcpd" call at the end. I find that if I killall dnsmasq, it messes with my DNS and the host computer's connection. However, I also find that if for some reason the script needs to be re-started, I need to re-start the host computer completely to get it working again.16:41
actionparsnipwallzero: yes in April 201416:41
x0011BFIs there something better I can be restarting, like just the networking or DNS or something?16:42
x0011BFOr possibly even better, is there some way to make it so I don't need to restart anything? I'm not quite sure what it is that is persistent about the task.16:42
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nautilussIs it possible to compile a libreoffice installer from ubuntu for windows?16:43
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jhutchinsx0011BF: Don't you want to manipulate the DHCP client instead of the server?16:44
actionparsnipnautiluss: how do you mean? Like make an MSI to install with etc?16:44
nautilussactionparsnip, mhm. I'd like to enable a module and compile it16:45
aFeijoI need help with memcached :)16:45
nautilussI just attempted on cygwin but the dependencies are non-stop16:46
Picinautiluss: This really would be a better question from the libreoffice people to determine how their build process works for Windows.16:46
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BluesKajnautiluss, you don't need a linux installer for libreoffice , http://www.libreoffice.org/download/?type=win-x86&version=4.1.4&lang=en-US16:47
nautilussPici: placed my eggs in multiple baskets16:47
mar77ihmm. is there a way to store keyboard and mouse settings from the current X11 state?16:47
mar77iI have a wireless keyboard and on lightdm it's just not there16:48
cholsu_make ubuntu phone16:49
ikonia</slow hand clap>16:50
nautilussBluesKaj, I won't be able to use the main version of LO because the telepathy module (allows for collaboration) is disabled by default16:50
aFeijomy memcached is mixing up my sites, how to fix this?16:51
[[thufir]]I'm on 13.10 and what is this "google news"  app (what?) with an icon in unity2d.  It acts like it's caching news articles, there are these little pop ups every second or two.  what?  I can't find much about this.16:52
Lizards|Workyou must've clicked one of the nag pop-ups16:52
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actionparsnip[[thufir]]: does it run in your system tray in the top right?16:55
x0011BFjhutchins: Oops, missed the notification somehow.16:56
x0011BFjhutchins: Why would I want to manipulate the client?16:56
x0011BFThis script runs on the host computer, which is broadcasting a wifi network, so it needs to be a DHCP server for anything that connects.16:56
bekksx0011BF: I'd set up dhcpd properly then, without weird scripts.16:59
x0011BFWell in this case I'm using DNSMasq.17:00
[[thufir]]actionparsnip: exactly.  well, system tray on left.  (system tray are icons of applications like firefox, tbird, files, etc?)17:00
bekksI'd use dhcpd, and not dnsmasq17:00
debasisHello friends17:01
x0011BFHrm, I had some reason for changing from dhcpd.17:01
bekksx0011BF: which one?17:01
x0011BFAlso, what do you mean "without weird scripts"?17:01
Lizards|Work"<x0011BF> Oi oi, I got this bash script online to set up a virtual wifi network"17:01
[[thufir]]oh, this nag app is on the top right too:   http://www.howtogeek.com/119560/how-to-install-and-use-ubuntus-new-web-apps-feature/   weirdness.17:01
x0011BFYeah, it needs to run a script to bind it to a tunnel interface.17:01
x0011BFAnd the tunnel interface goes up and down and such.17:02
x0011BFOh, actually.17:02
mar77ihmm. so... xorg config is still a problem. apparently the users' settings contain more information about the wireless keyboard than what lightdm manages to configure...17:02
x0011BFI must not have changed it from DHCPD.17:02
debasisToday I have downloaded MySql 5.6 from MySql site, and i got a the software package, but i dont know how to install it, please help me.17:03
x0011BFI must have gotten it from this nearly identical script using DNSMASQ.17:03
bekksdebasis: did you get a .deb for Ubuntu?17:03
Lizards|Workdebasis, is it a .tar.gz?17:03
[[thufir]]x0011BF: if you're having trouble with wifi, I suggest the iogear adapter.  There's literally **no** driver, it's just ethernet cable.17:03
x0011BF[[thufir]]: I'm not having trouble with wifi.17:03
x0011BFI have an unorthodox configuration where I'm running a wifi hotspot from a virtual machine.17:04
debasisyes, its a tar file17:04
x0011BFOver a VPN.17:04
x0011BFIt actually works totally fine.17:04
Lizards|Workdebasis, easiest thing to do is to install it via apt-get or download a deb17:05
Lizards|Workotherwise you're compiling from source most likely17:05
x0011BFThe only problem is that if the tunnel interface goes down, the script needs to be run again.17:05
x0011BFAnd I think it's leaving something running that causes a conflict when I try to run it again.17:05
actionparsnipdebasis: is there not a PPA?17:05
debasisLizards|work:- But the MySql site is not giving any deb17:05
Lizards|Workso the other two options: install via apt-get or compile from source17:06
debasisMySQL-client-5.6.15-1.linux_glibc2.5.i386.rpm..........This is the file name17:06
Lizards|Workrpm is a fedora/centos/redhat file17:06
Lizards|Workyou could install that with alien, but compatibility issues are gonna be fun to troubleshoot later17:07
designbybeckI tried to put a bunch of fonts in my /usr/share/fonts folder and I think it messed up some system fonts17:07
debasisthen what file i have to download for this Ubuntu?17:07
CAP8504buenas tardes17:07
designbybeckIn the termnial with default fonts selected I have all littls Boxes as the fonts17:07
MonkeyDustdebasis  use tasksel (task select)17:07
Picidesignbybeck: What release of Ubuntu are you running now? Do you need 5.6 or is 5.5 okay?17:08
Picidebasis: What release of Ubuntu are you running now? Do you need 5.6 or is 5.5 okay?17:08
debasismonkeyDust:- whats it?17:08
designbybeckubuntu 13.10 64bit Pici17:08
Picidesignbybeck: sorry, I mistabbed :/17:08
MonkeyDustdebasis  you can install mysql with it17:08
debasisI need 5.6 or 5.5...no problem...i just wanna learn17:08
OerHeks!find MySQL-client17:09
ubottuFound: mysql-client, mysql-client-5.5, mysql-client-core-5.517:09
debasispici:- Can u help me?17:09
MonkeyDustdebasis  need or want?17:09
Picidebasis: Then just sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.517:09
yash069anybody can help with apache mod_rewrite question ?17:09
yash069does the redirect sends referer in header ?17:10
debasispici:- have u install mysql?17:10
Piciyash069: Thats probably a better question for #httpd17:10
Picidebasis: Yes, many times.  The command I just gave you will install it.17:10
debasiscan that command will install 5.6 also?17:10
yash069Pici: okay thanks, i'll try there17:10
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Picidebasis: no, 5.6 is not available in our repositories.17:11
_victor_buenas tardes17:11
debasispici:- ok ok dear, thanks a lot, im trying, if any problem, i will contact u17:11
actionparsnipdebasis: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=mysql%2Dserver%2D5.617:11
Picidebasis: Just ask here if there is a problem, I may not be available.17:11
Piciactionparsnip: I don't think a PPA is really needed in this situation....17:11
actionparsnipjust another option :)17:12
designbybeckHere is what my default fonts look like in Terminal now. I tried to do a bulk install of some fonts into /usr/share/fonts And it messed up stuff: http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=6467817:12
actionparsnipdesignbybeck: have you tried other fonts?17:13
designbybeckyes actionparsnip if I switch it other fonts work17:14
debasispici:- im getting the following error, please help17:14
designbybeckBut the shutdown screen is all Squares as well actionparsnip17:14
debasispici:-     E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)17:14
debasisE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?17:14
actionparsnipdesignbybeck: then the fonts are either corrupt or non-standard17:14
actionparsnipdebasis: is software centre open, or are updates installing?17:14
Picidebasis: Do you have another package management tool open? like the software center?17:14
designbybeckthese should have been fonts I just copied from the last distro when I backed it up and moved them over :/17:14
actionparsnipdebasis: or is apt-get running?17:14
MonkeyDustdebasis  if you don't know what it, then you shouldnt try to install something from outside the repos17:15
jhutchinsdebasis: First obvious question: are you using sudo?17:15
actionparsnipdebasis: reboot to be sure, if it's still bad, head back and we can give a command17:15
designbybeckI'm not sure which fonts to remove and what to keep actionparsnip17:15
debasisok, im rebooting17:15
glitsj16designbybeck: did you refresh your font caches after dropping files into /usr/share/fonts ?17:15
designbybeckglitsj16, I dont' think so. I've restarted a few times17:16
jhutchinsHm, wonder if this is still valid...17:16
jhutchins!adept crash fix17:16
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »17:16
glitsj16designbybeck: not sure if it will help, but you can try   sudo fc-cache -f -v17:16
designbybeckglitsj16, what does that do?17:17
designbybeckglitsj16,  doesn't seem to have fixed it17:17
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glitsj16designbybeck: it rebuilds all your font caches, nothing is removed or added etc17:18
glitsj16designbybeck: might need to close/re-open your terminal, not sure17:19
designbybeckthe shutdown dialog and some fonts in the HUD are still messed up glitsj1617:19
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actionparsnipdesignbybeck: could log off and on again17:20
OerHeksmight need to logout/login after the font chacke action17:20
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glitsj16designbybeck: tried temporarily renaming ~/.fontconfig yet?17:21
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fraciao a tutti17:22
=== Sinis_blue is now known as GREECE_Sinis
debasispici:- r u there?17:23
designbybeckcan someone show me the default fonts that should be in /usr/share/fonts ?17:24
darkblue_bdesignbybeck: yes I will look on a VM here17:25
debasispici:- r u there?17:25
debasisHello friends, i need some help17:25
actionparsnipdebasis: did the reboot help?17:25
debasisactionparsnip:- yes fried17:26
actionparsnipdebasis: sweet17:26
designbybeckthank you darkblue_b17:26
debasisactionparsnip:- bro, thanks17:27
actionparsnipdebasis: easy days :)17:27
debasisactionparsnip:-Another thing, in my ubuntu, the icons are comming in left side in a bar17:27
debasisactionparsnip:-can i take that bar to down?17:27
debasisactionparsnip:- u there?17:28
darkblue_bdesignbybeck: http://paste.debian.net/73324/17:29
vfwdesignbybeck: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fonts17:29
darkblue_b.. that is XUbuntu 12.0417:29
whatisthematrixdebasis: he left... he'll probably be back17:29
debasis<whatisthematrix> can u please help me?17:29
whatisthematrixdebasis: you mean the whole menu bar?17:29
sushi_what's up17:29
OerHeksdebasis, there is no tweak to move the unity panel AFAIK17:29
darkblue_boh - that font list is interesting.. I have a little black book on my shelf.. about fonts.. btw17:29
designbybeckthanks darkblue_b  and vfw this might take a while17:29
sushi_what's the command to see the different channels?17:30
debasisbut, when im running any program, like a browser, that bar is not getting hide17:30
debasisIts always be in front17:30
OerHeksdebasis, there is unity-tweak, to do those settings and more17:31
designbybeckDo we think it might be an owners right issue? Like maybe root owns the fonts?17:31
whatisthematrixdebasis: there's a setting where you can set it to auto-hide, so it slides to the left and is hidden, until you put your mouse cursor over there. then it will re-appear17:31
vfwdesignbybeck: You might be a candidate for a different DE17:31
debasisok..please tell me that17:31
designbybeckwhy vfw ? This was a clean install I was just tryingt o bulk install some of my fonts and this happened17:32
vfwdesignbybeck: What are you trying to do?17:32
whatisthematrixdebasis: ok, on the menu bar is a settings iconn, or maybe it's called system settings. click on it. then click on the 'appearance' option icon in there17:32
designbybeckvfw,  was just trying to bulk install fonts to my system so I didn't have to do them one at a time17:33
vfwdesignbybeck: Yes, they are owned by root.17:33
designbybeckand I guess soemthing over wrote a default font vfw17:33
darkblue_bhehe - I did that .. 10,000 fonts and one bad one.. crashed the font util17:33
debasis<whatisthematrix> yes i did17:33
whatisthematrixdebasis: when you are in the appearance seetings, there's tabs at the top. click on the right-hand tab17:33
debasis<whatisthematrix> then?17:33
darkblue_bI tracked it down and removed the font..17:33
whatisthematrixdebasis: when you are in the appearance settings*, there's tabs at the top. click on the right-hand tab17:33
vfwdesignbybeck: Anything you install system-wide requires admin priviledges.17:34
glitsj16designbybeck: it would be helpfull if you showed us what command you exactly used when dropping those fonts in17:34
darkblue_b.. by single stepping through the OpenSource(tm) python font util17:34
whatisthematrixthen click the auto-hide menu bar option to auto-hide17:34
debasis<whatisthematrix> yes17:34
whatisthematrixthen click the auto-hide menu bar option to yes*17:34
whatisthematrixdebasis: that got it?17:34
whatisthematrixdebasis: done?17:35
debasis<whatisthematrix> the tab name is behaviour?17:35
whatisthematrixdebasis: yes. sorry, i'm in kde right now17:35
vfw!fonts | designbybeck17:35
ubottudesignbybeck: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/17:35
ubottumorgana_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:35
debasisgot it bro17:36
debasis<whatisthematrix> thanks17:36
whatisthematrixdebasis: you're welcome17:36
debasis<whatisthematrix>  but when im moving cursor on it, its not again comming17:37
whatisthematrixdebasis: it should, i don't know why it wouldn't17:37
whatisthematrixdebasis: left-click on the desktop and try again17:38
tiinahi how can I repair in my ubuntu this:E: Kunde inte skriva till /var/cache/apt/17:38
tiinaE: Kunde inte tolka eller öppna pakelistorna eller tillståndsfilen.17:38
tiinaE: _cache->open() failed, please report.17:38
tiinaW: Använder inte låsning för skrivskyddade låsfilen /var/lib/dpkg/lock17:38
darkblue_b"Debian Fonts Task Force" hehe17:38
bekksdarkblue_b: One man show? :P17:38
ubottuAdept is the package manager for Kubuntu versions 9.04 and earlier. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto See !muon for the current Kubuntu package manager.17:41
OerHeksno morgana, no warez here :-D17:42
debasis<whatisthematrix>  im sorry bro, not getting it17:42
OerHeks!adept crash fix17:42
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »17:42
whatisthematrixdebasis: not sure i know how to help much more than i have. someone else might know. describe the problem to the channel17:42
debasis<whatisthematrix>  ok thanks a lot, no problem17:43
debasis<whatisthematrix>  actually that icon bar is not a problem17:43
whatisthematrixdebasis: and i have to go. i have work to get to doing. you're welcome. good luck!17:43
debasis<whatisthematrix> the problem is, when im opening any application, that application is not comming in full screen due to that bar17:44
bekksAfter installing lubuntu-desktop along with ubuntu-desktop, how can I change the the splash screen at booting to "Ubuntu" again, instead of "Lubuntu"?17:44
debasisplease help17:44
Lizards|Workwhich bar? the unity launcher?17:45
bekksLizards|Work: Yes.17:45
darkblue_bhey all - one file is destroyed on my system here.. it shows question marks for perms and owner:group.. what to do ?   '/var/lib/lightdm/.gvfs'17:46
Lizards|WorkSystem Settings -> Appearance -> Behavior (it's a tab) -> Auto-hide the launcher17:46
MonkeyDustbekks  try this line    sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth17:46
debasisAfter opening any application, for example a browser or the terminal, its not comming in full screen bcoz some space is taken by the icon bar at the left side17:46
Lizards|Workdebasis, System Settings -> Appearance -> Behavior (it's a tab) -> Auto-hide the launcher17:46
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debasis<Lizards|Work> once i did that, but again the luncher is not comming17:47
MonkeyDustdebasis  press F1117:47
Lizards|Worki don't even17:47
debasis<Lizards|Work> really ubuntu is so problematic17:48
Lizards|Worknot really17:48
debasisok, not i may think for windows again to install, bcoz i am facing a lot of problem here17:49
bekksdebasis: If your app doesnt "fullscreen" but respects the launcher at the left, then that is just maxing out the available area, and not full screen. Thats a application issue, not an Ubuntu issue.17:49
MonkeyDustdebasis  what kind of problems?17:49
debasisi am very new in ubuntu17:49
Lizards|Workwhich ubuntu?17:50
Lizards|Work13.04, 12.10, 12.04?17:50
Lizards|Workunity's still evolving17:50
debasis12.04 LTS17:50
darkblue_bno idea what to do about this blasted file?17:50
Lizards|Workyour problem is with your old old old old old unity17:50
Lizards|Workdarkblue_b, gvfs is dark magic17:50
MonkeyDustdebasis  learning something new can be hard, like you once had to learn computer systems17:50
darkblue_bI wonder if I can restore from a backup17:51
debasisSo facing lots of problem in installing software, lots of command need to be known here, in windows, just double click and finish ur work17:51
Lizards|Workclosed source17:51
Lizards|Worknothing to learn17:51
darkblue_bdebasis: every system has its strengths and weakness17:51
imghost!manual | debasis17:51
ubottudebasis: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/17:51
Lizards|Workit's all either set up to run or it will never run17:51
xanguadebasis: in ubuntu you just open Software Center and install what you need from there17:51
debasisI am really very interested in Ubuntu, but dont know why getting frustrated17:52
Lizards|Worklinux administration isn't everybody's cup of tea17:53
DarthEaronhi, i am trying to get touchegg to work with 3 finger guestures. right now it only reads two finger drags, it does not see taps, pinches or ratations. i know my touchpad is capable of it because it worked in windows and synclient -m 100 shows that i can use 3 fingers. geistest however says my touchpad is only a two touch capable touchpad. im running ubuntu 12.04 with all updates, im using xfce4 if thats relavent.17:53
arun__guys, which kernel is the best?17:54
kostkon!manual | debasis17:54
ubottudebasis: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/17:54
imghostDebasis,read the manual,try to proceed slowly its just you are not  familiar with linux17:54
[[thufir]]anyone know the automated software to test postfix?  it automates "telnet localhost 25" etc?17:54
imghost!best | arun__17:55
ubottuarun__: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:55
DarthEaron[[thufir]]: if you just want to telnet yourself at vertian times, you could use crontab17:55
debasisYes, im not familiar with Linux/unix17:55
debasiswhere to get the ubuntu manual?17:56
MonkeyDustdebasis  just double click and work, cybercriminals know that too17:56
kostkondebasis, http://ubuntu-manual.org/17:56
Lizards|Worki find that using man-pages and apropos, i can solve many tasks without google [ debasis ]17:56
DarthEarondoes anyone have any comment towards my question?17:57
[[thufir]]DarthEaron: yeah, I was looking for some program I ran once which does it in a nice way.17:57
debasis<MonkeyDust> what do u mean to say?17:57
DarthEaron[[thufir]]: are you talking about touchegg or crontab?17:57
MonkeyDustdebasis  easy access for you, means also easy access for criminals17:58
imghostDebasis read his post again :D17:58
[[thufir]]maybe touchegg  but I don't think so.  it's not a cron thing, it just makes it easier than typing in all the telnet commands.  it's in apt-cache, but there are ten million results for e-mail and smtp.17:59
debasisOhh, u people are making fun on me, ok fine.I dont know and trying to take help from u.it doesnt mean that u will laugh17:59
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DarthEaron[[thufir]]: okay wait, so what is it your actually trying to achive?17:59
Lizards|Workdebasis, i'm not. i'm trying to help you find the builtin tools18:00
imghostDebasis, nop we are not18:00
[[thufir]]"telnet localhost 25"  but it's a program which does the whole thing for you in one command.  I've used it before, but can't find the name of the software to install.18:00
Lizards|Workdon't know which utility to use? `apropos [task]` where [task] is what you want to do, or a keyword18:00
[[thufir]]DarthEaron: to test postfix.  not a cron thing.18:00
Lizards|Workdon't know how to use the utility? `man [utility]` where [utility] is what came up in apropos18:01
[[thufir]]Lizards|Work: it's not a utility.18:01
jebshello there! Any of you met the problem of installing Dropbox and getting this error: "Nautilus-Share-Message: Called "net usershare info" but it failed: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error No such file or directory Please ask your system administrator to enable user sharing." ?18:01
debasisok fine, if u people are doing so, then i will think u dont know how to help18:01
Lizards|Worklots of things are utilities18:01
DarthEaronjebs: have you punched that into google?18:01
[[thufir]]ok....what's the name of the utility to apropos on?  it's not telnet...18:01
Lizards|Workapropos schedule18:02
Lizards|Workapropos chron18:02
jebs(ok DarthEaron, you're right, but i don't know why my internet connection is extremly slow... )18:02
[[thufir]]Lizards|Work: nope, I'm not trying to use cron18:02
centrananyone know of any central cron managment software?18:02
Lizards|Workyou want to do something, periodically?18:02
Myrttidebasis: what kind of responses were you expecting then?18:02
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Lizards|Workman anacron18:03
[[thufir]]Lizards|Work: nope.  I want to 'telnet locahost 25' etc to test postfix.  there's program to do that, but I can't find it in apt-cache, there are ten million results.18:03
jebs@DarthEaron: actually i've punched it in google but the connection was to slow to get the answer18:03
Lizards|Workwhy don't you use telnet from the command-line then?18:03
Lizards|Workif you only have to use telnet once18:03
[[thufir]]Lizards|Work: there's a program which does it nicely for you, I'm just trying to remember the name.  I can't find it in google. oh well.18:04
Lizards|Workdoes it nicely?18:04
debasis<Myrtti> They should know that, if someone is asking and if someone already told that he is new in linux, then if they will laugh and make fun, will u appreciate it?18:04
intraderAnyone, is there a forum more specific to mysql questions like how to stop mysql?18:04
Lizards|Worki would thing if you've spent this much time looking for a solution you could've done it manually hundreds of times18:04
Myrttidebasis: I didn't see anyone laughing and making fun, I saw people giving you links to stuff they thought would be helpful18:04
DarthEaronjebs: That message is not a Dropbox message but a Nautilus message18:04
debasisIts better, i dont need any help, and i will try my owm, thanks for ur help18:05
[[thufir]]Lizards|Work: it does it easily.  I don't need or want a cron job, but I will do it several times.  yes, I could script -- but someone's already done that and it can be installed from apt-get.18:05
Myrttidebasis: if those links and commands they suggested weren't what you were expecting, then I'd really want to know what kind of responses you were expecting instead18:05
mark_953hahahaha <<<<now thats laughing!18:05
DarthEaronjebs: this is what came up first after quick google. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1986232, next time try there first. its usually faster.18:05
debasis<Myrtti> i asked for ubuntu manual18:06
debasisif u can help, then please18:06
Myrttidebasis: and you were given a link to a website, was that not what you wanted?18:06
debasisdont ask about anyone, plz18:06
Myrttidebasis: http://ubuntu-manual.org/ <-- what's wrong with this?18:07
debasisit was a manual for 13.0218:07
[[thufir]]debasis: what's the actual problem.  people are willing to help you, but, don't take this the wrong way, there are trolls who come on this channel just to wind people up.  how can I/we help you right now?18:07
Lizards|Workdebasis, http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/12.04e2/en_US/screen18:07
debasis<[[thufir]]> i have never asked u to help18:08
[[thufir]]debasis: it helps if you say "I see on page three of the manual..." and ask a specific question.18:08
* [[thufir]] gives up18:08
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debasis<Lizards|Work> thanks bro18:08
demophobiacool, thanks, Lizards|Work, that will help me also, i think.18:08
jebsDarthEaron: ok. I had the same opened, but as I said, my internet was slow and it didn't seem the solution although it is writtent [SOLVED]. thanks! i'll try that again with more attention.18:09
Lizards|Workyou probably needed to be more specific about wanting a manual for 12.0418:09
debasis<Lizards|Work>sorry bro18:09
debasis<Lizards|Work> i am admitting my mistake18:10
Lizards|Workno worries18:10
Lizards|Workit was on that page though18:10
Lizards|Worki understand it defaults to the newest version, but the old versions are there too18:10
kostkondebasis, you can select the ubuntu version on the download page18:10
debasisi see18:10
debasiskostkon:- ok18:10
debasisThis is my request for here my all friends, please forgive me who ever angry on me18:11
intraderAnyone, what I find in " Starting and Stopping MySQL Automatically" in http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/automatic-start.html (shell mysql.server stop) gets into a subshell of mysql that I don't know how to stop excep via CTRL-C18:12
kostkondebasis, no worries18:13
kostkon[[a], hi18:14
debasis_can i got the mysql dev file?18:15
bekksdebasis_: What is "the mysql dev file"?18:16
debasis_means, like windows is providing softwares in .exe file, so just double clicking on it, they gets installed18:17
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rcw2when i go to grooveshark.com on konq and click sign in it downloads a file and doesn't allow me to sign in.   any thoughts on why?18:17
bekksdebasis_: How is that related to whatever "the mysql dev file" might be?18:17
debasis_is there any mysql software available for ubuntu like that?18:17
bekksdebasis_: sudo apt-get install mysql-server18:18
debasis_i know this18:18
bekksdebasis_: thats how you install mysql server software on Ubuntu.18:18
gvodebasis_: If you double click on a .deb file you will be given an option to install it.18:18
imghost!mysql-server | debasis_18:19
gvoBut you'd have to download it first, the apt-be does both.18:19
debasis_gvo:-yes... im telling the same18:19
bekksdebasis_: If you know that - what is your actual question?18:19
adminewbhi all, I have some trouble in a recent upgrade from lucid to precise 12.04 32bit i386; it no longer gives access to the USB wireless adapter(RALink based I believe); boot.log shows that it can't find the device for wlan0; what should I look at now? ndiswrapper wasn't required on lucid, to my knowledge18:19
debasis_gvo:- is there any .dev file for mysql?18:19
bekksdebasis_: What is a ".dev" file?18:19
imghostDebasis_ dev ??18:20
bekksdebasis_: Install the mysql server software as you have just been told.18:20
[[thufir]]well, I found that little utility to automate telnet test for smtp.  it's called swaks.  anyhow.18:20
debasis_sorry, its .deb18:20
bekksdebasis_: Do not install random .deb files, but use the package management system.18:20
debasis_why, whats the problem?18:20
gvoYes there is a .deb file for many flavors of mysql but as beks says, don't bother.18:21
Lizards|Workdo you trust strangers compiling things for you debasis_?18:21
bekksdebasis_: You will break your system. If that is not a problem for you, keep installing software as you like.18:21
mark_953wont it go to the software center once he selects the .deb?18:21
intraderdbasis, which version of ubuntu are you on?18:21
hexacodeanyone know an anti port abuse utility , easy to use...not iptables mind you..i want something to sit on port 22 and if too many failed attempts happen, it locks out the ip address, or locks down the port for a period of time that gradually increases with abuse?18:21
debasis_no no, ur right18:21
heavyammoI am trying to follow this PGP tutorial but I am running Xubuntu not Ubuntu, could someone tell me the actual name of the program that I need? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114608118:21
DarthEaronquestion, how do i see what driver is begin used to manage my touchpad, Im trying to find out why synclient can see 3 fingers,but geistest cannot.18:21
debasis_i should not18:21
bekksdebasis_: Or, do as you have been told multiple times already: sudo apt-get install mysql-server18:21
imghostDebasis_ you will find everything in the official repi18:21
Lizards|Workctrl + alt + t18:22
Lizards|Workto get a terminal18:22
debasis_means in the ubuntu software center18:22
debasis_is it?18:22
bekksdebasis_: yes.18:22
debasis_ok fine18:22
trijntjeheavyammo: seahorse18:22
adminewbare there other logs I should be looking at?18:22
intraderdebasis, please answer to the list by prepending the name of the member and following by :18:22
debasis_intrader:- sorry, i will do that18:23
heavyammotrijntje, <318:23
intraderdebasis_, please answer to the list by prepending the name of the member and following by :18:23
SpeirosCan someone direct me to a page that leads me to be able to open my gmail account on my thunderbird please.18:24
intraderdebasis_, good job - I like to know which version of ubuntu are you on18:24
SpeirosIt is in pop3 and I don't want it to be, I don't think18:24
SpeirosThanks Lizards|Work18:24
debasis_intrader: its 12.04 LTS18:24
trijntjeLizards|Work: telling people to look stuf up on google is not helping18:25
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.18:25
mark_953Speiros:  lamessaging.com/en-US/kb/thunderbird-and-gmail18:25
bekkstrijntje: As long as it isnt an Ubuntu support issue, it is a good idea to tell them how to get the information wanted.18:26
SpeirosThanks mark_95318:26
imghost+1 bekks18:26
intraderdebasis_, thanks, on 12.04 LTS mysql is installed by default - to see if it is running `ps aux| grep sql` (enter the command in a terminal) or issue sudo service mysql status18:28
bekksintrader: the mysql server inst installed by default on 12.0418:28
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intraderbekks, I was told that last night on this list18:29
bekksintrader: On the server version, maybe. On a desktop, it isnt installed by default.18:29
debasis_intrader:- its showing un recognize service18:29
adminewbhow can i tell in detail what happened with the loading of device drivers, including the USB wireless adapter?18:29
bekksdebasis_: Then install it as you have been told multiple times now.18:29
debasis_bekks:- Are u angry on me?18:30
intraderdebasis_, what do you get when you issue `sudo service mysql status` on the terminal?18:30
Lizards|Workadminewb, at some point ubuntu switched to a networking daemon18:30
bekksdebasis_: No. I just dont get the point why you are procastinating from your actual issue "how do I install a mysql server on ubuntu".18:30
debasis_intrader:-unrecognized service18:31
adminewbLizards|Work thanks, where do such daemons log?18:31
intraderdebasis_, bekks is not mad at you, he is helping18:31
Lizards|Worki'm looking for what i did to solve the issue adminewb18:31
Lizards|Workadminewb, which version are you on now? 12.04?18:32
intraderdebasis_, what about to command `ps aux | grep sql`18:32
adminewbyes 12.04 LTS18:32
debasis_intrader:- then he should talk like u, but its just something els18:32
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imghost!attitude | debasis_18:32
ubottudebasis_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines18:32
ikoniadebasis_: you've been told how to install mysql - install it and ask any follow up questions18:32
Lizards|Workadminewb, http://askubuntu.com/a/32505518:32
ikoniadebasis_: rather than telling a story that no-one is really interested in or trying to pick fault with the guy that's actually given you the correct answer18:33
adminewbthanks much Lizards|Work18:33
Lizards|Worki'm pretty sure that's where i had to start18:33
Lizards|Workbroadcom drivers/kernel modules18:33
bekksdebasis_: Well ok - do what you want, I wont help you anymore, since you dont want to listen. Good luck, maybe someone else is going to help you.18:33
debasis_ok ok, sorry guys.Its better im now from here.U people are very disturbed bcoz of me18:34
debasis_im leaving18:34
debasis_sorry, if i hury u18:34
debasis_hurt u**18:34
houkouonchi-homeanyone here knowledgeable about ubuntu networking init scripts and what might cause the TERM signal to be sent?18:34
SpeirosThanks once again to both Lizards|Work and mark_953.  Worked just fine.18:34
streamerI run a file from ssh, how do I make it a startup job? I have to launch it in the terminal by ./sc_trans sc_trans_mrs.conf , how do i make it to run as a daemon?18:35
ikoniahoukouonchi-home: term to what ?18:35
ikonia!upstart | streamer18:35
ubottustreamer: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/18:35
houkouonchi-homeikanobori: TERM sent to network-interface eth0 pre-start process18:35
mark_953Speiros:  no problem sir!18:35
streamerthanks, will look into it :)18:35
houkouonchi-homeikanobori: periodically seeing machines that come up with no eth0 configured... doing ifup eth0 brings them up or rebooting brings them up as well18:36
houkouonchi-homeikanobori: http://pastebin.com/uUwSQW0Y18:36
ikoniahoukouonchi-home: is it static or dynamic configuration18:36
ikoniahoukouonchi-home: ok, so that isn't going to be a termination18:36
ikoniahoukouonchi-home: I suspect thats the device not being available at configuratin time18:36
houkouonchi-homeikonia: well according to the dmesg output its seeing the ethernet device about a second before the init script is being killed, no different from when the machine boots with eth018:37
ikoniahoukouonchi-home: your paste backs that up18:37
intraderbekks, from https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CCsQFjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fhelp.ubuntu.com%2Flts%2Fserverguide%2Fmysql.html&ei=K73BUs_KDcrroATUioCgAg&usg=AFQjCNFeQe-XKccybpe_lF-uOlg8B-35qg&bvm=bv.58187178,d.cGU :'As of Ubuntu 12.04, MySQL 5.5 is installed by default.'18:37
ikoniahoukouonchi-home: it looks like there are problems (potential problems) bringing the interface online in the OS for configuration18:37
bekksintrader: You are looking at the _server_ guide :P18:38
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imghostBekks, +118:39
houkouonchi-homeikonia: well I was wondering if maybe it has something to do with iscsi transport class? it seems like its loading that one almost at the same time as the others but then it bitches about not being able to wait and in that output I see it loaded later before?18:39
ikoniahoukouonchi-home: not from what I'm reading, but I could be wrong18:40
houkouonchi-homeikonia: could you point out to me on which line number you think the potential problem is happening?18:40
intraderbekks, no, I just asked the question in google:is mysql installed on ubuntu 12.04 by default?18:40
ikoniahoukouonchi-home: I don't see it as a "line number" there is nothing conclusive in there18:41
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imghostIntrader, lts/serverguide/mysql.html18:41
houkouonchi-homeikonia: ok well I was going by you saying the output seemed to suggest what you were saying18:41
ikoniahoukouonchi-home: 27.472946] bnx2 0000:01:00.0 eth0: using MSIX18:41
ikonia[   27.473039] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready18:41
ikoniahoukouonchi-home: if you look there - it can't bring up the card and that's before configuration18:41
houkouonchi-homeikonia: well it does that same thing when it comes up just fine too though18:41
adminewbLizards|Work downloaded the firmware .deb file, now I'll try out their advice; crossed fingers18:42
ryoungs66If I was making a program for both ubuntu and windows, what would be the easiest language to write it in?18:42
bekksintrader: And you got the _server_ guide as a result.18:42
bekksintrader: We can move on now.18:42
imghostIntrader, by default on 12.04lts server edition not desktop :)18:42
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BurritoAnyone know a way of faking keyboard input through Python, without using XTest or anything that uses XTest to accomplish it? Every time I try something that uses XTest, I run into the same bug at some point.18:45
intraderbekks, imghost: thanks - as to my question, where do I find info on how to stop mysql. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/automatic-start.html tells me to issue mysql.server stop in a shell.18:45
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bekksintrader: service mysql start/stop18:47
bekksintrader: Stick to the serverguide you just referred :)18:47
intraderbekks, it shows that 'mysql stop/waiting'18:49
houkouonchi-homeikonia: http://askubuntu.com/questions/382354/double-interfaces-problem <-- guy with the exact same problem18:49
bekksintrader: Then wait a few and run service mysql status18:50
intraderbekks, Ok, I will wait18:50
Lizards|Workhoukouonchi-home, that's a bit like http://xkcd.com/979/18:50
adminewbLizards|Work just noticed the module they refer to is for Broadcom devices; mine is an RAlink rt2870; I vaguely recall that rt2800usb is a related module but probably not the only required one; any other thoughts?18:51
houkouonchi-homeLizards|Work: hahaha yea18:51
Lizards|Worki've not much idea, i just know that everything went wonky at some point and i was troubleshooting it til i did that18:51
imghostIntrader, or do this service mysql stop then sudo service mysql restart18:51
bekksimghost: either stop/start or restart. :)18:52
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imghostBekks, yes sir18:52
intraderbekks, imghost , not it is running as process 410018:53
intraderbekks, imghost , ... the sudo service mysql restart did that18:54
bekksintrader: Expected - and?18:54
imghostIntrader, so what now?18:54
intraderbekks, imghost , I want it stopped so that nobody can access via dyndns into my home network18:55
solitoodhi, quick question... i have a new toshiba satellite touch screen win8 laptop. does anyone know if installing ubuntu (i typically use wubi) will be more complicated due to the windows8 touch laptop ... id rahter not use wubi so i can make its own partition but after glancing through some forums i'v read that people have trouble installing ubuntu on a win8box18:55
bekksintrader: Then _stop_ it, instead of _restart_ing it...18:55
imghostIntrader,sudo service mysql stop simple :)18:55
OerHekssolitood, wubi does not work on win8, so you are lucky18:56
llutzintrader: don't bind it to a network-interface if you don't want it being accessible or just remove it completly if you don't want it running at all18:56
Lizards|Workyeah there's no wubi for 13.X18:56
intraderbekks, imghost , back to interminable 'mysql stop/waiting'18:56
OerHekssolitood, if you do not want to touch your filesystem, use virtuabox, but there is an UEFI manual18:57
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI18:57
solitoodokay well, i dont have any blank dvds' and the ubuntu iso is 708mb, wont fit on my blnk cds18:57
bekksintrader: And? Then wait a few and check wether it is still running.18:57
Lizards|Worksolitood, they moved away from the 700MB requirement18:57
intraderbekks, imghost , and now 'stop: Unknown instance'18:57
solitoodyeah i noticed18:57
imghostIntrader, close the terminal and lets close this topic18:57
solitoodim not very good with technical stuff, hence why i use ubuntu18:57
Lizards|Workmake a bootable USB?18:58
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solitoodi dont have a usb, nor money18:58
Lizards|Workwith startup disk creator18:58
Lizards|Worki understand that18:58
solitoodi just have a few blanks18:58
Lizards|Workmaybe a network install?18:58
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:59
solitoodbut if theres a smaller version of ubuntu tht i can install and upgrade online , without having trouble instlling it (i read people hving to disable BIOS and shit cuz of win8 when trying to instll ubuntu and i cant risk fucking up this laptop)18:59
Lizards|Worksolitood, UEFI is not something you're going to easily dodge18:59
solitoodso i just want a simple reliable ubuntu install that shouldnt hve problems making a partition next to win818:59
intraderbekks, imghost , on fresh teminal I issued `sudo service mysql status` and I get 'mysql stop/waiting' -- now what?18:59
bekksintrader: It is stopped now...19:00
imghostIntrader, wait19:00
houkouonchi-homenet-install is the only way for me =)19:00
OerHeksplease watc your language, solitood19:00
Lizards|Worksolitood, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:01
solitoodyeah i dont have a blank dvd or usb so that wont work19:01
solitoodjust blank cds19:01
Lizards|Workthey say livedvd because that's what they're all supposed to be, the mini-ubuntu _may_ be able to do this anyway19:02
demophobiaHow many internal errors is it normal to experience before one may conclude that there is a bad installation or a hard drive failure?19:02
solitoodi guess i'll give it a shot tomorrow on adderall19:02
imghostSolitood, good luck19:02
Lizards|Workdemophobia, i get periodic (2, maybe 3 a day) system errors in apport19:03
houkouonchi-homedemom: internal errors? I would look at smart stats of said drive or dmesg output if you suspect bad disk19:03
demophobiawhat's apport?19:03
Lizards|Workand my system is still A-OK19:03
solitoodi just dont want my win8 partition screwed up because this laptop didnt come with any reinstall diks19:03
Lizards|Workdemophobia, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport19:03
Lizards|Worksolitood, that's by design19:03
Lizards|Workthey want you to make your own restore images solitood19:03
Mercemee veisss19:04
demophobiathanks ... it was rhythmbox that crashed this time19:04
imghostSolitood, are you familiar with linux mate?because there are problems on installing ubuntu on uefi19:04
demophobiai've had xorg, rhythmbox, and something else crash on me19:04
solitoodyeah i am but iv never heard of ueifi19:04
solitoodiv installed ubuntu more times thn i can count19:05
Lizards|Worksolitood, if it's running windows 8, it's running uefi19:05
solitoodjust neer on a win8 box19:05
intraderbekks, imghost , on fresh terminal I issued `sudo service mysql status` and I get 'mysql stop/waiting'; also `ps aux |grep sql` shows it running19:05
molqrinstalled ubuntu on a windows 8 box with uefi .... however grub did not figure out the presence of windows on the system ... strangely though i m able to go to either ubuntu to windows using the F12 firmware boot options menu. do i need grub at all then?19:05
solitoodugh thats the problem i dont want to have -- installing it and then haaving no bootloader19:06
imghostMolqr, reinstall grub2 using live cd/usb19:06
imghostIntrader, do one reboot19:07
molqrimghost: thanks. but i m really confused about it. if there is option to boot in to either windows or ubuntu (provided by something i do not understand fully) do i need to fix grub anymore?19:08
molqrthis option i guess is provided by UEFI thingy19:08
adminewbLizards|Work, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-install-rt2870-chipset-based-usb-wireless-adapter.html19:09
adminewbthis page I found seemingly related to my hardware config (RAlink rt2870 on a USB device); the vendor though has been bought out and all their old models appear quite orphaned :p the driver they offer as download is more than 3yr old! this is probably why I can't get it working, there appears to be no support for kernel v3.x19:09
imghostMolqr, try to use legacy mode19:09
molqrimghost: ok.19:09
Lizards|Workwell nuts adminewb, i wish you good luck anyhow =p19:09
adminewbwhat thoughts do you have about buying a new wireless USB adaptor, so that I can find a compatible driver?19:10
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demophobiaLizards|Work, i'm not sure what you mean by "in apport" unless you mean that you use apport to submit reports about the crashes19:10
mycomputerhas anyone had sound issues with ubuntu? i get a stutter it's very odd19:10
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KaneKakaI have a Compaq 435 Laptop, and the "F3" key alongside with 'T' and 'Y' stopped working. F3 on my laptop-keyboard was the brightening key, now I can't brighten up my screen. How can I fix this? I bought a USB keyboard but that keyboard's F3 key doesn't brighten up.19:11
SysRq-REISUBI know Ubuntu did away with the alternate installer for 12.10, but if one is on the 12.04.3 LTS install CD, is there a way to configure and install encrypted partitions?19:11
Lizards|Workdemophobia, yes, apport pops up and tells me 2 to 3 times a day that there's been a system error.19:11
SysRq-REISUBOr do I need to download and install the 12.04.3 ALT, reburn and try again>19:11
imghostMolqr, also disable the secure boot, use legacy mode and reinstall grub2 and if you get black screen then just use nomodeset19:11
demophobiaLizards|Work, are you also using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS?19:11
demophobiawhat are you using?19:12
Lizards|Workbut it's been this way for as long as i can remember19:12
Lizards|Worki'm on 13.10 today19:12
demophobiawhy is it common for ubuntu to crash so much?19:12
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Lizards|Workit's usually just bug reports19:12
SysRq-REISUBdemophobia, If you're getting those "system error" popups, just disable them. It isn't anything important.19:12
adminewbLizards|Work: how should I go about finding a USB wireless adapter that has support for modern kernels?19:13
Lizards|Worki'd google for linux compatible usb wireles adapters =p19:13
SysRq-REISUBdemophobia, Google "ubuntu disable apport" and you'll find it.19:13
Lizards|Workadminewb, usually they have a bunch on raspberry pi sites19:13
adminewbmuch obliged19:14
Lizards|Workmy pleasure19:14
SysRq-REISUBSo, does anybody know about encrypted 12.04.3?19:15
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ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory19:15
gordonjcpSysRq-REISUB: I know it's more trouble than it's worth...19:15
SysRq-REISUBMonkeyDust, Nothing to do with that. Read the log,.19:15
intraderAnyone, after reboot I still have 'mysql start/running, process 960'19:16
SysRq-REISUBgordonjcp, Not for me. Not at all. Trust me. I spent a long time getting Windows Truecrypt and Ubuntu Luks to play nicely using Grub2.19:16
compdocmysql tends to always run when its installed19:16
SysRq-REISUBgordonjcp, But... now I've got a new laptop, and only an LTS CD.19:16
intraderimghost,after reboot mysql still running19:17
imghostintrader, so?19:17
SysRq-REISUBgordonjcp, So I either need to make a CD... while on a CD... or figure out how to make 12.04.3 configure and install LUKS.19:17
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intraderimghost,I am asking, how do I stop it.19:18
Guest8495Is it unsafe to do home banking with Ubuntu LTS Live CD? I ask because it misses security updates since it was released.19:18
imghostintrader, sudo service mysql stop19:18
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SysRq-REISUBGuest80022,  If you're on your home network, and its password protected, then you're fine.19:19
gordonjcpGuest8495: do the updates once it installs?19:19
MonkeyDustGuest8495  it's safe, even when it's installed19:19
gordonjcpGuest8495: there aren't really anything that would affect home banking19:19
MonkeyDustGuest8495  all incoming ports are closed and there's no malware19:19
llutzintrader:"sudo stop mysql"  then:  echo manual |sudo tee /etc/init/mysql.override19:19
intraderimghost,we have been here before, after `sudo service mysql stop` I get mysql stop/waiting - for how long19:20
SysRq-REISUBGuest80022,  Once it hits your router, its secure as usual. The only thing that the OS could have that would be compromised is installed malware, unlikely on a liveCD, or a "man-in-the-middle" attack, which you don't have to worry about if you're home.19:20
imghostintrader, if you did not use it then  simply remove it my friend19:20
SysRq-REISUBgordonjcp, I have a query, why do you say it's more trouble than its worth?19:21
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intraderimghost,I don't understant 'if you did not use it'19:21
ApteryxHello friends! Does some of you here would happen to know how to trouble shoot bluetooth problems?19:21
Guest8495gordonjcp: well then why does Ubuntu prompt me with lots of security upgrades, even when it is installed?19:21
gordonjcpSysRq-REISUB: slow, vastly greater chance of data loss, slow, breaks lots of stuff, slow19:21
SysRq-REISUBGuest8495, Because security updates are still important! :D19:22
glitsj16intrader: what is your end goal with mysql? didn't follow your whole thread .. if you want it not to start automatically, just add a one-liner file at /etc/init/mysql.override with the text "manual" in it, like "sudo sh -c "echo 'manual' > /etc/init/mysql.override" .. if you want it to go back to autostarting, just remove that file19:22
gordonjcpGuest8495: none of those are really likely to affect your online banking19:22
imghostintrader, mysql server starts automatically19:22
ApteryxI have a Dell V130 laptop which uses the AR3011 bluetooth controller, and it seems fussy.19:22
intraderllutz, does not work: stop: Unknown instance:19:22
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SysRq-REISUBgordonjcp, I've never had any of those issues, but that may be due to that I always buy computers that assist in speeding up AES and I've never used any laptop that isn't quad core.19:23
MonkeyDustGuest8495  i guess those upgrades are for servers, really, not for your home pc19:23
bekksintrader: Wait a few (seconds) and check ps -ef|grep mysql19:23
ApteryxIt won't detect an Apple Wireless bluetooth keyboard nor an Apple Magic Mouse (bluetooth).19:23
bekksintrader: I dont get your point until now, honestly.19:23
SysRq-REISUBgordonjcp, Okay... maybe the data loss... but that was the point. I'd rather it have been lost than in the hands of ... well, those that could use it against me.19:23
llutzintrader: "pgrep mysql "19:23
Lizards|WorkSysRq-REISUB, i just dont' do anything that needs that much obfuscating ;)19:24
gordonjcpSysRq-REISUB: no-one cares that much about you19:24
ApteryxI have tried swapping gnome-bluetooth in favour of blueman but it won't find any devices also19:24
SysRq-REISUBgordonjcp, And I'd like it to stay that way... which it wouldn't if I slipped up.19:24
bekksintrader: Did you already read https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/mysql.html ?19:25
gordonjcpSysRq-REISUB: tinfoil hat19:25
SysRq-REISUBLizards|Work, Haha, I can't help it. In my line of work laptops are worth 1% of the data they contain.19:25
Lizards|Workmeh, my tinfoil hat just keeps me from stepping out of line19:25
intraderllutz, answer to ps ef|grep mysql gives me: intrader  2479  2181  0 11:24 pts/2    00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql19:26
Lizards|Workthen it's not running19:26
llutzintrader: thats why you shouldn't use ps...|grep          it will always find the grep process19:26
llutzintrader: or at least you should learn to read the output19:26
SysRq-REISUBgordonjcp, Heh, possibly. But I'd rather be paranoid than in jail, or worse... have a compeitor selling my work.19:27
gordonjcpSysRq-REISUB: what do you do?19:27
SysRq-REISUBgordonjcp, Well, offically I'm a quantum-microprocessor engineer. I design hardware for the Institute of quantum computing. Unoffically, isn't something I'd say in an IRC.19:28
gyre007is there any way how I can find out what package certain package is a dependency of ?19:28
SysRq-REISUBgordonjcp, Anyway, nice chatting. I got a USB burnt, and hopefully this works.19:29
llutzgrahamsavage: apt-rdepends ... or apt-cache depends ...19:29
gordonjcpwell, that sounds a lot like bullshit19:30
ApteryxIs hcitool dev the way to check what bluetooth adapter is working on my system?19:30
llutzgyre007: apt-rdepends ... or apt-cache depends ...19:31
Lizards|Workgordonjcp, lol19:31
gyre007llutz: I need to find out what package did pull another package as dependency19:31
intraderllutz, wow, I did no pay attention - something new learned. I thought the pipe to grep would examine the output of the ps for the string mysql!19:31
llutzApteryx: it only  shows you if your adapter is recognized19:31
gyre007not the package's dependency19:31
gyre007there is a one package which got installed19:31
gyre007and I need to find out how19:31
houkouonchi-home'I've never used any laptop that isn't quad core.' <--- That magic key reboot guy must not be very old then lol19:31
llutzgyre007: aptitude why packagename19:31
gyre007or what installed that package19:31
darkblue_banyone know what "Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts" might be caused by?19:32
intraderbekks, I have not read through it, I am reading it19:32
gyre007llutz: yep19:32
darkblue_bI just scp'd to my own remote machine.. should I be concerned ?19:32
gyre007that was it19:32
llutzintrader: it does but ps bla|grep foo     is also showing "foo" in the processlist19:32
Bashing-omgyre007: Sure try terminal commands: apt-cache depends <package_name> or apt-cache rdepends <package_name> : .19:32
Lizards|Workwhy would you be concerned darkblue_b19:32
bekksintrader: It answers all your questions, especially on how to configure mysql in a way that it isnt open to everyone.19:33
gyre007aptitude why does the job perfectly19:33
intraderllutz, thanks, something new learned19:33
bekksintrader: You gave the link yourself, you should have read it already ;)19:33
gordonjcpdarkblue_b: did it ask you to add new key, which you told it not to?19:33
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darkblue_bthe remote machines (five or six) are behind a single netgear router.. port 22 is port-forwarded to the main machine.. every once in a while I change that19:35
intraderbekks, and it says nothing about stopping the mysql server19:35
darkblue_bhowever, I havent changed anything recently19:35
bekksintrader: How often will you try to stop it...? It isnt running anymore. You know how to stop it already.19:35
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:36
bekksintrader: That link will tell you how to configure mysql, not how to start/stop it.19:36
llutzintrader: still: if you don't want to run/use mysql, remove the package19:36
intraderllutz, I don't want to remove it and reinstall to access it. I want it to not listen to its port19:38
llutzintrader: isn't it configured to listen to localhost-only by default?19:38
bekksintrader: Then configure it...19:38
bekksintrader: Read you own link, and do as you want to.ö19:38
MrAndyI have a ubuntu-server box, and it's born with 1 ip. I then ordered 9 extra (10 total), however it appears I need to add the 9 ip's myself. How am I going to do that?19:39
intraderllutz, bekks: I will follow on this, thanks19:39
Lizards|WorkMrAndy, I'd look into NAT19:39
bekksLizards|Work: NAT with IPs in the same network is impossible.19:39
Lizards|Workthey're external IPs19:39
bekksLizards|Work: In the same network as the first one, external.19:40
Lizards|WorkNAT Pool19:40
bekksLizards|Work: Its nonsense, please dont suggest it anymore, for his use case.19:40
ikonia....still in the same network19:40
Lizards|Workidk i'm cisco network not linux network ;)19:40
MrAndyLizards|Work, /etc/network/interfaces and add them eth0:1 etc?19:40
ikoniaLizards|Work: err then you should have a clue about natting19:40
bekksMrAndy: Yes.19:40
Lizards|Worki do19:40
ikoniaLizards|Work: nat is the same in linux as it is in cisco19:40
speedmanni bet MrAndy wants to know how to add real ips... with "ip adde add <ip> dev <devicename>19:40
Lizards|Workand i've done it19:40
bekksLizards|Work: Obviously, you dont.19:40
Lizards|Workclearly not19:40
Lizards|Workwhich is what this cert says19:41
FloodBot1Lizards|Work: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:41
darkblue_bhmm ~/ssh/known_hosts  is 700 root:root19:41
MrAndybekks, do you know the parameter 'Network' in the interface conf?19:41
bekksMrAndy: Yes, I do.19:41
MrAndybekks, what does it mean and do?19:41
* darkblue_b checks Allow RootLogin setting19:42
bekksMrAndy: It defines the network which your address is in.19:42
ApathicIs it possible to run Gnome on a VPS with 2GB of ram?19:42
llutzdarkblue_b: sudo chown $USER ~/.ssh/known_hosts19:42
MrAndymay I pm bekks?19:42
bekksMrAndy: No reason to do so.19:42
darkblue_bwell thanks, but I want to understand if there is apossiblity I was hacked19:42
MrAndybekks - do I need to use that parameter if I want to add the other 9 ip's?19:43
llutzdarkblue_b: more likely you run some stupid "sudo ssh ..."19:43
darkblue_byes, true19:43
bekksMrAndy: you need the address, netmask, gateway parameters. All other parameters are optional.19:43
WarriorIng64Hi, can someone assist me in installing different kernel versions when doing a bisection? Apparently I can't find some of the packages that dpkg needs to satisfy dependencies. I'm trying to follow the instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBisection#Bisecting_Ubuntu_kernel_versions19:43
GerowenCould you guys take a look at this and see if you can help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2196616&p=12886917#post1288691719:44
bekksGerowen: Why dont you state your problem in one sentence in here?19:44
MrAndybekks - and I just keep adding them eth0:1 eth0:2 and so forth?19:44
GerowenI have 3 videos I need to join, two of them have audio, one doesn't, but when I try to merge them mencoder says, Cannot mix video-only files with audio and video files. Try -nosound.19:44
GerowenI've tried OpenShot, audio sync gets way off, AVIDemux crashes constantly.19:45
bekksMrAndy: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/ubuntu-linux-creating-ethernet-alias-for-eth0-network-device.html19:45
llutzdarkblue_b: sudo ssh   is always bad. use ssh -u username host   or ssh user@host       to connect as different use19:45
darkblue_bllutz: yes, but since I ssh about 100x a day.. and also sudo a lot, I can see how I might have slipped19:46
jhutchinsGerowen: Either add an empty sound track to the one that's missing, or do the whole thing without sound.19:46
darkblue_banyway, /etc/ssh/sshd_config shows PermitRootLogin no19:46
SargunWhere is the source code for ifupdown19:46
darkblue_banother thing is to check which general user names on this machine have a shell19:46
SargunSee here: https://code.launchpad.net/ifupdown19:46
ikoniaSargun: it's a shell script19:47
Gerowenjhutchins: K, will try an empty soundtrack, audio in the rest of the video is important, the silent one is just one I sped up and re-sampled back to 30 fps, kind of like those British comedies where they play through the video really fast.19:47
Sargunikonia: uh. No, it's not.19:48
Sargunikonia: It's a C program.19:48
llutzSargun: apt-get source ifupdown19:49
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ikoniaSargun: you sure, it's a shell script on my machine,19:49
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luciussirhey i'm trying to migrate a real partition to a loopback hosted partition in a raw disk image file19:50
luciussirall other partitions (less than 2 gbs each) copy fine19:50
darkblue_bloopback hosted partition ?19:50
llutzSargun: ifupdown is just a package, not a single file19:50
luciussirthis one dies at 1.6 gb and its actually 20 gb, i tried specifying a larger loopback sizelimit but it still does the same thing19:51
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luciussirvirtial partition*19:51
luciussirvirtual lol19:51
luciussirdarkblue_b: sorry19:51
bekksWhats a virtual partition?19:51
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ikonialuciussir: why don't you just explain the problem you are trying to fix19:51
luciussirdarkblue_b: it seems to be truncating the dd op at 1.6, where would you think this size limit might reside ?19:52
luciussirikonia: dd is not writing past 1.6 to the loopback partition (/dev/loop1p7) which inside the image has a size of 23 gbs19:53
ikonialuciussir: no, why don't you tell us the problem you are trying to fix overall, not the bit you're stuck on19:53
TuringiI have a headless ubuntu server install. How can I disable the prompt for user input on unclean shutdown?19:54
luciussirikonia: I am attempting to migrate an existing physical disk to a virtual disk so i can convert it to a virtual machines disk and sandbox it so i can run it as a virtual machine and use ubuntu as the host os19:54
Sargunllutz: Yeah, I want to get the source code for it, I need to modify it, and rebuild it.19:55
ikonialuciussir: a virutal disk ? why are you using "dd"19:55
bekksSargun: What are you going to "modify" then?19:56
luciussirikonia: i have a one raw disk image which represents the physical disk, i used parted on it to create a gpt filesystem, and so i figured the only way to work with each partition was using loopback devices with kparted to give me access to each individual virtual partition, dd was to do a raw dump of the data from each partition to its corresponding virtual one19:56
ikonialuciussir: what is the hypervisor ?19:56
darkblue_bmy understanding is that a partition can be read as a file, so dd works.. but I have no clue about that setup19:57
ki7rwi have a couple of questions - 1. when i ssh to another machine, run an app, close the app, and then exit from the session i don't get the bash prompt back on the local machine and when i try to close the window i get a box about a process still running - i wait a few minutes and i still don't get a prompt back19:57
luciussirgpt partition table*19:57
ikonialuciussir: what is the hypervisor ?19:57
ki7rw2. why does my display dim from time to time and i can't do anything until the screen un-dims?19:57
darkblue_bki7rw: yo umay have an X windows service alive19:58
ki7rwboth situations occur on all my linux boxes regardless of ubuntu version19:58
luciussirikonia: so what should i use ? see some of the partitions have no recognized filesystem19:58
ikonialuciussir: please answer my question19:58
darkblue_bki7rw: I connect with ssh -X to antother machine.. and sometimes an X thing will keep the session open when I try to logout.. its a minor thing though, which is generally easily fixable19:59
luciussirikonia: what i'm convinced of is that the loopback devices has a size limit per partition,19:59
ikonialuciussir: ok - bye bye, you refuse to answer my question and just keep giving me worthless information19:59
luciussirikonia: and calls to losetup --sizelimit do not seem to be helping19:59
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darkblue_bki7rw: there may be some config somewhere adding thinfgs to an ssh connection on some host, also20:00
llutzSargun: yes and the command to get the source, is: apt-get source ifupdown20:01
luciussirikonia: be patient dude i got lagged out20:01
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luciussirikonia: didn't see your question. i'm considering using either kvm or virtualbox20:01
[[a]_Greeting everyone, how can I hide the ubuntu's terminal? minimize it in tray.20:02
luciussirikonia: i'm lagged by at least 15 seconds... seems to be rising in fact20:02
intraderAnyone, normally I use the TAB key to complete someone's nick. Sometimes, I am unable to get TAB to work. Why is that?20:05
bkuberekworking on some debian packages20:06
cigritsi do when im using xchat, it doesnt work on xchat aqua.20:06
bekksbkuberek: For debian, or for Ubuntu? :)20:06
bkuberekis there a way to get the package name and version from within the debian/rules file?20:06
[[a]_i dont know how to hide the terminal20:06
bkuberekbekks: both20:07
darkblue_bbekks: be nice to packagers :-)20:07
bekksdarkblue_b: I just wanted more information.20:07
bkuberekI was hoping in debian/rules I could do something like $$(PKG_VERSION)20:08
icerootbkuberek: debian/control20:08
Bashing-omintrader: Maybe because the <nick> has quit the channel ?20:08
bkuberekiceroot: I have some custom rules and I was hoping to use version and name in my rules file20:08
intraderBashing-om, well maybe, but I was able to type the nick and it worked. Did no notice leaving list20:09
icerootbkuberek: the version is always in debian/control20:09
icerootbkuberek: what you do with your priavte packages is your case20:09
bkuberekiceroot: mot when using --with-python20:09
bkuberekthen the version comes from the setup.py file20:09
bkuberekI need the exact version string used to building the path where it is installed20:10
icerootbkuberek: debian/changelog  there you will find the version (from the package) not the software20:10
icerootbkuberek: dch -i will create the current version number20:10
Bashing-omintrader: What I am saying is that tab completion will not work if that person has left the channel.20:10
bkuberekiceroot: so I would need to parse my changelog for the version numbert20:11
bkuberekI thought there was some variable I could use20:11
icerootbkuberek: i am not aware of a variable which is always used20:12
bkuberekthis post says I could use cdbs: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/804948/variables-in-debian-rules-makefile20:12
bkuberekbut I am not familiar with cdbs20:12
icerootbkuberek: maybe the manpage of debhelper knows more, sorry20:12
bkuberekiceroot: thanks for the help20:12
bkuberekI will look some more otherwise I will parse the file20:12
intraderBashing-om, yes I have tried that (for example JaTAB does not find Jay__). However, in one instance I notice that imghost was not responsing the the TAB yet imghost was present and listening20:14
Balzy_hello, I have a computer connected to my router via lan, is it possible to use the router wifi antenna to connect to other wifi networks?20:15
bekksintrader: Tab completion does not mean that the alphabetical order has to be used.20:16
llutzBalzy_: if your router supports wifi-client mode, sure20:16
Bashing-omintrader: Uhmm, sounds like you might want to read your .config file and maybe the scripts you are using ? But, I really do not know further.20:16
bekksintrader: However - how is your mysql configuration going?20:16
Balzy_llutz I could check, if so what shall I do?20:17
K1rkHello anyone around who can assist me with installing Broadcom BCM43222 card on Ubuntu 12.04?  I've tried all sorts of drivers and I can't get it working.  (b43 doesn't work, b43legacy doesn't work, even though kernel.org lists the chipset as supported...)20:17
llutzBalzy_: read the documentation of your router and check how you setup as wifi-client20:17
intraderbekks, everything running fine - however, now I need to shut everything down (apache2 and mysql)20:17
bekksintrader: Because...?20:17
intraderBashing-om, thanks20:18
llutzBalzy_: since its not likely you run ubuntu on the router, its not a topic here. it is a plain router thing20:18
intraderbekks, not to make mysql or apache available to the network  - my computer is behind a router exposed by dundns20:19
intraderbekks, dyndns20:19
bekksintrader: Why dont you finally start _configuring_ them then?20:19
bekksintrader: you have been given all information needed on how to configure mysql in a safe way.20:19
gordonjcpintrader: by default mysql isn't exposed to the network20:20
imghostintrader, did you read the informations be honest20:20
Jay__Anyone able to help install VMware Player? I'm getting the following message 'kernel headers for version 3.8.0-34 generic were not found'20:20
llutzintrader: isn't it configured to listen to localhost-only by default? so no chance to access from outside. check your configuration!20:20
Balzy_llutz yep, it's the usual router provided by the internet company thx!20:20
K1rkJay__: You need to install your kernel headers.20:21
K1rkJay__: Try "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`"20:21
Jay__Did that, still doesn't work20:21
jhutchinsJay__: #vmware - also they have commercial support.20:22
intraderbekks, imghost, gordonjcp: wow guys, I don't understand then. I have read the article and I don't see how to stop mysql20:22
K1rkJay__: Does the kernel version in the vmware error match up sorta with what's in your uname -r output?20:22
K1rkCurious if maybe you didn't install the headers for 'generic'20:22
bekksintrader: You stopped it a thousand times until now. Face that fac finally.20:23
Jay__K1rk: yeah it matches20:23
bekksintrader: How often do you want to stop it?20:23
intraderbekks, once is enough for me20:23
bekksintrader: Then face the fact that you stopped it already.20:24
K1rkJay__: Sorry man that should be working for you then.20:26
intraderbekks, indeed, phpmyadmin does not find Hurray. Thanks - now I stop apache220:26
K1rkJay__: If you're still getting that error then vmware may be looking in the wrong path for the kernel headers.  It may be best to talk to them in their #vmware channel as suggested earlier.20:26
bekksintrader: And, in fact, by default, apache2 is configured to listen on localhost only, too. So in fact, no one can access it from outside.20:26
Jay__K1rk: np man, thanks for the help. Yeah I just jumped on there20:26
K1rkJay__: I usually don't mess with installing VMWare on top of Linux if I can avoid it.  ESXi is the way to go.20:26
bekksintrader: Face the fact that you dont have to.20:26
imghostintrader, what is the output of sudo netstat -tap | grep mysql?20:26
CzupaHow to fix GPG  NO_PUBKEY error when running apt-get update?20:27
intraderbekks, wells localhost is equivalent to my laptops ip, it can be accessed throught dyndns from the outside.20:27
llutzintrader: nonsense, localhost is localhost20:28
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llutzintrader:, not accessible from anywhere20:28
bekksintrader: If that would be the case, you would never been able to reach it from outside. Localhost ip addresses arent reachable from anywhere but the local host.20:28
bekksintrader: You should be aware of that fact, too.20:28
imghostintrader, what is localhost?20:29
intraderllutz, is equivalent to localhost20:29
llutzintrader: do yourself a favour and read about some basics20:29
bekksintrader: Correct. That IP isnt reachable from anywhere.20:29
llutzintrader: yes and it's not accessible from anywhere20:29
bekksintrader: If that would be your IP address, you would not have a working internet connection.20:29
Lizards|Work127.0.0.1 is unroutable20:30
Bashing-omCzupa: http://askubuntu.com/questions/13065/how-do-i-fix-the-gpg-error-no-pubkey .20:30
bekksLizards|Work: It is, it just isnt routed.20:30
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llutzthere no place like ...20:31
Lizards|Workit's supposed to be dropped at gateway routers20:31
Lizards|Worksupposed to be20:31
bekksintrader: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Localhost20:31
MonkeyDust127.0.0.1 sweet
Lizards|Work::1 is where the <3 is20:31
llutz;D MonkeyDust20:31
imghostintrader, paste the output of ifconfig20:31
bekksMy home is my
intraderllutz, bekks: == == localhost is visible through a dyndns server as intrader/dyndns-office20:32
llutzintrader: do yourself a favour and read about some basics20:33
bekksintrader: is never
bekksintrader: Thats simply nonsense.20:33
Lizards|Work127.0.0.1 never refers to itself as
llutzintrader: "ip a s" shows you for lo and this isn't accessible from outside. even if it is on the same machine as ethX20:33
intraderllutz, bekks:  when I click on I reach my laptop's apache220:34
llutzintrader: yes, but not
intraderllutz, bekks:  as well as localhost and
llutzintrader: you trolling20:34
llutzintrader: you cannot reach your laptop from any other machine by addressing it localhost or
Lizards|Workthe DHCP server on your router assigned to your machine20:35
houkouonchi-homeintrader: by default most processes listen on IE all interfaces20:35
Lizards|Workso when you send a request to the router for it comes back to your machine20:35
llutzintrader: ON your laptop both addresses work, sure20:35
houkouonchi-homeif something is listening on it will not be accessible from the outside20:36
houkouonchi-homeyou can verify what its listening on via netstat -nlp20:36
intraderllutz, nt really - any of, localhost, are synonyms and can reach apache220:36
gordonjcpintrader: there's no nice way to say this - you haven't got the faintest clue what you are doing and you need to stop.  Stop *now*, and learn some of the basics of networking.  It's not even anything specific to Ubuntu, or even Linux.20:36
SyntheadEvery time I start Chrome, it says that Chrome isn't my default browser, even when I click "Set as default".  I'm using XFCE.  Is there a way to fix this?20:36
houkouonchi-homeintrader: depends on how your apache is configured20:36
llutzintrader: ON your laptop both addresses work, sure20:36
MonkeyDustintrader  read the "Tip": http://www.computerhope.com/jargon/l/locahost.htm20:37
llutzintrader: you cannot reach your laptop _from any other machine_ by addressing it localhost or
intraderThanks for now guys - I will read and confirm the info20:37
Lizards|Workcan't spoof localhost effectively either, because it's not routable20:37
demophobia"Your system does not meet the minimum requirements for the TOEFL Practice Online site." What can I do about websites that insist on Internet Explorer and Windows OS?20:38
Lizards|Workuse IE and Windows?20:39
llutzdemophobia: use nternet Explorer and Windows OS20:39
bekksdemophobia: Setup a vm using Windows and IE.20:39
houkouonchi-homeLizards|Work: well it would always be attempted to be routed through lo because should be assigned to lo. I am curious if lo is not setup if it would actually attempt to route for
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demophobiabekks, does that require a copy of Windows OS?20:40
Lizards|Workhoukouonchi-home, gateway routers are supposed to drop traffic20:40
houkouonchi-homedemophobia: try using some user-agent switch tool first unless the site requires active X or some bs?20:40
bekksdemophobia: Of course.20:40
llutzhoukouonchi-home: sudo ifdown lo && ping localhost20:40
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demophobiafyi, i'm wanting to use my ubuntu pc here -- not go to the library ...20:41
Bashing-omSynthead: Try terminal code: sudo update-alternatives --get-selections <- see what selecting "browser" does for ya.20:41
demophobia(or spend $200)20:41
bekksdemophobia: No chance.20:41
houkouonchi-homellutz: well it doesn't give a no route to host error =P20:42
llutzhoukouonchi-home: so you got your answer20:42
Lizards|Workdemophobia, did your PC come with windows installed on it?20:42
houkouonchi-homebut it doesn't seem to actually send out packets out of the interface which routes for either20:43
llutzhoukouonchi-home: of course not20:43
Lizards|Work/0 means none of the bits are significant20:43
houkouonchi-homewell usually means the default route, IE to everywhere20:43
houkouonchi-homeIE: all addresses20:43
Lizards|Workit's not a broadcast address20:43
houkouonchi-homeI am not saying it is?20:44
llutzhoukouonchi-home: except 127.x.x.x20:44
SyntheadBashing-om: update-alternatives --get-selections | grep -E '(gnome-www-browser|x-www-browser)' shows Chrome's path twice20:44
Lizards|Workall addresses everywhere would mean broadcast20:44
houkouonchi-homellutz: yeah linux does appear to be smart enough to not try to route things to I wonder if you could attempt it with a static route, you have me curious now =)20:44
houkouonchi-homeLizards|Work: I am just notating via CIDR as a route not a broadcast20:44
Lizards|Worki'm aware, but it would be unicast except that it's not significant20:45
Lizards|Workthere are no significant bits20:45
imghostnight@all exit20:45
houkouonchi-homelike saying you route over eth0 would be routed over eth0 but if you routed over eth0 then that would route all addresses over that interface, IE thew default route20:45
Bashing-om Synthead : Beats me why or what that might imply, sorry !20:45
intraderllutz, bekks: == == localhost are equal. However dyndns daemon no longer responding20:45
llutzintrader: " == == localhost are equal"  stop repeating this nonsense20:46
KartagisIntel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) <--- with this audio device I get nothing but a constant buzz with skype. this has started with the 13.10 upgrade. any ideas?20:46
bekksintrader: Thats nonsense.20:46
bekksintrader: Several people told you several times. It will not magically become true by repeating it.20:46
houkouonchi-homeLizards|Work: you disagree that denotes all IP addresses?20:46
llutzintrader: those addresses are bound to different interfacs20:46
gordonjcpintrader: do you never get tired of being wrong?20:46
BluesKajKartagis, does the sound work with other media apps ?20:47
Lizards|Workhoukouonchi-home ^20:47
KartagisBluesKaj: yeah, in fact I'm listening to music atm20:47
Kartagiswith clementine20:47
Lizards|Workyour definition is faulty houkouonchi-home20:47
bekksintrader: However, I am getting tired of your nonsense, and your attitude of not learning the things other do tell you. Maqybe the others are more patient. Dont expect any help from me any further.20:47
houkouonchi-homeLizards|Work: I am talking about routes not broadcasts20:47
Lizards|Workand i'm saying it's not routable20:48
Lizards|Work"Transmission to this address is limited by definition, in that it is never forwarded by the routers connecting the local network to other networks."20:48
Lizards|Workand your NIC should drop it too20:48
houkouonchi-homewait are you talking about now? I am not disagreeing about that20:48
llutzLizards|Work: if you like wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Default_route20:49
Lizards|Workllutz, i don't like wiki20:49
houkouonchi-homeI don't know why when I am talking about routes your linking me to a broadcast wiki lol20:49
Lizards|Workwhat happens for inverse ARP requests to
glitsj16Kartagis: it's a known problem with skype on 13.10 --> http://www.webupd8.org/2013/10/get-sound-working-in-skype-with-ubuntu.html20:50
llutzLizards|Work: read it anyways to get houkouonchi-home point20:50
houkouonchi-homewhy would an arp request made to
Lizards|Workinverse arp20:50
TJ-houkouonchi-home: I think you're got slightly confused. "" as a target IP is *not* forwarded by routers, it is used for broadcasts only (such as for BOOTP/DHCP). But in routing-table parlance, "" is just a placeholder in dotted-decimal format meaning "default route"20:50
Kartagiswebupd8 again? does this guy have nothing to do but save lives? :D20:51
Lizards|Workit's the target of the broadcast20:51
houkouonchi-homeTJ-: With CIDR you use x.x.x.x/y to denote a network.... would indicate all ipv4 IP addresses, so yes if something is set to that it would be the 'default route'20:51
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houkouonchi-homedoes always mean default route/ no20:51
glitsj16Kartagis: lol, he seems to be doing fine20:51
houkouonchi-homeTJ-: but does not only mean 'default route' it means all ipv4 IP addresses20:52
Lizards|Work"Note that handling of the "default" route20:52
Lizards|Work   ( is a special case of this rule - a network must not20:52
Lizards|Work   follow the default to destinations which are part of one of it's20:52
Lizards|Work   aggregated advertisements."20:52
FloodBot1Lizards|Work: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:52
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Kartagisglitsj16: I resolved my issue of google-chrome refusing to install under 13.04 because of a lib change in google-chrome20:52
glitsj16Kartagis: nice20:53
houkouonchi-homemaybe people are confused by what I am saying... When I first brought up I was talking routing which in that situation it would be synonymous with 'default route'20:54
MrAndyI really need help from a person whom knows how to setup multiple ip's on one server box. Been working on this all day.20:54
TJ-houkouonchi-home: Yes, that is what we're saying, but earlier you wrote "...but if you routed over eth0..." and we are saying you can't route the IP address maybe the misunderstanding is just over the precise use of the words.20:54
houkouonchi-homeTJ-: And since when is an IP address? LOL its a network20:55
houkouonchi-homedid I say lol?20:55
TJ-houkouonchi-home: And to you earlier question, if there is no interface for the subnet *and* a default route is defined then yes would be forwarded to the next hop20:55
houkouonchi-homeTJ-: well I verified with tcpdump that with no IP assigned to lo and thus no route entry for it still did not actually send out packets to destination ips in so it does seem to be smarter than that20:56
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llutzTJ-: (practically) it isn't on linux boxes20:56
Lizards|Workhoukouonchi-home, it's the next hop. it'd only go one step if the NIC didn't drop it20:56
houkouonchi-homeTJ-: please point out what is wrong with saying routed over eth020:56
TJ-houkouonchi-home: Indeed, by default the kernel will not pass that subnet20:56
TJ-houkouonchi-home: If you said "any address not in the routing table" it would read correctly, but saying "routing over..."  sounds wrong both semantically and logically20:57
MrAndyHelp with adding external ip's to a box.20:57
TJ-MrAndy: additional IPs on an existing interface? IPv4 or IPv6?20:58
Bashing-omCzupa: I got your CTCP PING. do not know how to respond, new to IRC .20:59
MrAndyTJ-, the box is born with one ip, obviously, but I've leased another 9 that I just cant get in.21:00
houkouonchi-homeTJ-: Ok well you say 'sounds' wrong but I dont see how it 'is' wrong. You can do ip route add via $gatewayip dev $dev and that will add a rule to route to all ip addresses (of course not counting previous entries)21:00
Lizards|Workhoukouonchi-home, that's the default route. it's a special use case and is implemented specially21:00
TJ-MrAndy: To add additional IPs to an existing interface with IPv4 you create an "alias" interface, see "man ifconfig" . In particular, you create a new 'alias' interface as e.g.  "eth0:0" and "eth0:1" ... one for each IPv4 you wish to allocate21:00
houkouonchi-homeyou would specify for all IP addresses in iptables rules as well but really just not setting -d or -s is going to do that for you21:00
MrAndyTJ-, can I send you the interface file?21:01
TJ-MrAndy: pastebin it21:01
MrAndyTJ-, what I thought ;)21:01
houkouonchi-homeMrAndy: its easy if all the additional IPs are using the same gateway IP address, not so easy if they are not.21:02
TJ-houkouonchi-home: It is easy... each stanza in "/etc/network/interfaces" has its own "gateway a.b.c.d" entry.21:04
houkouonchi-homeI did mention that in the case of routing that is synonymous with 'default' so if you would have been ok with route default over eth0 then I really don't see a problem with what I said other than instead of using an alias I just kept it in CIDR. Of course that is when we are talking routing as I have mentioned several times != 'default route' in all contexts21:04
houkouonchi-homeTJ-: well unless something is changed with ubuntu it will not like multiple interfaces taking multiple gateways as its always setup as the default gateway21:04
TJ-houkouonchi-home: I use it on my servers, it's very straight-forward21:04
houkouonchi-homeTJ-: on a server that is using IP addresses on sub-interfaces that are not in the same subnet and are using a different gateway IP address?21:05
MrAndyTJ-, you get my pms?21:06
ooPaulieooHello all!21:06
houkouonchi-homeTJ-: I would love to show an example of a /etc/network/interface with what I just said working21:06
TJ-MrAndy: Here's an example of IPv4 aliases, which use multiple default gateways http://paste.ubuntu.com/6664938/21:07
houkouonchi-homeTJ-: don't see how that works for you.. I get an error on ifup eth0:1 because RTNETLINK answers: File exists21:09
houkouonchi-homebecause as I suspected ubuntu is just trying to change the default gateway again21:09
TJ-houkouonchi-home: works fine in practice; been using it for several years that way21:09
houkouonchi-homeTJ-: so you are able to access from IP addresses outside of ?21:10
houkouonchi-homeit still brings up the interface but it doesn't actually add the gateway21:11
houkouonchi-homeTJ-: I don't think you understand what I am saying or the gateway IP address used previously assigned ( will also route packets from
houkouonchi-homebecause the only way I know of and have seen to have multiple gateways like that is doing advanced routing rules with ip directly and using tables21:12
houkouonchi-homeIE: ip route add table $tablename to default via $gatewayip dev $dev21:13
houkouonchi-homeand ip rule add from $ip table $tablename21:13
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houkouonchi-homebut again as I mentioned I know of no automated way for ubuntu to be able to do this.21:15
houkouonchi-homethe vast majority of the time you will just use one gateway IP addresses even when the IPs are in different subnets because its the same provider/router you are going through and it will work even if in different subnets or they are strait out the same subnet and thus would be the same gateway for all IP addresses21:16
gabmusgonna try ubuntu touch on my nexus 4, running a nandroid backup right now, wish me good luck :)21:17
athene_noctuawhile installing 12.04 as a dual boot alongside windows 7, the installer wrote the bootloader to the USB drive I was installing from instead of to the hard disk.21:17
TJ-MrAndy: Just looked at your interfaces file; you must define the "eth0" interface with one IPv4 address... you can't make them all aliases. If you have 9 IPs then you'll have eth0 and then eth0:0 - eth0:721:17
gabmusahtene_noctua try 13.1021:18
athene_noctuaIf I were to just reinstall a new copy of 12.04 over where it was previously written, where should I assign the bootloader to be written to in a dual boot setup?21:18
MrAndyThats only 9 ips total TJ-?21:18
houkouonchi-homeathene_noctua: might just wanna grab a shell and mount your installed file-system somewhere, mount -o bind /dev /$mountpoint/dev and same for proc and just chroot /$mountpoint and grub-install /dev/sdX (actual HD)21:19
MrAndyTJ-, shouldnt it be eth0 eth0:0 - eth0:8 ?21:19
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TJ-MrAndy: Yes, that's what I said for example... in your case you have a different number but the same rule applies. allocate an IP to the primary interface eth0 and the additional IPs to aliases21:20
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manlinhi guys. i'm a bit confused about the way iptables work in ubuntu. I'm from RHEL background21:21
manlini could see iptables. how do i start or stop the service and what the service is called?21:21
MrAndytj- look pm21:22
bekks!ufw | manlin21:22
ubottumanlin: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as Gufw also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo21:22
houkouonchi-homeman0riaX: default ubuntu firewall is ufw I believe21:22
houkouonchi-homealthough I use ferm21:22
Piciufw just provides a 'friendlier' interface to iptables.21:23
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manlinalright. where is the iptables rules file get stored? somewhere in /etc/ so that i can manually edit it21:23
athene_noctuahoukouonchi-home: that's a good idea, I'll give it a try. I was concerned about placement of the bootloader. You're saying that it should be on the primary ubuntu partition, just stick it there with grub-install, right?21:24
manlini used to add comments to my iptables rules21:24
bekksmanlin: It's described in the article given.21:24
manlinbekks: cool. will try it21:24
houkouonchi-homeathene_noctua: well grub is usually installed into the MBR (assuming MSDOS partition table and not GPT) so it would just be like /dev/sdb (assuming your USB stick was /dev/sda)21:25
houkouonchi-home(as far as the argument to grub-install)21:25
napscmanlin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo21:25
blacklighthi guys, any news about vst support for lmms on saucy for amd64? the support has been broken for a while, and the maintainer said that he's going to fix it probably within 14.04...what to do now if i need vst support on lmms on saucy? both using lmms from wine and using ubuntu studio are not options21:26
athene_noctuahoukouonchi-home: it's somewhat unsettling to have grub-install write to this persons MBR because they don't have a legit copy of windows to reinstall if everything goes kablam.21:26
manlinnapsc: i'm reading that. but can't see where by default iptables store the rules file21:26
manlinnapsc: in RHEL/CentOS i manually edit /etc/sysconfig/iptables. i was expecting something similar21:27
athene_noctuahoukouonchi-home: just trying not to wade into a deeper mess21:28
houkouonchi-homewell if its not being written to the MBR then how is grub goign to be started by the windows boot loader after that first loads?21:28
napsci just make a script file with them and edit/execute when needed.21:28
houkouonchi-homeadd a question mark after started? so there is a pause there =P21:29
TJ-manlin: If you are using UFW see this for file locations: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UncomplicatedFirewall#Advanced_Functionality21:31
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YellowBadgerhello ubuntu users!21:33
manlinTJ-: that was useful. thanks.21:33
tozenYellowBadger: hi! wazzap?21:33
YellowBadgerall good thanks! and you?21:33
MarGulHi I have a intel i5 processor(64 bit) and I'm going to download xubuntu 12.04. When I look for which one to get if I click on 64bit it gives me the AMD version. Or should I download the i386 bversion because of my intel processor (is that one still 64 bit)?21:34
llutzMarGul: amd64 is fine for intel too, just confusing naming21:35
DJonesMarGul: No, 64 bit version for Intel and AMD is just called AMD6421:35
DJonesMarGul: i386 isn't a 64 bit version21:35
MarGulOkey thanks guys :)21:35
ObrienDavei386 is 32 bit21:35
llutzthey should call it x86_6421:36
pepitoHi ! I need some help ... For install a .run I tested chmod +x and after ./ But that didn't work. How make it works ?21:36
houkouonchi-homeMarGul: it was called amd64 because back in the olden days AMD was the only ones to have 64-bit processors with the Athlon 6421:36
houkouonchi-homeso unfortunately instead of using the generic (x86_64) a lot of distro's, debian, gentoo, slackware used amd6421:36
apostoloshello anybody from  greece?21:36
houkouonchi-homeit is unfortunate because it confuses people21:36
blacklightpepito: what's the error?21:36
houkouonchi-homeMarGul: and by only ones to have 64-bit processors i mean x86 64-bit processors21:37
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user82cheers. how can i see if my wifi is using 2.4ghz or 5ghz currently?21:37
pepitoblacklight wit ./ it's binary files impossible to run and with sh ./ is syntax error : "(" unexpected.21:37
MarGulhoukouonchi-home: Okey perfect. Really hope my laptop runs smoother with xubuntu. Had some weird problems with ubuntu 12.04. My virtualbox was to slow and as soon as I watched youtube my CPU would almost get overheated21:38
houkouonchi-homei thought iwconfig usually showed that stuff21:38
blacklightpepito: what does the command "file ......run" say?21:38
numberonehello, how to make some breaks in the output of a command ?21:39
user82houkouonchi-home, thanks. i forgot the name of the terminal app21:39
pepitoblacklight : ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked, stripped21:39
houkouonchi-homeMarGul: I wonder if it was using hardware accel or not. Might be better off with flash if it was using HTML5 instead. Also if a laptop with amd/nvidia graphics card you may want to make sure you have the closed source (fast) driver installed21:39
llutznumberone: command  |more21:39
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houkouonchi-homemumixam: or |less which supports page up/down which more does not (for me on my terminal). Unless you meant horizontal breaks in the data like with | column21:40
MarGulhoukouonchi-home: I have a radeon card. When I get my fresh xubuntu install should I do anything with my drivers or just let it be the default drivers?21:41
SuperLagHow do you disable login keyring?21:41
MarGuland yes its on a laptop21:41
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houkouonchi-homewell I am not sure what xubuntu uses but usually the AMD's non-open source drivers (fglrx) are not installed by default21:41
MarGulhoukouonchi-home: and its the fglrx drivers you want?21:43
houkouonchi-homeMarGul: yes if its an ATI/AMD video card fglrx are ATI's drivers21:43
houkouonchi-homeIE: the ones that are closed sorce but provide the best performance (and often compatibility when talking about new hardware).21:43
houkouonchi-homeespecially if you want to run anything 3d like games then its pretty much a requirement21:44
houkouonchi-homeMarGul: it may come with it off the bat (can verify with lsmod) but I use ubuntu for servers and not desktop systems so I am not sure what the defaults are and haven't used xubuntu21:46
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RenodefHi guys.. I'm running 12.04, and update manager hasn't detected any updates since the past 6 days. It also seems to run, and check for updates without throwing up an error, but then still says "Package information was last updated 6 days ago". How do I "reset" it, and force it to discard the package information its compiled, and get it to check for updates again?21:47
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Bashing-omhoukouonchi-home: To the best of my awareness, at install - if one selected to install 3rd party software the fglrx drivers are installed, else then the open source drivers are installed (?) .21:48
MarGulhoukouonchi-home: Okey thanks, just going to have to test it and see if its working. Whats the lsmod command to check what driver I have? ;/21:48
thaurwylthU 12.04, I want to share internet connection from ppp0 to eth0. There HAS TO BE an easy way. None of the tutorials I have found thus far either qualify or work.21:48
cristian_chitsujiTMO, Hi21:50
cristian_chitsujiTMO, I've tried the test with suspend script21:50
H_MikiHi! I need a native english speaker, who teach me. Please join the English_Learning channel, if you help me. Thank you very much!21:50
Bashing-omRenodef: See what results from terminal commands: sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade <- .21:50
RenodefBashing-om: Ah..thanks. I just ran sudo apt-get update, and it's saying that it has bad signatures?!21:53
RenodefHow do I fix that?21:53
Bashing-omRenodef: , Could be MANY things, what is the exact error, for further advisement.21:55
notkoos_thaurwylth: enable ipv4 forwarding, add masquerade rule for ppp0 interface, use filter rules to drop stuff you don't want to forward21:56
RenodefBashing-om: here's the terminal output http://paste.ubuntu.com/6665195/21:56
thaurwylthThis advice does not qualify, sorry.21:56
thaurwylthIt's almost 2014. There has to be a one-line command or at most three mouse clicks for this.21:57
thaurwylthIf not, well, developers, here's your next killer daemon project.21:57
athene_noctuahoukouonchi-home: here is output of fdisk http://bpaste.net/show/H2hr5Vl7jtySkOuUrsTE/  boot-repair reports it will install GRUB to /dev/sda (MBR). This should be fine, but could you take a look?21:57
notkoos_2 commands :) 3-4 to add filtering... does not qualify why? ;)21:58
athene_noctuaOr anyone, for that matter. ^21:58
Bashing-omRenodef: lemme look at the -195, I be back !21:58
thaurwylthObviously we see this issue very differently.21:58
gabmusuhm guys21:59
gabmusbig problem here21:59
gayleHi all21:59
houkouonchi-homeathene_noctua: that looks ok. I wouldn't think you would need a legit windows license to re-install windows boot loader in the case of removing linux though as long as you have a windows boot dvd/cd21:59
gabmusinstalling ubuntu touch, it's about 5 min stuck in cwm installing screen21:59
FranktheTankHey guys. I know this isn't the perfect place to ask...but does anyone here have experience with Eclipse and AVD's? I cannot get it to work (ubuntu).21:59
gabmusthe one with the android and the spinning 3d thingie21:59
gayleDoes anyone know why I keep getting the lightdm screen when trying to create a livecd from scratch with XFCE4 as the DE?21:59
YellowBadgeris this channel only to share problems?21:59
athene_noctuahoukouonchi-home: right, that makes sense to me as well. I'm going to go ahead and give it a go.22:00
llutzthaurwylth: in times you get plastic-routers for less than 10$ the pressure to develop your "killer daemon project" is not very high22:00
RenodefBashing-om: Thanks! GN00b here, so any help is much appreciated. :D22:00
FranktheTankYellowBadger: We share hugs too22:00
YellowBadgerFranktheTank, haha22:00
DJonesgabmus: You're probably best joining #ubuntu-touch which has been the support channel for the tablet/phone version of Ubuntu22:00
gabmusoh fine it rebooted22:00
gabmusdidnt know about that channel22:00
gabmusjeez, i almost sh** my pants22:00
DJonesgabmus: The people there will probably be best placed to give you some assistance if you need it22:00
Bashing-omRenodef: Pretty easy to fix, see:http://askubuntu.com/questions/13065/how-do-i-fix-the-gpg-error-no-pubkey ; should workie great.22:01
gabmusthank you very much :D22:01
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gayleanyone has an answer?22:04
llutzgayle: your question makes no sense. lightdm is a display manager, xfce4 a DE, there is no relation between. if you "create from scratch" you should know why you installed lightdm and used it as loginmanager22:06
RenodefBashing-om: Ahh..thanks. So I need to go get the key for each package, from the keyserver for that particular package?22:06
RenodefBashing-om: Why have I been getting the error in the first place? AIUI, it's not even for any installed programs, but for the core libraries...?22:07
Bashing-omRenodef: Basically yeah,, one of 'buntus many reasons it is so secure .. authenticate! The key does that.22:08
optimus_plz hlp I am new to ubuntu. how to install a "*.tar.gz" file?22:09
RenodefBashing-om: OK.. but I'm curious to know what's changed this time round. Because for months now, it's been running and (has an update almost everyday)... to the same packages. So.. is there something I should be concerned about? Some way my system's been corrupted because it no longer has valid keys?22:09
bekksoptimus_: thats an archive. Usually, unpack it, and read the installation instructions carefully. Most likely, you will find a precompiled package in the official repos.22:10
bekksoptimus_: Which tar.gz from where do you talk about?22:10
ApteryxIs bluetooth activation / deactivation messed up for everyone?22:10
Bashing-omRenodef: The good news is that it looks like all you need is the one key.22:11
bekksoptimus_: What is that for?22:12
kostkon!info acetoneiso | optimus_, here it is22:12
RenodefBashing-om: I tried sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 8BAF9A6F22:12
ubottuoptimus_, here it is: acetoneiso (source: acetoneiso): feature-rich application to mount and manage CD and DVD images. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3-3 (saucy), package size 1384 kB, installed size 1931 kB (Only available for linux-any)22:12
optimus_it's like deamon tools in windows.#bekks22:12
bekksoptimus_: sudo apt-get install acetoneiso22:12
Bashing-omRenodef: Well, no telling what might have corrupted the .gpg keys, Things do happen, If the link still does not resolve the problem - I have had to delete the key completely and "get" it once more.22:12
ApteryxI have to to a "sudo hciconfig hci0 up" everytime I want bluetooth enabled after each reboot22:13
bekksoptimus_: OMG. Why should someone need that, when there is "mount -o loop /full/path/to/the.iso /mnt/point"?22:13
kostkonoptimus_, always search in the software centre first22:13
darkblue_bQ. if i put a directory into /usr/local/lib and then `sudo ldconfig`  are all the subdirs now in the LD path ?22:13
RenodefBashing-om: Yeah.. I was just going to paste-bin you with the output of that command suggested in the link. Here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6665274/ Doesn't look like it fixed anything22:14
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RenodefBashing-om: Still not showing any updates, nor has the list been updated. Still showing "the package list was last updated 6 days ago"..22:15
demophobiaLizards|Work, this one did, but I'm now using Ubuntu 'cause some registry files or hard drive got corrupted and Startup Repair and System Restore both failed22:15
Bashing-omRenodef:  NO, you want to get the key with the errors signature "40976EAF437D05B5" You are authtenticating fot THAT sig.22:15
DwarfDefenderwhat settings i need to alter to tune ubuntu for minimum memory usage per socket, i want test how my server performs with 1kk+ connected sockets, im planning to create multiply ubuntu virtualboxes each creating 65k connections, any hint how i can make them use as little memory as possible?22:15
Bashing-omRenodef:  fot - *for22:15
RenodefBashing-om: Ahh.. right. damn. Ok..giving it a whirl now.22:15
bekksDwarfDefender: Sockets do use 32 or 64 bit, depending on the OS architecture.22:16
bekksDwarfDefender: Less isnt possible.22:16
optimus_thnks. #bekks22:17
duelle Hi there, I set up kerberos on my vserver and want to be able to use it to log in via ssh. Unfortunately I always get the error "error getting credentials: Server not found in Kerberos database" when trying to log in. Locally it works perfectly, but remotely it fails. I get a token, but the login seems to fail :/22:17
Lizards|Workcheck the log?22:18
athene_noctuahoukouonchi-home: boot-repair worked just fine. GRUB will boot Windows 7 and ubuntu. I could've probably done it with grub-install from a shell as well.22:19
darkblue_bDwarfDefender: sounds interesting.. but, there are VM images made just for that.. probably better than Ubuntu as clients.. just pick one that is debian based22:20
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darkblue_b.. made to be small VMs22:20
RenodefBashing-om: Damn..no joy. Still getting this. http://paste.ubuntu.com/6665296/ My trusted keys repository is the default one.22:20
bekksdarkblue_b: The size of the vm doesnt affect the RAM usage of sockets.22:20
RenodefBashing-om: Trusted sources repository (the tab in the update manager GUI)22:20
bekksdarkblue_b: Neither it does affect the customized configuration of the webserver running.22:20
Bashing-omRenodef: looking at -296.22:21
darkblue_byou can nit pick if you want bekks but basically you can use less RAM with a VM that is made for that, than a generic Ubuntu22:21
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bekksdarkblue_b: Thats not nitpicking at all - planning to use 1kk+ connections, I dont think he is using a generic Ubuntu.22:22
haruto hi22:24
haruto  how install ubuntugnome in gnome3.10 polish language, i download and install language in repo, but not view polish language in setting ?22:24
harutonot view language list http://www.editer.pl/publikuj/cf863834b41fc292d278d90d13787f83_1.jpg/22:24
haruto not worked, view http://www.editer.pl/publikuj/537f412160f08683d38f50dc44754684_1.jpg/22:24
FloodBot1haruto: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:24
haruto hi22:25
haruto  how install ubuntugnome in gnome3.10 polish language, i download and install language in repo, but not view polish language in setting ?22:25
harutonot view language list http://www.editer.pl/publikuj/cf863834b41fc292d278d90d13787f83_1.jpg/22:25
haruto not worked, view http://www.editer.pl/publikuj/537f412160f08683d38f50dc44754684_1.jpg/22:25
haruto i'm edited sudo gedit /etc/locale.conf22:25
FloodBot1haruto: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:25
harutook http://paste.ubuntu.com/6665333/22:25
TJ-DwarfDefender: Use LXC (which uses Linux cgroups and namespaces for lightweight vm/chroot hybrids)22:26
Guest86382if you're not seeing all the available languages then you probably need to re-install the language packs22:26
darkblue_bok - regarding LDPATH, the answer seems to be NO, I have to add the lib in the subdir of a /usr/local/lib explicitly22:27
idueppeHi, for what is the space between two partition is used if using mdadm?22:27
harutoit is very bad22:28
haruto bug is in distro ubuntugnome,22:30
john_doe_jrwhen a filesystem is of the type "extended"..how do I mount it?  what type would it be in the "mount -t ntfs /dev/sda2 /media" command?22:30
gvojohn_doe_jr: You don't mount extended22:30
llutzjohn_doe_jr: extended is a partition-type, not a filesystem22:31
gvoYou can only mount primary or logical.22:31
llutzjohn_doe_jr: that partition holds logical drives with filesystems you mount22:31
Bashing-omRenodef: This "gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found" bothers me greatly, show me: sudo apt-key finger <-, see if we can get to the bottom of this.22:31
RenodefBashing-om: ~$ sudo apt-key finger <- bash: -: No such file or directory22:33
Renodef(bash onwards was on the next line)22:33
Bashing-omRenodef: , WELL, that do explain a lot, huh .. That dirctory must exit. Let me ponder on what to do, back soonest,22:34
darkblue_b.. by addng an entry to /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ perhaps22:34
john_doe_jrgvo: alright I've got this external drive that I reformatted as a Exfat and now I can't access it..any ideas how I can reformat it so it can be mounted on my mac and windows machines?22:34
gvojohn_doe_jr: No idea.  I don't do mac.22:35
john_doe_jrgvo: I'm in Ubuntu though22:35
john_doe_jrgvo: the "lsusb" command shows that device is connected22:35
RenodefBashing-om: haha.. thanks. I assume simply copying those files (if there is indeed some ftp server that hosts all these things - a la svn) won't work?22:35
gvojohn_how big is it?22:36
john_doe_jrgvo: it's 160 GB22:36
Bashing-omRenodef: Let's find the files that are missing< in your -296 pastebin, 2nd line are the files that were written, For all 3 do: ls -la /etc/apt/trustdb.gpg : as the first one. see what files is missing.22:39
gvoSorry I don't have an answer.  Fat32 partitions are limited to 32 GB.  That's the only one I know for sure can be read on all three systems, but again, i know nothing about apple22:39
DarkangelHey just woundering if ya host a IRC Chat line does it get hosted from ur computer or server?22:41
llutzgvo: there is no 32GB limit for fat32, windows just refuses to format partition bigger than that to fat3222:41
john_doe_jrgvo: well, what is the process that it goes through when I connect it…I mean…I see it connecting through the usb using the "lsusb" command…I see all the mounts using the "mount" command but I just don't know where to go from there to troubleshoot this problem22:41
kostkonDarkangel, if you mean your own channel, then on the server22:42
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RenodefBashing-om: OK.. but while waiting, I used another command suggested on the link you gave me. Paste-bin here - http://paste.ubuntu.com/6665421/22:42
Bashing-omRenodef: Looking at your -421 .22:43
gvojohn_doe_jr: pastebin  the output of sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdX where sdX is the device.22:43
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john_doe_jrgvo: how do I know which sdX device it is though22:44
gvojohn_doe_jr: run dmesg | tail22:45
Bashing-omRenodef: OK, looks better anyway, what now results with update and upgrade ?22:45
tejohn_doe_jr: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit #Show us resulting URl, we will look and see.22:45
gvojohn_doe_jr: after plugging it in.  It should tell you about the disk.  Even give you the partitions it found.22:45
gvoOr that22:46
RenodefBashing-om: Started up the GUI from the terminal with "update-manager" and clicked check. No change. When I executed the terminal commands in -421, I didn't read the outputs, but now reading the post, I notice that "No ultimately trusted keys found" bit is still there.22:47
tejohn_doe_jr: (sudo fdisk -l  #Will show all drives and thier partitions.)22:47
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john_doe_jrte: k…just a sec22:47
john_doe_jrte: alright…here is the output of sudo fsidk -l => http://pastebin.com/XdvRBxX122:48
Bashing-omRenodef: I am guessing that it for "google-chrome" ??22:48
g0tchahey guys, i have an ubuntu server that gets stuck in the GNU GRUB till i manually click Enter to boot. It doesnt automatically boots to he default ubuntu with linux generic anymore22:50
john_doe_jrte: is it /dev/sda2?22:50
g0tchaanyone know what coulc cause this?22:50
gvojohn_doe_jr: No it's not there at all.22:50
john_doe_jrg0tcha: i'd re-install grub22:50
gvojohn_doe_jr: Huh?22:51
john_doe_jrsorry talking to another user22:51
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g0tchawhy do i need to reinstall grub john_doe_jr?22:51
RenodefBashing-om: huh? Didn't get what you meant by your last comment. What about google-chrome?22:51
gvojohn_doe_jr: Sorry.  Unplug your drive, plug it back in and pastebin the last 30 lines of dmesg output.22:51
john_doe_jrgvo: alright…just a sec22:52
bekksg0tcha: you dont have to. Just edit the grub configuration and run update-grub22:52
fenecoi installed ubuntu 13.10 on my laptop but unity dash seems very laggy when opening22:52
fenecosomeone having the same issue?22:52
Lizards|Worki didn't have an enjoyable unity experience until i got on a really powerful machine >.>22:52
tejohn_doe_jr: What size drive did you say it was?  (Don't think it's showing up there.)22:53
Lizards|Workcore2duo with 4gb of ram didn't like unity22:53
fenecoits a i3-2120 / 4GB RAM22:53
Lizards|Workcore i7 with 16gb of ram loves it22:53
bekksfeneco: More likely, the graphics card is in question.22:53
gvote he said 160 GB22:53
fenecohd3000 can't handle unity then?22:53
john_doe_jrgvo: here is the output of the command, "dmesg | tail -n 30" command => http://pastebin.com/y2RsJ7qJ22:53
Bashing-omg0tcha: Maybe a timeout is not set in /etc/default/grub ? see:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 <- for an explanation/how.22:53
Lizards|Workhd3000 is the inbuilt HD core on the i3?22:54
tegvo: Yea, that's what I thought.22:55
CalinouLizards|Work, not all i3s have the same IGP22:55
Calinoubut some of them do have a HD 300022:55
RenodefBashing-om: Oh.. I do have a 10s timeout for Grub. The default OS loaded is Ubuntu. (I've also got a Windows XP installation on here)22:55
Calinousome have HD 2500, some 4000, some 4600... depends on generation and on whether they are low or high end i3s22:55
Bashing-omRenodef: I noticed that "W: GPG error: http://dl.google.com stable Release: " .. maybe run the key import for that signature also ?22:55
Lizards|Worktomato potato, it's still onboard graphics not discrete ;)22:55
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Calinouthey are onboard yes22:56
fenecomy i3 has hd300022:56
fenecoits sandy bridge22:56
RenodefBashing-om: Also, I ran ls -la for those files (there are only 2 btw, discounting the tmp file... in the -296 paste the last two files are the same... trusted.gpg). Anyway... they both have read-write permissions.22:56
CalinouI have HD3000 too, but I use a discrete card22:56
fenecoi thought it could handle unity well but...22:56
Lizards|Workmy i3 has... let me look22:56
gvojohn_doe_jr: It's not seeing the device as a hard drive.  By any chance did dmesg give you any output after what you pasted?22:57
CalinouLizards|Work, lspci | grep VGA22:57
fenecothis lag when opening dash is ugly :(22:57
Calinouor, install phoronix-test-suite and do "phoronix-test-suite system-info"22:57
gvojohn_doe_jr: Like maybe it took a while to settle down.22:57
knoppies|workhi, when the /var/log/dpkg.log file has the line "upgrade mysql-server 5.5.31-0ubuntu0.12.04.2 5.5.34-0ubuntu0.12.04.1" does that mean it is going from 5.5.31-0ubuntu0.12.04.2 ->  5.5.34-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 or the other way around? (notice how 34 is newer than 31 BUT 12.04.1 is OLDER than 12.04.2)22:57
shin_man i just updated 12.04 and i can't get gui to work now :(22:57
Lizards|WorkCalinou, it's at home22:57
Lizards|Workthis one here's irrelevant, it's a core i7-3770k22:58
teshin_: What seems to be the problem?22:58
bekksknoppies|work: It went from 5.5.31 to 5.5.3422:58
shin_startx from term hangs22:58
YellowBadgerdoes anyone know how to remove the device "floppy disk". I get error messages about that all the time "Failed to mount floppy disk"22:58
ChickenBrainhehe, unity is consuming too much CPU / Graphic... so back to some "normal boring" window manager and all fine22:58
knoppies|workshin_ have you looked at (or tried to regenerate) the x11 config files?22:58
ChickenBrainjeez... I am old style22:58
john_doe_jrI don't see any additional information that is different from the paste bin…I really feel like if I could just reformat the drive to something ubuntu would recognize it would work…22:58
knoppies|workbekks, thank you, so does the 12.04.* mean nothing?22:59
bekksknoppies|work: Correct.22:59
fenecowhat irc client do you use?22:59
knoppies|workbekks, thank you.22:59
Lizards|Workit's a core i3-53022:59
john_doe_jrany ideas how I can fix this?22:59
fenecoLizards|Work: how unity works in your i3-530?22:59
Lizards|Workbut i can't find the "hd graphics" number22:59
gvoIt says it's an FX2 device.  Which make little sense to me.23:00
Lizards|Workunity at home? nope. windows 7.23:00
bekksLizards|Work: lspci | grep VGA23:00
fenecolol D:23:00
fenecowhy not unity at home?23:00
Bashing-omRenodef: Right now then,-> sudo apt-key finger <- should return all the keys !.. If not wegot problems !23:00
john_doe_jrWhat is an FX2 device?…what does that mean?23:00
RenodefBashing-om: Ah.. I know what you mean know. I think the google-chrome related key is A0408... (I've run the key import for it already... it's show in -421)23:00
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tejohn_doe_jr: I don't see information about it either.23:01
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RenodefBashing-om: alright.. yeah..it does return something this time. Phew. You want to have a look?23:01
gvojohn_doe_jr: It's some sort of strange 8051 USB chip.23:01
john_doe_jrte: well, I found this -> http://www.cypress.com/?app=forum&id=167&rID=4383023:01
gvoaccording to google.23:01
whatisthematrixshin_: perhaps you need a new /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. maybe someone knows how to generate a new one. i used to know until the way to do it changed so many times. you can also look at the log file to see if you can tell anything --> less /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:01
john_doe_jrcypress is the id of the usb when I connect it as well when I run the "lsusb" command23:02
gvoWhat's the brand name of the drive?23:02
bekksjohn_doe_jr: Plug it in and pastebin sudo fdisk -l along with dmesg please.23:02
gvobekks he already has23:02
RenodefBashing-om: here's the output of the fingerprint - http://paste.ubuntu.com/6665513/23:02
gvobekks two different pastebins23:03
fenecophp on ubuntu is outdated, what to do? i have to wait the updates from repositories?23:03
gvoLook back or I'll repost them if you don't have history.23:03
bekksgvo: then please repost them, I cant find them in the history.23:04
john_doe_jrgvo: just a sec…I'll get it23:04
Bashing-omRenodef: Naw, no need to look yet.. OK,, let's do this, reboot the system, just because.. and let's get a fresh output of the update and upgrade commands, see then where we stand.23:04
gvojohn_doe_jr: let bekks take a look.23:04
john_doe_jrbekks: alright => "dmesg | tail" => http://pastebin.com/y2RsJ7qJ …."sudo fdisk -l" => http://pastebin.com/XdvRBxX123:05
rcw2if im in sudo mode with sudo -i, does using kdesudo still work23:05
RenodefBashing-om: Haha.. ok. I guess I'll have to come back to the chat-room then. Back in five.23:06
Bashing-omg0tcha: Beats me then why one can boot when the kernel is selected, and not other wise. You might read the link, and change some paremeters and see what results ( make a backup 1st !).23:06
bekksgvo: john_doe_jr: I'd second the approach of getting that FX2 device working, I havent heard of those devices until now.23:07
glitsj16feneco: either wait or look at adding a PPA .. what are you looking for exactly?23:07
skorzenHello everyone23:07
g0tchaBashing-om, thats a bit advance for me.. im still learning about ubuntu23:07
user82hi. i removed my hdd and re--installed it. now the UEFI boot option is gone. is there a way to restore it easily?23:08
skorzenI am having a network issue with an Hyper-V guest23:08
skorzenTested 12.04 and 13.10 Server23:08
skorzenno luck23:08
gvodinner time.. Bye23:08
skorzenI can ping a machine in another VLAN23:08
skorzenfrom Ubuntu23:08
skorzenbut not the opposite23:08
skorzenufw is off23:08
skorzenroutes are ok23:09
skorzenanything else to check?23:09
fenecoglitsj16: its the php version...23:09
fenecoubuntu has 5.5.3 and php has 5.5.723:09
glitsj16feneco: what version of ubuntu are you running on?23:10
teskorzen: Can you re-phrase your question? (And keep to one post.)23:13
ubottulg_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:13
teskorzen: (don't use the Enter key for puncuation.)23:13
skorzente: sorry.23:13
RenodefBashing-om: You there? Just restarted... and I've added update-manager to startup applications... and still no joy (clicked check on the GUI)23:14
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler
skorzenI have an Ubuntu machine on one VLAN, and a Windows machine on another VLAN. From Ubuntu I can ping Windows, but not the opposite.23:15
skorzenIf I change both machines from VLAN and IP addresses, then I can ping from both sides.23:15
skorzenufw is disabled, and I've also disabled AppArmor just to be sure, but no luck.23:16
teskorzen: I suppose it would depend on the subnet and netmask23:16
skorzente: VLAN 5 = 10.172.5.x and VLAN 10 = 10.172.42.x23:17
skorzenmask is always /2423:17
skorzenProblem is that if try to reach other machine, which is not Ubuntu, I can successfully ping.23:17
Bashing-om g0tcha: Do us a pastebin of your /etc/default/grub file .. lemme see as a place to start this.23:18
teskorzen: So what about the netmask?23:18
g0tchaBashing-om, alright, gimme a second23:18
teskorzen: vs
skorzente: I am not understanding, sorry. Could you explain?23:19
skorzenDifferent VLAN's.23:19
g0tchaBashing-om, here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/6665573/23:19
teskorzen: http://www.computerhope.com/jargon/n/netmask.htm23:19
GeekShad1wwhere can I find the matching linux-source for 3.13 ?23:19
GeekShad1wfor reference http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/linux-source-3.12.023:19
bekksGeekShad1w: There is none, until now.23:20
Bashing-omRenodef: Yeh I am still here, need to see what the latest update attempt has to say - to keep ky mind straight.23:20
bekks3.13 isnt released yet. And they do not ship ubuntu packages.23:20
Bashing-om g0tcha: riger waiting.23:20
RenodefBashing-om: haha.. Well, like I said. No change. I ran sudo apt-get update23:20
teskorzen: http://www.unixwiz.net/techtips/netmask-ref.html23:21
skorzente: I know that. But I have other machines on the same VLAN that are reachable.23:21
skorzenJust Ubuntu isn't.23:21
FuuqUmiistdoes the NSA's SELinux, which has been integrated into the Linux kernel that Ubuntu uses, have a backdoor for the NSA?23:22
teskorzen: As far as networking is concerned, I don't know why there would be a difference.23:22
RenodefBashing-om: Pastebin - http://paste.ubuntu.com/6665592/23:22
g0tchaBashing-om, i dont understand what riger stands for?23:22
skorzente: yeah, I know. That's why this is strange.23:23
skorzente: and also, since iptables is disabled. There is no reason for this to happen, right?23:23
teskorzen: netstat -an |grep LISTEN |less   #Will tell you what ports you are listening on.23:24
=== dziegler is now known as dziegler_off
Sia-hi, i have HP 250 with ubuntu Preinstalled from HP self., everything work fine, but suspend or resume after closing the laptop get Blank screen. her is my Graphic http://paste.ubuntu.com/6665605/23:24
rcw2if im in sudo mode with sudo -i, does using kdesudo still work23:25
skorzente: sure, but ICMP does not fit on that.23:25
Sia-do u know any fix or modification for this issue?23:25
teskorzen: netstat -pantu  #May also show useful info.23:25
ubottulgpb: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:25
knoxyHi all. I'm trying to boot my ubuntu after kernel upgrade and I get message kernel panic "Cannot open root device unknown-block(0,0)". Is possible to restore this installation?23:25
bekksknoxy: To which kernel did you upgrade to, some custom kernel?23:26
bekksknoxy: And is it a vps?23:26
Bashing-omg0tcha: Yout grub file looks fine to me. I do not know where else to look to resolve the "no time out".23:26
teskorzen: nmap -p0  if it won't ping23:27
knoxybekks is not a custom kernel, is a 3.8.0 generic...23:27
knoxybekks, no, is a dedicated computer23:27
Bashing-omg0tcha: riger .. *roger, typo, sorry.23:28
teskorzen You can run nmap against your own IP.23:28
RenodefBashing-om: Any ideas?23:30
Cheryl_cI am a total newbie to ubuntu. Just installed version 13.10 and can't find a terminal interface. Also, how do I install chromium browser?23:31
thom_rCheryl_c ctrl+alt+T will open the terminal23:32
thom_rto install Chromium, open the software center and search for it23:33
=== 17WAANVS3 is now known as mrdavid
Sia-ok no idea about my issue?23:33
lukecarrierAnyone here familiar with UEFI? I think the docs on the wiki may need tweaking slightly, but would appreciate clarification23:34
Bashing-omRenodef: Is the Package manager still hollering about key "40976EAF437D05B5" ?? If so got something in mind.23:34
Cheryl_cthom_r: Thanks.23:34
RenodefBashing-om: yeah.. and the other two keys too.23:35
thom_rCheryl_c not a problem23:35
thom_rlet me know if you have any more problems23:35
Cheryl_cWhen I open the software center it says that Chromium is installed but I can't find it or don't know how to launch it23:35
RenodefBashing-om: I was in the process of installing the Y-PPA Manager (the first suggestion on the link you sent), but stopped after simply adding the PPA to the repository since it was asking of the installation of unauthenticated packages (dependencies)23:37
Cheryl_cLizards|Work: Thanks, found chromium and made it the default browser23:37
Bashing-omRenodef: Ok, Lets do this:sudo apt-key del <A_Key> (each for the offending keys) , sudo apt-get update ->>You should get a NO_PUBKEY error instead of a BADSIG error and, Now do:sudo apt-key finger ->>should not find the key (called "Ubuntu Extras Archive Automatic Signing Key")23:41
falcomSilly question, but does the amazon 'adware' still a problem in the new ubuntu desktop ?23:41
nobrielI say YES :(23:41
xangua!adlens | falcom23:42
ubottufalcom: If you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ23:42
Bashing-omRenodef: My last to be continued ! when you reach that point.23:42
nobrielDo you know if it's possible to run Ubuntu Edge on my samsung galaxy S3???23:43
=== onder`_ is now known as onder`
yeats!phone | nobriel23:43
ubottunobriel: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch23:43
falcomanother silly question, what's the to-go version: 12.04LTS or 13.10?23:43
xangua!touch | nobriel23:43
nobrielyeyeye 8) sorry23:43
Bashing-omRenodef: Well as to installing .. no can do until we get the package manager fixed for the authetication issues. Awaiting a go ahead from "finger" to go on.23:43
=== Mars is now known as Guest84005
yeatsfalcom: unless you have a need for super stable software, 13.10 (but 13.10 is solid - for me anyway)23:44
RenodefBashing-om: Just a minute..23:45
RenodefBashing-om: Right...roger all. The finger lists Ubuntu CD Automatic Signing Key, Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key (2012), Ubuntu CD Automatic Signing Key (2012), Launchpad PPA for Pelle van der Scheer, Launchpad VLC23:50
=== HeathHayle2 is now known as HeathHayle
Bashing-omRenodef: Now (re)add the keys ->sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <keys> - one at a time. Now, "sudo apt-key finger" should show the new keys. .. Ok, now update/upgrade. And let's see !23:54
RenodefBashing-om: Alright.. Will ping with results.23:55
RenodefBashing-om: I added A040830F7FAC5991 that way.. but it's still saying no ultimately trusted keys found.23:56
Bashing-omRenodef: Did you add all three keys prior to "updateing" ?23:57
RenodefBashing-om: I didn't update.23:58
RenodefI just ran that line of code, with the keys23:58
RenodefBashing-om: This was PRIOR to sudo apt-get update. e.g.. -> sudo apt-key adv recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 16126D3A3E5C119223:59

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