
OvenWerkszequence: sorry, had my son and wife over for the last few days. I have not done much this cycle, even most of last cycle was on my holidays. It seems my work has become more physically taxing this year. I havehad much less energy for extra things.03:51
OvenWerksI am also perhaps at a loss as to wich direction to move.03:52
OvenWerksI need small projects just now. I don't have the time for large projects03:53
OvenWerksI have not tried an image for a while, but that much I should do.03:54
OvenWerksI do have a 14.04 install, though this one is 13.1103:55
OvenWerksI also have a 14.04 kubuntu studio install running.03:56
OvenWerksI have tried a bit of video editing. My first choice for video editing is kdenlive, but I have not tried blender.03:58
OvenWerksOpenshot seems harder to use for me.03:58
zequenceOvenWerks: Ok, good to know :)14:41
OvenWerksMy images are at 38%, I guess I haven't downloaded them for a while...14:42
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