
bluesabreparole-0.5.91 released ;) http://www.smdavis.us/2013/12/29/parole-media-player-0-5-91-released/04:15
bluesabrebed time, be back tomorrow04:15
elfypleia2: pretty sure that pidgin bug will be the testcase only - added testcases to it, but left pidgin for someone else to deal with07:20
elfyjust in case it is a pidgin bug as well :)07:20
=== xnox_ is now known as xnox
hydehi, I'm having trouble downloading http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/14.04/alpha-1/trusty-desktop-amd64.iso 15:55
hydeI seem to be getting corrupted file15:55
hyde(md5sum does not match)15:55
hydeis this problem at my end, or something known?15:55
hydesame thing (wrong checksum) happened with Ubuntu-gnome alpha1, from different browser but same PC15:58
Noskcajlibxfce4ui is out of NEW, waiting to be merged at https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/trusty/libxfce4ui/4.11/+merge/20019619:28
ali1234what changed that debian decided to merge 4.11 stuff?19:28
ali1234i thought they were going to put it in experiemental or something? which would prevent ubuntu from getting it19:29
=== RayneSplit is now known as Rayne
Noskcajali1234, It is in experimental, we can get stuff from there19:45
ali1234but it's not automatic?19:46
NoskcajMerge's aren't automatic, but i see what you mean19:46
NoskcajIt wasn't in a udd branch or the MoM19:46

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