
xnoxmapr: ubuntu does not use "multi-lib", we use "multiarch" by default and therefore one can run/compile/cross-compile from any to any architecture.00:04
xnoxmapr: and multiarch is enabled by default on amd64 (x86_64) installations.00:04
=== h[a]kr is now known as hakr
=== Namidairo`bnc is now known as Namidairo
=== vying is now known as Guest56571
=== sir is now known as Guest99979
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
rigvedgood morning.05:54
dhruvasagarHey guys, so who has tried https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/DualBootInstallation ?08:34
lotuspsychjedhruvasagar: what tablet are you trying on?08:47
dhruvasagarlotuspsychje: I wanted to try it on nexus 408:47
lotuspsychjedhruvasagar: dualboot android and ubuntu touch?08:48
dhruvasagarlotuspsychje: yea08:48
lotuspsychjei think omgubuntu did mention its possible now08:48
lotuspsychjelemme find that url08:48
dhruvasagarlotuspsychje: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/DualBootInstallation08:48
dhruvasagarlotuspsychje: I have the url, I was wondering if anybody's already tried it, if I need to watch out for somethings08:48
lotuspsychjeother url08:49
dhruvasagarlotuspsychje: checking08:49
bambam_are there any news on the support for the nexus 5?10:21
=== Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
ejathi .. how to upgrade image if im using dual boot with android14:21
=== Namidairo`bnc is now known as Namidairo
=== Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc
j-bWhat channel should I take to DualBoot?15:50
=== Kyle is now known as Guest24686
=== Kyle- is now known as Kyle
=== HelenaKitty is now known as Justin_Bieber
=== Justin_Bieber is now known as HelenaKitty
kaimasthi. When i try to build online accounts i get the following error "No rule to make target `Ubuntu/../ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/client/module/qmldir', needed by `Ubuntu/OnlineAccounts/Client.0.1/libOnlineAccountsClient.so'.  Stop." Any help?18:14
kaimast(i want to build the online accounts setup to be precise)18:15
j-bWhen clicking "Reboot to Ubuntu", the N4 does not reboot18:24
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iBelievepopey: ping20:31
SeanJohn85Anyone hear working on the Razr HD?20:31
SeanJohn85I see an unoffical build for it on the wiki20:32
SeanJohn85but.. the ootloade mehod doesnt work for newer OTA's20:32
SeanJohn85I really wnt to try touch though20:32
SeanJohn85I gave 300 on Kickstarter for Edge20:32
SeanJohn85I was sad that it didnt happen :(20:32
CMSHey, quick question, anybody have any word on when Touch will be out for the Kindle Fire HD 7" ?23:18

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