
belkinsaDoes anyone here use a feed reader and have our Planet Ubuntu Ohio feed in the reader's lists?20:39
dzhoyes and no, respectively21:24
dzhowhat's the ohio planet ubuntu feed URL?21:24
dzhomaybe I'll add it to one of my simple RSS instances21:25
belkinsaIt doesn't work so well on Readers, just like OMG! Ubuntu!.  Some times it fetches already read stuff.21:26
dzhobelkinsa: thanks.  I put that someplace where I'll see it next time I'm one of the mobile devices with the simple RSS installs21:26
belkinsaNot a problem.21:26
* dzho has found yaxim+ejabberd+bitlbee to be handy or this21:27
belkinsaI have one for my netbook called Bamboo which is a plug in for Thunderbird21:27
Unit193Newsbeuter, and no.21:29
dzhoUnit193: oh, good call.21:37
dzhoI have a screen window with newsbeuter in it too, iirc21:37
Unit193Anything interesting in ~/.newsbeuter/urls ? :P21:38
dzhoUnit193: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6670468/21:48
jenni[ Ubuntu Pastebin ] - https://j.mp/19zXZmf21:48
dzhothe dmarti one may be the only one that isn't bigtime21:48
dzhohe's awesome, but for some reason he seems to remain sort of fringe21:48

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