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NoskcajCan someone review/upload https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/+junk/geoclue-2.0 please? Ubuntu needs to change the source package name due to the number of packages we have that need the old API03:36
xnoxNoskcaj: has that been done in debian already?03:51
xnoxNoskcaj: geoclue 2.0 is in experimental, why do we need it in ubuntu?03:52
xnoxNoskcaj: it would be easier to review, if your branch was based on top of lp:debian/experimental/geoclue03:55
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Noskcajxnox, I didn't know about the experimental lp branch. darkxst requested that we change source package due to API breaks04:44
NoskcajShould i change it?04:44
Logan_Halp. Why isn't dh-autoreconf working to fix the ppc64el FTBFS on this library? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/161336888/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-ppc64el.libapache-mod-encoding_0.0.20021209-10ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz05:42
Logan_https://launchpadlibrarian.net/161336929/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-arm64.libapache-mod-encoding_0.0.20021209-10ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz <-- And it also didn't update config.{sub,guess} for arm64?05:43
infinityLogan_: Looks like it's not relibtoolising.  Perhaps the aclocal include is hand-crafted.06:02
infinityLogan_: And autoreconf won't update config.{sub.guess} on projects that don't use automake.06:03
Logan_It uses automake.06:03
infinityOh, it does.  Curious.06:03
infinityAnyhow, I'd just back out the autoreconf change there, stick to autotools-dev, and hand-patch occurences of the libtool elf64ppc bits.06:04
infinityLogan_: See, eg: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/161285599/rhythmbox_3.0.1-1ubuntu7_3.0.1-1ubuntu8.diff.gz06:04
Logan_Did autoreconf not work on rhythm box?06:05
Logan_Because I think that's a more futureproof solution than hand-patching the libtool stuff.06:05
darkxstxnox, geoclue2 is needed by a number of 3.10 apps such as gnome-maps (which currently broken in archive), gnome-clocks, gnome-settings-daemon/g-c-c06:11
infinityLogan_: autoreconf is definitely the more future-proof solution, and if you want to fix the upstream package to autoreconf correctly, please do.  I'm just being time/effort pragmatic here in some cases.06:21
Logan_infinity: I don't mind losing the TIL on libapache-mod-encoding... wanna fix it? ;P06:22
Logan_Lemme look into autoreconf for rhythm box.06:23
infinityI wouldn't bother, if I were you.  A new upstream will (at some point) pick up the new libtool, and the delta can go away.06:23
infinityThe Debian maintainers once tried to autoreconf and ended up backing it out too. :P06:23
Logan_Which package are you referring to?06:24
Logan_Oh, okay.06:25
Logan_My request still stands, in that case. :P06:25
infinityYeah, I'll fix up mod-encoding.06:25
Logan_Many thanks!06:25
Logan_I was going to say, libapache-mod-encoding isn't being updated upstream any time soon. The last release was in 2002. :P06:25
infinityLogan_: Also, you forgot to run update-maintainer(1) on this upload.  Probably true for some others too.06:36
Logan_Wait, I always run that...06:36
infinityOh, wait.  No.  That was me starting from the Debian base.  Nevermind.06:36
* Logan_ wipes the sweat off his forehead.06:36
Noskcajinfinity, Logan_ Is there anything i can do to help with arm64/ppc64el ?06:43
Logan_Fix FTBFSes! http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/ppc64el.html long lists yay06:43
Logan_and http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/arm64.html06:43
Logan_Hmm, libass. Sounds like my kind of library.06:44
Noskcajok, and convince corsac and/or xfce upstream to update their autotools stuff06:45
Noskcaji think there's a merge for it too06:45
Logan_Noskcaj: I'd recommend looking at my uploads to see how I fix stuff.06:47
Noskcajwill do06:47
Logan_(If you want to help out.)06:47
Noskcajyeah, i've got nothing else to do06:48
Logan_Go outside!06:49
Logan_Don't be a loser like me.06:49
Logan_Better yet, go outside AND fix ppc64el failures.06:49
Logan_With a Nexus 7 running Ubuntu Touch or something.06:50
NoskcajI already have my pajamas on, so outside doesn't really work, and my brother won't let me put ubuntu on his nexus06:53
Logan_Hmm, that does pose a conundrum.06:53
NoskcajHow would i fix https://launchpadlibrarian.net/154958763/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-arm64.xfce4-battery-plugin_1.0.5-2ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ?06:54
NoskcajIt doesn't look like the standard autotools fix06:55
infinityIt's not.06:56
infinityLogan_: mod-encoding happy.06:58
Logan_From a quick Google, it looks like you might need #include <unistd.h>.06:58
Logan_infinity: Yayness.06:58
Logan_Which is there, but inside an #ifdef HAVE_SYSCTL conditional block.07:00
Logan_...and checking for sysctl... no07:00
Logan_I feel like Sherlock.07:00
Logan_Let's see how it's checking for sysctl, as arm64 should presumably have that.07:01
Logan_AC_CHECK_FUNCS([sysctl]) ... well that's not helpful.07:02
Logan_infinity: Any insight? :P07:02
infinityDunno.  Retrying it with glibc 2.18 before I dig.07:02
infinityNope, still fails.  Curious.07:04
Logan_I think it has something to do with the sysctl check.07:04
infinityWell, yes.  But curious that it fails.07:05
NoskcajJust wondering, would https://launchpadlibrarian.net/160701912/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-ppc64el.lxsession_0.4.9.2-0ubuntu6_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz just need a rebuild, since it has autoreconf already?07:06
* Logan_ looks.07:06
infinityNoskcaj: No.07:06
Logan_No. The autoreconf failed. I can fix it.07:06
Logan_We'll either want to specify subdir-objects as an option or remove -Werror.07:06
Logan_That's thanks to a new automake, not the ppc64el architecture.07:07
infinityI'd remove Werror, that's actively hostile to the point of dh_autoreconf.07:08
infinityYou want errors to halt the build, but not every new warning.07:08
Logan_I always have trouble deciding which to do.07:08
infinityLogan_: A good rule of thumb for Werror (for both C code and autotools) is that upstream should develop with it on, but distributions should ship with it off.07:09
Logan_Gotcha. I'll keep that in mind for the future.07:09
infinityLogan_: Upstreams should try to release code as clean as they can, but making me stop and fix every warning on every rebuild with a slightly different toolchain is insanity.07:09
infinityLogan_: That said, when an upstream is very fastidious about the cleanliness of their code *and* is very open to patch submissions (the latter being a big deal), I don't mind fixing and pushing the patch.07:14
infinityBut it's a huge time sync to do it for every project every few months.07:15
Logan_Noskcaj: Uploaded a new lxsession with a fix.07:15
NoskcajLogan_, thanks07:15
infinityOh, hrm, midnight happened here and I didn't even notice.07:15
infinityHappy 2014.07:15
Logan_So unfestive.07:16
Noskcajhappy 2014 infinity07:16
Logan_It's been 2014 here for two hours, 15 minutes and counting. :P07:16
Noskcaj18 hours, 16 min here07:17
infinityI had been planning to celebrate on the east coast.  So, yeah, I noticed when you ticked over, not when I did. :P07:17
Logan_yay east coast07:17
Noskcajwhat is the normal error for just needing autoreconf?07:17
Logan_also CDBS needs to die a long and miserable death07:17
Logan_Noskcaj: for ppc64el? missing *.so07:18
infinityNoskcaj: For ppc64el, it's generally that autoconf complains that the linker doesn't support shared libraries.07:18
Logan_during dh_install07:18
Logan_or that07:18
Logan_mostly the one I mentioned07:18
Noskcajok, thanks07:18
infinityNoskcaj: Which can fail early, or can make it all the way to dh_install before noticing there's no .so07:18
Logan_it often doesn't fail early, unfortunately07:18
Logan_I'd say 90% of the packages I've fixed so far fail at dh_install07:18
infinity(But in either case, you'll see the autoconf message in configure saying "checking if ld supports shared libraries... no"07:18
Logan_Noskcaj: you can throw a debrief at me if you want to see if you're doing things right, since you can't test locally07:35
Logan_friggin autocorrect07:35
NoskcajLogan_, For anything complex, will do07:44
JackYuhappy new year, every one!09:57
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xnoxdarkxst: right, there are 10 packages using geoclue at the moment, it would be nice to test-rebuild all ten of them against geoclue 2.0 and get them ported if porting is needed & simply sync over geoclue.12:48
xnoxdarkxst: and please email ubuntu-devel about it, instead of doing it on irc.12:48
xnox(one might be a duplicate) so 9 in total only.12:49
xnoxdarkxst: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6672991/12:49
xnoxdarkxst: oh, since it's DBus there might be much more users....12:55
xnoxLaney: is the code search active to do a geoclue search?12:55
xnoxdarkxst: is it just me, or geoclue 2.0 API offers a lot less than 0.x did ?12:57
xnoxdarkxst: yeah there are a few more.13:15
xnoxdarkxst: it's best to not diverge from debian here, and request for geoclue 2.x to be packaged in-parallel to 0.x series there as well and have matching source package names.13:19
xnoxLaney: http://ubuntu-codesearch.surgut.co.uk/ =)13:49
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alkisgHappy new year to all16:21
alkisgstgraber: can we sync LTSP 5.5 from unstable so that we have more time in testing/fixing things? Or do we have to wait until it migrates to testing?16:21
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labsinHi all, I'm trying to cross-compile my ubuntu touch app.16:37
labsinI've found the mailinglist post [Cross-compile with CMake from SDK Apps to Unity8/Mir]https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg05556.html16:38
labsinbut I can't seem to get it right...16:39
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darklight_Is someone working on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/775434 ? Having the meta+"numbers" shortcut hardcoded is making unity a living hell for me20:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 775434 in unity (Ubuntu) "Keyboard shortcut - Make Unity keyboard shortcuts configurable" [High,Triaged]20:24
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NoskcajDoes arm64 have to use gles2 like armhf does?21:17
infinityNoskcaj: Not currently, though we may have to make that switch in the future.21:54
Noskcajok, then i trust my evas merge slightly more.21:55
darkxstxnox, geoclue 2 is a completely new API that is not at all compatible with the old version22:02
darkxstand there will be rdepends that use features not in geoclue-222:10
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xnoxdarkxst: ok. then it really should be introduced as a new src package in both debian and ubuntu. Can you ask for it to be a new src package in Debian?22:30
xnoxdarkxst: since it's already packaged as same src in experimental....22:30
darkxstI filed http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=73390122:31
ubottuDebian bug 733901 in geoclue "geoclue: package geoclue-2.0 in parallel to geoclue 0.12.99" [Normal,Open]22:31
NoskcajWhat do i have to do to fix http://paste.ubuntu.com/6675509/ ? It only occurs with autoreconf turned on22:53
xnoxNoskcaj: that doesn't look like a complete log. look truncated on the top.22:54
Noskcajxnox, Does it need to have the stuff above?22:55
xnoxNoskcaj: yeah.... the error is on the top, and then debhelper cat config.log to standard output which is a big pile of poo =)22:56
Noskcajhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6675520/ is the entire build22:57
xnoxNoskcaj: line 129/13022:57
Noskcajok. Now i will do a lot of googleing to find what is wrong.22:58
xnoxNoskcaj: IT_PROG_INTLTOOL macro was unknown at the time you did autoreconf, so probably simply a built-dependency is missing of a package which provides that autoconf macro....22:59
Noskcajso intltool?23:00

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