
Beldarsid_, There is the stack which gives you kernels up to saucy. Read carefully. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack00:01
glitsj16infinitux: you can check how your compiz is configured for window placement, run ccsm (if you have that installed) and look at the "Place Windows" entree > General .. maybe you can prevent this from happening00:04
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glitsj16i'm guessing tinkering with the 'Multi Output Mode' will show you pretty much instantly .. test away :)00:05
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glitsj16irritating behavior what you described00:06
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Shadowandlighthow do i whitelist an ip address to access phpmyadmin via web?00:32
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raubShadowandlight: in the website config file?00:33
Shadowandlighthmm where?00:36
Shadowandlightim whitelisted in UFW00:36
gh0ztHow can I install libnl1-dev or libnl3-dev?  when I try to install with apt-get, an error comes back with "unable to locate package libnl1-dev"00:40
trismgh0zt: libnl-3-dev00:40
trismgh0zt: or just libnl-dev00:40
trismgh0zt: for 100:40
gh0zttism: thanks man00:43
Shadowandlightraub: where in the config should i look for the whitelist00:44
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SaberX01gh0zt, in future, just use: apt-cache search <package-name>   .. you can start with like: libnl .. and do on.01:06
SaberX01*so on ..01:08
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WalleXDhey ..... I am almost done signing up for contribution, but I cant make the wiki page01:20
WalleXDit tells me: "You are not allowed to edit this page."01:20
WalleXDany idea how to solve this?01:20
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shreezbotI'm doing an upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10...  My upgrade seems to be stuck at "Processing triggers for man-db"...  Is it normal to sit at this step for a really long time?  How long should I wait?  Is my installation hosed now?01:56
Iszakshreezbot I would have stayed on 12.04 until 14.04 came out..01:58
shreezbotYea, I have a history of making bad decisions...01:59
Beldarshreezbot, make sure no popups are hiding on the screen.02:00
TJ-shreezbot: No it isn't normal... but before you do something drastic, open a terminal and check the log files being written by the upgrade process  "ls -latr /var/log/dist-upgrade" for clues as to where it has got stuck02:00
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kostkonshreezbot, just wait a little bit more02:05
apb1963I can't seem to get lshw to output any information.... more exactly... it prints "PCI (sysfs)" and that's it.  It seems to overwrite itself as if the termtype wasn't right or something...  any ideas?02:07
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hitsujiTMOapb1963: sounds like its ending lines with \r instead of \n for some reason02:10
apb1963hitsujiTMO: You may be right... however "reset" doesn't help... here's the output of stty http://paste.ubuntu.com/6671247/  See anything?  I'm still looking02:13
hitsujiTMOapb1963: well eol is undefined02:14
shreezbotJust FYI, there was a hidden window that I could not see through VNC.  I had to log directly into the box to see the hidden window asking if I wanted to restart...  :)02:16
hitsujiTMOapb1963: what terminal are you using?02:16
apb1963hitsujiTMO: xterm... however, it also happens in a VT with linux term02:17
TJ-apb1963: lshw does that while it is scanning... did you give it any arguments?02:17
apb1963TJ-: I tried -class ... makes no difference with or without02:17
TJ-apb1963: Are the pciid data files installed?02:19
apb1963TJ-:  no idea02:19
apb1963TJ-:  how can I tell?02:19
TJ-apb1963: This might help give you a clue: "strace -o /tmp/lshw.log -f lshw" and then review the log-file from the last entries backwards02:19
apb1963TJ-:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6671271/02:21
apb1963I see two interesting lines:  ioctl(2, SNDCTL_TMR_TIMEBASE or TCGETS, {B38400 opost isig icanon echo ...}) = 002:23
sid_join #xkcd02:23
TJ-apb1963: did you interrupt the running process there?02:24
apb1963chdir("/sys/devices/parisc")      = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)02:24
apb1963TJ-:  Yes02:24
apb1963TJ-: Otherwise it just sits forever02:24
apb1963TJ-: unless maybe I'm just impatient and need to give it more time?  I typically wait about 10 seconds or so... maybe a little more.02:24
TJ-apb1963: I'm comparing the log file with one generate here .... yours ends just after its finished reading the device descriptions... I see the exact same entries in my log-file... but yours stops just where mine goes on to start scanning the hardware nodes02:24
TJ-apb1963: More time :)02:25
apb1963how long?02:25
TJ-apb1963: Hmmm ... 30 seconds? And run it with that 'strace' command again so we can review what it was doing02:25
apb1963ok, i'm running it... let me know when you feel it's been long enough :)02:26
apb1963Hmm.  I think it may be working... I was just impatient.... and/or something else knocked it loose02:26
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TJ-apb1963: it just completed its output, here02:27
apb1963yah, I just didn't give it long enough.  Sorry guys02:27
TJ-apb1963: :p02:27
apb1963ok back to deboostrap :)02:29
* cfhowlett observes that the channel is abnormally quiet ... suspects alcohol related lethargy02:36
cfhowlettNeytiri, greetings02:39
Neytirihow would i specify what ip address to use on a multiple ip system that does redirection and nat02:39
hitsujiTMOid address for what exactly?02:42
Neytiriwell i have 4p public ip addresses02:43
Neytiriand i want to foward traffic on a specific port on address1 to another server02:43
hitsujiTMOok, what do you exactly want to specify an ip for and is this a ovh/kimsufi server?02:43
Neytiriits a ovh server yes02:44
Neytirii am using it for ddos protection of my minecraft servers02:44
Neytiriiptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 25565 -j DNAT --to-destination
Neytirithat will forward for all of the address on the box02:45
Neytirihow do i specify jsut 102:45
hitsujiTMONeytiri: if its all the one server then its not going to prevent a ddos attack. but ovh typically have a good enough infrastrcture to minimise ddos attacks at least02:46
Neytirii have multiple servers ad different locations02:46
Neytirijsut the 1 with ovh that i want to route through for ddos protection02:46
hitsujiTMONeytiri: have you configured you network interfaces yet?02:48
Neytirithe rule i posted works but it does it for all ip addresses02:49
hitsujiTMONeytiri: you prob need to specify the external address with -d02:54
hitsujiTMONeytiri: this might be of help http://thejimmahknows.com/nat-dynamic-nat-nat-overloadingmasquerade-with-iptables/02:55
Neytirii'll try that02:57
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zh1how can i convert a pdf to ascii on ubuntu?03:28
bazhanghttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/saucy/man1/pstotext.1.html   zh103:30
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jeffrey_fzh1: xpdf package has pdftotext03:36
zh1wich one is better?03:37
zh1i need a pdf to ascii03:37
ubottuzh1,: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:37
bazhangtry them and see zh103:38
zh1how can i see what i dont know03:38
jeffrey_fASCII is text03:38
cfhowlettzh1, go to software center, find, install ...03:38
bazhanghttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/saucy/man1/pstotext.1.html  <--- read the link and try it zh103:38
zh1ascii is not pure text03:39
hexacodehey you guys. ive generated pub private key pairs before with ssh-keygen util . however, im now doing the same thing with putty gen, and the resulting files i saved, i named id_rsa and id_rsa.pub ; however, the format looks a little different than what im used to. can i just cat id_rsa.pub > authorized_keys ? or will it break?03:39
jeffrey_fzh1: ascii is text, some ascii is not printable, but it is Text.03:40
Viking667'llo all.I'm having a little trouble trying to open an OpenOffice-Base file in LibreOffice. I'm just getting a dialog box that says "General Error: General Input/Output"03:43
Viking667... and that's it.03:43
hitsujiTMOhexacode: putty/filezilla uses its own format. putty gen can convert it you ask it nicely enough. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2224066/how-to-convert-ssh-keypairs-generated-using-puttygenwindows-into-key-pairs-use03:44
Viking667The strange thing is, I can open the file fine in Windows OpenOffice.03:46
uBUXUBuhappy new years peace be with ubuntu for the good of all people thank you03:50
ZephreeLooking for a point in the right direction, I have an Ubuntu server with Apache2/PHP5/Postfix, when I run the mail() function in PHP I get the error "sh: 1: /etc/postfix: Permission denied" Any chance you folks know what exactly is producing the error?03:55
ubottuZephree,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server03:56
aaasZephree seems like the user running the php script (webserver?) doens't have permission to run postfix03:57
BeldarViking667, Have you tried saving it in another format? open office and libreo or pretty close to the same in areas the windows version to ubuntu's libreo seems to be a problem. What is your attachment to these docs?03:57
Zephreeaaas: Any pointer on how to check this?03:58
aaasZephree run the php script from the command line as a user and then as root see if you get a different error message, not s ure?03:59
Zephreeaaas, Got it, thanks03:59
hitsujiTMOZephree: also php uses the sendmail command, so check if thats working too04:01
Viking667Beldar: sorry, I got a little lost there. I've been using Libreoffice on the files back in Ubuntu 12.04.04:17
Viking667Then I used OpenOffice in Windows Vista... saved it back to the Ubuntu drive. Then I upgraded LibreOffice (and the whole of Ubuntu) to 13.10.04:18
Viking667... the 13.10 version of libreoffice can't open the file, yet the Vista version of OpenOffice can.04:18
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JohnnyLWhat would cause a do-release-upgrade to crash the packaged version of firefox? if i get an ftp version it works fine out of the box. but the packaged version still crashes at app boot.04:30
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awktionhappy new years faggots04:36
cfhowlettawktion, there are pills for your condition ...04:37
awktioncfhowlett: unfortunately i quit doing drugs04:38
Viking667yeah, ain't no drugs for stupidity.04:38
awktionotherwise you'd be on it04:38
* Viking667 waves tarrah.04:38
Viking667nice comeback...04:38
Viking667pity you're talking about your self...04:39
awktionthat's all u got?04:39
awktiongo use debian or something.04:39
cfhowlettViking667, he's not stupid, he's suffering from advanced cranial-rectal inversion.04:39
bazhanglets get back on topic please04:39
cfhowlettbazhang, aye.04:39
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daniko_Hey  guys !!!04:44
cfhowlettdaniko_, greetings04:47
apb1963What's the difference between "apt-get install grub-pc linux-image" and "grub-install /dev/sdc && grub-install –recheck /dev/sdc && update-grub" ??04:50
athene_noctuahi for some reason I just can not get my screen to stop dimming after a certain period of time. I'm running 12.04 with cinnamon as the DE.04:51
athene_noctuatried looking in dconf-editor and using the gui options to disable the screensaver, etc. I don't want the screen to dim or go to the screen saver at all.04:52
hitsujiTMOapb1963:  "grub-install /dev/sdc && grub-install –recheck /dev/sdc && update-grub" will fail if you don't have a kernel or grub installed. It installs the grub bootstrap to /dev/sdc and updates the grub config               "apt-get install grub-pc linux-image"   installs grub2 and the kernel04:52
hitsujiTMOathene_noctua: settings -> brightness & lock.  disable dim screen to save power04:53
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athene_noctuahitsujiTMO: I've already tried disabling everything in there : (04:56
apb1963hitsujiTMO: OK so if I run "apt-get install grub-pc linux-image" don't I still need to do "update-grub"?04:56
athene_noctuahitsujiTMO: also looked under power setting and have it set to suspend "never"04:56
hitsujiTMOapb1963: no. grub-pc installs apt hooks that will call update grub after04:57
hitsujiTMOathene_noctua: not sure then. first person i've heard of with such an issue04:57
apb1963hitsujiTMO: ok cool.  So how do you know this?  I was unable to find info. like that.04:57
hitsujiTMOapb1963: from doing a hell of a lot of debootstrap installs04:58
apb1963the hand of experience.04:58
apb1963well i'm finally nearing the end of this process.... wasn't too hard05:00
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hitsujiTMOapb1963: you can also look at the config and post install scripts for grub-pc in /var/lib/dpkg/info if you want to see exactly what it will do05:00
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apb1963cool.  thank you05:01
apb1963hitsujiTMO: "it is possible to install GRUB to partition boot records as well, and some appropriate partitions are offered here. However, this forces GRUB to use the blocklist mechanism, which makes it less reliable"  It gives me a choice of: sda, sdc and sdc1...  sda and sdc would be the partitions it does not recommend... yes?  so my best choice is sdc1, the root fs for the new disk I'm installing to?05:08
ouyeshow many of you are not English native speakers?05:11
willbradleyliterally nobody05:11
athene_noctuahitsujiTMO: it's weird, I'm not sure if it's settings that are present in unity conflicting with cinnamon or what . . . I've tried everything I can find in dconf-editor05:12
hitsujiTMOapb1963: installing to a partition is of no benefit. the bios will only start booting from the first bit on the hdd. And installing to a partition who's filesystem uses the first sector (which i'm pretty sure all do) will break that filesystem05:12
ouyeswillbradley, Is English your first language?05:13
kostkonouyes, and your point is?05:14
willbradleyall programming is mainly english05:17
willbradleyLinus Torvalds is Finnish but writes in english05:17
apb1963hitsujiTMO: OK but my question is in regard to verifying that sda and sdc are in fact the partitions; and therefore my choice should be sdc1.  Am I understanding this correctly?05:17
Robipoouyes > French here (:05:18
hitsujiTMOapb1963: sda and sdc aren't partitions. they're drives. sdc1 and sda1 would be partitions. you install grub to a drive not a partition05:18
Piciouyes: Ubuntu might be english by default, but there are full translations available for many languages.05:18
PiciThere are also many support channels out there for non-english speakers.05:19
hitsujiTMOouyes: some apps are written primarily in other languages and translated to english05:19
apb1963hitsujiTMO: OK... that's more clear.  So sdc1 would have been the wrong choice. Thank you for the clarification.05:19
hitsujiTMOapb1963: np05:19
ouyesRobipo, ok, I read an article about a comparison between elcosystem of ubuntu and macbook, the author is the developer of gnome305:19
ouyesPici, yeah, I agree, but when you update something, it is english05:20
Gallomimiaanyone know what the latest support level is for a radeon HD 7790 under ubuntu is like? i've heard it doesn't work very well at all. i have one, and i've got some drivers that basically work but it's pretty slow and things crash a lot.05:22
abc_u need an ubuntu edge05:22
ouyesRobipo, how do you learn English?05:23
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abc_you guess05:25
RobipoI learned it at school + playing video games + programming + watching english tv shows05:25
hitsujiTMOGallomimia: should be ok as of sept https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/120939705:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 1209397 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu) "[radeonsi] radeonhd "southern islands" 3d hardware acceleration" [Undecided,Fix released]05:25
hitsujiTMOGallomimia: might be a good idea to checkout kernel 3.12 too. supposed to be a lot of radeon improvements there05:27
GallomimiahitsujiTMO: this is where i get lost. managing packages adding repos and getting a newer kernel is stuff i haven't learned yet. mostly i'm at a loss as to where to learn this stuff. care to make a suggestion??05:31
knightshade!kernel | Gallomimia05:31
ubottuGallomimia: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)05:31
hitsujiTMOGallomimia: getting the latest mainline is pretty easy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds05:32
hitsujiTMOGallomimia: just 3 debs to wget and install05:32
researcher123is it possible to put together pdf files using some ubuntu software?05:33
cfhowlettresearcher123, you mean join/merge them?05:34
researcher123cfhowlett: yes05:34
cfhowlettresearcher123, thereis a linux utility for that - wait one05:34
ubottuThe Portable Document Format is created by Adobe; PDF files are viewable in Ubuntu with Xpdf, Okular, Evince and also Adobe Reader (free download, but closed source)05:34
Gallomimiai'm interested in that as well researcher123 : http://www.ubuntugeek.com/list-of-pdf-editing-tools-for-ubuntu.html05:35
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knightshaderesearcher123: you can use pdftk on the commandline or pdfshuffler if you want a gui application05:35
cfhowlett!cookie|knightshade,  thank you05:35
ubottuknightshade,  thank you: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!05:35
VerpiI make a face like a helmet05:36
researcher123knightshade: Cant join in pdfshuffler05:38
xiang_which softwears are you use on ubuntukylin..05:39
cfhowlettxiang_, kylin uses any/all software in the ubuntu software center.  what are you trying to do?05:40
ubottuxiang_,: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw05:40
bhldevhi guys05:42
cfhowlettbhldev, greetings05:42
bhldevmy skype for linux keeps crashing is there any ubuntu specific issues or should I go to skype forums/channel05:42
cfhowlettbhldev, start with the skype forums05:42
Verpi如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 hoa05:43
ouyesmany Chinese05:44
cfhowlettouyes, ??? is that a question about ubuntu ???05:44
knightshaderesearcher123: you can. open the first pdf, then click import and import the next file.05:44
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researcher123knightshade: ok.thanks05:45
knightshaderesearcher123: you're welcome05:46
ouyescfhowlett, no it is not05:47
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funksteranyone familiar with imagemagick, i cant get it to convert JPG to PDF and keep the right resolution no matter what, -dentist -geometry -page -unit - nothing seems to work05:51
mobi323Hello All.05:53
Gallomimiahitsuji said 3 .deb files to get newer kernels but i only found image and headers for this kernel :/05:57
cfhowlettmobi323, greetings05:57
Gallomimiaoh well. here goes. if i return on my laptop instead of this desktop, we all know it went badly :/05:59
Gr4cchusim new to ubuntu and im curious why synaptic does not come preinstalled anymore?Is it because of the Ubuntu Software Center?06:01
cfhowlettGr4cchus, yes06:03
Gallomimia_oh. that's unfortunate06:07
Gallomimia_got the new kernel working... boot went alright. got a login screen. typed my password and i saw two instances of "report a system problem?" in the upper left corner, followed by a completely black screen, no mousepointer06:08
=== Gallomimia_ is now known as Gallomimia
ouyeshi guys I got this error msg when I was updating Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/extras.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_main_source_Sources  Hash Sum mismatch06:10
jj_whats the differenct of debian binary packages and ubuntu binary packages, both are .deb but there's the option to download for debian and a option for ubuntu06:13
Ben64jj_: one is for debian, the other for ubuntu. using packages for different distros will lead to trouble06:13
jj_but theyre all .deb D:06:16
Ben64indeed they are06:16
Gallomimiahm. same format of file, different dependencies?06:17
Gr4cchusis GDebi a good program to have incase one has to install some .deb file06:18
Ben64should be installed by default06:18
Ben64hmm, maybe not06:19
cfhowlettGr4cchus, .deb installs quite easily: sudo dpgk -i filename.deb06:19
Gallomimiai'm looking for suggestions: i installed kernel 3.12 and rebooted. after a normal looking login screen, i'm now seeing a totally black screen. there were two windows about reporting errors but closing them has left me seeing nothing. perhaps i need to remove catalyst drivers or something? i'm trying to get my radeon HD 7790 to work properly. it was functional but flakey before06:19
Gr4cchusi tried searching for it through my terminal with find GDebi / and now my terminal is freaking out06:20
Gr4cchusmust of choose a crap way to look for it06:21
Gallomimiayou should probably use find / -name GDebi instead06:21
cfhowlettGr4cchus, apt-cache policy gdebi06:21
Gr4cchusInstalled: (none) . So i guess now06:22
olf-folkshow would some one generate keys for /etc/openvpn/keys06:22
olf-folkshow should I generate keys for /etc/openvpn/keys/06:28
duhamelhello all. I changed my dpi to accomodate a large tv display. I noticed the dpi didn't change in firefox or netflix desktop then i noticed audio wasnt streaming through hdmi when watching netflix or you tube. does anybody have any solution to change firefox dpi specifically.06:31
duhamelor why it isnt be affected by the dpi change through terminal.06:32
duhamelquiet tonight. happy new years.06:36
cfhowlettRiptide, greetings06:37
Gr4cchusi think the best way to celebrate the new years is to play a game of chivalry together and decapitate the enemys limbs inches away from yourself, close enough to see the whites of their eyes06:42
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maxh76Hello, happy new years.06:48
cfhowlettmaxh76, greetings06:48
maxh76Happy 2014 cfhowlett06:48
cfhowlettmaxh76, and you.  what's the ubuntu query?06:49
maxh76My ubuntu question?06:49
cfhowlettmaxh76, yes06:49
maxh76Oh, I just came to say happy new years. :P06:49
maxh76Is that a bad thing?06:50
cfhowlettmaxh76, nope.  thank you very much.06:50
maxh76You're welcome, I hope you have a great day and rest of the year.06:50
* cfhowlett gets warm fuzzy feelings06:50
maxh76:) Hehe, warm fuzzy. I like warm fuzzy blankets.06:51
Paulyounghappy new year!06:52
maxh76Happy New Year Paulyoung.06:53
Paulyoungthank U06:53
maxh76You're welcome, and thank you.06:53
maxh76Whoops, sorry.06:55
Paulyoungwhat wrong06:56
maxh76Nothing, I was looking for help commands.. Couldn't find them..06:57
=== hub is now known as Guest29524
stewieYDoes anyone know how to make it not ask for a password after leaving the computer for a while?07:18
knightshadestewieY: it depends on which desktop environment you are using.07:24
GallomimiastewieY: under basic ubuntu it's under your options, security07:24
Gallomimiasystem settings or whatever it's called?07:25
Gallomimiai think getting additional help with my video drivers conflict under new kernel is fruitless tonight :/07:25
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cfhowlettGallomimia, expecting critical analysis on New Year's Day is ... a rebuttable presumption07:35
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Gallomimiait's still nye :P07:36
cfhowlettGallomimia, my point stands, then.   :)07:38
ableanyone running ubuntu on a surface/surface pro?07:38
ubottuable,: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch07:38
cfhowlettable, as I suspected, the list of supported devices is short and specif: nexus.  Not to say surface won't work but you should consider such to be experimental at best07:40
thom_rwhy does copying files to usb take so long? It will start out really fast then come to a crawl after a few seconds.07:41
ablei was asking to check if any surface users have managed to get their cover/keyboards working07:41
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 64811 in Input Devices "Microsoft Surface type cover 2 assigned to hid-multitouch, "No inputs registered"" [Normal,New]07:42
thom_rit will start out at like 30mbps then slow all the way down to 6mbps07:42
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samdaniwhats up07:46
Gallomimiacfhowlett: well buddy i uninstalled fglrx and related, rebooted, and i can see desktop. the cursor is a bit messed up, and fonts look funny, but at least the computer is usable. now to test it with a game :)07:47
cfhowlettGallomimia, best of luck07:48
ableThe surface type cover works during install but there is no input after reboot/first launch. can i make grub fall back to the same HID paradigm as setup?07:48
thom_rare you enabling on screen keyboard in the system settings?07:49
ableim not using an on-screen keybaord07:50
ablethe keyboard is embedded in the cover. works fine during in install, not so much so after booting the installed isystem07:53
ableso i need to tell grub to use that failsafe usb/hid paradigm that setup uses07:53
ablethe bug has been there since kernel 3.1107:54
PhlowHaving a kernel panic with 13.10 usb stick install on my MSI GT60 laptop07:54
PhlowI've got bios set to legacy, fast boot disabled, latest bios... any ideas?07:54
Phlowoh, and Windows 8 is already installed, wanting dual boot07:55
Gallomimiaaw. looks like my game is running in cpu-rendering mode :(07:55
Gallomimiawell, i need new versions of the video drivers i think07:56
thom_rPhlow, try remaking the usb. Sometimes they can get messed up while being made, not all the information gets transfered over.07:56
ablePhlow, how does this happen?07:56
thom_rPhlow, I believe if you want to dual boot, you need to have the computer in UEFI mode. Windows 8 won't boot in Legacy as far as I know.07:57
thom_rIf I'm wrong someone correct me07:57
PhlowI'll set it back to UEFI after, but I can't boot to USB with UEFI enabled07:57
Phlowable, I get a screen with some a couple symbols at the bottom (looks normal), then the screen goes black and a moment later a kernel panic07:58
thom_rthen something else is the problem, you should be able to boot Ubuntu un UEFI just fine07:58
Phlowmy usb flash goes right to Win 8 installer if I set UEFI07:58
PhlowThe usb flash was made with the windows usb flash, then I used YUMI to add ubuntu 13.10 iso07:59
Phlowhas worked in the past07:59
PhlowI'll try to redo the ubuntu iso in YUMI, but I think it's something with the laptop08:00
Phlowsince that's what's new08:00
thom_rOk, keep us updated08:01
abletry remaking the install media, if that fails try a different media08:01
paulus68Phlow: change the iso on the setup USB and try again should be working then I had the same problem08:01
Phlowpaulus68, change the iso as in redo, or a different iso?08:02
thom_rPhlow, remake the usb, if that usb isn't working try a different usb flash drive08:02
paulus68phlow: remove the iso from the usb setup and re add it again08:02
Phlowk, redownloading...08:03
Phlowin the meantime, there's mention in this thread of an issue with kernel 3.11 and kernel panics:  http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/1scmzb/install_ubuntu_1310_on_msi_gs70/08:03
Phlownot a problem with 3.08 or 3.12, heard anything about that?08:03
thom_r13.10 runs Kernel 3.1108:04
administratorhello everyone08:09
=== administrator is now known as Guest57085
cfhowlettGuest57085, greetings08:10
Guest57085anyone in china?08:10
cfhowlettGuest57085, yes why?08:11
Guest57085i m in china08:12
cfhowlettGuest57085, what is your ubuntu question?08:12
Guest57085how to install oracle in ubuntu08:12
Guest57085admin, please change my dickname08:13
ubottuGuest57085,: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.08:13
cfhowlettGuest57085, https://community.oracle.com/message/1109414908:14
=== Guest57085 is now known as Osama
=== Osama is now known as Liumeng
Liumengi have changed to Liumeng08:15
cfhowlettLiumeng, I've no oracle experience but it seems to not like ubuntu ... perhaps in wine?08:15
LiumengDocs about how-to on Redhat can be found in Orcle.com08:17
Liumengbut not in ubuntu08:17
=== Guest71778 is now known as chrisward
Liumengis there?08:23
ouyesLiumeng, what can we help you08:23
Liumengwould you please give me a few bitcoins?08:25
ubottuLiumeng,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:25
Liumengare you robots?08:26
Liumengor a person?08:27
qinLiumeng: sure.08:27
=== domino is now known as Guest92094
q0yo what was the name of that sophisticated text editor made with java and has "incredibly cool" features ???08:32
q0just remembered.... thanks anyway08:32
cristian_cllutz, Hello08:34
willbradleyq0: what was it?08:36
q0sublime text, i was just wondering if i could get that minimap thingy in my own editor08:37
=== Guest37862 is now known as mrJack
Liumenghn.. would you please suggest a PHP ide on ubuntu08:40
Liumengbye... friends08:41
Liumengi ll be back a few minutes08:41
cfhowlettbye ... liuemeng08:43
thom_rso I entered a contest to win a new laptop. Hope I win it.08:46
thom_rit's a Lenovo Yoga 1308:46
thom_rThere were about 350 tickets sold for it, I bought 9.08:47
thom_rthe contest ended yesterday, the drawing is tomorrow08:48
aeon-ltdthom_r: how much was one ticket?08:51
thom_raeon-ltd the contest is over08:52
thom_rthe drawing is tomorrow08:52
PhlowStill getting a kernel panic with a fresh iso08:53
thom_rdid you use the same program to make the live usb?08:53
aeon-ltdthom_r: if the price was a dollar each, $350 for sure fire win, assuming this was better than a pentium/celeron (haswell or ivy) then you should have bought all the tickets08:53
Phlowyes, YUMI08:53
willbradleyPhlow: did you md5sum the iso?08:54
thom_raeon-ltd, there were like 1,000 tickets. It is like an $800 laptop. I wasn't going to buy all the tickets. If I don't win, then I don't win.08:54
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:55
clypsoHello. I have a question regarding terminal command 'file'08:58
pc"otr set/"08:58
SaberX01!details | clypso,08:59
ubottuclypso,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:59
Phlowwillbradley, matches08:59
clypsoI have a problem with the terminal command 'file'.  I am trying to view a JPG file but  when i type file bob.jpg it only shows me that its a JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01. Im cerious on how to view the file visually09:00
pcdu /09:01
Ben64clypso: "file" only tells you about the file, it can't view anything09:01
clypsoHm. So how would i open the jpeg via terminal ?09:02
Liumenghow can i get ubuntu's source code09:02
Ben64clypso: like view it in terminal? you can't really09:02
clypsoso via terminal you cant type a command that would open up the JPEG file ? Not just in a bunch of text09:03
SaberX01clypso, gnome-open <filename>  .. xdg-open <filename> ... eog -f <filename> etc etc09:04
SaberX01Like gnome-open ~/Pictures/1.png  .. .. ..09:05
clypsoNow would these commands work in most linux operating systems ? Or is this something you must add to it. i see  i must install it. So typically if i was in some unix based operating system there would be no viewing it. Plus it wouldnt be GUI so how could i right ? So only viewing it in text is possible thru tterminal without additional installations09:05
Ben64SaberX01: those are all gui09:05
clypsoOk. makes sense09:06
SaberX01Of course, you cant' open a binary picture in the terminal.09:06
Ben64i mean, there are ways, but none are good09:06
clypsowhat about executing a script ? or any other type of file ?09:06
SaberX01Unless your talking about image-magic or other rendering apps, that's different.09:07
SaberX01clypso, your trying to view the file visually, or modify the file?09:07
clypsoPerhaps both09:07
clypsoIm really dissecting terminal commands and getting to understand Unix in general. Making a switch from windows09:08
clypsoIt's quite different09:08
Ben64this isn't unix09:08
ubottuLiumeng,: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html09:08
clypsoHm. WHats the difference then between linux and unix ? GUI ?09:08
Ben64and if you're switching from windows, you should install yourself a desktop09:09
Ben64unix and linux are very different09:09
clypsoYea i dont want to add anything extra i just want the core of it all and the commands that would work univeraslly on any linux/unix machine09:09
ubottuUNIX is an operating system created in the '70s, which has many direct derivates and inspired systems like Minix and !Linux. Most "UNIX-style" systems try to somewhat adhere to the POSIX standard.09:09
thom_rLinux and Unix are not the same thing09:09
ubottuclypso,: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:09
SaberX01clypso, you can't view binary images in the terminal itself. Image processing and rendering are two different things.09:09
clypsoTrue. What about executing a file ?09:10
Liumengit's so hard to read English docs09:10
clypsoLike a homemmade script i made. Would i just type the script name in and it will execute it ? As long as im within that directory09:11
SaberX01clypso, yes, many ways of doing that, depending on what your wanting to do.09:11
Ben64!manual | clypso09:11
ubottuclypso: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:11
pcgnome programs for older usb mobile modem is not work anymore09:11
clypsoIm at linuxcommand.org and its a tutorial on the terminal. I just wanted to know this paticular subject09:12
clypsoIm going through it and it didnt elaborate much so i decided to ask yall.09:12
SaberX01clypso, also ahve a look at:  http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ   .. and .. http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide09:13
clypsoOk thank you saberx01.09:13
SaberX01clypso, while bash is only one language used in the terminal, it's a good start, Perl, Python, Ruby .. loads of others as well.09:14
clypsoI had this idea that all unix/linux had the same commands in their terminal09:14
clypsoOr at least a set of commands thats universal between them. I know some will have extras09:15
SaberX01There's build in shell commands / bulletins also ..09:15
SaberX01clypso, for Ubuntu, it's Bash ->> Dash etc. that's why those Bash guides are useful.09:16
clypsoYea im going to read the whole thing and study it. Very useful thank you.09:17
cfhowlettclypso, you might also want to check out fullcircle magazine.  they've done several programming language series over the years09:18
cfhowlettclypso, http://fullcirclemagazine.org/downloads/   and, of course, ubuntu user magazine thought that one does cost actual money09:18
SaberX01Yes, and the Linux Journal .. I have no of idea how many languages  capable of running in the shell, but it's allot.09:19
FloodBot1pc: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:20
SaberX01!manual | clypso Good Source of Basic Info09:20
ubottuclypso Good Source of Basic Info: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:20
clypsoYeah im trying to get to the point where i will no longer need a GUI . Only straight commands. And i want to be able to get on any unix or linux machine and be able to not use GUI. It sounds like alot of work but im up for it09:22
Phlowwell, 13.04 works (with nomodeset to get past issue with optimus black screen)... clearly it's a 13.10 kernel problem09:22
cfhowlettclypso, suggest you install ubuntu-server and work from there ...09:22
SaberX01clypso, Under Advanced Topics on the ubuntu-manual is whee the Terminal / CLI stuff is.09:22
SaberX01+1 on ubuntu server09:23
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler
clypsoOk. THank you for the help. Goodbye09:29
ekamQ: Where are smb:// locations mounted to?09:29
SaberX01ekam, they are defined by you, via file share or manually by setting them up in the samba config.09:31
SaberX01ekam, Everything you want to know, and more: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba09:33
ekamSaberX01: I appreciate the help, thanks a lot09:33
=== dziegler is now known as dziegler_off
milky-catHow to repack installed package, back to "something.deb"?09:41
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/  - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring09:42
SaberX01Just curious, anyone here using Keychain as an ssh/gpg agent?09:48
Anand_No @Saber09:49
treyhanhappy new year!!!10:09
SaberX01HNY !10:10
thom_rSaberX01, how is 14.04 running?10:12
SaberX01thom_r, very nice, couple mnor things, but overall, Im pretty impressed with things, especially since it's still A1 stage.10:13
thom_rthat's good to know. I'm looking forward to the final release10:14
cfhowlettthom_r, I only install LTS, so I'll run 12.04 until 14.04 comes out ... xmas!10:14
SaberX01cfhowlett, thom_r Im on 12.04 right now as well, I only installed 14.04 as it's the next LTS, but I can say, it's noticeably faster in the DE.10:15
thom_rI had 12.04 installed, and decided to install 13.10 when it came out. I'll stick with 14.04 after it comes out10:15
SaberX01All my servers are still 12.04, this Lappy 12.04 w/Dual boot side-by-side 14.04 install.10:16
cfhowlettSaberX01, nice.  little different here as I'm on Ubuntustudio which is based on Xubuntu.  Still, I am looking forward to great things.10:16
thom_rSaberX01, how many servers do you have?10:17
SaberX01I've not tried any of the 13.x series other than doing ubuntu-qa testing.10:17
SaberX01thom_r, At home, 6 .. at work, allot.10:17
thom_rI just have my laptop. I'm getting married in a few months. I would like to set up an email server after we're together10:18
SaberX01thom_r, have 12.04 server on an HP-Mini, VIA C7 single core .. :-) runs all my VCS (bzr, hg, git, svn) etc.10:18
SaberX01The server installs are my fav by far, that + tasksel adn can get whatever I want.10:19
thom_ris it possible to have a tower as a media center and email server at the same time?10:19
cfhowlettthom_r, sure, so long as your hardware can handle the load10:20
SaberX01Relly depends on how many users are hitting the server at one time, but one both can have loads of servers on it.10:20
SaberX01*one box ..10:21
thom_rit will just be me and my wife hitting the server.10:21
SaberX01Run just abotu whatever you like then.10:21
thom_rwhen that day comes I will need help setting it up10:21
SaberX01But I will say, Devcot + Postfix is not for the faint at heart .. that's setup is no joke.10:21
SaberX01thom_r, Start reading now then for the Email server, that's probably the hardest of all servers, that or maybe Bin9 aka DNS ..10:22
SaberX01thom_r, Here's a short how too: https://www.exratione.com/2012/05/a-mailserver-on-ubuntu-1204-postfix-dovecot-mysql/10:25
SaberX01Dont thank me yet, you not looked at it .. LOL10:25
SaberX01thom_r, the introduction states: Building a Linux mailserver from scratch to your own liking is a painful process unless you happen to be one of the few folk who do that day in and day out - there's no way around that fact.10:27
thom_rI'm browsing it now10:27
thom_rthis sort of information will be good to know10:28
thom_rI bookmarked it10:28
SaberX01Indeed, he goes into allot of detail .. where allot of the other How-To's do not, + has Spam and antivirus stuff too, which is a must really.10:28
vmuserAny ideas where to start with not working bluetooth on 13.10 ?10:28
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup10:29
SaberX01I was too slow again !!10:29
cfhowlettSaberX01, it's all in the wrist10:30
SaberX01Indeed :-)10:30
SoulRavenplease help me10:31
thom_rwhat is your problem10:31
SoulRaveni have some problems with config the snmpd to be accesibile from outside10:31
SoulRaveni have configure the firewall, i have remove from default/snmp10:31
SoulRavenalso i have create a new comunity with the ip of the external server10:32
SoulRavenbut still nothing10:32
SoulRaveni can't access the server from outside10:32
paulus68soulraven can it be that your router prevents access to your server10:33
SoulRaveni don't hve any router, i am on dedicated server10:33
paulus68ok was just a thought10:34
vmusercfhowlett, yea that one is nice, but when it's not woking what to do :)10:34
vmuseri don't have output on hcitool dev10:34
SaberX01SoulRaven, your dedicated server is at home or is it one your rent somewhere?10:34
vmuserhowever the device is visible on lsusb10:34
vmuserand I can see it in hciconfig10:35
patthebakerHi All and Happy New Year10:36
SaberX01SoulRaven, and how are you trying to access the Server?10:36
thom_rpatthebaker, hello10:36
patthebakerI need a little bit help to understand and setup one thing10:37
patthebakeri havbe setup a VPS for learning10:37
patthebakeri have instelled LAMP and FTP10:37
patthebakerall is ok so far10:37
patthebakeri have instelled wordpress but when i want update wordpress i need to provide FTP details10:38
patthebakerhow to setup my server so i don't have to do this10:38
SaberX01SoulRaven, those are routing tables. How are you trying to connect from outside ?10:39
SoulRavensnmpwalk -v2c -c public my_snmp_ip10:39
SaberX01SolarisBoy, sri, but I've not used SNMPWALK before, for that you many need to ask in #ubuntu-server.10:41
SaberX01SoulRaven, that was for you .. not SolarisBoy  .. my bad.10:41
SaberX01patthebaker, how do you want to update your Wordpress ?10:42
SolarisBoySaberX01: is that IP directly connected to the internet or is there an intermediary device at your hosting site? (ip of the server running snmp).10:44
SaberX01SolarisBoy, He said it's a rented server, so Im assuming it's an external IP from somwhere.10:45
Abhijitis it possible to just import the existing linux encrypted lvm partition information and using that info install ubuntu on that encrypted lvm? without damaging any data in /home?10:45
SaberX01SolarisBoy, This not my issue, was SoulRaven having the problem.10:45
SolarisBoySaberX01: yep just noticed. - that was for SoulRaven10:46
SaberX01Sometime <tab> not a good idea :-)10:46
SolarisBoySoulRaven: is the external IP the IP of the server or is that just being routed through NAT or something (likely case)?10:46
SaberX01He was in #ubuntu-server asking a moment ago.10:47
SolarisBoyif the latter are you certain that there is an allownace on the f/w for SNMP communication?10:47
=== hub is now known as Guest73828
SaberX01Abhijit, while it may be possible, I'm not sure of the sucess rate, Iv'e never tried to do that, especially with encrypted partitions.10:48
W4RH4WKhi there, anyone else's unity panel clock gone, since the year changed, restarting the unity panel services does not work anymore10:48
SaberX01Abhijit, I would set up the new drive on it's own, then do an rsync / zsync using the access credentials to get the data.10:49
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
ServerSageSo I have a 5 disk RAID5 array that is currently rebuilding at 36M/sec, which seems slow to me.  I've set the read-ahead to 32MiB, the strip_cache_size to 32768, the speed_limit_min to 100000, max to 400000.  I have tried disabling NCQ on all the drives in the array, but 36M/sec seems the most I can get.  Anything I'm missing?10:50
SaberX01ServerSage, HW or SW RAID?10:51
ServerSageSaberX01: mdadm SW RAID10:51
SaberX01Still seems slow though ..10:52
andyfiedi've been having the same problem with my mdadm raid510:52
ServerSageandyfied: I guess misery loves company.  Hehe.10:52
ServerSageAnybody know if you can enable bitmap on a live array while it's rebuilding? :)10:53
andyfiedi've had other issues with segfaults so it's low priority :p10:53
SaberX01ServerSage, Actually, having said that, 36M/second, is like 2100+ MB per minute, that's not too bad really on a rebuild.10:54
AbhijitSaberX01, ok. thansk.10:55
andyfiedServerSage: i think it's not so bad for a rebuild, but that's also me read speed where the single OS drive happily reads 100/s10:55
SaberX01I've tested mdadm offline, all my real RAID arrays are HW arrays.10:55
ServerSageSaberX01: It's a home server, HW RAID would be silly over kill.  lol10:56
SaberX01LOL well MegaRAID cards pretty cheap these days10:56
SaberX01But yes, point taken.10:56
patthebakerSaberX01: if i want update wordpress OR install a plugin on wordpress or do any work on any CMS i need manually give FTP detail. On my sharing hosting i don't have to do this10:57
yudhican one help me in understanding the difference between... Ubuntu / Debian / Linux / Unix...10:57
ServerSageSaberX01: Your idea of "pretty cheap" and mine must be vastly different.10:58
thom_ryudhi, Ubuntu is based on Debian, which is a Linux operating system. Unix is something different.10:58
yudhi@thom_r thanks..10:59
SaberX01ServerSage, I'ts all relative I suppose ..  : -)11:02
punzillaHi there.11:02
SaberX01patthebaker, I do my updates etc on my home dir, then copy them over and change permissions, then use WP for updates after that.11:02
cfhowlettpunzilla, greetings11:03
UtopuCan you help me, I have 50 messages "http cache starting" with ubuntu server. how to remove it?11:03
ServerSageSaberX01: True, a MegaRAID controller is cheap compared to a maserati.11:03
punzillahappy new year all, I need some assistance with my joypad please.11:03
punzillaToday I have purchased a steam game 'Mark of the Ninja'.11:03
bekksUtopu: Where do you have those messages?11:03
punzillaand it is compatible with the X-box controller (which I have a Logitech Rumblepad 2).11:04
Utopubekks: in messages at boot11:04
SaberX01patthebaker, something like: sudo rsync -avP ~/wordpress/ /var/www/  .. then  ... sudo chown www-data:www-data * -R && sudo usermod -a -G www-data <username>11:04
bekksUtopu: Sounds like you have a squid server running then.11:04
punzillaI have downloaded jstest-gtk and have attempted to re-map the controller to match that of the x-box configuration.11:04
punzillaThough the settings haven't stuck.11:04
patthebakerSaberX01: should i setup Apache to use CGI ? I googled this minute ago11:05
Utopubekks: squid is not installed :/11:05
punzillaand I have also tried downloading qjoypad, which doesn't work despite me downloading it from the ubunty repositories.11:05
punzillaI need help to re-map my joypad controller configuration please.11:06
SaberX01patthebaker, I dont do any special configs for that.11:06
bekkspatthebaker: I'd not use CGI, since PHP over CGI is a real mess. Use Apache2.11:06
SaberX01patthebaker, Simply install the LAMP package and run form there.11:06
bekksUtopu: How did you check?11:06
Utopuapt-get remove squid :')11:06
punzillaI'm using ubuntu 13.1011:07
bekksUtopu: What if I tell you that there is a package named squid3? :P11:07
Utopuapt-get remove squid* :')11:07
bekksUtopu: dpkg -l | grep squid11:07
Utopusquid-deb-proxy and squid311:08
Utopuhow is this possible? O.oo11:08
bekksUtopu: Pastebin the entire output please.11:08
bekks!pastebinit | Utopu11:09
ubottuUtopu: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com11:09
Utopubekks: http://pastebin.com/ZETJJwJw11:09
patthebakerSaberX01: thanks for help, ill google bit more11:09
bekksUtopu: There are just configs left, and both programs where installed, but arent anymore.11:10
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
=== Mars is now known as Guest74636
universalmy laptop freezes whenever I disconnect it from mobile wifi11:36
=== dziegler is now known as dziegler_off
narcosHi all. Anyone know how I can tell apt-get to use Python 2.7 and not Python 2.6 ?11:39
SaberX01narcos, what version of UB you running?11:39
universalmy laptop freezes whenever I disconnect it from mobile wifi, and I have to manually restart it from power button. what to do ?11:40
narcosSaberX01: Oops, I've just noticed this box is Debian, not Ubuntu. Not sure if it'd apply the same. Otherwise I'll wander over to #debian11:41
cfhowlettnarcos, best to ask the #debian channel11:41
SaberX01narcos, Indeed it does, I can't recall when exactly they went to python2.7 but been a while.11:41
narcosI can install the package with 'pip install mitmproxy', but trying 'apt-get install mitmproxy' throws an error about a syntax error, as it's using something not supported in 2.6.11:42
narcosBut yes, I'll ask in #Debian11:42
SaberX01narcos, Just for info, Lucid was py2.6 all the reast to at are py2.711:43
narcosSaberX01: OK, ta11:43
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=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
KorkelCan someone help me?12:08
bekks!ask | Korkel12:08
ubottuKorkel: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:08
thom_rwhat seems to be your problem12:08
Gallomimiawell, time to work on some video drivers :/12:09
Gallomimiai guess i might not have much success if i'm doing it remotely12:09
KorkelMy wifi connection is dropping away, the only a reboot is getting the network back. When I restart, it takes for 30/45 seconds, when my pc is started to get connected.12:09
bekksGallomimia: Depends on what you are doing and what you are expecting.12:09
thom_rkorkel, are you sure you have the correct wifi driver installed?12:09
Gallomimiai've got a radeon and the support has been less than useful for me12:09
SaberX01Gallomimia, makes a bit tougher that's for sure12:09
KorkelThom_r, no idea, how can I see that?12:10
Gallomimiaat least i can wget the files i need and possibly build something12:10
thom_runame -a12:11
thom_rlspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net12:11
FloodBot1thom_r: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:11
thom_rrfkill list12:11
SaberX01Gallomimia, while it can be done, it's far better to be at the box vid driver issues12:11
Korkelthom_r: ?12:11
KorkelMust I do it in a terminal?12:11
Gallomimiaya for sure. in addition rebooting it from afar isn't much fun either12:11
thom_rpaste that in a terminal, that will tell you what your wireless card is, then download the correct driver12:11
Gallomimiaat least i'll be able to test the situation with a bitcoin miner12:12
SaberX01Gallomimia, pass, gave that up ages ago on vid-cards.12:12
Gallomimiayeah in a few weeks i've managed to earn 20 cents12:13
Korkelthom_r: http://pastebin.com/Tv11PdGV help12:13
KorkelI have no idea where I can see it12:14
SaberX01thom_r, he did that, it's in the pastebin12:15
bekksKorkel: Which Ubuntu do you have?12:15
thom_ryeah, looking at it now12:15
KorkelUbuntu 13.1012:15
SaberX01Why is always Atheros and BM drivers causing issues, one would think it would be sorted by now.12:17
bekksSaberX01: B;?12:17
bekksSaberX01: Whats BM?12:17
Korkelthom_r: is there a  fix/12:17
SaberX01BM43 drivers12:17
bekksSaberX01: What is that? Doc you talk about BCM4xxx - which is Broadcom?12:17
thom_rsearching for the correct driver to download now12:17
universallaptop freezes after unmount/ejecting mobile filesystem in nautilis with ftp server on mobile connected by wifi - laptop with BCM 4313 chip and wl driver and os is saucy and mobile is android 2.3.6. whats wrong and what to do ?12:18
KorkelThomr, what driver is it?12:19
bekksKorkel: He just said is is looking for it.12:19
SaberX01bekks, I suppose it's more accurate to say b43 even .. but yes, the Broadcom drivers.12:19
bekksSaberX01: They never caused any issues here. Although there are some specific chipsets that erent supported.12:19
KorkelBut how can I know if I get the good driver12:20
bekksKorkel: Be patient.12:20
SaberX01bekks, I've never owned one, but many folks roll through here and allot of them are are b43 issues. I only use Intel WiFI and fibre NIC.12:21
bekksSaberX01: I had the same issues you talk about with Intel, Realtek, Atheros, etc.12:21
DelphiWorldhey ubuntuficators12:22
KorkelSorry bekks12:22
DelphiWorldhappy new years to ubuntu people12:22
SaberX01I do have one Server I didn't have a spare Intel NIC for, it's Marvell or something, but thats it.12:22
thom_rthat looks like it is a couple years old, it might work though12:22
thom_rI'll keep searching12:22
SaberX01bekks, I've never had issues with Intel NIC's.12:22
DelphiWorldSaberX01: the great patian :)12:23
DelphiWorldguys, anyone using mediatomb UPNP/DLNA Server?12:23
bekksthom_r: Korkel: The driver for AR9287 is ath9k12:23
universallaptop freezes after unmount/ejecting mobile filesystem in nautilis with ftp server on mobile connected by wifi - laptop with BCM 4313 chip and wl driver and os is saucy and mobile is android 2.3.6. whats wrong and what to do ?12:24
KorkelAnd how to install it, google isnt helping12:26
DelphiWorldi'm stuck with mediatomb12:27
universalanyone ?12:27
SaberX01universal, not really, but do you kill / stop the ftp server before removing the mobile device?12:28
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universalSaberX01: what I know is that 1st I should safely remove a device and then detach/remove/disconnect it, so I first unmount/eject the mobile filesystem in nautilis and then go for wifi disconnection but the moment I hit eject/unmount button in nautilis, whole system freezes12:32
universalso I don not kill/stop the ftp server on mobile before unmount/eject on laptop12:33
universalSaberX01: ^^12:33
SaberX01universal, I don;t think it should freeze like that either way. Try dumping the WiFI first then, but it's should not be doing that.12:34
universalSaberX01: how to show you ? the moment I hit the button it freezes, its really scary now12:36
SaberX01universal, I know that you can show is. ALl the bugs Im finding are fairly old. What Ubuntu version is on the laptop?12:38
SaberX01*can not show ..12:38
universalSaberX01: saucy12:38
SaberX01universal, I don't see any bugs related to this that make sense. I would go to Launchpad and report it as a bug: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs#How_to_report_bugs12:41
universalSaberX01: ok I'll write everything again. I have a laptop with Ubuntu OS version 13.10 saucy and BCM 4313 wifi chip with wl driver. the mobile is android 2.3.6. what I do is either I open a hotspot on mobile and connect my laptop to it or I connect both the laptop and mobile to a router. then I install a ftp server on mobile and connect my laptop to it by opening it in nautilis. all this time everything is good and mobile file syste12:45
universalbut in the end when I 1st unmount/eject the mobile file system in nautilis so as to close the ftp server afterwards and then disconnect the wifi later on, the moment I hit the umount/eject button laptop freezes and nothing works, I have to hen manually reboot the system from power button12:48
universalSaberX01: ^^^12:48
MonkeyDustuniversal  better put that in the bug report on launchpad12:50
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universalMonkeyDust: ok, how to put it there ?12:53
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.12:54
SaberX01universal, That's the best I can suggest is write up a bug rpt. It may also be related to Nautilus as well, im just not sure.12:54
universalSaberX01: MonkeyDust but the problem is it really a ubuntu bug ? 1st I wanna find out whats the cause of this problem, is it a android or ubuntu bug ? or BCM 4313 wl driver problem ?12:55
d3bugsomething I don't think I will ever understand:  the need to write an article about a botnet threat to linux, and not include any usefull information like what actually detects it... :|12:57
SaberX01universal, There's certainly something wrong on the Ubnutu side, as the laptop should not lock up like that.13:02
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universalSaberX01: thats what is so shocking, android is also linux moreover I cant understand how a laptop is freezing when unmount a network virtual file system13:03
bekksuniversal: Does it happen with other remote filesystems too?13:04
universalbekks: I have not connected an other remote filesystems13:04
bekksuniversal: So you havent tested that.13:05
SaberX01universal, One thing you could try, the Andrid should give you an IP and a port to ftp too .. try using a command line ftp instead of Nautilus.13:05
universalSaberX01: ok13:05
bekksuniversal: And another thing you could try is to look at the logs after rebooting after the lockup.13:05
universalif anybody of you has an android then we can test13:05
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bekksTemp_o_Rary: What is that?13:08
Temp_o_RaryThat is my request for help?13:08
bekksTemp_o_Rary: How can we know if you dont tell us all the details?13:09
Temp_o_Raryim willing to, and i wrote some of the details into the paste13:09
bekksTemp_o_Rary: If you issued the command in your paste, chmod -R ... - you entirely messed up your system.13:10
OerHeksTemp_o_Rary, so you performed something with -R chmod 0770 ? time to reinstall13:10
universalbekks: SaberX01 MonkeyDust I'm connecting my android to my laptop over wifi and running the ftp server on mobile, now what to ? suggest plz13:10
bekksTemp_o_Rary: The only thing to do is to backup files you need, and reinstall.13:10
Temp_o_Raryno way of repair13:10
streulmahello, happy new year to all. I can't install Ubuntu on my Macbook Pro 5.2. I have dual Nvidia graphics. I get a black screen by boot, can't boot from BIOS mode, even black screen by EFI mode. EFI boots with nomodeset in prompt.13:10
SaberX01Temp_o_Rary, indeed as bekks said, is in bad shape, you could spend months trying to reconfigure permissions13:10
d3bugit would be nice if someone would come up with a script to fix permissions... kind of like what they have on Mac.13:10
SaberX01Temp_o_Rary, is this a dual boot system ?13:11
Temp_o_RaryYes.. i also have windows13:11
SaberX01universal, use the terminal and ftp connect to the Android13:11
rcw2is k3b pretty reliable for extracting music from cd's (even if they are scratched)?  i want to be able to rip and throw away the disks13:11
universalSaberX01: ftp connect command ?13:12
SaberX01Temp_o_Rary, Unless you have critical files, which could be backed up, I'd reinstall the UB side of the dual boot.13:12
universalSaberX01: do i have to install ftp client ?13:12
d3bugTemp_o_Rary:  just so you know "-R" tells chmod to change permissions recursively (from current directory all the way down)...13:12
OerHeksrcw2, strange way to measure reliability k3b with scratched cd's13:12
husamashello and happy new year13:14
rcw2OerHeks, k3b could have a reputation for doing well with scratched cd's.13:14
husamasI did a release upgrade from 13.04 to 13.10 over a month ago ... everything is fine except that I havent received any update since then ... I am wondering is the update system kinda idle, or I have some problem in my apt-get? I tried everything from runnign apt-get clean to changing repo urls to point to different countries but nothing happened13:14
bekksrcw2: It depends on the scratches, like for every other application.13:14
bekkshusamas: Did you run sudo apt-get update yet?13:14
rcw2scratches aside, is k3b known for doing well with cd's13:15
husamasbekks , yes many times13:15
bekkshusamas: Pastebin the entire output please.13:15
bekks!pastebinit | husamas13:15
ubottuhusamas: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com13:15
universalSaberX01: how to ftp connect from terminal ?13:15
ObrienDavehusamas, try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:16
husamasok just a minute please13:16
SaberX01universal, In terminal. It's too much to type here line for line, here's a simple how to you can test with: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/FTP-3.html13:16
universalSaberX01: ftpubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ftp --help ftp: -: unknown option ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ftp ftp: Name or service not known ftp> ^C ftp>13:17
SaberX01universal, You will need the IP and Port number from the android, which im not sure wehre that comes from erxactly, never owned an Android.13:17
d3bugTemp-o-Rary... you have a whisper.13:17
SaberX01universal, just ftp    then .. open .. then IP:PORT13:18
husamasthat was for apt-get update13:18
llutzuniversal: ftp host port     not ftp host:port13:19
husamasno errors or anything ... everything's working even installing new packages but never an update is available13:19
bekkshusamas: And whats the output of "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"?13:19
husamasbekks it says no packages are available for update ... same as apt-get upgrade13:20
husamas0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.13:20
universalSaberX01: llutz ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ftp ftp> ?Invalid command ftp> open ftp: Name or service not known ftp> open (to) ftp: connect: Connection refused ftp> open (to) ftp: Name or service not known ftp> 2121 ?Invalid command ftp> open (to) 2121 Connected to 220 GnFtp 1.1 ready Name (
universalnow what ?13:20
bekksuniversal: Use a pastebing please.13:21
bekksuniversal: Its completely unreadable.13:21
[[a]Hello everybody, is it possible to ping a wireless laptop from LAN computer in Ubuntu?13:21
husamas[[a], ofcourse just open a terminal and use ping ip_address13:21
llutzuniversal: read your paste. it asks for a "name" so login13:21
d3bug[[a] doesn't matter if it's wireless or wired...13:21
llutzuniversal: "man ftp" gives you an idea about the commands you can use13:22
universalllutz: what name ? there is not username or password, should I write anonymous ?13:22
ObrienDavehusamas, do you have "download and install automatically" enabled?13:22
husamasWhere can I find that option sir?13:23
ObrienDavelook under software & updates. i run xubuntu, yours might be in a different place13:24
[[a]husama, d3bug, my comuter IP is When I ping the other computer from my teminal using "ping -c 5" (knowing that I have the laptop in front of me right now) => it says 100% packets loss, why is that?13:24
[[a]something to do with UFW or ARO?13:25
d3bugummm... what is your router IP?13:25
husamasNo I have it set to Display Immediately13:25
[[a]router IP, my comp IP ; Laptop IP :
d3bug[[a] talk in whisper... too much junk on my screen13:27
[[a]err..something to do with UFW or ARP ? i mean iptavkes13:27
husamasI noticed something strange after doing the release upgrade ... now when I run apt-get clean then apt-get update the repos are being hit ... I think it should redownload the metadata because a clean was run ... that's how this has always worked for me13:27
OerHeks[[a], try "ping -c 5" as you have no client @ *.*.*.10013:27
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[[a]OerHeks,  "ping -c 5" it works packets have been sent, but w/ .100 => Loss = 100%13:30
husamasWhat makes it even stranger is that the package system works for installing new packages ... it feels like apt is stuck in a time point ... does anybody know of a new cache layer that has been recently added to the apt repo metadata?13:30
SaberX01husamas, Nothing on 12.04 or 14.04 that I know of, my local mirrors working as expected. You do an autoclean && clean && update ?13:33
[[a]Anyway, is it possible to kill a process in local ip address along with its MAC address?13:34
lotuspsychje[[a]: man kill13:35
bekks[[a]: What is "a process in local ip address along with its MAC address"?13:38
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cthulhu318join #security13:41
[[a]bekks, let me rephrase the question in a proper way: Having two computers (1 Desktop Ubuntu, 1 Laptop WIN7). Is it possible to kill a process of a given running service on WIN7 such as Skype, knowing that I have its local IP address along with its MAC address for the WIN7?13:41
bekks[[a]: Using MS RPC, that may be possible, but isnt an Ubuntu issue.13:42
[[a]bekks, where can i find those kind of things?13:43
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bekks[[a]: Documented on some MSDN website I guess.13:43
SaberX01[[a], may want to ask in #windows13:44
husamas1310Sorry I got disconnected13:45
husamas1310anyone has a 13.10 can confirm that updates have been flowing normally for that last month?13:46
zakmcHi, I have an issue with add-apt-repository on ubuntu 13.10, locale no_nb13:47
=== Thorium220 is now known as Thor|Away
Guest27014Hello everyone how's it going? I am trying to remove the "computer, trash, and home" icons from my Ubuntu 13.10 desktop and am having no such luck. I have tried Unity tweak, ubuntu tweak, and dconf editor and restarted my computer after each try and nothing worked. Would anyone here happen to have any idea of what i can do?13:47
husamas1310anyone has 13.10 with the latest kernel? can you please give the version number of the kernel13:47
zakmcno matter what ppa I try to add, I get the message: Cannot add PPA xx Please check that the ppa name or format is correct13:48
AutoclesisThe best method of using google maps offline with ubuntu is...?13:48
bekkshusamas1310: http://packages.ubuntu.com/saucy/linux-image13:48
BluesKajHappy New Year to all13:49
husamas1310wwq, thanks ...  it seems that my apt system is stuck in time13:49
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
bekkswwq: Saucy isnt using 3.1213:49
bekkshusamas1310: Saucy is using 3.1113:49
Autoclesishny BluesKaj13:49
husamas1310bekks, uname -r shows 3.11.0-14-generic13:49
husamas1310is this the latest?13:50
AutoclesisI want to use my Ubuntu netbook and new GlobalSat with google offline maps13:50
bekkshusamas1310: yes.13:50
BLZbubbai'm using precise and the symlink to nvidia_drv.so is gone -- what is the proper way to regenerate it?  I tried removing & reinstalling nvidia-304 and nvidia-current but that didn't help13:50
BLZbubbai could just do ln -s myself but I want to learn the proper way to do it13:50
wwq12.04  3.1113:51
husamas1310bekks, is it possible that my packages are actually up  to date and it's just a nasty coincidence that not a singe update have been release for my package selections?13:51
bekkswwq: Which is not related to 13.10 kernel versions :)13:51
bekkshusamas1310: Yes.13:51
zakmcno proxy settings, network is working, i can apt-get install whatever I want13:53
SaberX01Latest 13.10 UB Signed Kernsl pgk:
husamas1310bekks, if you run apt-get clean then apt-get update why all repos are being [hit]?13:54
bekkshusamas1310: BEcause all repo index files are being fetched again?13:54
bekkswwq: Forget about www.kernel.org when talking about the kernel versions in the Ubuntu repos :)13:54
husamas1310bekks, they should not be hit because hit means that a local version of the repo metadata is up to date but that's impossible after an apt-get clean ... there simply should not be a local version13:55
zakmcsudo add-apt-repository -m ppa does not give anymore info13:55
bekkshusamas1310: Why shouldnt they be hit to update the repo index copy that is stored locally? Why is that a problem for you?13:55
Seveaszakmc: which ppa are you trying to add?13:56
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Seveaszakmc: it should be something like: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:username/ppaname13:56
Sevease.g. ppa:dennis/devtools13:56
zakmcSeveas: yeah I know. No matter what repo I try to add I get the same response13:57
Seveaszakmc: give me an example please :)13:57
Seveas!cn | wwq13:57
ubottuwwq: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw13:57
bekkshusamas1310: Please read http://linux.die.net/man/8/apt-get and the clean option description to see that "clean" doesnt affect metadata at all.13:58
zakmcsudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/y-ppa-manager13:58
husamas1310bekks, when apt-get displays [hit] it mean that the local version is already there ... when it's absent or old apt-get will print [Get] with some progress bar ... for me, a way to force apt-get to re-fetch repos metadata was to run apt-get clean .. that makes the local metadata disapper and all repos show [Get] ... this behavior is missing now ... for me at least13:58
bekkshusamas1310: See above.13:58
bekkshusamas1310: And dont abuse ... as punctuation.13:58
zakmccannot add PPA: 'ppa:webupd8team/y-ppa-manager'.13:58
streulmahello, I rebooted so I tell my question again: I can't install Ubuntu on my Macbook Pro 5.2 Medio 2009. Because of the dual Nvidia graphics. What can I do?13:59
zakmcPlease check that the PPA name or format is correct.13:59
wwq /join #ubuntu-tw14:00
ObrienDavefrom launchpad zakmc14:00
Seveaszakmc: hmm, works for me14:00
Seveaszakmc: run it under strace and pastebin the output14:00
cuddylierIf I've blocked UDP with this command: iptables -A INPUT -p udp -j DROP and iptables -A OUTPUT -p udp -j DROP how would I allow a certain IP and Port to use UDP?14:01
cuddylierI've googled it a ton and came to a dead end.14:01
Seveascuddylier: that's a horrible idea. You have now broken dns resolution.14:01
husamas1310bekks, sorry I'm not a native English speaker .. the man say "Clears out the local repository of retrieved package files" this looks vague to me ... it doesnt mention metadata. thanks for your help14:01
cuddylierSeveas I have the allow ones too, I just didn't paste them14:02
cuddylierSeveas Don't worry I allowed DNS ports, 5314:02
rcw2hi, rubyripper is seemingly hanging at 'ADVANCED TOC ANALYSIS (with cdrdao) ...please be patient, this may take a while'.  why?14:02
Seveasin that case, add this before the DROP: -A INPUT -s source.ip.here -p udp -j ACCEPT14:02
Seveassame for -A OUTPUT -d ip.here ....14:03
cuddylierIs there anyway to specify a port?14:03
cuddylierAs I don't want to allow it for the whole IP or am I forced to?14:03
Seveasyes, --dport or --sport14:03
ObrienDavezakmc, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/y-ppa-manager worked for me14:03
zakmcObrienDave, yeah I know. trying to figure out what is broken on my machine..14:04
ObrienDaveyes, i know  :)14:05
cuddylierSevas Do I need to do two INPUT and OUTPUT commands one with sport and one with dport?14:05
cuddylierSeveas *14:05
Guest27014Hello everyone how's it going? I am trying to remove the "computer, trash, and home" icons from my Ubuntu 13.10 desktop and am having no such luck. I have tried Unity tweak, ubuntu tweak, and dconf editor and restarted my computer after each try and nothing worked. Would anyone here happen to have any idea of what i can do?14:07
gr8do you know a software that I can tag my PDF files with and re-name them automatically according to a specified pattern using that tags?14:07
ObrienDaveGuest27014, desktop settings, icon tab, click them off14:08
husamas1310gr8, what do you mean by tagging?14:08
gr8husamas1310: author, title, year...14:08
Seveaszakmc: that's not running it under strace :) sudo strace -f add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/y-ppa-manager14:09
ubottuUltimob: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:09
husamas1310gr8, exiftool14:10
husamas1310gr8, http://xmodulo.com/2013/08/view-or-edit-pdf-and-image-metadata-from-command-line-on-linux.html14:10
cuddylierSeveas: Do you have any idea why these rules wouldn't work? I appended them so they would go to the top: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6673257/14:11
husamas1310gr8, you may need to write a small script though as this tool seems to handle files one at a time14:11
Seveascuddylier: because you appended them. There's a reason I said they need to come before the drop...14:11
cuddylierSeveas: I meant I inserted them to position 114:12
gr8husamas1310: not so bad, thanks14:12
cuddylierRather than appended14:12
husamas1310gr8, you are welcome :)14:12
Seveascuddylier: pastebin the full output of iptables -L -v -n14:13
husamas1310bekks, I'm sorry if I said something wrong ... Thanks for the help anyways14:13
rcw2hi, rubyripper is seemingly hanging at 'ADVANCED TOC ANALYSIS (with cdrdao) ...please be patient, this may take a while'.  why?14:13
bekkshusamas1310: you're welcome :)14:13
Guest27014ObrienDave, Thank you for your response, where can I find the desktop settings?14:14
ObrienDavein your settings menu?14:14
tricksy_i just deleted /var/www accidentally14:16
=== zenix` is now known as zenix`away
tricksy_can someone please help me with this?14:17
bekkstricksy_: Now its a good time to restore the backup.14:17
zakmcSeveas, that generated 2mb of text14:17
tricksy_ii tried sudo mkdir /var www14:17
bekkstricksy_: mkdir /var/www14:17
tricksy_can it be reversed?14:17
Seveaszakmc: that should give some clues :) Pastebin it14:17
tricksy_yes.. sry14:18
bekkstricksy_: rmdir will reverse mkdir14:18
bekkstricksy_: And mkdir doesnt delete anythin.14:18
SaberX01Guest27014, This looks like it will do it: http://askubuntu.com/questions/267049/how-to-display-trash-and-home-folder-icons14:18
Guest27014SaberX01, thank you i will check it out now14:18
tricksy_no, i tried mkdir after i accidentally typed rm -f /var/www14:18
bekkstricksy_: So you tried to mkdir /var/www after deleting /var/www or did you just try mkdir /var/www ?14:18
mjayktricksy_: to remove a directory rm -r /path/to/direc14:18
tricksy_yes, so now, i have lost www14:19
bekkstricksy_: Then everything in there is gone now. You need your backup to restore it.14:19
tricksy_how do i do that? how do i restore it?14:19
bekkstricksy_: How did you create your backup before?14:19
zakmclol let me put the tracedump on dropbox for you, need pro account on pastebin for something that size :)14:20
=== tricksy_ is now known as tricksy
glitsj16rcw2: do you have cdrdao installed?14:20
xroHi, i try to type a square into my console... i try with CTRL+SHIFT+U code   but i cannot figure out what is the code for square... can you help me?14:20
Seveasxro: gucharmap can show you all of them :)14:21
zakmcSeveas: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7934101/ppa%20strace.txt14:21
tricksyi stored everything on a hard disk14:22
Autoclesishas anyone used GMapCatcher?14:22
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.14:23
rcw2glitsj16, if 'which cdrdao' finds something does that imply it is installed14:23
bekkstricksy: On an external harddisk? Then restore it to /var/www14:23
AutoclesisHow was that question not my real question?14:23
cuddylierSeveas: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6673305/14:23
xroSeveas, is there a square symbol?14:23
cfhowlettAutoclesis, response to your question: yes.  next?14:23
tricksyi did not create a backup earlier14:24
bekksAutoclesis: How will "Yes, someone uses it." help you with your issue?14:24
glitsj16rcw2: depends on what it found, but that's a good sign yes .. double check with apt-cache policy cdrdao14:24
tricksybekks:  i am doing that now14:24
cuddylierWhen I did iptables -F to clear the rules it worked fine14:24
bekkstricksy: Then your data was not worth to be kept and is lost now.14:24
AutoclesisYes but the normal inference would be, how do you like it, is it reliable14:24
bekkstricksy: There is nothing to backup in /var/www - you data is lost.14:24
rcw2glitsj16,   Installed: 1:1.2.3-214:24
tricksythe lost data doesnt really bother me.14:24
tricksyit didnt have much14:25
tricksybut can i simply mkdir www14:25
tricksyand use it as before?14:25
SaberX01tricksy, in the future, you may want to employ this, or a similar .Trash alternative: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/02/make-rm-move-files-to-trash-instead-of.html14:25
bekkstricksy: You have to resetup everything that was using stuff in there.14:25
rcw2tricksy, there might be a program to restore14:26
rcw2tricksy, as long as you don't overwrite14:26
AutoclesisPointless berating by a bot does is not conducive to learning.14:26
tricksyrcw2:  yes, i'll resetup everything14:26
glitsj16rcw2: rubyripper preferences > toc analysis shows a msg too, did you check the prefs yet?14:26
SaberX01There is, but it does nto always work, especially if data has been written there after: http://www.ubuntumanual.org/posts/357/recover-your-deleted-files-in-ubuntu14:26
AutoclesisAt any rate ... "Someone describe their experiences with GMapCatcher" please14:26
curiousxaloha all14:26
curiousxhappy christmas14:27
Seveaszakmc: hmm, that doesn't give any clue :( Which version of Ubuntu are you on?14:27
curiousxthappy new year -.-14:27
curiousxi meant14:27
tricksyrcw2:  but only creating www in /var isnt coming out to be the soln14:27
Autoclesishny curiousx14:27
zakmcSeveas, 13.10 no_nb locale14:27
tricksyi am not able to create symlinks in /var/www now14:27
Seveasxro: yes, select "common" in the list on the left side and scroll down a bit14:27
curiousxty auto14:27
tricksyrcw2:  i am not able to create symlinks in /var/www now14:27
bekkstricksy: Why not?14:27
curiousxanyone has 7.1 on ubuntu?14:27
rcw2glitsj16,   do you recommend any particular settings for TOC Analysis?  what does that even do for me?  is that cddb?14:27
curiousxi meant successfuly working14:28
rcw2related to cddb*14:28
rcw2tricksy, did you get the data back?  wasn't that your first goal14:28
bekksrcw2: No he didnt. HE had no backup.14:28
zakmcSeveas, I tried add-apt-repository -m ppa:... but got no more info than the original command14:28
curiousxi cant get it :p i a only was able to hear from 5.1 but in the setting i had configure it to 7.1 -.-14:29
tricksyrcw2: i didnt have much data in /var/www14:29
tricksyrcw2:  i can manage once i regain access to /var/www14:29
bekkstricksy: You have access to /var/www.14:29
SaberX01zakmc, while searching the problem, see several posts of the same ting, in both 13.10 and 14.04 that -m switch not providing additional data, and PPS not being added.14:29
bekkstricksy: It exists, you can enter it.14:30
curiousxif anyone has 7.1 please help me :p otherwise ill wait here for new users to join :D14:30
SaberX01*PPA not PPS14:30
tricksyrcw2:  so i tried to recreate a folder named www in/var14:30
bekkstricksy: Every symlink to stuff which was in there will not work, since there is no content anymore.14:30
tricksybekks:   but my symlinks are all broken in the new folder that i created14:30
tricksybekks: i recreated the symlinks14:30
glitsj16rcw2: no cddb is the freedb tab, toc analysis is to make a cue sheet of the rip14:31
bekkstricksy: Of course they are. All symlinks to content in /var/ww are broken since there is no content anymore.14:31
SaberX01probably owner:group issue with www-data14:31
bekkstricksy: Regardless of wether yoiu recreated the symlinks. That wont magically restore content.14:31
glitsj16rcw2: so if you don't need that try setting prefs for toc analysis off, uncheck everything you can14:31
curiousxexist #alsa chanel?14:32
curiousxor pulse?14:32
* Autoclesis despairs, starts drinking14:32
curiousxill try it ty anyway14:32
cuddylierSeveas: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6673305/14:32
tricksybekks: i used sudo ln -s projects /var/www14:32
ObrienDaveAutoclesis, use a funnel, it works better ;P14:32
bekkstricksy: Why sudo?14:32
zakmcSaberX01, I have noticed several posts to the problem, but no solution14:32
Autoclesistee hee14:32
Seveaszakmc: time for some deeper debugging. edit /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/softwareproperties/ppa.py as root, and add a new line between 326 and 327 with just the word 'raise' (no quotes, indented 8 spaces). Then run it again14:33
bekkstricksy: And did you fix the permissions of /var/www after creating it?14:33
tricksybekks:  shouldn't this make a copy of projects in /var/www and create a symlink pointed to it14:33
SaberX01zakmc, same here, nobody has posted the reason nor solution that I could find.14:33
bekkstricksy: No.14:33
tricksybekks: yes, i gave it 77714:33
bekksln -s whatever /foo/bar will create a symlink named whatever in the current directory which points to /var/www14:33
Seveascuddylier: you really seem to have trouble following simple instructions... that's not what I asked for.14:34
bekksln -s whatever /foo/bar will create a symlink named whatever in the current directory which points to /foo/bar14:34
rcw2glitsj16, i unchecked create cuesheet, and now hangs at Starting to rip track 1, trial #114:34
cuddylierSeveas: Oh, I'm sorry. What did you ask for? I thought iptables --list?14:34
d3bugbekks... OMFG!!! dude, you should never link to /foo/bar   :P14:34
Seveascuddylier: iptables -L -v -n14:34
bekkstricksy: 777 messes up permissions on /var/www - use 755 and www-data:www-data as owner.14:34
bekksd3bug: Why?14:34
bekksd3bug: Did you ever heard of directory symlinks?14:34
d3bugthat's like linking to /dev/zero and trying to divide it... you didn't know?14:35
bekksd3bug: You talking nonsense, sorry.14:35
d3bugyes... it's called humor... you should look it up.14:35
Seveas!offtopic | d3bug14:35
ubottud3bug: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:35
universalI'm creating a launchpad account to submit a bug but its saying that I already have an account registered with the concerned email, I also received one warning mail regarding this, however I "know" that I never created the same, although I remember creating an account for ubuntu one service, if both are same. now what to do ?14:35
bekksd3bug: You better fix your . key first.14:35
Seveasuniversal: both are the same, so you can use that account to log in.14:36
universalok Seveas14:36
cuddylierSeveas: Here, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6673357/ sorry for the mess up. Does the destination matter?14:36
rcw2uhh do i need to run this as root14:36
d3bugwow, someone else with no humor... well, I get enough Vulcans from Star Trek... adios14:36
curiousxadios amigo14:37
Seveascuddylier: there are a few things wrong with that. Let me post a corrected version.14:37
cuddylierOkay thanks.14:37
tricksybekks:  what is the correct way to create a symlink? Will i have to separately copy folders into /var/www and then create a sym-link?14:37
BLZbubbaok I think I found the nvidia_drv.so symlink problem - the nvidia_vdpau 32 bit alternative is afu14:38
BLZbubbais it possible to have it skip the 32 bit symlink?14:38
zakmcSeveas, here's the new link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7934101/ppa_trace2.txt14:38
BLZbubbathe alternatives command is leaving off one of the --slave arguments14:39
universalhttp://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=40de649 the moment I will hit the unmount/eject button, whole system will free, should I unmount/eject it in 1st place and if not then how to disconnect it in nautilis ? Seveas llutz bekks SaberX01 Mony14:39
bekkstricksy: ln -s TARGET LINK_NAME14:39
glitsj16rcw2: what version of rubyripper do you use? from a PPA?14:39
Seveascuddylier: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6673371/ should do14:39
rcw2glitsj16, the latest14:40
bekkstricksy: where TARGET already exists, and LINK_NAME is the name of the symlink.14:40
rcw2what is a ppa14:40
bekks!ppa | rcw214:40
ubotturcw2: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge14:40
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html14:40
BLZbubbaanyone here familiar with alternatives and multi-arch issues?14:40
rcw2i downloaded it from the site14:40
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
bekksrcw2: you downloaded what from where?14:40
ubottuSince Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details14:40
Seveaszakmc: oh, you don't need to run it under strace anymore, that doesn't help anyway :) But the new error says enough: SSL certificate validation error. There could be someone on your network screwing with things.14:41
universalhow to disconnect a network share in nautilis ?14:41
glitsj16rcw2: what is the latest? it's not in the regular repos so you got it from somewhere i suppose14:41
SaberX01!details | BLZbubba14:41
ubottuBLZbubba: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:41
rcw2glitsj16,  0.6.2 http://code.google.com/p/rubyripper/downloads/list14:41
Guest27014SaberX01, Unsettings is set for the icons to be off and they are still there. On the site you sent me there is an option for command line but the commands are to show the icons not get rid of them. I used Pastebin to show you the commands on the site here: http://pastebin.com/Rq7TXtkx  Is it possible for me to make where it says visible invisible instead? would that be a legit Linux command?14:42
Seveaszakmc: please run this command and pastebin the output: echo '' | openssl s_client -connect launchpad.net:44314:42
Seveaszakmc: also: dpkg -l ca-certificates14:42
ObrienDaveGuest27014, try the commands using 'false'14:43
SaberX01Guest27014, if you dont want the icons, true should be false I would think, tough I have not tried it personally.14:43
glitsj16rcw2: well you saw the factoids about PPA's and the warnings, but you can download the .deb without adding the ppa to test if it works for you from https://launchpad.net/~brandonsnider/+archive/ruby-ripper/+packages14:44
BLZbubbaSaberX01: the nvidia-304 package is building a bad update-alternatives command: update-alternatives ... --slave /usr/lib32/vdpau/libvdpau_nvidia.so.1 x86_64-linux-gnu_libvdpau_nvidia.so.1_lib3214:44
BLZbubbamissing the 3rd argument14:44
universalhow to disconnect a network share in nautilis ?14:44
universalhttp://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=40de649 the moment I will hit the unmount/eject button, whole system will free, should I unmount/eject it in 1st place and if not then how to disconnect it in nautilis ? Seveas llutz bekks SaberX01 Mony14:44
ehndei'm having alot of stability problems with gnome and gdm in 13.10 :|14:44
BLZbubbawhat is the safest way to run that update-alternatives command without breaking things further?14:45
ehndenot really even sure how to troubleshoot...14:45
ObrienDave!patience | universal14:45
ubottuuniversal: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/14:45
Seveasuniversal: don't add random nicknames to your question. If someone can and wants to answer, they will.14:45
bekksuniversal: Dont hilight me unnecessarily please.14:45
ehndei can crash my desktop by doing 'service networking restart'14:45
bekksuniversal: I am using umount to unmount shares, not nautilus.14:45
Seveasehnde: impressive!14:45
SaberX01BLZbubba, Im not up to speed on vid-drivers but other here are, if someone knows, they will chime in.14:45
BLZbubbaSaberX01: or even better, can I just nuke any i386 stuff14:45
Seveassounds like a really buggy network driver14:45
=== SM1 is now known as Guest66334
universalbekks: but the eject button does the same14:46
ehndethat could be14:46
bekksuniversal: But I am not using it.14:46
Guest27014ObrienDave, SaberX01 thank you so I will try the commands but instead of true I will write false. Do I keep the part of the command that says visible?14:46
zakmcSeveas, first one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6673391/14:46
ehndehrmm...why do i have two NICs plugged up? and...on the same subnet14:46
universalbekks: ok, so what will be the command for unmount a network filesystem ?14:46
SaberX01Guest27014, Yes, just try changing true to false14:47
ChogyDanI'm trying to get skype working, and the test call isn't recording my voice, and the test sound is WAY too quiet.14:47
universalSeveas: I added their names coz they all suggesting something or other on my problem a few moments back14:47
Guest27014SaberX01, thank you i will try now14:47
Seveaszakmc: ok, so you're getting the right cert14:47
zakmcSeveas, second one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6673402/14:48
SaberX01BLZbubba, sri missed your post there. Yes, if you dont need i386, that would certainly simplify things.14:48
bekksuniversal: sudo umount /your/mountpoint14:49
hellohey i need help can any one please give me some minutes ?14:49
Seveaszakmc: and that's correct too! Now I'm puzzled... You have the right CA bundle and get the right certificate from launchpad. Yet validation fails...14:49
rypervenchehello: What's up?14:49
bekks!anyone | hello14:49
ubottuhello: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.14:49
Seveaszakmc: let's reinstall the CA bundle to wipe local badnesses: sudo apt-get install --reinstall ca-certificates14:49
Guest27014SaberX01, I Am going to restart and see if the changes took place I will brb14:50
Guest66334Can anyone tell me how to relocate the installation directory14:50
universalbekks: whats mount point in this , connected ftp ip is
BLZbubbaSaberX01: does ubuntu do separate 386 and x86_64 packages or is there a setting somewhere?  it looks like nvidia-304 owns both the 32 and 64 bit libraries so there is hopefully a way to turn off i386 hidden somewhere14:50
bekksGuest66334: Which installation directory?14:50
bekksuniversal: Where is it mounted to?14:50
universalbekks: I dont know14:50
zakmcSeveas, done. And that seems to have remedied the problem.14:51
helloi am a high shool student  i study electronics and am searching for a proects to do for my final year , can you recommand me some resources or somewhere where i can find help  plz plz14:51
universalhttp://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=40de649 bekks its a network share14:51
bekksuniversal: Did you mount using nautilus? If so, it uses gvfs crap is is mounted somewhere under ~/.gvfs/ -- which I dont use, too. I use mount for mounting.14:51
SaberX01BLZbubba, the libs get seperated by directory .. as far as NV goes, who owns what Im not sure.14:51
Seveaszakmc: ok, nice! So something locally messed with your CA certificates. That's a bit worrying, any idea what could have done that?14:52
universalbekks: I just opened nautilis and typed the ftp ip:port14:52
helloi am a high shool student  i study electronics and am searching for a proects to do for my final year , can you recommand me some resources or somewhere where i can find help  plz plz14:52
bekksuniversal: I dont use nautilus for mounting as I just stated.14:52
Seveas!repeat | hello14:52
ubottuhello: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:52
universalbekks: so how to find out where its mounted ?14:53
helloi will check them out thx14:53
olf-folkshello: google seach potato clock14:53
bekksuniversal: Somewhere under .gvfs - but I cant help you since I dont use gvfs for mounting.14:53
zakmcSeveas, only thing I can think of is a dist-upgrade that went partially bad, and required a fair bit of cleanup14:54
Seveaszakmc: hmmyes, are you sure all is clean? The following will verify: sudo dpkg --configure -a; sudo apt-get -f install14:55
Seveasyou may also want to apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and apt-get -f --fix-policy install (though they may install some packages you might not want)14:55
hellowhere can i find irc chanels about electronics , and if any one here have eperience in electronics  please help14:56
olf-folks i would try #elektronics14:56
zakmcSeveas, verifies ok14:56
Seveashello: you'll want to check ##electronics14:56
Seveaszakmc: ok, always good to make sure :)14:57
universalbekks: there is no ~/.gvfs and / search for .gvfs is only giving two xml files14:57
hello<olf-folks    do i have to install  a program in my ubuntu to  get accese to irc chanels??14:57
Seveashello: no, just type /join ##electronics14:58
cuddylierSeveas: Didn't seem to work :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/6673431/14:58
bekksuniversal: Neither I do use gvfs nor can I help you with using it. I am using mount and umount, not Nautilus.14:58
universalbekks: any terminal commands showing all the connected network shares and its mount point ?14:59
Seveascuddylier: with those rules, should be able to contact your UDP based service on port 2557914:59
Seveascuddylier: also, the 2nd/3rd port 53 rule in both INPUT and OUTPUT are unneeded15:00
olf-folkslater guys ill be back, learning screen15:00
=== solsTiCe is now known as Guest73727
bekksuniversal: Not when using Nautilus. Unmount that stuff using Nautilus, and use ftpfs to use mount/umount.15:00
zakmcSeveas, true. ubuntu-desktop is latest version as well. fix-policies wants to install xfce4 as well, must be a remnant from when I tried xubuntu-desktop.15:01
Seveaszakmc: ok, let's consider the problem fixed then. Happy new year :)15:01
mobi323Hello all.15:02
universalbekks: thats the main problem, the moment I'll hit unmount/eject button in nautilis, it'll freeze up the whole system and I'll have to manually reboot using power button15:02
SaberX01zakmc, so was the fix the ca-certificates ?15:02
=== solstice_ is now known as Guest75092
mobi323Does anybody know anything about a "Keyring" that asks for a password for the Ubuntu Software Centre?15:04
curiousxaloha again -.-15:04
curiousxanyone can help me to configure my ubuntu 13.10 with Xonar at 7.1 channels?15:05
GAZ082hi guys. i'm having a little problem activating the Chrome java plugin. I installed Java and made the link in /chrome/plugins to libjli.so but no luck15:06
GAZ082what am i missing?15:06
Autoclesiscuriousx, you broke the "anyone" rule15:06
Oxcydehello all15:06
bekksuniversal: So you want to sit before that forever? :) You have to reboot at least once.15:06
SeveasGAZ082: how did you install java?15:06
AutoclesisNow you must go to Confession15:06
universalbekks: :(15:07
GAZ082Seveas: manually, with update alternatives and it's working system wide (made java -version and outputs the version i installed)15:07
AutoclesisI got a GLOBALSAT gps doohickey!15:07
Autoclesisenvy me!15:07
Autoclesisyou know you want one15:07
curiousxxD ok ok, gives me a minute so i can formulate mah question as best as i can :p15:07
Autoclesisit's so pretty15:07
imghosthappy new year @all :)15:07
curiousxill go for a beer so i can get inspirated -.-15:08
Autoclesishehe inpirated?15:08
Autoclesisbe careful!15:08
zakmcSaberX01, yes, for me at least. Thanks and a happy new year!15:08
azamathey @all, happy 2014. Does anyone use HipChat? or planned to use15:08
Seveas!offtopic | Autoclesis15:08
ubottuAutoclesis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:08
zakmcSeveas, indeed! Thank you very much for your help, and a happy new year to you too!15:09
curiousxi am a latino so, sometimes i cant express like i wish, you know?15:09
AutoclesisThanks Seveas15:09
curiousxi need inspiration -.-15:09
Autoclesiscuriousx, stay on ubuntu topics!15:10
GAZ082Seveas: perhaps i need to activate something on Chrome? I do not remember how i did this last time, the bad things about a fresh install and having to reconfigure all again...15:11
OerHekscuriousx, your question is asked before > http://askubuntu.com/questions/288161/ubuntu-13-04-how-configure-surround-sound15:11
GAZ082Seveas: got it, i was symlinking to the wrong file, my bad :P15:14
jeevanushow to use my windows key in laptop as superkey? in ubuntustudio an xfce based one?15:14
curiousxmmm... i dont this so, i dig the whole world wide web trying to configure a 7.1 upmixing but nothing worked, but... ill check that link OerHeks ill let ya know in a few15:15
curiousxi am a ubuntu user since 8.10 -.-15:15
curiousxso i got some skills :p but this time, i need some help -.-15:16
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
curiousxOerHeks, ty but... that solution didnt work, i meant i used "pavucontrol" to set up mah sound card at 7.1 but when i do the test: http://i.imgur.com/xw82JD7.jpg15:20
curiousxfront left and front right doesnt work15:21
curiousxwith that solution it get configured at 5.115:21
curiousxbut i am trying to set the sound at 7.1 but... i cat get it work =(15:22
MarkDaviesHappy New Year. What does it mean "to virtualize a device"?15:23
azamathey all, on my 13.10, when I am away for some time, screen goes black, which is okay. But it does not go black smoothly, it flashes several times while fading, before going dark. Why is that?15:23
curiousxazamat, maybe a driver related issue15:24
xxmateexpert guys please help. i'm having this problem: http://imgur.com/bORyibk15:24
=== james is now known as Guest18767
koellare there any optical differences in the user interface between kubuntu and linux mint kde??15:25
xxmatethis error comes when i try to install an app on terminal: ""15:25
xxmateE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (2: No such file or directory)15:25
xxmateE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?15:25
curiousxazamat, what is your graphic card15:25
curiousx 15:25
azamatcuriousx, I have "Intel® Ivybridge Mobile"15:25
MarkDaviesAlso, how can I install Flash Player in Ubuntu?15:25
azamatMarkDavies, http://justfuckinggoogleit.com/ :)15:26
ChogyDanxxmate: do you know what you did before this problem started?15:26
MarkDaviesazamat: the last time I found an instruction of installation Flash Player in google and it failed entirely15:26
xxmateyeah, i tried sudo rm -rf or -f /var/lib/dpkg15:26
Guest18767SaberX01, sorry i took so long to come back. I tried the commands and I couldn't get it to work. I pasted the commands I used into the pastebin here along with an error I got : http://pastebin.com/u9dXbn6H15:26
xxmateChogydan: what to do now?15:27
ChogyDanxxmate: well, sorry, but that was stupid  :(   why did you do that?15:27
ChogyDanxxmate: I think you have to reinstall15:27
xxmateprobably i saw something to do that on website15:27
azamatcuriousx, it actually was okay on ubuntu 12.1015:27
xxmateChogydan: ubuntu?15:27
ablei should be able to reuse an existing software-raid LUKS container during setup, right?15:28
ChogyDanxxmate: do you remember where you saw that?  I would consider that a hostile command15:28
cristian_chitsujiTMO, Hi15:28
azamatMarkDavies, did you try: http://linuxg.net/how-to-install-adobe-flash-player-in-ubuntu-13-04-ubuntu-12-10-and-12-04/ ?15:28
SaberX01Guest18767, It would appear you dont have that particular Icon.  Other that what we posted, I dont know what else you could try.15:29
ChogyDanxxmate: yeah, all of Ubuntu.  There are ways to install without wiping your /home directory, so it can be done without too much trouble15:29
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xxmateoh okay...but i'll lose some applications15:29
ChogyDanxxmate: mhm15:30
cuddylierSeveas: See the rules we set, was the IP meant to be the remote IP rather than the IP on the actual box that was being connected to?15:30
cuddylierAs that IP is an IP on the box with port 2557915:30
Guest18767SaberX01, the No such key 'computer-icon-visible' message confused me because the computer icon is there. The other commands didn't throw an error they went through, they just didnt work15:30
xxmateChogyDan: thank u :) i'm gonna try manjaro first :D15:30
ChogyDanxxmate: gl  :)15:30
xxmatecya :)15:30
curiousxsry azamat but idk, i meant i could suggest you a couple of posible solution but... maybe the people here might get mad at me :p15:31
AutoclesisWill GlobalSat work with Viking?15:31
bekksAutoclesis: How is that related to Ubuntu?15:32
AutoclesisViking is an Ubuntu application on the Ubuntu Store.15:32
AutoclesisA GPS program.15:32
bekksAutoclesis: And whats Globalsat?15:33
AutoclesisA GPS receiver.15:33
bekksAutoclesis: Thats a good question for the Viking support then.15:33
AutoclesisViking seems only to recognize Garmin and a few others...15:33
AutoclesisIt is, indeed.15:33
curiousxazamat, and the other solution could be trying out the saucy-oibaf-ppa -.-15:33
AutoclesisSo you're assertion is, it's an Ubuntu program, but the query is not Ubuntu-related?15:34
Autoclesisyour, rather.15:34
BLZbubbaSaberX01: fyi it looks like in the end I just needed to run: update-alternatives --config x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf15:34
BLZbubbaand switch from fglrx to nvidia15:34
bekksAutoclesis: Yes. :)15:34
AutoclesisI don't get it.15:34
user1XD im on a DELL XPS 630 i15:34
BLZbubbaand i'm thinking the alternatives log cuts off each line so it really ran properly but didn't log the whole command15:35
user1i love it for 200 dollars15:35
bekksAutoclesis: Imagine driving a Ford - although it is a car, a BMW garage may not fit your needs in helping you.15:35
SaberX01BLZbubba, your graphics working ok ?15:36
AutoclesisThat's a fitting analogy to you?15:36
bekksAutoclesis: Yes.15:36
user1wow u ppl must be running this from windows 9515:36
bekksAutoclesis: Indeed.15:36
AutoclesisAn Ubuntu question is not appropriate for an Ubuntu channel.15:36
MarkDavieshow can I check which the version of Ubuntu I run?15:36
curiousxMarkDavies, lsb_release -a15:37
AutoclesisBut this futilitarian colloquy is.15:37
securityhey yall15:37
bekksAutoclesis: I am not going to discuss things with you anymore, any further.15:37
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MarkDaviesthanks curiousx15:37
Autoclesisbekks, good to know.15:37
azamatcuriousx, dunno, Oibaf PPA looks a bit scary and I am not sure if I can risk :)15:39
Austin_telepathihey all15:39
Austin_telepathihappy new years15:39
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curiousxazamat,  lo), ok so try the intel oficial installer if you wish -.-15:40
azamatcuriousx, not sure they have "installer" for linux :) but let me check15:40
curiousxyep, they have15:41
AutoclesisI think everyone is right. Every other channel on Freenode provides better Ubuntu help than #ubuntu.15:42
curiousxazamat,  https://01.org/linuxgraphics/15:43
DarksonnHi, I started ubuntu 13 without installing from an usb on a computer that has windows 7 because I couldn't start windows, after ubuntu started, i looked at the harddrive, it is not listed under df, in /dev, the only drive with partitions (sda, has sda1) is the sub i booted from, so I can't see the partitions on hard drive, I'm guessing it can't read the partition table on the pc. Anyone know how I would get access to files on the d15:43
bekksDarksonn: Which Ubuntu 13 - 13.04 or 13.10?15:44
curiousxazamat, oh! sry they didnt have an ubuntu 13.10 installer :p  https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads/2013/intelr-graphics-installer-1.0.2-linux15:44
bekksDarksonn: If you couldnt read the partition table, you would be unable to boot Ubuntu. Pastebin "sudo fdisk -l" please.15:44
Darksonnbekks: 13.1015:44
bekks!pastebin | Darksonn15:44
ubottuDarksonn: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:44
Darksonnbekks: I booted from an usb on which I can read the partition table15:45
azamatcuriousx, yes, thank you, I have already downloaded installer for 13.04, but when I opened it with software center, it said I don't have some dependent packages. I will now try to install it with gdebi15:46
bekksDarksonn: Pastebin "sudo fdisk -l" please.15:46
Darksonnbekks: moment15:46
curiousxit will say the same thing -.-15:46
curiousxbut maybe you will be able to solve those dependeces15:46
Darksonnbekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6673624/15:46
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azamatcuriousx, you are right :) it still says Dependency is not satisfiable: libpackagekit-glib2-1415:48
bekksDarksonn: Is that "sudo fdisk -l" or "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda"?15:48
Darksonnsudo fdisk -l15:48
bekksDarksonn: Pastebin "dmesg" too, please.15:49
MarkDaviesI want to install VirtualBox. I downloaded the package and tried to install, why doesn't dpkg install the packages on which VirtualBox depends automatically?15:50
RookHi! do anyone know how make a share folder between 2 ubuntu 12.04/13.10? systems?15:50
bekksMarkDavies: Because dpkg doesnt do that. apt-get does.15:50
Darksonnbekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6673644/15:50
MarkDaviesbekks: I tried with apt-get, too, and it didn't do it.15:51
trijntjeMarkDavies: where did you get the package? If the package doesn't specify its dependencies correctly, there is nothing dpkg can do about it15:51
trijntjebekks: dpkg also installs dependencies15:51
curiousxyep, and that packege is not in ubuntu repos, so dont install it, if you try to install it it will broke another packages15:51
bekksDarksonn: Looks like you have a problem with your harddisk. Did you poweroff,  and check cables£?15:52
Darksonnbekks: which cables do you mean I should have checked_15:52
bekksDarksonn: The cables connecting your harddisk to your computer.15:52
curiousxlo) azamat, http://askubuntu.com/questions/379291/problem-with-installing-intel-linux-graphics-installer-1-0-2-0intel3-i386-deb15:53
SaberX01Rook, IN the filer manager, Right-Click the folder you want to share, properties, then share options.15:53
Darksonnbekks: It's an internal harddrive15:53
MarkDaviestrijntje: from the Oracle page. When I tried to install the package it listed the packages which should be pre-installed. Neither apt-get nor dpkg installed them, however. But I successfully installed them by hand using the list mentioned.15:53
bekksDarksonn: In a PC or a laptop?15:53
RookSaberX01: ty!15:53
Darksonnbekks: desktop15:53
bekksDarksonn: Then check the cables.15:53
trijntjeMarkDavies: why not use the software in the ubuntu repository? Then you don't have to bother with all that stuf15:53
MarkDaviestrijntje: I tried and it was all the same..15:54
Darksonnbekks: You mean I should powerdown and look inside the computer?15:54
trijntjeMarkDavies: what do you mean by that?15:54
bekksDarksonn: Thats what I said, yes.15:54
Darksonnbekks: okay15:54
MarkDaviestrijntje: that neither installing VirtualBox from the Ubuntu repository, nor as an external package, had I had the dependencies installed automatically.15:55
trijntjeinstalling software from outside the ubuntu repository is always a hassle and can break your system. If you have a problem with vbox from the repo its better to sort that problem out than install from oracle15:55
trijntjeMarkDavies: can you install virtualbox from the repository and pastebin the exact error messages you get?15:58
azamatcuriousx, yeah, I read that, thanks) I think I will wait for ubuntu 14 :) I think intel will make another installer for 1415:59
MarkDaviestrijntje: I've successfully installed this package and I don't want to bother with it more, but the installation was something strange. the apt-get command returned something like: "The following are dependencies, but the system will not install them."15:59
curiousxazamat,  ok16:00
trijntjeMarkDavies: weird, sounds like something messed up your software repository, did you add any ppa's, additional source lines?16:02
MarkDaviestrijntje: nothing like this. Everything's completely clear.16:02
MarkDaviestrijntje: and it was the first time I came across such a problem.16:02
trijntjeweird, I'm not sure what the problem is then16:03
Darksonnbekks: okay, I opened it up, the cables look fine, heres a picture of the harddrive http://i.cubeupload.com/PEiUHw.jpg16:09
thisI messed up with grub. I have Ubuntu 12.04 o one partition. Then I installed another linux on a 2nd partition. If I manipulate grub on the Ubuntu now, the changes have no affect to grub menu. It looks like the other operating system is in charge of grub now. Can anyone help me to get the control back on Ubuntu?16:12
Darksonnbekks: are you there?16:14
universalI did a umount -a, now my pendrive is not getting mounted. what to do ?16:15
thisuniversal: tried the good old reboot?16:18
universalthis: no, anyways of getting it mounted without reboot16:18
thisuniversal: check out the tool "Disk Utility" which is part of Ubuntu. Maybe you can mount it this way.16:20
thisI messed up with grub. I have Ubuntu 12.04 o one partition. Then I installed another linux on a 2nd partition. If I manipulate grub on the Ubuntu now, the changes have no affect to grub menu. It looks like the other operating system is in charge of grub now. Can anyone help me to get the control back on Ubuntu? Please?16:20
universalthis: if you mean disks then I tried it and it is unable to mount it16:20
thisuniversal: any error message?16:21
alex12whats the best way to find out and/or monitor a directory to see what process creates sub-directories?16:21
alex12i have this little bug im trying to nail and its avoiding me as directories are being created as root and not the correct user, and i need to track it odwn16:21
universalthis: Error creating mount point `/media/ubuntu/sony': Read-only file system (udisks-error-quark, 0)16:21
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Seveascuddylier: still here?16:26
thisuniversal: Sorry mate, can't help you on this one.16:26
Darksonnbekks: okay, I opened it up, the cables look fine, heres a picture of the harddrive http://i.cubeupload.com/PEiUHw.jpg16:26
cuddylierSeveas Yep16:26
universalthis: where is network share mounted in ubuntu ?16:27
Seveascuddylier: I just read your last message. The UDP service is on the box that we're adding firewall rules too, right? And you say the given IP address is also on this box.16:27
Seveasif that's true, we've been using the wrong ip address :)16:27
cuddylierYea, that's true16:27
cuddylierThat IP and Port is of a service on the box16:28
Seveasreplace the ip in those rules with the IP that needs access16:28
cuddylierAh okay16:28
cuddylierSeveas Both Input and Output rules?16:28
cuddylierSeveas: Definitely source and destination yeah? So the IP on the box doesn't matter at all? It will affect all Ips on the box on port 25579?16:29
dleveyGuys, I've messed something up. I'm trying to ssh and I can't run it.. See the error here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6673789/ | Any ideas?16:30
cuddylierIt doesn't really matter if it does that as only that site will be allowed16:30
Seveascuddylier: correct16:30
cuddylierOkay cool16:30
cuddylierI'll give it a go16:31
* cuddylier crosses his fingers16:31
thisI messed up with grub. I have Ubuntu 12.04 o one partition. Then I installed another linux on a 2nd partition. If I manipulate grub on the Ubuntu now, the changes have no affect to grub menu. It looks like the other operating system is in charge of grub now. Can anyone help me to get the control back on Ubuntu? Please?16:34
glitsj16this: have you tried "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" yet from your ubuntu?16:34
dleveyGuys, I've messed something up. I'm trying to ssh and I can't run it.. See the error here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6673789/ | Any ideas?16:35
cuddylierSeveas: Still doesn't seem to work :( It works fine when I do iptables -F of course16:35
Seveascuddylier: pastebin the new iptables -L -v -n output please16:36
cuddylierSeveas: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6673830/16:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:37
cuddylierSeveas: You'll see I added two Ips to test16:37
Seveascuddylier: packets from the 174 address get accepted, but return packets not, hmm....16:38
Seveascuddylier: add this rule before the final DROP: iptables -A OUTPUT -p udp -j LOG. Then Try again and pastebin the iptables -L -v -n output and the last lines from dmesg16:39
lusticHey,  shot in the dark here,  I am trying to remember some a package i need to install,   I cannot remember the name,  it's like.. ubuntu base,  general-base,  or something like that,....16:39
lars_I just installed wine from the ubuntu repos and got a really old version 1.4.1. When I added the wine repo I got version 1.6.1. Why is the default version so old?16:39
SaberX01dlevey, you running ssh form the command line for a script?16:39
cuddylierSeveas: On output I assume yeah?16:39
cuddylierAh yes, nvm16:39
Seveaslustic: ubuntu-desktop16:40
lusticthat's not it, I will know it when I hear it : /16:40
Seveasubuntu-standard, ubuntu-minimal16:40
glitsj16lustic: do you remember what the package does?16:40
Seveaslustic: and if it's not those either: apt-cache -n search ^ubuntu-16:41
lusticnot exactly,  aircrack installed fine in 12.04, I just remember i needed to install this in 13.04 to get aircrack working16:41
SaberX01Or install tasksel and pick one :-)16:41
Verpiquiero un antí flood16:42
Seveaslustic: could be lsb16:42
lustici remember it's like,     base-general    or some combination like that16:42
cuddylierSeveas: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6673843/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/6673846/16:43
thisglitsj16: Thanks for reply. No I didn't. But I did now. Going down for system halt now...16:43
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lustici remember !16:44
lusticit's   " build-essential"16:44
lusticthanks everyone16:44
Seveascuddylier: try sending packets first, from that 174 address16:44
cuddylierSeveas: Are you looking for packets to show up on the iptables command?16:44
cuddylierAs I did that one again before doing so16:44
Seveascuddylier: yes, and in the dmesg output.16:44
cuddylierBut I did the dmesg after sending packets16:44
cuddylierOkay, I'll try again16:44
cuddylierSeveas: After sending packets the dmesg output looks no different16:45
Seveascuddylier: then your service isn't sending any packets back16:46
Seveasbecause the -j LOG rule makes it log all packets, which would show up in dmesg16:46
cuddylierThe services say they can't even connect at all16:47
thisglitsj16: It worked! Thanks a lot.16:47
cuddylierSeveas: Do you know any UDP test sites?16:47
glitsj16this: np, one less thing16:47
cuddylierSeveas: Would I just remove '--sport 25579' part to allow the IP to connect to any port?16:52
ActionParsnipQuiet today, or is everybody hungover :-)16:58
bekksshhh ;)16:59
HisaoNakaiCould someone please help me make sense of Hindi font support? I have XFCE terminal on Ubuntu 12.04, I use iBus (Hindi inscript m17n) to type in Hindi, but some characters which are supposed to 'merge' together don't do so o.o'17:04
xlr20have we figured out how to run ubuntu on an ipad yet? even if it's inside iOS as some sort of VM?17:04
HisaoNakai(it works in LibreOffice)17:04
ActionParsnipXlr20: is there virtualization software for ipad?17:05
ActionParsnipHisaoNakai: have you tried xterm?17:05
xlr20ActionParsnip: i was hoping someone here might know if there is17:06
bekksxlr20: there is no such way.17:07
bladeFirst time using smuxi or an IRC client. first thought :/ AAAAAHHHHH. To much text, everywhere!17:07
xlr20bekks: but isn't cydia debian-like? there must be a way17:07
ableis akash PMing others as well as me?17:07
bekksxlr20: there is none, yet.17:08
akashya able17:08
xlr20bekks: yes there is. i just haven't figured it out. there's a vmware solution i'm working on17:09
xlr20bekks: for a vm hosted online17:09
bekksxlr20: good luck then on porting vmware onto iOS.17:09
bekksxlr20: Leave a note when you are done.17:09
ableakash: why are you PMing me?17:10
xlr20bekks: why would i port it when there is already a vmware client for ios?17:10
bekksxlr20: a client is different from the hypervisor...17:10
mohammadajanhabihow can I download and install suitable dvd player17:10
akashfirst tell PMing means what17:10
akashfirst tell PMing means what able17:11
bekksxlr20: there are zillions of remote clients for iOS.17:11
xlr20bekks: a client is all that's needed. like i said the vm is hosted somewhere online and accessed through the client. anyways i guess nobody here has done it so i'll just keep working on it17:11
HisaoNakaiActionParsnip: Just tried it. I can't get it to as much as show the Hindi characters. Tried 'xterm -en UTF-8' and 'xterm -u8' on a whim, no change.17:11
xlr20bekks: there are no zillions of VM clients. VNC, sure there are plenty17:11
bekksxlr20: I am working like for a long time.17:11
bekksxlr20: I said "remote clients", not "vm clients".17:12
ActionParsnipxlr20: you could run vncserver and connect to it. You will get the desktop showing on the device. Not realy 'running' on thee device17:12
ActionParsnipHisaoNakai: could install guake, see if its the same. Otherwise i sugest you report a bug17:12
xlr20ActionParsnip: ya vnc is convenient17:13
ActionParsnipxlr20: its also unsecure17:13
ActionParsnipxlr20: an ssh tunnel helps there :-)17:13
xlr20ActionParsnip: vnc can be used with ssh to make it more secure?17:14
ActionParsnip!vnc | xlr2017:14
ubottuxlr20: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX17:14
bekksssh can be used to make vnc more secure.17:14
ActionParsnipVnc needs to die17:15
bekksActionParsnip: ack.17:15
andyfiedyou can use other things, like xserver17:15
andyfiednot that i've managed it yet17:15
bekkswhich is insecure without ssh too.17:16
xlr20ActionParsnip: thanks for the link17:16
andyfiedi would only be using it with ssh17:16
HisaoNakaiActionParsnip: Same issue with guake.17:16
xlr20ActionParsnip: how about teamviewer, with respect to security?17:18
ActionParsnipxlr20: sure why not17:19
renji_do u think someone would make a fork of wayland?17:19
ActionParsnipRenji_: they can, its source is available17:20
bekksxlr20: use freenx.17:20
ActionParsnipxlr20: what do you do on the remote desktop?17:21
bekksxlr20: no one knows wether teamviewer isnt getting your data, since it is closed source.17:21
xlr20bekks: thanks i'll check it out17:21
renji_to run for kunbuntu? @actionparsnip17:21
ActionParsnipxlr20: there may be a sleeker solution17:21
ActionParsnipRenji_: if you can get kde running on it etc, sure....17:22
xlr20ActionParsnip: control the computer remotely, but I like having a desktop image available like with VNC as opposed to ssh in a terminal.17:22
ActionParsnipxlr20: yes but what do you do once on the desktop itself?17:22
xlr20bekks: is freenx still being developed? the last entry on their project page is from 200817:23
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xlr20ActionParsnip: using it to help other people or assist with issues like one would do with teamviewer17:24
xlr20ActionParsnip: so i don't need audio/video17:25
ActionParsnipXlr20: gotcha, makes sense.17:25
StoogeHello, I changed my language to Thai then changed back to English but all filenames are in Thai and I have no clue how to convert them17:25
blacklighthi all, is anyone aware of the status of vestige or VST support in amd64 build of lmms? i see an open bug here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lmms/+bug/1182604 stating that the support will be (maybe) fixed within ubuntu 14.04, but no alternatives17:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 1182604 in lmms (Ubuntu) "AMD64 lmms package doesn't have Vestige VST support while the i386 does" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:25
bekksxlr20: accordinng to their PPAs, they do maintain it.17:25
napsterI have a pretty funny question here. :)17:26
napsterI have dropbox on my PC17:26
Stoogemaybe I should use convmv UTF-8 *.* and they will be converted?17:27
napsterbut someone shuts down my PC17:27
napsterIt should automatically wait till dropbox is fully synced17:27
napsterIs it possible anyway?17:27
bekksnapster: that wouldnt be possible.17:28
ActionParsnipnapster: doesnt matter. Dropbox will continue syncing on poweron17:28
napsterbekks: Would love to see some pointers17:28
bekksnapster: Pointers to "impossible"?17:28
napsterActionParsnip: err, well its not exactly the use case. I need this to be synced completely before going down. So that the content is immediately available on other machines.17:29
leonochola por aca haber si aprendo un poco mas17:29
napsterbekks: Nope! pointers to possibilities :)17:29
ActionParsnipNapster: you could see if the client alters a file to state it is up to date17:30
napsterActionParsnip: These are my development systems. I work from home - I work on the go and I work from office.17:30
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leonocforo en español en ubuntu o ubuntu forum in Spanish thanks17:30
bekks!es | leonoc17:30
ubottuleonoc: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:30
ActionParsnipNapster: surely you have dropbox on your systems too, to sync between etc.17:31
leonocire for learning English force17:31
napsterActionParsnip: hmm, I think I should use git or something to do that completely under control.17:32
napsterdropbox has their own versioning17:33
napstergit push before shutdown will be more easier. I was just curios if something can be done with dropbox hooks if they do expose any.17:33
xlr20napster: have you checked out the alternatives to dropbox before?17:35
napsterxlr20: I have tried out box once, but honestly not much17:36
MonkeyDustthere's also Wuala and box.com17:36
xlr20none of them are as convenient and easy as dropbox, even if they are better as far as security and offer more free space17:37
xlr20it's a shame17:37
napsterxlr20: And is there any specific reasons to point to alternatives? Does they provide any features which could help in my use case?17:37
xlr20napster: well they can offer encryption. wuala and spider oak both do17:38
napsterMonkeyDust: checking out Wuala now17:38
napsterxlr20: ok17:38
napsterThese solutions are best suited for sharing photographs or documents which don't have much revisions everyday.17:39
napsterI run my entire eclipse workspace from Dropbox for the past several months.17:39
leonocas do the copy and paste into the chat to learn jajaj17:39
gordonjcpnapster: what *is* your use case?17:40
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napstergordonjcp: mind scrolling up?17:40
renji_Shouldn't there be a specific Wayland ATI driver?17:41
gordonjcpnapster: I'm trying to pick out what the original question was, but I can't17:41
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napstergordonjcp: The original question was that, is it possible to prevent the shutdown till the dropbox files are synced with the server.17:41
napsterAll machines I have access to runs on 13.1017:42
xlr20napster: who is this person that is shutting down your computer before it syncs?17:42
napsterxlr20: Unfortunately its me17:42
xlr20napster: you could try using the shutdown command and timing your computer to turn off after an hour or however much time dropbox tells you it will take to sync17:43
ixio2if one was to install openvpn from the package does it use internal user accounts on the server to authenticate users? or does it have its own internal authentication.. or does it not use users at all and just use certs?17:43
gordonjcpnapster: good question17:43
gordonjcpnapster: is there something that dropbox can call, to tell when it's done syncing?17:43
napsterxlr20: Ok that is the best part. We can't predict how much time it can take to sync everything up.17:43
napstergordonjcp: my mule says there should be something for doing that. Lets digg together :)17:44
xlr20napster: you should be able to.. dropbox gives you an estimate17:44
leonocubottu along apredo my life much easier in the chat, he usually always read some text that we are many???17:44
ubottuleonoc: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:44
napsterxlr20: yes, so the point will be to get that info from dropbox and time the shutdown based on that.17:45
xlr20napster: you can get that info by right clicking on the dropbox icon in your system tray and reading it yourself, then setting the shutdown command17:46
napsterxlr20: aah! That is a lot of manual work. I'm digging the python SDK for dropbox.17:46
napsterSomething is here. Its Qt, easier for me : http://lycis.github.io/QtDropbox/17:47
ActionParsnipNapster: have you read the dropbox manpage?17:47
napsterActionParsnip: wow! That was a good pointer17:47
napsterlet me do that17:47
ActionParsnipNapster: dropbox status ~/Dropbox17:48
napsterActionParsnip: That helps!17:48
napsterThanks a lot mate17:48
ActionParsnipWeird those man pages huh.....17:48
ActionParsnipNp :-)17:49
napsterlet me see I can script things up for it17:49
MendelHey guys! Just got linux for the first time!17:51
Pessimistho ho ho!17:52
xlr20Mendel: welcome`17:52
Mendelhappy new yearr17:52
Mendelthanks :)17:52
MendelIf I have questions about ubuntu is this a good place to ask?17:53
Mendelwhy doesnt it let me connect my iphone?17:54
myNickisNickMendel: could you tell us a little bit more like what version of Ubuntu you are using,  what you have tried ect ?  thankd17:55
ActionParsnipMendel: when you last unplugged it, did you use the safe removal feature in your OS?17:55
Q-collectiveHey all. I just installed Gnome 3.10 and pretty quickly uninstalled it again via ppa-purge after I noticed it broke my Unity. I fixed everything again, but my wallpaper/desktop is still broken. Does anyone know how to get it back up?17:55
ActionParsnipQ-collective: you may have to remove the current gnome config, we have no way of knowing what changes the packages from the ppa have made17:56
ActionParsnipQ-collective: also i suggest you contact the ppa maintainer17:56
myNickisNickQ-collective: what ActionParsnip said maybe use d-conf app to look at each of the settings for the dbus and set back to normal17:57
xlr20Mendel: which file manager are you using?17:58
Mendelim using the newest version. when i click trust it keeps popoing up on my phone and this msg pops up on my computer. DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)17:58
Mendeli dont know17:58
ActionParsnipMendel: do you use the safe remove feature before unplugging the device17:59
myNickisNickseems like a mount issue Mendel17:59
xlr20try updating your system. maybe something is outdated17:59
Mendelyes its a mount issue and no whats that17:59
epsilon1hi. I use a Tenda R502 router. I enabled UPnP and also DMZ in the router but when I use http://www.canyouseeme.org/ to check if I have an open port, it always give me error. I didn't use a firewall (in Ubuntu 12.04LTS). Why?17:59
Mendeli sudo updates and its all up to sate18:00
xlr20did you upgrade too?18:00
ActionParsnipMendel: do you safe remove, or do you just unplug it?18:00
Mendeljust unplug it18:00
Mendelwhat should i be updating exactly18:00
ActionParsnipMendel: why do you think operating system makers put that feature in?18:00
ActionParsnipMendel: seriously. Think about it18:01
Mendellol im just a noob18:01
ActionParsnipMendel: what? To all computers?18:01
xlr20Mendel: you should be careful with your devices. don't be lazy18:01
Mendelsure I would if I knew what he was talking about18:01
ActionParsnipMendel: plug it into your windows pc, or mac or whatever you use it in.18:02
ActionParsnipMendel: then let it sync and do whatever iphone rubbish does, then in the bottom right you will see an icon18:02
myNickisNickMendel: if you have any file managers open close them or just reboot,  then plug phone back in and see if it mounts18:02
Mendelit charges but i want to download my music from my iphone to ubuntu18:02
ActionParsnipMendel: you will see "safely remove hardware" and you can use that, then you can unplug18:03
myNickisNickI would also make sure that I have the most recent lib of libimobiledevice18:03
icloudcan some one help me with ati xfire on 13.10? here are my lspci, dmesg and aticonfig output.18:03
ActionParsnipMendel: you unplugging it puts the storage in a bad state and causes issue, especially with proprietary stuff like iphones18:04
Mendelok thanks18:04
myNickisNickand libusbmuxd118:04
pac1I have a launcher which is not working right.  Is there a log file when you clik on an icon in unity?18:04
myNickisNickpac1 yeah there are logs und /var/log but  one can also run unity from the terminal to debug unity --replace18:05
ActionParsnipMendel: never seen this: http://usbtips.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/safely-remove-hardware.jpg18:05
epsilon1hi. I use a Tenda R502 router. I enabled UPnP and also DMZ in the router but when I use http://www.canyouseeme.org/ to check if I have an open port, it always give me error. I didn't use a firewall (in Ubuntu 12.04LTS). Why?18:06
ActionParsnipepsilon1: what is the error?18:06
myNickisNickpac1: you can also look at the logs of lightdm  compiz ect.  But what do you mean the icons are  failing ?18:07
epsilon1that site says my ports are closed18:07
ActionParsnipepsilon1: sounds like a router issue then.18:08
epsilon1this is the error: I could not see your service on 95.76.....    on port (80)18:08
ActionParsnipepsilon1: can you access it ok over LAN?18:08
pac1I created my own launcher for eclipse, but it won't start eclipse.18:09
epsilon1yes, I accesed my router18:09
epsilon1I enabled UPnP18:09
ActionParsnipepsilon1: then how if this an ubuntu issue. The issue is in the router config.18:09
epsilon1ActionParsnip: I don't know. I only enabled UPnP and also DMZ host. I saved, I restarted router, modem and computer. But it didn't work18:11
glitsj16pac1: if you use the command to start eclipse you've put in the .desktop file (Exec=...) from terminal, does it work? does it give any errors?18:11
ActionParsnipepsilon1: can you access the service over LAN?18:11
pac1yes.  no errors when starting from bash.18:12
trijntjepac1: keep in mind that you need to specify the full path in the .desktop file, not relative to home18:12
epsilon1the router? Yes.18:12
glitsj16pac1: does the .desktop file have execute permissions?18:13
ActionParsnipepsilon1: then its a router issue, logically. I'd ask in ##networking18:13
epsilon1ah, ok. Thanks.18:13
ham1 /j #php18:15
gdeebleSo I've read on server fault about using DD to back up my drive. My question is, if it's a software raid 1, will this pose any issues?18:15
pac1glitsj16, no but none of the others do either.18:15
pac1trijntje, full path is included.18:16
bekksgdeeble: you would have to do an offline backup, for consistency of the backup.18:16
pac1debugging unity helped.18:16
gdeeblebekks So live CD and do my back up and I should be fine, right?18:16
bekksgdeeble: yeah18:17
gdeeblebekks Thank you.18:18
Moxicutionuname -a18:19
pac1my mistake: in the desktop, I had two execs one with the full path, the second without.  It was failing on the second.18:19
pac1thanks trintje and glitsj1618:20
glitsj16pac1: good catch, yw18:20
pac1myNickisNick, where are the lightdm and compiz logs?18:20
blacklightfound a way to have lmms with VST support on ubuntu 13.10 for amd64 - got to install lmms from the PPA irie/lmms, anyway it installed the whole i386 environment, included libc, XOrg and wine, since libvestige does not build for amd64 yet...a fix would be probably needed on the trunk before the release of 14.04, the support for VST is very critical for lmms, and without them it becomes pretty usless (at least for me), it would be like 18:20
Pinkamena_DAfter resuming from suspend, my bluetooth mouse 'connects' as in I can see the bluetooth activity led blink when I move it, but the mouse does not move. It seems the only way to fix it is to restart.18:23
bohandezjoin #deve18:23
Pinkamena_DAnyone know a fix for this?18:23
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pac1glitsj16, the dangers of cutting and pasting samples from the net.18:23
ActionParsnipPinkamena: try restarting the bluetooth service18:24
pac1A while ago, I added an item to my unity Launcher  Now I can't seem to find where I added it.18:25
ActionParsnipPac1: click the top left icon and search for it18:25
pac1how do you find the files for the items in the launcher?18:25
pac1That gets you something in dash, but where is the underlying file?18:26
ActionParsnipPac1: they are in /usr/share/applications18:26
glitsj16pac1: might be in your ~/.local/usr/share/applications18:26
pac1cannot access /home/pac1/.local/usr: No such file or directory  and its not in /usr/share/applications18:28
pac1where else does dash look?18:28
trismpac1: ~/.local/share/applications/ , no usr18:28
glitsj16pac1: see trism, my bad18:28
trismpac1: although that's just the desktop files, the list of favorites is in dconf18:29
trismpac1: gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Launcher favorites18:29
pac1I apparently added it to   I added it to  ~/.local/share/applications/alacarte-made.desktop18:30
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aiafolks... samba... how come I cant connect to my shares? And no I do not expect you to magicallty know that.. BUT. I can see the shares from my phone/xbmc/windows 7 machine, BUT I am told I have no access to them...18:33
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Wiz_KeeDhey guys18:33
BluesKajala, try fish18:34
gabrielhi there installed nvidia driver 331 Xorg stalled no option to get a shell,just booting with recovery mode i have chance anyone had a better experience18:37
gabrielIs it possible that every time i install the linux source there's all these problems even in Fedora ?18:38
MonkeyDustgabriel  better ask in #fedora18:39
andyfiedaia: almost certainly a massive permission thing. it was a bit fiddley for me to get it working18:39
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gabrielMonkeyDust: Now Ubuntu world18:39
ActionParsnipGabriel: how did you install the driver?18:39
OerHeksgabriel, that driver is for trusty 14.0418:39
gabrielthrouh nvidia site, and then tried the ppa18:39
ActionParsnipGabriel: we cannot support PPAs here. There is a driver installer as part of the Ubuntu OS18:40
gabrieli tried 304 and the next18:40
ActionParsnipGabriel: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue18:40
gabrielright now i'm not on my desktop18:41
gabrieli just wanted some info about that problem18:42
OerHeks.. and somehow available to precise https://launchpad.net/nvidia-drivers-ubuntu18:42
BluesKajgabriel, the 331 driver is experimental as well , try, dkms status to see which driver is installed18:42
ActionParsnipGabriel: i suggest you remove the driver you have installed, remove the ppa and reboot18:42
gabrielthis is almwost the same issue,Bug #1243566: Unable to boot after nvidia upgrade , how do i have to upgrade grub? update-grub..18:44
ubottubug 1243566 in NVIDIA Drivers Ubuntu "Unable to boot after nvidia upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124356618:44
aiaandyfied: where do I start unwinding the knot?18:45
ceso|xdcc list18:46
andyfiedfist of all see if the folders you want to share are in the samba group18:46
andyfiedi think18:47
andyfiedor at least if the owners are in the samba group18:47
BluesKajgabriel, make sure you don't have nomodeset in /etc/default/grub18:47
OerHeksceso, type !list18:49
lusticI cant remember who gave me advice earlier , but thanks to it, I've successfully got photoshop cs6 extended 13.0 working on ubuntu, so I'll just say thanks for the support everyone !18:50
ciencistoHello! I need to important help with my graphics driver18:50
gabrieli had to put nomodeset otherwise no way to get any login but after logging in the screen gets totaly black18:50
ciencisto*need some important18:50
ciencistoDoes anyone have AMD graphics here?18:51
Bashing-omciencisto: Yeah I run olf ATI card, open source driver .18:53
BluesKajgabriel, then you have a vicious cycle loop problem ,as actionparsnip suggested remove the 331 driver and the ppa in /etc/apt/sources.list.d18:53
Bashing-omciencisto: olf *old18:54
Votingmy ubuntu laptop wont boot and last time a buddy typed something into the the grub command line and got this laptap to go back to booting just fine, some sort of re-set thing... hangs when I try to boot.18:54
ciencistoBashing-om: Alright. Unfortunately I have a recent AMD card and the open source driver is still not good enough... so I tried the proprietary driver from AMD's website18:54
Bashing-omciencisto: And, now you get a blcak screen ?18:55
Mendelwhats a good program I should get?18:56
ciencistoBashing-om: Not yet, but I think I would if I rebooted. I got errors (possibly fatal) in my installation log : http://justpaste.it/dyxz18:56
Bashing-omciencisto: look'n at the pastie. I be back !18:56
ciencistoBashing-om: Alright, thank you so much!18:57
Mendelwhats a good program I should get?18:57
ciencistoMendel: Depends of what you use?18:58
ciencistoMendel: And what do you need?18:58
BluesKajgabriel, can you get to a virtual console/TTY , ctrl+alt+F1-F6 , then login and remove nivdia-33118:58
Mendelsomething interesting to play around with maybe something to trace someones ip18:59
MarkDavieshow can I kill a process which catches both Ctrl+C and Ctrl+Z sequences?18:59
MarkDaviesthat is, how can I take the control of the terminal back, in the first place?19:00
ciencistoMendel: Trace someone's IP? I don't know any program for that, sorry.19:00
Bashing-omciencisto: looks like the installer removed the failed install, can you get a terminal activated at this time ? will run a couple of commands and have a looksee.19:01
Mendelidk something i can play around with19:01
Mendelthat was jus an idea19:01
ciencistoBashing-om: The installation terminal is still opened19:01
microsWhen i use kill() to send a signal from a child process to the pid of the parent (launched as root), the parent sigint handler isnt called. However, if i execute the child process using sudo from the shell, it works. Any idea why? thanks.19:02
PublicStaticVoidWhats the IM client built into Ubuntu?19:03
ciencistoPublicStaticVoid: Empathy19:03
Bashing-omciencisto: What returns from: sudo lshw -C display <- looking at the configuration: line in particular.19:04
ciencistoBashing-om: Damn, it's in French. Should be easy to understand though. Gonna make another pastie19:06
ciencistoBashing-om: http://justpaste.it/dyy919:06
Bashing-omceso: look'n at dyy9 .19:07
microsnote: kill() returns without error.19:07
ciencistoBashing-om: Alright, waiting19:07
Mendelgood programs?19:07
PublicStaticVoidciencisto: Thx19:08
Mendelfor linux19:08
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:08
ciencistoPublicStaticVoid: No problem!19:08
microsif i send sigkill instead of sigint, it works fine.19:08
Bashing-omceso: That dyy9 pastie says that there is the open source driver (radeon) loaded, should be able to (re-)boot and come up !19:09
PublicStaticVoidI still have no registration email :( I changed my Nick, droped and re registered 15 ins ago19:09
PublicStaticVoidand I am trying to access some +r channels19:10
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OerHeksPublicStaticVoid, join #freenode19:10
Bashing-omciencisto: Your dyy9 says there is the open source driver (radeon) loaded, should be able to (re-)boot and come up.19:11
ciencistoBashing-om: Yes, I am on the open source driver and wanted to switch to the latest proprietary driver. Are you telling me that this failed installation should have done no harm to my graphics and that I can reboot? The driver installation now asks me to reboot: Actions taken by AMD Catalyst(TM) Proprietary Driver requires a reboot. Would you like to reboot now?  Other users may be logged on.19:11
icloudcan someone help me? i am getting a fatal error when running update-initramfs -u, ERROR: could not open directory /lib/modules/ No such file or directory19:12
icloudFATAL: could not search modules: No such file or directory19:12
server-dannemoisquelqu'un ?19:12
Bashing-omciencisto: yep, should be safe to do so, I expect you to still have the open source driver available and used .19:12
icloudi checked my /lib/modules directory all the folders are in the form of 3.11.0-14-generic not .1419:12
ciencistoBashing-om: Alright. And what about the proprietary driver? Will I be able to install it if I retry of something?19:13
ikoniaicloud: why are you manually running that - it should be run automatically with the kernel update19:14
randomcppis noatime necessary with a ssd??19:14
icloudyeah i got that after installing the latest kernel19:14
ikoniaicloud: where did the kenrel come from ?19:15
icloudikonia, so then i tried to manually rerun it19:15
Bashing-omciencisto: What is the need to go to the OEM driver ? That means is not for the faint-at-heart ! Have you tried "Additional Drivers" utility to remain with in ubuntu's package management system ?19:15
ikonia!info linux-image19:15
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 1 kB, installed size 33 kB19:15
icloudikonia, from the repo, i just did sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic19:16
ciencistoBashing-om: In the past months, I have tried at multiple times the Additionnal Drivers, and always they were either not working or slower than the open source driver, which is also slow. That's why I now want to install the OEM driver19:16
ikoniaicloud: while I'm not doubting you personally, it seems unlikley that a kernel would have the wrong directory from the main repo19:16
ikoniaicloud: that is a basic test that would get caught in pre-functional testing.19:17
icloudikonia,  yeah i understand i think there is something wrong with my update-initramfs, b/c actually all the old kernels have the same directory structure too.19:18
icloudicloud@icloud-X58A-UD3R:/lib/modules$ ls19:18
icloud3.11.0-13-generic  3.11.0-14-generic  3.8.0-31-generic19:18
ikoniaicloud: again, that seems unlikely that updte-initramfs is a "problem"19:18
Bashing-omciencisto: ATI has moved the older (HD 3,4,and 5) cards to "leagacy, and no longer support them > what card do you have ? -> lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 vga <- Maybe nada can be done.19:19
ciencistoBashing-om: My card is pretty recent, AMD Radeon HD 667019:20
DRAMA-MAKERhello every one19:20
DRAMA-MAKERhappy new year !19:20
ciencistoDRAMA-MAKER: Hey thanks, you too!19:20
DRAMA-MAKERis that international server19:21
Bashing-omciencisto: Yeah, should have support for it ! Go to ATI's web site and see what they advise for the proper driver version.19:21
DRAMA-MAKERwith random people or ?19:21
icloudikonia, so is it possible to tell update-initramfs to look for the correct folder? or should i just rename the folders19:21
ciencistoBashing-om: This is where I went: http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Linux%20x86_6419:22
ciencistoDRAMA-MAKER: With Ubuntu users, developers, and lovers!19:23
ikoniaicloud: I can't check the syntax, but I always thought it was possible to manually set it, but I'd be more worried about what's going on with your sysem19:23
DRAMA-MAKERciencisto especially lovers , innit ?19:24
pacopadHi Guys ,19:25
Pessimistciencisto, don't ever install propertary ati driver from their website because there's a high chance it will break your X server because it's a generic installer. That's why Ubuntu (and many other distros) package their own catalyst drivers.19:25
pacopadi'm runing a fresh saucy dist on an arm plateform19:25
ciencistoDRAMA-MAKER: Probably ;¬)19:25
pacopadi got problem to compil soft with error like /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libm.so.6: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line19:25
pacopadi have to add libs in makefile19:26
pacopadi already compile those soft on other distro without adding libs19:26
ciencistoPessimist: Let's say that I haven't read your username... But what should I do if neither of Ubuntu's drivers are good enough?19:26
pacopadis there something to check ?19:26
icloudikonia, yeah it is really weird i can't boot into the new kernel, but i can still use the old ones.19:27
randomcppis noatime necessary with a ssd?19:27
bekksrandomcpp: No.19:27
randomcppok thanks19:27
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compdocrandomcpp, i use that option19:28
Pessimistpacopad, I don't think this has to do anything with Ubuntu and we can't tell/guess what software are you trying to compile and what it has to do w/ ubuntu19:28
ki7rwanyone know why that i get a message that my firefox facebook plugin can't access my account?19:28
pacopadfor exemple X11 related soft19:28
randomcppcompdoc, what's the point to disable journaling with ssd? reduce rw operations?19:28
Pessimistciencisto, catalyst has a shitty (pardon) 2d acceleration so if you have a older cpu you can't change anything. What GPU do you have?19:28
pacopadi got to add -lX1119:29
pacopadi never do that with this soft on other distro19:29
pacopadmaybe i missed a special package on saucy ?19:29
ciencistoPessimist: Gotta regret buying an AMD graphics for Windows 8... I have an AMD Radeon HD 6670 card19:29
Guest47449Hello how are you guys doing?  I am wondering where games go when they get installed. I am using Ubuntu 13.10 and am installing free games from the software manager. Is there a folder these games go when they are installed? Or do I always have to search in the menu?19:30
TJ-icloud: I just came in... which version of Ubuntu and which kernel version (I've seen 2 similar reports over the last few days) ?19:30
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler
TJ-Guest47449: All programs are installed in a range of directories based upon the program content. To see where all files belonging to a package are installed do "dpkg-query -L <package-name>" e.g. "dpkg-query -L mygame"19:31
icloudTJ-, i am using 13.10,19:31
compdocrandomcpp, are you saying disabling 'last access time' is actually disabling journaling?19:32
sixtustha5whats the ktrace equivalent in backtrack???19:32
icloud3.11.0-13 generic19:32
Pessimistciencisto, free radeon driver should be in a pretty good spot for hd6xxx: http://xorg.freedesktop.org/wiki/RadeonFeature/. It comes by default w/ Ubuntu and you don't have to install anything. If you want the greatest and latest you can try  this ppa (it MIGHT be buggy and break your system and it's unsupported here): https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CCsQFjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Flaun19:32
FloodBot1Pessimist: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:32
=== zenix` is now known as zenix`away
icloudTJ-, i can't boot into the latest kernel,19:32
TJ-icloud:  There have been reports that I tracked down to a failure of "update-initramfs" to correctly build the /boot/initrd.img-`uname -r` file-systems19:32
Pessimisthttps://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/graphics-drivers (fuck you, google)19:32
randomcppcompdoc, nope just misspelled the question :/19:32
IdleOne!language | Pessimist19:33
ubottuPessimist: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:33
randomcppforget the second question19:33
ciencistoPessimist: Hahaha, now I see why you chose that nick19:33
adminewb1hi all - recently upgraded to 12.04.3LTS and discovered I have to manually load wireless driver module rt2800usb for networking, where prior to upgrade it would load by itself; where do I configure the automatic loading on boot?19:33
randomcppcompdoc, what's the point to disable access time with ssd? <-19:33
ciencistoPessimist: Thanks, going to take a look now19:34
icloudTJ-, is there any solution to it?19:34
Bashing-omciencisto: Kids are in, This will have to wait for a few hours.19:34
Pessimistadminewb1, edit /etc/modules and add rt2800usb there19:34
ayigasomeone can help me to understand th utility of dedicated server pls19:35
ciencistoBashing-om: Alright, going to rely on others' help. Thanks for your support!19:35
TJ-icloud: Yes. From a booted older kernel create/regenerate the bad initrd-img... if that is the cause. What specific errors do you see when it fails to boot?19:35
GerhardHi, are there other reasons for getting 'No key available with this passphrase' on  'cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda3 cryptdisk' then using the wrong passphrase?19:36
ayigahi guys someone can help me to understand th utility of dedicated server pls19:36
mjaykayiga: your going to have to be more specific than that19:37
compdocssds have a limited amount of writes before they die. if you dont care about the last time a file was accessed, you can reduce the number of writes, and increase speed19:37
Gerhardmaybe I need a encryption module loaded?19:37
ciencistoPessimist : Alright, removing all fglrx and doing some cleaning and updating, then I'll try the PPA19:37
sixtustha5hello all19:37
ayigaon which way can i use th dedicated server, what is th advantage of dedicated server19:38
sixtustha5what is a ktrace equivalent in ubuntu or can ktrace be installed???19:38
Pessimistciencisto, if you experience any issues you should fill a bug report for X and if you have any issues just use ppa-purge and reinstall xserver-xorg-video-ati19:38
icloudTJ, i got black screen, can't drop to terminal.  Then i booted the old kernel i got the fatal error when manually regenerating the initframs19:39
denysoniqueWhat is gnome-flashback?19:40
TJ-icloud: Is there a separate partition for /boot/ ? Has it run out of space (try "df") ?19:40
ciencistoPessimist, how can I report a but for X?19:40
icloudyeah /boot is on a separate partition19:40
=== zenix`away is now known as zenix`
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icloudTJ-,  no it is only 50% used19:41
TJ-icloud: Can you do "sudo update-initramfs -uvk all | pastebinit" (assuming you have pastebinit installed) ?19:41
Pessimistciencisto, https://bugs.freedesktop.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=xorg&component=Driver/Radeon and include as much relevant info as possible.19:41
GerhardWhat's the default crypt method of the ubuntu installer with luks? Is it aes?19:42
ciencistoPessimist: Alright, bookmarked. Just wondering, is there anything in Firefox that can make scrolling s*ck?19:42
Pessimistdenysonique, gnome 3 had radical changes to the environment so they implemented a shell 'gnome-flashback' which is similar to gnome 2 and uses similar underlying technologies19:43
gordonjcpciencisto: sick?19:43
gordonjcpciencisto: suck? what is "s*ck"?19:43
denysoniquePessimist: is this something supported, usable? I logged on using it but I am unable to set virtual desktops19:44
ciencistogordonjcp: Yes, the latter. Scrolling is extremely laggy19:44
gordonjcpciencisto: have you disabled smooth scrolling?19:44
ciencistoYes I have gordonjcp. It's even more painful19:44
Pessimistciencisto, if you just removed fglrx and didn't install radeon back then you are using vesa which doesn't use your gpu at all19:44
gordonjcpusing vesa would make *everything* suck, not just scrolling19:45
icloudTJ, update-initramfs is looking for /boot/config- instead of /boot/config-3.11.0-14-generic and also /lib/modules/ instead of /lib/modules/3.11.0-14-generic, i created symlink to both places and it seem to have regenerated the initrd.img19:45
icloudTJ-, ok i will remove the symlinks and pastebin it19:45
ciencistoPessimist: How can I install Radeon? I indeed think that I'm using something called Vesa-TURKS or something like that +gordonjcp19:45
Pessimistciencisto, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/VideoDriverDetection#Problem:_Need_to_purge_-fglrx then try installing xserver-xorg-video-ati19:48
ciencistoPessimist and gordonjcp, I checked and I'm using xserver-xorg-video-ati right now. I wonder if it'd change if I rebooted19:48
icloudTJ-, here you go http://paste.ubuntu.com/6674712/19:49
Pessimistciencisto, you must atleast reboot your X, idk if you have to reboot your computer19:49
ciencistoPessimist, how can I do that?19:50
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Pessimistciencisto, sudo service lightdm restart should probably work or just sudo pkill X19:51
ciencistoPessimist: That is weird. All graphics are fine, the Dash is snappy, but scrolling in Firefox is atrocious.19:51
TJ-icloud: Good... starting to see the issue... can you do "ls -latr /boot/ /var/lib/initramfs-tools/ | pastebinit"19:52
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icloudTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6674731/19:54
ikoniaicloud: interesting two entreis with - and .19:54
TJ-icloud: This ought to fix it: "sudo update-initfamfs -d -vk" then do "sudo update-initramfs -uvk all | pastebinit" again... that should not fail.19:55
BrianHHow can I find all processes that are generating sound?19:55
BrianHI've purged alsa and pulseaudio before and reinstalled, which seemed to clean up the buzzing.  But it keeps coming back.19:56
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TJ-BrianH: what kind of buzzing?19:57
BrianHTJ-: Uh, it's hard to explain.19:57
TJ-BrianH: hum it? :p19:58
ciencistoI'm back19:58
BrianHIt's a constant "rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"19:58
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icloudTJ-, ok its fine now, thanks for your hlep19:58
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit19:59
=== Mikaela_ is now known as Mikaela
TJ-BrianH: A low-level buzzing can often be caused by a PC's internal audio cables (or external headphones/microphones) picking up stray signals from electrically noisy components ... does the sound seem to vary with the load on the PC ?20:00
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BrianHTJ-: Nah, like I said, I can purge alsa and pulseaudio, reinstall and reboot, and the system is fine.20:01
rwwgiven that alsa is part of the kernel, one does not simply "purge alsa"20:02
theadminSo. I have a new laptop, Lenovo G580. It works great, but the brightness drops to 0 every time Ubuntu boots (it's fine on BIOS POST stage), what gives? How could I make it keep the brightness at a normal level?20:02
BrianHrww: alsa-base20:03
BrianHand alsa-utils20:04
BrianHI leave my system run 24/7, and typically don't realize the buzzing until I start working on it in the morning and turn on the speakers.20:05
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:09
gartralhey all, there is a sticky notes applet I have installed, but what's the name of the program/20:12
BuzzerFun fact: the Japanese write it as 'mackerel split' because the word 'server' sounds similar to 'mackerel' in Japanese20:12
gartralBuzzer: er.. that was humourosly ot..20:13
glitsj16gartral: what did you install exactly?20:16
MonkeyDustgartral  tomboy?20:16
gartralglitsj16: i didn't it came preinstalled20:16
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glitsj16gartral: can you see it in /usr/share/applications?20:18
Stoogehello I put Thai as language and then switched back to English but all my file names are with bugged encoding currently and aren't in English anymore any ideas?20:20
Seven_Six_TwoAre there standard meanings for exit statuses?20:21
Seven_Six_Twoaside from 0 = normal and > 0 = not normal20:22
glitsj16Seven_Six_Two: for bash --> http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/exitcodes.html20:24
Seven_Six_Twoglitsj16, perfect! thanks!20:26
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metadepthello, i'm having some issues setting up ubuntu 13.10 as a dual boot on a windows 8 laptop, is this the proper place to ask?20:30
theadminmetadept: Sure thing.20:31
theadmin!efi | metadept, please consult this.20:31
ubottumetadept, please consult this.: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI20:31
metadeptwell specifically, i installed ubuntu on a separate hard drive (24gb ssd) as a single partition without a swap partition, it seemed to work fine, but attempting to access some of the windows partitions gave me an error saying that windows hadn't shut down properly so they were locked20:33
rwwmetadept: Windows 8 doesn't shut down fully when you say shut down. See e.g. http://www.howtogeek.com/129021/how-to-do-a-full-shutdown-in-windows-8-without-disabling-hybrid-boot/20:33
metadeptthen when i booted into windows, it went into system restore and did a bunch of opaque operations, which broke the linux partition SOMEHOW such that it boots to recovery mode but not graphical20:33
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rww(no idea about the second part of your issue, i have no experience with windows 8 system restore)20:34
metadeptso part of my confusion stems from the fact that i have no idea what windows even did when it decided to "fix" things or why it would have any issue in the first place with something on a separate empty drive20:35
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danishmanWindows 8 fast boot, creates error in Linux. It's a known problem, and there are good work around20:35
metadeptdanishman, thanks, i'll see if disabling that solves the issue20:36
Darkenvywhere can I get help with scripts?20:37
DarkenvyNeed help with "AWK"20:37
glitsj16Darkenvy: i'd try #bash20:38
Darkenvyglitsj16, I downloaded the freenode list and found out that awk has its very own channel :O20:40
Darkenvyglitsj16, thanks man. I didnt think Freenode would have that :P20:40
glitsj16Darkenvy: good to know thx20:41
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jake_pyCould anyone help me with ruby gems and ubuntu?20:44
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devdvdhi all, I'm trying to encrypt a second drive on 12.04 lts but all i can find online is the full process for encrypting an os drive.  Can someone point me to a good doc on just encrypting a second drive20:49
Pessimistdevdvd, create a volume group on that drive then create volumes you want and encrypt it with cryptsetup20:55
vaiohey, what is the difference between a mainline and repo kernel?20:56
bekksvaio: The first does not contain the additional ubuntu patches of the latter.20:57
bekksvaio: The first one is build from the stock kernel.org sources.20:57
vaiooh ok20:57
vaioand the repo kernel, is shipped on the install medium/via updates?20:58
bekksvaio: Correct.20:58
vaiobekks: a guy on the launchpad error tracker asked me to submit a bug with the repository kernel booted20:58
vaioguess i'm clear then20:59
vaiothank you20:59
bekksvaio: you're welcome.21:00
jj_how do i open magnet links in transmission?21:02
Pessimistjj_, add torrent by url or something like that ?21:05
jj_Pessimist: yes21:05
devdvdPessimist: thank you21:06
jj_i use transmission as default torrent client, but theres no option to open magnet with it21:06
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Pessimistdevdvd, then you can open it with cryptOpen (you probably have found some kind of article/tutorial -- it's pretty straightforward)21:07
Pessimistjj_, there is add -> add url on my transmission 2.5121:08
brontosaurusrexjj_, drag and drop not working?21:09
jj_Pessimist: but i want like, when i click the magnet link, it opens automatically in transmission21:09
glitsj16jj_: you've got to set /usr/bin/transmission-gtk as your preferred magnet protocol client in your browser, so when clicking a magnet url it gets sent straight to transmission21:09
glitsj16jj_: what browser do you use?21:10
jj_it worked21:11
glitsj16jj_: ok, you can set it in firefox prefs > applications, search for magnet and assign transmission-gtk to it, you'll need to browse manually to /usr/bin21:11
jj_i had to go to this directory: /usr/bin/transmission-gtk21:11
jj_then it worked21:11
jj_but if i type transmission to search, it doesn't find anything21:11
glitsj16jj_: type transmission where?21:12
glitsj16in dash?21:12
jj_in that window that you choose the app to open21:12
glitsj16ah in firefox .. you need to look for torrent and assign the same /usr/bin/transmission-gtk to it i believe21:13
glitsj16jj_: you can only look for protocols/mime-types and assign apps, not the other way around21:14
jj_but, if i lookd for "transmission" shouldnt it return the transmission-gtk?21:14
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glitsj16jj_: i don't think so no, because transmission isn't a content type21:16
marcoshi, i have a server with 2x1tb. when i look at gparted it shows sda nd sdb identical partitions with each being 1tb raid . When i look at the file system under system monitor it shows /dev/md2 as home and /dev/root with bot being only 1tb. Am i missing something? shouldnt i be seeing 2tb?21:16
marcosmaybe i dont understaind raid21:17
curiousxaloha all, i got a Xonar 7.1 and a 7.1 headphone, but i can not configure my ubuntu 13.10 at 7.1 i only can configure it at 5.1 any one can help me with that please?  -.-21:19
TJ-marcos: RAID-1 == mirror I'd guess you actually have something like sda1 + sdb1 = md1 mounted at /, and sda2 + sdb2 = md2 mounted at /home21:20
marcosyes ur actually correct21:21
marcosbut shouldnt it shows as 2tb?21:21
MonkeyDustcuriousx  #better off in #ubuntustudio, i guess21:22
User338857585858Does anyone know if Ubuntu is secure?/21:23
marcosoh thanks TJ-  i got a link explaining raids21:23
marcosthank you again21:23
geirhajj_: How did you install transmission-gtk?21:24
PessimistUser338857585858, what do you mean?21:25
jj_it comes with ubuntu 13.1021:25
geirhajj_: Then it should've been available from the Dash, yes21:25
User338857585858I mean, the NSA seems to have owned just about everything... have the bough ubuntu as well???21:25
jj_it is geirha21:26
jj_but its doesn't show up in the window of adding app to open magnet in firefox21:26
apb1963Greetings & Happy New Year21:26
geirhajj_: Ah, maybe check if you have any transmission desktop files under ~/.local/share/applications21:27
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curiousxMonkeyDust, ty21:28
curiousxill try that channel its a good idea, maybe they can help me :)21:28
apb1963The operation was a success.  I have now completed the debootstrap process and  I'm running off my "new" disk.  I also have my old failing disk mounted as an external device.  I would like to restore all of my old applications, settings, data, etc.  What's the best way to go about doing that?21:29
glitsj16curiousx: have you tried http://www.webupd8.org/2009/06/enable-surround-sound-in-ubuntu-linux.html yet?21:29
Pessimistjj_, if you set it in preferences and when you click on the magnet link it won't show any windows in firefox, it will just open transmission and show you the window of adding a new torrent there21:29
geirhajj_: Oh, nevermind. I see the transmission-gtk package doesn't register itself as a magnet opener21:30
apb1963I'm sure there must be a log file that has a record of all the apt-get installs I've done for starters?  And perhaps another program that reads that file and can re-install those things - perhaps with interactive input so I can pick and choose what I want to reinstall?21:33
lhamil64Quick question about bluetooth. If I run "dmesg | grep Blue", it lists bluetooth devices, but when I go to the bluetooth preferences it says there aren't any devices found.21:34
apb1963Sort of a like a backup/restore in a way?21:34
bekksapb1963: /var/log/dpkg.log21:34
bekksapb1963: No sort of backup/restore, just a log.21:34
apb1963bekks:  good starting point ty21:34
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bjensen8_Where is the best place to start when figuring out why an ubuntu 12.04 lts server has crashed? I know the time. The syslogd tells me nothing: Here is a snippet: http://pastie.org/859218721:46
TJ-bjensen8_: kern.log, auth.log21:47
TJ-bjensen8_: if it lost power you won't see anything (unless its on a UPS)... if the kernel panicked then unlikely the log file was synced to disk21:48
bjensen8_bjensen: right. I asked the hosting center. they said they looked at their power usage graphs, no drops21:48
bjensen8_TJ-: I mean21:49
apb1963bjensen8_: The best place to start looking would be at the console, prior to rebooting the system21:49
TJ-bjensen8_: then search all the logs to reconstruct the time it failed and work backwards from that point in all the logs to see if anything stands out21:49
bjensen8_apb1963: Right Ive done that for syslog, nothing unusual is popping up. Only blocks by UFW21:50
TJ-bjensen8_: How long was it from last entry before crash, to the reboot? Could that indicate a physical intrusion?21:50
bjensen8_TJ-: 20 minuttes21:51
apb1963bjensen8_: Not syslog... not any log.  On the screen... prior to rebooting21:51
bjensen8_apb1963: Um..how can I check that now?21:51
apb1963bjensen8_: after taking a picture of that screen with a camera, then you can reboot and start looking at logs as TJ- is saying21:52
apb1963bjensen8_: You can't.  Now you know for next time it happens :)21:52
bjensen8_its a U1, no screen21:52
apb1963that could be a problem21:53
andyfiedthen ssh in and wait for it to break21:53
bjensen8_TJ-: Sorry I just checked again its 8 minuttes. Which I think is reasonable because it does a lot of temp calibration etc when starting from the bios21:53
andyfiednot that it helped me21:53
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apb1963I believe there's a way to redirect the console to a log file on a remote machine... I don't remember how to do it though.21:54
bekksandyfied: It will not help - in case of a kernel panic, your ssh connection dies, too.21:54
apb1963and to be honest... I don't know if it would help in the instance of a kernel panic21:55
bjensen8_The only thing in the kern.log within 30 min of the shutdown is UFW blocks. So perhaps a malformed package to make the server crash?21:55
bjensen8_package = packet21:55
andyfiedoh, didn't read up far enough for kernal panic, but i thought there was only two things you could find out from that anyway, sync or no sync to disk21:55
apb1963I remember reading about packets of death a long time ago, but it was a fairly rare situation21:55
TJ-bjensen8_: Do you have remote KVM to it? If so set up a logging monitor on it in case it happens again... could be a developing hardware fault21:57
cristian_cHello again21:58
cristian_cHow can I install jsattach?21:58
cristian_cAny ideas?21:59
apb1963bjensen8_:  TJ- had a good thought... do a memtest on it21:59
bjensen8_TJ-: I could order it yes21:59
cristian_cWhat package is it contained in?22:00
apb1963there isn't any kind of mamaboard test is there?22:00
bjensen8_apb1963: can I do memtest from within ubuntu?22:00
bekksbjensen8_: you can install memtest86+ and reboot into it.22:00
bekksbjensen8_: you would need a console.22:01
bjensen8_bekks: yeah I was hoping I could perform a test from within ssh22:01
apb1963not while it's running afaik .... you have to run it from a boot22:01
bjensen8_ok ill see if it happens again and then order a kvm at the hosting center22:04
bjensen8_I can use memtest if I have kvm, right?22:04
apb1963I also wanted to run memtest while the machine was up... but you have to figure that at best, it could only test memory not currently in use... otherwise it would have to keep rearranging memory allocations and I don't think that's even possible in ubuntu - specifying where in memory a program will run?  That would be something.22:05
apb1963I mean it could be done... I just don't think the kernel is designed that way - but then I'm just guessing.22:06
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samiralajaadsup yo22:20
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rhaguHi I think about installing a newer kernel on 12.04 via linux-generic-lts  but what does eol stand for?22:22
Pessimistrhagu, eol = end of life22:22
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:22
DevAndyHello Ubuntu IRC!22:24
rhaguah, so eol versions will not automatically switch to the next hwe stack after (for example) saucy has reached its end of life?22:24
DevAndyI'm trying to use PostFix to forward my emails to Gmail, but I'm getting this error: http://pastebin.com/zwD4gs6R22:24
bekksrhagu: No.22:24
MonkeyDustPessimist  now type /topic what releases are not yet eol22:26
MonkeyDustto see*22:26
samiralajaadwhat is the difference between ubuntu repos and debian repos?22:28
ActionParsnipsamiralajaad: one is for debian, one is for ubuntu22:29
ActionParsnipRhagu: you need to manually upgrade to Trusty from Saucy. Saucy will continue to work after it is EOL but you will get zero updates and zero community support22:30
ytrezqHello, I need a multithreaded version of grep for searching in a file which make 1TB. Does any one know a working version? thanks22:31
rhaguActionParsnip I see, but what is the difference between these two packages: linux-generic-lts-saucy-eol-upgrade linux-generic-lts-saucy ?22:32
ActionParsnip!info linux-generic-lts-saucy-eol-upgrade22:33
ubottuPackage linux-generic-lts-saucy-eol-upgrade does not exist in saucy22:33
ActionParsnipRhagu: where are you getting the package from?22:33
rhagusudo apt-cache search linux-generic-lts on ubuntu 12.0422:33
Pessimistlinux-generic-lts-saucy is a backport of saucy kernel to ubuntu 12.0422:34
ActionParsnipRhagu: that command doesnt need sudo?22:34
rwwActionParsnip: it's in precise and precise-updates22:34
ActionParsnipRhagu: it doesnt. Stupid keyboard22:34
ActionParsnipRww: i see22:34
rhaguIt is the other one with eol in it, which I do not know what it is good for22:35
bekksrhagu: For updating from already EOL versions.22:36
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ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:42
shahan123123hello, what do people call the "try Ubuntu" session when you boot from an install USB?22:43
shahan123123do they call that the liveUSB?22:43
bekksshahan123123: Yeah.22:43
rhagubekks so (running with the quantal kernel) instead of installing the next version via linux-generic-lts-raring I would just do linux-generic-lts-quantal-eol-upgrade?22:43
bekksrhagu: Only when your Ubuntu release is EOL.22:44
rhaguwhat does it do if it isnt?22:44
shahan123123i see, i got a "could not write bytes:  broken pipe" error at boot, and am now using Ubuntu 12.04 liveUSB22:45
jhutchinsshahan123123: Does it matter?  Does it work for you?22:45
bekksrhagu: I cant tell, I am running supported releases only.22:45
ActionParsnipshahan123123: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?22:46
rhagubekks I am not sure whether I understand your answers correctly, but you know, that "linux-generic-lts-saucy-eol-upgrade" is a package that can be found via apt-cache search on a ubuntu 12.04.0 install?22:47
shahan123123jhutchins: ActionParsnip, i had a working install of 12.04 going for a while on my laptop, it was the only OS on there and recently i got the broken pipe error it won't boot at all and running form the liveUSB kinf of sucks it is a 32GB usb and wireless won't work22:48
shreezbotI think I have a corrupt ext4 partition, but when I attempt to run fsck.ext4 on it, it tells me that it isn't a valid ext2 partition...22:51
TJ-shahan123123: Will the machine boot to the Recovery session (Hold down shift as the machine starts to boot to get the GRUB boot-loader menu, then navigate the grub menu to locate the "Recovery ..." option22:51
shreezbotIs there another way that I'm not aware of to fix ext4 partitions in Ubuntu?22:51
Guido1Hello, I have a question about virtual systems and real systems. Does one of the options has an advantage considdering the space on the harddrive?22:51
bekksGuido1: No.22:54
BeldarGuido1, The advantage of virtual is running more that one os at a time not the space.22:54
shahan123123TJ-: yeah i've been to the recovery and can use a TTY for some stuff, but "fix broken packages" didn't help, what can i do in recovery mode?  failsafe graphics mode does nothing it just blinks22:54
bekksrhagu: If you are running an EOL version of Ubuntu, you should use the -eol-upgrade kernel package - if your release is still support, you dont have to use it.22:55
Guido1Beldar, bekks: Okee, I already thought that. thanks22:55
rhagubekks I see, thanks22:55
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TJ-shahan123123: It can be caused by a couple of issues. The first is mistmatches with the video card drivers (especially nvidia), the other is a user profile file created by the X display server that simply needs deleting ( "rm /home/$USER/.Xauthority" - replace $USER with your username)22:56
Guido1I also have another question. I'm using seamnkey and firefox on xubuntu. some websits ask if it is allowed to get information about the location. if i say "yes" it doesn't work. if i use the same browsers on windows xp it works. so i assume that it has to do with xubuntu.22:57
shahan123123TJ-:  hmm I saw that on a thread/Askubuntu thing before and i know my laptop doesn't have nvidia22:58
shahan123123TJ-: I sudo rm .Xauthority in home directory and it didn't fix it... :(  thanks for the help though22:58
TJ-shahan123123: Create a new clean user profile and try logging into that; if it works, you know the cause is something specific to the main user profile ("sudo adduser test")23:00
shahan123123TJ-:  oh i disabled the 'ask for password' at login and I get the error ....  hmm is there a way to enable the ask for password from the tty?  or root shell prompt?23:02
ehndeanyone got the ati drivers working in 13.10 with dual monitors?23:02
shahan123123TJ-:  i mean like since, I set it up to auto login and bypass the user and guest screen password prompt screen, the error shows up automatically right?23:04
shahan123123TJ-: since it goes straight to my user account23:04
Guido1I also have another question. I'm using seamnkey and firefox on xubuntu. some websits ask if it is allowed to get information about the location. if i say "yes" it doesn't work. if i use the same browsers on windows xp it works. so i assume that it has to do with xubuntu.23:04
TJ-shahan123123: Check the "/etc/gdm/custom.conf" file, "AutomaticLoginEnable=False" will do it I think23:05
p3rroris there any application to watch TV for linux23:07
shreezbotAnyone got any idea why I'd be getting this message when I attempt to do an ls of a directory "ls: cannot access workarea: Input/output error"???23:07
p3rrorI dont have TV card23:07
shahan123123TJ-:  hmm i seem to not have a 'gdm' folder in etc...  what does that mean? lol   in root directory right?23:08
TJ-shahan123123: Hmmm, I thought 12.04 had GDM as its display manager... maybe it had moved on to lightdm ... long time since I used it with GUI23:09
TJ-shahan123123: OK, it is lightdm23:10
shahan123123TJ-:  oh ok so "/etc/lightdm/user.conf"?23:11
pvl1hey all. certain x apps look really miscoloured. i have a feeling it is my nvidia module23:11
shahan123123TJ-:  oh what there is lightdm and users.conf23:12
TJ-shahan123123: remove "autologin-user" entries from "/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf" "[SeatDefaults]" section23:13
shahan123123TJ-:  cool that makes sense, this is one of the 5 lines left is it okay?: "autologin-session=lightdm-autologin" ?23:16
jhutchinspvl1: laptop or external monitor?23:16
TJ-shahan123123: I'm not entirely sure... the version I have here seems quite different from what is in 12.0423:18
ZoltaNmanHi guys! Does any of you guys know how to get libudev-dev working on ubuntu 12.04?23:19
jhutchinsZoltaNman: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  Specifically what happened instead?23:20
ZoltaNmanThe error I get is /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.1: no version information available. I have installed libudev-dev, libc6, multiarch-support and ia31-libs23:21
shahan123123TJ-: okay i'll try that23:22
ehndeanyone got the ati drivers working in 13.10 with dual monitors?23:22
shahan123123TJ-: i dropped to root in this liveUSB session and adduser'd test23:22
TJ-shahan123123: If you're in a liveCD session you are editing only the live session, not the installed OS on the hard disk23:24
quas<ehnde> usage hdmi and vga will be good23:24
pvl1jhutchins: external monitor. television actually23:24
ehndequas: i don't have vga, only hdmi and DVI23:25
jhutchinspvl1: Did it suddenly change?23:25
TJ-shahan123123: You need to boot from the installed 12.04, hold down Shift as soon as the BIOS hands over to the GRUB boot-loader, and from the GRUB boot menu, navigate the sub-menu to the "Recovery..." option... that'll boot to a single-user non-GUI session where you can make the changes23:25
pvl1jhutchins: after a kernel upgrade, and i reinstalled nvidia module. perhaps i should justtry to reinstlal module again. is glamoregl neccessary?23:25
jhutchinspvl1: Check your cable.23:26
pvl1jhutchins: but everything else works fine... just vlc is blue23:26
shahan123123TJ-: oh i seem to have made the changes from a "sudo -i" in this liveUSB session... but i'll check again when i reboot into recovery, thank you.23:26
jhutchinsZoltaNman: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  Specifically what happened instead?23:26
Bashing-omcian1500ww: /win 323:28
ZoltaNmanjhutchins: I am trying to run cgminer. The error I get is /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.1: no version information available. I have installed libudev-dev, libc6, multiarch-support and ia31-libs.23:29
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler
danydanywww.mafia2lug.com super mafia game! come and you23:33
rwwdanydany: no advertising, please23:33
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=== vasya is now known as quas
jhutchinsZoltaNman: I presume that's a bitcoin thing?  It looks like some component of it is unable to determine the version of libudev - why it needs that who knows.  Sounds like poor coding/packaging.  Try a different miner?  Get support from the project?23:41
ubottubobborna: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:42
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=== alex12 is now known as alex12-ask
=== alex12-ask is now known as alex12-afk
=== Thorium220 is now known as Thor|Away
idueppehi, I'm frustated - does anybody managed to install ubuntu 12.04 on raid > lvm > luks via debootstraping? Why does it only works via guided installation?23:50
idueppedoes grub-install uses /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab?23:56

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