
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohi
=== SuperMat1 is now known as SuperMatt
TheLordOfTimejcastro, erm, I think you jumped the gun20:05
jcastroI said the MIR was filed, everyone else is jumping more, I need to be more explicit20:06
jcastroI am adding it now20:06
jcastroTheLordOfTime, I think half of the people I work with want to hug you immensely.20:07
TheLordOfTimejcastro, sorry, but the hugs are reserved for my best friends, the girlfriend, and family members.20:07
TheLordOfTimeI do accept coffee though :p20:07
jcastromail me your mailing address, I'll send you a Juju shirt20:07
TheLordOfTimei shall20:08
TheLordOfTimejcastro, but you're right, i read the post, but i suggest revising it20:08
TheLordOfTime"Right before the holidays Robie Basak filed a Main Inclusion Report for nginx in Ubuntu. What does this mean? This means that nginx will sit alongside Apache in 14.04 with full security updates over the life of the release."20:08
jcastroI wasn't expecting Ars to run with it20:09
TheLordOfTimes/will sit/may sit/20:09
jcastronormally people ignore my blog20:09
TheLordOfTimes/release./release, if the Main Inclusion Report is approved./20:09
jcastroI was doing:L20:09
jcastroUPDATE: Note that the MIR has been filed, technically it is not in main yet, and it must go through that process, but we're confident ....20:09
TheLordOfTimejcastro, yeah, this is kinda huge news for Ubuntu, a lot've people'll be happy20:09
jcastroand then finishing the sentence20:09
TheLordOfTimejcastro, there's gonna be *some* annoyance, though, the Lua module has to be dropped20:09
jcastroI know of two people who use that.20:10
TheLordOfTimejcastro, and the discussed response is Status:"Won'tFix", and point at the ppas20:10
TheLordOfTimebecause the PPAs remain debian-pure20:10
TheLordOfTime'course i'm behind on updating, but hey, it's the new years :p20:10
TheLordOfTime... i'm out of coffee again20:11
TheLordOfTimejcastro, i assume the shirts come in multiple sizes and you need the size? :P20:11
jcastrotheir european sized though, so they run small20:11
TheLordOfTimejcastro, yeah, i'm US mens extra large, so IDK the equivalent20:12
TheLordOfTimei'll look that up20:12
TheLordOfTimejcastro, i'm replying to the arstechnica article, making the points that the MIR isn't approved yet, and therefore the article is premature, unless you want to handle that.20:19
TheLordOfTime(on "readers comments")20:19
jcastrolet me update my blog first20:20
jcastrosorry, wrestling with this CDN invalidation20:20
TheLordOfTimejcastro, no problem, give the +1 on the blog update and I'll quote it.20:20
jcastro"UPDATE: Note that the MIR has been filed, technically it is not in main yet, and it must go through that process, but we’re confident that there won’t be major issues in time for 14.04."20:22
jcastrois what I added20:22
TheLordOfTimejcastro, i'm still pointing out that the article as is is premature.20:26
TheLordOfTimeI'm going to post as a reader comment, but do you want me to email the author and CC you?20:26
jcastroI should have been more explicit20:27
jcastro"filing a MIR" only makes sense to us20:27
jcastroyou can try an email but I haven't had much luck with Ars responding to us since Ryan Paul left20:27
* TheLordOfTime shrugs20:27
jcastroI wasn't expecting them to write something20:28
jcastroI mean heck, I don't even own a Mac!20:28
jcastroTheLordOfTime, alternatively you can just sit back and bask in the glory of awesomeness20:30
TheLordOfTimejcastro, i already am smiling20:30
TheLordOfTimehowever I pride myself on being precise and accurate.20:30
jcastroit's blowing up on twitter too20:30
TheLordOfTimeand i hate it when things are announced prematurely20:30
TheLordOfTimeultimately i'll just leave it be then..20:30
jcastroyeah in hindsight I should have pinged you20:30
TheLordOfTime.it's already spread across 95% of the internet if it's on twitter20:31
TheLordOfTimejcastro, i would've missed it until I pinged you here20:31
* TheLordOfTime hadn't been online yet20:31
TheLordOfTime(an Ask Ubuntu ping would've reached me though)20:31
TheLordOfTimei'll just leave it be20:31
TheLordOfTimeand bask in glory xD20:31
jcastroit's my first day back to work so I got excited this morning20:31
jcastroit's like man, what a way to start the new year20:31
jcastroBLAM. nginx.20:31
TheLordOfTimejcastro, heheheh20:32
jcastrooh cool, I still have an ars account20:33
jcastroI can comment20:33
TheLordOfTimei'll +1 your comment :P20:36
TheLordOfTimejcastro, still, this is a good step forwards, I know a lot of people wanted nginx to exist on the server images, if the MIR's approved then it could be included.20:41
TheLordOfTimestill, thanks for accrediting me with the progress, it wasn't only me, but I've at least gotten a mention :)20:42
TheLordOfTimejcastro, where on twitter's this showing up?  Or did you initially tweet it?20:42
jcastroI have a search for "ubuntu" in a tweet deck column20:48
jcastroso I just see everything20:48
jcastrothough I think it's mostly bots of the ars story20:48
TheLordOfTimeprobably.  It's blowing up on an `nginx ubuntu` search so far.20:49
TheLordOfTime'course i found the author on twitter, now there's a back-and-forth about the prematurity of the article xD20:51
jcastroI think it'll be fine20:54
TheLordOfTimeyeah, probably.  I have a thing about being accurate though, so meh.20:55
jcastroyeah I added a comment too20:56
TheLordOfTimeBTW you can join in on the tweeting, my twitter's @teward00120:56
jcastroSo like, I need you to be careful when like crossing streets and stuff20:56
TheLordOfTimeThe mention on discourse is what dragged me to your blog, but yeah, this is awesome news, getting nginx in the process of being reviewed for main inclusion :)20:57
TheLordOfTimei had a hand in it, rbasak actually filed the MIR though :)20:57
TheLordOfTime(he deserves a +1 even if behind the scenes)20:57
jcastroIt was on his plate but it wasn't prioritized as much20:58
jcastroit was another coworker of mine who had a buddy who used nginx who reminded me20:58
jcastroall I did was poke the right guy in IRC before the holiday break20:58
jcastroand I was like, man, if you think about it, by the time it's January we're getting to the home stretch, get that MIR in soon!20:59
TheLordOfTimealso your link is i think broken.20:59
jcastroextra 0!20:59
jcastroon it21:00
TheLordOfTimeI commented on the blog post accordingly replying to the note of the typ21:00
TheLordOfTimebut yeah, go edit that thing.21:00
bkerensajcastro: so sad Rackspace is using Puppet for their new "Deployments" instead of Juju which would be much easier22:27
=== AlanBell_ is now known as AlanBell

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