
rick_h_greg-g: you suck, much better woodworking weather00:33
rick_h_I've got the garage up to 58, poor DTE is going to send me an another angry letter on how I use so much more electricity than my neighbors00:39
gamerchick02DTE does that?00:41
rick_h_gamerchick02: we recently got internet enabled meters and they send out emails comparing your use to others in your neighborhood and rate you and such00:42
rick_h_let's just say I'm above average00:42
cmaloneyI haven't received one of those.00:42
greg-gPGE out here does that00:42
gamerchick02ugh that's horrible00:45
gamerchick02do i get a discount because i don't use as much power?00:45
gamerchick02the answer is "no"00:45
rick_h_heh, but people pay for the same stuff with a nest and their 'how many leaves you saved' :)00:45
rick_h_it gamifies it00:46
rick_h_and I do need to get some insuation stuff taken care of one of these days. I know I have some leaky stuff.00:46
rick_h_but I work from home, heat my garage, so I'm not quiet your average home owner anyway, so meh00:46
gamerchick02i'm an apartment dweller and i'm worried about the privacy and the overreaching government influence on that sort of stuff00:47
rick_h_meh, they can come look if I"m running grow lamps in the house00:47
rick_h_If they want to bust my wife for her aero garden oh well00:47
rick_h_I'll get the whole bed to myself for a bit :)00:47
gamerchick02"you're using too much power so we're going to *encourage* you to use less by shutting it off for a few hours in the dead heat of summer. on a weekend. when it's 105F"00:47
cmaloneyYeah, those Aero gardens are real triggers for the DEA.00:48
rick_h_meh, I believe in my right to write bigger checks00:48
gamerchick02what is an Aero garden?00:48
gamerchick02that's very true.00:48
gamerchick02(note we have a traditional garden at my mom's house)00:48
rick_h_it's the only way my wife can grow plants00:48
gamerchick02OH! i could do that in my apartment!00:48
rick_h_gamerchick02: yea, my wife loves it. Gets to toss some minced herbs into dishes on the fly00:49
gamerchick02eee that's an expensive startup cost00:49
gamerchick02that sounds cool though00:49
rick_h_yea, why it took a while to get it00:49
rick_h_I tried to get her to grow them outside and made her a spot and everything00:49
cmaloneyIt's not cheap. It's kind of like K-cups for Herbs.00:49
rick_h_after I had to weed it out 20x I figured I'd just spend the $$00:50
gamerchick02that's really neat. i might look into it more00:50
gamerchick02i HATE weeding00:50
rick_h_yea, she likes her herbs, but doesn't really get the whole 'yard work' thing00:50
gamerchick02redwood trees? the company is being silly00:51
gamerchick02i HATE yard work.00:51
gamerchick02i go home and help my mom and brother out but i don't want my own to do.00:51
gamerchick02people are work are like "why don't you buy a house?" and i'm like "no. it involves yard work. heck no, i'm gone too much."00:52
gamerchick02and i am.00:52
gamerchick02i was gone for a week and a half for the holidays, and i go home at least two weekends a month for family and Nile stuff.00:52
cmaloneyHonestly the only thing I really detest is shoveling snow00:57
cmaloneyand it's not that it's particularly difficult or challenging00:57
cmaloneybut rather that it's just one more God Damn thing that needs to be done regardless of how I feel about it. :)00:58
gamerchick02i don't mind that (i help my brother) but the yard. oh man the yard. also there's just me, so unless i snag a husband real quick to help with the yard/house/driveway duties, then i won't have time for anything else.00:59
cmaloneyI would submit that getting married just to avoid yardwork is not the best plan00:59
cmaloneythat's what adopting full-grown orphans is for.01:00
gamerchick02no, i'd marry for love but i'd be looking for more things... good health insurance and the love of yardwork are nice additions.01:00
cmaloney"Must have lawn tractor. Please provide photo of tractor"01:01
gamerchick02i don'01:01
gamerchick02i don't have a house right now so there's no need for a lawn tractor. yet.01:01
gamerchick02we'll see what this year brings. i've applied to the open direct position in my department but i've not heard anything from Chrysler (now apparently Fiat) since I applied.01:02
gamerchick02the "we've gotten your application, thanks for your time" email yeah01:02
cmaloneyDon't worry about Fiat. I'm sure they'll be hurting for folks in a bit01:02
cmaloneyI foresee a mass exodus01:03
gamerchick02hah. i don't. i hope not. the company seems to be doing relatively well01:04
gamerchick02ok switching to laptop for the Vienna concert01:05
gamerchick02see everyone later!01:05
cmaloneyHave fun!01:05
cmaloneywb DrDaemonEye02:11
DrDaemonEyethanks cmaloney :)02:11
cmaloneyJoDee put together "Big Ben" Legos.02:28
cmaloneyI think this is going to be the year of Lego. I got her something that I think she'll really like for her birthday.02:29
cmaloneyNot going to post it here just in case she checks logs. :)02:29
cmaloneyLet's just say it's one of those kits that I think she'll really really like03:31
jrwren_more snow!13:10
jrwren_good morning13:10
brouschUg with the snow and frickin cold13:13
rick_h_yea, the cold is a bit much. It can show in the low 30s or upper 20s. My temp gauge says 6 outside right now.13:14
brouschHow's Portland today?13:16
rick_h_brousch: 37°F13:23
rick_h_FEELS LIKE 37°13:23
rick_h_high today of 49, showers tonight13:23
rick_h_jcastro: hey, how was the trip?13:23
jcastroawesome dude13:24
rick_h_you've got to be on cloud 9 today :)13:24
jcastrowe do start work today right?13:24
rick_h_jcastro: rgr13:24
jcastrohah, was hoping for 2 more days13:24
rick_h_jcastro: heh, you and me both, but MLK day is coming13:24
rick_h_so yay for 3 day weekends :)13:24
jcastrowhen is that?13:25
cmaloneyjcastro: wb. :)14:18
jcastrowb to you too!14:23
cmaloneyI've been here all along. :)14:26
rick_h_remdiner CHC tonight14:27
cmaloneyPlanning onit.14:27
wafi'll be there!14:49
brouschI just realized I never moved my podcasts to a new Android listener after Google Listen died. What are you guys using?15:00
rick_h_sync ftw!15:00
rick_h_UI takes a little getting used to, but love that I can do audible-like whisper sync across tablet, phone, etc15:01
brouschSync would be useful15:02
brouschI use my N7 90% of the time at home15:02
rick_h_yea, but I like to use my tablet in the house, but then when I go into the car, I can pick up where I left off on the phone over BT15:03
rick_h_these days I don't use it a ton, but really cool if you do a bunch of podcasts15:03
brouschYeah, that's what I mean by sync would be useful15:04
brouschwow $415:05
brouschWhy is it a $4 app feels like a $400 piece of PC software?15:05
brouschI mean I hesitate to pay $4 for an app on the same level as a $400 piece of desktop software15:07
cmaloneyI'd love to know how you spent $400 on a podcatching application.15:13
cmaloneyand if you would send the difference to a certain CC-metal podcast. :)15:13
wafi use beyondpod on my tablet/phone15:14
cmaloneyI've used both, but prefer pocketcasts15:15
wafit will synchronize read/unread items, but not the location within a podcast.15:15
cmaloneybut I only use one device for my podcasts15:15
brouschcmaloney: I mean when I see an app for $4, in my mind it is like seeing desktop software for $400. I feel like the price is outrageous and I will not pay it15:15
cmaloneyI usually use the Squeezebox, but the 5by5.tv stuff drops off after ~30minutes.15:16
brouschMy immediate reaction15:16
cmaloneybrousch: I have some helpful advice15:16
cmaloneybrousch: GET OVER IT.15:16
cmaloneybrousch: That'll be $396.15:16
brouschI do, but my immediate reaction is the same15:16
brouschYes, I do get over it15:17
cmaloneyI've paid more for shitty Palm OS software than $415:17
rick_h_waf: yea, upgrade to pocketcasts. the position in a podcast is cool15:17
rick_h_especially if you've ever got a drive or such15:17
rick_h_brousch: I have a smaller but similiar reaction15:17
rick_h_but then I stop and think about it and my $5 starbucks coffee and just get over it15:18
rick_h_but I've got a defective gene that lets me find excuses to say 'yes' to things15:18
cmaloneyI finnd $10 is expensive for Android software15:19
wafhm, pocketcasts looks nice from a UI perspective15:19
wafthat might be enough for me to switch.15:19
rick_h_cmaloney: it's all in how much I use it15:19
cmaloneyrick_h_: Yeah, that's a factor15:19
brouschoooh, variable speed playback15:19
rick_h_cmaloney: I mean, I'd happily pay $10 or greater for things on my main screen15:20
cmaloneyI'm now to the point where $14.99 for a PC game is near my upper level15:20
brouschNow all of my CC music podcasts can sound like openmetalcast15:20
rick_h_cmaloney: especially because 90% of the time it's a one time cost15:20
cmaloneyrick_h_: Yep15:20
rick_h_if I had to pay for every upgrade I might feel different15:20
greg-gI love/d bzr17:05
greg-gsuch a better ui17:05
jrwren_it was until it wasn't, and then it really wasn't.17:06
jrwren_detacthed heads were a BITCH17:06
jrwren_corruption was a bitch.17:06
rick_h_ugh, except the only way to use it effectively is to start looking at how to use lightweight checkouts, shared this/that, relocated working trees, etc17:06
rick_h_and don't get me started on the colo plugin vs real built in colo17:07
greg-gwell, I guess I never got deep into it17:08
greg-gI just used it for my dotfiles dir17:08
greg-gwell, use17:08
greg-gmight have to switch ;)17:08
jrwren_then again, it is easy to forget just how bad git's UI was back then too. git has come a long way17:08
greg-ggit sucked... I can't say if it's better or if I finally just started using it and learning it17:09
rick_h_and while git has a learning curve, so does vim, cli, etc.17:09
rick_h_all the best tools do, until you hit the 'aha' moment17:09
rick_h_and then they still kick you in the nuts once in a while17:09
rick_h_bzr did too much copying svn to make it easy to move at first imo17:09
rick_h_but that emacs thread is true. On more than the bzr levels17:10
greg-gyeah, just read it17:17
greg-gcmaloney: I have no idea how to do podcasts in LMS17:23
greg-gie: how to add them, then listen to them from the touch17:23
greg-gcmaloney: 1) a forum post suggested adding a feed as a Favorite. Tried, won't let me actually play the episodes.17:43
greg-gcmaloney: 2) I have to add podcast urls via the mysqueezebox.com service?17:43
greg-gcmaloney: 3) the mysqueezebox server doesn't understand urls like http://www.bulletproofexec.com/category/podcasts/feed/  (it won't save it, but it'll save urls that have an explicit filename.extension)17:44
rick_h_greg-g: yea, I hated using that thing17:44
greg-gjcastro: !17:44
rick_h_why I went with tablet/etc for that17:44
greg-gjcastro: https://secure.flickr.com/photos/grggrssmr/tags/hairday201317:45
jcastronow we gotta get that face taken care of17:47
rick_h_wow, amazon go boom17:49
rick_h_trying to place and order it and went dead17:49
rick_h_We're sorry. We're temporarily unable to display all your orders below. Rest assured, we're working on the problem and expect to resolve it shortly. If you don't see the order you're looking for, please wait a few minutes, then visit this page again.17:50
jcastrodid you guys read the xmas amazon stuff?17:50
rick_h_jcastro: no17:50
jcastroapparently UPS _ran out of capacity_17:50
rick_h_jcastro: well I saw the shipping woes17:50
jcastroso they missed a bunch of xmas deadlines for delivery17:50
jcastroit's like, how does UPS run out of capacity17:51
rick_h_we're too spoiled as a society to be placing amz orders 2 days before christmas and execting htem to show17:52
rick_h_I had non-holiday stuff delivered on christmas eve and felt bad17:52
rick_h_nothing that could not have waited until post-holiday17:52
greg-gtoo much consumerism17:56
jcastrorick_h_, I xmas shop on black friday17:57
cmaloneygreg-g: Here's how I do podcasts:18:07
cmaloney1) Create a podcasts.opml file in my /mnt/music directory18:07
cmaloney2) add podcasts to that .opml file18:07
cmaloney3) Import that OPML file using the import button (iirc)18:09
greg-gimport button where?18:09
cmaloneyunder favorites18:09
cmaloneyAh. skip 318:10
DrDaemonEyerick_h_: I had ordered something overnight a couple weeks before xmas and I got an email from them a few hours later saying they were unable to do overnight and refunded the costs18:10
cmaloneyHere's what I did18:10
cmaloney"New Favorite"18:10
cmaloney"Name": "Podcasts18:10
cmaloneyURL: file:///mnt/music/podcasts.opml18:10
greg-gadding the rss as a Favorite doesn't work18:10
greg-gI'll try it, but I don't believe it ;)18:10
cmaloneyTrust me18:10
greg-gI added an rss as a favorite, and it shows the list of episodes, but won't play them18:11
cmaloneyYeah, you'll need to use the OPML file18:11
cmaloneyI think the podcasts plugin they use is essentially just reading the OPML file and displaying the results18:11
cmaloneyIt's pretty weak-sauce.18:11
greg-gsee list of episodes, won't play them18:13
cmaloneyAre you using the podcasts plugin?18:14
greg-gfrom the LMS webview I get sent to this url when clicking an episode:
greg-gthat was via favorites18:14
cmaloneyTurn the podcasts plugin off18:14
cmaloneyand restart the server18:14
greg-ghow does one restart LMS without restarting the machine?18:17
greg-gfuck it, I'll use git-annex to manage the podcasts18:19
cmaloneyThough I can't blame you. I've not been terribly thrilled with the podcast support18:22
cmaloneygreg-g: Which version of LMS are you using?18:22
greg-gseems like an easy thihng18:22
greg-gLogitech Media Server Version: 7.7.2 - r33893 @ Wed Mar 14 06:37:22 MDT 201218:23
cmaloneyI think that's part of the problem.18:23
greg-git's what the NAS supplies18:23
cmaloneyWhich NAS?18:24
cmaloneyBah, one sec18:25
greg-gyeah, that "SSODS4" shit is no longer a part of Synology's filestructure18:26
cmaloneyhttp://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/Logitech_Media_Server#Installing_to_a_NAS_Device ?18:27
greg-gnot listed18:28
greg-gbecause LMS is included/packaged by Synology18:28
greg-gwhy would someone diy18:28
cmaloneyWell, another option would be to use mysqueezebox to manage your podcasts18:28
cmaloneyI've done that in the past18:28
cmaloneybut essentially it's just a list of shows18:29
greg-gright, so mysqueezebox won't add http://www.bulletproofexec.com/category/podcasts/feed/18:29
greg-git gives me no feedback other than a big "fuck you for using unmaintained software"18:29
greg-gat least, that's what I think it is saying18:29
cmaloneyNo, it's giving you something different.18:30
cmaloneyHang on18:30
cmaloneyThere's no enclosures in this feed18:30
greg-gfucking itunes podcasts18:31
jrwren_what ever happened to that app with the lemon as the icon?18:34
cmaloneySo that would explain why you were getting just a list of episodes but no content18:35
jrwren_that is it.18:35
jrwren_is it anygood?18:35
cmaloneygpodder was the one with the fuck-if-i-know icon18:35
cmaloneyHaven't used it in a long time18:36
cmaloneyI moved to Miro until they did their big interface redesign18:36
cmaloneyAfter that I just use youtube for video podcasts and pocketcasts / squeezebox for audio podcasts.18:36
jrwren_rick_h_: did you see this? http://blog.sheetjs.com/post/71326534924/running-your-js-code-in-python18:48
cmaloneyI am amazed.18:50
rick_h_jrwren_: cool, that might be useful if you could use pre-compiled JS temlates in a server side python application18:51
rick_h_wonder how sucky performance is18:51
brouschSounds similar to pyjnius, which lets you run Java code in Python18:51
brouschThat's how we get access to the Android API in Kivy18:52
jrwren_http://www.jorgecastro.org/2014/01/02/nginx-coming-to-main-in-14-dot-04/  great start, now you just need uwsgi, and ubuntu server will actually be worth using19:15
rick_h_pip install uwsgi19:20
jrwren_apt-get install nginx always worked too.19:20
jrwren_the point is, 'support'19:20
rick_h_yea, true19:20
jrwren_its not something I care about at all19:20
rick_h_but support for uwsgi? You think nginx is hard to get support for :/19:20
jrwren_but ones who care about it for nginx will care about it for uwsgi19:20
jrwren_uwsgi is easy to get support for. just call unbit :)19:21
brouschWhat is this "support" you speak of?19:21
jrwren_do you speak italian? BONUS!19:21
rick_h_jrwren_: I think rick-an-ese19:21
jrwren_surely someone speaks russian for hte nginx support :)19:21
jcastrojrwren_, no one's ever whined for uwsgi to me before19:22
jcastrosqueaky wheel and all that19:23
jrwren_i'm surprised someone whined for nginx19:24
jrwren_i mean, nginx has been there and worked well for YEARS19:24
jrwren_wtf is wrong with universe?19:24
jcastropeople have been whining for nginx for a long time19:24
jcastrosecurity fixes, etc.19:24
rick_h_jrwren_: we can't use it internally if it's not in main for security19:24
rick_h_jrwren_: so lots of whining internally19:25
jrwren_rick_h_: weaksauce!19:25
jrwren_wow, internally, that sounds like a BITCH19:25
jrwren_so no uwsgi internally?19:25
jrwren_or... no uwsgi from universe, but a pip install into a venv, is fine?19:25
jrwren_sounds like #politics19:25
rick_h_sounds like #ops19:26
jcastrojrwren_, you can't tell people like NTT and Deutsche Telekom "Use this PPA from this guy!"19:26
rick_h_no, I don't think we run uwsgi19:26
jcastrothough, it is actually the same guy and the package19:26
jcastroit's just the commitment to ensure it for 5 years19:26
cmaloneyI'm pleased as punch for nginx support19:33
jrwren_jcastro: yeah, i understand.19:42
jrwren_i'm surprised NTT and DT are asking for nginx and not uwsgi.19:43
jrwren_or lua19:43
jcastroI have stopped trying to guess what people want19:44
jrwren_i should too19:44
jcastroI'll check out uwsgi for you though19:44
jrwren_i think psycologists call this projection.19:45
jrwren_i project what I want, and I assume others want it too :)19:45
jcastroIs it popular among non-hosting companies too?19:45
jcastrothis seems to be more stackish.19:45
jcastrowhere as a web server everyone needs19:45
jrwren_IMO, it is popular anywhere mod_wsgi becomes a bottleneck.19:46
jrwren_but that is python specific.19:46
jrwren_i don't really know outside of that19:46
jcastroactually, other than nginx during conferences I always ask people what they want out of ubuntu server19:47
jcastroand I never get any good ideas19:47
jcastropeople are generally happy with it19:47
brouschIt is a beautiful thing19:47
jcastroit is frustrating though; something like 50 people at my OSCON talk and not a single complaint other than nginx19:47
jcastroit's like, what am I supposed to tell people to work on? lol19:48
brouschWork on public image, I guess? Make you work on upstream stuff more apparent19:49
brouschFor the people who say Ubuntu doesn't contribute upstream19:49
jrwren_jcastro: me too!19:50
jrwren_i'm very happy with it19:50
jrwren_but we don't use it restricted.19:50
jrwren_we use universe packages19:50
jrwren_we use PPA19:50
brouschThen publish statistics like "Ubuntu fixed 10,000 bugs and sent them upstream this year"19:51
jrwren_logstash is baller, how about it by default.19:52
jcastrologstash is badass19:52
jrwren_but its JVM and JVM sucks, so rewrite logstash without JVM :)19:52
jcastrowe have a full charm for that badboy now19:52
jcastrobrousch, ~7 thousandish is closer19:53
cmaloneyjcastro: Here's what I want out of Ubuntu Server.20:14
cmaloneyI want the ability for it to schedule us a time to jam over at your place. :)20:14
jcastroWe can't have a Rush song on boot20:14
jcastroI already asked20:14
cmaloneyThis is what I want. Make it so. :)20:15
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