=== jono is now known as Guest94995 [03:19] what are were you saying apachelogger? [07:32] ooo, I missed this earlier: http://dot.kde.org/2013/10/02/ezgo-free-and-open-source-software-taiwans-schools [07:32] they are now using kubuntu as the base for ezgo [07:33] ;] [09:12] valorie: more to the point, everyone needs tableties [09:13] * valorie is waiting for a vivaldi [09:13] fortunatly not holding my breath on that [09:15] :S [09:15] something needs to happen [09:15] they are not the first to mention that requirement coming up, nor will they be the last [09:16] not being able to offer anything seems rather bad to me [09:16] someone in #kde was asking for a PPA for plasma active tonight [09:16] * valorie stayed silent [09:16] well, they started with their lil open raspi [09:16] maybe they'll have success in the end [09:17] who knows [09:23] * valorie drags to bed; contractor coming tomorrow morning too... or rather THIS morning [09:24] do you have some problems with upgrades (trusty) as some ktp package breakes it ? [09:34] no [09:39] bug 1243822 [09:39] bug 1243822 in plasma-nm (Ubuntu Saucy) "[SRU] Update plasma-nm, libnm-qt, and libmm-qt" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1243822 [09:40] what to do with it? [09:40] and why does it not have a card? [09:40] apachelogger: http://pastebin.com/DU8R76hQ [09:40] wut [09:41] apt-cache show kde-telepathy-declarative [09:41] and http://pastebin.com/SJ3APcu5 [09:42] shadeslayer: ^ [09:42] apachelogger: http://pastebin.com/2Xxn99Tj [09:42] soee: file a bug about your second paste please [09:42] that's the culprint [09:43] apachelogger: kubunut or ktp bug ? [09:45] kubuntu [09:58] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=329553 [09:58] KDE bug 329553 in general "Dependency problem with kde-telepathy-declarative" [Normal,Unconfirmed] [09:59] (kubuntu bugs are filed via ubuntu-bug $packagename [09:59] shadeslayer: ^ [10:00] apachelogger: ? [10:01] you filed a kubuntu bug in kde's bug tracker [10:02] ah oh my :/ [10:07] someone can delete it from kde bugs ? [10:07] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ktp-common-internals/+bug/1265756 [10:07] Ubuntu bug 1265756 in ktp-common-internals (Ubuntu) "kde-telepathy-declarative dependency problem" [Undecided,New] [12:23] Hello world [12:23] Happy new year :D === sem_ is now known as Peace-- [12:46] shadeslayer: are you around? [12:47] Hiyas all [12:48] ovidiu-florin: hi [12:48] shadeslayer: AFAIK you are working with Muon, right? [12:48] sort of [12:49] whenever I get the time to fix a bug [12:49] wgrant: did you upstream aarch64_fix_* patches in Qt4? [12:51] I've noticed this on a few computers now. I can't install the updates. It failes to download and the tries to apply... nothing. so it failes to install the updates. [12:51] I've just tried again, by clicking on the icon in the sys tray [12:51] and it seems to work now [12:52] beats me why [12:54] but this was the 3rd atempt to start the Muon Update manager [12:54] and install the updates [13:02] please make sure you update your sources.list before downloading updates [13:05] I noticed this after the upgrade to 13.10. Doesn't the upgrade utility also update the sources.list? [13:08] it shou;d [13:08] *should [13:09] I see that it did. so that should be ok [13:09] I'm trying to translate http://userbase.kde.org/Kubuntu but I can' [13:09] can't find the translate button [13:09] and I can't find the page in the translatable pages list. [13:10] here: http://userbase.kde.org/Special:LanguageStats [13:35] Good afternoon. === greyback_ is now known as greyback|lunch === greyback|lunch is now known as greyback === jjesse_ is now known as jjesse [15:17] Alright, first build of Qt 4.8.5 merge [15:17] with some patches disabled [15:17] *fingers crossed* [15:49] apachelogger: re ktp-common-internals, invalid bug [15:50] soee: to fix that issue you can use : sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" -f install [16:59] hey all [17:46] shadeslayer: no upgrades should require that.... [17:46] shadeslayer: instead correct breaks/replaces should be specified. [17:47] xnox: Those sometimes don't work [17:47] God knows why. [17:47] Quintasan: they always do, unless one specifies them wrong =)))) [17:50] xnox: Maybe they were wrongly specified but I recall one case when that would not work for some reason. [17:50] Quintasan: logs and examples, or it didn't happen =))))) [17:52] xnox: I would give you them but just thinking about looking through all of my dpkg logs is making me sick [17:53] too lazy, and I guess that in the end it would be me doing something wrong [17:53] though at that time I just couldn't get it to work [17:55] apachelogger: just a heads up, sometime this week I will move our quasselcore to another server, because I'm tired of the university hosting it currently cutting power for a day to upgrade the emergency power system for the fifth time [17:55] the old host name should still work and just point to the same machine, but the certificate will change. [17:56] *to the new machine [17:56] \o Sput [17:56] hey Quintasan [17:57] not sure why those people want emergency power in the first place if they keep liberally shutting down power to test/upgrade/install/modify it [17:58] Sput: got a second to tell me who should I bug wrt a small problem with Quassel? [17:58] Quintasan: best is always to ask in #quassel [18:00] Sput: ok, thx [18:02] shadeslayer: apachelogger: I just saw backlog -- it wasn't planned at all to start transitioning to bluez 5 [18:09] Riddell: ping [18:10] xnox: reporter was using a PPA, so that makes it an issue with the packaging in the PPA no? [18:10] upgrading from Saucy KTP to Trusty KTP should go fine since the files haven't moved [18:13] cyphermox: right, just that upstream plans to deprecate bluez4 support [18:14] so by the time LTS comes out, no support for bluedevil + bluez4 [18:14] well, first compile of Qt 4.8.5 went well [18:39] shadeslayer: is that one of the kubuntu ppa's? [18:39] xnox: nope [18:50] mitya57: first attempt here https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+files/qt4-x11_4.8.5%2Bgit192-g085f851%2Bdfsg-2ubuntu1%7Eppa1.dsc [18:50] needs *alot* of work [18:50] especially alot of work with the patches [18:50] Won't look today, but feel free to ping me tomorrow if you need help [18:51] Did you commit it to bzr? [18:51] I have not [18:51] I'll do that before I leave [18:55] Btw, .dscs from launchpad are not dget'able [18:55] One needs to go to ppa.launchpad.net to get a working .dsc [18:56] they are dget'able [18:57] they didn't used to be, which is why I wrote dgetlp in ubuntu-dev-tools [18:58] Then they are dgetlpable :) Didn't know about that tool, thanks! [18:59] I'm not sure if it even still works, this was before LP had +files [19:02] shadeslayer: thanks that command helped [19:03] oh, dgetlp was dropped in 0.146, RIP [19:05] didn't even know there was a dgetlp [19:05] I just used pull-lp-source [19:11] mitya57: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/qt/revision/375 [19:12] shadeslayer: thanks, I will help you finish that tomorrow! [19:12] \o/ [19:13] major things to work on are arm64 and ppcel64 support I believe [19:13] this is 4.8.5? [19:13] why am I always stuck in a hole when there is something interesting to do [19:13] yes [19:14] * Quintasan looks at trello cards [19:14] * shadeslayer thinks moc-boost148-53.patch can be dropped as well [19:14] Quintasan: if you're looking for something interesting you can write device identification support for the new driver manager [19:14] >new driver manager [19:14] is it Python? [19:14] * yofel passes Quintasan 4.11.5 [19:14] or something easier : write support to install packages :P [19:15] Quintasan: hah, no, C++ [19:15] Where is that? [19:15] if you're seriously bored ;P [19:15] Quintasan: http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=scratch%2Fgarg%2Fkcm-driver-manager.git [19:18] shadeslayer: You don't have any docs for that, do you? xd [19:18] docs? 0.o [19:19] I think I'll need to do some learning before I can do anything in this. [19:20] shadeslayer: what kind of sorcery DriverManager_DBus is? [19:20] Quintasan: it's the dbus service that interacts with the Ubuntu Driver stuff [19:20] I wanted the minimum amount of Python here [19:21] so I wrote a python script that registers DBus objects and the C++ side interacts with that [19:21] Okay, so package installation is supposed to be done with libqapt? [19:22] yes [19:22] I have absolutely no idea how to do this but I'll try [19:22] and ideally I want to query udev for the device type, so that instead of saying "Broadcom Wireless blah blah" it says "Wireless Card" in the ui [19:24] shadeslayer: Should the package installation be handled in Module namespace or I should somehow separate it? [19:24] Quintasan: preferably you want to create a new class to handle that [19:25] Unless it's trivial [19:25] i.e. can be implemented in ~10 lines or so [19:25] Which is probably not going to happeb [19:25] happen [19:25] at least not when I'm the one doing it [19:25] IIRC you have to create a qapt transaction, then commit the transaction, then run it [19:26] shadeslayer: I heard you like libraries so we put library on top of your library so you can go sane while you go insane? [19:27] how is this a library :P [19:27] well, it's a kcm [19:27] :P [19:28] which is not a library :D [19:28] hell [19:28] why do I suck at coding so much [19:28] I must do more of it [19:29] most of the time I'm like "hurr durr how do I do this" [19:29] then someone shows me how to do it [19:29] and I'm like [19:29] ^ technically a kcm is a plugin which in turn is a library :P [19:29] "wtf, why didn't I think about that" [19:29] and it's like that 90% of time [19:29] Quintasan: I'd highly recommend reading the python code and running the detect sequence to see what the driver output looks like [19:29] apachelogger: I don't know, calling a kcm plugin seems a bit far fetched to me [19:30] it is a plugin [19:30] would you call firefox plugins libraries? [19:30] how do you think it is loaded at runtime? :P [19:30] firefox plugins are not libraries [19:30] they are scripts [19:30] I can see that you are parsing the output into a QVariantMap [19:30] with assets [19:30] so it's device -> driver key-value combination, right? [19:31] I concur it's a plugin, but I don't know, calling it a library sounds wrong to me [19:31] Quintasan: yep, but it's a QMap [19:31] where QVariant = QMap or QString [19:32] hmm [19:32] okay, leaving [19:32] cya tomorrow [19:32] maybe [19:32] Lates [19:32] Laters even. [19:33] shadeslayer: it's a shared object, which means it has mighty exported symbols, which means it is a library [19:33] MAKE SYMBOLS FILES FOR ALL KCMS [19:33] ! [19:33] * Quintasan hides [19:34] ^ would not make sense because because the KCM does not dictate the symbols but the well defined interface inside kdelibs does [19:35] that's why you make a lib for your code that you can have a symbol file for and then just wrap a kcm plugin around that :P [19:35] just for sanity [19:36] I like how sane that sounds but I somehow don't think it's a good idea [19:36] :D [19:39] actually I think the well defined interface towards a plugin will not actually show up in the libraries symbols since there are no symbols, the interface would just be a header [19:39] so sanity is really not a word I would use WRT plugins [19:42] Did any of you watch 30c3 talk about X security? [19:42] do I want to? [19:42] Theoretically yes. [19:43] added to todo [19:43] It's bad but the more interesting thing is that apparently Qt/KDE has really frivolous approach to security [19:43] It's bad as in the security [19:43] Not the talk itself [19:49] technically the applications developer's approach is terribad [20:09] ::workspace-bugs:: [1265897] 14.04 Alpha-1 Plasma Netbook Interface has no Web Browser favorite @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1265897 (by Marco Parillo) [20:13] ^ love the hardcoding [21:23] shadeslayer: my concern is that bluez5 is a pretty maintenance-heavy update for a LTS, and I think RHEL at least will still have it for a while. So, since it's still only in experimental on Debian, I wouldn't worry too much about it just yet. We absolutely will upgrade to 5.X as soon as the LTS is released though [21:24] that is, unless people suddently step up to update all the other things that will break with bluez 5, pulseaudio, gnome bluetooth, ofono, etc. [21:25] more interestingly though, I did get MM 1.0 uploaded to Debian experimental [21:25] is anyone aware of whether all is well in KDE land to support the new ModemManager1 API? [22:07] cyphermox: supported at least in git, so should be good for uploaded to trusty [22:07] Riddell has the details though and I think he is still on vacation [22:07] ok [22:08] I'll wait to be sure, and I need to send an email to pkg-kde as well to make sure it's fine to upload to unstable [22:08] ah [22:08] https://trello.com/c/fuFnpLVf [22:08] cyphermox: can be uploaded, mm1 support is already released [22:09] ah, alright [22:10] well, perhaps I'll do the email and possibly upload to unstable this weekend, and then upload to trusty early next week and rebuild NM [22:10] apachelogger: afaik Riddell was supposed to come back on 2nd [22:11] :O [22:11] or that's what I recall from our conversation [22:11] I'll text him tomorrow if he doesn't show up [22:12] shadeslayer: maybe extra time off to rejuvenate the little grey cells [22:12] maybe [22:13] I noticed that starting on 2nd again was a silly idea anyway, I was most surprised when a friend told me that it's friday again xD [22:13] very pointless [22:14] ovidiu-florin: please ask in #kde-www for help with that wiki - that's where the experts live [22:19] apachelogger: yeah xD [22:19] apachelogger: also, Monday is a holiday I think [22:20] atleast that's what the calendar widget tells me [22:20] something about 3 wise kings and Jesus [22:20] sweet baby jesus [22:20] indeed [22:21] well, depends on the country anyway [22:21] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epiphany_%28holiday%29 [23:15] ovidiu-florin: now i see that you did, and were ignored [23:15] so maybe write to the list instead