
=== sysadmin_ is now known as VLanX
bennypr0fanehello, I'm trying to mount a network share in nautilus (Lubuntu 13.04 with Gnome 3.8 on top). I believe that is supposed to work like "connect to server", enter an URL and click "connect". This is where I stumble, because the "connect" button is greyed out, I can't click it00:46
holsteini use gigolo00:46
holstein!info gigolo00:46
ubottugigolo (source: gigolo): frontend to manage connections to remote filesystems using GIO/GVfs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1+dfsg-1 (saucy), package size 143 kB, installed size 753 kB00:46
holsteinbennypr0fane: otherwise, you might be missing something nautilus needs to have that functionality00:47
bennypr0faneholstein, I thought that was supposed to be built in in Nautilus01:00
bennypr0faneotherwise, why does it even have the "connect to server" thingy?01:01
bennypr0faneI've used Gigolo with Thunar in Xfce. Does it link to Nautilus the same way?01:02
holsteinbennypr0fane: gigolo will just allow you to mount the share.. you'll be able to use whatever filemanager you want to browse01:05
bennypr0faneok. but still, is there something broken in my nautilus, or is there just something missing?01:10
holsteinbennypr0fane: i have no idea.. if you havent added all that is necessary to provide that functionality, then, it may not be there01:10
holsteinbennypr0fane: nothing is "broken", since, you can mount shares01:11
bennypr0faneI cannot, in Nautilus01:11
holsteinbennypr0fane: i was thinking that functionality had been dropped from nautilus, but, TBH, i have only opened it for testing purposes, and lightly01:11
holsteinbennypr0fane: you actually likely can01:11
holsteinbennypr0fane: you'll need to manually add and configure it, as you did nautilus, and gnome01:12
bennypr0faneyou mean without using gigolo?01:12
holsteinbennypr0fane: gigolo is doing what that "connect to server" did01:12
holsteinbennypr0fane: its mounting with a GUI01:12
bennypr0faneI understand that01:14
bennypr0fanemaybe mount-gtk was missing01:15
holsteinbennypr0fane: maybe?01:15
bennypr0faneI just installed it. Now I'll check if "connect to server" works01:15
holsteinbennypr0fane: check and see, and try adding it, if you think that is what adds the fucntionality.. you should be able to use a package manager like synaptic for that easily01:15
bennypr0fanenah, still not working :-(01:17
holsteinbennypr0fane: the functionality may have been removed01:17
holsteinbennypr0fane: you might want to ask in #ubuntu or somewhere else where they might no more about nautilus01:18
bennypr0faneha, maybe in #ubuntu-gnome01:19
bennypr0fanebcs they don't in #ubuntu...01:20
holsteinbennypr0fane: it likely just works, in main ubuntu, out of the box.. or, that fucntionality is being phased out completely01:20
holsteinbennypr0fane: its going to be challening, since you are building everything on your own01:20
bennypr0faneI'll be switching to ubuntu-gnome soon. If I can't make it work, I'll just use Gigolo. That was a piece of cake in Xfce01:22
bennypr0fanethanks holstein! bye!01:23
holsteinbennypr0fane: cheers01:23
vince__i hosed (accidentally removed) my windows 8 partition and decided on 13.10 lubuntu, anyone have tips on how to customize lxde to return some of the functionality in the "iconify all windows" button in lxpanel?01:25
holsteinvince__: return some of the windows8 functionality?01:57
ianorlinwhat functionality does it miss?02:22
ianorlinI don't know how to make it show the desktop on omsuover02:23
ret346346Hi, if anyone might be able to help a noob, I'm trying to install lubuntu 12.04 on an IBM T42, and I get "unable to enumerate USB device on port 3" a ton of times. I figured I could just try a CD but wanted to try to figure out what is going wrong first.02:51
ret346346I did just install Windows XP on the computer, and the USB ports seem fine02:51
holsteinret346346: sometimes i try just unplugging everything that is uncessary02:52
ret346346All I had plugged in was the flash drive w/ the lubuntu install, only other thing was the ethernet cable which I did unplug02:54
ret346346Got the same error when just trying to run it as a live CD, without the install02:55
holsteinnot sure where i would go there.. i might disable USB in the bios.. and try installing02:55
ret346346I'll look into that, as long as the USB ports work once it's installed that's all that really matters02:56
holsteinret346346: what iso are you on?03:01
holsteinret346346: you might want to try the lubuntu 13.10 version.. technically, lubuntu 12.04 is not an LTS, and is not supported any longer.. not that i think that is the issue03:01
ret346346Well this CPU is non-pae, which is why I went with the 12.04 version03:03
holsteinret346346: hmmm... well, i use it as well.. i mean, main ubuntu 12.04 is still up, and the repos are still good03:03
ret346346Just burned a 12.04 CD, am trying it now03:05
ret346346I'm guessing a pen drive should be showing up in file manager in Lubuntu?03:08
ianorlinby default yes03:08
ret346346Showed up for a second then disappeared, will need to investigate03:09
ret346346On the plus side it booted and loaded fine from the CD03:10
holsteinret346346: progress!03:10
holsteinmaybe you can install, and upgrade, and all will be well03:10
ret346346True, and there's some "fake-pae" thing you can install to upgrade older computers to the newer version03:11
ret346346hey I fixed it!!!03:16
ret346346Had to disable ehci_hcd03:17
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=== Guest45403 is now known as VLanX
honestemuHow do I get visual notifications to return? They aren't appearing anymore. For example, when I adjust the volume, a little balloon appeared in the top-right indicating the volume. Now nothing happens.04:00
ianorlinhonestemu: using what program?04:01
honestemuUh... dunno. I thought it was system-wide? Like when I connect to a wireless network, a balloon appears in the top right telling me which network I connected to. Now, nothing appears.04:03
Unit193What does   ps aux | grep notifyd   return?04:03
honestemu1000     26627  0.0  0.0   5668   828 pts/7    S+   23:05   0:00 grep --color=auto notifyd04:06
Unit193Mhmm, xfce4-notifyd isn't running, is it installed?04:07
honestemuNot sure what that means.04:07
honestemummhmm. It's installed.04:07
Unit193So, set that to autostart, or launch it now, and should have them.04:16
honestemuUnit193: Uh... how do I do that?04:29
Unit193The binary is: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/xfce4/notifyd/xfce4-notifyd  using ~/.config/autostart/ would help04:31
honestemuUnit193: So I just copy paste the binary into the autostart folder, right?04:39
Unit193No, create a desktop file.04:40
honestemuUnit193:Um... I'm inept.04:42
honestemuWhat should I put for the Exec line? I'm guessing: 'sh /usr/lib/i396-linux-gnu/xfce4/notifyd/xfce4-notifyd'?04:47
Unit193Just /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/xfce4/notifyd/xfce4-notifyd04:50
honestemuOh nice.04:52
Unit193It should autostart, but I don't see how by glancing at it.04:53
uBUXUBuhi all05:15
flybackhow the hell do I swap soundcards07:28
flybackthere's n o .asoundrc anymore07:28
_joeyfor some reason lubuntu stopped auto-updating11:00
Churchtry sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade from terminal, to see for possible problems11:02
_joeythere're no problems11:04
_joeyfrom terminal11:04
_joeyit's just the system stopped update automatically at specified intervals11:04
ST66my lubuntu trip got really short. i don't undertand how people can use so buggy distro. going back good old xubuntu11:55
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=== SpeedRacer is now known as SonikkuAmerica
vickyhow to become lubuntu developer19:21
ubottuTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu19:22
holsteinvicky: the #lubuntu-offtopic channel is loosely the dev channel19:22
Devtron_how to get it installed would be my first question :/19:24
holstein!install | Devtron_19:24
ubottuDevtron_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate19:24
Devtron_my prople is the old laptop that i want to use it one, is a pain to get it running on19:26
Devtron_pae trouble that is19:26
Devtron_been at it for about 2 hours now19:26
holsteinDevtron_: 12.04 should support that, easily19:32
Devtron_I was hoping to install a new version 13.x19:33
holsteinDevtron_: i would use a 12.04 mini iso, and install the base mini system, then add lxde desktop or whatever19:33
holsteinDevtron_: you can.. but, its not trivial19:33
holsteinDevtron_: and, 12.04 is more in line with your older hardware19:33
Devtron_is there a very light version with an ide that can run on this system with 1gb ram19:34
holsteinDevtron_: i just suggested a light version, and you should be able to find an ide that will work in the main 12.04 repos19:34
holsteinotherwise, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu-fake-PAE19:35
Unit193Could compile a kernel without PAE support.19:35
holsteinyup.. use your own custom kernel that fits your needs19:35
phillwUnit193: there is an alpha out for lubuntu with a non-pae kernel.19:35
Unit193Yes, I know..19:36
phillwbut, I do stress, it is an alpha! the installation is in German at default and there is a respin due.19:36
holsteini would try the alpha.. wouldnt bother me any19:36
Devtron_i am a linux noob, have not used it in 15 years19:37
holsteinDevtron_: you are not having an issue where you are not used to linux.. you are using technology that is incompatible19:38
holsteinDevtron_: you would have a similar, if not much more challenging time with something like windows 8 for example.. or OSX on that hardware19:38
Devtron_but telling me to recompile a version that I could use is not trivial from what i remember19:38
holsteinDevtron_: i offered a few ideas above, and none require compiling anything19:38
Devtron_holstein: I have tryed to download those images, but out of 3 dvd burning software for windows, none will use there image file19:40
phillwDevtron_: what specification of machine are you wanting to use? (sorry, if you have already stated, but I've only just joined this conversation)19:42
Devtron_an old imb thinkpad, with an intel centrino cpu, 1gb ram , amd radonn 7500 (old as hell)19:43
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:43
Devtron_I want to leave this sytem at work.19:43
holsteinDevtron_: thats where i would start, its small and quick to download and install.. you can see right off if it will work for you or not19:44
Devtron_so I need a 12.x version ?19:44
holsteinthe iso's are not "magic".. if you have no way to deal with iso's and burn them or use them with usb sticks, then it wont work19:44
phillwDevtron_: as holstein has said, it may work okay with the fake-pae a number of them do19:44
holsteinDevtron_: you dont "need" anything.. you might want to consider using 12.04 since it might better and more easily support your hardware "out of the box"19:44
holsteinDevtron_: thre are other options when not having a pae compatible system19:45
Devtron_ill try 12.04 then19:45
Devtron_as long as it will run code blocks or what ever ide i can use that works well with c++19:45
holsteinDevtron_: nothing about linux or lubuntu is preventing the creators of any ide from allowing it to run for you19:46
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator19:46
phillwholstein: the fake pae install is not in minimal afaik. it is an extra bit of coding to 'tell' the installer that the machine is PAE capable, even though it does not advertise it.19:46
holsteinphillw: i think i linked that above.. but if you have a better guide19:47
holsteinDevtron_: to be clear, this would be a fake-pae setup.. to run 13.10 on your hardware19:47
phillwDevtron_: for fake-pae, you are going to have to roll your sleeves up and do a little reading. the guy who put it together also put up a really good explanatation of it and how to use it. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu-fake-PAE19:48
Devtron_phillw read that19:49
Devtron_but for some reason the img files says corrupt19:49
Devtron_iso´s i can burn, but the img are giving me issues19:49
phillwDevtron_: where are you getting the image from?19:50
holsteinDevtron_: they should be iso's19:50
phillwthat area, I know is okay. Have you run an md5checksum on the down-loaded file?19:51
Devtron_they are fine19:51
Devtron_I think it is an issue with the burning software19:52
holsteinDevtron_: try something different19:52
phillwDevtron_: okay, so it is burned image that is corrupt.... It is most important we know the ISO as downloaded is okay!19:52
Devtron_but I am up to 3 diffrent softwares19:52
holsteinDevtron_: could also be the physical optical drive, or the media19:52
Devtron_the program that is to burn them says errors19:52
phillwDevtron_: name one that you have used?19:52
Devtron_img burn19:53
Devtron_and windows burning19:53
ianorlinor is this windows software not understanding the linux file structure19:53
phillwDevtron_: head over to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto for how to burn with windows19:54
Devtron_humm, minimal ubuntu install frezes19:54
holsteinDevtron_: what minimal? 12.04? 32bit? what iso?19:54
Devtron_the iso files work, it is the .img files19:55
holsteinDevtron_: rename the img's to iso's and try19:55
holsteinDevtron_: convert the img's to iso's and try19:55
holsteinDevtron_: try a different burning application.. why img's?19:55
phillwDevtron_: nero is not all it is cracked up be! I used to swear by it, until it came to ISO's (back in my windows days.) Please, just follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto and you will have a good CD19:56
Devtron_the selected file isn´t vali19:56
holsteinDevtron_: what file?19:56
Devtron_the image files from19:57
holsteinDevtron_: you tried renaming them *.iso ?19:57
holsteinDevtron_: you read what phillw linked on how to burn them? what other applications are you using?19:58
Devtron_downloading the alpha and testing that20:06
phillwDevtron_: you *must* burn it using the information on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto and *NOT* Nero....20:07
Devtron_iso files are not the problem20:08
Devtron_the problem is that the files on that website are not .iso but .img20:09
Devtron_iso´s burn fine20:09
Devtron_burning the alpha atm that is .iso20:09
holsteinDevtron_: you said you were having issues with the 12.04 mini20:09
holsteinits an iso20:09
Devtron_I get to the install screen press install and then it locks20:09
Devtron_in 5min ill try the alpha biuld20:09
holsteinas long as "nero is not burning properly" is on the table20:10
Devtron_it wont evean consider burning it20:11
holsteinDevtron_: what wont even consider burning what?20:11
Devtron_installing the 2014 version¨20:12
holsteinof what?20:12
phillwDevtron_: use http://infrarecorder.org/ and *NOT* Nero. I know you do not trust us, but you can spend until hell freezes over using Nero, or you can actually use a programme that works... It is your call.20:13
phillwwhere Nero to work, it would be listed as working.20:14
holsteinit is advised by many folks who have booting cd's20:14
Devtron_infraredcorder will not burn any of the .img files20:19
holsteinDevtron_: ok.. forget the img's20:20
holsteinDevtron_: how about the iso's?20:20
Devtron_all iso files i cna burn20:20
Devtron_NO files with .img20:20
holsteinDevtron_: sure.. but, they are not working20:20
holsteinDevtron_: so, there is an issue somewhere with the burning of the isos or the booting of them on your system20:20
Devtron_I testes on 2 systems20:20
holsteinDevtron_: or, something else.. bad memory.. some other device hanging the boot20:21
holsteinDevtron_: you've tested what? the iso's you burned on 2 systems?20:21
holsteinDevtron_: they dont boot on either system?20:21
holsteinDevtron_: if so, then that sounds like the burn is bad20:21
Devtron_no i am unable to burn .img files,20:21
Devtron_iso´s have ALL ben burnt20:21
holsteinDevtron_: OK20:22
holsteinDevtron_: *forget* about the img's20:22
phillwDevtron_: how is your basic german?20:22
Devtron_the .img from that site are the ones not working20:22
holsteinDevtron_: you said iso's were not working20:22
holsteinDevtron_: you said the mini iso didnt work20:22
holsteinDevtron_: does *any* other 12.04 iso burn and work? if so, you should be able to just use it20:22
holsteinthat would be potentically easiest20:22
phillwDevtron_: try http://phillw.net/isos/non-pae/lubuntu-saucy-nonpae-alpha1.iso20:22
holsteinor that is an iso ^^20:23
phillwit is a trial iso, but will work with your system with no need to do extra work... Even nero can burn a pure .iso :)20:23
Devtron_the mini iso, was burnt, and loaded on the system, when the window pops up that askes me to install the mini i hit install, and the program locks up20:23
Devtron_phillw: playing with that now :)20:24
holsteinDevtron_: ok.. so *stop* using that one as well20:24
holsteinDevtron_: use the alpha above. if it doesnt work, dont assume the iso is bad.. try using a different burning software20:24
Devtron_all iso burnt work, no coruption on the dvd´s20:24
holsteinDevtron_: i would confirm that, otherwise, its an assumption20:25
Devtron_z and y have been reversed20:27
holsteinz and y?20:28
Devtron_keys :)20:28
Devtron_phillw: ´what issues can come up with the aplha build20:36
phillwDevtron_: just that the default is in german and you need to change it your language.20:37
Devtron_That should not be a problem20:42
SonikkuAmericaWhy does the Lubuntu Live image have a login?23:00
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phillwSonikkuAmerica: for 13.10 ?23:40
SonikkuAmericaUh, yeah.23:40
SonikkuAmericaIt seems to depend on the amount of RAM23:40
phillwSonikkuAmerica: report as a bug23:41
SonikkuAmericaI'll test if a trusty pre-release exposes this too23:41
SonikkuAmericaWhat should I file this against?23:41
phillwSonikkuAmerica: that would be great, but the apps to file against are on the iso tracker page....23:42
SonikkuAmericaOK, I'll check that. More extensive i386 testing on my part to follow...23:43
phillwSonikkuAmerica: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker23:43
SonikkuAmericaIt has nothing to do with syslinux, so lightdm is good for filing23:44
phillwsorry for long pauses having a borocken finger strapped up to good finger does slow my typing down :)23:45
phillwSonikkuAmerica: we have no i386 test iso?23:46
SonikkuAmericaI have one, but I can't download it due to shared data plan :( if you want I can wait until I can grab a daily23:47
SonikkuAmerica(48 hrs earlis)23:50
phillwSonikkuAmerica: what is called i386 on the download areas is actually i68623:55

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