=== Logan_ is now known as log [03:04] probably ubiquity paddy [03:18] I just had a continuous noise... any report of something like this? [03:18] I had to reboot... nothing stopped it... it was ongoing [03:31] not sure if this is a pre-release question or not but, i'd like to install the saucy hwe on 12.04, I don't see the Xorg portion in the repositories though, just the kernel... Is there another repository I should be looking at ? === log is now known as Logan_ === lfaraone_ is now known as lfaraone [07:21] rhythmbox on 14.04 needs my last.fm integration asap [07:21] can't scrobble :( [07:43] is there anything wrong if I set a daily cron job for fstrim in trusty? I know trim is enabled in trusty, but as weekly job IIRC [07:44] randomcpp: TRIM should be enabled by default cron job [07:44] having it daily is not bad [07:44] you can manually TRIM every day aswell [07:44] man fstrim [07:47] randomcpp: pm me for other ssd tweaks mate [07:47] lotuspsychje, I know that, but I'm new to SSD I wanted to know if there were some contraindications [08:53] lotuspsychje, can you send me your SSD tweaks as well? or pastebin it and post here. would really appreciate it [08:54] sandGorgon: see pm :p === knitt1 is now known as knittl [11:20] so trusty is running xorg server 1.14, right? [11:22] !find xorg-server [11:22] File xorg-server found in openvas-plugins-dfsg, xdiagnose, xserver-xorg-dev [11:23] !info xserver-xorg-dev [11:23] xserver-xorg-dev (source: xorg-server): Xorg X server - development files. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.14.5-1ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 199 kB, installed size 1436 kB [11:23] yep [11:24] thanks, bazhang. now how do i make ubottu tell us the rationale for that? ;) [11:25] i.e. i've seen 1.15 in the wild on other distros [11:25] cortez, I'd try the mailing lists for that [11:25] at least i think i have... [11:25] !lists [11:25] Mail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailing lists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com [11:25] ok === trijntje_ is now known as trijntje [12:47] Hiyas all [16:55] after upgrade to 14.04, my system boots to grub rescue, file not found. solved by F12 boot menu, boot from 2nd hard drive. what should I do to repair the boot process (tried to install boot-repair from ppa but not found) [17:29] i'm guessing boot-repair isnt available yet for 14.04 [17:31] alnr: you can run it from a live CD [17:36] alnr, boot repair is it's own OS not a package in ubuntu [17:37] use on alive media, cd or usb [17:37] Allison43: oh, becuase i have seen a boot-repair package in ppa yannubuntu [17:38] Allison43: ok usb would be a lot less pain than cd, thanks [17:39] alnr: you can run the software from a liveCD.. it will pick up os's, such as 14.04, or windows, or whatever [17:39] http://sourceforge.net/p/boot-repair-cd/home/Home/ [17:39] alnr,^ [17:40] or, just add it to whatever live CD you have handy... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair [17:40] Allison43: thanks a lot. i'll have to brush off my usb-key making skills. [17:42] well, if you can buirn a cd it's abit easier [18:28] the wifi picker in the installer is broken. Clicking "Connect" does absolutely nothing. I can connect to networks just fine via the gnome-shell bar so it's not a driver issue === jpds_ is now known as jpds [20:09] Hi I intend to chuck the 14.04 dailies on a spare drive to watch it's progress, I'll be dual booting it with Windows 8.1, what do I need to do to get it to boot the USB in UEFI mode so that the bootloader installs correctly? === randomcpp is now known as randomcpp|afk [20:28] !UEFI [20:28] UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI [20:28] Gilligan94,^ [20:37] sigh. powernow-k8 managed to creep back into the kernel [20:38] Kill it with fire. [20:39] Is there a way to disable powernow-k8 with it builtin as it is in the normal kernels, or do I have to build my own kernel? [20:40] Blacklist the module. [20:40] it's not a module. [20:40] It doubt it is compiled into the kernel. [20:40] it is, in fact, compiled into the kernel [20:41] config-3.12.0-7-generic: CONFIG_X86_POWERNOW_K8=y [20:42] I want to use phc-k8 so this is a problem [20:47] Then you have to recompile the kernel. [20:51] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/355232 [20:51] Ubuntu bug 355232 in linux (Ubuntu Lucid) "acpi-cpufreq/powernow-k8 should not be built-in into the kernel image" [Low,In progress] [20:53] this is actually a BFD for me as HP in their infinite wisdom designed this laptop in such a way that the CPU can't be run at full power and voltage for an extended period of time without overheating [20:54] but I can safely undervolt the proc A LOT, and it reduces the heat enough to maintain full load at the full 2.0Ghz indefinitely [21:03] what the... why are you building the deprecated SpeedStep driver at all!? === Logan_ is now known as Guest82355 === Logan__ is now known as Logan_ [22:32] thermal-throttled kernel compile. Truly, this is hell.