
rozzinSomeone on the emacs-dev said he can never find anyone helpful here. I'm here to be helpful.05:21
SamB24 hours a day?05:22
rozzinMaybe for some sense of "helpful"....05:23
mgrandipeople are usually good about helping here05:23
mgrandithey have to ask first =P05:23
SamBthe mail said something about half-day response times being typical ...05:24
rozzinI guess I can helpfully `be there and listen' while I'm asleep.05:24
mgrandiive noticed that a lot of people here are in the european/area/timezones05:25
mgrandiso if its 10 pm like it is for me they might not answer =P05:25
rozzinOh, good--I'm US/Eastern, 5 hours behind them; so I can actually provide useful coverage :p05:26
rozzin00:30, here.05:26
rozzinale2: Hi.14:03
ale2Can you help me with a small question?14:05
ale2sorry for my poor english14:05
LeoNerdAsk, don't ask to ask14:07
ale2I have a question about user list in bazaar14:08
ale2is it the same of server system?14:08
ale2or there is a way to separate users list of bazaar and users of system' server?14:09
ale2I use bazaar over ssh14:09
LeoNerdbzr has no concept of user permissions14:09
ale2he use ssh, right?14:09
LeoNerdAnyone with access to the files can use it14:10
ale2if I would like to add a user to bazaar, for example, I must add to my system14:10
ale2with adduser14:10
LeoNerdMaybe.. depends how you want to run it14:10
ale2I don't want to mix system's users with bazaar's users14:11
ale2is possible?14:12
LeoNerdThen don14:12
LeoNerdThen don'r14:12
ale2ok, I understood well14:12
rozzinale2: Are you coming from CVS?14:12
ale2no, I never use a DRC before14:13
rozzinale2: What have you used?14:13
ale2none, still now14:13
ale2I'm looking for a system review14:13
LeoNerdbzr itself doesn't care who owns the files... author names are already stored and set by whoever committed it14:13
ale2I saw cvs, git, bazaar14:14
ale2and I'm reading about all of them14:14
rozzinale2: You have never used *any* version control system?14:14
LeoNerdrozzin: such people do exist ;)14:14
ale2not until now :D14:14
ale2you scared me :P14:15
ale2my cousin asked to me to find a way to track the changes of his project14:16
ale2he has a very small software house14:16
ale2and I will help him14:16
rozzinWell, it's just interesting--usually questions like that come from people who are already accustomed to using some other tool.14:16
ale2I have to give up?14:16
LeoNerdale2: are you listening to me at all?14:17
ale2yes LeoNerd14:17
LeoNerdThen what on earth leads you to that idea?14:17
LeoNerdYou want multiple users to be able to use bzr, without adding those users on the system level. YES THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I SAID YOU CAN DO14:17
ale2rozzin scared me :D :D14:18
ale2i'm joke :D14:18
LeoNerdbzr users are TOTALLY INDEPENDENT of system users. (for the fourth time:) bzr doesn't care who owns the files, it stores user names, it does not care about owner uid of the underlying files.14:18
ale2mh, I understand14:19
LeoNerdInfact on a multi-user server setup you can (and probably want to) have every file owned by -the same- user, probably called 'bzr' or maybe a user per project, to which every real person who needs access has an ssh key14:19
ale2I take advantage of you for only two second14:21
ale2tell my if I understand14:21
ale2I have only one users in my system calls "bzr"14:21
ale25 employees connect with the same user14:21
ale2but bzr can remember one of he with the nickname14:22
ale2sorry but I have a small problem with english :D :D14:23
ale2but I'm happy to understand :D14:23
ale2thank you very much!!14:24
rozzinNormally we just have people use their own accounts, though.14:25
LeoNerdWell yes; at this point you're not massively using the D part of DVCS14:26
rozzinOr, if they don't have an account on the server, then you have them send their changesets to someone else who does have an account.14:27
ale2when I have a dedicated server with bzr, I use it14:27
rozzinFor example, you make a bunch of changes on your computer, then you do "bzr send -o mychanges.patch ..." and mail the project leader that patch, and the project leader merges it into the main codebase and publishes it.14:28
rozzinale2: Is your cousin a developer, or just a manager?14:30
ale2but he use only windows14:37
ale2without revision history of his code14:38
rozzinale2: How big is his dev team? Just him?14:49
ale25-6 developers14:52
ale2is pretty small14:52
rozzinThat's pretty big to be running with no version control.14:58
rozzinHow do they collaborate on the same code? Do they have the code on a network drive?14:59
rozzinOr do multiple people not work on the same thing?15:00
rozzinale2: Why do you not want to give all of the developers ssh accounts on the bzr server?15:06
ale2rozzin: yes, they collaborate on the same code and they have it on a ftp server15:15
ale2but happened that an edit crashed all code and no-one knows who delete a part of code15:16
ale2and my cousin ask me if I know a method to save a things similar to changcode15:17
ale2for me, is the same give or not an ssh accounts to all developers15:17
ale2but I want to test bazaar on my local pc15:18
ale2and I don't want to mix users =)15:18
ale2that's all!!15:18
rozzinI'm not sure I understand what "don't want to mix users" means.15:19
fullermdNeither do I.  Users are always better after you cram them in the blender...15:19
ale2I mean mix users of my personal system with users of bazaar15:19
ale2lol fullermd :D15:20
rozzinale2: Do you mean "mix users of your personal system with users of the ssh server"?15:20
ale2of bazaar server15:20
ale2but bazaar use ssh, right?15:20
fullermdbzr doesn't really have "users" in any particularly broad sense.  It stores a committer identity for each commit, but aside from that it doesn't care about the matter one way or another.15:21
rozzinI think I understand.15:21
ale2is so difficult to me to speak in english :D15:21
ale2for me*15:22
fullermdssh is a way (the most common, probably the best, but not the only) for people to exchange commits once they're made.15:22
rozzinale2: Yes, bzr itself doesn't handle authentication or access-control at the server.15:22
fullermdAnd it requires some sort of auth/user accounts/whatnot, but strictly speaking that's outside bzr's sphere of caring.15:22
fullermdOr maybe it's a hypercube of caring.  Anyway.15:22
ale2(thumb up)15:23
ale2anyway, is bazaar the correct answer to my cousin's question?15:24
rozzinale2: login/auth and access control are managed by something else--a transport--like ssh (if you're using ssh as your way of communicating with the server) or a web server like apache (if you're using HTTP).15:24
ale2I think yes =D15:24
fullermdWell, it's sure as heck a better answer than "CVS".15:24
ale2but if I use http, I can't send change to server, right?15:24
ale2thanks fullermd15:25
fullermdThe only people for whom CVS is a good answer carry titles like "Inquisitor"...15:25
rozzinale2: I believe it's possible to give write access via HTTP, but I think it's more complicated to set up than just giving people ssh accounts.15:25
ale2yes, I read15:26
rozzinI'm not a really experienced webserver admin, though.15:26
ale2me too :P15:26
fullermdAt one point the only way to do it was DAV, and ew.  I think you can technically do it via the HTTP smart server, but that's not much less ew.15:26
rozzinIn any case, since I understand what you mean now--15:26
rozzinale2: It's possible to use bzr on your local PC without even having a network connection.15:27
fullermdOne wacky possibility that has occasionally been workable is to run the standalone smartserver in wide-open mode.15:27
fullermdThat requires special circumstances to not be a horrifically bad idea, but they do occasionally come up.15:28
ale2I have a small network in my home ;-)15:28
fullermde.g., you have to trust everybody who can possibly get network access to it, since it's...  y'know.  Wide open.15:28
ale2mh, interesting15:29
rozzinale2: You create a local repository with "bzr init-repo", create a branch inside it with "bzr init", add files and commit them (entirely offline), and then later do a "bzr push bzr+ssh://myserver/..." of your branch to send it to a server if/when you decide that you want to publish/share your branch.15:29
ale2they works in the same agency :D15:29
fullermdBut if it's on an inside protected network at a company, where only the devs can access it anyway, it's just possible it could fail to fail.15:29
fullermdBut ssh is probably better all around, really.  Especially with such a small set of users needing to be setup.15:30
ale2yes rozzin, I read =)15:30
rozzinale2: As as LeoNerd was saying, bzr doesn't care about what your local user is or whether it's the same name/UID as a remote acccount that you might have on some server somewhere;15:31
rozzinale2: bzr just knows what name and e-mail address you told it with "bzr whoami".15:31
ale2I understand! =)15:32
ale2and it will be useful ;)15:32
rozzinale2: Do you have bzr installed on your PC yet? :)15:33
ale2and Bazaar Explorer installed in other windows PC15:34
ale2because in future, my cousin will use it from windows15:34
ale2(my pc is an Arch :P)15:34
ale2uff, is so complicated.. :(15:35
rozzinIs it?15:35
ale2I hate windows15:36
ale2it a complication, ehehe15:36
ale2and I will use ssh on windows pc to my pc15:37
ale2but I think that's simple15:37
rozzinI've never tried having Windows people using bzr Explorer.15:38
fullermdRemember that in bzr there's a conceptual separation between "working and changing and committing" on the one hand and "sharing/combining those commits with other people", and only that latter involves and ssh or http or whatnot.15:39
rozzinI introduced some Mac people to it and they all discarded it pretty quickly, in favour of just using "bzr qcommit", "bzr qlog", and "bzr qdiff" commands.15:39
fullermdSo you can comfortably ignore all that stuff while you get through "learning to use bzr for actual code work" part.15:39
ale2if I'll succeed, I'll write you :)15:40
rozzinale2: Have you also looked at TortoiseBzr yet?15:40
ale2not yet15:40
rozzinale2: What editor or IDE do people on your cousins team use?15:41
rozzinale2: MSVC? Eclipse?15:41
ale2they wrote in c#15:41
ale2I don't know what IDE they uses15:41
ale2I know there are a lot of text file15:41
ale2and mayble some executable15:42
rozzinale2: You may want to find out and see if there is a plugin for their IDE.15:42
ale2but I read bzr can process executable files15:42
ale2ok, I will find15:42
rozzinYes; bzr can deal with binary files.15:43
ale2I hope they don't use Visual Studio :D15:43
fullermdI'm not aware of any IDE plugins that are much beyond POC status.15:43
rozzinwhether to store the binary files along with the source code in version control, or in another place, is a whole other question though.15:44
rozzinMmmm: http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/VisualStudioIntegration16:08

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