
phillwSonikkuAmerica:  as the community re-spin is exactly a community re-spin. For what is currently occurring and being trialled can not really be discussed on here. Until Unit193 gives me further direction, I can state that #phillw is a primary channel and all areas I'm involved with are welcome on there. But... I'm not allowed to adverstise.... :: SHRUG ::.00:07
SonikkuAmericaphillw: Well yeah, we take for granted the "i386" designation01:01
phillwSonikkuAmerica: let us not go there for what the release team should actually call it.... I'm no longer a ubuntu person because of what the release team get up to :D01:03
SonikkuAmericaSo anyway, more i686 testing to follow, now that I have my VBox up and raring to go01:05
phillwSonikkuAmerica: as long as you are happy with Vbox :P01:09
SonikkuAmericaRemind me: QEMU?01:10
phillwSonikkuAmerica: yup, it has that01:11
phillwSonikkuAmerica:  kvm is the part of the kernel that is used for cloud... so, as the various people argue the toss, if it has been accepted into the kernel by the people who over see the linux kernel... That's good enough for me :)01:13
phillwSonikkuAmerica: and, for any community respins, they are not actually supported on #lubuntu.01:22
anth0ny_Is it possible to install Lubuntu without the desktop?  Or is that basically Ubuntu Server?06:56
Unit193It'd be more like the mini.06:57
anth0ny_Unit193: do you know how the mini compares to Ubuntu Server?07:04
Unit193Doesn't come with much, you install what you want.  Lubuntu without the desktop is like saying Lubuntu without Lubuntu.07:04
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD07:04
JordanJ2Can anyone help me have lubuntu in VMWare workstation, installed VMWare tools and getting this error runnung it: http://trashb.info/7f25437607:28
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sgo11hi, how to change lxde logo in the panel? and lxde image in the shutdown menu? thanks.16:46
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michael__may i ask some question as a linux beginner ?17:55
michael__i am new at the linux platform.. i worked a lot with windows.. but i want to try something new for me... so i installed lubuntu on my samsung netbook.. now i try to install drivers..  but i got some problems17:56
michael__some text is cut.. sorry17:57
michael__i tried to install samsung-backlight from the voria package.. but it's unable to locate.. so i looked for another solution.. and found a samsung-laptop driver from greg koah-hartman, but i am unable to install it17:58
vlouvetmichael__, what samsung model is it?18:03
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=== Bill is now known as Guest212
TiredOldCoderAny developers out there?18:28
phillwTiredOldCoder: Julien, our head of dev is not about, at present we have few devs.18:32
TiredOldCoderI was trying to get all the headers I needed to do lxpanel plugin development and I have hosed up my system.  Now it boots to tty1 window.18:33
TiredOldCoderAnd I have no recollection of everything I installed.18:34
=== sysadmin is now known as VLanX

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