
MrCuriousthe topic is $)$01:27
MrCuriousthinking this is the trick... in virt-manager ... DISABLE DHCP (it’s enabled by default)01:31
MrCuriouseasy question, and i know timezones are at play. reccomendations on a  high level  youtube ubutu-mass video suitable for clueing my boss?02:27
bigjoolsMrCurious: so easy that if you visit http://maas.ubuntu.com/ there's one right there ;)04:14
MrCuriousbeen there i was hoping for better04:15
MrCuriousbut  ty for effort :)04:15
bigjoolsalso see the docs page04:16
MrCuriousthink we are boned04:16
MrCurioussry, in a vid game04:16
MrCuriouslosing was not  a strong enough word :)04:16
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
MrCuriousgetting PXE boot VM's to talk to the MAAS server running  on the metal to get a dhcp id and pe boot is proving darn elusive to me20:40
MrCuriousi suppose trying to run maas on a laptop with nodes in vms was not really its intended application20:40

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