
TheLordOfTimeis this a VBox bug?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/126594500:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 1265945 in Ubuntu "Ubuntu 13.10-64 install on X64 fails " [Undecided,New]00:59
TheLordOfTime(the summary has been edited slightly by me to be more precise but still)01:00
hggdhTheLordOfTime: if it is a bug (which, right now, I cannot confirm) it is on VB. Chances are the OP has another virtualisation setup that is owning the x86-64, or the VB module(s) did not build correctly01:03
TheLordOfTimehggdh, where should the bug be filed against hten01:04
TheLordOfTimeit's only against Ubuntu atm01:04
TheLordOfTimeand nothing specific01:04
* TheLordOfTime did edit the summary to be less vague01:04
hggdhI would guess against VB; this has no indication of being the ISO01:04
TheLordOfTimehggdh, so whatever the source package is for virtualbox is, then...01:05
TheLordOfTimei forget what that is... *looks it up*01:05
TheLordOfTimehggdh, i see a problem though01:05
TheLordOfTimenote the host OSes01:05
TheLordOfTimethe bug is Invalid in ubuntu01:05
TheLordOfTimeif it's against VBox01:05
TheLordOfTimethe host OSes are Windows01:05
hggdhthe ubuntu load is complaining there is no x86_64, only a i686. So VB is passing the wrong thing, the setup is wrong, or the 64-bits modules are not loaded01:06
hggdhTheLordOfTime: oh. Windows.01:06
TheLordOfTimehggdh: if that's the case it's still invalid because Windows host01:06
TheLordOfTimehggdh, i'm commenting about that and setting Invalid right now to that extent01:06
hggdhOK, agreed01:07
* hggdh moves to dinner01:07
TheLordOfTimehggdh, marked as Invalid.01:09
hggdhTheLordOfTime: thank you01:12
TheLordOfTimeyou're welcome :)01:14
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j_f-fHi, please trigage the bug #1266000, and set the Importance to high12:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 1266000 in mailgraph (Ubuntu) "WARNING: ignoring future date in syslog line" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126600012:06
penguin42j_f-f: Which part do you say makes this a 'high'  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance12:13
j_f-fpenguin42: "A bug that has a severe impact on a non-core application". But medium should not be used12:16
penguin42why? Those are the triaging rules for the severities12:18
j_f-fhttps://dev.launchpad.net/BugTriage : Others We do not use Medium or Wishlist.12:21
j_f-fok wrong page :-(, Then medium please12:22
penguin42j_f-f: Reading the bug, are you sure it's not a time screwup?  You don't give your time when you run the command in comment #212:25
j_f-fI run it a tick before post12:27
j_f-fand a plot the time offset via munin with max 3ms12:28
j_f-fpenguin42: I think its not a timezone issue, there is no delta in the logs13:10
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dotnokato1Hi, I have a question concerning reporting a bug for trusty: I noticed that libpango1.0-0 is a transitional package and instead other packages should depend on libpango-1.0-0. I have the list of affected packages (21). Should I report a bug for each package separately or should I rather create one report for the whole list?20:10
penguin42dotnokato1: One bug can affect multiple packages - maybe that's best?  I'd check if there is one already though20:11
dotnokato1penguin42: I'll check if this is reported already. Regarding reporting one bug for multiple packages: should I use ubuntu-bug or go through launchpad directly?20:14
penguin42dotnokato1: Report it once via ubuntu-bug and then I think you can via the lp interface add 'also-affects' for the other packages20:17
penguin42dotnokato1: However, given the thing you're dealing with, I think I'd check with the package maintainer for libpango about what they want to do20:17
dotnokato1penguin42: Thanks, I'll create a question in launchpad first.20:22
penguin42dotnokato1: Maybe also ask in #ubuntu-packaging?20:22
dotnokato1penguin42: Will do. Thanks :)20:23
TheLordOfTimedotnokato1, big FYI if you want to avoid getting slapped around.20:39
TheLordOfTimedotnokato1, don't crosspost20:39
TheLordOfTimepick a channel, post your question, don't post everywhere else20:39
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TheLordOfTimeahh missed that there, sorry dotnokato120:51
* TheLordOfTime didn't see penguin42 suggest to ask in -packaging20:51
TheLordOfTimemy bad!20:51
dotnokato1TheLordOfTime: :)20:52
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