
=== ikonia_ is now known as Guest81077
SaberX01Hello all, if we run across a page in help.ubuntu.com that's in need of updating /  clean up, is it ok to go ahead and add those Tags to the top of the Document?11:02
knomeSaberX01, yes11:51
SaberX01knome, Thanks, I submitted bugs on both the ones I've ran across also. This is my IRC nick but have LP account and part of the doc teams.11:53
knomesure, thanks for the work11:53
slacker_nlwho is ki7mt?12:38
slacker_nlahh, SaberX0112:39
SaberX01Yeah, that be me :-)12:40
knomeas a further comment, i'd rather see "any" progress on the wiki than people afraid of editing anything in the fear of doing something wrong12:54
knomereverting is easier than recruiting new people to work on the semi-endless amount of pages12:54
SaberX01knome, Yes, the amount of work needed to be done is astounding, an to be honest a bit intimidating to new folks I think.13:06
knomesure. :)13:06
belkinsaI agree.  I think the problem is that it's intimidating rather than new folks not knowing the workflow.  Maybe something about how wiki admins can revert to older versions can be added.13:28
SaberX01Maybe that's a project all onto itself, Visual Work Flows, sort of like how the BAZ manual illustrates things.13:32
belkinsaThat could work.13:32
belkinsaSuggest this to the mailing list also.13:33
SaberX01Speaking of work flows, Is there a How-Too for setting a Wiki server like the UB Wiki so we can work offline?13:33
belkinsaIt's in the list somewhere and it's somewhere on a page.13:34
belkinsaGive me a sec, I have a e-mail to send and I will find it.13:34
SaberX01I been looking, just haven't found it yet.13:34
belkinsaIt's in the September 2013, one of the suggestion thread ones.13:35
belkinsaLittle Girl's reply13:35
SaberX01I need to submit another bug, the debmirror how-to needs help.13:35
belkinsaGo ahead.   I think if we do this, we can get the developers of the programs into this, if it's a package in Ubuntu.13:36
SaberX01Definately, it's the alternative to apt-mirror for mirroring the Ubuntu Repos13:37
SaberX01weill do deb repos too of course.13:37
SaberX01But the Mirror and pach2 integration needs work as the apache2 directives are / have changed and we need VHost files to get render permissions right.13:38
SaberX01*Apache2 .. .. ..13:38
belkinsaSaberX01, I forgot to tell you something.  You can also use sandbox pages to play around with pages.13:38
SaberX01Yeah, I read that on a page somewhere also ..re-SandBox that is.13:40
belkinsaAnd yeah, I can't seem to find the workflow for the wiki folks...13:41
belkinsaSandbox pages: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SandboxPages13:41
belkinsahttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-doc/2013-September/017759.html for the offline wiki13:43
SaberX01My SandBox need some help :-) .. :https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ki7mt/sandbox13:44
belkinsaWell, it's up your how it looks but it does allow others to work with you on improving a page.13:45
SaberX01I thought it was MoinMoin  .. I'll stick that on my mirror server and use it that way Thanks belkinsa13:46
belkinsaIt is MoinMoin.13:46
belkinsaNot a problem13:46
SaberX01Which, if any, documents are we supposed to be opening bug reports for? I opened a couple for Wiki pages and was told that was an incorrect thing to do.17:03
knomeSaberX01, if you see a bug/mistake in a wiki page, just fix it17:07
knomeSaberX01, if you don't know how to, tag the page17:07
knomeSaberX01, you can also use the mailing list to discuss problematic pages17:07
SaberX01knome, Ok, thanks17:13
=== Guest81077 is now known as ikonia

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