
krababbelOK, I forgot to smbpasswd the lokal user00:09
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xperiahi. i am trying to upgarde a outdated ubuntu server but i get allways the error message with apt-get dist-upgrade that the urls can not be find at ubuntu server becouse not anymore supported. how can i upgrade a outdated ubuntu server else?10:48
makarahi. How can I change which servers to update from, from the command line? (I'm on 12.04 server)10:55
bekksedit /etc/apt/sources.list10:58
makarabekks, ok. I think it won't solve my problem though. On sudo apt-get update it returns this: "W: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: http://archive.canonical.com precise Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>"11:06
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luminousquestion: say I have some systems on an internal network that is unable to reach launchpad. I want to setup some services, which need to access a set of PPA's from launchpad, say updates for nginx and mongo or something. is it easier to automate the setup/update for a mirror of select PPA (using the PPA as the source for the pkg), or just automate the package build process to setup a custom mirror?19:02
Patrickdkluminous, personally, I just use apt-cacher-ng, or you could use another proxy server if you wanted19:33
Patrickdkwill save bandwidth and speed up downloads too19:33
luminousPatrickdk: yea, I think I need both to some degree. eg ability to build / host, but then also proxy/cache19:41
TheLordOfTimeis there a guide to setting up PostFix, IMAP, and SSL for both SMTP and IMAP anywhere?20:07
MavKenare you using tasksel ?20:08
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pmatulisTheLordOfTime: very old and well-known tech, so lots of guides21:38
fhfHi all. Can any1 explain to me why this config: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6693390/ is blocking outgoing connections on my server? I mean I can ssh to machine but pinging other machines and wget http://www.google.com/ fail? What else should I add to my config to allow outgoing connections?21:46
RoyKfhf: generally, using ufw, it's easier - just post iptables -vnL21:50
RoyKoh, btw, why are you usin stone-age ftp?21:50
fhfRoyK: I love ufw but... this is OpenVZ VM so ufw doesn't work :/ and ftp will be later replaced by sftp.21:52
RoyKpastebin iptables -vnL21:53
RoyKnothing drops outgoing there, but the ESTABLISHED,RELATED rule seems to be missing21:56
fhfthis: "$IPTBLS -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT" ? its on the top of config file21:56
RoyKjust can't see it in the output21:57
RoyKperhaps I'm blind? ;)21:57
RoyKwhy doesn't ufw work with openvz, btw?21:58
fhfhah you are not mby this VM is haunted21:59
RoyKufw is just an iptables wrapper22:00
fhfRoyK: ufw is using modprobe and it fails to start ERROR: problem with running ufw-init22:01
fhfRoyK: and ufw sets some setting via sysctl and sysctl doesn't work on OpenVZ VM22:02
fhfRoyK: I figured it out. I inserted "$IPTBLS -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT" instead of "$IPTBLS -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT" thanks for help22:10
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