
xnoxRhonda: packages.ubuntu.com generates so much traffic, it's amazing. 9 out of 10 requests are from search index crawlers.... =)00:32
xnoxwrong channel.00:33
Rhondaxnox: ;)00:33
ddssswhat's a best device for ubuntu touch tablet?02:07
ddssswhat's a best device for ubuntu touch?02:07
nhainesWill probably be a 2012-style Nexus 7 tablet, which is not sold anymore.02:09
ddssswill it be easier to install ubuntu on intel tablet device as opposed to arm?02:12
cyphermoxddsss: no02:29
cyphermoxddsss: there are some things which are only built for arm still, you're better off using a device which is mentioned as supported by Canonical on the wiki, or a device supported by the community, with the information on xda-developers.02:30
ddsssmaaan. this waiting is killing me.02:35
xnoxddsss: there are no builds for intel tablets, the only intel-based targets in-development is intel emulator, not a physical tablet.02:54
=== vying is now known as Guest6147
ZampsonHey I've touch set up to dual boot with CM11, how can I set up a folder for music to play on both os's?04:58
=== SirCmpwn is now known as Guest37212
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FuLgOrEhello. may I ask for the status of 4.4 rebase and support of Nexus 5?11:44
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erwan_hi all13:06
Reynaldo_Joseis ubuntu-touch ready for daily drive of nexus 4?14:26
Reynaldo_Joseis there a whatsapp application?14:26
RienzilhaI can call and webbrowse on it14:26
mhall119nik90: dude, this OSK post of yours is fantastic!  Can I copy/paste it onto developer.ubuntu.com in full (with attribution and link back)?15:09
mardykaimast: hi!15:40
mardykaimast: did you try using https://www.ubuntu.com as redirect URI?15:40
kaimastmardy: yeah15:46
kaimasti wonder if i have to set up the TokenEndpoint too...15:47
=== Guest37212 is now known as SirCmpwn
nik90mhall119: ofc, be my guest :-)17:05
mhall119thanks nik9018:13
taiebotHello everyone. Happy new year!! Anyone knowledgable on 3g connection i have been following https://plus.google.com/+RicardoSalveti/posts/3o1tjYo9Ghx but it says it is deprecated at the end of the thread. i am not sure what is the best way to connect to 3g. my status is nmcli dev status18:51
taiebotDEVICE     TYPE              STATE18:51
taiebot/ril_0     gsm               disconnected18:51
taiebotwlan0      802-11-wireless   connected18:51
mhall119nik90: http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/qml/tutorial/ubuntu-on-screen-keyboard-tricks/19:03
mhall119nik90: I added some extra links to API docs, but otherwise it's the same19:04
mhall119now I need to find a place to link it from19:04
mhall119nik90: tell stuart I'm adding the U1DB docs live now as he's speaking :)19:47
=== h[a]kr is now known as hakr
21WAB3IQDsome weeks ago I was warned by popey and ogra_ not to install Android 4.4. After reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/DualBootInstallation#Android4.4Radio it seems to me I can upgrade to 4.4 now, am I right?20:21
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MrDigeratiHey - I am installing Ubuntu Touch on Mako using MultiRom. Where can I get the stable release it?21:53
TassadarMrDigerati: what do you mean?21:55
MrDigerati@Tassadar Oh! You are here :) Wow!21:56
MrDigerati@Tassadar I just want to download the UbuntuTouch images manually. I have the MultiRom app installed though. It was just taking too long to download.21:57
MrDigeratiAs this is not stable yet. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/21:58
MrDigeratiHow can I find the stable images? #Saucy21:59
Tassadargimme a minute, I'm killing boss ;)22:00
dakerMrDigerati: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/saucy/daily-preinstalled/20131127/22:00
MrDigerati@Tassadar - Oh! No Why?22:00
MrDigerati@Daker Thanks! Doesn't say stable anywhere :-/22:00
omacTassadar:  Hello there.  Mr. Digerati did observe it does take a while to download the images.  I can confirm it does take a good 20-40 minutes for the download to happen.  Are you doing a straight wget from with MultiRom app?  Would it be possible to integrate zsync?  zsync feels like bittorrent getting the data from different mirrors.  When I download the latest ubuntu, I always use zsync because it feels much faster than a straight downloa22:01
MrDigerati@Daker As this is the only one for saucy can we call it stable?22:02
dakerMrDigerati: the cdimage version is deprecated i think22:03
dakerMrDigerati: https://system-image.ubuntu.com/22:03
omacI would love to see MultiRomManager be the default grub for mobile devices...not only from within Android, but also within Ubuntu Touch itself.22:03
dakerMrDigerati: https://system-image.ubuntu.com/stable/22:03
omacThe most excruciating part of using ubuntu touch right now is having to resort to going to Android and installing a new Ubuntu Touch image from there.  I would have prefer to do complete kernel updates from within ubuntu using apt-get update and apt-get upgrade....it would be nice to have apt be MultiRomManager aware and modify the kernel accordingly rather than having to download an entire new image to get the same result.22:06
MrDigeratiDaker: Many thanks! Looks like I won't be able to do it myself if I do it from the stable link.22:06
Tassadarthat's weird, downloads should definitely not take that long...22:06
Tassadaranyway, those ZIP files are deprecated22:06
MrDigeratiDaker: MultiRom app would the way to do it then.22:07
Tassadarand you shouldn't use them to install Ubuntu Touch22:07
MrDigeratiTassadar: Yeah we just figured :(22:07
Tassadaryou can use Ubuntu Touch ota updates with multirom though22:07
Tassadar(if you install it via the app, the updates from "Settings->Update" work fine22:08
Tassadar(not apt-get upgrade, that will mess it up)22:08
omacTassadar: do you wget/zync/torrent the images?  I'm just curious.  My question is because if you get the image on one single connection, certain geographic locations throttle the connection to 60KB/s.  If you serve the file via torrent/zsync many mirrors, it will go FAST even with many small 60KB/s connections.22:08
Tassadarafk for a minute gain, going for another try..22:09
omacTassadar, are you saying you can Settings->update ACTUALLY has kernel update capability.  I thought Settings->Update only updates applications and not the actual kernel.  Perhaps I misunderstood.22:11
omacWhen I made the image rewriteable and then did an apt update/upgrade, it crapped out my image because the ubuntu touch grub-init was buggy and didn't play nice.  I imagine it's the same from Settings->Update.22:12
omacFrom what I understand MultiRomManager is a lot like GRUB...but just for Android.22:13
omacWhy can't we have MultiRomManager be a native Ubuntu Touch app?22:13
TassadarThat update updates the whole system22:14
Tassadarit kinda does very similar thing to what grub does22:14
Tassadarbut that's about it22:14
Tassadarand it isn't app for ubuntu touch because I didn't wrote it)22:14
Tassadaromac: also, the updates are just http downloads from http://system-image.ubuntu.com22:15
omacI think MultiRomManager is much more versatile and easier to use because of its GUI.  I actually like it more than grub itself as a result.22:15
omacTassadar:  as a result the downloads could be faster if there was a torrent/zsync client embedded into the MultiRomManager which could download the file much faster from different mirrors simultaneously through WIFI.22:16
Tassadarthe app parses metadata in there and then downloads appropriate files from http://system-image.ubuntu.com/pool/22:16
TassadarI can't do that, current update/install system ubuntu has doesn't support that22:17
Tassadar*the 'has' is not supposed to be there22:17
omacI would volunteer as an ubuntu touch mirror and turn on torrent/zsync serving for these.22:18
TassadarMrDigerati: can you try to download some random big file from http://system-image.ubuntu.com/pool/ and see if it is slow or fast?22:18
omacThe other reason for enabling mirrors is the cost of data uploading is distributed to the mirrors.  It would help to reduce the cost of distributing all these ubuntu touch images.22:21
TassadarI'm installing ubuntu touch in the multirom mgr app the same way the official tools do it, and I think things things zsync/torrent that simply aren't implemented yet. Dunno if they are even planned.22:22
MrDigeratiTassadar: from my browser its pretty fast22:23
MrDigeratiTassadar: I will try again. I installed CM11 in the mean while. All thanks to you :)22:24
PublicStaticVoidThis is the awesome I cant have on my phone cause my bootloader is locked22:24
MrDigeratiPSVM: that's eash.22:25
MrDigerati*Easy. JustDoIt22:25
TassadarI could at least support continued downloads for those big files22:27
omacapt-p2p, debtorrent ...zsync isn't p2p.22:29
PublicStaticVoidHey so when I installed from net install earlier I marked the Ubuntu Touch when selecting packages22:31
PublicStaticVoidI was hoping for extra functionality for my touchscreen22:31
PublicStaticVoidBut I guess there is nothing22:31
PublicStaticVoidAnything I can help Test for x86_64 Touchscreen systems?22:31
omacTassadar: perhaps using apt-fast as part of your MultiRomManager to get individual files faster.22:36
Tassadarubuntu touch installs completely different way than desktop ubuntu22:36
Tassadarit doesn't really use apt-get at all22:36
omacTassadar:  I understand how essential it is to download one image for the first time you install ubuntu touch on your device.  That is a necessity everyone needs to go through as users.  My point is once installed, in order to run a newer image, it would be nice to provide all the packages including the kernel using the standard apt-get just like the desktop.  When installing a new kernel comes into play,22:39
omacsomewhere within grub-init/apt, it would have the smarts to talk to MultiRomManager(native Ubuntu Touch version) to do the necessary tweaking.22:40
Tassadarthe update system on ubuntu touch downloads only changes between two version, not whole images22:40
omacFor first timers, it downloads a full-image plus the changes to the newer version?22:41
PublicStaticVoidso no..22:42
PublicStaticVoidIs there a Touch Beta for X86_64 systems?22:42
PublicStaticVoidSomething I can try on my touchscreen laptop?22:42
PublicStaticVoidI selected Touch during Package selection on the net install but I don't really see anything..22:43
omacPublicStaticVoid:  standard x86_64 ubuntu...install it.  then look for the apis within the ubuntu desktop software centre...I think you'll find something.22:43
Tassadaromac: when it installs, it downloads full image, then only changes between versions22:43
Tassadarthat of course doesn't work when you make the system image writable and install bunch of stuff via apt-get22:44
PublicStaticVoidomac I dont use the softare center.. usually CLI dpkg22:44
PublicStaticVoidis there a wiki page or something?22:44
omacI'm not an expert sorry.22:44
PublicStaticVoidI have a phone that Touch is being unofficially developed on22:45
omacwhat you can do is install ubuntu-sdk on your ubuntu desktop.22:45
PublicStaticVoidbut my bootloader is locked22:45
omacwhat's the device you have?22:45
PublicStaticVoidDroid Razr HD22:46
PublicStaticVoidIm on an OTA that hasnt been unlocked yet22:46
omacdroid razr hd has an unlocker program provided by motorola.22:46
PublicStaticVoidOnly for developer editions22:46
PublicStaticVoidI tried22:46
omacdownload it directly from motorola and run it to unlock your device.22:46
PublicStaticVoidUnless you are talking something new22:46
PublicStaticVoidYou have a link cause on XDA there are people offering 400 dollar bounties for anyone who can unlock current OTA bootloaders..22:47
PublicStaticVoidThink they would know if there was some app from motorola..22:47
omacthe unlocker program is not for just developer editions.  It is for certain models that they shipped it for.  you're lucky to own one of these models they shipped one for because they only ship for recent droid models.22:48
PublicStaticVoidThere was a website where you enterd your SN and it gave you an unlock code.. but it wonly worked for developer editions22:48
PublicStaticVoidomac: Sorry I do not believe you... like I said on XDA Developers there are numerous bounties for anyone to unlock the bootloader for current OTA.. I find it hard to believe none of them would know about it.22:49
PublicStaticVoidCan you show me a link?22:49
omacI saw a webpage directly from Motorola a while ago.   Give me some time...it's not this one:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hecdyMFgpk822:52
PublicStaticVoidOnly dev edition lol22:53
PublicStaticVoidlike I said22:53
PublicStaticVoidXDA Developer users wouldnt be offer 400 dollar bounties if there was an easy solution like that.22:54
omacI'm in Canada, it didn't stipulate that the phone needed to be a developer edition.  Are you in the U.S.?22:55
PublicStaticVoidI believe Canada is a diferent model22:55
PublicStaticVoidnot CDMA22:56
PublicStaticVoidHo can I try touch on my touchscreen x86-64 laptop?23:10
PublicStaticVoidis there a package?23:10
omacThere is the tslib xorg driver for desktop ubuntu.  Does this work with the ubuntu touch emulator.23:33
omaccan a qt-based gui run with multi-touch gestures?  Is it dependant on simply the tslib xorg driver or does qt need other touchscreen drivers on ubuntu desktop?23:35
omacI don't have a touchscreen based x86 desktop, but it would have been practical to have such a system to prototype ubuntu touch with.23:37
omacgood night guys.23:37

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