
=== richard is now known as Guest56818
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
foobarryspotted at the museum of childhood. the small text says "i think war games are..." http://i.imgur.com/tVFbKae.jpg07:33
=== DJones is now known as Guest10586
=== PaulW2U is now known as Guest9135
=== ikonia_ is now known as Guest81077
MartijnVdSza jan  4 11:12:44 CET 201410:12
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)10:25
brobostigonmorning everyone,10:32
brobostigonis it possible to resize an ext4 partition to make space for a partition to put haiku on, without mucking up grub2?10:34
arc__Good morning10:37
brobostigonmorning arc__10:38
dwatkinsis Haiku what became of BeOS?10:39
brobostigondwatkins: yes, and i want to more permentnetly test on real hw than only inside a vm.10:39
dwatkinslooks ace10:39
brobostigonits is, it has came along huge strides.10:39
dwatkinsI wonder if it will run Steam games like KSP.10:40
brobostigonno idea.10:40
arc__Haiku why are u talking about poems :D10:40
brobostigonthey do have a modern upto hate html5 and webkit implementation.10:40
brobostigonupto date*10:41
dwatkinsarc__: https://www.haiku-os.org/gallery?albumid=516708022818173494510:41
brobostigona beautiful hybrid kernel OS, :)10:41
brobostigonanyways back to my question ,if i did that, would it wreck grub2?10:42
arc__looks ok10:42
brobostigonits the best gui i have ever used, and the fastest, and the fastest booting.10:43
arc__Not the best looking10:43
brobostigonthat very different, form being perfect in terms of usability.10:44
arc__Yea 9t is very useable10:44
arc__Makes me think of windows10:45
brobostigonthe design is so different, its much closer to the amiga.10:46
popeybrobostigon: resizing ext4 down shouldn't be a problem10:46
brobostigonpopey: ok thank you.10:47
arc__It's just it's not pleasing for the eyes10:48
dwatkinsI thought you might be referring to a window manager10:49
arc__So it's not based on linux then [cool]10:49
dwatkinsI like i3: http://i3wm.org/10:49
dwatkinsI do, true fact.10:50
dwatkinsI'm confused as to what you're saying, arc__10:51
arc__I got a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04 lts to play with so see ya[i meant nothing just messing]10:51
brobostigonok, does the drive reference and or the partition uuid need to be equal for grub2 to recognise it?10:56
bigcalmAnybody here, apart from me, use nut?11:55
MartijnVdSbigcalm: nut?12:12
MartijnVdSbigcalm: ah the network ups thung12:13
bigcalmMartijnVdS: I take that as a no then :)12:13
arc__Ahh ubuntu being slow [good times]12:36
=== LjL^ is now known as LjL
bigcalmSo, does the dash do fancy number conversions like google does?12:58
arc__What can win server do that ubuntu server cant ?13:01
MartijnVdScrash a lot13:01
MartijnVdSarc__: it's better than ever, but I still wouldn't recommend it ;)13:01
MartijnVdSunless you're made of money..13:02
arc__which server os can admin linux mac and windows13:02
bigcalmIt can run ms sql server13:02
MartijnVdSarc__: that question does not make sense13:02
arc__so i can create manange users on other os's13:03
MartijnVdSarc__: An OS is an OS, "server" and "not-server" is usually just a difference of a few tuning parameters and maybe more ""desktop"-like software preinstalled13:03
MartijnVdSarc__: http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba_AD_DC_HOWTO13:03
MartijnVdSarc__: Any of those 3 OSes can do that :)13:03
arc__Ok but not user management13:04
MartijnVdSarc__: yes, also user management13:04
arc__on other client os [win , mac, linux ]13:05
MartijnVdSarc__: you can connect a Windows machine to a Linux machine running Samba4 in AD DC mode, and log in using any user from the AD13:05
MartijnVdSarc__: you can manage that AD (which runs on the Linux box) from Linux fine13:05
MartijnVdSApple is a bit special.13:05
arc__Oh ok13:06
arc__Why apple a bit special ?13:06
MartijnVdSarc__: well, you CAN bind it to AD, but it's weird.13:06
arc__how weired13:07
MartijnVdSplease read the documentation yourself to figure that out.13:07
arc__ok :(13:07
arc__But this samba is completely a diffrent server os [rather than the one u install a normal ubuntu desktop right ?]13:08
MartijnVdSit's a piece of software you can run on a Linux (or BSD, or other Unix) machine13:08
MartijnVdSjust like MS SQL Server is a piece of software you can run on a Windows machine13:09
arc__So it should be included in ubuntu server 12.04.3 right13:10
MartijnVdSsamba4 - dummy transitional package for samba 4.x series13:10
MartijnVdSthat's on current development13:10
MartijnVdSsamba4 - SMB/CIFS file, NT domain and active directory server (version 4)13:11
MartijnVdSthat's on 12.0413:11
MartijnVdSit probably works better in the newer versions (like the new LTS, coming in April)13:11
arc__Ok will read up and try it out today then13:11
Myrttitrying to watch the same tv show while being 1000miles apart is a bit difficult13:19
brobostigonworked perfectly, no issues, haiku build environment back again.13:44
brobostigoncan wait to get my hands on the packaging system,13:45
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== Guest10586 is now known as DJones
dwatkinspeople still use 123reg.co.uk? wow14:54
dwatkinsMyrtti: I assume it's not simply a case of browsing to http://tvcatchup.com ...14:55
Myrttidwatkins: no, it's more about synchronised watching16:22
brobostigoncm11-m2-grouper, :)16:24
Myrttio ho17:01
Myrttisyncplay seems promising17:01
Myrttivery promising17:33
daftykinsfor what scenario?17:43
Myrttifor me being in Finland and dsample in UK and wanting to watch the same show at the same time while in a Google+ Hangout with eachother17:46
Myrtti*cough* Sherlock *cough*17:46
daftykinsah right17:49
daftykinsyeah in another chan they watch films with a few at the same time but it doesn't tend to be done very scientifically17:49
daftykinsdespite them being aware of syncplay17:49
penguin42Myrtti: Crap!17:53
penguin42(I really did find it pretty bad)17:53
Myrttipenguin42: hum?17:53
dwatkinsI imagine with the right hardware, you could simply pipe the video feed from the TV/set-top-box into the hangout17:53
penguin42Myrtti: Sherlock17:53
dwatkinsor just have it downloaded and press play at the same time, iPlayer or whatever17:54
Myrttidwatkins: sure, but being able to control pausing etc helps with keeping in sync17:55
Myrttipenguin42: *shrug* could've been better but it was ok.17:55
penguin42Myrtti: Just thought it was missing much plot or any hard problems17:57
Myrttiwell yes, it was a filler17:59
=== Guest81077 is now known as ikonia
mapitoanyone able to answer a quick dns query?18:42
daftykinsjust ask!18:43
mapitoquick question - say I had an A record example.com IN A could I not just then have a CNAME record like www.example.com IN CNAME example.com record to make www.example.com point to example.com so you could use both http:// and http://wwww18:44
daftykinson my control panel with my provider, i have two A records for that18:46
daftykinsthe first is blank in the 'name' field and points to the IP18:46
daftykinsthen the second has the name 'www' and also points to the IP18:47
mapitoyea thats what i'd read aswell an a record for example.com and an a record for the www18:47
daftykinsso that should work if you're having issues with non-www's failing18:47
mapitobut why couldnt you have example.com point to the IP using an A record then www.ex.com a CNAME to example.com ?18:47
mapitomaybe im just being stupid but i dont see why a cname wouldnt work :)18:47
daftykinsthat sounds like it'd cause a repeat to me18:48
daftykinsyou don't want to double requests18:48
daftykinsbut i don't know DNS as well as i'd like unfortunately18:48
mapitobecause we'd be requesting www.example.com then example.com i see18:48
mapitoyea was just curious :)18:48
daftykinsi think so yeah18:48
daftykinsnp :)18:48
mapitoinstalled cowsay on my machine now :D18:49
mapitonice to get the little info bits when i login18:50
mapitoquiet ere today18:51
daftykinsyeah it is a bit18:53
mapitowhat you doing? man that London sky cycle thing would be cool - and am i the only person that wants google glass or a competitors..if and when anyone else launches18:55
daftykinssat at my desktop with the cat on my lap, playing a game at the moment :)18:57
mapitowhat game? you thought much about glass?18:58
daftykinsit's a little too gimmicky for me really, plus i wear specs normally anyway so i'd probably have to sell a kidney for such things18:59
daftykinsi picked up Max Payne 3 during the Steam sales, so trying that out at the moment18:59
mapitotheyre working on prescription glasses that work with glass19:06
daftykinsyeah that's what'd cost a fortune19:07
daftykinsi already pay £350+ for a pair of specs19:07
mapitowish theyd hurry up with the ftc here19:14
daftykinswhat do you have at the moment?19:15
mapito6mbit adsl:(19:17
daftykinshmm, are you in some rural outskirts somewhere?19:20
daftykinsi'm on the Channel Island of Guernsey and now have 40 down, 5 up VDSL2 for £35/month unlimited19:21
mapitoIn stoke - ST1 area - 6mbit adsl when i was in ST4 had 6mbit too it sucks man19:21
mapito7years ago at uni I had 20mbit NTL in PO2 or whatever fenton is and then 20mbit again in PO119:21
mapitomy dad has 75mbit BT FTC and 100mbit VM says hes gona dump one..but i cant get ANYTHING19:22
daftykinsheh two services is nice19:22
mapitoyea having the choice..but yep i have nothing bt site says FTC is there soon and its accepting orders but that means accepting orders from isps..so not ready7 for customers yet19:23
mapitowho you with19:26
daftykinswe have our own telcos down here on the islands19:27
daftykinsa company in Bahrain now owns it19:27
popeyEvening all.20:00
ali1234unity still gives weird, irrelevant, and inappropriate results: http://imagebin.org/28517220:20
penguin42ali1234: I feel that is the title of a launchpad bug20:24
ali1234yeah i'm just wondering what package i should even report it against20:24
penguin42unity-scope-onlinemusic - Unity Scope that provides online music to the Dash. ?20:25
ali1234i kind of feel like nobody will even see it there20:25
ali1234plus it isn't hard to get rubbish like this from any of the scopes20:26
penguin42just unity then?20:26
penguin42ali1234: I'm not sure whether the word or the fact that it in no way matches the search term offends me more20:27
popeyali1234: file a bug against that package and I'll make sure someone sees it.20:32
popeysomeone useful.20:32
ali1234popey: bug 126609821:02
lubotu3bug 1266098 in unity-scope-onlinemusic (Ubuntu) "Music scope returns weird, irrelevant, inappropriate, NSFW results" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126609821:02
penguin42ali1234: What's the word under the redline after Disco?21:06
ali1234penguin42: it actually says "...e"21:07
penguin42ali1234: Ah right21:07
ali1234the result is shortened21:07
ali1234the actual word though is gnome21:07
ali1234so the shortening algorithm removed the only part that matched the search21:07
penguin42ali1234: OK, so a google search says that TF have a tune 'Disco Gnome (Tale of Us Remix)'21:07
penguin42ali1234: So that's why that was a match21:08
ali1234right but it's still weird (robocop riding a unicorn?), irrelevant to what i wanted, and NSFW21:08
* penguin42 has probably now popped his search bubble having searched for that21:08
penguin42ali1234: Oh I agree, but it does at least explain why it matched21:09
popeyali1234: ta21:13
ali1234does firefox use gtk2 or gtk3?21:16
ali1234if it uses gtk3, why does it's file open requester look different to the one in gedit, under trusty?21:16
ali1234but if it uses gtk2, why does it display ~/.config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks in the sidebar?21:17
penguin42I'd say it uses 221:18
penguin42ali1234: It would make sense for them both to share one set of bookmarks, otherwise it would get messy21:19
ali1234gtk2 uses ~/.gtk-bookmarks21:19
ali1234at least it used to21:20
penguin42it certainly seems bad for them to use different ones, and it seems right that being config it should be in .config21:21
ali1234actually that can't be right21:23
ali1234yeah, ok21:27
ali1234so they rewrote file requesters in gtk 3.1021:27
ali1234in 3.8 they are identical to gtk2 ones21:27
ali1234but when you install trusty, gtk2 and gtk3 apps now have different file requesters21:28
* penguin42 doesn't think he has any GTK3 apps installed21:31
Myrttioooher http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/athene-utility-style-bracelet21:42
bigcalmMyrtti: that looks quite nice21:44
Myrttiit does21:45
bigcalmSadly not going to make its goal though21:45
bigcalmPeople lack money after xmas21:45
bigcalmOh, it's gone the flexible funding route though21:46
arc___hey if i want to make my ubuntu server a primary domain controller do i need to install samba423:07
arc___do i do apt-get install samba423:08
arc___anyone or am i asking in the wrong place ?23:10
penguin42arc___: #ubuntu is main support23:19
penguin42arc___: I don't know the Samba foo though23:19
ali1234ugh... firefox has this stupid bug where redirects stop working23:40
ali1234i've seen it on two machines now23:40
ali1234it stops happening if you restart firefox... until the next time it happens23:40
ali1234it could only be a bug in firefox, or caused by adblock plus... i can't stand to use the internet without adblock plus for long enough to reproduce it23:41
=== LjL^ is now known as LjL
=== DGJones is now known as DJones

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