
belkinsajrgifford ping00:27
jrgiffordbelkinsa: sorry!00:27
jrgiffordtoday got a little insane.00:27
jrgiffordi'm available to try it out now, if you want?00:28
jrgiffordhttps://chatb.org/#ubuntu-us-oh - right?00:28
jenni[ chatb.org ] - https://j.mp/19D4EfI00:28
belkinsayeah, give me a sec00:28
paultagooh, I can try it out00:28
jrgiffordI only have a few minutes though00:29
belkinsapaultag, how long do you have?00:29
paultagtwo sec00:29
belkinsaOkay, it will work00:29
jrgiffordyup, it works00:30
jenni[ jnettop wiki FrontPage ] - https://j.mp/19U8UFh00:33
jrgiffordalso made my laptop fan go nuts00:34
jrgiffordbut yeah, about 100Kb/s total00:34
paultagper stream or to both of us00:35
jrgiffordPer stream00:35
jrgiffordBut when you left, it went up for belkinsa00:36
paultagmight not scale as well as it could, but screw it, seems fine00:36
paultagoh interesting00:36
jrgiffordSo it might have global limit.00:36
paultagI wonder if you can mute non-speaking streams00:36
paultagvideo mute00:36
jrgiffordFor a beta protocol, I'm impressed though00:38
belkinsaJust wondering, should we wait until skellat comes back?00:42
belkinsafor a mock virtual Ubuntu Hour?00:42
jrgiffordput the invite out there00:44
jrgiffordand see if people are interested00:44
belkinsaOut where?00:44
jrgiffordmailing list00:45
belkinsaRight.  And the discourse too, right?00:45
belkinsaOkay.  On it.00:47
Unit193paultag: Nice, danke.  Now I have to figure out how to use it. ;P01:04
paultagUnit193: ssh alioth.debian.org01:04
paultagUnit193: you might need to log in and set your RSA ssh key01:04
paultagnot DSA01:04
Unit193Yep, thinking generallly and good use of git as well.01:05
paultagyou *can* use bzr if you want01:05
paultagbut use git01:05
Unit193Well yeah, just thinking generally.  I use git for a few other projects, just not well.  Oh, and saw the friend from your area today.01:06
paultagwho's that?01:08
paultagor a friend of yours from BOS :)01:08
Unit193Mhmm, he was on break.  Not anyone you know, just going to post-grad or something.01:08
paultagah cool01:08
belkinsaAnd done.  Discourse thread: http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/mock-virtual-ubuntu-hour/1375 and Mailing-list thread: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-us-ohio/msg01393.html01:35
jenni[ Mock virtual Ubuntu Hour - Ubuntu Discourse ] - https://j.mp/19UcZZZ01:35
jenni[ Mock virtual Ubuntu Hours : Mailing list archive : ubuntu-us-ohio team in Launchpad ] - https://j.mp/1diheMv01:35
belkinsaYou think this is worthy for the topic of the channel?01:36
Unit193Hrm, can't find the page on what's kosher in Collab-maint...01:39
Unit193paultag: Hmm, can't find the rules and what's kosher on collab-maint, am I stupid or are they hidden?02:03
paultagDebian things02:06
paultagthat's about it02:06
Unit193More like, when and what repos?02:19
paultag/git/collab-maint repos02:23
paultagyou can create any sort of Debian-related ones there.02:24
paultagDDs can use alioth more generally02:24
paultagbut most don't02:24
Unit193Ah, was wondering because there's another project on there, and not sure if I should or can push a branch.02:24
paultaggo for it02:26
paultagdon't break shit ™02:26
paultagcollab-maint means collaboratively maintained02:26
Unit193jandrusk: Howdy.02:27
Unit193paultag: Heeey, it builds and is Lintian clean, just has another guy working on the ITP. :D02:29
* Unit193 shuts up. :)02:29
paultagif you're in doubt, ask #debian-devel :)02:29
paultagwhich you're not in02:29
paultagbad Unit19302:29
paultagdid you apply for DM yet?02:29
paultagno? bad Unit19302:30
Unit193Hey, I'm in a couple OFTC channels...  No, I don't have a sig yet, can't get it soon either.02:30
Unit193Oh dang, gilbert isn't on http://ohio.ubuntu-us.org/map/user, at least I don't see him.02:51
=== jrgifford is now known as Guest93853
belkinsaWe have two others (one of them is jorge) that wants to test this.13:53
=== Guest93853 is now known as jrgifford
belkinsaI also forwarded this to the LoCo Contacts list.14:37
Unit193paultag: In case you didn't see, mentors likes me now. :P21:34
paultagwhy's that?21:34
* paultag hunts for his pageupkey21:34
Unit193Have to set your email to what you upload as, it doesn't verify against your gpg key.  Last time I did that, I didn't wait long enough for the email change to take affect.21:35
Unit193Not sure if I'm going to go for the QA upload or not though, dont'w ant to break stuff. :P21:36
paultagbreaking stuff is fun21:37
Unit193Not asking for your sponsorship, just linking to http://mentors.debian.net/package/samdump221:39
jenni[ mentors.debian.net ] - https://j.mp/1bGRZ5k21:39
* Unit193 already spots a tiny problem. :D21:46

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