
mlankhorstDandel: nouveau still cannot reclock00:21
mlankhorstDandel: so it's faster to use cpu rendering on nouveau at least00:21
mlankhorstand because I don't want people blacklisting nouveau I've disabled it for now00:22
Dandelmlankhorst, it should be possible to blindly disable the noveau vdpau state tracker01:00
Dandelmlankhorst, linux 3.13 has improved reclocking support in nouveau01:03
Dandelmlankhorst, I have a half-way approach... by default the mesa ( and xorg drivers ) don't enable vdpau, but offer the option to install the packages with vdpau via an testing ppa ( similar to xorg-edgers )01:15
mlankhorstDandel: fortunately for you others already have a ppa with vdpau enabled06:06
Dandelmlankhorst, oh... where is that at?06:34
mlankhorsthttps://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/graphics-drivers/ i think06:45
mlankhorstbut it breaks if enabled on trusty :p06:45
TynachHi. I'm not sure if what I'm experiencing is a bug or not. I'm using the xorg-edgers ppa, and the 13.10 kernel, but on Ubuntu 12.04. After I rebooted, nVidia's proprietary driver will no longer load. I don't know if I'm using Nouveau or nv, but the display resolution is correct... But I have no 3D acceleration. nvidia-smi tells me there's an error talking to the nvidia driver.21:36
TynachJockey says that none of the listed drivers are in use, though several are enabled.21:36
TynachNo ideas?21:51
Dandelricotz, I think the xorg edgers ppa needs to be fixed on the nvidia driver ( seeing as how there was another person who ran into the issue I ran into )23:48

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