
PessimistI want to create a GUI application on gnu/linux distributions. Which toolkit should I choose? Primarly the target would be Ubuntu. I am thinking about gtk300:00
Atlantic777Pessimist: stick with qt.00:01
Viking667you've pretty much got a choice of qt, gtk3 or something more .... exotic.00:01
Atlantic777It's way more comfortable than gtk.00:01
Viking667gtk3 will certainly be supported on Ubuntu, qt however ... good question. If any kde programs are installed, then qt will be.00:02
Atlantic777Pessimist: feel free to ask me for more info. :)00:02
FloodBot1Josethcortez: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:02
kostkonPessimist, start from http://developer.ubuntu.com/   ubuntu-sdk could be the right choice00:02
Josethcortezvengo a presentar una queja00:02
kostkonPessimist, it's qt5 based btw00:02
Viking667jose: por favor, hablo Inglese?00:03
Viking667err, hablar Inglese.00:04
joseViking667: do you need help?00:04
kostkonViking667, he's left00:04
joseoh, you were trying to talk to josethcortez00:04
Viking667oh nuts00:05
TuNif i want to check how did a process got automatically killed, how can I found out? what would be the error?00:05
eksiptry to run proccess in terminal, usualy it says the error00:06
Atlantic777Viking667: please, take a look at this00:06
eksipand the error google00:06
jhutchinsViking667: I think that might have been Portuguese - there's a !pt factoid.00:06
TuNeksip, well when I run it, there is no error00:06
TuNbut after 2 seconds00:06
TuNthe process gets killed, and i can't findout what's the error.00:06
jhutchinsTuN: To begin with, launch it in a terminal window.00:07
eksipjhutchins: and then00:07
TuNjhutchins, i am running it in a terminal; doing ./psybnc to run it00:08
eksipno Tun find the path00:09
TuNand it runs fine, it does not show any error, even when I do ps x, it shows the process. but after 2 seconds, it gets killed00:09
eksipto find the path  use this  whereis00:09
TuNi know the path, i'm running it from the main directory of that psybnc00:10
Atlantic777So it's kind of mirrored...00:10
Atlantic777And I've already posted xrandr output.00:10
Atlantic777And one more thing... Can I use all three displays (VGA, HDMI and LVDS) at the same time? I have ATI Radeon HD 6670M00:10
FloodBot1Atlantic777: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:10
Atlantic777If it's not possible, I'm switching back to the intel only.00:10
glitsj16TuN: not familiar with psybnc, but it might have some command switches to give more verbose error output .. does it have a man page or a --help switch you can check?00:10
eksipwhen process stops, there no message in terminal at all?00:10
Viking667Atlantic777: just having a look now. But next time, try and say more on one line, not over multiple lines, eh?00:10
TuNyeah no message00:10
eksipi do not know00:11
TuNthat is the strangest part. it was working alright before I installed oidentd. now when I installed oidentd, it gets killed.00:11
deltbtw the laptop goes to sleep when i close the lid, even if i configured it to do nothing in the xfce settings00:11
Viking667hm. looks okay, how's it "messed up"?00:12
Viking667i.e. can you put a window across the two boundaries?00:12
Atlantic777Viking667: everything should be only on one display.00:12
Viking667hm. So you actually want one display disabled?00:13
Atlantic777And in the picture taken with camera there are terminals which are shown on both displays and on different positions.00:13
Atlantic777No, I want to look it like this: http://i.imgur.com/Q3lCqti.png00:14
Viking667uhm, do you realise I can't tell the difference between any of the three pictures?00:15
Viking667they literally all look the same to me.00:15
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BeldarHydr0p0nX, So it seems strange that the mouse and keyboard are iffy in 13.10, are these 3rd party specific hardware like ms or apple...etc?00:16
Viking667Ahh, I see. I missed the first picture.00:16
Viking667my apologies.00:16
Atlantic777no problem00:16
Viking667I suspect the offset is .... incorrect.00:16
Atlantic777The last one link is target, the one taken with camera is the problem and actual situation. :)00:16
Viking667I suspect your computer thinks the desktop is 2560 wide, not 384000:17
Viking667I'll take another prod at this. Give me a moment.00:17
Atlantic777and xorg.conf in case you find it helpfull https://paste.lugons.org/show/LJLPP4c3RQ8MoseObGdk/00:18
Viking667strange. That looks correct.00:19
dolmiogrindoes anyone know why my newish Acer Aspire V5 wont mount/boot Ubuntu to run or even install?  im using a usb i made with unetbottin i d/led the image from ubuntu`s webpage.00:19
dolmiogrinand im currently running windows 8.100:20
lickalottdolmiogrin, UEFI bios.00:20
Viking667Atlantic777: do me a favour, will you.... shift the terminal about 100 px to the left.00:20
Beldar!uefi | dolmiogrin00:20
ubottudolmiogrin: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI00:20
Viking667and then take a picture for me.00:20
dolmiogrinthanks alot00:20
ShotzI've currently got a old BIOS Mobo and I'll be upgrading to an Intel EFI Mobo (currently have an AMD mobo), will I be able to just boot Ubuntu normally or will I need to re-install?00:21
Atlantic777Viking667: it's tilling wm. I can switch to float mode and shift it. Do you want me to take a picture with camera? And I followed this tutorial for instaling fglrx http://askubuntu.com/questions/205112/how-do-i-get-amd-intel-hybrid-graphics-drivers-to-work00:21
lickalottdolmiogrin,  just FYI you'll run into a similar issue if you ever decide to roll with windows 7 (once you get sick of win8)00:21
Beldardolmiogrin, Image windows and have the recovery disc before you install ubuntu, unless you have a install disc for windows.00:21
Viking667ugh. It's hybrid. I forgot you told me that....00:21
lickalottI would re-install Shotz00:21
ShotzI've transfered Motherboards on Linux before (installed to a USB key (full install) and numberous mobos worked fine)00:22
lickalottyou're going to have different drivers for the mobo and it will be easier with a fresh install vs trying to figure out what packages/drivers need to be removed and added00:22
* Viking667 should depart...00:22
dolmiogrinyeah i realized that cheers, i tried to install a few different ios`s and i couldnt get anywhere....ill read up now anywayz00:22
bekksShotz: I'd just reinstall grub on UEFI.00:22
ShotzIs there a special way to do that?00:23
ShotzOr do I just re-install grub as I would on a normal BIOS/00:23
dolmiogrindoes anyone know if a HTC  Wildfire S will run ubuntu for android?00:23
bekksShotz: No, you need to install it for UEFI.00:23
bekks!grub2 | Shotz00:23
ubottuShotz: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:23
dolmiogrinit affects mainly newer pcs00:23
Beldar!touch | dolmiogrin00:23
ubottudolmiogrin: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch00:23
Atlantic777dolmiogrin: if you find it out, let me know. :)00:24
ShotzI tried Ubuntu Touch of my S3, I then realised I was using a demo OS00:24
dolmiogrinokay nps00:24
dolmiogrinthanks once again00:24
eksipIs ubuntu for smarphone is good idea?  Why to replace android with ubuntu?00:29
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lickalottany particular reason I wouldn't be able to get to my home dir?00:29
lickalotti can get to pictures, downloads, etc...  just not my home dir00:29
eksipbut applications?  Are application for Android runs on Ubuntu?00:31
arvutupgrading an old 10.10 to 12.04 without installing unity, possible? I'd like too keep my environment just the way it is, but continue to update it and such. I want no changes to gui or other nonsense that newer ubuntu flavours has produced...00:31
OerHeks!phone | eksip00:31
ubottueksip: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch00:31
OerHekslickalott, you need suso to get access outside your home folder00:31
OerHeks* sudo00:31
glitsj16arvut: you might go for a minimal iso and install want you want from there00:33
eksip! phone00:33
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch00:33
glitsj16!minimal | arvut00:33
ubottuarvut: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:33
AcidRain2012anyone know off the top of their head how to disable the teamviewer message saying something like: teamviewer is still running click here to disable this message in the future00:35
AcidRain2012cause ive clicked the hell outta every area around it and looked in the settings, couldnt find it00:35
BeldarAcidRain2012, teamviewer is a 3rd party technically not even supported here, ask them.00:40
Balzyhello! What photo editing software would you suggest me to use as a photoshop replacement?00:41
eksipem one moment this is easy00:42
BalzyI know the Gimp is a good one and also krita, already included in kubuntu00:42
eksipGimp is the only i know00:43
Balzyanyway what is the most professional and complete sw?00:43
Balzythx :)00:43
BeldarBalzy, If you have the windows activation I would just dual boot and use photoshop. linux does not really have a exact as good as app.00:44
AcidRain2012Beldar, we do not promote the cracking/pirating of software here. thx. ;)00:45
crookseyI have just installed mailutils. How can I make it use postfix now?00:45
BalzyBeldar I already have a virtual machine for office and that kind of applications without a good linux substitute00:45
Balzyso you think there's nothing good enough?00:46
BeldarAcidRain2012, Where did I suggest that should be done?00:46
eksiphttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=872469     Balzy00:46
AcidRain2012u suggested he has a windows activation00:46
AcidRain2012ur text implied that you knew that he, just like everyone else in here, would not go spend money on something u could get for free00:47
BeldarAcidRain2012, Many here do I have have several, fully purchased legally, you duffus00:47
BalzyAcidRain2012 exacty, activation that I actually got with a laptop :P00:47
gordonjcp!u | AcidRain201200:47
ubottuAcidRain2012: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'ryt',  'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.00:47
AcidRain2012lol. sry gordonjcp i almost thought i was on the internet where i can not capitalize the letter "i" also. ;p00:48
BeldarAcidRain2012, keep your bogus retaliation in your pants sonny. ;)00:48
ccoloradoHi there, I just installed ubuntu from disk, and I see that the nameserver is google's. Is that hardcoded on the iso or is it someone propagated by the lan  ?00:50
CatJugglerHello all.  I'm trying to apt-get libdb-4.8 on 13.10 but the repos with 13.10 only seem to have libdb-5.1.  What's the best way to go about finding and adding a repo with libdb-4.8?00:52
RPG-MasterI'd imagine y'all would just redirect me to #winehq if I have an issue with wine?00:53
erkulesahoi I found /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd in my saucy installation. Im quite surprised to see it there00:53
RPG-MasterOr can I also ask here?00:53
tiblockHi. Where i can read about "font system" in ubuntu? I mean fonts and something like "ClearType" and everything about how fonts work in ubuntu.00:54
BeldarRPG-Master, wine is supported here to some extent.00:54
RPG-MasterOK, well, here is my demonic recording of claptrap from Borderlands 2: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4072264/Rec_2014-01-03_18.43.55.wav00:54
RPG-MasterThis is on Ubuntu 13.10 64-bit and with wine 1.7.900:54
RPG-MasterFresh wine prefix, Borderlands 2 installed through wine00:55
BeldarRPG-Master, However limited to support please, not that.00:55
RPG-MasterBeldar: I'm sorry, I should say, that terrible stuttering is my problem, and I'm trying to find a solution to it. The recording is just to illustrate what it's like.00:56
OerHekssteam tru wine?00:56
BeldarRPG-Master, Your better describing the issue and noting you have an example, most here are not going to just click any link.00:57
vitimitihi o/00:57
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egcwhy doesn't a global "set -e" apply inside functions in a korn shell script?00:58
egcanybody know?00:58
delthow do i change the grub countdown delay?01:04
Seveasdelt: you can set it in /etc/default/grub and then call update-grub01:05
deltSeveas: ah, thanks01:05
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glitsj16CatJuggler: slim chance of finding a PPA for libdb4.8 i'd say .. but since the libdb4.8 from precise has very few dependencies you could grab the .deb from http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/libdb4.8 and install it with dpkg or gdebi without getting into trouble (just tried installing it besides libdb5.1 on 13.04 without any problems)01:09
deltwhy is mounting nfs slow? it takes several seconds, on slackware it's not even a second01:11
tiblockI will try again. I don't have problem, i just curious how its work. Where i can read about "font system" in ubuntu? I mean fonts and something like "ClearType" and everything about how fonts work in ubuntu.01:12
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/01:13
Beldartiblock, ^^^^ cleartype is windows not really a linux equal persay.01:13
tiblock<Beldar> Yes. I know. So i want to read what ubuntu uses.01:13
tiblockOh, i see URL. Thank you.01:14
Beldartiblock, I figured as such, you can tab complete nicks on the irc.01:14
gvodelt: what version?  V3 or C4?01:15
gvosorry v401:15
kay______my mouse doesn't work in the live cd install. I am trying to connect to my wifi network and install ubuntu, but I don't know how to do it using only the keyboard.01:15
deltgvo: just regular nfs, so i guess v301:16
Beldarkay______, Any details on this mouse woould help, wireless, bluetooth usb...etc.01:16
gvodelt: Do you have nfsvers=3 in your fstab?01:16
gvodelt: if not, it's probably trying v4 and failing before it discovers v3.01:17
deltgvo: nope... thanks for the tip01:17
daftykinskay______: you won't need to connect just to install01:17
CiscoNinjawhere did the desktop splitter (not sure if its called that) in 13.10 go , where i can split my desktop to four01:17
gvodelt np01:18
kay______it's a built in track pad on a gigabye p34g-cf1 laptop01:18
gvoCiscoNinja: It's called a workspace switcher01:18
deltgvo: this goes in the column where there's "default"01:18
kay______the installer seems to suggest I need network access. is it lying?01:19
daftykinskay______: you'd only need it to update packages whilst installing, so it's not necessary no01:19
daftykinskay______: it does affect timezone and mirror choice too01:19
CiscoNinjagvo, is there a way i can split my desktop into two halfs?01:20
gvodelt: last param on mine is rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr,nfsvers=301:20
Beldarkay______, Is there an on or off key set or switch for the tap pad I see nothing on the web addressing this issue.01:20
deltgvo: ah, thanks very much kind sir01:20
deltgvo: can i specify that directly on the commandline also?01:21
kay______when i boot into x86 ubuntu it works, windows it works, amd64 ubuntu it doesn't work.01:21
deltshould be?01:21
gvoCiscoNinja: Do you mean have 4 separate windows on the screen at the same time?01:21
gvodelt: I don't recall the exact format of the mount command.  Try man mount.01:21
gvodelt: I think it might be "-o"01:22
Beldarkay______, Should work, have you checked the sum of the iso, or tried several bots to see if an anomaly?01:22
CiscoNinjagvo, yes, but only two not four, sorry01:22
pomkeHello, just installed 13.04 on my new computer, I reused my old graphics card,an Nvidia GTX 560ti. Unity out of the box is horribly slow so I installed nvidia-current, which was nvidia_304, when I 'modprobe nvidia' however I get ERROR: could not insert 'nvidia_304': No such device01:22
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gvoCiscoNinja: OK That's not what I thought you wanted.  Sorry, the switcher isn't what you were talking about.  I think that's a Unity thing and I don't do Unity01:23
Beldarpomke, Have you checked what is running or just assumed it is the graphic driver?01:23
pomkeThere is no 3d accel01:23
pomkeBeldar: what would you suggest I check for? I'ts a fresh out of the box install01:24
Beldarpomke, I'm not up on 3d acel, but just installing htop and running htop in the cli will give you what is running and cpu gpu usage.01:24
pomkeI know what htop is, thanks :) specifically I'm after some help getting nvidia drivers working01:25
kay______ok i will check md5sum01:26
Beldarpomke, Sure, I would work from the bottom up making sure you have no big memory usage.... etc is all.01:27
pomkeKiB Mem:  16319264 total,  3021776 used, 13297488 free,   154372 buffers01:28
pomke^ seems ok?01:28
kay______this is a dumb question but i am downloading via website and they have a dynamic download that redirects my browser. how do i get md5sum? i am looking on ftp.ubuntu.com01:28
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.01:29
TheMadcapperTrying to install Ubuntu on one of these:  http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?cc=us&lc=en&docname=c0038708801:33
TheMadcapperBut I keep getting "compatible bus not detected, module not inserted."01:33
TheMadcapperDurring the boot up from disc01:33
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TheMadcapperI tried 64 bit and 3201:33
TheMadcapper(went to 32 after I realized it had less than 2gb ram)01:34
spearheadCiscoNinja: Can you describe better what you are trying to do? what you could do before and in what version of ubuntu it last worked in?01:37
deltwhat's that speaker drop-down menu that's always empty, even when stuff is playing audio? (xubuntu)01:39
delt(in the top panel)01:40
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kay______near the end of the install, I get "unable to install grub in /dev/sda" this is a fatal error01:41
kay______my md5sum is correct01:42
delthow do i prepend /usr/scripts to the system-wide path? i want files in this directory to have priority (as in, to make wrapper scripts etc)01:42
delti want to change the path not just in terminal windows, but also for, say alt+F2 box and such01:43
rwwdelt: why not put them in /usr/local/bin?01:43
deltwhat if there's already a file i want to "wrap" with a script there?01:43
rww/usr/local/bin/ is for local administrator use. If you want to mess with something there, just mess with it...01:44
delthmm..... let's say :/01:45
Pessimisthow do you install ubuntu sdk / qt5 creator & libs on ubuntu 12.04 ?01:45
deltrww: but where is the default system-wide path defined?01:45
deltrww: if i compile stuff from source, good chances are the binaries will end up in /usr/local/bin ....if possible, i'd like my shell scripts to be in a separate directory01:47
rwwdelt: /etc/profile, I think01:48
rwwdelt: should be a line starting with PATH=, it's colon-separated01:48
bjornemannenwhat program should i use to conneced my iphone to ubuntu?01:48
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bjornemannenis there any one here?01:50
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glitsj16delt: about the speaker drop-down menu, running xubuntu 13.10 by any chance?01:51
deltpulseaudio thing?01:51
Beldarbjornemannen, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone try to give it more than 2 min eh.01:51
glitsj16delt: that's a known bug, look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2182038&p=12822062#post12822062 for an easy fix01:52
bjornemannenthanks Beldar01:52
schoneis there an easy way to make a bootable ubuntu instance on a USB stick with persistent storage that will work on a macbook?01:52
Beldarbjornemannen, That shows 12.04 you might try a search with your release if different, no problem.01:52
deltglitsj16: thanks01:53
glitsj16delt: you're welcome, about the shell scripts .. do they have to be available system-wide?01:53
deltglitsj16: preferably01:56
deltglitsj16: actually on my slackware machines i prepend $HOME/scripts:/usr/scripts to the path01:56
kay______is there an alternate ubuntu iso for 13.1001:57
kay______or just 12.04.3 LTS01:57
glitsj16delt: you can easily place those in your ~/bin too, that directory gets automatically prepended to the PATH if it exists01:57
ianorlinkay not for ubuntu with unity01:57
rwwkay______: no, http://askubuntu.com/questions/207635/why-are-there-no-alternate-cds01:57
glitsj16delt: or prepend to the system-wide PATH in /etc/environment01:58
unicornjedihello, I have a problem with apt-get. (-5 - No address associated with hostname)01:59
deltglitsj16: that seems to contain the path for root01:59
delt(as in superuser account)01:59
unicornjedihello, I have a problem with apt-get. (-5 - No address associated with hostname)02:00
Milapurrhey, im trying to boot to a ubuntu partition on dev/sda3 how do i do that02:01
Beldarunicornjedi, Can you run the update and upgrade and pastebin the info.02:01
glitsj16delt: your user gets that too, i don't think it is specifically limited to root (which can be set in /root/.bashrc)02:01
unicornjediBeldar, sure thing, just a sec02:02
BeldarMilapurr, NOt in yo9ur grub menu?02:02
deltglitsj16: oh yeah it does, you're right'02:02
unicornjediBeldar, btw im using ubuntu server02:03
Milapurrnope, beldar it was dded over from my external, i dont understand how to install grub2 onto it either02:03
Beldar!grub | Milapurr02:03
ubottuMilapurr: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:03
BeldarMilapurr, This a dualboot, and if so with what exactly?02:04
Milapurrits not a dual boot, its hard to explain really02:04
unicornjediBeldar, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6688370/02:05
Milapurrlet me load into the working copy and stop using this iphone app02:05
unicornjediBeldar, the error went away.. this is strange...02:05
BeldarMilapurr, Heh, well it may take you doing so at some point the bootrepair app may get you fixed though.02:05
unicornjediBeldar, before I got this error W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-updates/universe/i18n/Translation-en_US  Something wicked happened resolving 'us.archive.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)02:05
luc_anyone knows a hardning tutorial????????02:06
utusangoogle it02:06
mila_Beldar: Let me explain, I have a copy of ubuntu on my external thumbdrive. Someone said I could use DD to move that to my internal harddrive (I formatted it, now it's ext4) Gparted doesnt show me what's on it at all.02:06
Beldarunicornjedi, You have precise and lucid hits there though that is not really normal.02:07
hipitihopI'm on 12.04.3 and today's update which included new kernel now boots to black screen with flashing cursor. Can someone help diagnose issue pls .. some googling suggests to remove lightdm and install gdm instead02:07
unicornjediBeldar, i'll check out my sources.list02:07
Beldarmila_, was the usb a full install?02:07
mila_USB has Ubuntu installed on it.02:08
Beldarmila_, a full install, or a iso loaded?02:08
mila_Usb also has 10 gb used and I didnt want to lose it02:08
mila_...Its a full install I believe.02:08
unicornjediBeldar, yea, I unintentionally removed the # before the lucid universe packages02:08
Beldarmila_, Cool, if a full install you are just missing the grub stuff in the mbr if you are on a msdos setup, the bootrepair app should fix this.02:09
luc_any news about mir ? ??? ? ? ?02:09
ubottuMir is the next-generation display server currently under development by Canonical and Ubuntu. It's slated for inclusion in Ubuntu 14.04. For more information on it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir/Spec . For code, see https://launchpad.net/mir02:09
mila_Beldar: the hard drive has nothing actually on it the only thing on it is recovery and dellutilities dev/sda1 and 2. 3 has ubuntu02:10
Craig|Anyone know if there still is a osx channel on freenode02:10
Craig|I know this is Ubuntu02:11
luc_<ubottu> thx02:11
mila_Im not sure how to really go about fixing this...02:11
Beldarmila_, Cool, you probably want a swap, I would put it inside a extended, so you have room for more logical partitions if needed. I assume your partition amounts are correct here.02:11
bjornemannenBeldar:  when i have the latest IOS in my iphone i cant connect it ?!02:12
Beldarbjornemannen, I have never had a iphone probably few here, the web might be your search try askubuntu.02:12
bjornemannenok thanks02:13
glitsj16!alis | Craig| .. try looking for osx02:13
ubottuCraig| .. try looking for osx: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*02:13
Beldarmila_, From a live cd use this tool to get grub loaded. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair02:13
anton02how do you set up a samba4 share in ubuntu 13.10?02:13
mila_How do I create a swap02:13
Craig|Most likely there is some iTunes alternative for Ubuntu or wine it02:13
mila_my sda is from 1 - 7 one is a linux-swap02:14
Beldarmila_, I use gparted you could do kit from a live cd or once you get booted in install gparted and do it from there, feel free to ask the channel, when you get ready though02:14
js_doodei have an old laptop: thinkpad a30, I'd like to do some command line dev testing. rather than learn a new distro. was thinking, can I do an ubuntu minimal install and just have the barebones, including a less resource-intensive windows manager?02:15
js_doodewas running lubuntu on it and it kept locking up02:15
Beldarmila_, Is this a computer that had W8 on it a uefi?02:15
js_doodedefinitely because it was resource-intensive at least for this laptop.02:15
mila_no it had windows 702:16
mila_and its saying the hard drive is busy now?02:16
Beldarmila_, "<mila_> my sda is from 1 - 7 one is a linux-swap" can you explain exactly what this means, you mentioned only 3 partitions so far.02:16
peyamjs_doode, try Arch02:17
peyamwithout gui! if it's what do want02:17
peyamjs_doode, but I never tried it before02:18
Beldarmila_, question marks and sigke word answers are not helpfull be specific please. State exactly what you do not understand and answer questions fully.02:18
gordonjcpjs_doode: yes, just install the minimal iso02:18
gordonjcpjs_doode: it'll give you a basic bootable command-line system02:18
mila_sda1 fat 16 dell utility Flags: Diagnostic, Unallocated, sda2: recovery nfts flag: boot, sda4 extended, sda5 ext4, sda6linux swap, sda7 ext4, unallocated 911.88 (Deleted ubuntu that was dded over)02:18
gordonjcpjs_doode: as peyam says, you could give Arch a shot, but I ended up switching back to Ubuntu because Arch spent most if its time broken02:18
Beldarmila_, Looks like a uefi set up02:19
Beldar!uefi | mila_ look here for info.02:19
ubottumila_ look here for info.: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI02:19
rwwthat is not a GPT setup, which is presumably what you mean02:19
js_doodegordonjcp: i'd love to, but it has a high learning curve.02:19
peyammila_, can you say again what ur problem was. didn't get it02:19
js_doodei'd rather get to the coding than learn a new distro.02:19
Beldarrww, Hard to tell with the user not giving any real answers.02:19
mila_I dded over s ubuntu install and I cant boot into it.02:19
js_doodeif i have time i guess i'll have to look into it.02:19
js_doodethanks guys.02:20
rwwBeldar: not hard at all, GPT doesn't have extended partitions02:20
peyammila_, you dded on ur partition on ur harddisk? if so, it would not work! it will say the hdd is busy!02:20
Beldarrww, I'm hesitant to believe exactly what they post to be honest.02:20
rwwmila_: to create a swap filesystem given an existing swap partition, sudo mkswap /dev/sda6 (for example)02:20
mila_oh. okay02:20
delthow can i remap the left windowz button to alt_l?02:21
peyamI tried it once with debian and it didn't work, so if debian not works no other distro will02:21
mila_It now has a swa...02:21
deltxmodmap doesn't seem to be doing the trick :(02:21
mila_sda3 is now 911 gb of swap02:21
mila_I need another partition under it dont I?02:22
mila_i deleted the entire thing02:22
peyamrww, what is mila_ s problem?02:22
mila_well there goes recovery and dell disk utility.02:22
rwwpeyam: they asked how to create a swap. i told them *shrug*02:23
mila_i wanna dd over my copy of ubuntu to my internal hard drive, Im running ubuntu from a thumbdrive02:23
Edlerhey guys02:23
Edleri tried installing vsftpd02:23
Edlerand enabled chroot02:23
Edleryet when i login i get 530 login incorrect02:23
peyammila_, what is ut final destination? u wana install ubuntu or what?02:24
catalase_can anyone compile a module for me and give me the .so file--my machine is refusing to compile mod_proxy_html.c lol02:24
mila_I wanna install ubuntu to this internal hard drive, but I want whats on my thumbdrive on the hard drive02:24
mila_TLDR: I dont wanna lose my thumbdrive stuff02:24
peyamwhat is athumbdrive. i really need to improve my english02:25
rwwso install Ubuntu and then copy it over?02:25
rwwpeyam: USB stick02:25
peyammila_, so what is wrong during installation?02:25
mila_im using dd to copy my usb stick to an empty hard drive thats formatted to ext402:25
peyammila_, don't panik now!02:25
peyammila_, and?02:26
deltmila_: that will create an image file of the whole filesystem that's on the usb stick02:26
mila_...does that mean it wont boot into it?02:26
delt...um, depends what you're trying to do02:26
peyammila_, if u have bootable usb stick of ubuntu then just install ir like you do in normal cases02:26
glitsj16catalase_: any particular reason you don't use the libapache2-mod-proxy-html from the repos?02:27
mila_its not a bootable, it's actually ubuntu on a usb stick.02:27
peyamso how can it be boot if its not?02:27
mila_it's bootable but it's not an iso02:27
mila_i really wish procast would work on here so I could explain better.02:28
catalase_glitsj16, i don't have it i believe02:28
peyammila_, you have a ubuntu on ur mechin and u have a ubuntu on usb and u want to override everything by ur usb?02:28
mila_I have nothing on tha machine and ubuntu on the usb02:28
catalase_i need the .so and lib for this package http://apache.webthing.com/mod_proxy_html/mod_proxy_html.tar.bz202:28
peyamthe ubuntu u have on ur  usb is it downloaded from ubuntu website?02:29
glitsj16catalase_: check with apt-cache policy libapache2-mod-proxy-html .. btw, what version of ubuntu are you running?02:29
catalase_12.04 server02:29
catalase_no idea what apt-cache policy is lol02:29
hipitihopmiy  kernel.log shows:  "NVRM: API mismatch: the client has the version 304.108, but this kernel module has the version 304.88" which coincides with my xorg log message  "failed  to initialize the NVIDIA kernel model" can someone help me resolve pls02:29
anton02how do you set up a samba4 share in ubuntu 13.10?02:29
peyamrww, u u u u u ur awesome, ur a good boy02:30
mila_to be honest this is super confusing and confusing me... I just wanna copy whats on my usb to the hard disk so I can use the hard disk instead of my usb.02:30
peyammila_, message me in private02:30
peyammila_, i can help u out02:30
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.02:30
peyamrww, it's confusing when many help him out. if u wana help him go on but i cant concentrate02:31
Edlerguys can anyone help ?02:32
Edlercan't make vsftpd 2.3.5 work with chroot local usres02:32
glitsj16catalase_: apt-cache policy is (one) way of finding out if you have a certain package in your sources, and it tells you version, if installed etc02:33
hipitihopHow can I reconfigure my NVIDIA  setup so that client and  kernel modules match02:34
glitsj16catalase_: libapache2-mod-proxy-html is available on precise02:35
pomkeIn 13.04 (fresh install) I launch Software & Updates, goto 'Additional Drivers' and it says 'No additional drivers available'.. yet if I lspci I clearly see 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF114 [GeForce GTX 560 Ti]  is present. Does Ubuntu not support this very common card ?02:38
glitsj16hipitihop: can you elaborate a bit on what you mean by nvidia client?02:39
deltnice that xubuntu's default UID is the same as slackware, so all my stuff stays consistent across machines :D :D02:39
spokHi, I want to install Ubuntu Touch on my Nexus 4. The question for me is: when it will be not only "for developers and industry partners only"?02:40
Beldar!touch | spok02:40
ubottuspok: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch02:40
delt!spok touch02:40
delt21:40 <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about spok touch02:40
hipitihopglitsj16, kernel.log shows:  "NVRM: API mismatch: the client has the version 304.108, but this kernel module has the version 304.88" which coincides with my xorg log message  "failed  to initialize the NVIDIA kernel model"02:40
hipitihopglitsj16, machine boots to black screen and blinking cursor but has tty1,2 etc02:41
glitsj16hipitihop: what nvidia package did you install? and what version of ubuntu are you seeing this error on?02:42
hipitihopglitsj16, machine worked fine until this mornings update which included new kernel etc. have tried grub to previous kernel boot but no better02:42
Beldarhipitihop, Have you tried a failsafe x or nomodeset boot02:42
hipitihopglitsj16, 12.04.302:43
hipitihopBeldar, is failsafe available from grub menu ?02:43
Beldarhipitihop, Yes in the recovery menu02:44
* hipitihop reboots an loooks in grub menus02:44
glitsj16hipitihop: probably your dkms is not able to build the nvidia module for the new kernel, i suspect that earlier error is related ..02:44
glitsj16hipitihop: i'd try to purge all nvidia packages you have and reinstall nvidia-current .. but follow Beldar's advice i'd say and look at the logs first02:45
YaMoonSunI installed Lubuntu 13.10 on a dell dimension 8250 and I get an error on boot up - Is it due to the swap being first on the drive and labeled as primary? Should it be at the end of drive and logical?02:49
hipitihopBeldar, failsafex also seems to end in blinking cursor, last messages are from mountall02:50
wellygtonola galera02:51
DynamicDesignzIs it possible to ARP poison a remote address like a website with ettercap?02:51
kostkon!pt | wellygton02:52
ubottuwellygton: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.02:52
hipitihopBeldar, how do I try the nomodeset boot ?02:52
TheMadcapperTrying to boot off an Ubuntu install disc on one of these old systems:  http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?cc=us&lc=en&docname=c0038708802:52
TheMadcapperBut I keep getting "compatible bus not detected, module not inserted." shortly after boot.  :\02:52
Beldarhipitihop, I know very little about nvidia, my effort was just desktop access02:52
hipitihopBeldar, ok thanks02:52
Beldar!nomodeset | hipitihop if needed02:52
ubottuhipitihop if needed: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:52
kostkon!anyone | YaMoonSun02:54
ubottuYaMoonSun: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:54
kostkonwrong factoid02:54
kostkon!patience | YaMoonSun02:55
ubottuYaMoonSun: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/02:55
hipitihopglitsj16, could you pls step me  through purge and reinstall of current02:55
apb1963Random Fun fact:  Printers can be managed through a web interface at localhost:631/admin02:55
YaMoonSunEveryone is afk huh?02:55
TheMadcapperThe system boots XP just fine02:56
TheMadcapperNot sure why "compatible bus not detected, module not inserted." would be happening02:56
glitsj16hipitihop: i'll try .. is this the machine you're irc'ing from? just need to be sure we can communicate if you can get into recovery mode02:56
sander__How do I check which apt package a given file is located in?02:57
hipitihopglitsj16, no irc on another laptop, only thing available to me on victim machine is tty 1,2 etc i.e. I can login after <alt><F1>02:58
BeldarYaMoonSun, what is the error, and can you get to the desktop?02:59
glitsj16hipitihop: if you can login you'll need to make sure you have network access to be able to install nvidia-current .. if you do try a "sudo apt-get purge nvidia-*" first, after that "sudo apt-get install nvidia-current" and reboot to check again03:00
glitsj16hipitihop: you can always run a "sudo dkms status" before doing those and do another after to compare what's happening03:01
TheMadcapperNope.  Nevermind.  I have no idea why it's doing this.  :\03:02
TheMadcapperGoogle doesn't seem to be of any help, either.03:02
hipitihopglitsj16, network access confirmed...03:03
glitsj16hipitihop: the different numbers in your error are a bit weird though, i can't find anything in regular precise repos for nvidia with the 304.108 as version # .. do you use any PPA's?03:03
glitsj16i mean PPA's for nvidia03:03
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hipitihopglitsj16, I don't believe I do03:04
Hydr0p0nXlooks like a release for saucy03:06
glitsj16hipitihop: i believe you, but better make sure :) .. have a look around in your /etc/apt/sources.list.d for anything like xorg-edgers or x-swat03:06
hipitihopglitsj16, standby will try and pastebin output of dkms status03:06
hipitihopglitsj16, is there a cli pastebin tool ?03:07
Angel_Of_Sorrowhi everybody03:07
glitsj16hipitihop: pastebinit03:07
glitsj16hipitihop: you might need to install that03:07
Angel_Of_Sorrowi have a ubuntu question....03:08
willbradleyjust ask, don't ask to ask03:08
Angel_Of_Sorrowis it possible to run windows in linux vertual box successfully?03:08
Beldarthen get to it03:08
Angel_Of_Sorroweg i have a tv capture card... will that work in windows in linux?03:08
willbradleyprobably not03:09
deltthe regular ubuntu uses KDE right?03:09
willbradleybut you can try03:09
delt..no wait that's kubuntu03:09
willbradleydelt: no, ubuntu now uses unity03:09
deltwillbradley: ah. unity replaced.... gnome i think?03:09
kostkondelt, soon-to-be qt-based with unity803:10
Beldardelt, Not exactly gnome 3 is there with compiz and unity ans a plugin in compiz03:10
hipitihopglitsj16, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6688628/03:10
deltah, i see03:11
Angel_Of_Sorrowsorry i lost connection03:12
glitsj16hipitihop: quite the amoubt of kernels lol03:12
hipitihopglitsj16, odd the 304.108 is listed only on some kernels03:12
glitsj16hipitihop: i noticed that yes03:12
glitsj16hipitihop: try to remove the nvidia-304-updates, sudo apt-get purge nvidia-304-updates first03:13
Angel_Of_Sorrowi have a question regarding vitural box and vmware.....\03:13
Angel_Of_Sorroweg i have a tv capture card... will that work in windows in linux?03:13
Angel_Of_Sorrowis it possible to run windows in linux vertual box successfully?03:13
hipitihopglitsj16, I tried -34 with same result earlier, but I might try -33 as it does not list the same update ?03:13
glitsj16hipitihop: confirmed, you could try that03:14
BeldarAngel_Of_Sorrow, You are asking the same questions, yes windows will run in a virtual, the tv thing you will have to test.03:14
willbradleyAngel_Of_Sorrow: you can try but it's probably going to be difficult. in some virtual machine hosts you can connect a VM to a PCI device but i'm not sure about virtualbox.03:14
bn`Why is my VirtualHost in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf being ignored by Ubuntu 13.10?03:15
glitsj16hipitihop: i just need a minute or 2 to get something from the fridge, i'll be here ok03:15
enen92hey everyone03:16
enen92can u tell me if there is a problem with ubuntu repositories today?03:17
willbradleybn`: do an ls -al /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/03:17
Beldarenen92, none here and be specific with your problem.03:17
bn`lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   35 Jan  1 17:56 000-default.conf -> ../sites-available/000-default.conf03:17
enen92can't update my package list03:17
enen92nor authenticate some packages03:18
enen92trying to connect to pt.archive.ubuntu.com03:18
Beldarenen92, might help to run sudo apt-get update and pastebin it.03:19
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hipitihopglitsj16, np... boot with -33 still leaves me in black screen. will try purge the update now03:19
willbradleybn`: in your /etc/apache2/apache2.conf is there a line that says Include /etc/apache2/sites-enabled03:20
bn`it seems to have problems with the domain names after VirtualHost03:20
enen92Beldar, if I'm thinking correctly I should be able to open (pt.archive.ubuntu.com) in my browser right?03:20
bn`IncludeOptional sites-enabled/*.conf03:20
bn`what does optional mean here03:21
bn`changed it to Include, but the problem persists03:21
domsis there a offical channel for linux mint here or not?03:21
willbradleybn`: no idea, sounds 13.10 specific because my 12.04 and 13.04 don't have IncludeOptional03:22
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bn`it does not want domainnames in <VirtualHost...>03:22
bn`<VirtualHost *:80> works03:22
Beldarenen92, might be your server connect, on occasion servers are down though. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=184354003:23
ckknightsquid web proxy user with ip traffic monitoring, anyone? SARG only reflect one either ip/user but I want both ip and user will reflect.03:23
willbradleybn`: don't you want ServerName03:23
Beldarenen92, I think it is the pt having a problem though.03:23
enen92yeap that's why I asked it in the first place03:24
bn`willbradley: oh wow, that worked, thx03:24
enen92so I'll read a bit about a way to deal with it03:24
enen92tks for the help03:24
Beldarenen92, Hardly had to prompt you at the least.03:24
bn`but they must have changed that. <VirtualHost ...> worked before with domain names as I remember03:24
hipitihopglitsj16, purged and rebooted and we're back to functioning X !! you're a star03:25
willbradleybn`: what do you mean "domain names"? paste your 000-default.conf into a gist.github.com03:25
Angel_Of_Sorrowhi Im searching for a visualstudio.net topic channel that has is populated...anyone have any suggestions?03:26
bn`willbradley: pasting is not required as it already works because of your help :)03:26
willbradleyAngel_Of_Sorrow: https://www.google.com/search?q=freenode+visual+studio03:26
bn`<VirtualHost mydomainname.tld>03:26
bn`<VirtualHost mydomainname.tld:80>03:26
willbradleyoh that's odd03:27
willbradleyusually that part is for IPs only03:27
bn`I used to configure apache like that. Now they disabled it I guess03:27
glitsj16hipitihop: well that worked out positively :)03:27
bn`ok yes ServerName is much better03:27
willbradleyyou can do multiple servername directives as well03:27
willbradleyfor www/etc03:27
hipitihopglitsj16, indeed ... I wonder where that came from, looking now03:27
glitsj16hipitihop: you do have quite a few kernels in there .. perhaps a small cleaning out job to start the new year lol, but that's entirely up to you to judge03:28
=== Mars is now known as Guest37379
bn`willbradley: good to know03:29
hipitihopglitsj16, indeed, have not realised as I rarely reboot and when I do I don't see the grub menu :-)03:29
hipitihopglitsj16, thanks so much for chiming in and helping .. phew good to get the machine back, it's my main dev box so don't need dramas03:30
glitsj16hipitihop: that happens yes, not needed though if you have the space for those03:30
willbradleybn`: here's my cheat sheet / tutorial: http://willbradley.name/2011/07/lamp-a-primer-on-linux-apache-mysql-and-php/03:30
glitsj16hipitihop: very welcome, i don't need drama either heh, enjoy the machine03:31
willbradleybn`: sorry i lied, multiple servername's aren't allowed but http://willbradley.name/2011/07/lamp-a-primer-on-linux-apache-mysql-and-php/ is03:31
willbradleyServerAlias is03:31
delt 03:32
hipitihopglitsj16, I wish solving my resolution issue on another machine connected via  hdmi -> onkyo -> lg tv was that easy :-)03:32
bn`ServerAlias, sure03:32
scipy53I'm recording my screen for a video, and would like my mouse cursor to be extra large. Is this possible? To record, I'm using simplescreenrecorder. Thanks!!03:32
delt..... jackd1 or jackd2/03:33
delt..... jackd1 or jackd2?03:33
glitsj16hipitihop: i hear you, what's going wrong on the resolution front?03:33
Angel_Of_Sorrowdoes ubuntu come with unity as its default interface?03:34
deltAngel_Of_Sorrow: yes, i just learned that today!03:34
Angel_Of_Sorrowwhy would they do that03:34
delt....so, should i install package jack1 or jack2?03:34
hipitihopglitsj16, struggling to diagnose properly, if htpc (ubuntu 12.04 mythtv) -> LG , all is fine and runs @ 1360x768 (I think the lg native is actually 1366x768) either way all is fine... but when go through onkyo, tv shows "no signal", suspecting onkyo is outputing wrong res or refresh or somesuch03:36
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willbradleybtw i made a ping utility that sits in the ubuntu taskbar for those of us on crappy wifi: https://github.com/zyphlar/pinger03:36
dolmiogrinhey all, iv been trying to install ubuntu on a new acer win 8.1 machine  and im having trrouble disabling secure boot in my bios... any cxlues to why i cant deactivate it?03:36
Angel_Of_Sorrowyeah last time i checked (around 2010) unity was the gui....i was hoping it would have been un popular with the users..its a pitty they havent reverted it back to the standard gnome03:36
Stormer97I'm not really sure what the appropriet channel would be, but I wanted to know if anyone has experience with buying third-party batteries for thinkpad laptops?03:37
willbradleyAngel_Of_Sorrow: go with xubuntu03:37
dolmiogrinbtw im following this guideL  http://askubuntu.com/questions/221835/installing-ubuntu-on-a-pre-installed-windows-8-64-bit-system-uefi-supported03:37
willbradleyStormer97: third-party batteries are bad times. not recommended03:37
Angel_Of_Sorrowwillbradley....whats the deal with xubuntu?03:37
glitsj16hipitihop: not that i'm any good with diagnosing that .. have you tried using xrandr and look at Xorg.0.log ?03:37
willbradleyAngel_Of_Sorrow: uses xfce, lightweight03:38
Stormer97aye, but I cannot afford 180$ for a lenovo battery03:38
Angel_Of_Sorrowisn that the educational edition?03:38
willbradleyStormer97: then you'll probably end up spending double that when the 3rd party battery fails in 6-12 months :P03:38
willbradleyAngel_Of_Sorrow: nope, just uses xfce instead of unity/gnome/kde03:38
Angel_Of_Sorrowi might just stick with OpenSuse03:39
Angel_Of_Sorrowthanks for the assistance all03:39
hipitihopglitsj16, yes starting playing the other day, although xrander seems to suggest current mode is same whichever is plugged in i.e. 1360x76803:40
Stormer97well, I just got this T61, so im going to go back to the shop I bought it from and either get a new battery, or get a refund. If I could get a replacment battery for under 50$, I would do that, but for another 180$, I could get a much better laptop to begin with.03:40
dolmiogrinthis----->Your system has UEFI activated (And can not be disabled) with Secure Boot.  i think i need to disable this to install yeah?03:40
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glitsj16hipitihop: this is the first time i hear 'onkyo' .. sorry i can't be of much help on this one03:42
hipitihopglitsj16, np, thanks for sorting other issue03:42
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glitsj16hipitihop: sooner or later someone will pop up .. irc has its place but you might post something on the forums for that issue03:43
Angel_Of_Sorrowi have a question about installing ubuntu along side my current windows 7 installation....03:44
Angel_Of_Sorrowhow's this done?03:44
Angel_Of_Sorrowdo i have to uninstall windows 7?03:44
glitsj16hipitihop: in here it's all about who's present and looking, quite random in that respect03:44
Guest46952NICK trek03:44
docmurI'm running 13.10 and I just installed libssl-dev.  When I try to run my ssl client /servert project, which works on 12.10 I get:  http://pastebin.com/rbDQkpR5  from the server, and the client quits.  This might be better asked in the openssl chanel but figured I would ask here first.03:45
willbradleyAngel_Of_Sorrow: no, if you have win7 installed ubuntu will ask you what you want to do, dual boot is an option in most linux installers03:46
Angel_Of_Sorrowwhat options does it offer willbradley03:47
Angel_Of_Sorrowask me what?03:47
docmurThe program compiles fine in 13.10 with out warnings03:47
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willbradleyAngel_Of_Sorrow: ubuntu installers will provide you the option of installing dual-boot or overwriting windows03:49
Angel_Of_Sorrowsweet. will it require swap partition etc?03:50
Angel_Of_Sorrowor is it all automated these days>?|03:51
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wyominggeezerNow installing 12.04 over 11?? - wish me luck! (please)03:54
jiridoHelo. is there a working mouse emulator for any of the usual brain-computor interfaces like mindwave , emotiv's epoc etc03:55
SiecjeCan you use startup disk creator to put any iso on a USB drive? or only Ubuntu04:03
glitsj16Siecje: looks like it's Ubuntu/Debian based os only --> https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/usb-creator-gtk/04:08
FourFireHello, can I have advice on a wireless card?04:08
FourFireIntel AC 7260 is it good or bad?04:08
FourFireok I got my answer, apparently its a pretty good wireless card04:10
=== GTB3NW_AWAY is now known as GTB3NW
=== Jeepster3 is now known as Dw3
Dw3Hello every104:13
anton02i installed ubuntu to an xfs partition, /efi directory was auto set to windows 8's efi partition. bootloader was set to /dev/sda. When i start i only get grub prompt04:20
Dw3Im trying to access some photos in my external HD, in the terminal i get the error bash: cd: Local: No such file or directory04:20
anton02it's 40 degrees celcius here04:21
anton02right at this very moment04:21
anton02you cant use aircon here cause power is too expensive04:21
Dw3its 19 degrees here04:21
anton02my computer cpu is running at 7 degrees above ambient04:21
SiecjeI just formatted my USB using disk utility and I put it in another ubuntu machine and it says I don't have permission to access it04:32
iampozhi guys, so I have this problem...04:34
iampozI have a nvidia graphics card04:34
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
iampozGT 230M somthing like that04:35
iampozumm, driver is... one sec let me find it04:35
BeldarSiecje, What is it? the usb or upon booting the usb the installed ubuntu, and what exactly are you trying to get at or do?04:36
anton02when installing UEFI ubuntu, do you set bootloader location as /dev/sda or /dev/sda1 (EFI partition)04:36
SiecjeBeldar: I would like to put an openSUSE iso on it04:36
Siecjebootable so I can install it04:36
anton02when installing UEFI ubuntu, do you set bootloader location as /dev/sda or /dev/sda1 (EFI partition)04:36
iampozNvidia 33104:37
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/04:37
iampozThe driver is Nvidia 331.04:37
iampozIt is not one of the options available in the additional drivers dialog box becuase I needed the most current version to play a gam04:38
pikarenwhere do i put x:3:respawn:/path/to/my/program in ubuntu?04:38
pikarenthere's no /etc/inittab04:38
iampozso it is stable and plays any game fine. the problem is that a few other programs that use graphics cause my computer "crash"04:38
iampozI think it just restarts lightdm or xorg or somthing like that04:39
iampozI am running ubuntu 12.0404:39
iampozany suggestions on how I can fix this issue?04:39
BeldarSiecje, Not really ubuntu relevant, however there is a dd command here to load it. http://en.opensuse.org/SDB:Live_USB_stick04:39
iampozlike where do I even start debugging where this problem is coming from/04:40
=== ludkille- is now known as ludkiller
iampozminitube is the main program that causes the crash. there was one other but I cant remember yet04:40
SiecjeBeldar: I put in back in the comp that I formated it with and redid a format and unchecked "take ownershop of filesystem"04:40
BeldarSiecje, It's a fat32 right, I think unetbootin will work.04:41
Angel_Of_Sorrowwhat's better, ubuntu of opensuse?04:44
xanguaAngel_Of_Sorrow: windows04:45
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:45
iampozhmm maybe it is only minitube04:45
iampozanyone else use minitube here?04:46
Angel_Of_Sorroware there any tv capture cards that work with linux?04:46
iampozwhat is a tv capture card?04:46
Beldariampoz, You have spread your posts across the channel, can you concisely describe the issue.04:46
Angel_Of_Sorrowwhat about their software/drivers?04:46
Beldarin one post04:47
negopretoMaybe you should look for video4linux hardware compatibility list04:47
iampozI can try, the problem is I don't know exactly what it is. So I tried to put all of my knowledge of it out into the chat.04:47
Beldariampoz, That works best when asked, not many of us will go through that many posts and try and extrapolate a fix.04:48
iampozI don't even think this is the right place for help, but I thought it would be a good place to get advice on how to debug this thing...04:48
iampozProbelm: minitube crashes when I open it. this started after I updated nvidia to the most current driver04:49
iampozSorry, Minitube crashes lightdm04:49
Beldariampoz, Is this latest driver in the ubuntu repos?04:50
Beldariampoz, Then not supported here is all.04:51
iampozthis is beyond that. the lastest driver in the ubuntu repos would not work for a game04:51
iampozYeah I know, but any idea on how I can figure out what the cause is? I mean, it could be minitube itself, nothing to do with ubuntu 12.04...04:52
jiridois there a way to direct mouse pointer, scroll and click with brain in ubuntu like is possible in windows with ex emotiv epoc.  iv read wikipedia on openvibe and emokit but they seem 5to be something else04:52
Beldariampoz, You may get help however, the key here is details IE the graphic card and drivers your using and where from is a good start. A crash with minitube and nvidia is a bit of an anomaly is all.04:53
jiridoor someting in between04:53
cfhowlettjirido, no telepathic ubuntu control exists, yet04:53
entiat_bluestrying to track down a dual-monitor problem here; do the TTY* screens have a log somewhere to go over?04:54
jiridocfhowlett,  Is there someting for linux in general you have heard about or on the way?04:54
cfhowlettjirido, someone, somewhere is undoubtably working on mind-control interface but it's not yet ready for prime-time04:55
iampozGeForce GT 230M and this driver: http://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/6937204:56
jiridoMy mouse hand is realy fucked up04:57
uBUXUBugood evening ubuntu technicians...04:57
cfhowlettuBUXUBu, unlikely that any techs are here, mostly just users like you ...04:59
pablo__After running a fresh Ubuntu installation I worked for a while without any problems then, I ran the updates and got a grub rescue error: file not found. I then run boot-repair and got An error occurred during the repair.  A new file (~/Boot-Info_2014-01-04__03h56.txt) will open in your text viewer. The contents are found here. Thanks in advance. http://paste.debian.net/74150/05:04
=== megabitdragon is now known as zz_megabitdragon
Beldarpablo__, when you installed and rebooted to grub what was the first OS listed ubuntu or mint05:06
pablo__i installed mint after thinking it would solve my problem05:07
pablo__Beldar may I PM you?05:07
Beldarpablo__, I don't pm, best all this be in the channel, can you boot mint as of now or just no grub menu?05:08
pablo__no grub menu05:08
Beldarpablo__, Do you know which HD is listed first in the bios?05:08
pablo__i get the grub rescue error. File not found05:08
Beldarwhich is pablo__05:09
pablo__the 1000GB one05:09
micromhow do I fix this error dpkg-shlibdeps: error: no dependency information found for /usr/lib/libcaepcm.so.105:09
pvl1hey does anyone know of an app that is a list of opcodes05:10
pablo__Beldar, 1e6d03e5-8f68-4bb9-bd95-156d8b4d2a9a05:10
=== tj is now known as Guest34433
pikarenstart on runlevel [2345]05:11
pikarenwhat does it mean?05:11
pablo__Beldar, I overwrote the windows partition and put the mint. there is no windows installation as of now05:11
Beldarpablo__, sda, good, I would use supergrub to boot into ubuntu or mint whichever you want to control the boot and run fixes there. http://www.supergrubdisk.org/super-grub2-disk/  this boot will tell us if ubuntu or mint will boot.05:12
AckisI'm trying to track down my my starbound server isn't running on reboot but I don't have a daemon.log file in /var/log and google hasn't given me any info on how to enable that sort of logging05:12
Angel_Of_Sorrowwhat is Mythbuntu?05:13
ubottuMythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: http://www.mythbuntu.org for more information and #ubuntu-mythtv05:13
Beldarpablo__, supergrub is tiny and is for booting OS's in just thjis sort of situation.05:13
pablo__Beldar, Thanks let me run it and get back to you :-)05:13
Beldarpablo__, No prob we can fix grub easier from inside the OS.05:14
pablo__Beldar, Okay05:14
Beldarpablo__, Try to get to ubuntu.05:15
ubottuTosto: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».05:15
Angel_Of_Sorrowi am trying to get a tv capture card working with linux... apparently my tv capture card works with mythbuntu? does that mean it will only work with ubuntu???05:17
s32<Angel_Of_Sorrow> nope05:17
Angel_Of_Sorrowit will work with others?\05:18
cfhowlettAngel_Of_Sorrow, mythbuntu is ubuntu plus the myth packages.  with the proper drivers, probably any distro can run myth tV05:18
Gallomimiaif i've installed kernel 3.12 from a .deb package, and i now run dist-upgrade to install kernel 3.11.0-15 [image|headers|headers-generic|image-extra-generic] will it "downgrade" my kernel?05:18
Gallomimiaif yes, what course of action should i take to execute an upgrade of other packages but not the kernel?05:19
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BeldarGallomimia, kernels outside of releases are not technically supported, maybe some context might help.05:20
Gallomimiai installed kernel 3.12 from kernel.ubuntu.org and would like to keep it that way05:21
Gallomimiait was on recommendation in this channel as a matter of fact, for better radeon support (works pretty good!)05:21
BeldarGallomimia, Cool, what ubuntu release is this, and I'm assuming you recognize the support conundrum here.05:22
Gallomimiai just want some guidance to use apt-get at this point05:22
Gallomimiathe release is 13.1005:22
Angel_Of_Sorrowis using mythtv essential to watching tv working on a linux machine???05:22
BeldarGallomimia, I wanna fly like superman, how about you. ;)05:23
PreytellIs there a way to mirror the cinnamon remix packages into a local repo. I am setting up a PXE server for a client that wants to use cinnamon remix as their desktop. I can see how to install it after ubuntu is setup but not how to add it to my local repo to be installed along with everything else with PXE...05:23
Gallomimiawell that'd be pretty neat, but for now i'll settle for getting a better handle on my new desktop computer :)05:23
BeldarPreytell, cinnamon is in the 13.04 ubuntu repos and after.05:24
Preytellyes but I am being forced to use 12.04 LTS05:25
Angel_Of_SorrowI have a question.Is using mythtv essential to watching tv working on a linux machine???05:25
Gallomimiai guess apt-get upgrade shall work05:25
Gallomimiawow someone kick the IdleOne for all that flooding :O05:25
IdleOneAll done, soory folks05:26
IdleOnesorry too05:26
Gallomimiahah sorry just joking. i'm surprized that didn't get you g-lined05:26
BeldarPreytell, There are no ubuntu packages with cinnamon for that release, so not really under support is all, and wanting and actual stability do not always intertwine.05:26
Gallomimiaessential housekeeping on a channel with 1500 people05:26
pvl1Beldar: what about mate05:27
Beldarpvl1, mate is a fork of gnome 2 not really good idea.05:27
Angel_Of_SorrowSorry. I have a question.Is using mythtv essential to watching tv on a linux machine???05:28
pvl1Beldar: im notsure what the question was, but isnt cinnamon basically the same thing05:28
Beldarnot saying there not usable, just should be in a stable environment is all05:28
cfhowlettAngel_Of_Sorrow, no, you just need to capture and interpret signals05:29
cfhowlettAngel_Of_Sorrow, suggest you direct further questions to #mythbuntu05:29
Beldarpvl1, mate was the mint de till ubuntu went to gnome 3 which cinnamon is a user of I believe.05:29
hussainhi any one tell me how to set android adt bundle in ubuntu 13.1005:30
Preytellhmmm, ok. Well they are currently doing this via PPA, with simple apt-get with cinnamon and nemo under 12.04... I guess I can add it to the end of the install via a script or something...05:30
Angel_Of_Sorrowno such channel cfh05:32
BeldarPreytell, If they have to have that desktop why not just run mint?05:32
Angel_Of_Sorrowiam already in #ubuntu-mythtv05:32
=== mk3548208_ is now known as mk3548208
hussainany one help me in setting android adt bundle in linux???05:33
Beldarhussain, not really a channel support issue however, http://tutorialforlinux.com/2013/10/17/how-to-install-eclipse-android-adt-bundle-on-ubuntu-13-10-saucy-unity-3264bit-step-by-step-visual-guide/05:34
PreytellIt's a long story, but it's a charity that provides training to poor children, at the end of the one month long class they are given a computer running the same thing they have been training on, ubuntu 12.04 with the cinnamon remix desktop.05:34
lotuspsychjemorning to all05:35
peromy laptop05:36
Gallomimiamorning to you, but it's 9pm here :)05:36
lotuspsychjeGallomimia: evening for you :p05:36
BeldarPreytell, I support that, I have done a bit of volunteering for a homeless help org, and a crisis line, however training these kids to use a not really available OS as is, is kinda counter productive, using a ppa to install a desktop that may not work at times is well not good.05:37
peromy laptop's fan doesn't stop spinning on ubuntu - ive tried ubuntu13.04/10 and xubuntu 14.04, however it does not spin as much on debian + xfce - any ideas? dell xps m121005:37
pvl1Beldar: thats pretty kool that you did that05:37
Gallomimiathat's awesome praytell, can i learn more about it?05:37
Gallomimiafeel free to email me at gmail05:38
Beldarpvl1, just keeping up the karma points I loose here. ;)05:38
lotuspsychjepero: fan control in bios you could change?05:38
perowhy would i mess in the bios if it works fine on debian?05:38
lotuspsychjepero: i think there are few packages to control fans in ubuntu, forgot their names05:39
mnemonpero: debian + xfce is much lighter than unity atleast ... have you checked if it spins because of heating up or?05:40
peromnemon: im using xubuntu right now05:41
lotuspsychje!info lm-sensors | pero05:41
ubottupero: lm-sensors (source: lm-sensors): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:3.3.3-1ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 86 kB, installed size 413 kB05:41
Preytellit's a charity in St. Louis called BWorks, they do three things, computer training (as mentioned), bike safety training (the children get a bike at the end), and a class for young writers, where they publish the works at the end of the class. They get all the computers donated from local businesses, and they reload them by hand. I work for Savvis/CenturyLink and Savvis sends teams of employees over to help out but we are attempting 05:41
jnash_Does anyone remember how to launch virt-manager from a terminal window?05:42
lotuspsychje!info i8kutils | pero05:42
ubottupero: i8kutils (source: i8kutils): utilities for Dell Inspiron and Latitude laptops. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.33 (saucy), package size 33 kB, installed size 180 kB (Only available for i386; kfreebsd-i386; amd64; kfreebsd-amd64)05:42
Gallomimiapraytell: there are 6 towns in the US named st. louis. can i assume it is the one in moussiri?05:42
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler
perolotuspsychje: mine isnt one of those laptops, but i have tried it - i get error messages05:43
peroconfiguring lm-sensors now05:43
Gallomimiafound website. very cool05:44
Preytellyeah sorry, I don't have to say that often...05:44
perolotuspsychje: cpu is at 48...and the fan just kicked up another notch but the temp is stillat 48c05:45
anton02I have a UEFI installation and for some reason my /sys folder is empty. Also, I can't boot ubuntu, it just gives me a grub prompt. http://paste.ubuntu.com/6689060/05:45
BeldarPreytell, Cool, I have a degree in black studies so seeing a support organization in an area with a 50 % african american population makes me happy.05:46
lotuspsychjepero: seems like graphics card driver also matter, putting fan on full speed...05:46
anton02sdd is a gpt disk05:46
anton02sdd is a gpt disk yet has syslinux mbr installed to it05:46
perolotuspsychje: thats what i was inclined to think before i was hopping through ubuntu/fedora/opensuse/debian and all the DEs05:46
peroso i ditched gnome/unity and went debian+xfce and it was fine there05:47
peroits also fine on crunchbang05:47
anton02pls respond05:47
peroi was surprised to see it arise on xubuntu though05:47
=== DarkOfLightness is now known as Angel_Of_Sorrow
Gilligan94Hi I need to connect to a router which is set up for WPS push button05:49
Gilligan94how can I achieve this in ubuntu05:49
Preytellwell, I am off to bed... I am headed over in the morning to work on it again..but I will figure something out... Thanks guys.05:49
Beldaranton02, I would post that script on this thread with your described issues, great help there. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10871917#post1087191705:49
lotuspsychjepero: what graphics driver do you use?05:51
Angel_Of_Sorrowwill my tv card work outside of mythtv?05:51
rwwHow do I change the font settings in Ubuntu?05:52
=== dziegler is now known as dziegler_off
lotuspsychje!info fancontrol trusty05:54
ubottufancontrol (source: lm-sensors): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:3.3.3-1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 19 kB, installed size 113 kB05:54
anton02UEFI ubuntu is schruted05:55
mnemonGilligan94: wpa_cli wps_pbc <bssid>05:55
perolotuspsychje: lemme reboot since installing iw8utils05:55
lotuspsychjepero: ok05:55
Gilligan94thanks mnemon Ill give that a shot05:56
lotuspsychje!uefi | antoks05:56
ubottuantoks: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI05:56
lotuspsychjeanton02: that was for you05:56
anton02already followed it05:56
anton02to install ubuntu05:56
anton02but it wont boot05:56
lotuspsychjeanton02: did you update-grub?05:57
anton02no, because it didnt say to05:57
lotuspsychjeanton02: maybe give it a try05:57
SaberX01lotuspsychje, more UEFI stuff ey'  .. i guess we may as well get used to it :-)05:57
lotuspsychjeanton02: secureboot off in bios?05:57
perolotuspsychje: fancontrol says it cant read config file from /etc/fancontrol05:58
lotuspsychjeSaberX01: lol, the nightmare continues :p05:58
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest35606
Gilligan94mnemon: I'm getting the following http://paste.ubuntu.com/6689120/05:59
Gilligan94I tried 2 different networks05:59
Gilligan94both failed instantly05:59
lotuspsychjepero: here's a xps thread on it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84277505:59
mnemonGilligan94: bssid is the mac address06:00
Gilligan94oh my bad06:00
perolotuspsychje: thanks, but i've read that - and i'm not on a laptop that i8kutils were designed for06:00
rwwHow do I change the font settings in Ubuntu?06:00
=== david__ is now known as Meldon
deltok this is getting annoying.... how do i get X to display apps from other hosts over tcp/ip?06:01
cfhowlettMeldon, greetings06:01
MeldonAbout the only thing I cannot get to work is 5.1 surround on Realtek/Intel HDA.06:01
anton02lotuspsychje: yes, it doesn't have secureboot06:01
pablo__Beldar, It says no OS found and no .cfg files found06:01
lotuspsychjepero: not sure then mate, out of options here06:01
MeldonThe HDMI audio from my GTX 555 seems to work, but I need 5.1 to work on my analog output.06:01
ogdenanyone decent with ltsp and tmpfs?06:01
anton02lotuspsychje: but ubuntu boot-repair for some reason auto enables securboot. should i switch it off?06:02
lotuspsychjeSaberX01: does this look like a clean tut: http://elabualg.wordpress.com/2013/10/22/dual-boot-ubuntu-and-windows-8-uefi/06:02
MeldonBecause it uses the three analog outputs on the back of my PC.06:02
ogdenalso hello all :)06:02
MeldonThe other day I downloaded the Linux sources for Realtek/HDA which is apparently alsa. I built it then make install but after rebooting it hangs about halfway through the boot.06:02
SaberX01lotuspsychje, I'll go have a read.06:03
MeldonAnyone know how to get it to work?06:03
MeldonI tried enabling lfe remixing and default channels to 6 but still doesn't show up in the profile.06:03
lotuspsychjeanton02: take a look at the url i gave to SaberX01 , maybe you overlooked something?06:03
Beldarpablo__, Something went wrong somewhere, you had a working bootable install of ubuntu at any point?06:04
MeldonAny information is greatly appreciated. =)06:04
pablo__Beldar, yes I did06:04
Beldarpablo__, A update in ubuntu brought you to this situation right?06:05
pablo__Beldar, when I attempt to list the files in (hd0,msdos1)/boot/ there is no grub folder06:05
pablo__Beldar, yes06:05
Beldarpablo__, there a boot folder with kernels?06:06
lotuspsychjeMeldon: not sure if this is of any use for you, but there are latest realtek drivers for linux on their site, same for latest alsa drivers06:06
Gilligan94ok now I'm getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/6689142/ which doesnt appear to be connecting me to the router, it happens instantly weather I press the button or not06:06
Beldarpablo__, Was the upgrade in ubuntu a partial upgrade maybe?06:07
SaberX01lotuspsychje, the UEFI looks ok. I think, that anyone wiching to keep Win7/8 in tack, should not bohte wih Dual boot, rather, jsut install and run *Nix via Virtualbox, and if they want a Native Install .. turn off UEFI and do a Legacy Boot from the BIOS.06:07
MeldonYea. You have to compile them. I did with build-essentials. Then make install. Then reboot, hangs on boot. I am kinda new to Linux (again) and don't know how to look at boot logs or chroot using Live session so I can see why it won't boot.06:07
lotuspsychjeSaberX01: yes thats our wish lol, but in reality 90% wanna try 'safe' dualboot :p06:07
MeldonCould it be that I make install without alsa being installed?06:07
MeldonI simply installed the OS, the made the Linux driver, installed, rebooted.06:08
BeldarSaberX01, I have 4 OS including W8.1 on my msdos toshiba laptop, I keeping it till it breaks, hehe.06:08
MeldonI dunno if alsa comes stock or if I needed to config something first.06:08
pablo__Beldar, Im running ubuntu on a bootable USB and I can see the grub folder in the /boot/ but when I try to list on the grub rescue prompt I cant see it!06:08
lotuspsychjeBeldar: can you take a look at this url, see if its clean? http://elabualg.wordpress.com/2013/10/22/dual-boot-ubuntu-and-windows-8-uefi/06:08
lotuspsychjefor future use06:09
Gilligan94mnemon: ok now I'm getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/6689142/ which doesnt appear to be connecting me to the router, it happens instantly weather I press the button or not06:09
SaberX01lotuspsychje, that's just it, its nto really safe, as you can seriously mess things up with UEFI enabled, and it appears that Win8 will not boot Grub Legacy on UEFI enabled hardware.06:09
lotuspsychjeSaberX01: yes true, but explain that to users who's wife only wants w8 lol!06:09
Beldarpablo__, If all you had was an install that is now broken, I would just do a reinstall, if you do so when you update use the update gui and make sure it is not a partial is all. This may be fixable, but if you want to move on and have a working OS a reinstall is probably best. I would clean out the sda2 the windows boot partitrion as well.06:10
SaberX01lotuspsychje, that's why I say, run the *Nix instance in a VM on any UEFI / Win8 enabled machine, job done.06:10
lotuspsychjeSaberX01: sounds like a smarter choice indeed06:10
* lotuspsychje surely wont run w8 on anything :p06:11
* SaberX01 wont either.06:11
rwwHow do I change the font settings in Ubuntu?06:11
lotuspsychjeSaberX01: did you read the part uefi was created for intruding other Oses lol06:11
lotuspsychje“non authorized” operating systems.06:12
lotuspsychje!sound | Meldon06:13
ubottuMeldon: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.06:13
Beldarlotuspsychje, I like the backup and recovery making parts, and using the windows partitioner. The problem I have seen with uefi installs are the manufacturers varied uefi configs, so I try to give people this link as well. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2147295  That mod is the best in this area, I learned all my grub stuff on that forum watching and working with them and others06:13
Meldonubottu, the problem is is that I only have stereo output. No 5.1.06:13
lotuspsychjeBeldar: thats true what you say, ive been able to install ubuntu out of the box on some uefi machine06:13
SaberX01lotuspsychje, well there attempt failed, as it can be done.06:13
Gilligan94rww: open up the software center and search for unity tweak tool06:14
lotuspsychjeBeldar: didnt have to disable nothing in bios06:14
rwwi swear, if I see one more linux user blogpost conflating UEFI and Secure Boot, or saying UEFI is "a new type of BIOS"...06:14
Gilligan94it has a section for fonts06:14
rwwGilligan94: you can't do it out of the box?06:14
Gilligan94I'm ure you can06:14
Beldarlotuspsychje, Yeah seems to be no real exact wiki, lol, oh what fun.06:14
pablo__Beldar, A fresh install will work, ive done it before and the same happened when I installed mint however the problem comes when I run the updates then I have this problem all over again. Yes even with the gui update06:14
Beldarpablo__, No partial upgrades?06:15
pablo__Beldar, no06:15
lotuspsychjerww: :p06:15
rwwlotuspsychje: hrm?06:15
Gilligan94rww, I think it used to be in the system settings but it doesn't appear to be anymore at least not on my install06:15
lotuspsychjerww: new type of bios06:15
Beldarpablo__, Hmm, I would check your computer model and the ubuntu release on the web, there may be a known problem is all.06:15
rwwlotuspsychje: it's depressingly common06:15
pablo__Beldar, Okay. Thanks for the time06:16
ogdenanyone good with ltsp and a tmpfs home directory on the clients?06:16
Beldarpablo__, The bootscript looked basically good should be booting, however the script has some limitations.06:17
Gilligan94So does anyone know how to connect to a router set up for push button WPS in ubuntu? I'm not having any success with wpa_cli wps_pbc06:18
Beldarpablo__, The only thing that seemed strange was seeing the usb as sdb and the two HD's as sda and sdc, generally it would show the usb as sdc.06:18
ogdendisable wps its insecure :)06:19
cfhowlettogden, perhaps in the #ubuntu-server channel ...06:19
Gilligan94ogden, I'm aware but this isnt my router06:19
cfhowlettGilligan94, sorry, #ubuntu-server might know ...06:19
Gilligan94cfhowlett, this isn't really server related06:20
ogdenGilligan try these steps http://askubuntu.com/questions/120367/how-to-connect-to-wi-fi-ap-through-wps06:20
pablo__Beldar, one of them was an external hard drive. wonder if that explains anything06:20
Beldarpablo__, which the sdc?06:20
ogdenmainly i just need to know where the heck to put the fstab for the clients which doesnt seem to be explained anywher in ltsp man pages06:20
pablo__Beldar, Let me check the sizes and confirm because its a 250GB06:21
Gilligan94ogden, that answer appears to be for WPS pin not WPS push button06:22
ogdenah sorry let me see then06:22
pablo__Beldar, yes the sdc is the external hard drive06:23
ogdenGilligan94: have you tried wps-client?06:23
Beldarpablo__, yeah sdc then, it shows in the script windows remnants, so when grub run on the internal it could be getting confused with the windows remnants on the external, I would clean out any windows files there not needed, and the sda2 windows boot partition. This is a guess but grub is just a app in the end.06:23
bp0Hello. after some updates tonight, my computer is not usable. :( it looks like there was an linux kernel update and it has made graphics fail to work. The kernel will not load nvidia or nouveau for my nvidia card.06:23
Beldarpablo__, sdc has grub in its mbr as well.06:24
pablo__Beldar, Okay. Let me clean out all the windows remnants and re run boot-repair06:24
Beldarpablo__, I would unplug that external in general, I have a bunch myself, I never have them plugged in when messing with grub, it will read them...etc.06:26
Gilligan94ogden, I dont believe I've come across wps-client06:26
pablo__Beldar, Ive unplugged them and removed everything on the /dev/sda2. Im running boot-repair again06:28
ogdeni think its in package wpa_supplicant06:29
jetson53anyone can give a tip how to completly remove wine.......when I try it says that wine is not installed06:30
jetson53I use Ubuntu 13.1006:31
yash069apt-get remove wine06:31
yash069apt-get purge wine06:31
rwwjetson53: i assume you're asking because icons still show up?06:31
yash069apt-get autoremove06:31
yash069jetson53: ^06:32
Beldarpablo__, If you get a grub menu boot what is first in the list and run sudo update-grub when in.06:32
Gilligan94might be easier to brute force the WPS that connect to it properly06:32
pablo__Beldar, Will do06:32
rwwGilligan94: thank you, i installed ubuntu tweak tool and found it06:32
Gilligan94rww no problem06:33
jetson53No, when I try to remove it through a terminal, It says thet wine is not installed06:33
pablo__Beldar, It has been Ubuntu first in the list06:33
yash069jetson53: are u sure, can u still run it ?06:34
bp0jetson53: what makes you believe that wine is installed? if it is just that you still see icons, that could just be that the menu items were not removed.06:34
jetson53wait I,ll check06:34
jetson53I can still configure it.......06:35
Gilligan94jetson53: have you tried looking for it in synaptic and removing it that way?06:36
bp0jetson53: I had your problem. if i remember right the wine package was pointing to wine-1.14 or something, and installed was wine-1.1706:37
bp0dont remember exactly, but try to remove all wine, something like apt-get remove wine-*06:38
bp0the actual package wine just points to some other package06:38
bp0whatever the current version on offer is, I think06:38
sandGorgoninteresting article about SSD - http://www.extremetech.com/computing/173887-ssd-stress-testing-finds-intel-might-be-the-only-reliable-drive-manufacturer06:39
jetson53it worked doing it through synaptic..thnx06:40
Gilligan94ogden, I cant see anything about a wps-client anywhere. other than a mock up06:42
pablo__Beldar, This is the new message http://paste.ubuntu.com/6689243/06:44
ogdenThose are just the two that came to mind, I can't think of anything else06:44
Beldarpablo__, Only thing strange is a gpt partition table on the usb, does it boot now, I see an error on the repair.06:48
Beldarnot sure if the efi stuff on the live makes it read a gpt table06:48
Beldarpablo__,I have to go take care of a little work be back in 1/2 hour.06:49
pablo__Beldar, I wanted you to first look at the file before I restart since im working on the same system... Okay I'll be here when you return06:49
rwwwhere is my Skype systray icon?06:52
Gilligan94rww probably in the messages drop down06:53
rwwnope, looked there06:53
Gilligan94welp its gone06:53
ikill12hello everyone06:53
Gilligan94skype aint what it used to be :/ I wish it was still peer to peer06:54
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rwwskype works fine, and is running, I just can't find where unity puts systray icons06:54
rwwand if i try to run it again it errors because it's already running06:54
alesando not worry - I am a Linux user but on this particular computer, I have dual boot with WINDOWS7; how in the hell can I set WINDOWS7 as default?06:55
alesanI have tried everything, but it doe not work06:55
Gilligan94in previous versions of skype it showed up in the messages menu06:55
alesanevery tutorial or stackexchange question on it, the files are different on 13.1006:55
rwwI googled this problem, and the only bug report I can find has something about mark shuttleworth deciding systray icons are obsolete?!06:56
Gilligan94rww thats not true systray icons still show up06:56
Gilligan94it's just skype06:57
* rww loads KeepassX and enables its systray icon to test06:57
rww... the "Show system tray icon" option is greyed out06:57
Gilligan94welp good luck :P06:58
TheMadcapperBtw, while Ubuntu kept reporting "compatible bus not detected, module not inserted.", *kbuntu* installed fine.06:58
* TheMadcapper shrugs06:58
SuccessHello everyone. I have grub2 installed, it successfully loads linux, my drive is formatted as gpt, i have a bios, one disk, but windows gives me some can not boot error because it doesn't know how to use gpt, and needs an mbr. i get that much. but all of the fixes on the internet are for efi. how can I fix windows to work with my gpt w/o efi06:58
Successor can I fake an efi or something?06:58
thom_rGilligan94, skype is not a very going voip service in my opinion.06:58
Gilligan94thom_r, yea having my calls recorded doesnt really tickle my fancy06:59
rwwwhy do I not have an option to run KeepassX in the systray on Unity?06:59
Successthom_r, what is a good alternative?06:59
thom_rGilligan94, leave it to Microsoft to screw up a good product.06:59
Gilligan94thom_r pretty much :P07:00
thom_rSuccess, I use Viber. Available for most smart phones, Linux, and Android tablets.07:00
anton02how do you mount a zfs partition?07:00
elkyrww: does right click on the icon give a lock option?07:00
rwwLike, I am seriously trying to get used to Unity, but when I have to install a separate application to change fonts, and my systray stuff which works fine in KDE does not work on it, it is hard.07:00
Gilligan94Success, I've been using google hang outs off and on07:00
rwwelky: on the icon on the left bar?07:00
thom_rI like google hangouts as well.07:00
rwwelky: lock to launcher, did you mean that?07:01
elkythats as close as you can get afaik07:01
rwwelky: this does not have the same behavior as the keepassx systray icon. specifically, i cannot minimize to it and have it not show up in alt-tab07:01
rwware you kidding me07:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 842224 in sni-qt (Ubuntu) "Unable to restore KeePassX window, once it's minimized to tray" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:02
rwwUbuntu's solution to Unity not working properly with KeepassX's systray icon is to disable KeepassX's systray icon on Unity.07:02
SoulRavenis posibile to redirect the traffic from one port on 2 ports in the same time07:03
rwwmeanwhile, someone attached a patch a year and a half ago that apparently fixes the issue, and this has not been merged07:03
rwwwords fail me07:03
pablo__Beldar, When I googled my laptop model and ubuntu 12.04 I found there was someone with a similar issue and has an interesting solution :-) Im gonna trying it out now...07:05
rwwoh, there we go07:06
rwwthe correct solution to "my skype icon doesn't show up in Unity" is 1) not complaining about how Skype records your calls and then praising Google, 2) sudo apt-get install sni-qt:i38607:06
rwwhope that helps any future people, using google search or something07:07
Beldarpablo__, Cool, good to research, seemed a bit beyond my skills.07:08
cfhowlettn8815, greetings07:10
n8815I installed ubuntu and I boot into a blank screen. nomodeset option didn't help. any ideas?07:11
n8815I installed ubuntu and I boot into a blank screen. nomodeset option didn't help. any ideas?07:11
cfhowlettanudas, greetings07:14
n8815I installed ubuntu and I boot into a blank screen. nomodeset option didn't help. any ideas?07:15
n8815I installed ubuntu and I boot into a blank screen. nomodeset option didn't help. any ideas?07:15
anudasnow better07:15
Beldarn8815, You had a working desktop on the live right?07:15
anudasblack screen?07:16
Beldarn8815, Try in the recovery the failsafe x,also a text boot will give you some feedback.07:16
anudasn8815> boot cd was ok?07:16
pikarenwhich upstart event usually emits last?07:20
none_hello, i have a desktop system with corei3 3210  on intel DH61BF motherboard and nvidia gt610 synergy edition graphics card running ubuntu 13.10, can i use bumblebee?07:22
anudasi will try another channel07:22
rwwKDE and Xfce have a settings thing where you can set keyboard options like replacing the Caps Lock key with a Compose key. How do I do this on Unity?07:25
rwwerm, maybe not Xfce. GNOME? not sure. KDE definitely does though.07:25
kay______can't you use xset for tht?07:27
rwwno idea. can I?07:27
JordanJ2Can anyone help me have lubuntu in VMWare workstation, installed VMWare tools and getting this error runnung it: http://trashb.info/7f25437607:27
rwwthe output of 'xset' does not seem to imply this07:28
kay______no, i guess not.07:28
rwwi expect there's some way to do it, I was hoping for either 1) a shiny GUI panel as seen elsewhere, or 2) someone who knows what command I'd use, and also how to make Unity run a script on startup07:29
kay______setxkbmap maybe07:30
kay______what is "compose"?07:32
rwwkay______: it lets you compose sequences of characters into one. e.g. compose + ' + e = e with an accent over it07:33
rwwaha, I have found it07:35
rwwAll settings -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Typing -> Compose Key07:35
Successthom_r: i think Viber might make it big, its the first app you see when booting into windows on the market place tile07:37
thom_rSuccess, oddly enough I don't think it is well supported for Windows mobile07:38
deltNo package 'glib-2.0' found   +   No package 'gthread-2.0' found   ....what packages are missing?07:41
kkkkkhi all, my mic is producing very noise in ubuntu, i tried to lower down boost, but  in windows, same mic is working well, how to enable noise cancellation and echo suppression in ubuntu, i am using ubuntu 12.04 LTS, in windows, i used to enable them in system settings07:41
kkkkkwhen i lower down boost , then it stopped catching sounds, even when i speak near to it, Mic is a internal mic, laptop, i think it is capturing fan sound07:42
kkkkkbut it shouldn't , how to stop that in ubuntu07:42
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cummsengRunning 13.10. Notifications are appearing on my secondary monitor. I've got unity-tweak-tool installed and selected active screen but it still doesnt work. Ideally id like it to appear on both screens but id at least like it to make it appear on my active screen. How to?07:44
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catfishyo folks07:56
catfishim having some trouble07:56
Demosthenes_what is it catfish?07:57
catfishI want to uninstall my printer driver07:57
catfishI can't do that just by deleting my printer07:58
catfishfrom 'printers'07:58
b3h3m0thI have resized an NTFS partition using windows and ended up getting a grub rescue prompt. I used an Ubuntu 12.04.1 bootable pendrive to mount the linux installation partition to /mnt/ and bind /dev to /mnt/dev/ . Now I chroot to /mnt/ and tried to fix grub . But I am getting this error. http://pastebin.com/sg3EYG7P08:01
Beldarb3h3m0th, I see gpt are you aware of this, is it just the partition table?08:03
BeldarThis a W8 dual boot?08:04
b3h3m0thBeldar: I don't understand what that means. This is my partition table : http://i43.tinypic.com/2nvcscl.png08:06
ROPAhas anyone actually been able to make skype work?? It used to run well in my daughters laptop and in my desktop. But, it stopped working in both systems and nothing I try makes it work. It seems recent changes were made that stopped it from working. Any ideas what I need to do?08:06
kostkonROPA, wokring fine here. What changes?08:07
Demosthenes_>using firefox to join IRC08:07
Demosthenes_>top kek08:07
ROPAkostkon not sure what changes, but it stopped working at the same time in both computers.08:08
Beldarb3h3m0th, You have a uefi setup, try the bootrepair app. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair  be sure to save ythe generated bootinfo summary.08:08
kostkonROPA, try running it from the terminal08:08
kostkonROPA, do you see any error messages08:08
ROPAkostkon both systems appear to work, until a call is attempted....then it closes with no error message....on both of my systems.08:09
Beldarb3h3m0th, Were you planning to resize the ubuntu partition?08:09
kostkonROPA, hmm08:09
b3h3m0thNope.. I was resizing the sda6 partition in that image ( NTFS )08:09
ROPAkostkon I never tried running it in terminal. Will try it in a few minutes.08:10
Beldarb3h3m0th, Right but you have an unallocated space now, what were your plans with it?08:10
jesus_smasherok so i update ubuntu kernel to 3.11 and now on boot i get a blank screen08:12
jesus_smasheris really frustrating08:12
jesus_smasherplease help08:12
Beldarjesus_smasher, update or install?08:13
jesus_smasheri updated08:13
Beldarjesus_smasher, from the update manager right?08:13
jesus_smasherit runs thur all the boot text then the screen just goes blank but backlight is still on08:13
b3h3m0thBeldar: I have no Idea where that came from !!! sda8 is the linux partion I have and while installing linux there, I had grub installed in my MBR (sda)08:14
Beldarjesus_smasher, You using a graphic driver from the hardware website?08:14
jesus_smasheri dont think so08:15
b3h3m0thBeldar: I am not able to add the repository for bootfixer08:15
jesus_smasheri dont even really have a gpu08:15
Beldarb3h3m0th, when you resize a partition you leave an unallocated space if you shrunk sda6 this makes sense.08:15
jesus_smasheri have an amd cpu with intagraded ati gpu08:15
jesus_smasherlike hd4000 or something08:16
Beldarjesus_smasher, Did you install a graphic driver, and do you know the graphic crad?08:16
b3h3m0thso now how can I proceed with the boot fix ?08:16
Beldar!nomodeset | jesus_smasher try this08:16
ubottujesus_smasher try this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter08:16
b3h3m0thI am not able to ad repo08:16
b3h3m0thBeldar: http://pastebin.com/wJJ1Asr408:16
jesus_smasherive tried nomodeset, no help08:17
Beldarb3h3m0th, you do not do this from a chroot.08:17
jesus_smasherand i tried acpi_osi=off and nothing08:17
Beldarjesus_smasher, Does an earlier kernel work?08:17
b3h3m0thyeah... that was it :)08:18
jesus_smasherno, it work in recovery but there is not ui just text terminal.08:18
Beldarb3h3m0th, JUst exit the chroot and follow the link08:19
jesus_smasherit was working fine before the update tho08:19
Beldarjesus_smasher, You tried the previous working kernel?08:19
jesus_smasheryes and does not work now08:19
jesus_smasheri get the same issue...08:19
Beldarjesus_smasher, Hmm, I'm not sure.08:19
jesus_smasheroh maybe it changed a driver for my gpu?08:20
jesus_smashercuz there were alot of updated08:20
Beldarjesus_smasher, You did this from the update gui or the terminal?08:21
jesus_smashergrrrr i hate this poo08:21
jesus_smasherupdate gui08:21
Beldarjesus_smasher, Did you see a partial upgrade warning?08:21
jesus_smasherno there wasnt08:21
Beldarjesus_smasher, Hmm strange, again not sure.08:22
jesus_smasherdo you know if there is a channel for kernels08:24
jesus_smasherhehe knew it was one or the other08:25
aeon-ltdjesus_smasher: #linux is pretty general08:25
jesus_smashercool ill give it a shot08:25
aeon-ltdthough there probably is a specialist chan for compiling custom kernels08:25
ROPAkostkon I just tried to install skype again and can't even get it to open in the software center now!!!! It trys to open the installer in openoffice writer.08:25
ROPAkostkon it also seems the 64 bit version is missing, only the 32 bit version can be downloaded.08:27
BeldarROPA, Have you tried the ubuntu repos skype?08:27
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga08:28
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ROPABeldar search for skype in the software center using !skype??08:29
BeldarROPA, In the terminal sudo apt-get install skype08:29
ROPABeldar that08:30
ROPABeldar that's the first thing I tried...it said it couldn't find skype.08:30
BeldarROPA, that what?08:30
ROPAartie@artsplace-1310G:~$ sudo apt-get install skype08:31
ROPA[sudo] password for artie:08:31
ROPAReading package lists... Done08:31
ROPABuilding dependency tree08:31
ROPAReading state information... Done08:31
FloodBot1ROPA: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:31
ROPAE: Unable to locate package skype08:31
BeldarROPA, It's in the partner repos, run cat /etc/apt/sources.list and pastebin all the info.08:31
rwwit's also on Skype's website, I note08:32
kostkonROPA, run the updater, click on Settings then in 3rd party software make sure that the partner repo is enabled08:34
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abailarriHello. Anyone has installed Teambox? It not works and I don't know why08:38
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b3h3m0thI have tried bootrepair but now I am getting an (initramfs) prompt !!!08:42
Beldarabailarri, 3rd party not really supported, you might look for installs on your specific release, I found a general one. https://github.com/teambox/teambox/wiki/Installing-on-Ubuntu08:42
abailarriBeldar, I readed and used this guide to install08:43
Beldarb3h3m0th, Post that bootinfo summary on the app developers thread, there are several user focused on this area. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10871917#post1087191708:44
Beldarabailarri, I have no idea, you may get support here inspite of it's 3rd party place, however it is a bit slow at this time here is all.08:46
abailarriBeldar, do you know a similar software?08:47
weeb1eHi everyone, I've updated the nofile hard and soft limit for root in /etc/security/limits.conf but it doesn't take affect, when I open a new SSH session and run a process with sudo and check it's nofile limits it is still the default08:49
zazahello to everyone08:50
Beldarabailarri, Not really, never heard of this one.08:50
stalker_kgвсем привет! есть вопрос: после обновления версии настройки собъются?08:57
lesshastewhen I do pip install ortools it offers me Downloading ortools-1.3030.win32.zip   but no such file is listed at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ortools08:57
lesshaste what is going on?08:57
stalker_kgимеется ввиду настройки сети, рабочего стола, и пр08:58
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.08:58
rwwor perhaps08:58
rwwguess not08:58
bradleywho farted.08:58
lyhExcuse me,why ubuntu can not adjust the  screen brightness?08:59
bradleyim linuxing for the very first time guys08:59
panopticon36can anyone tell me what program ubuntu 13.10 uses for splash screens when booting?08:59
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panopticon36is it still usplash or something else08:59
somsippanopticon36: plymouth (perhaps)08:59
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panopticon36<hasnt used linux since ubuntu 10.04 LTS09:05
panopticon36i'm learning that a shit load has changed lol09:05
panopticon36trying out both steam and netflix-desktop in linux for the first time09:05
panopticon36i only ever went to linux when vista happened, after 7 was released i migrated back to windows, but always liked the way linux did things09:05
panopticon36now that it has netflix and steam, figured why the hell not09:05
panopticon36still getting used to no using synaptic as my package manager is kinda a pain so far09:05
NicnmSo I have to be root to use nautilus...why?09:33
pikarencan i make a upstart job unstoppable even with root privilege?09:33
andyfied_Nicnm: i don't think you have to use root for nautilus normally09:34
Nicnmnormally you don't but the only way it allows me to open is if i open a terminal and type sudo nautilus09:35
SaberX01Nicnm, no you do not have to be sudo / root to use it.09:35
Nicnmit says WARNING **: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-9VfiBGveIm: Connection refused ; Could not register the application: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: No such interface `org.gtk.Actions' on object at path /org/gnome/Nautilus09:36
SaberX01Nicnm, then you have something else going wrong .. are you logged in as a normal user ?09:36
Nicnmyep, tho I did do do-release-upgrade, would that do09:37
SaberX01Nicnm, generally speaking, not it should not cause you this problem. I did find a bug surrounding this problem in Gnome.09:39
Nicnmb4 I waste your time I'm gonna try restarting real quick09:40
SaberX01Nicnm, what  version of Uubuntu are you on, paste outout from this pse:  lsb_release -d09:42
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deltdamn...... how do i rewrite the grub MBR??09:54
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delti tried update-grub from a recovery console.... no go09:55
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Magical1sorry, i'm new to ubuntu, had tried configuring it  so i could use as webserver but somehow managed to prevent access to http last https working, can anyone advise?09:55
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Magical1*last night,09:56
panopticon36Has anyone else had the trouble where plymouth does not load properly if you are using nVidia drivers?09:56
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panopticon36My attempts at remedying the situation have not helped09:57
SaberX01wow what's with all the Guest mode changes.. I got a whole screen full of them.09:57
joker1is there any tutorial for increasing the security? i'm using precise09:58
Safa_[A_boy]That's better now :D09:58
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panopticon36hey, what is the actual function/purpose of this chatroom10:01
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Nicnmreboot fix the issue10:02
Magical1according to channel description it is official ubuntu support channel10:02
panopticon36anybody know?10:02
panopticon36hello joao10:03
Angel_Of_Sorrowman this is a drag10:03
joaohi, Panopticon10:03
joaoI am new here.10:03
panopticon36me too10:03
panopticon36i'm looking for some advice dealing with plymouth and nvidia drivers10:04
panopticon36apparently the combination is a pain10:04
joaoI am not sure about drivers. sorry.10:04
SaberX01Nicnm, Ok, thanks for the update, not sure why the reboot fixed it, but a win is a win =D10:05
joaoIt may help10:05
panopticon36i've seen some similar fixes that start off like that one10:06
panopticon36but this is a little different10:06
panopticon36i'll give it a try10:06
panopticon36thanks for the support10:06
tozenhi all!! I've moved directory .sync accidentally working with Nautilus. Where it have to be located by default? THX10:07
tizbacpanopticon36, you can't get graphical console and nvidia drivers at hte same time10:08
tizbacgraphical console requires kernel mode setting which is not and it probably won't be supported by the proprietary driver10:09
tizbacsome distros like fedora and opensuse try to enable graphical console anyway , but they cause instability and corruption10:09
bekkstizbac: For me, that works perfectly, using Nvidia.10:10
SaberX01why would anyone want that anyway .. just another llayer for potentual failure.10:10
panopticon36then is there a way to delay the nvidia driver from loading?10:10
panopticon36that way when plymouth goes to do its thing, its still using some default vesa driver?10:10
tizbacpanopticon36, the problem is not when it is loaded , but if you have set some graphical mode before loading it10:10
panopticon36i havent that i know of10:11
panopticon36say i'm going to tinker a bit, brgb10:11
tizbacif you have used the vesa driver you have set another mode10:11
tizbacsee if nouveau works fine for your needs , it's the best way10:12
joker1anyone have best driver for amd hd4670m?10:12
Magical1sorry tobother you, i managed to break something last night and can no longer connect over http, https still working, can anyone help?10:13
ubottujoker1: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.10:15
panopticon36darn, the method joao linked also did not work10:15
panopticon36i'm reverting the changes now10:15
panopticon36tizbac, i've reverted my changes to the grub configs so that should all be back to normal now. Do you have any other suggestions how to get plymouth and nvidia playing nice?10:21
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Guest898hi anyone here10:22
bekks!anyone| Guest89810:23
ubottuGuest898: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.10:23
tizbacpanopticon36, sadly there aren't10:24
tizbacit's a proprietary driver so all we can do is using it as is with its limitations10:24
Guest898How to set firewall to block incoming packets from a particular website using iptables.or anyhting else10:24
Jessica1hello, I need a help installing an old keyboard PS2+adaptor USB10:25
raubJessica1: need more info. I take it is not working10:25
dev_hi guys , mysql won't work because the folder almost full10:26
raubJessica1: I did notice before they make adapters for mouse and keyb and I never got the mouse one to work with a keyb one10:26
Jessica1I plugged the cable of this keyboard on my macmini, I have lubuntu version 13.04,  the keyboard start the led but it doesn't work10:26
dev_i'm trying to increase the root size , but i dont knw how to do this , im new in ubuntu command line10:26
raubdev_: can you do "df -h" and then pastebin it?10:27
mnemonGuest898: iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --src -j DROP10:27
mnemon10.10.10.1 being the ip of the site.10:27
raubdev_: also pastebin (maybe the same one) output of "sudo fdisk -l"10:28
raubJessica1: have you tried this keyb+adapter in another computer?10:28
Jessica1yes it worked on an old computer10:29
Guest898mnemon,  how to check it drops the incoming packets10:29
Jessica1if I pres num lock the led works10:29
mnemonGuest898: that will block packets FROM the site, not the ones you send there.10:29
mnemonGuest898: wireshark=?10:29
raubJessica1: does "lsusb" show the keyb?10:29
cummsengRunning 13.10. Notifications are appearing on my secondary monitor. I've got unity-tweak-tool installed and selected active screen but it still doesnt work. Ideally id like it to appear on both screens but id at least like it to make it appear on my active screen. How to?10:29
raubdev_: pastebin output of "sudo pvs"10:29
raubdev_: you are a bit SOL; you only have 48MB free10:32
Jessica1in this moment there are 2 keyboard plugged and 1 mouse10:32
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dev_but in other folders i have so much space10:32
raubJessica1: it is only reporting an external mouse10:32
dev_and i want my root to have more space , cant i do this ?10:32
Jessica1the usb keyboard is working properly, the other one ps2 is brand DELL10:33
raubdev_: I do not know how you are mounting Projects if that's what you mean. Is it a local drive? pastebin "sudo fdisk -l"10:34
raubdev_: *and* "cat /etc/fstab"10:35
raubJessica1: Ok, so the usb keyboard is 040b:200010:36
raubJessica1: if that is the case, the computer is not seeing the other keyb10:37
raubMaybe try another adapter?10:37
dev_sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit  -> Disk /dev/mapper/dev--server--root does not contain valid partion table10:37
Jessica1but why when I press num lock the led goes on ?10:37
anseli need air track10:37
anselfor terminal10:38
raubJessica1: I dunno; it might be that since keyb is getting power it can do some local things to it10:38
Jessica1ok thanks10:38
anselhey what is meaning of sudo10:39
anselhow does it define10:39
raubdev_: so Projects is not a local partition10:39
Beldar!sudo | ansel10:39
ubottuansel: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo10:39
anselwhich one of you10:39
dev_i have virtualbox , projects is shared folder10:39
raubdev_: that changes a lot of things then! You could shut down the vm, resize the disk, and restart it10:40
dev_i did10:40
raubdev_: then you can do some resizing10:40
dev_i increased it from it from 15 to 3010:41
raubdev_: and it did not recognize? Odd10:41
dev_dev--server--root , still same size10:41
raubdev_: it should have realized it had changed (fdisk)10:41
panopticon36i think i found the source of my issues with plymouth10:41
dev_mysql full , so i cant connect to it10:41
raubdev_: you can always boot from a cd10:42
dev_cd is not with me :(10:42
panopticon36My laptop uses "optimus" technology, meaning it is meant to switch between two GPUs, the integrated intel 3000HD and nVidia gtx525m10:42
raubdev_: it is virtualbox, just feed it the iso10:43
bekkspanopticon36: Then either use bumblebee or nvidia-prime, and not nvidia.10:43
panopticon36because of this, my installation of ubuntu does not even recognize that i have an nVidia gpu10:43
dev_then i resize partions ?10:43
dev_raub ?10:43
panopticon36what is bumblebee? something that takes advantage of the optimus technology?10:43
raubpossibly; it depends on what fdisk then tell you10:44
Beldarpanopticon36, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee10:44
panopticon36ahh, thanks10:45
panopticon36i'll give that a try right now10:45
panopticon36should i even bother manually downloading and installing the nvidia driver from the nvidia site?10:45
bekkspanopticon36: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/HybridGraphics10:45
bekkspanopticon36: No, downliading it manually will break.10:46
bekkspanopticon36: Just read both articles given, then decide which way to go.10:46
panopticon36bekks: thanks for the precaution10:46
panopticon36Beldar: thanks for the link to bumblebee10:46
panopticon36I'll be back either way to let you guys know what happens10:46
jgcampbell300anyone know how i can get very detailed info from processors throu sssh10:50
bekksjgcampbell300: cat /proc/cpuinfo10:51
trothDo you know a GUI application which allows me batch processing for size reduction of images?10:51
jgcampbell300bekks, thanks much10:52
reazemhi! I want to create a /home for an existing user. Is there a command for it?10:53
bekksreazem: you user has no home currently?10:53
reazembekks: that's it10:53
jgcampbell300wish there was an easy way to compare 3 diffrent servers cpus and bio's10:53
karolineein frohes neues jahr an alle..10:54
bekksjgcampbell300: Whats "bio's"?10:54
l9anyone knows if there is a channel for raspberry pi?10:54
makarahi. How can I change which servers to update from, from the command line? (I'm on 12.04 server)10:54
bekksjgcampbell300: Intel processors?10:54
jgcampbell300i have a strange problem ... i have 4 poweredge 2850s and there is something odd about one of them10:55
anselwhat is your strange10:55
karolinespricht jemand deutsch?10:55
bekksjgcampbell300: ark.intel.com10:55
bekks!de | karoline10:55
ubottukaroline: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!10:55
jgcampbell300bekks, that should help10:56
jgcampbell300bekks, do you know of a command that will get even more detailed info from processor10:58
bekksjgcampbell300: There are no more details to tell than cat /proc/cpuinfo tells you.10:58
bekksjgcampbell300: How about clarifying "the strange issue"?10:59
jgcampbell300bekks, omg i cant bleave i missed that10:59
jgcampbell3006 processors have 2M cache and one of them has 1M10:59
bekksjgcampbell300: Different CPU, different series, different age.11:00
bekksjgcampbell300: However, what is your "strange issue"?11:00
jgcampbell300bekks, i could have swore all these servers where the same but guess im wrong11:00
bekksjgcampbell300: Whatever. You dont want to tell us whats your "strange issue", I am not interested in knowing it anymore.11:01
jgcampbell300bekks,  i was trying to figgure out whey my hypervisor pool rejects one of my servers11:01
jgcampbell300bekks, sorry was typing it out11:01
jgcampbell300bekks,  think i have been sitting here reading way to long ... having to rack my brain just to get a decent sentence out11:02
MarkDaviesis it just my impression or am I right thinking that Ubuntu doesn't offer a user with the option of choosing of what software is to be installed?11:02
jgcampbell300MarkDavies, theres several ways to choose software ... apt-get or package manager gui11:03
MarkDaviesjgcampbell300: I mean when installing11:04
panopticon36what are our thoughts on "nixie pixel"11:04
jgcampbell300MarkDavies, hmm i thought there was a selection place ... list that starts with open ssh or something like that11:05
jgcampbell300MarkDavies, if i rember right the very last option there will send you into a really large list of packages11:05
MarkDaviesjgcampbell300: I can't remember that. Anyway, I need a Linux software which would offer just a console mode and have very basic software.11:06
ar00try out archlinux11:06
MarkDaviesdoes it have gcc compiler preinstalled?11:06
jgcampbell300MarkDavies, have you tried installing ubuntu server ?11:07
MarkDaviesjgcampbell300: no11:07
SaberX01MarkDavies, Look into to the Minimal CD or debootstrap .. those are good starting point for what your after.11:08
sacrelicioushey guys, linux newbie, i did a linux partition, and have a bunch of unused HD space, i want to enlarge that partition, how can i do that with gparted?11:08
jgcampbell300bekks, thanks for the help11:08
jgcampbell300i gota get some sleep for i passout lol .. you guys have a great day11:09
SaberX01sacrelicious, Yes, thats a descent GUI based tool to use.11:09
Angel_Of_Sorrowit says on the linuxtv.org the card i am looking at...."It is supported under Linux" what does that mean exactly?11:09
sacreliciousSaberX01,  how do i enlarge the partition? I do not see an option for resizing.11:09
SaberX01sacrelicious, You can boot from LiveCD and launch gParted from there.11:09
sacreliciousSaberX01,  from there, what do i do?11:10
bekkssacrelicious: boot a live cd, start gparted from the live cd.11:11
SaberX01sacrelicious, Was lookign for a descent How-Too: Have a read through this first: http://www.sitepoint.com/ubuntu-12-04-lts-precise-pangolin-using-gparted-to-partition-a-hard-disk/11:11
panopticon36Hey guys i'm back!11:12
sacreliciousperfect, thanks11:12
SaberX01sacrelicious, That's the basics, enlarging a partion is similar.11:12
panopticon36Bekks: your fix worked fantastically11:12
panopticon36Bekks: it worked easily, Just ran the commands, the shit downloaded and installed. Rebooted and everything now works. Plymouth just magically started not being dicks and everything11:13
panopticon36Thanks you guys.11:13
bekks!language | panopticon3611:13
ubottupanopticon36: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.11:13
panopticon36Sorry, wont happen again.11:14
panopticon36I'm just a little ecstatic!11:14
vikcan i install AMD drivers from their website in my ubuntu 12.0411:16
panopticon36vik: what GPU do you have.11:17
vikbecause . some one told u cant install in 12.04 but in 13.04 u can do11:17
vikAMD 7670M dual graphics11:17
panopticon36is that one of the gpu's that switches between integrated and dedicated?11:18
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panopticon36sorry, im more familiar with nvidia/intel11:18
pikarenis there any software that can remind me when i should go to bed11:18
panopticon36pikaren: lol11:18
MonkeyDustpikaren  cron can make your pc switch off at a certain hour11:19
vikpanopticon : its a swichable11:19
pikarencan it make my pc unbootable at night?11:19
panopticon36you'll want to use something like bumblebee11:19
panopticon36which is a software that takes advantage of this switching techology11:20
bekkspikaren: Pull the power cable at night.11:20
pikaren https://www.rescuetime.com/blocked/url/https://wiki.ubuntu.com/bumblebee11:20
MonkeyDustpikaren  or get a girlfriend to watch over you11:20
bekksMonkeyDust: lol11:20
cfhowlettpikaren, get a wife.  your online hours will drop dramatically11:21
panopticon36monkeydust: nope, that doesnt work. mine just came in the room and asked when i'm going to bed11:21
panopticon36monkeydust: told her i'm doing science11:21
vikpapopticons36: can i install AMD drivers in 13.0411:21
bekksvik: ATI/AMD doesnt use Nvidia Optimus.11:21
panopticon36vik: sure you caaaaaan, but the official ones wont take advantage of the switching technology11:21
panopticon36bekks: they dont call it optimus, but they do have their own brand of that technology11:22
SaberX01vik, I would not bother working too hard on 13.04, it's EOL in a matter of days / weeks.11:22
Tasabubuntu , TLS , isit can work as a live cd ? pls11:22
bekkspanopticon36: And bumblebee wontwork with that afaik.11:22
cfhowlettTasab, LTS will run as a live CD11:22
panopticon36he'll want to "use something like bumblebee" though11:23
vikSaberX01 : i want some how to stop my pc overheated . i need AMD drivers to be installed . what should i do11:24
SaberX01vik, sri I have no idea AMD GPU's. I've never owned one.11:24
panopticon36The AMD Radeon HD 7670m chipset uses "AMD Dynamic Switchable Graphics" (which is like nVidia's Optimus Technology)11:25
Tasabcfhowlett: select the first installation or multi server installation11:25
panopticon36vik's computer has basically two gpu's in it, and software has to determine which threads get sent to which gpu for rendering11:26
cfhowlettTasab, you asked about LTS, right?  DESKTOP LTS will run as a live session, not the server version11:26
viki was using 13.04 with AMD drivers there were no problem with heating , but unity got crashed . so i installed 12.04 only reason bcoz it is LTS11:26
bekkspanopticon36: Thats one of two possibilities. The other one is to actually switch and dedicate the GPU to be used.11:26
anselhey i need help11:27
Tasabcfhowlett: actually am asking about the server session ,11:27
panopticon36in the case of nvidia/intel, bumblebee is the answer; for amd i dont know what the open source solution is. You'll have to do a little bit of hunting11:27
chemist^hello everyone11:27
chemist^ansel, state your issue, we're not mind readers :D11:27
anseli am using saucy salamander ,,, but my bluetooth doesn't run... waht should i do11:28
MonkeyDustansel  install blueman (bluetooth manager)11:28
anselfrom softwr centr ?11:28
MonkeyDustansel  always, unless said otherwise11:29
anselgood............ thank you :)11:29
SaberX01Just search Bluetooth Manager, it should be the top option listed.11:30
SaberX01I just ran across this neat little Item, pretty nifty: ubuntu-support-status11:30
anselhey  i have installed... thanks monkeydust11:32
pikarenwhat's the difference between /etc/crontab and the file opened with sudo crontab -e11:35
bekkspikaren: the first is the system crontab, crontab -e opens the user crontab.11:35
Allison43Hey all11:37
chemist^hey Allison4311:37
cfhowlettAllison43, greetingss11:37
chemist^ansel, does it work now?11:37
Allison43hi chemist^, cfhowlett11:38
anselno it doesn't work11:38
anselwhat should i do11:38
anselchemist ... it doesn't work11:39
chemist^ansel you have a laptop right?11:39
anselchemist yes..11:39
anseli have acer laptop11:39
chemist^ansel, check if you have a hardware button, that turns bluetooth on/off11:39
chemist^usually it's the same button for wifi11:40
qinansel: is your bluetooth listed in: sudo rfkill list; ?11:44
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murlidharhello everyone! how to load an app automatically minimized when the OS boots ?11:50
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vitimitihi o/11:50
mariannegood morning world! I am currently running 12.04 64 bit and I'm looking for an app that will speak to me when I get email or a chat request... I know, yes, I want to create Jarvis or Hal... so anyone know of an app? I did fine google notifications, but I'm not sure it's what I'm looking for11:52
cfhowlettmarianne, some apps do give audio notification.  I'd imagine you can specify which audio file gets launched ...11:53
M1kerHi all, somebody know how to fix network after suspend? Read lot of articles, but don't work for me, I use Ububntu 13.10 . Try suspentd_module but it's don't help11:55
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mariannecfhowlett: true, but I know that will be a lot of work for each app... i want to include system generated errors and such too... so when something crashes (which doesn't happen often) and I'm in  another room, I'll hear it11:55
murlidharso what is the default window manager for ubuntu ?11:58
murlidharunity or compiz ?11:58
MonkeyDustmarianne  sounds like something blind people could use, search in that direction11:58
tester56is it possible with ubuntuone to make a truecrypt container and only sync changes like with dropbox?11:59
marianneMonkeyDust: lol, never thought of THAT! but your right.... might be something native in the OS for accessability already11:59
MonkeyDustmurlidhar  unity is a compiz plugin11:59
tester56this has been asked multiple times in forums,  but there has never been given any answer11:59
panopticon36tester56: why not just use dropbox then11:59
tester56panopticon36: less free space12:00
murlidharMonkeyDust: hmmm12:00
tester56if nobody knows the answer, could you point me to the right channel to ask?12:00
MonkeyDusttester56  #ubuntuone12:01
anselok i have reak...12:02
anselhey my bluetooth doesn't work ... what should i do.. i am using saucy 13.1012:03
chemist^ansel, i told you12:03
chemist^it's turned off - hardware12:03
chemist^if you have dual-boot with windows installed as well.... boot in to windows, turn on your wifi/bluetooth with your FN key + F312:04
chemist^check if your LED is turned on12:04
chemist^and reboot it in to ubuntu, it should work12:04
saiarcot895On Ubuntu Saucy, if I change the timezone, the time that appears at the top-right doesn't change (it's on the old timezone and is not updating every minute)12:05
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=== BullShark is now known as ^BullShark^
MonkeyDustsaiarcot895  Date & Time Settings un/check "network time"12:07
SaberX01tester56, If your still around: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=207119512:07
tester56SaberX01: thanks for the answer, but I can't see my question answered there (look at the last question in the link)12:08
SaberX01tester56, I can, but ok.12:08
Guest69188would like to upgrade kernel to 3.12 on saucy, can I just use the kernel version v3.12-saucy safely?12:08
MonkeyDusttester56  have you asked in the channel #ubuntuone ?12:09
tester56MonkeyDust: yeah, but no reaction so far12:09
SaberX01Guest69188, 3.12+ Kernel is for 14.04 .. while it is possible, is it safe to do, only if yo have a firm grasp of manually managing kernel / driver updates.12:10
Guest69188SaberX01: so future sudo apt-get update won't keep me up to date? I'm install saucy on a macbook, and it seems 3.12 could fix a number of issues12:10
tester56SaberX01: and what would be the answer in your opinion?12:10
tester56SaberX01: "If I mount a container and do make changes to the contents, when the container is finally dismounted in TC, Ubuntu One immediately uploads the changed container file." -> it is not clear if only changes are synced or the whole container ...12:11
kngharvhelp!  my newly installed saucy seems to stuck when the x-server is about to go up... AFTER I installed all my packages from my old system and trying to switch to gnome-shell.   at this point, i don't know if it's problem of x-server, gdm, or something else, would someone give me a hint?12:11
SaberX01Guest69188, If it were me, I'd install the distro that supported the 3.12 kernel instead of working outside the package management system. As for Macbook, I know nothing about them, other than my wife has one :-)12:12
SaberX01tester56, My suggestion, ask them the clarify it.12:13
panopticon36I used to install linux on my macbook 2,1 a lot. But it kept eating harddrives, so i retired it12:13
SaberX01and that's a problem for Ubuntu how?12:13
panopticon36I never had trouble with it as far as getting distros to work. It seemed to be easier to get working properly than some windows built computers.12:13
Guest69188panopticon36: I hope not, I got it only because it had a 1TB ssd!12:13
panopticon36the 2,1 model is old now12:13
panopticon36came out in 0712:14
panopticon36so whatever was causing it to act like that is surely remedies12:14
Guest69188panopticon36: everything is working but sound -- and yes, I read about the ssd issues, but it seems they've been mostly resolved. I hope ;)12:14
panopticon36back when i got mine no one was even dreaming about ssd lol12:14
Guest69188also, the recent upgrade to 3.11.15 kernel caused wifi problems... so I was thinking to go to 3.12 maybe I just sit back until tasty is out ;)12:15
kngharvi have looked at dmesg and /var/log/Xorg.0.log  and i can't find any error messages.   I tried to reconfigure my X by trying to do the fail-safe mode, and still failed12:15
DemoDo you know how much octets to decompile a kernel ?12:18
Demo3Go is enougth ?12:18
MonkeyDustDemo  better ask in #ubuntu-kernel, i guess12:20
universalhow to install ttf-mathematica4.1 offline ? like offline installtion of ttf-mscorefonts-installer and flashplugin-installer12:21
Demosory thanks12:21
MonkeyDust!offline | universal12:23
ubottuuniversal: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD12:23
MarkDaviesMachine->Settings->Storage - why cannot I add a floppy controler?12:24
MonkeyDustMarkDavies  that's in virtualbox? is the floppy drive present?12:25
MarkDaviesMonkeyDust: no, it isn't physically present, I just want to install a system using .img files12:26
universalMonkeyDust: i have created a local mirror, but this package keeps of returning errors. ttf-mscorefonts-installer and flashplugin-installer also download data but they both can be installed offline also. similarly I wanna install ttf-mathematica4.1 offline12:26
lemmonerhi all12:26
lemmonerany good resource to know how to install ubuntu + windows 7 from scratch with uefi?12:26
MarkDaviesWell, I succeeded in adding it, but it doesn't seem to allow me to install the system, perhaps I just don't know how to do it12:26
lemmonerI just installed ubuntu and saw a partition called uefi is created, but I'm not sure whether it is needed or not12:26
MarkDaviesOh, works12:27
nerdtronlemmoner: win 7? and not win 8? why not disable uefi altogether12:27
MarkDavieswhat text internet browser do you recommend?12:28
SaberX01lemmoner, this may help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217572712:29
SolarisBoyMarkDavies: w3m may work for you12:30
MarkDaviesSolarisBoy: thank you12:30
* SaberX01 thinks Lynx is another option, bit easier to navigate12:30
panopticon36lynx is my goto for text internet browsing12:30
panopticon36but what do you need that for these days?12:31
panopticon36just research whatever it is you are looking for on your smart phone lol12:31
SaberX01panopticon36,  well .. I can think of lots of things to go searching for while my server(s) are performing lonn-winded tasks :-)12:32
SolarisBoyi feel so silly - i only ever used lynx -dump arg didn't even know it was a full text browser lol12:33
SaberX01Whoops :-)12:33
panopticon36hey, this is more of an irc basics kinda question12:35
panopticon36how do you guys make it so your user is not your dns identifyer12:36
lemmonernerdtron, I don't even know whether is needed for W7 or not. I just built a low-spec PC for my parents, and the motherboard comes with uefi support12:37
ziyourenxiangpanopticon36: check the freenode FAQ.12:37
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SaberX01panopticon36, if your refering to hiding your IP addy, it's a cloak12:37
lemmonernerdtron,  but i don't know if that's even needed12:37
lemmonerSaberX01, thx I'll take a look12:37
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nerdtronlemmoner: uefi is not required for win 7, look into the BIOS of the board to disable it, then do the dual boot as usual12:38
n658hi guys, i dont know whats going on.. i have a broadband wireless internet conncetion, when i connect it through mobile i get download speed about 700kb/s but when i connect it through my laptop with ubuntu i get speed only around 150 kb/s... but  when i boot into windows and use internet i get the same full speed, i have to use manual proxy to use internet. i dont know whats wrong with ubuntu..12:38
rymate1234how do i get the xfce indicator applet to show my indicators?12:40
rymate1234running ubuntu 13.1012:40
lemmonernerdtron, would uefi bring any benefit? I read that it is kind of a mess that just complicate installation of linux distros. But I'm wondering if it worths keeping it now that most linux distros have sort out the way to coexist with this12:40
nerdtronlemmoner: i don't think it is worth keeping, on our servers, as long as there is an option to disable uefi, i disable it.12:42
n658do any one know about that issue12:42
MonkeyDustn658  this link advizes to install wicd: http://www.timwrightdesigns.com/slow-internet-speed-on-ubuntu-wifi-solved/12:43
icerootlemmoner: uefi itself is not the problem and its a good idea to replace the old bios. the big problem is the option secure boot with signed bootloaders mostly controlled by ms keys12:43
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chemist^n658 maybe it's a bad MTU setting12:44
n658thanks MonkeyDust, i will check that12:44
lemmonericeroot, then can you keep uefi just disabling secure boot?12:45
icerootlemmoner: on my machine i can disable secure boot, yes12:45
chemist^i had a strange issue once...my network manager did not recognize my wifi pci card, while ifconfig and iwconfig commands showed it as powered and in managed mode, ready to use12:45
icerootlemmoner: but i still prefer the old bios system because when i got that laptop the uefi implementation was still facing some issues12:45
chemist^i installed wicd, which recognized it....and then magically, the network-manager did too12:46
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SaberX01+1 on BIOS system, UEFI is a problem waiting to happen.12:46
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chemist^i removed wicd and everything worked normally from then on12:46
Allison43lemmoner, in the UEFI try the legacy mode for both W7 and Linux if it's available , that's what worked on this laptop. Of course I repartitoned the HDD to NTFS and Ext 4 before installling12:46
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war9407With Unity, how do I manually run the little panel thing on the left side? (the bar/dock)?12:46
nerdtronwar9407: what do you mean "run"?12:47
n658chemist^ what do u mean by bad MTU setting?12:47
war9407nerdtron: what is the process called that starts that up?12:48
war9407nerdtron: I need to start the left panel12:48
lemmonernerdtron, iceroot, Allison43, SaberX01 thanks for the info12:48
lemmonerfingers crossed I won't get a headache today :D12:48
MonkeyDustwar9407  start the left panel? what do you mean?12:48
SaberX01lemmoner, Allison43 If he's in Grub_Legacy mode, he does not the small EFI partition .. can just do a normal Win7-Ubuntu Install.12:48
war9407ubuntu is broken when you use xrdp or vnc to an ubuntu box12:48
war9407so I am working around it and I got it 90% there12:48
war9407I want to use unity remotely.12:48
war9407the left side panel, what process is that?12:49
MonkeyDustwar9407  start from the beginning, what brings you here12:49
war9407The unity desktop does not function over vnc/xrdp.12:49
war9407This is documented on many forum posts.12:49
Allison43SaberX01, not grub legacy , legacy node in the uefi12:49
war9407However, you can manually start processes to get the desktop (it appears), I am 90% there.12:49
Allison43err mode12:49
chemist^does anyone here have any experience with ODB-II diagnostics software in ubuntu? for doing a diagnostic check on a car? (VW) ... what software do you advise and what device to use with it?12:49
universalhow to install ttf-mathematica4.1 offline ? like offline installtion of ttf-mscorefonts-installer and flashplugin-installer12:49
SaberX01Allison43, Yes, Legacy Mode, not EF0212:50
lemmoneri think I'll go for windows 7, and repartition everything from scratch12:50
MonkeyDustlemmoner  gparted can partiton too, from a live session12:50
lemmonerif windows 7 asks for uefi partition, maybe I can keep it for ubuntu as well12:50
SolarisBoywar9407: you can download the package and any of its  dependancies ahead of time - and use dpkg12:50
lemmonerif not legacy mode will be fine12:50
nerdtronlemmoner: create the partition for ubuntu using window 7 so you don't have to create it on the ubuntu installer screen12:50
Allison43lemmoner, and then after windows , linux if that's what you want to do12:51
war9407when I run unity , Segmentation Fault (in VNC)12:51
war9407yeah, trying to find out how to start that left panel12:51
SolarisBoyuniversal: you can download the package and any of its  dependancies ahead of time - and use dpkg12:52
Allison43lemmoner, gparted live cd is an asset most linux users shoukd have12:52
nerdtronwar9407: i'm not using unity so i may be wrong, why not restart x?12:52
SolarisBoywar9407: sorry wrong target12:52
lemmoneryep, I just want windows 7 for compatibility reasons12:52
war9407nerdtron: tried that, it is a well known issue with Ubuntu and xrdp/vnc12:52
war9407nerdtron: but I am hoping to find a workaround12:53
lemmonerjust gparted on it? or you mean using a linux distro and use gparted included in there?12:53
Allison43on a live cd /usb , lemmoner12:53
Allison43use it to partition ahead of the installs, makes the instyalls much easier12:54
ubottumax33: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:54
war9407[ 1517.668308] compiz[4936]: segfault at 60 ip 00007fc8f3dedb40 sp 00007fff7570ed68 error 4 in libcomposite.so[7fc8f3ddd000+21000]12:55
war9407 :[12:55
MonkeyDustwar9407  the "bar on the left" is part of Unity, which is a shell over Gnome3, search in that direction12:55
Allison43!gparted > lemmoner12:55
ubottulemmoner, please see my private message12:55
war9407ah! ok checking/digging, thx.12:55
lemmoneri'm now thinking of running W7 in a VM inside my Ubuntu distro12:56
lemmonerwhich emulator do you recommend? VMware, Qemu, others?12:57
MonkeyDustlemmoner  virtulabox12:57
MonkeyDustlemmoner  virtualbox12:57
lemmonerMonkeyDust, thanks12:58
tester56panopticon36: furthermore ubuntuone client is open source!13:01
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SaberX01Yeah, and UB1 is free, so we should all be thankful for the allocation.13:03
tester56anyway I have filed a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-filesync/+bug/126602113:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 1266021 in Ubuntu One Filesync "Ubuntu One should support syncing file changes, instead of re-uploading the whole changed file (example use case: syncing Truecrypt container)" [Undecided,New]13:05
MonkeyDusttester56  there used be brainstorm, for that kind of suggestions13:08
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SaberX01Test Pass :-)13:17
Panopticon36yeah, i finally got my ip addy cloak13:18
SaberX01Panopticon36, They are pretty good about it, if the staff is around .. only takes them a second to do it.13:18
Panopticon36yeah, once someone noticed me it got taken care of instantly13:19
abailarriAnyone knows any opensource software like teambox?13:19
SaberX01who writes the Factoids for this channel?13:19
SaberX01abailarri, what do you me, know any open source SW .. ?13:21
abailarriSaberX01, I need a project manager software for install in my server, but I don't know solutions13:23
SaberX01abailarri, Oh man, there are tons of them available.13:25
abailarrifor examle?13:26
g1 "sudo -u postgres createdb ",How can I set a location to store the database on ubuntu?13:26
SaberX01abailarri, go to Software Center, and in Seach Box Type: Project Management., then select filter Top Rated13:27
abailarriSaberX01, but I need a web based app, to put in apache13:28
SaberX01abailarri, You may want filter type "by Relevance" first though.13:28
SaberX01abailarri, here's ten from the guys over at *Nix: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/open-source-project-management-software.html13:29
abailarrithanks SaberX0113:30
cfhowlettAlinuxfriend, greetings13:31
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SaberX01wow, my precise mirror is  .. 95GB13:39
SaberX01Whoops, wrong channel, sri13:39
Panopticon36so anybody fuck around with that steamos yet?13:40
Panopticon36!language | panopticon3613:40
ubottuPanopticon36, please see my private message13:40
Panopticon36I swear a lot in my regular speech, So i reported myself. Sorry about that.13:41
Panopticon36But anyways, has anyone messed around with SteamOS yet?13:41
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quemhow common is it for laptops to support port multiplication through the e-sata port?13:43
GapeHello, I'm having problem with upgrading 13.04 to 13.10. It seems the upgrade went well, but the software updater still wants to upgrade to 13.1013:43
GapeAfter I run the upgrade it stops, saying that there is no new version available13:43
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cfhowlettGape, terminal time: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:55
cfhowlettGape, that should grab all 13.10 packages and update your system13:55
Gapecfhowlett: ill try it, in any case it seems the update was fine, it's just the software updater that still wants to update the system13:56
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Gapecfhowlett: yeah everything is updated according to terminal outputs, but software updater still wants to update from 13.04 to 13.10. If I click 'about this computer' it says i have 13.10, but lsb_release -a prints i have 13.0413:58
Allison43Gape, maybe you haven't finished updating /upgrading all the default packages in the software updater, check your repositories there , make sure they are 13.10 saucy14:02
GapeAllison43: Yeah, they are14:03
Allison43Gape, also check the /etc/apt/sources.list ands any ppas you might still have in /etc/apt/sources.list.d14:07
pardeephi i m new user can u give me some tips about this14:07
realm174Currently running 13.04 on production and on test machine.  Did the update to 13.10 on test machine, and it broke apache, but everything else worked out ok. Is there a way to update to 13.10 without updating apache?14:11
SaberX01realm174, I dont know the exact details off top of myu head, but I think 13.10 brought in apache 2.4 whihc changed allot of things.14:13
SaberX01realm174, FYI: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/new_features_2_4.html14:14
realm174SaberX01: that seems to be the case, which is why I don't want to touch apache just yet. I have too many other things setup that depend on a stable apache.14:14
SaberX01realm174, and to hold a package: echo "package hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections14:15
SaberX01realm174, Here's a more formal how-too: http://askubuntu.com/questions/27063/how-to-hold-a-package-back-from-being-upgraded14:16
realm174SaberX01: that seems to be what I'm looking for. Awesome, thanks a bunch!!14:17
chemist^does anyone here have any experience with ODB-II diagnostics software in ubuntu? for doing a diagnostic check on a car? (VW) ... what software do you advise and what device to use with it??14:24
GODDOGdas_: hello14:28
das_after a long time i am using ubuntu14:28
Pelomorning folks, I need an app, preferably gui , to check a hdd for bad sectors and such14:28
das_i would like to know cross compilers for qt to beagle board14:29
Pelodas_, might have better luck finding a beagle board channel14:29
das_ya i just installed ubuntu now14:30
das_and started our native channel14:30
Pelodas_, ubuntu on a beagle board ?14:30
das_Pelo, no i want to ssh to BBB14:31
das_from windows its hard14:31
Peloha , out of my league14:31
das_so i started with our great OS14:31
sgo11hi, I am trying to run chrome browser only without any desktop environment. it's working fine by creating .desktop under /usr/share/xsessions. But I just have one problem. I can not maximize anymore. by clicking maximize, it does nothing. I can resize the window with mouse. how can I re-enable the "maximize" feature somehow? thanks.14:32
das_pelo, i like to do cross compiling of QT apps to BBB14:32
das_so i have to ssh to BBB14:33
Pelodas_, I get it, but it's out of my leaque, I'm not that l33t,  I'm just a power user.14:33
das_pelo, will come up with other thgs14:34
Pelodas_,  once you've ssh into the BBB, wouldn'T you be compiling inside the BBB ? so If you manage to install qt on it , or anythign else, won'T you just be compiling in BBB and not cross compiling ?14:34
das_like i have to install tool chain in ubuntu14:34
Pelomaybe in #linux14:35
Pelodas_, sounds complicated enough to grab their attenton14:35
das_pelo, it will be time consuming task14:35
Pelodas_, also try asking in #linux14:36
das_sure pelo14:36
das_thanks for your time14:36
andyfiedPelo: there's a disk thing build into ubuntu14:36
Peloandyfied,  so I do a search for "thing" ?14:36
andyfiedPelo: Disk Utility14:36
das_i be back after a while14:37
andyfiedsorry, i forgot what is was :D14:37
Peloandyfied, it will check the filesystem but not sure it can do anything more then scandisk in windows14:37
Peloandyfied, thanks I'll give it a try14:38
andyfiedPelo: well you can use badblocks to check for bad sectors, but i don't know about a GUI version14:39
Peloandyfied, i'll give that a try, I still need for the resinatll to be complete.14:39
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zxis anyone here?14:54
zxis there a software which can help my with practicing my typing?14:55
FloodBot1zx: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:55
somanCan anyone help me run Xubuntu? The problem described here => http://pastebin.kde.org/poshcyq6p/3sduxm14:57
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SaberX01zx, have a look at Klavaro14:57
zxwhat's that?14:58
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SaberX01soman, I believe after you install / reinstall Grub you also have to Update-Grub too.14:59
SaberX01zx, that's typing SW you ased about15:00
somanSaberX01, how can I do it? I wanted to do it when I run my Xubuntu but I couldn't run it15:00
SaberX01soman, Full How-Too: http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repair-restore-reinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd#.UsgiLd8wniI15:01
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feboohey, i'm using ubuntu 13.10 on a lenovo edge e330 and i've got a small problem with the internet connection. from time to time, very unreliably, i cannot connect to other machines (only sometimes can i ping other machines on my lan), meaning i cannot browse webpages. the networkmanager shows me that im still connected via wireless to my router. this also happenend at a friends house, so i dont think the router is the problem. the only thing 15:16
andybrineafternoon guys15:16
andybrinedoes anyone know if its possible to download music or films from iTunes on ubuntu?15:17
saiarcot895andybrine: If you can get it to work from Wine, then yes15:20
saiarcot895andybrine: however, I don't think recent versions of iTunes work in Wine15:21
giacomo__ciao ho bisogno di aiuto15:21
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anton02how does one install haswell graphics drivers on ubuntu?15:24
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hitsujiTMOanton02 its built into the kernel. what version of ubuntu are you using?15:26
anton02hitsujiTMO: 13.1015:26
hitsujiTMOanton02: and what exact gpu are you using?15:26
maxingnome xfce kde which is better?15:26
anton02hitsujiTMO: 4670k is my cpu which also contains my gpu15:26
bradlesanyone familiar with adding new users to samba and accessing the share from a windows machine?  I'm using 12.04LTS15:27
hitsujiTMO!nomodeset | anton02 try booting with this15:27
ubottuanton02 try booting with this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:27
SaberX01maxin, is all personal preference, low resource machines, Xfce would be a better choice, otherwise, it's up to you.15:27
anton02im not sure if my drivers are hardware 3D accelerated or not.15:28
hitsujiTMOanton02: it does. why do you think otherwise?15:29
anton02maybe im just using vesa or something15:29
hitsujiTMOanton02: where exactly are you having the issue?15:29
anton02hitsujiTMO: seems a little laggy is all15:30
bradlesanyone good at troubleshooting samba shares?15:30
anton02hitsujiTMO: also i may wish to launch a game in the future at some point15:30
epsilon1amazing, today my Transmission client said that old port is closed. But yesterday it was open and worked well, both incoming and outgoing.  No firewall was on when I checked that.   what could happen?15:31
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trijntjeepsilon1: maybe your isp reset your modem?15:32
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somanSaberX01: unfortunarely update-grub didn't helped15:39
linguiniIs it possible to shutdown an Ubuntu Unity instance using only the keyboard?15:39
Outlaw_StarLinguini: i'm pretty sure the only way to get around unity is to log into a session with a different desktop manager15:40
Outlaw_Starlinguini: gnome-shell and xfce are some examples15:40
trijntjelinguini: what do you whant to do? You can just kill the unity program using 'killall unity' in a terminal15:42
linguinitrijntje: I want to restart a VirtualBox instance with an Ubuntu 13.10 guest, without using my mouse.15:42
bbteufelwouldn't that just make his session useless ?15:43
Outlaw_StarHas anyone had the chance to play with SteamOS yet?15:43
trijntjelinguini: in a terminal: unity --replace15:43
trijntjewell yeah, but that is what killing unity will do you your session ;)15:43
Left_Turnanyone currently on ubuntu 13+?15:44
linguiniTo be clear, I want to shutdown (or often, reboot), the virtual machine15:44
Outlaw_Starleft_turn: aye15:44
trijntjelinguini: why not just use virtualbox to do that? Just close the window15:44
Left_TurnOutlaw_Star, can you do 'apt-cache search python3.3'  .. for me and tell me if it returns python3.3 please15:45
Outlaw_Starleft_turn: one moment15:45
Left_Turnok thanks Outlaw_Star15:45
linguinitrijntje: I'd never tried that.  I wonder -- will that shutdown the vm politely?15:45
trijntjelinguini: you get a window that asks you how you want to shutdown15:46
Outlaw_Starleft_turn: Positive, looks like 13.10 does have python 3.315:46
trijntjeyou can just poweroff (force), save the machine state or sent the 'shutdown' signal, which is like pressing the power button I think15:46
Left_Turnoh ok thanks Outlaw_Star .. i appreciate it:)15:46
Outlaw_Starleft_turn: my pleasure15:47
bbteufelbut this is done using a mouse, but linguini says he wants to use just the keyboard15:47
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Outlaw_Starlinguini: whats the name of the virtual platform you are using15:47
Outlaw_Starin terminal type ps -C virtualbox15:48
Outlaw_Starthis will give you the process id for virtualbox15:48
Outlaw_Staronce you have the process number type this15:48
Outlaw_Starsudo kill -9 <process number>15:48
Outlaw_Starthis will force stop the process in its tracks15:48
bbteufellinguini: I think you want this ... http://www.howopensource.com/2011/06/how-to-use-virtualbox-in-terminal-commandline/15:48
trijntjeOutlaw_Star: thats like pulling the power plug, and could corrupt the host15:49
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llutzlinguini: VBoxManage controlvm <VMname_here> acpipowerbutton    (or poweroff), no mouse, done15:49
Outlaw_Staryeah well... it'd make it stop lol15:49
Outlaw_Starllutz's method would probably work best15:49
Outlaw_Starmuch more graceful15:50
bbteufeloutlaw_star : if he has more than one vms then it will shut down all of them15:50
llutzkill -9 without emergency-case = stupidity never dies15:50
Outlaw_Starbbteufel: well then he should have specified he had more than one running lol15:50
Outlaw_Starwhatever, kill -9 is effective15:51
linguiniThanks all.  I guess the only thing I'm not sure about is whether "poweroff" is "harsh".  I'd like the VM to maintain a good state long term.15:51
linguiniPerhaps acpipowerbutton is kinder than "poweroff"15:52
icerootOutlaw_Star: kill -9 is always bad15:52
MarkDaviestelnet www.google.pl 80. Then GET / HTTP/1.1. Why is nothing happening?15:52
Outlaw_Starwhats so bad about kill -915:52
linguiniBut is acpipowerbutton as kind as "gnome-session-quit --power-off --force" ?15:52
trijntjeOutlaw_Star: you should be carefull when giving people advice, not suggest things that could damage their system/data15:52
icerootOutlaw_Star: it will kill it directla without giving the program the chance to close wsockets, connections, remove lock files and so on15:53
linguini(I won't use kill -9)15:53
icerootOutlaw_Star: when you have to use kill -9 because kill (-15) is not workng, the program you are using is buggy15:53
llutzOutlaw_Star: it kills processes without giving them a chance to shutdown cleanly, store open data, close files etc15:53
icerootOutlaw_Star: so please dont suggest using kill -9. its always bad15:53
cholsuI would like to try ubuntu phone15:54
icerootcholsu: #ubuntu-phone15:54
llutzOutlaw_Star: and if you don#t even know what it does, you shouldn't recommend it here15:54
Outlaw_Stari use it whenever i dont like how something is acting, and i'll probably keep doing it15:54
icerootOutlaw_Star: do what you want but dont suggest it here15:55
Outlaw_Stari know what it does, but i fail to see why you guys are crapping your pants over the largly effective results15:55
hitsujiTMOMarkDavies: press enter twice15:55
icerootOutlaw_Star: its bad and stupid as we told you already so stop suggesting it here15:55
MarkDaviesheh, now it works, hitsujiTMO, why?15:56
llutzOutlaw_Star: possible data-loss never is "effective result"15:56
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hitsujiTMOMarkDavies: because \n is just an input seperator. \n\n is the terminator15:57
MarkDaviesaha, thanks15:57
MarkDavieswhat does "the same of the system" mean in terms of HTTP requests?16:05
WeThePeoplemarkdavies, what are you doing?16:07
MarkDaviesWeThePeople: I'm reading this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol16:07
MarkDavies"Methods PUT and DELETE are defined to be idempotent, meaning that multiple identical requests should have the same effect as a single request "16:07
MonkeyDustMarkDavies  try to stick to ubuntu support questions16:08
WeThePeoplemarkdavies, http requests are "get" and "post"16:09
Heymans34hello all, can anybody help? OS doesn t launch16:11
MonkeyDust!details | Heymans3416:12
ubottuHeymans34: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:12
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Heymans34Thank you.I have the latest version running. When I turn the pc on, after the first screen the os doesn t launch, and there's a "entry not supported" message on my screen. I can get in the bios and launch from a usb boot but can't start normal.16:17
fpghost84Hi, I was using a backport to get my Intel 7260 wifi card working on Ubuntu 12.04, which worked fine until last night, when it looks like an automated security update upgraded me to "3.8.0-35-generic" kernel. Now my wifi does not work at all and the iwlwifi module does not load on boot (nor does modprobe iwlwifie restore wifi). Does I need to apply the backport again or something?16:20
guuyzordoes anyone here have radeon 8330?16:21
nathan--Hi.. I'm on 13.04, but Software Updater claims "The software on this computer is up to date.".  Shouldn't I see an option to update to 13.10?16:21
MonkeyDustguuyzor  that's a yes/no question, better ask your real question16:22
DK-MODEsudo apt-get dist-upgrade ?16:22
trijntjenathan--: you usually get the option to upgrade after installing the latest updates. If you want to upgrade now you can do alt+f2, and then type 'update-manager -d'16:22
MonkeyDustleave out the -d, it means development16:23
nathan--trijntje / MonkeyDust : Software updater claims "The software on this computer is up to date" .  No "Upgrade" button is on there16:24
rhaguhi I have a gpt partition (done with gdisk) on a block device. I later increased the size of the block device and ran gnu parted on it which asked me if I wanted to increase the size of the partition table and I did. There is one partition on it and I would like to inkrease its size to the maximum, is there a way to do this?16:24
trijntjenathan--: did you restart software updater with the command i gave? (update-manager -d)16:24
MonkeyDustnathan--  http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/upgrade16:25
nathan--trijntje: I did not put "-d" on there.. that shouldn't be needed, rigth?16:25
trijntjenathan--: try and find out ;)16:26
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nathan--MonkeyDust: The problem is that sofware updater isn't presenting me with an Upgrade option16:26
guuyzorMonkeyDust: i want to know if ubuntu would work with my graphic card - radeon 833016:26
Heymans34hello I have ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS installed. When I turn up the pc, after the bios etc the OS doesn' launch and I get a "entry not supportedé on the screen while the pc keeps on turning. I can get in the bios and start with a USB boot but only that.16:27
nathan--trijntje: Well, wouldn't that install the development version?  I'm guessing that's different than the sable one I'd like to install16:27
MonkeyDustnathan--  i'm trying to remember wath the command is, for an upgrade to next release16:27
trijntjenathan--: just try and see, if it says it wants to upgrade to development (14.04) just click cancel16:27
MonkeyDustnathan--  here it is: sudo do-release-upgrade16:27
nathan--trijntje: Hmm.. so that DOES in fact present an option to upgrade to 13.10!  However, would that set any other packages to development?16:28
hitsujiTMOguuyzor: 8330 is not supported by the radeon driver atm. it is supported by fglrx afaik16:28
nathan--trijntje: Or would that be the same outcome?16:28
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guuyzori see16:29
nathan--MonkeyDust: I started that before, and it also seems to work -- but is there a downside to upgrading from within a terminal window using that command?16:29
trijntjenathan--: no, it will just upgrade to the 'next' release, in your case 13.10. If you run that command in 13.10, it will take you to 14.04, which is next from 13.1016:29
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feboohey, i'm using ubuntu 13.10 on a lenovo edge e330 and i've got a small problem with the internet connection. from time to time, very unreliably, i cannot connect to other machines (only sometimes can i ping other machines on my lan), meaning i cannot browse webpages. the networkmanager shows me that im still connected via wireless to my router. this also happenend at a friends house, so i dont think the router is the problem. the only thing 16:29
nathan--trijntje: Huh!  Well sweet.. thank you!16:30
MonkeyDustnathan--  it's boring, but no technical downsides, i guess -- backup and clean install would be faster, cleaner and more efficient, tho16:30
forculusis anyone available to help me with an installation problem?16:31
MonkeyDustforculus  ask, don't ask to ask16:31
jockey4heri have 12.04LTS running in a VM. Gnome file explorer lets me copy a file over the network, but not directories. How come?16:31
nathan--trijntje: Hmm.. the pop-up says "Welcome to the Ubuntu 'Saucy Salamander' development release" -- you sure this is the same 13.10 release I'd get via other upgrade routes?16:32
trijntjenathan--: you're welcome16:32
jockey4heri tried zip and tar to trick it, but they only copy zero size tar and zip files. :/16:32
forculusI'm trying to install an older version of proftpd on ubuntu for learning purposes.  I have the source code and can compile, make, install.  The issue is with getting proftpd to run when the machine boots.16:32
forculusI've used the example script contained with the source and put it in the /etc/init.d/ path but it doesn't ever appear to work16:33
trijntjenathan--: that is weird, can you go to software & updates and set the server to 'main' instead of the local mirror?16:33
trijntjedon't start the upgrade yet16:33
nathan--trijntje: Hmm.. I'm not seeing a local mirror option (or a 'main' one, either)16:35
nashantHey guys. I'm having some issues with the UI locking up completely occasionally, and I have to force a shutdown. When it starts to show severe lagging I've noticed that the iowait is 50% +. How do I find out what the problem is?16:36
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nathan--trijntje: I did change the from "US Regional" to "Main" (if that's the same thing?)  It's been "Checking for updates" for a couple of mins now..16:37
nathan--trijntje: But same outcome -- "The softwar on this computer is up to date"16:38
trijntjenathan--: can you see which url it is chekcing? It should be packages.ubuntu.com16:38
Arctico_SPAHi :)16:38
basiclaserIs there any good free video editing software for linux??16:38
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MonkeyDustbasiclaser  openshot, pitivi16:38
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jhutchinsbasiclaser: avidemux16:39
trijntjenathan--: I have to go now, its a bit weird that it claims 13.10 is a development relaese, maybe someone else here knows what could cause that16:39
trijntjegood luck!16:39
nathan--trijntje: Is there a downside to upgrading via do-release-upgrade in terminal?16:39
jhutchinsnashant: Make sure smartmontools is installed and enabled and start checking the logs.  You may be loosing a hard disk.16:40
nashantjhutchins: smartmontools is installed and enabled. I've run a short test, no issues. Part way through running a long test. But the logs don't say anything16:41
jhutchinsnathan--: No, and several advantages.  The console tools are much lighter on the system.16:41
apb1963so I'm thinking about getting an SSD.  Is there anything important I need to know?  Like do I need to worry about drivers or anything else?16:41
nashantIt does feel like the disk is getting pretty hot though16:41
jhutchinsnashant: Make sure monitoring is enabled, and check around the time you see a lock-up.16:42
jhutchinsnashant: The tests are less important than long term trends.16:42
jhutchinsapb1963: No problems with drivers, and "wear" is getting to be less of an issue.  Have a plan for regular backups and read some of the on-line articles about optimizing the system for SSD.16:43
nathan--jhutchins: So for a desktop environment, upgrading via launching a terminal, and doing "sudo do-release-upgrade" should be okay?16:43
MonkeyDustnathan--  the terminal tends to be faster and cleaner than any GUI16:43
nashantjhutchins: There's nothing in the smart error log at all. Is there another log I should be checking?16:43
jhutchinsnashant: Yes, that's the preferred method.16:43
apb1963jhutchins: any links you can suggest in particular?16:43
nathan--MonkeyDust: Any parameters I need to specify?  'help' mentions a 'p to update to $distro-proposed, and --mode to specify desktop or server16:45
MonkeyDustnathan--  no, just sudo do-release-upgrade16:45
sgo11hi, I just install lxde. how to change lxde logo icon in the panel? and lxde image in the shutdown menu? thanks.16:46
hitsujiTMOnashant: can you pastebin the output of: smartctl --all /dev/sda                                replacing /dev/sda with the block device for that drive16:46
jhutchinsnashant: The package should have started smartd and enabled monitoring on the disk, you might want to verify that.16:47
forculusI'm having issues installing proftpd from source on ubuntu, can someone please help?16:48
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DwarfDefenderis there a directory i can put app_i_want_to_be_global into and i will be able to call app_i_want_to_be_global from any location?16:49
MonkeyDustDwarfDefender  /usr/bin/ or /usr/sbin/16:50
llutzDwarfDefender: echo $PATH    shows you a list of pathes for that, use /usr/local/bin16:50
nathan--So one weird observation.. if I run "do-release-upgrade -c" the system says "No new release found".  If I do "sudo do-release-upgrade -c" it says 13.10 is available.16:50
nathan--MonkeyDust: Could that indicate anything as to why my Software Updater wasn't seeing the new release?16:51
MonkeyDustnathan--  asking too many questions before you start, slows down the procedure16:51
sgo11ok. I think I found them. they are under /usr/share/lxde/images/16:51
nathan--MonkeyDust: lol.. true.. for some reason I'm just more comfortable with the warm/fuzzy UI option (never updated via terminal)16:52
jhutchinsnashant: There are a bunch of good articles available about smartmontools on ubuntu.  I would suggest that you at least scan a few.16:52
streulmahello, may I ask a question?16:53
streulmaI figured something out: Installed Ubuntu 13.04 in BIOS mode on Macbook Pro 5-2. Can't properly do a shutdown, and can only boot normal with nomodeset.16:54
jhutchinsnashant: Modern hard drive isolate the system from physical and logical errors on the drive.  They attempt to correct or compensate for those errors, and that can make an I/O operation hang.  When the delay becomes noticible by a human, it's an indication that the errors are reaching the end of the controll components to handle it.16:54
jhutchinsnashant: The tests won't show this, although they may show significant error counts or logs.16:55
MonkeyDustnathan--  the terminal has more advantages, it just doenst *look* very nice16:55
DrkKnight_06has anyone else encountered the battery not present issue16:55
jhutchinsDrkKnight_06: Yes, I have that issue with my TV remote all the time.16:56
jhutchinsstreulma: Please go ahead and ask your question.16:57
serehello all16:57
streulmajhutchins: I asked... I figured something out: Installed Ubuntu 13.04 in BIOS mode on Macbook Pro 5-2. Can't properly do a shutdown, and can only boot normal with nomodeset.16:58
jhutchinsstreulma: That's not a question.16:59
jhutchinsI'm surprized that ubuntu doesn't seem to have a mac wiki.16:59
jhutchinsAh, it does.17:00
jhutchinsstreulma:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages17:00
acovrigI am trying to capture video from a v4l compatible USB capture (works on my desktop) but on my laptop I get a green video with a smudge of real video at the top, any ideas?17:02
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jhutchinsacovrig: It's a pretty good bet the two systems have different GPU chipsets.  Is the resolution different?17:09
jhutchinsacovrig: When you caputre video on A, does it play back correctly on B?17:09
acovrigjhutchins: I am pulling video in, but pushing it out17:09
icheryi receive the following message on my Kubuntu box  after loggin in safe mode and  unable to access the desktop since it happened: 'Ubhid couldn't find an input endpoint'  - any help wld be appreciated.17:09
jhutchinsichery: RIght, safe mode is no GUI.  Why did you boot to safe mode?17:10
acovrigjhutchins: I don't see why it wouldn't, wouldn't that be a video encoding issue, ffmpeg worked just fine to encode on my desktop...17:11
icherybecz i the Desktop will not load in regular mode17:11
icheryalso i get another error about Kmix Bus error.17:11
icheryIs the system Hosed, how can i repair it?17:13
acovrigthe thing I find iterating is that both systems are running 14.04 installed close to the same time.17:13
nathan--If I'm running 'do-release-upgrade' in the terminal, should I have every other program closed?17:15
daftykinsit'd be nice to, yes17:15
jhutchinsacovrig: One of these things is not like the other.17:19
acovrigyes, but what :D17:20
jhutchinsacovrig: How are we supposed to know?17:20
acovrigI don't know, the systems are the same as far as I know, I compiled ffmpeg the exact same way and the systems are running the same version.17:21
MonkeyDustacovrig  mind: 14.04 supporrt in #ubuntu+1 until final release in april17:21
micromwhat is the right forum to upload a mini how to on installing the latest Canon printer drivers? I spent about 10 hours figuring it all out, and I'd like to give back.17:21
acovrigMonkeyDust: good to know, thanks17:22
acovrigon second thought, apt-get update reports a large number of packages to update on my laptop, so we'll see in ~15-20min when it gets done what happens.17:24
acovrigIs there a reliable way to determine if a CD tray is open or closed? (fdisk -l /dev/sr0 automatically brings the tray in)17:34
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micromhow do I post a new thread on the ubuntu forums? I am logged in, but where is the button to post?17:36
micromnv, got it.17:38
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Hydr0p0nXis there any harm in rolling the 12.04.3 kernel back to 3.2.x ? there are some issues with my hardware in 3.8 and i'd rather not have to re-install17:49
icerootHydr0p0nX: thats not a problem, because in 12.04 there are 3.2, 3.5 and 3.8 in the repos (metapackage should be installed)17:52
icerootHydr0p0nX: linux-image-generic should be 3.2, the others have lts-quantal and lts-raring in there name as well17:53
michael__may i ask some questions as a linux beginner ? or is this the wrong place ?17:53
icerootmichael__: this channel is for all kind of ubuntu related technical support17:53
michael__counts lubuntu also as ubuntu ?17:53
icerootmichael__: yes but lubuntu has also an own channel17:54
michael__ok.. then i try #lubuntu17:54
icerootmichael__: lubuntu, ubuntu and xubuntu are offical ubuntu versions, they all belong to the ubuntu familie from canocial17:55
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qinmichael__: What drivers do you want to install?17:58
qinfrom PPA, right?17:59
michael__there are some Fn-keys which don't work..17:59
michael__yes, voria ppa17:59
michael__i used linux some years ago at the university but i forgot nearly everything.. so i have no idea now18:02
bpeakIn the shutdown command you can use the -P parameter to wait for X minutes before going to sleep, can units of time be used with this argument? Such as 1m (for 1 minute), 40s (for 40 seconds), and so on18:02
qinmichael__: what version? https://launchpad.net/~voria/+archive/ppa/+packages download just fine, have you added repository?18:02
michael__i added it with "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:voria/ppa"18:03
qinmichael__: and sudo apt-get update ?18:03
michael__i did after18:04
michael__"sudo apt-get upgrade" then18:04
g1My memory is almost 99% used,what is the best graphical window environment for me to use instead of gnome?18:05
qinmichael__: confused, did you only "upgrade" or also "update"?18:05
michael__update, then upgrade18:05
michael__sorry, i am not native english18:05
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qinwell, while updating, had ppa timed out.18:06
g1Hi,My memory is almost 99% ,how to change to a lower memory used  graphical window environment instead of gnome?18:06
vlouvetgl: lxde or xfce18:06
pepitoHey, What's up guy ? Fine ? I have a question : do you think that use a VPN or Proxy between you and Tor is better for anonymous ? (About the difficulty to now who are you ...) Thanks :)18:07
qing1: can you pastebin output of: free; command?18:07
vlouvetgl : there is a guide here http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelubuntu18:08
helpcryptohi all18:08
[[a]Hello everyone, Would anyone please show me how to install OpenSSH, I forwarded 22 port in my router TP LINK, but whenever I scan my IP address, there is no 22 port open. Please18:08
michael__after trying to install i get "E: Unable to locate package samsung-backlight"18:08
helpcryptoany of you could help me / give me a channel where I could ask about dvd rip?18:08
ShutterstromHello! I'm using ubuntu server 13.10 and have MINIDLNA installed using apt-get install minidlna. This is an older version and therefore I downloaded the minidlna-1.1.1.tar.gz file. But how do I install the later version over the older version? I want to replace the old version with this one. How do I know what files I need to replace and where they are?18:09
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jhutchinsShutterstrom: You stick with packages built for ubuntu.18:10
ikoniaShutterstrom: you don't do that18:10
ikoniaShutterstrom: you should use the ubuntu packages18:10
qinmichael__: dont you want to download and instal apropirate package from link I haveposted?18:10
michael__wait.. i try18:10
vlouvet[[a],  is there any output of sudo netstat -tupan | grep ssh18:11
researcher123can someone help install tar.gz18:11
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ikoniaresearcher123: what do you want to install ?18:11
helpcryptoany of you could help me / tellgive me a channel where I could ask about dvd rip?18:12
michael__which file i need? sorry i am a windows user and don't know the suffixes.. *.dsc, *.tar.gz or *.deb ?18:12
Shutterstromikonia: jhutchins: The version for ubuntu is some years old. Is there a way to get the latest version? Or is there a reason why the minidlna version is so old with ubuntu?18:12
[[a]    vlouvet, tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      4496/sshd18:12
ikoniaShutterstrom: stable/supported version18:12
researcher123ikonia: I want to install dotproject-2.1.8.tar.gz18:12
vlouvetresearcher123, tar.gz is not an auto executable archive like zip, it is only a way to compress files18:12
glitsj16bpeak: according to "man shutdown" the valid time formats are 'now' (immediately), +m (minutes) and hh:mm (24h format) .. nothing there for seconds support18:12
ikoniaresearcher123: is there not a dotproject package in the repos18:12
researcher123ikonia: dont know18:13
pepitoup guys18:13
[[a]vlouvet, tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      4496/sshd18:13
vlouvet[[a],  try doing  ssh username@localhost on the computer running sshd18:13
ikoniaresearcher123: check18:13
vlouvet[[a],  replace username with your username18:13
researcher123ikonia: its not there.checked18:13
ikoniaresearcher123: you just said "don't know"18:14
researcher123ikonia: I just checked18:14
[[a]vlouvet, Please contact your system administrator.18:14
[[a]Add correct host key in /root/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.18:14
[[a]Offending ECDSA key in /root/.ssh/known_hosts:1 remove with: ssh-keygen -f "/root/.ssh/known_hosts" -R localhost18:14
[[a]ECDSA host key for localhost has changed and you have requested strict checking.18:14
ikoniaresearcher123: how did you check ?18:14
ikonia[[a]: you should not be ssh'ing as root18:14
ikonia[[a]: the root account is locked on ubuntu18:15
researcher123ikonia: launched Software center then searched18:15
ikoniaresearcher123: wow - your machine is very quick to launch and search the repos in 8 seconds18:15
[[a]Warning: Permanently added 'localhost' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.18:15
Shutterstromikonia: So even for personal use it's not recomended to use newer versions. It's a bit strange to not have software updated (beeing used to windows applications)18:15
ikoniaShutterstrom: it's not strange at all18:16
vlouvet[[a],  that sounds normal18:16
Shutterstromikonia: :-) to me it is.18:16
researcher123ikonia: not really fast18:16
vlouvetikonia,  can you ban ~ircap@1.Red-83-33-196.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net he is doing same thing18:16
ikoniavlouvet: pm me the nickname and message he sent18:17
[[a]vlouvet, why when I scan the of my router, i cant see the ssh 22 open18:17
lesshastewhen I do sudo pip install ortools  I get ortools-1.3030.win32.zip which isn't even listed at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ortools#downloads18:17
ikonialesshaste: pip is not advised18:17
ikonialesshaste: use the ubuntu package manager18:17
vlouvet[[a],  you are scanning from inside the lan?18:17
ikoniaresearcher123: untar the package and read the README and INSTALL files18:17
michael__how could i install this package ?18:18
helpcrypto...any of you have some knowledge about dvd rip?...i noticed my original DVD NTSC has each chapter twice...?18:18
[[a]vlouvet, yes I am scanning from inside the lan18:18
qinmichael__: dpkg -i nameof.deb18:18
michael__ah, so i need the .deb file ?18:19
ShutterstromBut how do I install the later version over the older version? I want to replace the old version with this one. How do I know what files I need to replace and where they are?18:19
ikoniaShutterstrom: you don't18:19
vlouvet[[a],  it is a routing problem i believe you need to have an exterior computer scan the external router IP18:19
ikoniaShutterstrom: apologies, I thought I'd made that clear18:19
bpeakglitsj16: Thank you18:20
dixoncxHi, how can i monitor my total network usage ? ie., network usage counter. for each ddmmyy,  XX GB.18:20
Calinoudixoncx, iftop18:20
michael__as linux beginner... can i say that .deb files are like .exe files in windows? or is this completely wrong ?18:20
Shutterstromikonia: but if I want to install it over the current version. is that impossible or as you say just "not recomended".18:20
pepito                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Nobody to help me .... :(18:21
vlouvetdixoncx, i like ntop-ng but its a bit heavy for older computers18:21
nadir92What do you need ?18:21
[[a]vlouvet, I open a port in NAT - Virtual Servers (in my ROUTER), and I installed OpenSSH, can I connect from a virtualbox using PuTTY? can I see who is trying to connect to my ssh?18:21
helpcryptohi pepito, what u need?18:21
ikoniaShutterstrom: why do you want it ?18:21
pepitohelpcrypto, thanks : do you think that use a VPN or Proxy between you and Tor is better for anonymous ? (About the difficulty to now who are you ...)18:22
raubmichael__: they are more like .cab files18:22
Shutterstromikonia: the newer versions have some bugfixes and new functions that I'm really interested in.18:22
helpcryptopepito, Tor is not #ubuntu related, so probably this is not the best place to ask. Anyhow, let me answer you with my opinion.18:22
michael__if the package is installed.. do i need a restart = cause the fn-keys still dont work18:22
[[a]vlouvet, ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused18:23
raub[[a]: who is doing the vpn?18:23
[[a]vlouvet, ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused (ROUTER)18:23
[[a]raub, me18:23
vlouvet[[a], it depends on the set up of the virtualmachine. it would work very easy if you are doing network passthrough in virtualbox but if you have a special routing process then it gets complicated18:23
helpcryptoTor stablish a secure communication from you to destination routing among many proxies, and the information sent is already ciphered...wo, why you would need/want a VPN?18:23
raubmichael__: depends on package. A lot of them better not18:23
pepitohelpcrypto, yeah i know but i'm really interested about your opinion ;)18:23
helpcryptoIMHO you should care much more about DNS...18:24
Shutterstromikonia: Also, who manages the packages for Ubuntu if there are newer versions?18:24
michael__my screen is so dark.. i cant turn it brighter with the fn keys.. dunno if i need to setup something18:24
helpcrypto...any of you have some knowledge about dvd rip?...i noticed my original DVD NTSC has each chapter twice...?18:24
raubhelpcrypto: I think he meant to make the connection between open and tor networks a bit harder to track. There is some decent info on the tor site about that, pepito18:24
dixoncxCalinou, vlouvet : I am using nethogs now. Its showing network stat per process. But i just want make a log file with total network usage per session in my ppp(mobile broadband connection). Any insight ?18:25
ikoniaShutterstrom: which bug fixes ?18:25
PhoebusHey guys, anyone have experience with TP-LINK wn822n - used to be auto-detected and now no more. Or point me to a good guide. Googled but got riff raff, thanks!18:25
ikoniaShutterstrom: actually - you want to do it, go for it, it will wreck your system18:25
pepitoraub, yep i read it, and on onion site too. But that's difficult to have a great solution ...18:25
raub[[a]: I just have sshd in each vm and then can connect to it either using straight iptables port forwarding on having an intermendiate server18:25
ikoniaShutterstrom: it's complex process that requires an advanced level of knowledge to do it "correctly" so if you feel that's you, go for it18:26
AmpelbeinShutterstrom: That depends. Packages which are in "main" usually see care by canonical employees, packages in "universe" are community maintained. Which in almost all cases means Ubuntu waits for DEbian to update the package.18:26
[[a]raub, would you please invite me in a private window and work this thing together, I mean I need you show me exactly how to install OpenSSH ? Please Help me Man !18:26
aberranthi all18:27
michael__i try to restart18:27
aberrantis there a way to get disk free space stats using procfs?18:27
pepitoraub, helpcrypto : If you doing something on your open firefox tor your IP is mask but if you doing something in your terminal are you masked ?18:27
helpcryptopepito: depends on how u setup tor18:27
helpcryptoon my mobile i use orbot and i tor everything18:28
helpcryptoif u use tor as a browser/plugin, only the browser will be anonimized18:28
Shutterstromikonia: I dont meen to sound ignorant but why will it wreck my system? What can go wrong?18:28
ernetasOne of my Ubuntu servers are not accepting RSA/DSA keys for SSH connection.18:30
ernetasWhat could be the problem?18:30
ShutterstromAmpelbein: Thank you for that info! (as you probobly can tell I'm quite new to this but I'm looking to learn as much as possible)18:30
pepitohelpcrypto, so the fact is to not just use torbroswer like a plugin ? only that18:30
AmpelbeinShutterstrom: Installing files outside of the package management system (dpkg/apt) can lead to inconsitencies, which can cause problems upon upgrades. You almost always want to create a Debian package with the newer version to have a way to safely remove it.18:30
helpcryptopepito: depends on what u want...18:30
bopnetboa tarde galera18:30
helpcryptoif you want to proxy everything, you should forward everything ;)18:31
bopnetpreciso saber se existe algum programa de broadcast para o ubuntu18:31
helpcrypto...any of you have some knowledge about dvd rip?...i noticed my original DVD NTSC has each chapter twice...?18:31
ernetashttps://gist.github.com/ernetas/8c04a0c22438c8d49e0f/raw/20662ae4ee1ee8447a99354b019a15b480e12315/gistfile1.txt - here's stdout of ssh -vv18:31
AmpelbeinShutterstrom: Unfortunately creating a package can be rather complex, http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/ is the packaging guide if you are interested.18:31
michael__i am back from reboot.. but it still dont work..  i dont know what i can do to activate the fn-keys for the screen backlight :(18:31
bopneteu usei o wirecast no win, agora estou usando o ubuntu18:31
dingernetas, have you check /var/log/auth.log ?18:31
ShutterstromAmpelbein: Thanks. That's more informative then "it will break your system" :-)18:31
ding* checked18:31
AmpelbeinShutterstrom: In case you have questions about general packaging, #ubuntu-packaging here on freenode can provide some help.18:32
levowhat's the best idea to free up some space on my system folder? it has got only 5mb free18:32
pepitohelpcrypto, how to use tor not just like a plugin ?18:32
AmpelbeinShutterstrom: There's also the mailing list https://lists.debian.org/debian-mentors/ that can be used for general packaging questions.18:32
ShutterstromAmpelbein: Thank you for your help. I really appreciate this irc function!18:33
ernetasding, yes, nothing useful, only output related to canceling connection or loging in with password:  https://gist.github.com/ernetas/b9d9f8a82ace14eac770/raw/e30bac26e0a47c75fe45a6033892c290487e1045/gistfile1.txt18:33
helpcryptopepito look on tor site18:33
ernetasWhat's in second column of auth.log?18:34
ernetasWhat kind of username is that?18:34
bopneti need help18:34
ernetasWhy does it say "gitlab" in auth.log when it's "dev" in hostname file?18:34
WeThePeoplecommand not found using lampp " sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start " use to work fine, now command not found. any ideas18:35
michael__can no one help me? :-/18:35
bopneti use software wirecas in windows, but now i use linux and need software for broadcast18:35
ShutterstromAmpelbein: So I guess I'm "stuck" with what I've got.. :-) The packages functionality for ubuntu / debian is great, but this must be one of the downside if the package is not updated and there are newer versions out.18:35
dingernetas, I think that's the hostname, but what does the hostname command report ?18:35
pepitohelpcrypto, I don't find the good doc I think..18:35
ernetasding, dev.18:35
ernetasThat's the weird thing.18:35
AmpelbeinShutterstrom: Yes, the Debian maintainer seems absent unfortunately, see debian bug 71123418:36
ubottuDebian bug 711234 in minidlna "minidlna: New upstream (1.1.0) version available" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/71123418:36
WeThePeoplemichael__, is your screen to dim and your brightness function wont work?18:36
SaberX01aberrant, after some digging, look at: stract df and grep 'sda' /proc/partitions"18:36
SaberX01*strace df18:36
michael__WeThePeople, yes18:36
WeThePeoplemichael__, what distro you using18:37
streulmawhy I can boot my system only with nomodeset?18:37
michael__WeThePeople, lubuntu 13.10, do you mean that ?18:38
aberrantSaberX01: thanks. I've also discovered python-psutils18:38
OerHeksstreulma, because of your videocard, logically18:38
MonkeyDuststreulma  because nomodeset was the somution to your issue18:38
Bashing-omlevo: try: sudo apt-get autoclean , sudo apt-get autoremove , sudo apt-get clean. If addition assis is needed, post to basbin terminal codes df -h , df -i .18:39
vlouvetmichael__,  you said the ppa timed out or it do you mind posting the results of apt-get update in a private session?18:39
streulmaMonkeyDust: I have dual nvidia, if I boot system normally, it freezes18:39
MonkeyDuststreulma  and nomoideset solves that problem?18:40
WeThePeoplemichael__, read carefully>>> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=218530518:40
WeThePeoplei skimmed it18:40
charly_hello i have a question regarding ubuntu installation/bit version18:40
streulmaMonkeyDust: yes it boot with nouveau enabled, but that is a bit slow to use...18:40
vlouvetmichael__, sorry but read the #4th post of this link http://www.voria.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=122618:40
SaberX01aberrant, Yeah, those are all like htop, iostat etc, they just pulled them all together in on package it looks like.18:41
MonkeyDuststreulma  it's a slow boot or no boot18:41
SiecjeI put an iso on a USB drive with unetbootin and when I boot off the USB Drive I get to a blue screen that says unetbootin and a menu with the only option being default, but nothing happens when I select it18:41
charly_i have installed a fresh copy of 64 bit ubuntu on a fresh hd. however my settings/details read os=3218:41
michael__WeThePeople, so i should delete 13.10 and install 13.04 ?18:41
uratacocharly_: are you sure you computer is 32 bit18:41
uratacoerr 64 bit18:41
WeThePeoplemichael__, no maybe you could extrapolate from 13.04 directions18:42
charly_i dont know. but im utilizing ubuntu as we speak, no problem18:42
streulmaMonkeyDust: Ubuntu is slow, the windows are slow opened, graphics running slow, I'm on a superfast SSD :)18:42
MonkeyDustmichael__  if you choose a lower release, then use 12.04 LTS18:42
charly_i have less than 2 g ram if that declares bit rate....18:42
uratacoI have a desktop I use for testing that had a chipset component that was 32 bit only, so while the cpu supported 64bit, the chipset was forced to use 32 bit OSes18:43
michael__WeThePeople, i installed lubuntu yesterday and have no data on it.. the first thing i wanted was installing drivers.. so it wouldnt be a problem to format my hdd and install 13.04 if this solves the problem18:43
MonkeyDuststreulma  i'm not familiar with nvidia or dual screen, surely somene else can help better18:43
michael__lubuntu has no LTS18:43
MonkeyDustmichael__  ok, wasnt aware18:43
michael__MonkeyDust, lubuntu has no LTS18:43
WeThePeoplemichael__, what brand computer do you have18:43
michael__WeThePeople, Samsung NF11018:43
michael__it is a netbook.. that is why i want lubuntu..18:44
michael__weak hardware18:44
ShutterstromAmpelbein: Alright! Thanks. Let's just keep the fingers crossed then.18:44
charly_does ram declare bit (under 2g 32/over 64?)18:44
streulmanot dualscreen MonkeyDust, but I have 2 video cards, not Intel and Nvidia, but Nvidia 9400M 256MB and Nvidia 9600M 512MB18:44
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WeThePeoplemichael__, here is some ppa packages for ya18:46
ShutterstromAmpelbein: But if Ubuntu is so dependent on their packages, is it better to not use packages for software that have frequent upgrades, or even to look for another dist then Ubuntu if I want to install this type of software.18:46
charly_lol, help. why does my 64 bit ubuntu installation read settings/details os=3218:46
mehdiis there an online viewable view of the ubuntu source code? or must i download a copy?18:47
WeThePeoplemichael__, scroll through this website>>> https://getsatisfaction.com/jolicloud/topics/samsung_n140_brightness_and_wifi_hotkeys_not_working18:47
WeThePeoplemichael__, ppas>>> https://launchpad.net/~voria/+archive/ppa18:47
WeThePeoplefor the backlight18:47
AmpelbeinShutterstrom: With the right technical knowledge, you can make your own packages (based on the maintainer's work) and still have all the advantages that the package manager provides.18:47
WeThePeopleif you decide to install diff. distro18:48
michael__WeThePeople, i installed this.. but it doesnt work18:48
bekksmehdi: There is nothing like "the source code of ubuntu". It consists of thousands of packages, each with its own source code. And you can download the source for every package if you want.18:48
mehdikernel source in particular18:48
mehdiim going to download it in any case18:48
AmpelbeinShutterstrom: And the basic problem wouldn't go away with chosing a different distribution: You'd still wait for the responsible maintainer to provide an update.18:49
WeThePeoplemichael__, mine isnt working either and im on 12.04.2 x6418:49
michael__WeThePeople, dunno.. i need the fn keys18:50
perhapstiredhello, I have a question- when I do sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/java in ubuntu, and press enter, and it just jumps onto a new line ready for me to write something else, almost as if nothing actually happened, did nothing actually happen or did I create a directory like I intended? Is it ok if I wasn't notified that a directory was actually created?18:50
mehdioh, it looks like kernel.org has viewable online source18:50
ShutterstromAmpelbein: I kind of guessed that regarding different distribuition, but I had to ask :-) Once again. thanks for the help I'll try looking into building my own package. have a great evening where ever you are.18:50
perhapstiredWhere is the /usr directory in ubuntu? I can't find it18:51
bekksperhapstired: In /usr - like in every other linux.18:52
OerHeksperhapstired, you can check if the folder is created with the 'ls'  = list function >> sudo ls /usr/local/18:52
perhapstiredbekks: yes sorry, thanks18:52
perhapstiredthanks oerneks18:52
michael__has no one an idea how to activate samsung-backlight on samsung nf110 with lubuntu 13.10 ?18:52
OerHeksmichael__, as the Voria ppa does not have saucy candidates, you are stuck .18:53
Bashing-omperhapstired: normal behaviour, the system doing what it is told -> no complaints, no errors = no output.18:53
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felonand knowone gives a fuck about a samsung blacklight18:54
michael__OerHeks, why i need saucy?18:54
MonkeyDustfelon  watch your language18:54
OerHeksmichael__, you are on saucy 13.10 now18:54
uratacofelon what about my HP lavalamp18:54
feloni like lavalamps18:55
vlouvetmichael__, saucy is the codename for 13.1018:55
michael__what could i do to use quantal, precise or something like that ?18:55
OerHeksmichael__, you might want to go back to 12.04 lts until the ppa maintainer solves his issues18:55
vlouvetdownload and burn to a cd and reinstall over the old installation18:55
michael__OerHeks, but lubuntu doesnt support lts.. and ubuntu is to big for my netbook18:56
vlouvetmichael__, i think you should try 13.04 lubuntu and see if that works if not go back one further18:56
michael__which version is quantal ?18:57
Siecje13.04 is out?18:57
SaberX0113.04 is very near EOF .. 13.10 is going out in April I think, the best option is 12.04, and wait for the 14.04 release.18:57
Siecjeoh right 12.04 nvm18:58
SpyderpHi guys, just installed Ubuntu 13.10 x64 on native hardware (amd processor, ati graphics 7870) it istalls fine but when I boot up it gets past the loading screen and then goes black and reboots, no error message etc, I can run in compatibility mode and it gives a message about using software to compose the screen, so I guess it's a graphics problem, but how do I solve it please? Thank you18:58
MonkeyDustSiecje  14.04 wil be out in april18:58
vlouvetmichael__, i thought there was 13.04 but instead i think oerheks is right 12.10 is best for now http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/quantal/release/18:58
OerHeksmichael__, look at the ppa, raring has no candidates, quantal does18:58
daftykinsSpyderp: hi there, it sounds like your AMD graphics card is causing some fun. How are you booting into this compatibility mode exactly?18:59
SaberX01If you want to see your systems details: ubuntu-support-status  .. in term.18:59
Spyderpthe only way I can boot into compatibility mode is with the live cd and choosing that option at boot18:59
michael__OerHeks, i am new with linux.. which distribution i need for quantal ?18:59
vlouvetmichael__,  i gave you the link its http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/quantal/release/19:00
michael__ah, so i try to install lubuntu 12.1019:00
usii need help19:00
felonwith ?19:00
michael__so, 13.04 is raring, 13.10 is saucy, 12.04 is precise ?19:00
SaberX0112.10 near EOF also .19:01
vlouvetmichael__, i think so wikipedia may know19:01
usiim trying to crack wpa wep but cant work i need guide19:01
MonkeyDustmichael__  it's alphapbetic, P Q R S19:01
vlouvetSaberX01, its his best option for optimal samsung compatibility right now19:01
SaberX01!details | usi19:01
ubottuusi: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:01
ander_hey i was wondering  if any could help me out i19:01
felonusi : aircrack-ng.org19:01
vlouvetusi, this may not be the right place to ask for questions19:02
felonmass tutorials19:02
vlouvetusi, regarding cracking wep*19:02
SaberX01vlouvet, understand just saying, they wont be updating the repos at all soon.19:02
michael__what is EOF in this context? i only know this as "end of file"19:02
usibut i cant understand dictionari19:02
ander_i'm have a issuse after i updated to 13.1o with my usb card reader19:02
bjorneend of file Michael19:02
usiye vlouvet19:02
SaberX01EOF = End of Life19:02
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:02
usiim new on ubuntu19:02
vlouvetmichael__,  end of life for the product where the devs no longer patch19:02
SaberX01aka, end of Support for that particular Distro19:02
michael__yeah but if 12.10 is eof.. and 13.04 wont be supported for my netbook.. what should i do?19:03
daftykinsSpyderp: give this a try...19:03
daftykins!nomodeset | Spyderp19:04
ubottuSpyderp: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:04
Spyderpok thank you19:04
SaberX01michael__, have a looky here: http://www.ubuntu.com/info/release-end-of-life19:04
Spyderpthanks very much I'll try that now19:04
MonkeyDustmichael__  then ubuntu may not be fit for your netbook, consider using puppy or so19:04
ander_after i updated to 13.10  my usb card reader  stop being seen .. nothing shows up under lsusb ... what could i try?19:05
felonusi : its simple, install build-essential, install libssl-dev, install aircrack-ng, install backports, start playing :)19:05
michael__there has to be a way to use ubuntu on it..19:05
WeThePeoplexampp not working with " sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start " any ideas. was working earlier.19:05
MonkeyDustmichael__  or use the !mini installation19:05
michael__!mini ?19:05
ubottumichael__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:05
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:06
SaberX01aircrack-ng not in the repos19:06
felond/l source19:06
felonor apt-get install aircrack-ng, might work19:07
SaberX01Next queston will be how does he get rid of all that stuf he installs that doesn't work .. lol19:07
villasI need help to eject a USB device from my computer, as it doesn't give me the option to eject it.19:07
SaberX01apt-cache search aircrack-ng pulls NIL19:07
MonkeyDust!find aircrack19:08
felonthen d/l source man19:08
ubottuFound: aircrack-ng19:08
SaberX01I dont need it .. lol ...19:08
feloni dont either19:08
SaberX01but, it's not actualyl simple.19:09
ander_after i updated to 13.10  my usb card reader  stop being seen .. nothing shows up under lsusb ... what could i try?19:09
felonyes it is19:09
felonits as simple as i said it19:09
SaberX01if you say so.19:09
FutileSineSo... trying to fiddle with the nvidia-331 drivers, every time I install them I end up stuck in low graphics mode until I revert back to 319, any ideas?19:10
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michael__i try 12.10.. i have 3 months left19:10
michael__thank you19:10
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felonSaberX01 : have you ever used it?19:11
SaberX01The horse is dead, enough said.19:12
ander_hey guy19:12
apb1963how can I test my microphone volume level?  I'm using a softphone and someone complained that they couldn't hear me.19:13
MonkeyDustapb1963  in a terminal, type alsamixer... or in system settings > sound > input19:14
ander_can someone help me out  with a ubuntu13.10 issue19:14
MonkeyDustuser_  it works, we see you19:14
quemander_: don't ask to ask, just ask. ;)19:15
ander_ install build-essential, install libssl-dev, install aircrack-ng, install backports, start playing :19:15
SpeirosHello people.  Can someone direct me to the openoffice.org channel please.19:15
chris1983hello, can somebody help me installing an nvidia driver on a lenovo w530 xubuntu?19:16
ernetasding, I figured out the problem... It turns out I had a file authorized_hosts, not authorized_keys... It's the second time I screw up spelling of this file. :D As for auth.log, sysklogd has an uptime of 350 days, so I suppose hostname was changed within that time and sysklogd does not update it automatically19:16
ander_after update to 10.13 usb card reader  is not working19:16
ander_nothing comes up under  lsusb?19:16
apb1963MonkeyDust: OK, I see some pretty vertical bars... is there something further?19:17
glitsj16FutileSine: nvidia-331 install might have had trouble building the dkms module, what does your "sudo dkms status" outputs? please use a pastebin to post multi-line output19:17
FutileSineSo... when I update to the nvidia 331 drivers vs the 319 included in 13.10, I lose my desktop (low-graphics mode only/terminal).  When I install the 331 drivers, should I remove/purge the nvidia-current package, will that help?19:17
MonkeyDustapb1963  use the arrows to navigate and increase or decrease, if you see MM, go there and press m19:17
tab1293I have the vlc app on my ipad, does anyone know if I can copy movies from ubuntu to the app?19:18
Lucianus1983anyone here?19:18
FutileSineTrying to figure out if it's due to a leftover bad settings from the nvidia319 drivers, or maybe a build problem somewhere19:18
apb1963MonkeyDust: I want to be on the capture screen?19:18
ander_ usb  card reader not being seen  after 13.10 update  any idea on what to do?19:18
GeoHi, I'm using mdmadm for a RAID. It's time to grow the RAID size from the 750GB drives I have, to 2TB drives. Has anyone done something similar, or know a good resource I can research prior to hosing my data storage?19:18
MonkeyDustapb1963  the capture screen?19:19
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Lucianus1983i have an ubuntu bug...anyone interested?19:20
ander_?usb  card reader not being seen  after 13.10 update  any idea on what to do? nothing  under  lsusb19:20
iceroot!bug | Lucianus198319:20
ubottuLucianus1983: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:20
apb1963MonkeyDust: Top Left Hand side there's a menu... "View F3:[Playback] F4: Capture  F4: All"19:21
ander_?usb  card reader not being seen  after 13.10 update  any idea on what to do? nothing  under  lsusb19:21
SaberX01Geo, over view: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=144915419:21
MonkeyDustapb1963  no, navigate with the arrows to Mic Boost, under the vertical bars19:22
Lucianus1983need to make a new photo of the bug19:22
ander_?usb  card reader not being seen  after 13.10 update  any idea on what to do? nothing  under  lsusb19:22
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SaberX01!patience | ander_19:23
ubottuander_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/19:23
vl4kn0Hi, I just installed ubuntu on Lenovo Ideapad G575, and I have problem with wireless driver, it appears to be working but I cannot scan or see any APs. The wireless card is Atheros AR9285.19:23
Geothanks SaberX0119:23
MonkeyDustvl4kn0  try with wicd, it's in the repos19:24
ander_ok thank i will19:24
apb1963MonkeyDust: Got it.  However...  I had MM for mic...   which I now turned on.19:24
apb1963MonkeyDust: Oddly, skype took no notice of these settings.19:25
MonkeyDustapb1963  well, now you did, we're here to learn :)19:25
apb1963MonkeyDust: What about the Phone setting?19:25
MonkeyDustapb1963  can't help with that19:26
apb1963MonkeyDust: Any idea what it's used for?  I'm still talking about alsamixer19:26
OerHeksapb1963, sounds like analog modem/phoneline, some laptops still have a line19:27
apb1963OerHeks: got it.  ty19:28
apb1963I presume PCM is Pulse Code Modulation19:30
apb1963not that I know what it would be used for19:30
daftykinsPCM is the format of digital audio on music CDs19:30
apb1963daftykins: ok I remember that now...  but there's a CD setting.... so..... how does PCM fit into alsamixer?19:31
OerHeksLFE low freq effects, sounds like bass19:31
jjavaholicII'm looking for a relatively unknown text editor that has some useful coding functions i'll listen to all suggestions.19:31
morgan101what is out of rangre& how do i fix it19:31
OerHeksapb1963, time to read the alsamixer manual19:32
SpeirosThanks anyway.  I found the channel by typing "/join #openoffice.org"19:32
apb1963OerHeks: I just need the basics.... mic... speakers... possibly line in... just want to make sure I'm not missing anything I should be aware of.... not doing anything fancy here.19:32
apb1963MonkeyDust: Thank you for your help!19:33
louisdkI'm running Ubuntu 12.04 with Unity and the default Ambience theme. After I upgraded Firefox it's like the black theming disappeared19:33
louisdkand it got silver: http://i.imgur.com/KxrOQr7.png19:33
apb1963OerHeks: And thank you too!19:34
OerHeksapb1963, have fun19:34
apb1963daftykins: And thank you!19:34
jjavaholicI have gotten fed up of gedit what is a good alternative19:34
apb1963OerHeks: Not fun.... work.... agony really.  But gotta get it done!19:34
louisdkIf I start a private window or run a firefox tarball from mozilla.com I get my theme back: http://i.imgur.com/lMgqVl8.png19:35
GeoSaberX01, was that a random google, or have you used that before?19:35
morgan101no help i gone19:35
MonkeyDustjjavaholic  what do you want an editor to do?19:35
GeoI think thats more for adding a new disk, not growing the raid disks themselves19:35
apb1963I was using kde mixer19:35
apb1963it didn't have very useful settings19:35
jjavaholicedit conf and code files.19:35
SaberX01Geo, I ahd that bookmarked for mdadm .. I don't use SW RAID. All my servers that have RAID have HW controllers.19:35
Geook, thanks anyway19:36
apb1963but it shows up on my bar... so it was easy and natural.  How can I replace that icon with this program?19:36
MonkeyDust!code | jjavaholic19:36
ubottujjavaholic: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator19:36
ander_?usb  card reader not being seen  after 13.10 update  any idea on what to do? nothing  under  lsusb19:36
Beldarjjavaholic, try leafpad19:37
GeoI think this is closer to what I'm looking for19:37
GeoBut would love to talk with anyone who has done it, or simimlar, before I potentially blow my data away19:37
Lucianus1983when i try to make a memory test with it ubuntu says - Cannot load a ramdisk with an old kernel image - why is that?19:37
MonkeyDustLarrySteeze|Away  what's the output of    uname -r19:38
MonkeyDustLucianus1983   what's the output of    uname -r19:38
bonsuwhere do i start if i wanna find my way around linux kernel19:38
Beldarlouisdk, Upgraded, the ubuntu repos have the latest releases.19:38
SaberX01!!manual | bonsu19:39
ubottubonsu: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/19:39
louisdkBeldar: I'm using 0.26 from the repos.19:39
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Lucianus1983it shows me this bug19:39
Lucianus1983[       6.612178] BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at 6672657019:39
Lucianus1983[       6.612279] ip: [<f86c5bca>] nouveau_perf_init+0x49a/0x5b0 [nouveau]19:39
SaberX01bonsu, then I would go here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel19:40
MonkeyDustLucianus1983   what's the output of    uname -r19:40
Beldarlouisdk, mine is the same a light color except for the top window bar.19:40
bonsui know the basic command and info of linux but i want to go further19:40
Lucianus1983i don t understand the what you are saying Monkey, i am sorry19:40
louisdkBeldar: If I start a private window or run in safe mode I get my theme back: http://i.imgur.com/lMgqVl8.png19:41
Beldarlouisdk, I have the menu showing is all19:41
MonkeyDustLucianus1983  in a terminal, type the command    uname -r19:41
Lucianus1983that's it?19:41
SaberX01bonsu, Not sure I follow, you want advanced Linux or Kernel information?19:41
MonkeyDustLucianus1983  then you know what kernel you are using19:42
Lucianus1983very well...be right back19:42
bonsuboth cuz ii don't want to be only a user19:42
Beldarlouisdk, You might want to show both, unity integrates to its top panel if you are do a full screen.19:42
SaberX01bonsu, Ok, well this is wehre the heavy-weight's go for kernel stuff: http://vger.kernel.org/19:42
Lucianus1983where do i type that, in the memory test?19:43
MonkeyDustLucianus1983  i guess i missed something, what was your initial question19:43
Beldarlouisdk, I'm not sure I understand your issue to be honest, there is a #firefox channel as well.19:43
louisdkBelder: I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 with Unity and the default Ambience theme. After I upgraded Firefox it's like the black theming disappeared and it got silver: http://i.imgur.com/KxrOQr7.png - If I start a private window or run a firefox tarball from mozilla.com I get my theme back: http://i.imgur.com/lMgqVl8.png19:44
Lucianus1983ok...i have two problems, Ubuntu has a bug and the fact that when i try to make a memory test it says - Cannot load a ramdisk with an old kernel image19:45
Beldarlouisdk, The light theme is the stock theme.19:45
MonkeyDustLucianus1983  ok, what kernel are you using? find out by opening a terminal and type    uname -r19:45
Lucianus1983i don t know how to open a terminal19:45
MonkeyDustLucianus1983  ctrl-alt t19:46
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MonkeyDustLucianus1983  then where do you see that error, if not in a terminal?19:46
Lucianus1983when i try to boot19:46
Lucianus1983i see the bug that i showed you before19:46
Lucianus1983and the the Cannot load a ramdisk with an old kernel image19:47
ander_usb  card reader not being seen  after 13.10 update  nothing  under  lsusb19:47
MonkeyDustLucianus1983  you lost me, i'm sure someone else can help better19:47
Lucianus1983can we talk in private, maybe i can make you understand19:48
MonkeyDustLucianus1983  keep it in channel, so others can give advice19:49
louisdkBeldar: I've always had the black theme on all my Ubuntu 12.04 machines as default. But now after and update/extensions or something it became grey. His log from the terminal could mean that something is crashed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6692806/ - I'll try to debug this osme more.19:49
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Lucianus1983very well19:49
SaberX01Good luck with that :-)19:49
Beldarander_, What is the computer and model?19:50
ander_asus Eeepc netbook19:51
Beldarander_, So this is a usb sdd card reader?19:51
ander_i need for reading compact flash cards19:52
Lucianus1983how do i open a terminal in windows xp?19:53
vmusrLucianus1983, cmd19:53
Beldarander_, Try it from the live cd would be where I started, not sure otherwise. Be sure to use nicks here so info is easy to find.19:53
vmusryou can do Windows key + R and type cmd19:53
Ex0d1stsomething like that19:53
Geoyou do realized a windows terminal isnt what you're looking for though, right?19:54
GeoYou need to be doing this on the ubuntu machine19:54
ander_Beldar: i dont have cd drive19:54
Beldarander_, works on a usb, do any usb show?19:54
Beldarander_, The eee is funky in that only some of the usb ports work to boot a usb, have you tried every port?19:55
ander_yea.. it see my cell phone and it will mount any usb flash card... just nothing from the card reader or my Nikon slr camera19:56
MonkeyDustLucianus1983  are you working in windows?19:56
Beldarander_, and both of these worked in 13.04?19:56
MonkeyDustLucianus1983  how do you want ubuntu commands to work in windows?19:57
Lucianus1983Ok...i tried to install Ubuntu and i cannot19:57
SiecjeI'm trying to format a usb drive to put a file on it but when I do I don't have permission to create on it19:57
ander_i dont  kow what changed during the update to 13.10.. or if it was somthing in the kernal19:57
daftykinsSiecje: which file system are you formatting it with?19:57
Lucianus1983it says this19:57
Lucianus1983[       6.612178] BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at 6672657019:57
Lucianus1983[       6.612279] ip: [<f86c5bca>] nouveau_perf_init+0x49a/0x5b0 [nouveau]19:57
Siecjedaftykins: ext419:57
daftykinsSiecje: do you need large file support on it? either resolve the permissions or format with exFAT / FAT3219:58
Beldarander_, You migh look on askubuntu with 13.10 eeepc and that reader and camera19:58
Siecjedaftykins: how do I do either of those19:58
daftykinsSiecje: well how did you format it as ext4 to start with?19:58
ander_Beldar_:  is there another command to check the usb ports besides lsusb?19:59
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Beldarander_, Might be, not aware of it though. Might help you to know that you can use your tab key to complete nicks.19:59
ander_beldar: i left a post on askunbuntu  the other day,,no replys as of yet19:59
Beldarander_, Ah, good, you could try the guest account, and make a new account in users and see if it's the same there.20:00
ander_whats nicks?20:00
Siecjedaftykins: on Ubuntu 13.04 I go to Disks but it fails with the error "Error synchronizing after initial wipe: Timed out waiting for object (udisks-error-quark, 0)"20:00
Beldarander_, nicks are the name you use here "nickname"20:01
daftykinsSiecje: are you going to be copying files greater than 1GB?20:01
PhoebusHey guys, anyone have experience with TP-LINK wn822n - used to be auto-detected and now no more. Or point me to a good guide. Googled but got riff raff, thanks!20:02
ander_Beldar, i'll try the guest thing...20:03
BeldarPhoebus, Have you checked askubuntu, or the web in general with the release you are using?20:03
PhoebusBeldar, yeah haven't yielded anything yet sadly. Tried a few things, card no longer appears to even turn on.20:04
squillowhi - i need some help with getting vnc/"desktop sharing" to work while also running libvirt, when i connect to :0 its my first VM and :1 is my second vm and so on20:05
yellabshello all20:05
yellabsi have some problems with adobe reader install on 12.04.120:05
yellabsit breaks software center20:06
ander_Beldar, guest didnt work...20:06
ander_think i need pluging or somthing?20:06
BeldarPhoebus, I see a realtek driver solution here, realteks are problem in general for all wifi that work. http://www.ajaykumarsingh.com/linux/tp-link-tl-wn822n-300mbps-high-gain-wireless-n-usb-adapter-not-working-on-ubuntu-12-04.html   If you run lsusb do you see realtek mentioned?20:07
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PhoebusBeldar, thank you, checking now.20:07
badbadgershake it upside down to release static20:07
dev_guys , i want to increase the space where mysql exist , i dont know how to do this http://paste.ubuntu.com/6692916/20:08
dev_cuz its full so i cant connect to mysql :(20:08
r00tkingdev_: :(20:08
Beldarander_, Part of the problem in this situation is checking if it is just your user is the problem, so checking the guest is a good start, a new user and the live session is another check. One would think this should just work, do you remember adding any apps or drivers originally?20:09
dev_what ?20:09
dev_r00kting  :(20:09
Siecjedaftykins: yes I want to move a 4.6 GB file20:09
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jhutchinsdev_: Back up your data.  Reinstall with a single partition + swap, restore the data.20:09
dev_jhautchins , im totaly new with ubuntu , i dont know commands :(20:10
ander_beldar yea in the older verion,,,, and i checked and they still seem to be installed20:10
dev_also , i cant connect to mysql to take packup or dump sql20:11
daftykinsSiecje: are they both Linux computers that you're trying to exchange this file between?20:11
Lucianus1983when i try to install Ubuntu is shows me this:20:13
Lucianus1983[       6.612178] BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at 6672657020:13
Lucianus1983[       6.612279] ip: [<f86c5bca>] nouveau_perf_init+0x49a/0x5b0 [nouveau]20:13
dev_jhutchins ?20:14
silentnightsHi all, due to power problem on my laptop all my partitions showed a wrong superblock error, and I ran fsck -y  on one of the partitions, now all my files are moved to lost+found with crypted numbers, is there anyway I can restore the previous  directory structure for this partition20:14
silentnightsI restored other partitions with the help from here: http://linuxexpresso.wordpress.com/2010/03/31/repair-a-broken-ext4-superblock-in-ubuntu/20:15
libpenguinpdf editor for ubuntu ?20:16
SAiFone quick question.20:16
silentnightsbut the ones I ran fsck on doesn't seem to work with it20:16
yellabsi am trying to remove and install acroread , get this error , rather short ,20:16
yellabsE: /var/cache/apt/archives/acroread-bin_9.5.5-1precise1_i386.deb: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/acroread', which is also in package adobereader-nld 8.1.720:16
SAiFwill the latest ubuntu support video drivers and codecs by default, just like in windows.?20:17
yellabsany tips are more then welcome20:17
ubottuThe Portable Document Format is created by Adobe; PDF files are viewable in Ubuntu with Xpdf, Okular, Evince and also Adobe Reader (free download, but closed source)20:17
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yellabsto remove package20:18
SAiFI am planning to switch a windows user to ubuntu. currently he uses win7. and that machine seems to have a slow internet conection.20:18
yellabsand repair software center20:18
Beldarander_, If this means drivers or apps are still there you might reinstall them, drivers many times do not follow a distro upgrade.20:18
REK_007SAiF: yes it does ... but you may need to install proprietary drivers for advanced graphics support . Codecs few are there rest can be installed from the internet20:19
SAiFso I need your suggestion, Can I go with latest ubuntu or should I try somethng else. From what I remember the hardy and jaunty versions didnt had that20:19
SAiFthats what I used.. P:)20:19
SAiFon old days20:19
libpenguinsuggest good pdf editors plz20:19
Calinou"PDF" and "editors" make two20:20
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drsn0wanyone having issues booting the latest 14.04 from a USB?20:20
drsn0wit drops me to initramfs :(20:20
SAiFits just for watching movies and playing music.. thats all20:20
BeldarSAiF, I would have them dual boot to start with.20:20
libpenguinCalinou: editors for pdf20:20
drsn0w14.04 daily builds20:20
ander_beldar _ going to try  to re install them20:20
SAiFis there a 14.o4, I lost my track on 13.04 I guess20:21
Calinoudual boot means you're going to use one OS or the other, all the time20:21
Beldar!14.04 | drsn0w20:21
ubottudrsn0w: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+120:21
drsn0wits not officially released yet, its just past Alpha 120:21
DJonesdrsn0w: Probably best asking in #ubuntu+1 which is the support channel for development releases20:21
drsn0wohh okay :P20:21
Calinouit also is painful to do on recent PCs20:21
ZiberHey, so I'm trying to install apache on 13.10. A lot of the system variables seem to be undefined and I guess the distro used to that for me on older versions? How can I define them?20:21
elementzhi all i am having trouble writing a proper udev rule which chmods a directory to 666. Issuing ls for the respective device dir returns: http://ix.io/9Ft udevadm returns: http://ix.io/9Fk and my udev rule looks as follows: http://ix.io/9Fu20:22
BeldarCalinou, This is support not subjective opinions20:22
SAiFwell then downloading 13.10. :)20:22
rakeshhow do i remove a folder from lib  which i moved but is of no use anymore20:22
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elementzIt seems that the directory gets set to 666 but not the file for the brightness20:22
bekkselementz: Changing a directory to 666 will remove the ability to cd into it and access the content.20:22
SAiFwhich will be the next LTS?20:23
bekksSAiF: 14.0420:24
ZiberAny help with apache system variables not being set?20:24
Guest68119any1 there20:24
dev_is there good tuturial for ubuntu command line ?20:24
ubuntutisanybody know what software i could use to convert avi formats to mp4?20:25
ars23@dev_ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal20:25
ars23or you can learn a bit bash20:25
ars23@ubuntutis on some forums avidemux is recommended... but ii think you can try ffmpeg20:26
drsn0wbash is wonderful20:27
elementzbekks: hmm. http://ix.io/9Fy maybe the rule is not parsed after all? what else could be going wrong? i would simply like to be able to write to the brighness-file as a normal user20:27
bekkselementz: set the brightness file to 666.20:28
ZiberAnyone familiar with apache environment variables not being set by default on 13.10?20:28
Stormer98hey, so I just installed ubuntu on a laptop, but it does not connect to ethernet, nor will it use the laptops wifi. WHen i plug in an external wifi adaptor, that does not work either. ANy ideas/20:28
Stormer98this is 112.04LTS, if it matters20:28
elementzbekks: did you have a look at the udev-rule i posted earlier? http://ix.io/9Fu20:29
Stormer98also, the ethernet and wifi controllers show up in lspci, and the external adaptor shows up in lsusb20:29
ars23@ziber i didn't have that problem but you can download apache from internet and set the variables20:30
Ziberars23: How should I set them?20:30
ZiberThere's an envvars file, but that doesn't seem to do anything?20:30
PhoebusBeldar, well compiling the drivers with ./install script returns "compile make drive error: 2" any idea where that'd be written now?20:30
Ziberars23: I apt-get installed it like I usually do.20:31
ars23yes, but you must find where apache was installed and use export to set the variables...20:32
Ziberars23: I'm a bit confused...20:32
ZiberI've never had to do anything manually for this before.20:33
BeldarPhoebus, Not sure I have rarely had to do anything but use the ubuntu repos or load a deb.20:33
Guest68119rm: cannot remove `jvm': No such file or directory20:33
BeldarPhoebus, In general on a unpacked download is a instruction text look for that.20:34
PhoebusBeldar, I'm looking... for now doing a general update just in case.20:35
elementzbekks: still there?20:35
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Beldar!tab | ars23 no @ here.20:37
ubottuars23 no @ here.: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:37
deedee_I have a 10.04 system and I'm trying to install the pae kernel as it shows here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE but there is no pae kernel in the repos20:37
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Beldardeedee_, server or desktop?20:37
ars23ok... i didn't know!20:37
Beldarars23, No biggie.20:37
deedee_Beldar, desktop20:37
Beldardeedee_, The 10,04 desktop is end of life the regular repos are not accessible.20:38
drsn0wubuntu 9.04 here woohoo!20:38
deedee_Beldar, was afraid of that.... I'd upgrade but unity is dumb.20:38
Beldardrsn0w, not supported but good for you.20:38
deedee_Beldar, thanks anyway20:38
drsn0wBeldar: lol it's on my 13 year old mac :D20:39
streulmaMonkeyDust: it works!20:39
Beldardeedee_, Many other desktops about 50 in all.20:39
streulmahello Ubuntu users :)20:39
streulmaI'm on 12.04, can I upgrade to 13.10 ?20:40
streulmaI think I should upgrade to 12.10, 13.04 and 13.10 ? :(20:40
solangebetter install 13.10 anew...20:41
streulmafrom scratch ?20:41
Beldarstreulma, I would wait till 14.04 is released and go straight to it.20:41
locolocostreulma: second solange's suggestion, go straght to 13.1020:41
SaberX01I'd wait for 14.04... not really missing anything in 13.10.20:43
drsn0w1404 is in what,jume?20:44
SaberX0104 = April -)20:44
Zenon-ZanoniHi, i have a pci-e gforce connected and i want to use two monitors... the primary connected to gforce and the secondary connected to the onboard card20:44
Zenon-Zanonii'm using ubuntu 12.04 32 bits20:45
Zenon-Zanonii opened the Monitors tab in the Configuration app20:46
Zenon-Zanonibut there is only one monitor20:46
Zenon-Zanoniwhen i type Ctrl+Alt+F1 the console show on the onboard monitor20:46
Zenon-Zanonithem i return to Ctrl+Alt+F7 it show in the gforce monitor20:47
Zenon-Zanoniany idea?20:47
Zenon-Zanonion how to recognize both bonitors20:47
MonkeyDust streulma i was away, what works?20:48
streulmaMonkeyDust: I'm on Ubuntu !20:52
Ex0d1st  Allah is Great-------> (so is this guy)  http://i.imgur.com/TDQac1H.jpg20:52
MonkeyDuststreulma  ok, the dual videocard thing?20:53
streulmaMonkeyDust: yes, booted with nouveau.modeset=0 acpi=off20:53
MonkeyDuststreulma  great, glad you made it, thumbs up20:54
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PhoebusTrying to compile driver and kernel mod for the realtek 'rtl8192cu' chipset usb adapter on ubuntu 13, either by *.deb or source and ./install script same error: http://pastebin.ca/2528174 Any ideas?20:56
__ravenhow to renice 20 python2 processes at once?20:58
plutoIs the label for persistent partitions still casper-rw for 13.10?21:00
Beldarpluto, yep21:00
Geodo distro upgrades require a reboot?21:02
compdocif the kernel was installed21:02
BeldarGeo, from one release to another yes21:02
compdoc*if you mean dist-upgrade21:03
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PhoebusAnyone that has installed a usb adapter on trl8192 successfully? ubuntu 13.21:10
MonkeyDust!anyone | Phoebus21:11
ubottuPhoebus: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:11
__ravenhow to renice 20 python2 processes at once?21:11
PhoebusMonkeyDust, asked a few, I'm at this stage: http://pastebin.ca/2528174 3 sets of rtl drivers all error out on compilation.21:11
MonkeyDustPhoebus  ok, start from the beginning, what are you doing and what goes wrong21:12
PhoebusMonkeyDust, trying to install TP-LINK wn822n on Ubuntu 13. Shows on lsusb as 'RTL8192CU 802.11n WLAN Adapter', found 3 guides went through them, found one source based driver, failed same message as pastebin. Found a *.deb, failed same error.21:14
EvelynxHello, I have a problem with installing curl and apparently something is wrong with my package manager in general: http://pastebin.com/iv9FrUPk21:14
EvelynxAnd according to the updating system the package manager is broken: http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=edfd02221:15
MonkeyDustPhoebus  and that's a router?21:15
EvelynxHave only been using Xubuntu for a few days so sorry if this is a dumb question, couldn't find anything about this in the FAQ either.21:16
PhoebusMonkeyDust, USB access point/adapter.21:16
EvelynxAnd not with Google either.21:16
EvelynxSo how do I fix this? It told me to run 'apt-get install -f' but that only leads to more errors as you can see in that pastebin.21:17
BeldarEvelynx, Is this a mint install?21:22
PhoebusMonkeyDust, and Beldar thank you fixed it, for future ref: http://askubuntu.com/questions/290452/installing-workaround-realtek-drivers-for-edimax-but-getting-error21:25
BeldarPhoebus, cool,21:25
EvelynxBeldar, I'm not sure what you mean with 'mint install' but in case you are asking if it's Mint it's not, it's Xubuntu.21:25
MonkeyDustPhoebus  that's how good we are (joke)21:25
PhoebusLol, no worries, the company helps too :)21:26
pac1without upgrading, can I grab a package from trusty?21:26
jhutchinspac1: Mixing releases is a great way to get to do a clean reinstall!21:27
pac1should be harmless. few dependencies.21:28
pac1mostly harmless...21:28
Beldarpac1, Have you looked in a ppa?21:28
pac1I googled git-mediawiki and didn't see any ppa entries for it.  (its in trusty, apparently new) let me redo the search.21:29
MicWi try to get an "lxc" init script that starts/stop linux containers after zfs-mount is execued. so i added "Should-Start: $zfs" to my script21:29
MicWzfs-mount provides "zfs"21:29
MicWbut it does not work, startup order is still wrong21:30
adyzxjust completed an ubuntu minimal install on an older laptop. Following these instructions: http://tinyurl.com/nkgy6zx21:30
pac1there's this:21:30
adyzxI'm am now on "Post Installation". Problem is, I'm in grub. I press "Alt+F1" and don't the command line. What am i doing wrong?21:31
pac1git-mediawiki_1.8.5-0ppa1~saucy1_all.deb also.21:32
pac1can I just download and install this?21:32
vl4kn0Hi, I installed ubuntu on Lenovo Ideapad G575 with wireless card Atheros AR9285, but the wireless card did not detect any available connection and was "greyed out". Then I installed wicd and removed network manager and it works. Is there any way to make it run with network manager instead of wicd?21:32
paroxyzmnice exit message r00tking21:32
Beldaradyzx, the tty is not available at grub, you can boot to the cli if you have not added a desktop in the install, to add a desktop if that's you goal.21:33
pac1hmm wants git 1:18.521:33
hussainhi is any one here??21:34
vincehussain, yes..21:34
MonkeyDusthussain, type /names to find out21:34
Beldaradyzx, The instructions are wrong to alt-f1 at grub21:34
adyzxBeldar: at the bottom of grub menu says press 'c' for a command-line. but i get grub> not your typical $ prompt21:34
hussainvince: how to find ip adress through terminal??21:34
pac1what Ip address?21:35
pac1something else?21:35
MonkeyDusthussain  local ip address or public?21:35
hussainmac address:21:35
Beldaradyzx, At the grub menu all you can do is mess with grub, if you want to install anything boot grub to the command line.21:36
chaotixhey...  is anyone here familliar with the PS1 emulator, PCSX?  I downloaded it from the software center, and am having issues with it, and have not found any of the documentation or the ubuntu forums helpful21:36
chaotixif someone can help it would be much appreciated21:36
pac1hussain, we assume you are dealing with your local network.  Is this at home, or elsewhere?21:37
chaotixwhoa thats weird21:37
chaotixi think it just fixed itself on its own21:37
chaotixneverfmind for now  :)21:37
pac1try  Google: "ubuntu what's my ip"21:38
jcv_I'm trying to create a virtual network of several 24 port switches all hosted within a single Linux machine, is creating several VDE switches my best solution?21:38
vincehussain ifconfig21:39
MonkeyDusthuttan  ifconfig|grep HW21:39
pac1Google: "ubuntu what's my ip command"21:40
adyzxBeldar: looks like post #3 can help me: http://tinyurl.com/7697fqg21:41
vincechaotix,  what games you emulatin? i love me some bandicoot!21:42
Beldaradyzx, No you do not want a rootshell, what is your end goal here?21:42
adyzxBeldar: to install X and a light window manager21:42
Beldaradyzx, X meaning what?21:42
PublicStaticVoidWhats the developer channel?21:42
Beldara desktop?21:42
PublicStaticVoidIs it true that Ubuntu is not going to Wayland?21:43
adyzxBeldar: the X11 windows system21:43
Beldaradyzx, boot to the command line from the grub menu and install away .21:43
MonkeyDustPublicStaticVoid  i guess Mir is the new objective21:43
PublicStaticVoidNo applications are going to support it21:44
PublicStaticVoidUbuntu is going to have to rebuild packages for Mir..21:44
adyzxBeldar: just looking to run terminal stuff since this computer is slow21:44
PublicStaticVoidThe number fo available packages is going to drop trmendously..21:44
MonkeyDustPublicStaticVoid  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wayland21:44
nertilor maybe someone from devs need to start to work on that kind of tweak :)21:46
PublicStaticVoidYeah I know what Wayland is..21:46
PublicStaticVoidIts litterally where 90% of linux Distros are going..21:47
bbteufeli want to learn how to secure my linux station21:47
PublicStaticVoidUbuntu is kind of taking itself away from Linux with this move..21:47
bbteufeland how to monitor internet trafic, connections, etc21:47
bbteufelwhere should i start ?21:47
ubottudada12: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:47
PublicStaticVoidWhats next, forking the Kernel and locking it up?21:48
PublicStaticVoidThis smells like how Mac Evolved from Unix...21:48
kostkonPublicStaticVoid: display server is independent of the apps. btw wrong place to "com21:48
OerHeksPublicStaticVoid, this is no place to start a flamewar, support only21:48
PublicStaticVoidWas looking for the Dev channel21:48
PublicStaticVoidCan't find it21:48
kostkon!offtopic | PublicStaticVoid21:49
ubottuPublicStaticVoid: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:49
PublicStaticVoidHad no intention of starting a flame war.. sorry.21:49
MonkeyDustPublicStaticVoid  #ubuntu-app-devel21:49
PublicStaticVoidI know about the off topic channel21:49
PublicStaticVoidWhat happened to the Developer channel?21:49
Beldaradyzx, yes, and to do so you have to boot the base system, hit enter at the grub menu you will get to a command line. I forget if you have to log in there, if so do that then install what you need.21:49
PublicStaticVoidThanks MonkeyDust21:49
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler
adyzxBeldar: i'll get back to you. my dumb a** forgot the login. was on a tty terminal. re-installing.21:50
Beldaradyzx, I doubt you need to reinstall.21:51
VLanXanyone knows if adobe has quit supporting flash for linux?21:53
BeldarVLanX, yep21:54
kostkonVLanX: only security updates21:54
VLanXBeldar: so what will happen next?21:54
AckisI set up a key pair to log in to my ubuntu system however the first time I ssh in it always asks me for a password however if I open a second ssh terminal it uses the key21:55
MonkeyDustAckis  the question being?21:56
Ackissorry, why do I need to enter my password the first time?21:56
molossusdoes anyone in here use odesk team on ubuntu 12.04? can it be installed?21:57
duck304hello... can someone help me with some information about building and compile apache 2.4 ? #httpd pointed to this group21:58
duck304I cannot seem to get mod_ssl te get it working21:58
MonkeyDustmolossus  https://searchforliberty.wordpress.com/2012/06/06/installing-running-odesk-team-software-on-ubuntu-12-04-lts/21:58
OerHeksmolossus, https://www.odesk.com/downloads?os=linux it is in beta, so try it but we cannot give support21:59
Hydr0p0nXis there an alsa-backports type repo ?21:59
=== dziegler is now known as dziegler_off
Hydr0p0nXthe 3.2 alsa hdaudio modules have an issue with hdmi audio out for my card, the 3.11/3.12 modules seem to work fine22:00
=== chen is now known as chen02
chen02alguien aqui que hable español22:01
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:01
chen02necesito ayuda en mi ubuntu22:01
chen02help my22:01
OerHeksduck304, saucy comes with apache 2.4.622:01
molossusOerHeks, for 12.04 it doesnt say beta, so it must work better than the other distros22:02
OerHeksmolossus, oke, have fun22:02
duck304I uses ubuntu 12.04... and that one comes with 2.2.2.. but I want to compile apache 2.4.7 on that distro...22:03
duck304and looking for some help about mod_ssl22:03
=== Guest91804 is now known as JStoker
=== zenix` is now known as zenix`away
ithoughtin console, I enter: man -k ls I receive a response "ls: nothing appropriate"         how can I fix this?22:08
OerHeksithought, do you want the manual of ls or search the short descriptions and manual page names for the keyword ls as regular expression?22:11
duck304is someone familiar with building apache 2.4 on ubuntu 12.04?22:11
MonkeyDustithought  try LS -lF22:11
ithoughtOerHeks, yes I want to search short descriptions but it isn't working anymore22:12
unknown--Could someone take a look at my chkrootkit log? http://pastebin.com/P4xJApS8 Thankls.22:12
BeWilledhello... how do I uninstall a program previously installed with "make" "make install"22:14
duck304@BeWilled: check you it is installed by locate [program] or by which [program] and just rm -r [folder]. that is how I remove that22:15
BeldarBeWilled, depends on the install some go to just home and can be deleted, be specific here.22:15
=== Rory|LSD is now known as Rory
Beldarduck304, @ is not used here you can tab complete nicks.22:15
=== dogfo40fmsmn2 is now known as DF3D2
duck304Beldar: thanx for the tip.. (first time on IRC)22:17
vithicBeWilled, unless 'make uninstall' from the directory where you compiled it works... it will be hard. :P22:17
ZiberAnyone have experience with apache web server on 13.10, having been installed from apt-get, not having environment variables set and subsequently not being able to run?22:17
Beldarduck304, heh your doing fine, thanks for joining the help.22:17
BeldarBeWilled, In the extraction is usually a instructions text.22:18
stoffel00hi. panic :'( I have overwritten sudo mv file /dev/sda1 what can I do?22:19
BeWilledduck304:I deleted the folder but it keeps showing in locate :S22:19
Beldarstoffel00, what was sda1?22:20
stoffel00mounted on /22:20
vithicBeWilled, the database that locate pulls information from only updates occasionally.22:21
MonkeyDuststoffel00  sda1 is a partition, you can overwrite that with mv22:21
ander_ ran lsusb and my device was not seem... what would your next step be? ubuntu 13.1022:21
MonkeyDuststoffel00  so start from the beginning, what have you done and what are you experiencing now22:22
stoffel00but /dev/sda1 is now a file ....22:22
MonkeyDuststoffel00  yes, everything is a file in linux, in a terminal, type    mount   to know where sda1 is mounted22:23
duck304has some one ever checkt http://devincharge.com/compiling-apache-2-4-ubuntu-12-04/ ?22:24
stoffel00it is mounted on /22:24
duck304and made it working even with SSL?22:24
MonkeyDuststoffel00  good, so what's the problem22:24
BeWilledRemoved binary is missing after I apt-get installed the program again (its in the repository too)22:25
ithoughtsolution was sudo mandb -c22:26
stoffel00ls -lh /dev/sdb1 shows brw-rw---- 1 root disk'22:26
MonkeyDuststoffel00  b means block device, iirc22:27
stoffel00but ls -lh /dev/sda1 like a normal file -rw-rw-r-- ...22:27
Catalin-Hi there.22:27
MonkeyDuststoffel00  what is your actual question?22:28
stoffel00what happend if i restart my computer? will /dev/sda1 mounted?22:28
BeWilledthis is the output /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg: No such file or directory22:29
MonkeyDuststoffel00  everything looks normal, so nothing special would happen22:29
stoffel00why the difference between  ls -lh /dev/sda1 and  ls -lh /dev/sdb1 ?22:30
MonkeyDustBeWilled  in a terminal, type    which ffmpeg   to know why you get that message22:30
MonkeyDuststoffel00  sda1 and sdb1 are partition names22:31
BeWilledMonkeyDust: /usr/bin/ffmpeg22:31
MonkeyDustBeWilled  see, ffmpeg sits in /usr/bin/ and not in /usr/local/bin/22:31
=== paddy is now known as paddy_
mikodorsync when you guys are syncing directories, like ( /dir/ ) , if we don't use (--delete), then everything on the receiving directory will always be saved. But, the receiving directory, for me the (backup), has the potential to becoming very big. Have I got this right?22:32
BeWilledMonkeyDust: where is the command redirected to that possition?22:32
=== sysadmin is now known as VLanX
rwwmikodo: yes22:33
MonkeyDustBeWilled  /usr/bin/ is where the executables are located, it's in your path22:33
stoffel00i know. ls -lh /dev/ -rwx------ 1 peter peter 4G22:33
mikodorww, Thanks22:33
BeWilledMonkeyDust: but when I type ffmpeg it redirects it to  /usr/local/bin/22:34
BeWilledMonkeyDust: where can I fix that pointer?22:35
MonkeyDustBeWilled  not sure what you mean... redirects?22:35
stoffel00i know. ls -lh /dev/sda1 shows  -rwx------ 1 root  root 4G, ls -lh /dev/sda1 shows 'brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8'.22:35
BeWilledMonkeyDust: for me it's like a pointer where the file is supposted to be located but isn't22:36
stoffel00no, sdb1. again: ls -lh /dev/sda1 shows  -rwx------ 1 root  root 4G, ls -lh /dev/sdb1 shows 'brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8'.22:36
MonkeyDustBeWilled  you mean the binary file ffmpeg?22:37
BeWilledMonkeyDust: I am talking about the relationship with the command to the location of the binary file22:37
MonkeyDustBeWilled  the command IS the binary file22:37
BeWilledBeWilled: when I type "ffmpeg" on terminal it references the the binary file22:38
stoffel00is /dev/sda1 still a partition? what happend after a reboot?22:38
BeWilledMonkeyDust: but that reference seems to be broken, so I need to point it to the right direction22:39
MonkeyDustBeWilled  if you wnat, you can download the source of ffmpeg, because it is a file22:39
MonkeyDustBeWilled  what happens, when you type ffmpeg in a terminal22:40
BeWilledMonkeyDust:bash: /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg: No such file or directory22:40
MonkeyDustBeWilled  that's odd... and there's no alias for ffmpeg? look in .bashrc22:41
=== sysadmin is now known as Guest48140
tfousHey i'm having trouble connecting to the internet on my fresh ubuntu 13.10 install... can anyone help?22:41
duck304tfous: what are your network settings?22:41
duck304tfous: cat /etc/network/interfaces22:42
BeWilledMonkeyDust: there is no alias in /root/.bashrc it must be somewhere else22:43
rwwBeWilled: what's the output of `which ffmpeg`?22:43
rwwoh, /usr/bin/ffmpeg22:44
Guest48140Hey guys, isn't the unity search box also supposed to look for programs? Cause I've changed the system language and nothing shows here anymore, like konversation, pidgin, and everything else, only filed and documents...22:44
MonkeyDustBeWilled  or in ~/.bashrc22:44
rwwBeWilled: what's the output of ls -l /usr/bin/ffmpeg22:44
BeWilledrww: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 168344 Sep 12 06:57 /usr/bin/ffmpeg22:45
MonkeyDustBeWilled  try this line, first22:46
MonkeyDustsudo apt-get install ffmpeg --reinstall22:46
BeWilledMonkeyDust: :)22:47
BeWilledMonkeyDust: that fixed the issue22:47
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)22:47
=== Fuchs is now known as tinyfox
BeWilledMonkeyDust: thanks man22:48
alt096`hi all22:49
=== sysadmin_ is now known as VLanX
stoffel00i've ask my question on ##linux. if you have an idea, please answer there.22:54
MonkeyDustBeWilled  my pleasure22:56
MonkeyDustBeWilled  FFmpeg is a nice GUI22:57
MonkeyDustmake that winFF22:58
BeWilledMonkeyDust: thats nice to know, specially for learning the commands, I'm intending to use it in a bash process23:01
=== Joel is now known as Guest58685
DratonHi everyone, anyone have any experience moving a windows partition to a new ssd?23:03
BeldarDraton, Yep I just used clonezilla saves the mbr.23:04
enedil@Draton U can use dd (see man dd)23:04
compdocDraton, clonezilla23:04
Beldar!tab | enedil23:04
ubottuenedil: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:04
enedilthanks, it'm my first day on IRC ;)23:04
BeldarDraton, You should have that OS imaged anyway, there is a onboard already for this.23:05
Dratonoh nice, thanks - and i assume if i don't touch my ubuntu partition reconfiguring grub to point at it will work fine?\23:05
BeldarDraton, not really a clear description.23:06
pepitoHi ! Help please. When i want start vidalia, I launch it in terminal (command : vidalia) and It say to me : "Vidalia detected that the Tor software exited unexpectedly", I don't understand why ...23:06
BeldarDraton, Use nicks here, so we know exactly whats up.23:07
DratonBeldar: oh sorry, so essentially - moving win 7 to new ssd, deleting old ntfs partition on current ssd, expanding ubuntu to utilize new space, repoint grubs win7 reference to new ssd23:07
BeldarDraton, where is ubuntu now old or new SSD?23:08
DratonBeldar: i'm separating them to separate ssds23:08
BeldarDraton, Yeah, just run sudo update-grub and make sure the boot is still on that old sssd.23:09
=== zz_megabitdragon is now known as megabitdragon
michHi there! I would need some help from someone with bash scripting experience!23:10
BeldarDraton, On occasion however moving the front of the ubuntu partition will get you a grub> prompt, just use the bootrepair app to fix that.23:10
Beldarmich, State the issue for help.23:10
michI need a simple bash script I have a folder with many files with each different dates, I need a script which creates folders with the names of the dates containing these files23:11
pepitoIs somebody can help me :)23:11
michsorting the fiels by date and putting them nn folders which have the name of the date23:11
arc___hello everyone23:11
arc___hey if i want to make my ubuntu server a primary domain controller do i need to install samba423:12
arc___no one knows ?23:14
bekksarc___: Samba < v4 cannot act as a primary DC.23:15
arc___what ?23:15
arc___so what will23:15
bekksSamba v4 at least.23:15
arc___so what do i do to have a p dc then23:16
bekksInstall Samba v4.23:16
arc___so apt-get install samba423:17
krabadorblack screen at reboot, after installing nvidia 319 or 304 on jockey, on ubuntu 13.1023:18
krabadorwhat can i do?23:18
=== Thor|Away is now known as Thorium220
=== tinyfox is now known as Fuchs
=== zenix`away is now known as zenix`
hitsujiTMOkrabador: what gpu do you have and can you pastebin your /var/log/Xork.0.log23:26
krabadorhitsujiTMO, nvidia 8300gs23:26
krabadori cant paste the log, because the pc is locked on blackscreen23:27
hitsujiTMOkrabador: can you try ctrl + alt + f1 to get tty1 ?23:28
krabadori tried, not23:28
hitsujiTMOkrabador: can you reboot. edit grub and add the text kernel option23:29
hitsujiTMO!text | krabador23:29
ubottukrabador: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode23:29
Gallomimiawhen the screen locks, under ubuntu 13.10 stock (unity SM??) trying to wake it up shows the desktop image, plus the window for entering a password, switch user options, stuff like that. is it possible to move that window up a couple hundred pixels since it's in the way of some words on my desktop image?23:33
pepitoI ask again : When i want start vidalia, I launch it in terminal (command : vidalia) and It say to me : "Vidalia detected that the Tor software exited unexpectedly", I don't understand why ... Help please23:34
enedilcan you type vidalia&?23:35
azi`my laptop shut down unexpectedly.. is there any way I could find some logs about that?23:36
pepitoenedil, [1] 6165 is the result23:36
hitsujiTMOazi`: shut down as in shut down , or shut down as in powered off without going thru the shut down procedure?23:37
Ohgacan I somehow apt-get ddclient 3.8.1 on Ubuntu 12.04? I just get "already newest version" at 3.8.023:37
enedilazi`: search in /var/log23:37
azi`hitsujiTMO: i left it running and it was shut down now that I came back23:37
hitsujiTMOazi`: /var/log/syslog would be your best bet.23:38
enedilOhga: maintainers havent package it yet for LTS23:38
azi`hitsujiTMO: thanks23:38
Ohgaenedil: so... I need to download the tar.gz?23:39
azi`hm.. there is some segfault related to apport23:40
=== LjL^ is now known as LjL
ubottupeghi: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:43
BeldarOhga, There is a 3.8.2, however be careful with the latest outside the ubuntu repos, use only if really needed.23:44
OhgaBeldar: you know if it uses semver?23:44
OhgaBeldar: *versioned with semver23:45
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl23:45
BeldarOhga,  outside the repos is not supported, no idea on anything about it though.23:45
jhutchinspepito: See if those docs help.23:45
vl4kn0Hi, I cannot get the ath9k module to work with network manager. It works with wicd. Any idea?23:46
OhgaBeldar: alright, thanks23:46
OhgaI'll try it and see what happens23:46
pepitojhutchins, that doesn't help me :( ... I install pr23:50
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler
BbbKUEhi all23:51
pepitoprivoxy with tor, it's because i want to have tor not just as a plugn in23:51
BbbKUEhow can I made my ubuntu box send its hostname  via23:52
BbbKUEmy LAN?23:52
bekksBbbKUE: Send it to whom/where?23:53
Gallomimiavery obscure question BbbKUE. how are you planning to use the hostname on other machines?23:53
=== Quark is now known as Guest21448
=== DGJones is now known as DJones
Gallomimiafor example if the hostname is ubuntu, do you want to be able to type ssh ubuntu or connect to ftp ubuntu and the like?23:54
BbbKUEI mean. in my router web page I can see the list of connected device and Windows PC are show edith thre hostname23:55
BbbKUE*with their23:55
bekksBbbKUE: Thats the DHCP status page of your router.23:55
Gallomimiabekks: regardless, the hostname is still "sent" to the router, his question is valid23:56
Gallomimiait's part of the dhcp request23:56
bekksGallomimia: I didnt say his question was invalid.23:56
BbbKUEi disabile dhcp on it. and every device has a statica ip23:56
bekksI just explained what that page is for.23:56
BurritoMaybe the router should be assigned as a DNS server.23:57
Gallomimiathen.... why do you want your hostname sent to the router?23:57
ubottugeneral981: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:57
BbbKUE'cause windows PC do that and linux not!23:58
Gallomimiathe "hostname" is sent as a dhcp client id, which you can configure in your ipv4 settings under wired connections.23:58
BurritoMine does. ._.23:58
Gallomimiaclient-id is not equal to hostname23:58
Gallomimiawindows just confuses it for you23:58
Gallomimiaso does macosx23:58
Burrito"We're right, everyone else is wrong!" :P23:59
BbbKUEmmm... ok. how can I configure in IP4 settimana?23:59

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