[17:40] SonikkuAmerica: hi [17:40] (Hello) [17:41] Anything else I should do? (Join the mailing list, etc.)? [17:41] SonikkuAmerica: Yeah, the mail list would be good [17:41] SonikkuAmerica: That's really enough for now. From Tuesday onwards, Ill have more time, and will be a lot more active here [17:41] OK [17:42] SonikkuAmerica: If you want, you can look around in our wiki - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio [17:42] All right... [17:42] Sorry [17:42] Yeah I was about to say... that doesn't exist [17:42] http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio [17:42] Got it :) [17:43] SonikkuAmerica: Here's a page about getting involved in development https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/JoinTheTeam [17:44] No hurry with that though [17:44] Ok, bb next week :)