
jarnossergio-br2, does your Session tab show all applications?00:02
sergio-br2all open applications? I think no00:04
jarnossergio-br2, odd, if you can't see session name else than in login.00:09
sergio-br2jarnos, you mean: Firefox and gmusicbrowser in Session tab, for example?00:13
jarnossergio-br2, yes00:13
jarnossergio-br2, and as for session name, default, or any name I gave to it.00:13
sergio-br2i saved the session, and they does not appear in Session tab... even if i do logout and login, and goes to this tab00:14
sergio-br2but i don't know if this is the expected behavior.00:14
sergio-br2and dunno how to change session name00:14
jarnossergio-br2, how to even check session name, if you forgot which session you logged to?00:15
sergio-br2there are only xfwm4, Thunar, xfce4-panel, and other things in Session tab. Does anyone knows if it is the expectade behavior?00:16
sergio-br2jarnos, i didn't undertand your question00:16
jarnossergio-br2, if you created a new session in the "chooser" on login, you can give a name to it. But how do you see the session name while you are in that session?00:17
sergio-br2you are using saucy or trusty?00:18
jarnossergio-br2, s00:18
sergio-br2jarnos, i don't know00:20
sergio-br2good question00:23
elfyochosi: you put a thin white line around the terminal icon - that is a whole lot better :)07:49
* elfy ticks something of his list of things to whine about :)07:49
* Unit193 puts 3 more on.07:53
elfydressed finally then ... 07:54
ochosiforestpiskie: well happy to make you feel a little less despondent09:33
forestpiskieha ha ha 09:36
forestpiskieI'm now despondent about nickserv playing up :)09:36
forestpiskieochosi: I actually quite like that icon with it's thin white dress :)09:37
ochosigood to hear09:38
ochosiwe'll see, i'm still considering to ship alternative appicons09:38
forestpiskietbf the only reason I noticed was down to setting everything to defaults and the shimmer ppa - normally I'd have faenza wolf09:40
forestpiskieseem to have now the constant transparent indicator panel since this morning's update to the theme09:41
ochosidon't think it's related to the theme09:41
ochosimust be something else09:41
ochosihm, never heard of that, got a link for me?09:42
forestpiskiek - thought I'd mention 09:42
ochosiwhat version of the panel are you using now?09:42
forestpiskiemmmm - I'll try - I just move the files from install to install09:42
forestpiskieochosi: I have the 4 ppas here - so whatever I get served up09:42
ochosiok, so not the panel from git master09:43
ochosii think the ppa hasn't been updated, Noskcaj hasn't managed yet so we have to wait for him...09:43
forestpiskieI'm trying to just stick with one thing here09:43
forestpiskieyea, understood that 09:43
ochosiyeah, sounds reasonable09:43
ochosianyway, most of that issue should be fixed as soon as the PPA gets updated09:44
forestpiskienot sure where I got the icons from  - I can tar it up and send it you if you want09:45
ochosinah, i can check whether i can find them somewhere09:45
ochosior would you know what the diff is to "normal" faenza?09:46
forestpiskieall I can find is normal one - the appearance/icons thing in settings - calls it v409:46
forestpiskieno idea what the diff is 09:46
ochosino problem09:52
forestpiskieochosi: not sure how I'm talking to you at all in here - mad netsplits and services missing and neither of us are in -devel as far as elfy is concerned :p09:52
ochosihehe, yeah, we're in the netherworld :)09:52
forestpiskiespooky ... is the netherworld logged ... :>\09:53
elfyand we're 09:54
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ochosii think we should/could s/gthumb/shotwell/10:39
elfywhy? 12:26
knomei'm +0, i probably don't use either12:27
elfyjust wondering the reasons  - never actually use either 12:27
elfylol - was just saying that :)12:27
elfyhi sergio-br2 14:22
sergio-br2hello elfy14:37
elfywell I don't know where they're coming from - but I seem to see more people popping by and saying they need help with some aspect of testing - so perhaps the bombardment is beginning to make a difference16:59
elfynot that I'm seeing it on the trackers17:00
sergio-br2elfy, the bug #1210898 is fixed in xfce 4.12 ppa?18:03
ubottubug 1210898 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Thunar does not automatically mount removable drives and media" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121089818:03
ochosihey pmjdebruijn 18:05
sergio-br2i have trusty installed in my Itautec laptop, with xfce 4.12 ppa and others things to test the gtk3 indicators, and Thunar mount drives and media normally, and opens a thunar window too18:05
elfysergio-br2: well - those bugs are often intermittent 18:06
sergio-br2but without ppa, with only iso, this is not intermittent, i guess18:07
elfyand to prove it - I plugged in one that mounted fine earlier today - and now ... 18:07
elfyno mounting by that18:07
ochosiyeah, i think i can also reproduce it here18:08
ochosiat least i did a while ago18:08
elfyI've seen in intermittently for all the time I've used xubuntu - sometimes it works, others not - nothing to do with the PPA I'd guess18:08
sergio-br2i have 3 usb flash drive, 2 of them mount automatically in xubuntu, with ppa18:35
sergio-br2i realized that if a device is unmounted, it's not possible to eject it from right click in the desktop icon. It's possible only if you open Thunar, and right click in the right pane device icon.18:39
sergio-br2Is it a know issue? Or can i disconnect my device if it is unmounted?18:39
pleia2knome: you about?20:04
knomejust came back20:05
chris1983hello, can someone help me?20:05
chris1983i need to figure how to install the nvidia driver on a lenovo w53020:05
knomechris1983, the support channel is #xubuntu 20:05
chris1983ok, thx20:06
pleia2knome: can we chat about the flyer a little?20:06
knomepleia2, yep20:06
pleia2ok cool, so afaict the google doc is still sort of our primary source20:06
knomelikely too20:07
pleia2and in your design, do we print on both sides?20:07
knomethat's the idea, but i haven't had enough material to make a proof of concept from that yet20:08
pleia2ok, that's what I thought20:08
pleia2I'm going to go through this google doc now and make some changes there, maybe add some stuff too20:09
knomewill you update the wiki with the final results?20:09
pleia2the wiki is way out of date :) so yeah, I'll do my best to sync them up somehow20:09
knomeor, clearly state in the wikipage what is "approved", or the main body of work20:09
* pleia2 nods20:09
knomei guess we could go from the gdoc to a pad20:10
knomeif we don't think the wiki is suitable for working on it, that is20:11
pleia2can't put images in a pad :)20:11
knomecan put links to image files20:12
knomethe layout of the images is determined by the flow of the material anyway20:12
pleia2but then I can't just clicky click add them20:12
knomeheh, sure, if that works better for you.. ;)20:12
Unit193bluesabre: Since you have a merge request on -meta, want to s/gcalctool/gnome-calculator/ ?21:08
bluesabreUnit193: gcalctool = gnome-calculator?23:23
Unit193bluesabre: Yes.23:58

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