
deltbtw the laptop goes to sleep when i close the lid, even if i configured it to do nothing in the xfce settings00:11
pleia2delt: yeah, it's a known bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-power-manager/+bug/122202100:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 1222021 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "xfce4-power-manager does not inhibit systemd from handling buttons and lid events" [Medium,Triaged]00:13
pleia2there's a ppa to fix it00:13
pleia2(see the bug for the link)00:14
deltah ok, got it thanks00:14
Vespertiliohi there00:14
Vespertiliocan anyone help me with some graphical issues in a game, please?00:14
knome!anyone | Vespertilio00:18
ubottuVespertilio: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.00:18
Vespertiliosorry if I havent done it properly. I am just new to irc00:19
VespertilioI am using xubuntu. I cannot see anything except the grid and hud. No cycles or walls :S00:20
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:21
VespertilioI am running xubuntu 13.10 in a 512mb computer00:22
Vespertilioit seems to work properly, except that I cannot see any cycles or walls00:22
VespertilioI've tried changing the graphics settings, but I cannot fix it00:22
ubottuAre you sure your question allows us to help you? Please read http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html to understand how to ask a 'better' question.00:23
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors.00:23
Vespertiliosorry, I thought this was the game channel. I am talking about armagetronad00:24
delthow do i change the grub countdown delay?01:04
deltwhat's that speaker drop-down menu that's always empty, even when stuff is playing audio?01:39
delt(in the top panel)01:40
delthow can i remap the left windowz button to alt_L?02:22
deltxmodmap doesn't seem to be doing the trick :(02:22
bongertHey! Anyone knows hot to delete single Words from the Dictionary in AbiWord?02:59
peroanyone else notice numix is broken on 14.04? i just installed today's nightly and the active window always is red03:02
delt....so question, should i install package jack1 or jack2?03:35
holsteindelt: you should try ubuntustudio live, and see which works for your needs03:43
holsteindelt: usually, there will be a reason why you need jack1 or jack2, otherwise, just get the one that comes in the metapackage03:44
deltuh what's a metapackage?03:44
delta package of packages?03:44
holsteindelt: ubuntustudio-audio is a metapackage for example03:44
holsteindelt: its a package that pulls in others.. but, jack2 should be fine unless you find you need jack1 for some reason03:45
deltholstein: if i don't feel like reinstalling, is there a way to get a list of what packages are included with ubuntu studio, and install those i want?03:45
holsteindelt: you can open the package manager of your choice, such as synaptic, and search "ubuntustudio"03:46
holsteindelt: but, you dont need to install any of them.. you can just add what you want/need.. another reason why i suggest trying the live CD and seeing what of the software you actually want to use03:46
holstein!info linux-lowlatency03:47
ubottulinux-lowlatency (source: linux-meta-lowlatency): Complete lowlatency Linux kernel. In component universe, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 1 kB, installed size 27 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)03:48
holsteinwe also have a kernel that you may be interested in03:48
deltah, nice!03:48
holsteinpoeticrpm: you can try #ubuntu+1 for 14.0403:48
deltbut what is linux-lowlatency then?03:48
holsteinpoeticrpm: sorry.. pero ^^03:48
holsteindelt: you can try the kernel in the live cd.. or read about it above03:49
holsteindelt: if you need it, its available.. if you dont, then there is no reason to mess with it03:49
deltholstein: thanks for your advice03:49
holsteindelt: one needs low latency for live effect processing and live software synths03:49
peroholstein: thanks, figured it out though - forgot to change window theme03:49
holsteinpero: cheers03:50
deltholstein: yeah, i'm a musician, need that kind of stuff03:50
holsteindelt: musicians dont need that kind of stuff.. only the 2 *specific* cases i outlined above03:50
holsteindelt: you can be a musicians and *never* need a low latency kernel03:50
holsteindelt: for example, if you are a mixing engineer, does it really matter if when you press the play button, it takes 90ms to play it back? no03:51
delthow about running softsynths etcÃ?03:51
delti haven't tried it on this laptop yet03:51
holsteindelt: however, if you are playing a guitar for live effects processing, you will want it to take less than 12ms03:51
holsteindelt: if you cant make it less than 12, then its irrelevant, and you can again, relax03:51
delt12ms is quite reasonable03:51
holsteindelt: depends on your specfic hardware and how well it support linux03:52
delti normally run renoise and pianoteq ... + other synth stuff03:52
delthexter-dssi, excellent DX7 emulator03:52
holsteindelt: doesnt matter what you run.. if you need lower latency, the kernel can help03:52
deltholstein: oh, i also like compiling stuff from source, or at least having the option to.03:53
deltso i'd need headers that match the kernel, of course03:54
holsteindelt: you always have the option to, but, keep in mind.. the repo packages are supported officially. when you go outside of those, you move the support to upstream as well03:54
holsteinthere really is no reason to do that on an audio production machine anyways. you may prefer just dual booting03:55
deltdamn my desktop computer now seems sluggish compared to this machine :D03:55
deltholstein: what's the package name of the lowlatency kernel?03:56
deltholstein: and all relevant stuff (headers, etcetc)03:56
holstein!info linux-lowlatency03:56
ubottulinux-lowlatency (source: linux-meta-lowlatency): Complete lowlatency Linux kernel. In component universe, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 1 kB, installed size 27 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)03:56
deltso, apt-get install linux-meta-lowlatency ...?03:57
holsteindelt: you can always use the package manager of your choice, such as synaptic, to search "lowlatency"03:57
deltor the browser like one that comes by default with xubu03:57
deltthat one's nide03:57
deltnice too03:57
deltholstein: bist du aus deutschland? ich hab ein wenig deutsch gelernt -)03:58
holsteinif you cant find anything in those software managers searching "ubuntustudio" or "lowlatency", just remember i suggested synaptic.. or you can use "apt-cache search *"03:58
deltE: Unable to locate package linux-meta-lowlatency03:59
holsteindelt: correct.. i never meant to imply that was the name of the pacakge03:59
deltoh sry03:59
holsteindelt: the one i referenced a few times above, and the one synaptic, and maybe other GUI managers will suggest, as well as "apt-cache seearch lowlatency" is called "linux-lowlatency"04:00
deltalso a matching version of gcc is needed to compile kernel modules, if i ever need to e.g. manually install the nvidia drivers04:00
holsteindelt: i personally suggest just determining if you actually ned it04:00
holsteindelt: if you are tring to do something and getting xruns, or not able to get the latency settings you would like. otherwise, theres no reason to use it04:01
deltwhat harm can come from installing it, even if i dont?04:01
deltyeah i need it04:01
deltalways getting xruns on my slower machine, which is running a pretty optimized kernle04:01
holsteindelt: i get no xruns.. on any hardware.. netbooks, P4's.. doesnt matter.. i find well supported hardware, and can run simple tasks at 2ms04:02
holsteinthe speed of the machine really doesnt effect the xruns like that04:02
holsteinat some point, faster hardware would help04:02
delthow come apt-get gives me two lists of packages that will be installed: "The following extra packages will be installed" + "The following NEW packages will be installed"04:04
deltjust wondering04:04
holstein!paste | delt04:04
ubottudelt: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:04
holsteindelt: not sure.. paste if you need help04:04
deltah, thanks for the info04:04
holsteindelt: i am not german, and we should discuss that in the #xubuntu-offtopic channel04:04
deltok sry04:05
deltso, grabbing linux-lowlatency, and taking note of "suggested" packages04:06
deltholstein: i imagine i should update the boot manager once it has installed, or is there an install script that does it?04:07
deltalso, once i reboot, is there something in the uname that identifies each kernel?04:07
holsteindelt: i dont.. i just select the kernel i want at boot time04:07
holsteindelt: theres no reason for my normal desktop to use that kernel.. the benefits are only lower latency.. battery life can be compromised as well as other things04:08
deltbattery life on a desktop machine? o_O04:10
delt...or electric bills really high in your area :D04:10
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holsteindelt: thats why i said "as well as other compromises"04:11
holsteindelt: there is no reason to casually use that kernel in a normal desktop setup.. so, i just choose which i want04:11
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:11
deltholstein: this laptop is plugged in 99% of the time anyway.04:11
holsteinthat will tell you how to change the order04:11
holsteindelt: there are other compromises04:12
deltsuch as...?04:12
holsteindelt: you are free to remove whatever kernels you like, and rearrange what you like.. and run whatever kernel04:12
holsteindelt: such as *anything* other than giving priority to the audio device04:12
deltah, grub is pretty powerful04:12
deltuh... can you define "anything"?04:13
holsteindelt: sure04:13
holsteindelt: literally everything else04:13
deltas in, slower kernel overall, etc..?04:13
holsteindelt: you want the web cache to get priority for web browsing? might not since, you have asked for the audio device to get it04:13
holsteindelt: will you have any problems? i literally have no idea.. but i do know, there is no reason to use that kerne on a casual desktop04:14
holsteindelt: if you want to, you can. and you can edit grub, or purge kernels, or whatever you like.. what do i suggest? just install the lowlatency kernel, select it.. test it.. see if it works for your needs, and decide04:15
deltnow in my /boot i have *-lowlatency as well as *-generic ...how do i switch between one or the other being the default? update-grub, right?04:16
holsteindelt: i just reboot, and select what kernel i want to boot.. i usually go in and tell grub to be shown, but you can press shift at boot to show the hidden grub menu04:17
deltah, /etc/default/grub got it04:17
holsteindelt: update grub will run automatically after installing the kernel04:17
holstein!grub | delt this is what i refer to04:17
ubottudelt this is what i refer to: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:17
deltyep, i saw the install script ran it04:17
deltyeah, windowz wants to own all, including our master boot records :/04:18
delti remember /etc/defaults/grub from earlier, changed the timeout length which was too long (10 seconds)04:19
holsteindelt: i have no problems with any dual boot setup.. windows installation CD's typically dont promise anything about allowing for dual booting of any other OS's04:19
deltyeah this laptop came with windows "seven" ....probably wouldn't even have installed a windows partition, but decided to keep it04:21
deltsince it's a "legal" copy and all04:21
holsteinin that case, it wont blow out anything in the mbr, unless you ask it to04:21
deltin case i do have to rewrite the mbr..... i can just boot off the livecd, mount my / partition, and rerun update-grub, right?04:23
deltthat's the equivalent of (for slackware) symlinking lilo.conf to the ramdisk /etc and running lilo04:23
holsteinits not quite that easy.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair04:23
delthmm, it's pretty easy with lilo + i've been used to it for over 15 years... probably i should just install that :D04:24
holsteinyou are free to do what you like. grub is mostly used, and you *can* do what you are asking04:24
deltor i can just run a kernel with root=/dev/sd?? and rerun update-grub from there (my up-n-running system with a different kernel)?04:26
holsteindelt: you can do what you like.. this guide explains how to recover grub, if you need to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair04:27
holsteindelt: thats the proceedure i use.. either the ppa package or manually04:27
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge04:28
holsteindelt: its referenced in the documenation i linked04:28
deltah, i have not yet read all of it =)04:28
holsteinany of these guides will work http://askubuntu.com/questions/83771/recovering-grub-after-installing-windows-704:29
deltjust wondering, why are fonts in KDE apps huge since my last reboot?04:29
ubottuKubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces.  See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join  #kubuntu - See also !kde04:29
holsteinthats where i would have to go for that.. i tend to try and choose one and stick with it.. making them co-exist can be tricky04:29
deltyeah, i'm just running a few qt/kde apps on xubu04:29
holsteincould be as simple as a qt theme or just some application config04:30
holsteini would start by removing or moving the user .config for the application and go from there04:30
deltanyway, far from being a critical issue (for now)04:30
deltjust from the url, RestoreGrub and Boot-Repair seem to mean the same thing04:32
* delt investigates04:32
deltholstein: if i want to add a kernel to the grub bootup list, am i lookin in the right place ---> /etc/grub.d/04:42
deltwhat's the 'catchall' command that tells me "command" is in this or that package?05:16
deltsay i already have a binary installed, but i want to know what package it was from?05:17
deltok this is getting annoying.... how do i get X to display apps from other hosts over tcp/ip?06:00
=== david__ is now known as Meldon
peroanyone have an idea why my laptop's fans run a lot lounder on xubuntu than debian xfce with just chromium open?07:37
deltNo package 'glib-2.0' found   +   No package 'gthread-2.0' found   ....what packages are missing?07:41
moetunesdelt:  check /etc/X11/xserverrc to see if it is ignoring tcp07:49
moetunesdelt: oops check /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc to see if it is ignoring tcp07:50
deltaha ---> exec /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp "$@"08:11
deltmoetunes: nope.. just restarted the X server, ran "xhost +" ....still "can't open display" :(08:14
HoloIRCUser1I updated kernal to 3.11 and I boot into a blank screen. nomodeset option didn't help. any ideas?08:40
xubuntu728hu guys, i need one answer. There's an encoding error in my songtree view in shimmer-desktop: http://askubuntu.com/questions/399876/weird-characters-in-gmusicbrowser-xubuntu-13-10  - now, this patch seems to do the trick: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gmusicbrowser/+bug/1246474 - but how do i apply it?09:05
xubuntu728sorry, i meant this patch: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gmusicbrowser/1.1.10-209:05
ST66i installed yesterday 13.10 but now in first time firefox don't know what todo with magnet links. what i need todo for opening transmission?09:53
deltdamn...... how do i rewrite the grub MBR??09:54
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delti tried update-grub from a recovery console.... no go09:55
Asus1015pemHi everybody. I've got a problem with the grub menu on my netbook. Someone can help?10:02
elfythey might be able to - try to be a bit more specific about the problem10:03
Asus1015pemI've got a dual boot netbook with Windows7 starter and Xubuntu 12.04. Yesterday I used the recovery partition of Windows and after that in the screen was written:  Error: no such partition grub rescue. What can I do?10:05
bekksAsus1015pem: Define "I used the recovery partition"10:06
elfyAsus1015pem: when you say you used the recovery partition - what do you mean - used it to set the machine back?10:06
elfyif that's the case it probably wiped it10:06
Asus1015pemyes. I wanted to reinstall windows completely10:07
bekksAsus1015pem: So you set back your machine and wiped off Ubuntu.10:08
elfythen that's why you've got an issue with grub not finding a partition - there isn't one for it to find10:08
Asus1015pembut Xubuntu was in another partition. Now Windows doesn't work either. There is only the black screen. Can I try to fix it with Super Grub2 disk. Or I have to reinstall Xubuntu with the USB?10:10
elfyAsus1015pem: if it was on a different DISK it would be there - windows has just set the partitions back to what it wants10:11
bekksAsus1015pem: you wiped off your Ubuntu, along with the bootloader, and grub (residing in the MBR) does not find anything like the menu list anymore.10:11
elfyif you did have seperate disks - then reinstalling grub should find it - but if you don't then it's gone - reinstall it10:11
Asus1015pemYes, are 2 separate disk so it should be there. How can I reinstall grub?10:12
elfybut that's only going to work if they are seperate physical disks and not partitions10:14
Asus1015pemok. I'll try this before reinstall everything10:15
elfyall you really need to do - is boot with a live then check the drives - you'll soon see10:16
Asus1015pemI'm downloading the iso right now.10:17
WubTheCaptainAnyone mind helping with an X/Xfce problem? I have this user which after login gives a black screen, while other users (including guest and root) boot to desktop just fine. I can't seem to locate the error from any logs and not even any .X* or .config file seem to do anything. ThinkPad T500 with Intel + ATI, using free radeon drivers (no fglrx)10:19
TheSheepWubTheCaptain: as far as I remember there was once a falty xfce4 window manager theme that gave this effect10:21
WubTheCaptainIt should be an user account issue, yet it surprises me how there's nothing that I can see to change. One thing I haven't tried yet is recreating that user account10:21
TheSheepWubTheCaptain: try editing .config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfwm4.xml and changing the theme10:22
WubTheCaptainTheSheep: The theme should be fine. I moved .config to .config.old yet it had no effect10:22
WubTheCaptainAfter restart10:22
WubTheCaptainIt's also the default theme10:22
TheSheeppermissions on the home directory then maybe?10:23
WubTheCaptainThey seem correct and assigned to right groups, let me check a bit longer10:24
WubTheCaptainYeah, there's nothing wrong with permissions there.10:25
WubTheCaptainThis really surprises me too because even the new .config folder seems fine10:25
TheSheepdid you try to rename the whole home directory and create a new, empty one with the right permissions and ownership?10:28
WubTheCaptainNot yet, I'll try that10:29
WubTheCaptainSomehow forgot10:29
WubTheCaptainI tried troubleshooting this for long and even updated Xorg since it seemed out of date, just restarted because I forgot to create the new folder before moving to login screen where it froze, logged back into root just in case (and need to create the new home folder) and I was greeted with a Xorg crash message (xserver-xorg-core). Not sure if because of the update.10:33
WubTheCaptainTrying to create the home directory now anyway10:33
WubTheCaptainAnd same issue, I can't change users graphically from the tray menu after logging in to desktop from root10:35
WubTheCaptainI assume X crashes there10:36
WubTheCaptainUsually it would create a new process to new tty (Ctrl + Alt + F8) but now even F7 has nothing but a blinking cursor10:36
WubTheCaptainI can still access the first tty to type commands though10:37
WubTheCaptainWhat's the command equivalent to startx in Xfce/Xubuntu? I believe Ubuntu uses some other ones like nautilus too10:39
WubTheCaptainBecause I've tried startx earlier without results10:39
WubTheCaptainXorg logs have nothing interesting again10:40
WubTheCaptainlightdm logs tell that X server has stopped, process 2267 terminated with signal 610:41
WubTheCaptainAnd it stops after no sessions require it10:41
WubTheCaptainxfce session is still running in background. I have no idea.10:50
WubTheCaptainKilling X pid takes me back to the login screen.10:53
WubTheCaptainI am not quite sure what's going on but I deleted /var/cache/lightdm and it seems to boot now. Weird enough because there's no difference in the files or permissions, so I have absolutely no idea.10:57
WubTheCaptainIt only seems clicking to change users doesn't work too well but it's not used, didn't check if it works better now10:57
WubTheCaptainI renamed ~/.cache from the troublematic user just in case and moved the old home folder back to that name. After login, it just freezes there again and Ctrl + Alt + F7 brings back to black screen after tty change. Shrug, guess I'll make a new folder to fix this permanently.11:04
WubTheCaptainWorks now, still not sure which hidden folder is conflicting in home folder. Thanks TheSheep.11:09
=== Sysi- is now known as Sysi
xubuntu412good afternoon, anybody here that can help me please? im a bit of a linux noob :)13:27
xubuntu412thank you13:27
xubuntu412i have used ubuntu before on my own system, but my son has a slow laptop, do you know what the basic system requirements are for xubuntu?13:28
cfhowlettxubuntu412, not offhand.  should be on the site.13:29
knomexubuntu412, 512MB ram13:29
xubuntu412i did have a look on the site, but i couldnt see it anywhere13:29
cfhowlettxubuntu412, lubuntu is optimized for older / lower specification machines ...13:30
elfyit's there at the bottom xubuntu41213:30
xubuntu412thank you, this laptop only has 258 ram13:31
xubuntu412would lubuntu work on that?13:31
Myrttiit's debatable depending on what you were actually planning to do on it13:32
elfy+1 to that13:33
xubuntu412my son is only young, its just for browsing the net etc, more as a tool to get him used to laptops/pcs13:33
cfhowlettxubuntu412, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu#System_Requirements13:35
cfhowlettxubuntu412, looks like 256 is a reasonable starting number13:35
xubuntu412have any of you ever used lubuntu? is it as user-friendly as ubuntu? as i said i am very much a linux noob :)13:36
cfhowlettxubuntu412, it's user friendly but no Unity (eye-candy) type stuff.  Also, the default apps are different.  Functionality is the same, however.13:37
xubuntu412thank you everyone, i shall go now and instal it, happy new year to you all :)13:38
cfhowlettxubuntu412, happy new year to you and have fun!13:39
elfyxubuntu412: hang on a second13:39
elfyyou say you've got 256Mb ram and that lubuntu page is looking for minimum of 384Mb for the desktop installer13:40
elfyyou might be better with the alternate installer - which is not so pretty to deal with13:40
cfhowlettelfy, good catch ...13:41
elfyit might be installable with low RAM - but if it does run it will be slow13:41
cfhowlettthe wiki specifically cited 256 as "reasonable" performance ....13:42
elfyxubuntu412: you might even be better trying to build up from a minimal - though it's probably the harder of the 3 to install for someone new13:42
xubuntu016hi. i registered today on the QA testing website. Now, my only question is, is it okay if i perform tests with a live usb, instead of installing 14.04?13:42
elfycfhowlett: yep - I was looking at "The default "Desktop" installer requires 384-800 MB of RAM (depending on selected options.)"13:42
elfyxubuntu016: simple answer - you can test packages and the livecd for us - but you won't be able to do any of the actuall install tests - but don't let that stop you doing what you can :)13:43
elfyxubuntu016: if you've other questions though - can you join #ubuntu+1 or #ubuntu-quality or #xubuntu-devel and ping me there - this channel is for support of released versions of Xubuntu - thanks13:44
elfyand I expect you will have questions as the live session is still broken afaik13:46
xubuntu016yes, i meant package testing mostly. thanks elfy, will go testing, and hit you up there if anything goes wrong :)13:46
elfyokey doke13:46
cfhowlettxubuntu016, most people test in a virtualbox13:46
somanCan anyone to help to start xubuntu? The problem is described here http://pastebin.kde.org/poshcyq6p/3sduxm15:39
somanCan anyone to help to start xubuntu? The problem is described here http://pastebin.kde.org/poshcyq6p/3sduxm update-grub didn't helped too.15:40
FoxBJKwhat's in your fstab file, out of curiosity?15:46
elfywhen fsck runs - when you get the "Superblock last mount time is in future" does it not ask you something like "probably due to the hardware clock being incorrectly set) Fix<y>? " and are if it does are you saying yes?15:50
elfyhad similar issue once - pretty sure a forced fsck run sorted it - you can force that to happen by running sudo touch /forcefsck from a terminal and rebooting15:52
elfywhen you say Xubuntu isn't run - do you mean it starts and then fails at the superblock issue?15:52
somanelfy, it doesn't ask anything. i choose xubuntu from grub and see loading messages then i see fsck messages16:16
elfysoman: not sure then - I vaguely remember having the same issue and forcing a fsck run sorted it for me16:24
somanelfy, where should I create file with touch?16:30
somanelfy, home dir?16:30
basiclaserIs there any good free video editing software for linux??16:37
SonikkuAmericabasiclaser: I recommend Kdenlive, but there's also OpenShot16:40
SonikkuAmericaAnd yes, it has KDE in its name, so expect half of KDE in your Xubuntu install :\16:40
knomei used pitivi for simple editing, but it all depends what you need16:41
linuxer1995Hello what about the Xfce Project rid of them do not have enough developers that accumulate the bugs?16:43
knomelinuxer1995, you're making no sense; can you rephrase?16:44
elfysoman: sudo touch /forcefsck from a terminal to force fsck on reboot16:44
elfyI did say that earlier16:44
somanelfy; I will try to rebbot now after this command. My fstab file http://pastebin.kde.org/p9fzxsbc6/fhm0dg16:46
linuxer1995I hope that soon the XFCE version 4.12 comes and xubuntu had it :)16:48
somanelfy, I has unreadable characters in a fsck message and if I hit 'M' I got message 'Filesystem check or mount failed. A maintenance shell will be started' and if I hit 'S' my xubuntu runs well16:51
elfycan't remember offhand what S is for - skip probably16:52
elfyI'd guess you'll need to do it properly - someone will be looking I expect and help you more16:55
VendettaNobody online?17:47
ZiarkaenI'm running 13.10, and want to hibernate my computer.  The menu only gives options to "Shut Down" or "Suspend".  I've had a "Hibernate" option when running Ubuntu 13.04 with xubuntu-desktop installed.18:05
ZiarkaenTesting pm-hibernate now.18:07
=== Guest81077 is now known as ikonia
sideup66hello room, i have a simple question for you folks, im trying to install xubuntu 12.04 on a machine in which you cannot get the keyboard or the mouse to work, therefore, i would like to have the live disc or installation disc automatically start and launch an ssh service that I can then remote into and begin a installtion in18:33
sideup66would anyone know how to make a xubuntu live flash drive or cd that can start automatically and load an ssh server on start?18:34
sideup66more or less, if there is a way to throw ssh into the live disc of ubuntu, I can probably do it from there as itll boot live, then throw the ssh server up18:39
sideup66and I already tried the usual which is a usb keyboard, to no dice, dont ask me whats up with this hardware, but needing it as a bot the keyboard and trackpad wont be necessary18:40
sideup66itll be a coin mining bot for those concerned18:40
=== HaHa is now known as HarHaa
deltjust a question about the compositor... does it use opengl, or is that my cpu doing all the work for transparency etc..?19:33
delt....uh, hello?19:44
deltanyone awake?19:45
Unit193xrandr, iirc.19:45
delthardware accelerated?19:46
Unit193Think 2d.  You can use compton for opengl.19:49
Unit193chris1983: Settings Manager > Additional Drivers  in saucy.20:08
Yotsonwhile trying to connect to a wireless network i'm supposed to provide a .pem file. I've got the file but somehow the pick file dialog doesn't show it. Should it have some particular name?20:08
chris1983hello, can somenone help? i was wandering how i can install the latest nvidia driver on my lenovo w530 which has two graphic chips, a nvidia card and intl20:08
TheSheepchris1983: is the nvidia headless?20:10
chris1983i am not sure, what does headless mean? the nvidia is a quadro 2000m and laptop can switch between the intel and the nvidia card20:12
chris1983i thought this could be the problem and i changed the settings in the bios to use only the nvidia card. but than xubuntu starts to a black screen20:12
chris1983xubuntu does not offer me to install the additional driver for nvidia20:14
chris1983maybe this stems also from the fact that my laptop has to graphic chips?20:14
TheSheepchris1983: if it's the "optimus" architecture, with one normal graphics card, and the other only being for acceleration, then there is the bumblebee project which supports it quite nice20:15
TheSheephttp://bumblebee-project.org/ <-- this is it20:16
TheSheepit has its own ppa20:16
chris1983ok, thx for the hint... i will try this20:17
chris1983yes, it is the optimus architecture20:17
chris1983the additional problem is, that the external monitor will only work when the discrete graphic card is installed corretly20:18
xubuntu985hello all. i'd like to ask that have you ever tried Xubuntu with VirtualBox? i am using windows7 right now.20:26
xubuntu985i tried to install Ubuntu at first but i had problems with it and VirtualBox became frozen20:27
xubuntu985so Xubuntu works with no problem as u referenced20:28
knomeafaik, ubuntu should work with virtualbox as well20:28
xubuntu985i think also it should but with installation there were a problem and VBox frozen. i tried a few times actually20:29
knomedo you have an exact problem you need help with?20:30
xubuntu985for now that was all i need. thank you20:31
xubuntu985see you20:31
xubuntu428what does it mean if your hard drive is making grinding noises when something installs on it?21:28
Unit193Grinding?  This doesn't sound so good.  Have you looked at the smart tools?21:30
rani have a question about boot.log22:09
NyanHello World ! ~22:28
NyanI need a little help on xubuntu 13.10, I would like boot into the tty1 (command line) instead of default login manager, I've tried to into the grub configuration file to change the line « GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" » by « GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash text" » It works ! But I don't have sound (+ Firefox crash ?). Do you've an idea ?22:33
Nyan(I come from ArchLinux to XUbuntu temporarily, it changes the atmosphere. ahah).22:35
Unit193How did you then start the graphical env?22:40
NyanAfter loggin I send « startxfce4 » to start the X11 env22:53
spr-k3737Hi there. Helping a friend install Xubuntu without thumb drive or CD. They are here in the channel, nick is Aspel. unetbootin to put liveCD on top of windows, installing to separate partition. Encountered this error: http://i.imgur.com/5aHyQWO.png23:03
AspelHey, I was right about which one you were.23:03
bpeakhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/360806/volume-indicator-issue-after-xubuntu-13-10-upgrade "Until the update is promoted to saucy-updates, it can be obtained from saucy-proposedby carrying out SRU Verification." → What does this mean? I don't understand what I'm supposed to do23:13
holsteinspr-k3737, Aspel what are you using? if not a cd or USB?23:14
holsteinAspel: for what? a USB stick?23:15
Aspeler, no, just used it and then rebooted and selected boot from there.23:15
AspelJust on the computer or whatever.23:15
holsteinAspel: ok.. you are using unetbootin.. on what?23:16
holsteinAspel: you only have one hard drive?23:16
AspelAlso, everything is currently frozen. Go Back or Continue neither work or do anything.23:16
AspelI have only one hard drive, and I'm trying to put it on a different partition.23:16
holsteinAspel: sure.. you are likely selecting the installation source from the same destination23:17
holsteinAspel: that is not what unetbootin is intended to do23:17
holsteinAspel: i would *much* prefer just taking it to a machine that can boot USB, and just install to the hard drive there23:17
holsteinbpeak: this page may outline a fix better for you https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound-gtk2/+bug/120820423:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 1208204 in Ubuntu Studio "[SRU]Update indicator-sound-gtk2 with patch" [Undecided,New]23:18
holsteinAspel: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/01/debootstrap-minimal-debian-ubuntu-installation/ is where i would look23:18
spr-k3737holstein we did the frugal install using unetbootin onto the existing windows installation23:19
spr-k3737And booted into that23:19
holsteinspr-k3737: unetbootin doesnt say that it supports installing to and from only one drive.. bootsrap does23:19
holsteinotherwise, you might get more help about it upstream in a general linux channel, or the main #ubuntu channel23:20
spr-k3737holstein, we are not putting the final installation onto the drive we unetbootined onto23:21
spr-k3737*onto the partition23:21
holsteinspr-k3737: so, there is more than one drive? or no?23:21
holsteinif you have more than one drive, setup unetbootin on one as it requires, and use it to boot an installation environment onto the other drive23:22
spr-k3737holstein, there is one drive, now succesfully partitioned. According to this page,  it should work:http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/unetbootin/wiki/installmodes23:23
holsteinspr-k3737: is that the official unetbootin documentation?23:23
holsteinspr-k3737: AFAIK, its not stated to work or support that, or trying to support that.. and im still not sure about how many drives you have23:23
holsteinif they (unetbootin) support it, and its not working, try the support for unetbootin23:24
AspelI have one physical drive that is separated into two partitions, C: and E:23:24
holsteinif i had one drive, i would use bootstrap.. or find a work around23:24
holsteini would take it to another machine and install and bring the drive back23:25
spr-k3737unetbootin has finished, it is the xubuntu installer that seems to be having an issue now. Another machine is not an option. I'm not familiar with bootstrap?23:25
AspelWhy would putting this hard drive into another machine change anything?23:26
holsteinspr-k3737: there are always other options.. netboot, etc23:26
AspelThis is a laptop, by the way. Those generally don't hold more than one hard drive at a time.23:26
Nyanbpeak: http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/29645120140105002540.png23:26
bpeakWhen you enable saucy-proposed, will you automatically get all the proposed changes, or you have to explicitly isntall a package to get the latest proposed changes?23:26
holsteinAspel: if you install on another machine, that has usb or cd boot, and install.. then return the drive to the machine its in23:26
spr-k3737It;s not that it doesn't support USB boot, or CD boot, we don't have a USB or CD23:26
holsteinAspel: i never implied your machine needed to hold more than one drive23:26
holsteinspr-k3737: then, you are doing it "the hard way".. the way to do that is bootstrap23:27
bpeakI enabled saucy-proposed and updated indicator-sound-gtk2, which fixed the problem, but I'm afraid I'll get all saucy-proposed updates and break something23:27
holsteinspr-k3737: i have never heard of anyone getting unetbootin to do it.. though, they may have support somewhere23:27
AspelNo, but if I put the drive in another computer, that laptop would also only hold one hard drive.23:27
holsteinAspel: i was assuming the machine didnt boot usb or cd23:27
AspelNo, I just don't have one.23:28
holsteinAspel: they are quite resonably priced, and handy for other applications23:28
AspelI'm familiar with USBs.23:28
AspelI'm also familiar with CDs. Knowing how reasonably priced or handy something is doesn't mean that I have a spare on me, though.23:29
holsteini would rather take a fork in the eye than do an install to and from only one drive over going and getting a USB stick.. but, im around a bunch of usb sticks23:29
holsteinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux might help, and mentions unetbootin Aspel , spr-k373723:32
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD23:33
holstein^^ those should pass as "alternate iso's23:33
peroanyone sometimes have their sound inexplicably muted? i can't find the setting where its muted for the life of me23:36

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