[00:56] join #apache === _monokrome is now known as monokrome [01:59] hey guys was wondering if someone could help me troubleshoot why i can't connect to my apache server outside my local network [01:59] apache listening on all ports and port forwarding active.... ip address typed in correctly [02:15] spinez, routing [02:22] could you be more specific? [03:35] i recently had to move my hdd from one computer to another. everything has gone fine so far it seems except for accessing my server through the ddns while on the local network. i have a dd-wrt on my router and i know it supports NAT loopback because it did before. would swaping the hdd like this casue the problem? i think not, just looking for some insight/what to look for. thanks. [03:36] guess you could try to setup dnsmasq on the services tab [03:36] address=/www.domain.com/ [03:38] spinez: ok, looking at the services tab i dont see dnsmasq straight away [03:38] but i can google it [03:43] on mine, its right under the static leases section [03:52] spinez: would i need to set this up just because of the hdd swap? i know its not ideal, and is only temporary, as of right now its unusable anyway [03:53] i dont want to bother if a fresh install will set it all right [03:54] is that hdd the one running all your services? i cant imagine putting a hdd in a different pc would cause that unless that hdd was the server [03:56] spinez: it is. deal is its an old IDE and the new machine is SATA. so i was going to try and get it going off of usb boot. all went well, except the networking. [03:56] it's cause it has a new network controller, the mac address changed [03:57] guess you didn't setup a static ip [03:57] well, i would imagine you need to update your settings for the new IP [03:57] i do indeed have a static ip [03:57] who does? the *server* or dd-wrt [03:58] what is in /etc/network/interfaces [03:58] the services work if i use the local ip the [03:58] and that local ip is the same ip as in dd-wrt for forwarding? [03:58] the server has a local ip, i set it in the interfaces forever ago [03:58] yes, port forwarding has the right ip and ports [03:59] when you do, ifconfig [03:59] the interface eth0 is the same [03:59] it shows the same ip as in interfaces file? [03:59] yes [03:59] normally it changes [03:59] 134 [03:59] but you're trying to access them via a domain name? [03:59] yes, dlindkddns.com [04:00] myname.dlinkddns.com:port used to take me where i wanted [04:00] does that match your external ip ? [04:00] yes [04:00] well, i do similar but i just use masqdns for the domain i want [04:01] point dnsmasq to the domain name and local ip of the server [04:01] so the router will just use its host file for that domain giving you the local address instead of querying dns servers for it [04:01] works perfect for me [04:01] dnsmasq is on dd-wrt, easy to add the options [04:02] thats what i mean.... dnsmasq ;) [04:02] cool. i will do that. thanks for the help guys. [04:03] now i need to figure out why my router is showing a different external ip than what showmyip websites are telling me [04:03] due to *double-nat* :) [04:03] yea well im not sure it is double nat'd [04:04] or your isp implemented a new web cache accelerator/intercepter :) [04:04] could be... but im in china and i doubt china telecom would be doing that haha [04:04] china? no wonder [04:04] it was working up until a couple months ago... gonna try clearing nvram on router and setting it back up [04:05] both ips that i see are routeable [04:29] i see spinez has left. i still cant seem to get in with dnsmasq. web browser timesout almost immediatly === Rallias is now known as Gasseus === freeflying is now known as freeflying_away === freeflying_away is now known as freeflying [12:28] Hello, I made a mistake which lead me to reinstall Ubuntu Server. I have a RAID5 array created with mdadm and I now wish to re-assemble it. From what I understand I should be able to by using "sudo mdadm --assemble --scan", but is there any way to do so without the rebuild as I know the RAID is intact and fully functional? [12:30] Plizzo: cat /proc/mdstat [12:31] Bekks, I haven't run the command to assemble yet, so there is no mdstat to be seen [12:31] bekks: But If I run the command, won't that initiate a rebuild? [12:32] It will assembe the raid, not setting up up from scratch. [12:32] bekks: So I should be able to use it directly if everything is well? [12:32] Of course. [12:33] bekks: Great, it worked, thank you! :) [12:48] Which is the best way to install rtorrent on Ubuntu Server? Does the one in aptitude contain xml-rpc or do I need to configure and compile it myself? [12:53] Plizzo: apt-get install rtorrent [12:54] bekks: And If I configure RPC with RuTorrent, Avalanche etc it should work properly ootb? [12:59] what settings to change maybe in /etc/apt ? for Update Manager not to popup and download only twice weekly announcing only LTS releases then install the updates, I am trying to deploy automation via chef to multiplie fresh ubuntu installations [13:05] i own blablabla.com, is possible to redirect lan.blablabla.com to my home server that has a dynamic ip but a ddns that always point to updated ip [13:05] on my ow server i have a dns server also [13:06] Plizzo: I never used RPC, RuTorrent, Avalanche. [13:13] Plizzo: transmission-daemon is what all the kool kids use these days. it even has a web interface [13:18] hitsujiTMO: The only downside is that transmission is not based on libtorrent and doesn't give the same speeds as rtorrent does. === freeflying is now known as freeflying_away === Gasseus is now known as Rallias [15:26] Hello i am haveing problems with my pdc on ubuntu server i cant connect to can anyone help me plz [15:27] Win xp says invalid dommain [15:28] what is a pdc? [15:29] Primary domain controller [15:29] those died out with windows 2000 [15:29] Ok :D [15:29] But i am using samba 4 to have my dc [15:30] What do u say that i should use then ? [15:30] dunno [15:30] I normally stick to windows for windows things [15:30] and I have yet to use samba4 [15:30] Win server is expensive [15:31] thought it was like $600 [15:31] but doesn't really matter [15:31] Yea i dont have $600 lying around [15:31] Lol [15:53] Good day! Tell me please, which squid log analizers can save page title? [15:57] How can i test my domain [15:58] arc__, what you wanting to test? [15:59] if i can logon to my domain [16:00] arc__, well try: ssh @ and see if you ccan get it. === robbyf_ is now known as RobbyF [16:00] Kk will try that [16:03] Damm did not work nodename not know [16:04] arc__, try using the IP address .. what is you domain name ? [16:05] x98sever [16:06] arc__, Is this an internet hosted site, or a local server you have setup ? [16:06] Sorry its local server [16:07] not online [16:08] arc__, Ok. first can you ping the IP address of the server [16:08] yes i can [16:09] arc__, and did you install openssh-server [16:09] Yes [16:09] arc__, and Apache2 I assume ? [16:10] Most likely [16:10] arc__, to connect via ssh: ssh user@ipaddress .. to test Apache2: http://IPADDRESS [16:10] Kk [16:11] But how will that check my domain [16:11] ? [16:11] http://ipaddress [16:12] But this is a samba4 domain [16:12] You dont have DNS setup Im sure, so FQDN not going to render [16:12] ok whats fqdn [16:13] arc__, you ahve to use IP addy's unless you use DNS and nameservers [16:13] Fully Qualified Domain Name .. which a local server install is not going to have. [16:15] arc__: or you can add entries to your /etc/hosts for testing [16:18] Thats only going to render if he's on the local host though. === G4MBY2 is now known as PaulW2U === PaulW2U is now known as Guest70302 === Guest70302 is now known as PaulW2U [17:15] How can I set specific path for log file of OpenVPN? default logging of OpenVPN stored in syslog === JanC_ is now known as JanC === ejv_ is now known as ejv === DavidDuffey is now known as dduffey === balloons_ is now known as balloons === io is now known as IdleOne === JanC_ is now known as Guest69838 === _KaszpiR__ is now known as _KaszpiR_ === G4MBY2 is now known as PaulW2U === SoulOfTheInterne is now known as ToBeFree === rmk` is now known as rmk === JanC__ is now known as JanC === yofel_ is now known as yofel === machina is now known as etzsch === matanya_ is now known as matanya === JanC__ is now known as JanC === pHcF_ is now known as pHcF [23:19] How does grub find the UUID it uses? I'm moving / (root) on my server from my RAID1 to an SSD, and I ofc want grub to do the right thing. But I never see the UUID mentioned anywhere. [23:26] hi noob question here - if i add a command to the crontab to run every minute & the task takes longer than a minute, what happens? it just runs the next task asap, or does fire up another instance? [23:28] odinho: as in you don't see: sudo blkid [23:28] ? [23:30] hitsujiTMO: I found out I could override whatever it found by itself by using GRUB_DEVICE_UUID= in /etc/default/grub :) [23:31] hitsujiTMO: I guess what happens is that it looks at "what is the uuid of the current / mount right now?" and use that. [23:31] hitsujiTMO: And obviously that won't work when I want to change where the root mount should be. [23:32] raggy: Another instance. There's several locking ways to deal with that problems. serverfault has quite a few. [23:32] odinho: yes i believe it generates from /etc/mtab [23:38] odinho: thanks, i'll have a look. any you'd recommend? [23:55] raggy: I have normally just done it in the program itself, so that I am also locked out (or the cron is, if I did it manually). -- However, for other stuff, I'd use run-one.