[00:42] good evening... [00:43] i just flashed ubuntu-image on my nexus 4......may i add google contacts? [00:46] kedivess, http://askubuntu.com/questions/360554/how-do-i-sync-google-contacts [00:48] thanks for the answer....i did....but i had thi s error "First ERROR encountered: GLib-GObject: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed" [00:49] I have no idea past the link is all. I just searched with ubuntu touch add google contacts [00:49] google that is [00:50] should i need to flash a cdimage??? maybe because the system-image is read-only?? [01:25] kedivess, Yes I believe it is a read only unless you do some voodoo I never got to myself in trying it out. The answer to that should be in the touch info at the thread top or on the web. === vying is now known as Guest32751 === NothingMuchHereT is now known as Nothing_Much [02:44] I'd like to use WiFi dongle with the RT5370 chip in ubuntu touch... It seems I need to build and install the driver from source provided by the manufacturer. The make files don't work out of the box... mainly because it expects /lib/modules is WR... but it's not. [02:45] I'm new... any advice about the right way to compile drivers from source in ubuntu touch? [03:29] heathbar: You'd need to (at least) switch the rootfs to read/write mode; there are instructions somewhere for that, I think on the main page. [03:29] heathbar: You may also run into the fact that, to my knowledge, we don't use the Ubuntu kernel on the device; we use Android's. [03:34] Thanks for the tips... I already turned off the read-only mode of the root fs (touch /userdata/.writeable_image) and installed a lot of packages, gcc, linux headers... I saw some posts that said that /lib/modules is read-only because it is a squashfs compressed filesystem... [03:37] Hum... Regarding the android vs ubuntu kernel question... I got the impression that the old system was android kernel running ubuntu in a container (unflipped)... but that the new system is the ubuntu kernel running some android bits in a container (flipped)... Can any experts clarify my understanding? === shuduo|afk is now known as shuduo [05:47] Hello, I hope someone can help me with this: i got LG Optimus L9 P769 can i run ubuntu for android on it? === h[a]kr is now known as hakr === Kyle is now known as Guest51501 === JamesTait is now known as Guest84209 === h[a]kr is now known as hakr [08:48] bzoltan, or anyone from the SDK team, what's the current status re sensors & QML [08:48] I am trying to access the accelerometer but don't get anything useful out of it [08:50] bzoltan, is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/SdkFeatureStatus up to date? === dadel_vac is now known as dadel === Guest84209 is now known as JamesTait [09:36] Hey, I flashed Ubuntu Touch on my old Nexus 7 but it seems as if this is not the last version of it. I used a flashable zip with CWM. Can someone please tell me where I could find an up to date version? [09:37] by using the official installation process :) [09:37] (see the topic of this channel [09:37] ) [09:40] Oh, :( okay [09:40] is there some place in the preview os where I can look up the exact build version? [09:41] adb shell system-image-cli -i [09:42] o/ [09:42] okay. I will try that. Thanks for the immediate support! [09:42] HNY :) [09:42] asac, o/ [09:45] inoX, in the system-settings app ... "About this device" [09:46] hi tvoss !! [09:46] asac, hny :) [09:47] uhm, currently my device is low on battery anyways. Its always a pain with the old nexus 7. [09:48] It always feels totally bricked then ^^ [09:48] yeah [09:49] nexus4 can behave worse though (to a point where you have to take it apart and remove the battery lead) [09:51] I am glad, that i never had to do this with my device.. [09:52] The nexus 7 is sealed :S [09:52] popey, do you still read ubuntu-users ? [09:52] ogra_: nope [09:52] k [09:52] should I? [09:53] nah i was just wondering ... (there is a discussion about filemanagers and i brought up that when unity8 takes over the desktop we might likely use the qml filemanager in it, just wamnted to know if i talk rubbish here ) [09:54] certainly plausible right now.. who knows in 6 months ☻ [09:54] yeah [09:54] * ogra_ wouldnt mind to see a nautilus replacement ... [09:55] especially since QML feels so much easier to extend === h[a]kr is now known as hakr [09:59] asac, we still use swap on the images, we should start making a plan what to test when we disable it (and then drop it), before it is to late in the cycle to catch possible issues without it [09:59] rsalveti, ^^^ [10:00] ogra_, the day the new file manager has enough features for a desktop usage we can surely discuss it, would be nice to have a consistent toolkit use through our apps for sure [10:01] ogra_: ack [10:01] seb128, yeah ... and not to be dependent to upstream feature removals too [10:01] ogra_, but file-manager is not a trivial app, especially when you start handling remote locations [10:01] yep [10:01] ogra_: not sure how to do it besides just dropping it and doing some extensive testing with dmorley. but guess we should talk with rsalveti about what impact we expect so we can test that in a focussed manner [10:02] davmor2, hey, you are dmorley now :) [10:03] seb128, well, i think if we want to have the necessary features by 14.10, it is probably the time to start collecting feature requests so the teams can focus on them in the 14.10 cycle [10:03] ogra_, sounds good === john-mca` is now known as john-mcaleely === schmidtm_ is now known as schmidtm [11:01] Morning all === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [11:13] ogra_: welcome back :) [11:13] you too [11:13] and happy new year ! [11:14] ogra_: indeed back atcha :) [11:43] ogra_: yeah, it's basically dropping it, testing and checking the impact, specially on maguro [11:44] but true, we should drop it (or try to drop it), asap [11:44] yeah [11:44] rsalveti, ogra_: what are you dropping on maguro? [11:44] my worry is that you will likely only see impact after a while of usage and with a few more apps open over time [11:44] nobody really tests that [11:45] davmor2: swap [11:45] davmor2, dropping swap all over the place ... maguro has the lowest ram so will show issues first [11:45] ogra_: meh [11:47] rsalveti, ogra_: was your new years revolution to make my phone as unusable as possible ;) [11:47] olli_: I have never edited that page. dpm can tell [11:47] davmor2: but we want to drop it to have a better performance (once we fix all the mem related issues) [11:49] rsalveti, ogra_: in that case let me know which image it lands in and I'll keep an eye on things that die [11:49] ++ [11:57] Hi everyone i have registered https://bugs.launchpad.net/telephony-service/+bug/1266275 as i am unable to connect to my 3g on my mobile provider (works fine on other phones). I do not know what is wrong with it. I think my apn is not set properly but do not know where the config files are. [11:57] Ubuntu bug 1266275 in telephony-service "impossible to connect to 3g network" [Undecided,New] [11:58] lads, does someone knows a good tutorial to install it on a Galaxy SII? [11:58] crupie, did you check the devices wikipage ? [11:58] !devices [11:58] You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices [11:59] Ive checked the official one and does not involves Galaxy SII so far [11:59] (it should link to xda threads for the different devices) [11:59] I've tried a few rooms that Ive looked up on google but made the phone amazingly slow [12:01] well, contact the maintainer (his launchpad profile should be linked from the devices page too) ... there isnt an official port (official ones are only nexus devices) [12:02] I see, thank you [12:02] have you been using it? [12:03] actually i have ... but i havent touched my S2 in 6 months now ... so i dont know how the status is [12:03] (and back then it only supported the demo images which are just using pretty pictures instead of apps) [12:05] I hope it will be working great in the new phones that are powerful then S2 === _salem is now known as salem_ [12:10] ti would work on S2 too if someone put more time into getting the latest stuff to work i guess === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk === effbiai_ is now known as effbiai === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader [12:32] hey all, good morning ... 2014 already! maybe it's time for me to take Jaunty off of this computer? [12:32] lol [12:33] depends in favour of what :) [12:33] karmic, I suppose [12:33] heh ... replacing EOL with newer EOL ? [12:35] ogra_, how was your break? fwiw, my phone worked like a champ during the holiday [12:35] awesome, mine too ! [12:35] my break was great, i finally got to write and install that home automation system to control all heatings in the house :) [12:36] * ogra_ will bolog about that soon ... it has a touch app to control each room etc) [12:36] ogra_, nice! [12:36] ogra_, rickspencer3: mine didn't, mtp not working, bluetooth connect but the headset doesn't work, randomly stopping due to the FB dropping a frame and apparent maguro is really slow I find out :) [12:36] ogra_, please do blog that, I've been interested in doing something like that [12:37] davmor2, weird [12:37] everything always breaks for folks in QA I guess [12:37] davmor2, heh, i only used my N4 :) maguro is for testing ... [12:37] BT is an old bug though [12:38] N4 ftw! [12:38] rickspencer3: Maguro rather than n4 [12:38] ++ [12:38] the maguro is really slower [12:38] yup [12:38] and i still find it sad that we might drop it before this gets solved [12:38] ogra_: no the bt issue got fixed however it exposed and even older issue [12:38] and crash report generation really kills user xp sometimes [12:38] totally [12:39] there is an apport bug open for this though [12:39] speaking of perf issues impacting UX, how is libclick coming along, anyone know? [12:41] cjwatson might i guess [12:43] not started yet [12:43] planning on it in the next month or two, either that or our upcoming new hire :) [12:43] didn't get to it in December because ppc64el [12:43] new hire ! [12:43] awesome [12:45] * rickspencer3 nods [12:45] also, hi cjwatson happy new year ;) [12:45] hny indeed :) [12:47] cjwatson: when you say hire like that I simply hear minion ;) [12:51] davmor2: that hire is closer to a mini-overlord, than a minion =) [12:52] xnox: haha === alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch [13:21] hi all [13:23] how can I add all of my contacts from cvs to contacts? the way, what I found in some webpage (here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes#Contacts) isn't works anymore (14.10 build 79) === alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g [13:56] happy new year :) [13:56] same to you [13:57] mhall119: hey, what is the correct to channel to ask a question about how to do something in qml? [13:57] ogra_: thanks! :) [13:57] jdstrand, #ubuntu-app-devel [13:57] cool === alex_abreu is now known as alex-abreu [14:03] hmm, lp:autopilot seems to be out of date? [14:07] cwayne, probably on auto-vacation tim end of the week ;) [14:08] (and happy new year) [14:08] s/tim/til/ [14:08] ogra_, happy new year :) [14:10] I have investigated more and it seems that my apn is not set. Even when i modified mobile-provider-info did i do something wrong? g_ril_request_setup_data_call: invalid apn length: 0 [14:10] Jan 6 08:13:54 ubuntu-phablet ofonod[1861]: Couldn't build SETUP_DATA_CALL request. [14:10] taiebot, what device ? [14:10] nexus 4 [14:11] weird, works fine here [14:11] i think it might be related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ofono/+bug/1222106 [14:11] Ubuntu bug 1222106 in ofono (Ubuntu) "ofono is picking the wrong APN settings" [Undecided,Fix released] [14:11] i thought that was solved long ago === dandrader is now known as dandrader|lunch [14:12] i have a cheap mobile provider (vectone) and is not present on that list or now UT is using something else? [14:13] you would have to wait for awe to answer that [14:14] taiebot, do you have the full info for your APN? [14:15] well on their website they only give the instructions for android and ios and you just need to set webuk.mundio.com in the apn settings [14:18] learned on ofono this morning trying things out (did not find any doc) but i do not know where they read the apn for other providers. I do think its /usr/share/mobile-provider-info but i could be wrong === sidnei` is now known as sidnei [14:39] Wellark: got a minute for a HUD question? [14:42] mhall119, national holiday in finland [14:43] taiebot, that's correct [14:44] what? we just had 2 weeks of holiday [14:45] taiebot, https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/NetworkManager/MobileBroadband/ServiceProviders [14:49] mhall119: some of us had more :P [14:50] heh, 2 weeks ... pfft [14:51] mhall119: some of us even have some days left from last year that they need to take :) [14:51] ++ [14:54] sergiusens: thanks glad i had it correct. But still does not work maybe there is some parameters that i am missing our i have rw problems. [14:57] hii eveerybody [14:57] i have a question === nexus is now known as Guest61953 [14:57] can anybody help me? [14:58] bfiller: ping about infographics API, is that something we can promote for app developers to use? [14:58] Guest61953, how would we know ? [14:59] firstly i have nexus 4 [14:59] i m using multirom app [14:59] and i have miui and ubuntu touch [15:00] mhall119: not sure, need to check into that [15:00] i have a problem with ubuntu cant connect internet which is protected like a individual password, [15:01] when i boot with miui it can connect [15:01] but when i try ubuntu it cant [15:01] on the other hand ubuntu can connect other wifi [15:02] i need ideas [15:03] bfiller: if you could and get back to me, nik90 has written a tutorial for it that I'd like to publish to developer.ubuntu.com [15:03] Guest61953: Did it happen on your first connection to this wifi? [15:04] i can explain like that; [15:04] i m connected now but on my friend phone [15:04] on tethering [15:04] it works fine [15:05] Guest61953, i think there were wlan bugs in multirom, ask Tassadar_ about it (it is nothing we support officially, but he is the maintainer) [15:05] but when i connect to wifi which is protected like individual password, it is open wifi but u have to connect ur identify [15:05] i cant connect [15:06] if he can see the wifi-networks (i.e. the radio is working) then it should be all fine [15:06] nick Tassadar === Tassadar_ is now known as Tassadar [15:07] yeah there is no problem with radio [15:07] i m sure [15:07] Guest61953: Are you sure you typed the password for the wifi in correctly? [15:08] maybe problem is in this point, but it is open wifi [15:09] when u connect wifi in miui, phone asking ur username and password [15:09] but in ubuntu it doesnt === dk is now known as Guest65702 [15:10] you cant enter to wifi interface to enter ur username and password [15:10] username and password ? [15:11] imagine that; [15:11] * ogra_ has never seen any wifi using something like that ... [15:11] you are connecting open wifi [15:11] but you have a account [15:11] isn't it page in web browser that asks you for username/password? [15:11] to surf on internet [15:11] Have you open the webbrowser app? [15:11] yeah i have [15:12] oh, some web proxy thingie that asks for user/pass [15:12] Does it flash an error or a blank sreen? [15:12] it is giving "network error" [15:13] Guest61953: jsut go open some other page in the browser, like www.google.com or something [15:13] probably www.ubuntu.com isn't in the captive portal's poor understanding of the webs [15:13] i tried to open new page same here [15:14] ogra_: so it's a connection like you would get at a pub I guess, open network but you sign up for an account and then you get a user and password to connect in future [15:14] davmor2, yeah, got that now [15:14] yeah ogra_ [15:14] Guest61953: but have you entered a URL? [15:14] sounded like some piece f the wlan settings as he described it [15:14] but thats totally unrelated [15:15] just a blocking proxy that doesnt seem to understand our browser [15:15] i have a account but it didnt ask to me [15:15] Guest61953: in the browser, when you click new page, have you entered a different address or have you just let it load? [15:16] yeah when i was connecting in other place it connected to google [15:16] but i tried now it doesnt [15:16] ogra_: davmor2: is there a way to change the default page? [15:16] cyphermox, i fear not without hacking the QMl [15:17] yuck [15:17] i think it is hardcoded atm [15:18] which one is u suggest saucy or trusty* [15:18] ? [15:18] Guest61953: so, what you might be able to do is restart your phone, then instead of clicking on the browser when you are connected, click on GMail. Some captive portals aren't very friendly and just give you one or two attempts to load up some known page to get to sign up [15:18] I had a login issue on wifi a while back, ssl certs weren't valid and there wan't a way to override that [15:19] who works on bluetooth? [15:19] cwayne: I do, usually\ [15:19] cwayne: don't look at cyphermox honest nothing to do with him [15:19] lol thanks davmor2 [15:20] cwayne, charles_ doe the UI side of things iirc [15:20] *does [15:20] cyphermox, do we just hardcode the device name as ubuntu-phablet-0? [15:21] no, it should be in /etc/bluetooth/main.conf, IIRC [15:21] cwayne: that's the way it seems to work on the desktop [15:21] cyphermox: ^ [15:22] no, even gnome-blouetooth should honor what bluez says [15:23] everybody thanks [15:23] i solve problem [15:23] Guest61953: how so? [15:24] it is so simple, dont be angry to me :) firstly i change to miui and i connect wifi interface and disconnect to connection [15:24] boot ubuntu touch and it show me automaticly to username page [15:25] :) [15:25] thanks to everybody [15:25] can i ask a little question too? [15:27] Guest61953: typically on irc one address the group like so: "Hello! I am trying to do this and that, using this and that, my problem is thus, and i get this error. Full error messages at http://paste.ubuntu.com . Please help" [15:27] Guest61953: eventually somebody will read your message and rely =) [15:28] Guest61953: so just ask away, on any channel/project ! ;-) [15:28] which one is your prefer saucy or trausy version of ubuntu touch? [15:28] trusty ... saucy was still very young when it was released. trusty is far more featureful (and i would also say more stable) [15:28] Guest61953: trusty is the current in-development and in-testing version, with many updates and features. saucy is declared stable at this point and does not receive any feature updates. [15:29] everybody says saucy is stable but i think that not smooth on nexus 4 [15:29] Guest61953: if you want something that _will not change ever_ choose saucy, if you want to get new apps, functionality, fixes, etc. [15:30] i want to know about hardware issue [15:30] is it damage to device? [15:30] Guest61953: well "stable" as in the updates-channel called "stable" currently is an alias to "saucy" =) it was planned to change "stable" alias to "trusty" before christmas. [15:30] maybe a noop question sorry :) === charles_ is now known as charles [15:31] Guest61953: there are no known hardware issues per-se with nexus devices, most of the bugs seen are actually software bugs (at times from very hard kernel bugs, at times high level programming mistakes in Qml/Css/html) [15:32] hi all. is there an easy way to diff two branches in bzr? [15:32] i will go on with trusty [15:32] everybody thank you really thanks [15:34] maybe kenvandine knows how to help me? ;) [15:35] kaimast, "bzr missing" perhaps [15:36] orga_ i found that too. it only shows a list of commits. i would like to see a diff file by file. [15:36] guess i can extract that from bzr missing somehow though [15:39] mardy, are you still on vacations? [15:43] seb128, can you re review this? https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-system-settings/click-updates/+merge/195729 [15:43] okay don't need help anymore found the problem. thanks anyways [15:47] gatox, it's on my list, but I'm just back from holidays today and I'm catching up on backlog/email/etc first, then tackling the queue [15:47] seb128, ack [15:53] Kaleo: were you working on an API to detect the presence of a keyboard or mouse? Something we can use for conditional layouts === dandrader|lunch is now known as dandrader [16:15] Hello? [16:16] Trying to get some information on installing Ubuntu on a mobile device. === he1kki_ is now known as he1kki === sarnold_ is now known as sarnold [16:37] sergiusens: does the Android dual-boot app support trusty-proposed for a channel? only option it gave me was trusty [16:37] bfiller, it does, there's like a popup selection [16:37] bfiller, I have no idea on the dual boot app [16:38] bfiller, I dont think it supports updating at all yet [16:38] cwayne: only thing that showed up was trusyt [16:38] for reference, ondra's the guy to ask about dualboot stuff bfiller [16:38] bfiller, that app is not coming from distro .... [16:38] ogra_, it's coming from us, from ondra specifically [16:38] yep [16:39] cwayne: yup, it works awesome. i love it. was just wondering how I can get it to install from trusty-proposed as I didn't see it in the list [16:39] * ogra_ just meant to say that distro people dont know much about it [16:40] bfiller, i'll look into it, i know i''ve done it before === gatox is now known as gatox_lunch [16:45] cjwatson, do you know what package creates the symlink from /etc/timezone to /etc/writable/timezone? (i seem to remember you being involved here, apologies if i'm asking the wrong guy) [16:46] cwayne, i think it is either lxc-android-config or the initramfs stuff [16:46] ogra_, ah, thanks, ill take a look [16:47] ogra_, the reason is, we'd need /etc/machine-info writable to get the bluetooth name setup easily, and i'm unsure if i should just make it writable, or link it to /etc/writable [16:47] any thoughts there? === alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk [16:47] new app dev video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Hhtd2JUBZo&feature=youtu.be [16:48] cwayne, sounds sane to do it the same way as /etc/timezone ... but stgraber might better see any possible issues with that [16:49] cwayne: wrong guy :) [16:49] cwayne: (I was involved in drive-by review of the approach but not in the implementation) [16:50] ah, apologies then :) [16:50] cwayne: I can tell you now though, making a single file writable is probably a bad idea since it precludes any correct atomic handling of that file, so probably better to link to /etc/writable/ === Guest51501 is now known as Kyle [16:54] cwayne: what cjwatson said [16:55] stgraber, ACK. i can't seem to find where the link is created though [16:55] ogra_: hey, since you're around, did you see the initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch FTBFS? I tried to workaround it but without much success (well, I replaced an update-initramfs failure by a segfault, not sure what's best) [16:55] i faintly remember seeing you talk about it ... [16:55] like ... last year ... [16:55] :) [16:57] ogra_: the only thing I changed was scripts/touch to add trim support so I know I didn't cause the failure, but the massive amount of changes to fakeroot/fakechroot probably did... do you have some cycles to put into getting that thing to build again? (as I'm not very familiar with how you did the packaging for that stuff) [16:58] well, my original packaging was re-written in parts by cjwatson ... i'm trying to take a look atm [16:58] ok, thanks [16:59] did you try to just give it back already ? [16:59] 0.65 should probably be reverted, it was an attempt at working around the fakeroot/fakechroot change by installing fakeroot and fakechroot into the chroot. I was hoping that'd fix the problem temporarily but it only caused a segfault instead (and is technically the wrong solution anyway as it'd bloat our initrd) [16:59] ah, it seems the symlinks are made in livecd-rootfs [16:59] yeah, I tried the build 2-3 times, the segfault isn't racy... [16:59] :( === marcoceppi_ is now known as marcoceppi [17:11] ugh [17:12] fakechroot had a giant changeset [17:12] (or rather a giant set of bugs it closed) === alan_g|afk is now known as alan_g [17:17] stgraber, hmm, there was a new fakechroot synced on dec. 25th ... let me try to give it back again to see if that potentially solves it [17:18] * ogra_ hits retry [17:27] err [17:27] https://launchpadlibrarian.net/161729647/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-armhf.initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch_0.65_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz [17:27] WHAT ?!?! [17:28] stgraber, so the segfault seems gone with the latest fakechroot ... but it tries to copy_exec libfakeroot into the initrd now o_O [17:30] ogra_: yeah, that's the behaviour I first had with 0.64 which I tried to workaround with 0.65 by having fakeroot/fakechroot present in the chroot but apparently even that didn't work [17:30] well, something seems to install an initramfs hook that calls this [17:30] trying a local bbuild now === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk [17:41] hmm === gatox_lunch is now known as gatox [17:41] stgraber, so it seems fakechroot uses LD_PRELOAD now ... that would explain why everything during initramfs-tools build wants to pull it in [17:42] ogra_: yeah, I suspected the ldd output to be the problem there... not sure what the right fix is though [17:42] unsetting LD_PRELOAD before running update-initramfs i guess [17:43] everything will fail if you do that (or should anyway) [17:43] as without LD_PRELOAD you won't be in the fake chroot and won't have fake root privileges [17:44] sigh ... so we need to exclude it from copy_exec i guess [17:44] thats messy [17:47] yeah... I guess that'd involve patching update-initramfs' ldd handler to filter out libfake* [17:49] i cant even get ait to build locally atm ... hmpf === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader === alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD [18:10] lets see if replacing one gross hack with another gross hack helps === ricardodrosales is now known as ricdros [18:18] ogra_, that's the spirit :P [18:18] heh [18:19] seems to have worked [18:19] stgraber, so we now have two empty files in the initrd, but it builds again ... :) [18:20] ... at least [18:20] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch/0.66/+build/5416897 [18:20] ogra_: nice, didn't think of that specific way around the problem ;) [18:20] that should be harmless at least [18:22] anyone got a minute for a real quick MR? https://code.launchpad.net/~cwayne18/livecd-rootfs/machine-info-writable/+merge/200557 === h[a]kr is now known as hakr === boiko_ is now known as boiko [19:03] oh hey, holding Alt brings up the toolbar on SDK apps in the desktop, that's handy [19:07] is also displays all of the tab labels [19:08] fancy [19:08] bfiller, wasn't the gallery app supposed to crawl into subfolders? [19:09] sergiusens: no sure if that ever go implemented but should be doable for sure === h[a]kr is now known as hakr [19:10] bfiller, great, I'd thought I'd dogfood the gallery on desktop as well [19:10] and vaguely recalled seeing an MR for that [19:28] sergiusens: is somebody dogfooding the browser on desktop? [19:29] mhall119, don't know [19:29] mhall119, as soon as the oxide stuff is ready I plan to [19:29] cool [19:30] I'm dogfooding the coreapps on the desktop now [19:32] mhall119, which ones? [19:32] oh... i should do that again, too :) forgot the core apps ppa after reinstalling everything [19:33] mhall119, I would love shorts to move to u1db [19:33] that would make the case for using it on desktop a lot better :-) [19:33] sergiusens: me too [19:34] is there any timeline for u1db syncing to land? [19:34] sergiusens: it's on the list of things we'd like to add this cycle [19:34] ssweeny: for a specific app, or in general/ [19:34] ? [19:34] mhall119, in general [19:34] does the qt u1db stuff not have sync support? [19:34] kalikiana_: ^^ does u1db syncing work yet? [19:35] i've seen several apps that claim to support "u1db syncing" but it seems they're just using u1db and assuming sync is automatic [19:35] there is a sync element i've seen in some of the example code but it's not in the docs [19:35] sync is not automatic [19:35] dobey: it wasn't initially, the work was focused on implementing the u1db API itself [19:35] mhall119, it would be a good case to require u1 login to install apps though ;-) [19:35] mhall119: right, but that was like a year ago already :) [19:35] sergiusens: I think anybody that still needs convincing on that, isn't likely to be convinced on that [19:36] sergiusens: u1 login is required to install apps… [19:36] dobey: exaggerate a bit there, the phone was only just announced a year go :-P [19:36] dobey, I know, it was` just one more argument for needing it [19:36] on that note, wow it's only been a year? Look at how much we've accomplished [19:37] mhall119: i mean, wasn't implementing the local u1db API itself done like 6 months ago? [19:38] dobey: I think so, there abouts [19:38] me and nik90 have been investigating moving parts of the storage over to U1DB for the music/clock app but we've hit a few blockers atm (as u may have seen in the mailing lists) [19:41] your app still need to tell U1DB to sync, it's not automatic, and you need to be able to merge conflicting changes if they happen (edit something on your phone, then on your desktop, then try to sync the 2) [19:42] indeed [19:43] kalikiana_ was working on it, so I'll wait for an update from him [19:43] mhall119: in principle yes. but I haven't seen it used with a public u1 server [19:44] the eventual plan would be to make it automatic, but that's not what we have [19:44] kalikiana_: but you've tested the implementation to make sure it works? [19:44] hmmm. trying to install 'touch-coreapps' from the PPA i have a problem - the metapackage is missing in the 'trusty' series... is there a different way to get the apps on the desktop? [19:44] mhall119: it does work. the blocker is having qml api and using it. it was tested with basically avoiding that non-existing api [19:44] dkessel: I don't know if they're still being auto-built in the PPA, they should all be click packages now [19:45] kalikiana_: so there's no way to trigger a sync from QML yet? [19:45] mhall119: for getting u1 credentials I mean [19:45] kalikiana_: ah, we have U1 in Online Accounts now though, can it grab the credentials from there automagically? [19:45] I assume OnlineAccounts only supports one U1 account [19:45] kalikiana_, if it became automatic would we still have the option not to sync some dbs? [19:46] ahayzen: why wouldn't you? [19:46] mhall119: it needed a wrapper to support it, I don't know if that is done at this point. it has a not so typical authentication step other stuff doesn't need [19:47] kalikiana_: but those steps should all be handled by ubuntu-online-accounts [19:47] mhall119, because we will probably store music data in their, say playlists, but u could have different music in different locations on different devices [19:47] mhall119, we ideally want *some* things to be synced [19:47] ahayzen: ah, yes, that age-old problem [19:48] mhall119, unless all our music is synced as well :) [19:49] ahayzen: yeah, I was looking into that use case for app settings. I am expecting a bool basically - the details of how to get sync working is what I want to get rid of when I say aztomatic really [19:49] kalikiana_, cool [19:49] so all developers don't have to know exactly about all the details [19:50] ...i heard rumours of a Settings API? [19:50] mhall119, thanks - where would i find information on how to get the core apps via click? === jaywink_ is now known as jaywink [19:50] mhall119: I don't know if online accounts can hide those steps at this point. I simply didn't have time to persistently follow it [19:50] bzoltan: I noticed that pressing Alt raises the SDK Toolbar, but is there a way to add additional key bindings to ToolbarButton that would allow them to be triggered via keyboard? [19:51] dkessel: for desktop? [19:51] mhall119, yes [19:51] ahayzen: yep. there's a branch https://code.launchpad.net/~kalikiana/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/appsettings/+merge/181304 if you want to check it out. it sort of indirectly hit other missing features so it got delayed a bit [19:52] dkessel: there isn't an easy way right now [19:52] kalikiana_, awesome :) i guess tht would be autosynced as well? [19:53] kalikiana_: while you're around, and since Wellark isn't, are you aware of the need to add toolbar-item-hint properties to the Actions API so they can bind to the HUD toolbar items? [19:53] ahayzen: yes. you set sync: true or false. you don't actually need to know that it uses u1db internally but that's what the storage is [19:54] kalikiana_, nice [19:54] mhall119: I'm hearing that for the first time. is that on the unity actions side or on the ui toolkit side? [19:55] kalikiana_: in http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-1.0/Ubuntu.Components.Action/ I believe [19:56] or maybe add properties for each of those HUD toolbar items to MainView, and let the developer assign an Action to that property instead of adding an item hint to the Action itself [20:00] kalikiana_: not sure what steps you're talking about for the u1 account… [20:01] mhall119: I'm a bit unclear. could it be it's not clear how to use actions in the toolbar? [20:02] if you put buttons in there they can internally have hud actions at the same time [20:03] dobey: on how to get credentials for sync. compared to other online accounts u1 needs one more step. I don't know it exactly off head, that's the short version I can still recall [20:04] it might have been about signing the URL - but I'm not 100% sure [20:05] kalikiana_: you have to sign the URL with any OAuth-using REST API [20:05] i don't recall how exactly it's done for u1db, but if you get the credentials from UOA, you should be able to sign the url just fine [20:06] ultimately yes. the question is if at this point this can be done in qml [20:06] that's the missing piece for sync [20:12] kalikiana_: the HUD itself has a few icons at the bottom, that looks like Settings, Help/About, Back and Fullscreen, but there's no way for an app to bind to those right now, because they require this toolbar-item-hint property in the DBus bindings used to transmit Actions to the HUD [20:12] kalikiana_: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntuone-credentials/trunk/view/head:/qml-credentials-service/examples/embeddingMain.qml#L47 [20:16] mhall119: oh. that's best for Wellark to answer then, I don't know about those [20:17] dobey: thanks! I'm going to give this a try (tomorrow) [20:17] ok, I will wait for him to be back from his holiday then [20:17] thanks kalikiana_ === tetris4_ is now known as tetris4 [22:18] hi everyone [22:19] i would ask if the ubuntu touch trusty channel ,installed via dualboot app in android, is read-only image [22:26] Hello [22:28] Hi [22:28] Good mornign/afternoon/evening [22:29] I was checking about Ubuntu Touch, Iḿ interested in making a port for a Motorola Atrix 4G (codename olympus) [22:30] I was just wondering if Scott, the contact person in the Wiki page is currently making the port [22:31] Did you try contacting him? I see his name listed as the contact person. [22:31] I checked his website but under Projects, nothing points to an Ubuntu Touch port [22:31] I will send him an email right away [22:32] But just wanted to touch here and start getting involved... [22:32] If I don get an answer in a couple days, I'll let you know [22:32] Good to have you around and interested in working on a port. :) [22:32] I just bought an Atrix 4G [22:33] Good phone, I'm using CM10, but I'm deeply interested in using Ubuntu on my phone [22:33] thomi: hi! got a few minutes to chat about autopilot? [22:34] A lot of us are interested in using Ubuntu on our phones. You've come to the right place. lol. [22:34] I'm kind of new to IRC so, bear with my noobness for now... [22:34] Thank you all [22:35] I'll keep in touch [22:35] Sounds good. People come and go, myself included. So if you have questions, feel free to just ask and hopefully, someone will volunteer to answer. [22:36] Good good good! [22:37] And, first question would be... Has anyone tried the standard installation procedure on the Atrix 4G (MB860)? Any records about it? [22:37] And, is there a chance to brick the phone while installing? [22:38] I got the Retail SBF and unlocked bootloadr [22:38] any idea on my question? [22:38] So I can "revive" it without too much pain [22:39] kedivess: guess I didn't get your question, what was it? [22:39] i would ask if the ubuntu touch trusty channel ,installed via dualboot app in android, is read-only image [22:40] kedivess, yes, it should be r/o [22:40] No idea here... Sorry [22:41] thanks for the answer..... [22:41] that's probably why i can't sync google contacts..... [22:42] barry: I do now, what's up? [22:43] any idea for sync google contacts? [22:48] kedivess, there should be some info here: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/Touch/DailyDriver [22:48] thanks [22:51] i used the suggested command line....but it gave me errors....no syncing... [22:54] anyone good at C++/qt I have a question about making my code faster. Here it is let me know if you can give me any pointers. http://paste.ubuntu.com/6706020/ [22:54] kedivess, what are the errors? [22:55] GLib-GObject: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed [22:55] I am going to insert these values into a abstractlistmodel but want to know if there is a faster way. aka I m making a JSONListModel plugin [22:56] kedivess: I made a fork of the contacts app that lets end user install from vcard or google via synch evo if you like I could push the code [22:57] yes please....i will try... [22:57] But I would re-write it to have a OAUTH then uses the contacts api [22:57] and the JSONListmodel that I am mking [22:57] making * [22:57] kedivess: it is just qprocess at this time === salem_ is now known as _salem [23:01] kedivess: lp:~josephjamesmills/+junk/Needs_model_and_not_qprocess [23:02] kedivess: To be honest though I would make it so that when user logs into there OAUTH via accounts it grabs all the contacts then and synchs them. [23:02] ok [23:03] like this OAuth -> get token -> getAcessToken -> get Contacts via api -> make to QString from QJsonDocument -> push to synchevolution [23:04] https://developers.google.com/google-apps/contacts/v3/?csw=1#retrieving_all_contacts << api [23:07] all in all user opens contact app, looks to see if there is any contacts if false add button that lets user get contacts. they click and it opens up the accouts settings and makes them login into Google or just puth the OAUTH in your addrress-book-app [23:08] also of course have a button on the bottom(toolbar) that lets users open up other source (yahoo, hotmail whatever ) [23:08] But can anyone look at my code please loll [23:08] Please :) [23:32] sergiusens: do you know anything about upstart-app-launch, and how to enable testability with it? [23:33] thomi, that's tedg or charles' baby [23:33] thomi, you are not talking about autopilot here I suppose [23:33] sergiusens: well, I am [23:33] thomi, ah, well, we use that for click apps already [23:33] sergiusens: I need to support launching apps through upstart-app-launch from within AP [23:34] sergiusens: uhh... we do? [23:34] thomi, well the upstart job using upstart-app-launch [23:34] sergiusens: OK, so can I just do the 'set-env' step, then call 'upstart-app-launch' and expect the environm,ent variable to be set? [23:35] thomi, hmm, let me double check [23:37] thomi, sounds reasonable, all the job does is exec /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/upstart-app-launch/exec-line-exec [23:38] sergiusens: ok, thanks, I'll give that a try