[02:46] urgh, I had a power cut === jono is now known as Guest91841 [03:00] hey Guest91841, I had a power outage and didn't make it today [03:01] jose, np! [03:01] I gotta run now, lets catch up :-) [03:01] when I am jono [03:01] lol [03:01] sure, night! [03:01] :P [03:01] :-) === OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware === Tm_K is now known as Tm_T [08:09] good morning [08:38] Hello dholbach [08:39] hey nigelb [08:39] how's life over there? [08:40] Pretty good! And how's Berlin? [08:41] it's very nice - temperatures are almost like in spring and the sun is shining [08:42] Are you friends with the Open Data geeks in town? We may have some common friends if you are :) [08:42] Don't say that out loud about the temperatures, might make the Americans and Canadians homicidal :P [08:47] nigelb, not sure if I know any open data folks === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [08:49] dholbach: aha. Oh well :) === czajkows1i is now known as czajkowski === IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohi === balloons_ is now known as balloons === daker_ is now known as daker === balloons is now known as Guest99854 === balloons_ is now known as balloons [20:01] What is your mailing-list e-mail? [20:01] Not the council but the main one? [20:04] 'your'? [20:04] As in the team's. [20:04] cjohnston: what is that travel site you use to track your trips? [20:18] tripit [20:56] \o/ tripit [20:57] tripit real good [23:20] hey jono_, I'd be happy to help with the app dev schools but want to know if the material has been l10n'd [23:21] jose, it hasn't yet, afaik [23:21] can you reach out to dpm [23:21] he has more details [23:21] sure, writing an email now [23:21] we would like to identify the people who will run the schools, and then work to translate the materials into those languages [23:21] thanks, jose! [23:21] sure