
=== emma_ is now known as emma
=== office is now known as Guest44171
=== denysonique is now known as Guest9369
=== drakhu_ is now known as drakhu
grekczesc czy moze byc spowodowane nie dzialanie ssh-copy-id -10:34
grekkopiuje na zdalna maszyna ale nadal pyta o haslo10:34
grekzadnych bledow przy kopiwoaniu10:34
herselfuprawnienia .ssh/authorized_keys, wylaczone klucze w konfigu sshd10:37
jacekngrek: ssh -vvv moze powie, sprawdz tez logi na serwerze oczywiscie10:39
grekok no mam info ale mi nie mowi duzo10:43
grekCould not load "/home/grek/.ssh/id_rsa" as a RSA1 public key10:43
herselfdebug3: Incorrect RSA1 identifier10:44
grekczyli co10:46
herselfThose messages are not relevant. The ones about RSA1 are expected: SSH looks if you have a key for the SSH v1 protocol, and you don't (you have a key for the SSH v2 protocl), which is fine because SSH v1 has been obsolete for years.10:46
herselfto jednak zly trop10:46
herselfpokaz ls -ld ~/.ssh ~/.ssh/authorized_keys na docelowym serwerze10:46
grekcaly error jest taki10:47
grektu jest to polecenie10:48
herselfno to uprawnienia poprawne :P10:50
herselfa w auth.log cos ciekawego jest?10:50
grekno jest10:54
grekAuthentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory /home/grek Jan  7 11:53:36 mea-biuro sshd[13467]: Connection closed by [preauth]10:54
grekok zmienilem na 755 i dziala10:55
grekdzieki za pomoc10:55
=== BlessJah_ is now known as BlessJah

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