=== C_S_B is now known as C-S-B === emma_ is now known as emma === Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away [06:03] yo [06:53] morning all === MooDoo_ is now known as MooDoo === KnightAFK is now known as knightwise [08:20] good morning everyone [08:20] morning [08:22] \o [08:22] 13 SteamOS (wheezy, more or less) games consoles coming 2014: http://www.engadget.com/gallery/valve-steam-machines-press-shots/#!slide=2134465 [08:24] now all we need is a few Linux games [08:24] high-profile ones [08:31] tomcat as service i created it's working but pid (process Id) not created how to create PID my tomcat script http://paste.ubuntu.com/6707920/ [08:32] DooMoo [08:35] I thought when tomcat starts, it's created it's own pid [08:36] MooDoo: every process has its own pid [08:38] i am using monit tool to monitoring tomcat server [08:38] Morning all [08:38] moring diplo_ [08:39] Drenched again! It downpours as I get out of the car to walk the kids into school [08:39] Fed up with it now === diplo_ is now known as diplo [08:39] I have a moat around my house where the ground is soooo waterlogged! [08:40] diplo: is it filled with alligators? ddo you have a drawbridge? [08:43] I need one, will take a photo later.. the path at the end of my garden has about a 4foot length of puddle about 4-5 inches deep [08:47] ouch [08:48] it is passable to monitoring tomcat server using monit tool or another tools (monit also i search in google) please guide me [08:50] what you breaking DJones ;) [08:50] Just seeing if we get a profusion of funkyhats rejoining [08:50] I do think Valve are playing a very clever game [pun intended] here: http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2014/01/valves-gabe-newell-offers-more-steam-machines-than-speaking-minutes-at-ces/ [08:51] 13 Steam Machine manufacturers. [08:51] Loads of competition [08:51] TheOpenSourcerer, and only one powered by intel graphics [08:52] Gosh. [09:01] TheOpenSourcerer, a scary number using fglrx, considering how bad fglrx is [09:03] but AMD APUs are so cheap! === lan3y is now known as Laney [09:04] MartijnVdS, which is why they're being used === Laney is now known as Guest1882 [09:04] Hopefully this will encourage AMD to make their Linux drivers better then ;-) [09:04] how to monitoring (MySQL Database Server) queries which are taking longer time [09:04] dvee: slow-query-log === Guest1882 is now known as Laney [09:17] DJones: http://www.androidauthority.com/samsung-tabpro-8-4-official-specs-features-pricing-release-date-330966/ - some more info :) [09:19] jussi: That looks interesting, the only downside I can see from a quick glance is the touchwiz overlay on top of Android [09:19] DJones: Im certain there will be a cyanogenmod for it (and touchwiz isnt all bad tbh) [09:20] it actually looks incredibly nice device to me [09:20] Im sure its going to be crazy expensive though... [09:21] Wouldn't surprise me if it was around £350, maybe even higher [09:22] oh why the home screen packed full of widgets? [09:23] I can't be the only person that hates it? [09:23] The Tab 3 Lite looks as though that will sell for $130, so I'd expect the 8" to be be a fair bit higher than a Nexus 7, pricing may even around the nearest sized ipad [09:24] SuperMatt: No, I hardly have any widgets on mine, I just use the home screen as the app launcher, if I need a widget, I'll stick it on one of the side screens [09:25] I think manufacturers are confusing our desire for information with a want to have it forced down our throats [09:25] I want my information at my own pace [09:26] At least there's always the trash bin :) [09:27] Doesn't matter what you get, whether its Apple, Android or Windows, you tailor it to how you use it, manufacturers probably just include half the apps for a kickback from the developer [09:34] Good morning peeps :) [09:34] hi [09:35] Yo [09:36] morning mornign [09:52] I should totally learn how to use LO properly someday [09:52] in the meantime, can someone remind me how to make a yes/no dropdown box in a column of cells? [09:59] Good morning all! :-D [10:04] JamesTait: is it over? [10:05] Laney, "it"? [10:05] well, I have no idea what "day" it is [10:05] mornign JamesTait [10:05] I don't know quite how to deal with that :P [10:05] and Laney how are you two today? [10:05] Laney, I think popey has taken over that duty. ;) [10:06] Hi MooDoo. :) Very well thanks, yourself? [10:06] JamesTait: yeah I'm ok thanks, just looking at my CV, think it needs updating lol [10:06] doing alright [10:09] It really ain't a rainfall, but a skyfall [10:10] does anyone else have problems with damp stuff in their loft at the mo? [10:11] stuff is going moudly [10:12] nope, you have a hot house as that sounds like condensation or a leak? [10:12] i think my roof is open under the eaves [10:12] for air flow [10:13] MooDoo: you are looking for a job? [10:13] jussi: always on the look out :) just seen a nice ahem windows ahem one in nottingham [10:13] windows jobs should come with a precription for gaviscon [10:13] lol [10:13] what is your specialty? [10:14] jussi: jack of all trades lol I'm a team leader for an ISP at the moment, was 2nd line support [10:14] ahh ok [10:14] btw, anyone with answers to my question? [10:14] :D === czajkows1i is now known as czajkowski [10:16] jussi: a radio button in a table? [10:17] dwatkins: no, just a simple yes/no dropdown. I will also need a 3 way dropdown soon, so Im hoping to learn the technique... [10:19] jussi: you mean an