[11:22] hi ! last day xnox told me that I can override stanza in the /etc/init/SERVICE.conf file. But I have a script...end section : do I have to override the whole script section ? or I can override a line ? [11:22] in the http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#override-files documentation is not that clear for me [11:35] taharqa: overrides apply to an entire stanza so if you can only override the entire script using a .override file. [11:53] then, what happen if in my SERVICE.conf I have several script section ? how does upstart can know which script to override ? [13:07] taharqa: you can override individual script sections so if your .conf file contains a pre-start script and a "main" script, your .override can override either or both by just specifying a new "pre-start script" or "script" stanza. [15:41] jodh: thank you === stgraber_ is now known as stgraber === modafinil_ is now known as modafinil [22:21] Hi guys. How come, /bin/sleep doesnt seem to work in upstart scripts sections [22:25] ?