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ZoohouseHello everyone20:12
ZoohouseI'm looking through the bzr man pages but I'm confused on how to remove a project. I just ran bzr init-repo iiu but I want to remove it and start over. How do I do that?20:15
LeoNerdIt's just files on your disk. rm them.20:17
Zoohousei want to undo init-repo iiu20:18
ZoohouseLeoNerd, but would bzr still have the uii project in mind?20:18
LeoNerd"in mind" ?20:18
Zoohousebzr created a dir where the project should go. Can I remove the directory and then run 'bzr init-repo iiu' again with no problems?20:19
LeoNerdYes; all the data is stored inside the .bzr directory. If you remove that then there's nothing left.20:20
ZoohouseOh ok, that makes sense now20:20
ZoohouseLeoNerd, now I get his error after I deleted the dir: [user@manjaro trunk]$ bzr init-repo iiu20:22
Zoohousebzr: ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory20:22
Zoohousesorry, missed the return carriage char20:22
LeoNerd... did you kill the .bzr directory..?20:23
Zoohouseacually, forget the question, I understand what happend20:23
LeoNerd(also I usually just do it on CWD)20:23
Zoohouseyeah I did but I was still in the dir in term, i deleted the dir via gui20:24
Zoohouseit's good now20:24
Zoohousethanks again20:24
LeoNerdAnyone heard from Jelmer lately..? Some bzr-git plugin issues still piling up20:34
fullermd'ccording to my logs, he hasn't been around since mid last month.20:37
fullermdBut I'm not sure he's much interested in b-g anymore anyway   :|20:40
LeoNerdHrm. Well, regardless: It plain does not work currently, so -someone- neesd to fix it20:41
fullermdUnfortunately, that turns into a pretty short list.20:51
fullermdAnd I just ran into cvsps-import being broken with 2.6+ too.22:38
rozzinIs cvsps-import perhaps less relevant since esr did the `cvs-fast-export' thing?22:45
fullermdI'm not immediately clear on what cvs-fast-export is that the fastimport stream variant of cvs2svn wasn't, so I don't think it changes anything there.22:47
fullermdBut it does still have the incremental issue sewn up with a nice little bow.22:47
fullermd...  OK, an ugly-ass giant festering turd of a bow.  It IS CVS after all.  But still.22:47
fullermdAnd at any rate, all of them were more trouble than I ever wanted to bother with, since the fastimport plugin called for the fastimport python lib, which wasn't packaged for my OS, whereas cvsps is, so...22:48
rozzinWhich OS is that?22:53

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