
shadeslayerhurray, wine finished, off to bed I am then00:00
sgclarknight night00:00
valoriesweet dreams, shadeslayer00:01
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK
valoriehappy new year, ScottK00:02
valorieooo, and scarlett00:02
valorienice to see you again00:02
sgclarkSame to you valorie00:02
valorieI noticed that you are giving our docs the once-over00:03
sgclarkyeah between flu and holidays I am back logged, but working on Kubuntu userbase now, and going to learn packaging00:03
valoriewhich is awesome; thanks so much00:03
Quintasansgclark: Any questions bout pbuilder?00:03
valoriei've forgotten a lot of what I knew on userbase00:03
QuintasanNote that we are working on trusty so you need only trusty pbuilders for now00:03
valorieQuintasan: yofel: http://community.kde.org/Promo/Events/FOSDEM/201400:06
valorieif you didn't see it already00:07
sgclarkQuintasan: still working on it, fresh install so adding missing repo, updates etc00:15
QuintasanI won't be sticking for too long though since uni00:15
sgclarkat least I assume pbuilder is in kubuntu-dev-tools, command not found atm00:16
valoriehappy new year, Quintasan00:16
Quintasansgclark: no, pbuilder is in it's own package00:16
SonikkuAmericaQuintasan: I talked to you last about Kubuntu Active; is it dead in the water?00:16
sgclarkno worries, I will be around alot more now00:17
SonikkuAmericavalorie: I haven't finished up the KubuntuLinks page yet; however, I've added the Social Section.00:17
Quintasansgclark: generally you want to install ubuntu-dev-tools and kubuntu-dev-tools00:17
sgclarkok, thanks!00:17
valoriecool, SonikkuAmerica00:17
MangaKaDenzaso uh...00:17
QuintasanSonikkuAmerica: Don't really want to get into details now since I have to to go bed if I'm to get up at a reasonable hour. In short: no.00:17
SonikkuAmericaQuintasan: That's OK, tell me about it later :)00:18
MangaKaDenzato whom do I report a broken file for the 13.10 iso repository?00:18
MangaKaDenzaor... wait what?00:18
QuintasanLong version, wait for me to get back here tomorrow or email me at quintasan at kubuntu.org so I can reply in details or something00:18
MangaKaDenzaHuh, thats odd...00:18
QuintasanMangaKaDenza: How is it broken?00:18
MangaKaDenzalast I tried, I couldn't get the .torrent file for 13.10 64 bit...00:19
MangaKaDenzabut now I can...00:19
valorielooking good, SonikkuAmerica00:19
MangaKaDenzalike... just a few hours ago I couldn't...00:19
MangaKaDenzaanyways... sorry for wasting your time :P it seems to work now00:19
Quintasanwell, it's...magic?00:19
Quintasanit took you like 30 seconds so it's not a huge waste of time00:19
MangaKaDenzafile in question, just in case: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/13.10/release/kubuntu-13.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent 00:20
SonikkuAmericavalorie: I hope the Facebook link is right, but the only Kubuntu community page I could find is in French, and it's all screenshots of KDE being contorted every which way.00:20
Quintasan(actually it's only you who wasted 30 seconds :P)00:20
MangaKaDenzawell see you guys around00:20
SonikkuAmericavalorie: (Which of course is a good thing)00:20
valorieyeah, I don't know about that fb page00:21
valoriemaybe ask on the kubuntu-devel list00:21
valoriethe thing about having a facebook page is that someone has to maintain it00:22
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
apacheloggershadeslayer: do we have a timeline for touchpad-kcm inclusion?09:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: is everything good to go from the source side? ( haven't read your last conversation )10:46
* shadeslayer is going to patch kde-workspace now10:47
apacheloggershadeslayer: I never blocked on the source :P10:47
apacheloggernone of the issues was in any way a showstopper10:47
apacheloggerpython3-aptdaemon.pkcompat   pulled in by ubuntu-drivers-common10:52
apacheloggershadeslayer: didn't you do something about that?10:52
apacheloggeror did we decide not to do anything for .10?10:52
shadeslayerI need to write 2 things for the KCM, the installation stuff and the second one being generic interface name support using udev10:52
shadeslayerI am thinking of working on install support today, generic names for interfaces isn't a priority and requires me learning udev api pieces10:53
apacheloggerbug 70459710:54
ubottubug 704597 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Depend on nvidia-common" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70459710:54
apacheloggershadeslayer: how does that affect the dependency on polkit?10:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: I don't think that package is required10:55
apacheloggerit's recommended10:55
apacheloggerand we kinda get ubuntu-drivers-common forced on us by the platform seed10:55
shadeslayerit's required for the pkkit interface10:56
shadeslayernot for the stuff we need tbh10:56
apacheloggerI figured that, hence why I want it gone :P10:56
apacheloggerwhy I wanted it gone for .10 already10:56
apacheloggerpulls in all sorts of rubbish10:56
shadeslayerI thought we can twiddle around and make recommends disappear10:56
shadeslayerwith the fancy braces10:57
shadeslayerhm no, that was to make foo a Depends or Recommends10:57
shadeslayerbut I distinctly remember twiddling so that packages don't pull in Recommends10:57
apacheloggernever seen that10:58
apacheloggerpoint is10:59
apacheloggerit shouldn't be a recommend to begin with10:59
apacheloggeror should be fullfilled by some kde bit10:59
apacheloggerjust not having it on the seed still means the packaging is wrong10:59
shadeslayeryofel: did you not push kde-workspace 4.11.5 packaging to bzr?11:01
yofelshadeslayer: I did not package it for trusty11:06
yofelif you do you'll need to refresh a patch, but I think that's all11:06
shadeslayerAck, will have a look later if I get the time11:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: what were your thoughts on the "IDE in your face" wrt the kde developer meta package?11:19
shadeslayerIIRC I argued that it was merely a suggests11:19
Riddellyofel: how about kde-workspace?11:20
Riddellsgclark: did you get anyone to look at packaging11:21
RiddellQuintasan: yeah come to fosdem11:21
shadeslayerapparently Riddell is giving a talk there11:27
Riddellyou can cheer me on11:28
shadeslayeryeah ... that's what I plan to do .... ;)11:28
shadeslayerhm, no mitya5711:32
shadeslayerand I don't think moc-boost148-53.patch is required11:45
yofelRiddell: uh, same question as shadeslayer or..?12:09
shadeslayerI hate live build12:12
shadeslayerthe only way to get live build to reliably work is to assume the docs are wrong12:13
shadeslayerand to look at the code12:13
sgclarkgood morning12:21
Riddellmorning sgclark 12:22
Riddellwhat timezone are you in?12:22
sgclarkPacific in the US12:22
Riddellyofel: oh yeah, I didn't read his question properly :)12:22
Riddellsgclark: way over there!12:22
Riddellsgclark: I'm happy to show you packaging any time we have a couple of hours spare that cross over12:23
sgclarkhehe yeah, I am an early bird though.12:23
sgclarkI am around all day, so whenever you have time :)12:23
Riddellsgclark: I'll set up an ec2 server, do you have a launchpad account with your ssh key?12:24
sgclarkyep! I got that all updated last night12:24
shadeslayerRiddell: does muon updater work for you12:34
Riddelllet me try12:35
Riddellshadeslayer: runs fine and downloading updates now12:37
Riddellin trusty12:37
Riddellwhat's not working?12:37
shadeslayerack, so some weird auth issue with my system12:37
shadeslayerneed to reinstall everything anyway, partitions are totally full12:37
BluesKaj'Morning all12:39
Riddellsgclark: where your lp account?12:40
sgclarkRiddell: not sure I understand the question, my username is scarlett-712:41
shadeslayersgclark: https://launchpad.net/~scarlett-712:42
shadeslayeris that you?12:42
sgclarkthat is me :)12:42
shadeslayeryeah, that's your LP page then :)12:43
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~neon/neon/neon5-image/revision/412:51
Riddellsgclark: want to get started?13:12
Riddellssh ubuntu@ubuntu@ec2-50-19-157-239.compute-1.amazonaws.com  if so13:12
Riddelland run   byobu13:12
sgclarkRiddell: ok13:12
Riddelltype something if you get in13:13
sgclarkRiddell: denied public key13:14
Riddellbother, scarlett@scarlett-dev is in the authorized_keys13:15
Riddellsgclark: try again13:15
sgclarkfail :( 13:16
sgclarklet me double check my key13:16
Riddellsgclark: bother, are you sure you have that ssh key on your system?13:16
sgclarkRiddell: copied again and it was exactly the same. Could it be my configuration?13:22
Riddellhmm, dunno13:23
Riddellsgclark: are you in byobu now?13:24
Riddelltype something if so13:24
jussiis there supposed to be a double ubuntu@ in that address ?13:24
Riddelljussi: la la la13:25
Riddellsgclark: gosh you have a narrow terminal13:25
Riddellsgclark: yay!!13:25
jussiRiddell: Im sending you stickers tomorrow :) (I has envelopes and everything :D) you should have them very soon.13:25
Riddellsgclark: so this is an ec2 cloud computer from amazon's cloud platform AWS13:26
Riddellsgclark: we're both in that gnu screen session (which has byobu a profile for gnu screen) and can both interact13:26
Riddellsgclark: would you like me to take you through a package?13:27
sgclarkRiddell: neato13:27
Riddellyou in control me telling you want to do13:27
sgclarkRiddell: yes please13:27
Riddellsgclark: let's take a look at one I did yesterday, threadweaver13:27
Riddellsgclark: make a new directory and apt-get update then apt-get source threadweaver13:27
RiddellI added kubuntu-ppa/experimental to sources.list so it should find it13:28
Riddellsgclark: you have sudo 13:29
Riddellhmm bother13:29
RiddellI know, hang on13:29
Riddelloh maybe I didn't add it13:30
Riddellsgclark: ok try again13:31
Riddellno source by default13:31
Riddellsgclark: ok try again13:31
Riddellsgclark: so here you can see the sources for the package13:32
Riddellthe .orig.tar is what we get from upstream13:32
Riddellthe debian.tar.gz contains the debian/ directory with the various instructions for packaging it13:32
Riddelland the .dsc is just a description meta file with md5sums etc for checking uploading and downloading13:32
Riddellyou ran apt-get source with sudo so those files were root, no need for that, I just ran it again as the user13:33
Riddellsgclark: take a look in the extracted threadwaver directory13:33
shadeslayerRiddell: where are the notes for kf513:34
Riddellshadeslayer: http://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas-frameworks13:34
Riddellsgclark: ever compiled sources before?13:34
sgclarkRiddell: everyday, main computer is Gentoo hehe13:35
sgclarkRiddell: lol13:35
Riddellsgclark: so take a look in the debian/ directory, that's where our magic happens13:35
Riddellchangelog has the packaging changelog13:36
Riddellcompat is a version number, most of the work is done by debhelper scripts and that has new versions occationally, compat tells it what version to run as13:37
* allee lurks to learn last stuff about library pkging ... :-)13:37
Riddellallee: want to join in?13:37
Riddellgive me an ssh key if so13:37
Riddellpublic ssh key13:37
* Riddell thinks allee knows all this already13:38
Riddellsgclark: control lists the packages that will be made13:38
alleeRiddell: key -> launchpad.net/~allee    Never used api tracing13:38
Riddellallee: ssh ubuntu@ec2-50-19-157-239.compute-1.amazonaws.com13:39
Riddellsgclark: .install files list the files which get made and what .deb packages they go into13:39
Riddellsgclark: rules is the Makefile which actually compiles then installs everything13:40
Riddellsgclark: that is mostly a simple target to run everything through  dh  but for more complex stuff you need to know what's going on in there13:40
Riddellsgclark: and source just has a version of source packaging we're using13:40
Riddellsgclark: do take a look in each file13:40
* Riddell gets a drink13:41
sgclarkRiddell: done13:45
Riddellsgclark: lets compile this baby13:46
Riddellsgclark: cd ..; debuild13:46
Riddelldpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: cmake extra-cmake-modules qtbase5-dev13:46
Riddellsgclark: apt-get install  them13:46
Riddellsgclark: it's compiling!13:48
sgclarkRiddell :)13:48
Riddellsgclark: running it with  debuild -nc -j213:49
Riddell-nc is no clear and just means it resumes compiling rather than starting again13:49
Riddell-j2 is build in parallel cos I note this ec2 has 2 processors13:49
Riddellsgclark: it compiled!13:49
Riddellsgclark: take a look in the directory above13:49
Riddellyay we have our .deb files!13:50
Riddellyou can use lesspipe to see what's in them13:50
sgclarkoh cool13:50
Riddelllesspipe just runs files through a useful command, in this case dpkg --info13:50
sgclarkoh cool, learned something new13:51
Riddelllooking good13:51
Riddellsgclark: you can also run them through lintian which is a tool to look for common errors13:51
sgclarkno errors :)13:53
Riddellsgclark: so voila, that's a package13:53
Riddellsgclark: if you have another hour spare we can have a go at making a new package13:53
sgclarkRiddell: i do13:53
sgclarkRiddell: give me a sec to make more coffee13:54
alleeRiddell: where there file that store the info about methods + version of 1st appearance?13:54
Riddellallee: you're right I don't seem to have added a .symbols file13:54
Riddellstrange I thought I did but maybe that was another package13:55
alleethere was something in the rules file ...13:55
Riddellsgclark: allee .symboles files list every symbol in a library to make sure upstream hasn't sneakily removed any and made it binary incompatible13:56
Riddelldoing with with c++ is surprisingly faffy and difficult13:56
Riddellthose clever people at debian have a nice setup for it which we use and is documented at http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/symbolfiles.html13:56
Riddelllet me add one to threadweaver13:56
Riddellso a couple of faffy commands needed13:58
Riddellpkgkde-symbolshelper create -o debian/libkf5threadweaver5.symbols -v 4.95.0 symbols.amd6413:59
Riddellpkgkde-gensymbols -plibkf5threadweaver5 -v4.95.0 -Osymbols.amd64 -edebian/libkf5threadweaver5/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libKF5ThreadWeaver.so.513:59
Riddellbut the other way around13:59
Riddellthen we end up with debian/libkf5threadweaver5.symbols which is checked when a new version comes out13:59
Riddellalso any packages which depend on this library will know which version is the minimum it needs14:00
Riddellso I'll upload this change to the PPA on launchpad14:00
shadeslayerRiddell: thoughts about not doing separate dbg packages14:00
Riddelldch -i  add to the debian changelog14:00
shadeslayerbut then if we want to backport frameworks to PPA's that won't work .. hmmm14:01
Riddelldebuild -S  builds the source only files14:01
Riddellshadeslayer: what's changed to allow us to do that?14:02
shadeslayerbut won't work out well for PPA's is the problem14:03
Riddellshadeslayer: right but debian will still want dbg packages14:03
Riddelland I hope this packaging will be useful to them14:04
Riddellsgclark: dput then uploads it to the launchpad PPA where it will compile and hopefully all will work14:04
shadeslayerRiddell: you're missing "include /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/qt-kde-team/2/debian-qt-kde.mk" in threadweaver14:04
Riddellshadeslayer: hmm I was just using dh9 rather than dhmk14:05
Riddellwhich I suppose might not be how debian wants to do it14:07
Riddellwell I'll e-mail them in a bit and get feedback14:07
Riddellsgclark: shall we do karchive?14:07
Riddellsgclark: make a new directory14:08
Riddelland wget  http://download.kde.org/unstable/frameworks/4.95.0/karchive-4.95.0.tar.xz14:08
shadeslayerdunno why but I can't get dbg package extraction to work :/14:08
Riddellsgclark: no apt-get possible, it's not packaged yet :)14:08
Riddellsgclark: copy and paste is your friend :)14:09
sgclarkirc on diff computer14:09
Riddellsgclark: now the tar needs renamed so the - is a _14:10
Riddelland the end is .orig.tar.xz14:10
Riddellsgclark: extract it14:11
Riddellshadeslayer: what are you trying?14:11
Riddellsgclark: tab completion is your friend :)14:11
sgclarknot working14:12
shadeslayerah nvm14:12
Riddellwhy not?14:12
shadeslayermade it work somehow14:12
Riddellsgclark: now it's probably easiest just to copy over the debian/ directory from threadweaver into the karchive sources14:13
Riddellyou could also use dh_make which is a command to give you a template14:13
=== kfunk_ is now known as kfunk
Riddellsgclark: now using your favourite editor edit debian/changelog and update the bits for this package14:15
Riddellhmm, vi eh?  oh well nobody is perfect :)14:16
Riddellsgclark: just remove the top block and change my name/address to yours14:16
sgclarkversion? no idea14:18
Riddellsgclark: that's the right version14:18
Riddellquite a few bits in that version number just to confuse you14:18
Riddell4.95.0 is upstream kde version14:19
Riddell0 is debian version (0 because it's not in debian)14:19
Riddellubuntu1 is ubuntu version14:19
Riddell~ubuntu14.04 is a backport version because it's not in the archive14:19
Riddelland ~ppa1 is more backport because it's in a PPA14:19
Riddellsgclark: just leave the time14:19
apacheloggerRiddell, ScottK, yofel: anyone knows what the 34m/33m stuff is in pykde4? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6715011/ pykde4 in trusty is essentially twice as big as the one in saucy14:19
Riddellsgclark: control is next to edit14:20
Riddellsgclark: good start14:21
Riddellsgclark: Homepage next to change14:21
Riddellcheck on projects.kde.org for the right url14:21
Riddellsgclark: now we need to tell it what .deb packages we want it to make14:24
Riddellsgclark: since I've not compiled this I'm not sure what it'll end up with but it's very likely just the same as threadweaver but with a different name14:24
Riddellso lets change libkf5threadweaver to libkf5archive14:24
Riddellapachelogger: some magic for python 3.3 and 3.4?  who does the changelog blame?14:25
Riddellsgclark: please ask any questions as we're going along of course14:25
Riddellsgclark: libkf5archive should be libkf5archive514:26
Riddellthat final 5 is the soname version which gets bumped if there is some binary incompatible change in a new version14:26
Riddellsgclark: ah but not in the -dev package14:27
Riddellno so name needed there14:27
Riddellyou just want to compile against whatever the latest version is14:27
sgclarkis that right?14:30
Riddellsgclark: looking good14:30
Riddellall done in that file I think14:30
sgclarkwhy is dev different? and how do I figure that out?14:31
Riddellsgclark: different how?14:31
sgclark5 at the end14:31
Riddellsgclark: applications typically don't care what version of the library they build against, they just want the latest version, so we don't usually put a version number in there14:32
Riddellsometimes we do such as with qt4 vs qt5 applications will care what version they build with so we do for that case14:32
Riddellbut .deb binary packages do care they have the right version of the library so we need to version them14:33
sgclarkoh ok14:33
Riddellelse the library version might get upgraded and not the application then it'll crash14:33
Riddellfor the gory details you can read the debian policy on shared libraries which has exact specifications for packaging14:33
Riddellbut that's not much use when getting started, too much detail14:33
apacheloggerRiddell:   * debian/rules: Fix support for multiple Python 3 versions.14:34
apachelogger -- William Grant <wgrant@ubuntu.com>  Mon, 30 Dec 2013 13:38:41 +110014:34
apacheloggersuppose that's the cause14:34
Riddellsgclark: in rules you'll need to update the dbg package name I think14:34
Riddellapachelogger: we've found our culprit, he'll likely know what it'll take to reduce it again14:35
apacheloggerRiddell: also, http://packages.ubuntu.com/saucy/language-pack-kde-en these packages are pulled onto the ISO and bring kdevelop l10n with it for no good reason14:35
Riddellsgclark: right I'm bored of this, let's try and compile and see what happens!14:35
sgclarklol ok14:35
Riddellapachelogger: I don't know another way of doing that,you either have translations installed or people will install packages and not get them translated14:35
Riddellsgclark: boom!14:36
apacheloggerRiddell: 14:36
sgclarkneed to install zlib?14:36
Riddellapachelogger: downgrade it to a recommends if you want but it'll still be installed on the images by default14:36
Riddellsgclark: yep it needs libraries for zip bzip and zx I think14:37
apacheloggerI mean kdevelop should recommend kdevelop-l10n14:37
Riddellsgclark: let me look up the old kde4libs to see what it uses14:37
Riddellsgclark: zlib1g-dev 14:37
apacheloggerthe language pack shouldn't14:37
Riddellsgclark: libbz2-dev14:37
apacheloggerbecause kdevelop isn't part of our default delivery14:37
Riddellsgclark: liblzma-dev14:37
Riddellsgclark: add those to the build-depends in debian/control and install them and rebuild14:37
apacheloggerRiddell: generally speaking the issue is with muon though... it ought to manually craft language packs into the depency tree of a package14:38
apacheloggeri.e. an interactive version of the langauge kcm logic14:38
Riddellapachelogger: yes that would be nice, although then you'd have people using other ways to install stuff and not getting translations14:38
apacheloggerJT also agreed with that notion, but things we talked about rarely got to see the light of day ^^14:38
Riddellsgclark: remember commas14:39
apacheloggerRiddell: you have that regardless14:39
apacheloggerright now the people are thos that are using packages that are not recommends of the languagepack and do not have a proper package relationship14:40
Riddellsgclark: yay it's compiling!14:40
apacheloggerwith muon supporting it the group people are those that are using packages that are not recommends of a languagepack and do not have a proper package relationship and were not installed via muon14:40
Riddellsgclark: just looked at the cmake configure output there, looks like it's all happy14:40
apacheloggerso actually it would reduce the amount of people affected ;)14:40
apacheloggeranyway, IMO if you use a non-user-centric tool then don't expect it to do everything for you14:41
Riddellsgclark: success! (of some description)14:41
sgclarkdbg error?14:42
apacheloggerRiddell: german l10n removed from seed, this at least should fix the oversize14:42
Riddell"debug package libkf5karchive5-dbg is not listed in the control file"  hmm, what's up with that?14:42
sgclarkit is there14:43
shadeslayerhurray for source without attribution14:43
apacheloggerincorrect formatting can make it so that it is technically not there (the dbg package)14:43
Riddellsgclark: I think we don't use a version number in the dbg package14:44
Riddellalthough suddenly I realise there's mixed practice on that14:44
Riddellsgclark: ah you misspelt it in debian/rules, an extra k14:44
apacheloggerfor dbg packages? Oo14:44
Riddellor are we missing that k everywhere?14:45
Riddellapachelogger: to version or not to version dbg?14:45
RiddelllibKF5Archive.so  only 1 K14:45
apacheloggerotherwise you can't debug libfoo1 and libfoo2 on the same system14:45
Riddellapachelogger: the majority are against you http://paste.ubuntu.com/6715111/14:46
apachelogger(also technically speaking again ... you can debug libfoo1 and libfoo2 because debug symbols are named with uuids so there is no actual file conflict, but you have to update/downgrade the dbg packge as needed ;))14:46
apacheloggerRiddell: the majority is wrong14:46
sgclarkI may be lost now. So do I need to change stuff to archive rather than karchive?14:47
apacheloggerRiddell: it's like some libraries have stuff in /usr/share and that is packaged in libfoo1 ...14:47
Riddellsgclark: yes should all be kf5archive14:47
apacheloggerdefeats the purpose of calling it libfoo1 in the first place14:47
Riddellsgclark: next you need the .install files moved and changed for kf5archive14:47
apacheloggerRiddell: btw random thought on the kf5 packaging ... please do that in bzr and please bzr branch it from kdelibs14:49
apacheloggerkppp packaging has no history because it was manually copied :S14:49
Riddellapachelogger: good idea14:49
sgclarkRiddell: correct?14:50
Riddellsgclark: yeah I think so14:51
Riddellwe can check once you've done the -dev one14:51
Riddellsgclark: run (probably from the directory above) dh_install --list-missing14:52
Riddellthat'll check if the .install files are listing the right stuff14:52
Riddelldh_install: usr/mkspecs/modules/qt_KArchive.pri exists in debian/tmp but is not installed to anywhere14:53
Riddellwhat the heck is that?14:53
Riddell"### qmake support - TODO, make a ecm macro for this"14:54
Riddellsays the cmake file14:54
Riddellsgclark: well I guess you'd better add that to the -dev.install file14:54
sgclarksorry, add what?14:54
Riddellsgclark: now lets add the symbols file14:57
Riddellsgclark: I did that, it's too faffy to explain but that details are on http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/symbolfiles.html14:59
sgclarkyeah, will read that after we are done14:59
Riddellsgclark: next debian/copyright needs updated15:00
Riddellsgclark: licencecheck tells me it's all LGPL 215:00
Riddellwhich is the same as threadweavers15:00
Riddellso it should just be updating some names15:00
Riddellsgclark: are you able to copy/paste them or shall I?15:00
sgclarkgo ahead15:01
tester56hi, could somebody try the following: go to systemsettings,/workspace appearance/Window Decorations and click: configure decoration. Now  change for example the button size, click ok and the results apply instantly without clicking the apply button ...15:02
tester56at least on my setup it behaves that way ... seems like a bug to me ...15:02
Riddellsgclark: right, do a debuild -j2  to build it again and this time it should be a work of perfection15:04
=== jalcine is now known as jacky
tester56i would like to file a bug against the kcm module, the probleme is, i do not know which module this belongs to... but first of all I would be happy if someone could confirm or refute ...15:05
* Riddell highfives apachelogger and shadeslayer for doing worthy tasks today15:05
Riddellsgclark: oh we renamed that package so it didn't clear those files, just rm -r debian/libkf5archive5-dbg15:05
shadeslayerI wish someone would do these shitty copyright files for me15:06
shadeslayerit's the thing I hate most about packaging15:06
* shadeslayer high fives Riddell15:06
* Riddell makes a cup of tea15:06
sgclarkwoot compiling15:06
sgclarkyeah, seems I need to sit down and learn sed. I have avoided it forever lol15:07
sgclarkwas a error in copyright, run debuild again?15:09
Riddellah yes15:12
RiddellW: karchive source: syntax-error-in-dep5-copyright line 12: Cannot parse line "2004-2013 Mirko Boehm"15:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: how do I know what's what in that csv15:12
Riddellsgclark: you fixed that?15:12
sgclarkRiddell: yes15:12
sgclarkwas left from threadweaver15:12
Riddellsgclark: ok build again and see if it is fixed15:12
* Riddell spams kubuntu-devel with moderated postings15:14
RiddellW: libkf5archive-dev: non-standard-dir-in-usr usr/mkspecs/15:14
Riddellsgclark: that needs a bit more investigation15:14
Riddellseems /usr/share/qt5/mkspecs/ is the place for those files to go on debian/ubuntu15:15
tester56so nobody knows the name of the kcm module "workspace appearance"?  :-(15:15
Riddell# Packagers who use -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr will certainly want to set ECM_MKSPECS_INSTALL_DIR to something like share/qt5/mkspecs/modules15:15
Riddelltester56: i think we're all busy, you can try in #kde-devel ?15:16
shadeslayerah it's at the bottom15:16
shadeslayerhow weird15:16
shadeslayerRiddell: I don't suppose you have a LGPL-2 stub lying around for debian/copyright?15:16
tester56Riddell, sure, sry for interrupting!15:16
apacheloggerfor a minut enow my inbox keeps notifiying me of review requets15:18
apacheloggerthis looks dodgy15:18
apacheloggersomeone tries to kill my mail :@15:18
sgclarkwow 46 email in kubuntu-devel haha15:18
apacheloggernow it stopped, muhahaha15:18
Riddellshadeslayer: look in threadweaver15:19
shadeslayerRiddell: LGPL-2+15:19
Riddellshadeslayer: backspace is your friend :)15:19
Riddellshadeslayer: copy/paste from whatever the source files say15:19
Riddellsgclark: yep this needs some more investigation to fix properly15:20
Riddellsgclark: but I think we're otherwise all good15:20
apacheloggeroh the notifications stopped15:20
apacheloggermy inbox is full with launchpad reviews and someone decided to send me patches15:20
apacheloggerby mail15:21
Riddellsgclark: install the .debs to check they really install15:21
Riddellsgclark: dpkg --install *deb15:21
apacheloggershadeslayer: csv? what csv?15:21
apacheloggerdesktop + desktop-common15:22
Riddellsgclark: yay, now let's upload it    debuild -S   to build the source15:22
apacheloggershadeslayer: your question fails to parse15:22
apacheloggershadeslayer: the size diff you mean?15:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: nvm, I found out what the columns meant15:22
apacheloggerred -x size increase by x... green x size decrease by x15:22
shadeslayerthe description is at the bottom15:22
shadeslayerinstead of the top15:22
apacheloggershadeslayer: ah yeah, sorting was very nice xD15:22
shadeslayerthe world is upside down15:23
apacheloggergoogle docs is weird15:23
apacheloggeralso .... it has a hard time computing the diff for the some 1600 entries in the table15:23
sgclarkI don't have  a key on this server15:23
Riddellsgclark: yeah I need to sign it15:23
apacheloggerI should claim that google docs are not very suitable for anything but writing the odd letter now and then15:23
Riddellas a member of kubuntu-ppa15:23
shadeslayerkcodecs up15:24
apacheloggerSput: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/quassel/+bug/1262187 does that compute for you?15:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 1262187 in quassel (Ubuntu) "Quassel - Client Chatmonitor" [Wishlist,Confirmed]15:24
Riddellsgclark: press return to upload!15:24
shadeslayerneeds more license stubs that I was too annoyed to add15:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~neon/neon/neon5-image/revision/4 needs ppa-purge15:24
Riddellsgclark: ahem, press again15:25
shadeslayerbut whai15:25
Riddellsgclark: well done, you're now an elite kubuntu ninja!15:25
Riddellsgclark: if you have an idenity.kde.org account you can update the package status on https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas-frameworks15:25
apacheloggershadeslayer: because of transitions a la 'kdelibs is now karchive,kdesu,kded,kconfig,kspaceship;kdalek'15:25
sgclarkthere a package I can try on my own computer?15:25
sgclarkI do15:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: not required15:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: I purged the schroot cache and stuff15:26
shadeslayerso it doesn't give issues now15:26
apacheloggersee, I wrote a la there because I did not mean kdelibs specifically :P15:27
Riddellsgclark: you can scp the .deb files to your computer and install them but they were built for trusty so they probably won't install if you're using saucy, you'd also need to have the qt5 PPA setup15:27
sgclarkin file, what do I put?15:27
Riddellsgclark: you can watch the package compile at https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental/+packages15:27
Riddellsgclark: how do you mean "in file"?15:27
sgclarkninjas frameworks15:27
Riddellsgclark: change wip (work in progress) to "in PPA"15:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: since neon does not have package relationships that would remove split rubbish the ISO builder needs to make sure it does not run into issues like the kdelibs transition15:28
apacheloggerhence why it should completely wipe all of project-neon5 and then install session again15:28
sgclarknever used this befre, does it save itself?15:29
Riddellsgclark: yes it does15:29
Riddellit's etherpad15:29
sgclarkoh, I meant another package to package15:30
shadeslayerapachelogger: checking if I can do that15:30
Riddellyay we made omgubuntu! http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/01/kde-frameworks-5-tech-preview-released15:31
Riddellsgclark: so if you're up for doing more find another tier 1 module to package from http://community.kde.org/Frameworks/Epics/Splitting_kdelibs15:32
shadeslayerRiddell: are we also tracking kf5 packaging in bzr?15:32
mikecbThe first comment want's screenshots of the frameworks.15:33
Riddellshadeslayer: not yet but we ought to start doing that15:33
Riddellmikecb: here's a lovely one http://agateau.com/tmp/kf5/tier3-kio.png :)15:33
Riddellooh this is a goodie http://agateau.com/tmp/kf5/tier3-kdeclarative.png15:34
mikecbRiddell: such diagram, many arrow, boxes, wow15:34
Riddellmikecb: this has a screenshot of plasma 2 using frameworks 5 http://kshadeslayer.wordpress.com/2013/12/03/introducing-project-neon-5-isos/15:35
Riddellnot much to show alas15:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: okay can't be done, live build does a install pass post restoring the chroot15:35
shadeslayerso it'll fail there if files are moved15:36
shadeslayerunless we pass options to overwrite files15:36
sgclarkok, need to eat some breakfast and stuff, will try to package something something on my setup in a bit, thanks for all the help15:37
=== mamarley_ is now known as mamarley
apacheloggershadeslayer: I am confused, how would that diff of yours work then?15:39
apacheloggerbecause there are bound to be file conflicts15:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah, we /could/ pass an option to overwrite files15:40
shadeslayerapachelogger: FWIW if I drop pm-utils I can save another 0.5 MB of space :D15:42
shadeslayeron the ISO15:42
apacheloggershadeslayer: poor powermanagement :(15:47
* apachelogger out for dinner15:47
shadeslayerdinner? 0.o15:50
shadeslayerit's only 515:51
Riddellhigh tea15:52
sgclarkhehe 8am here15:53
Sputapachelogger: sounds like settings are not stored properly. does it work for you?15:53
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Riddellsgclark: are you done with the ec2?16:13
=== android is now known as jussi
sgclarkRiddell: yes sorry16:24
=== vinay is now known as Guest58531
shadeslayerwho wants to write copyright files!17:27
* yofel drops a needle and vanishes17:31
shadeslayerkimageformats has like 3-4 files that have a standard copyright header17:33
shadeslayereverything else has "This code is distributed under the conditions of foo blah blah"17:33
Riddellshadeslayer: your copyright file for kcodecs has a couple of issues17:35
shadeslayerRiddell: I know, I hate those files17:36
Riddellshadeslayer: it says src/probers/ is MIT but doesn't list what MIT is17:36
Riddellit says src/probers/nsSJISProber.h is MPL but it's also LGPL17:36
Riddellshadeslayer: want me to tidy it up?17:36
shadeslayernsSJISProber.h can be relicensed under MPL/GPL 2/LGPL 2.117:37
shadeslayerthough the primary one seems to be MPL17:37
shadeslayerfeel free to tidy it up more17:37
shadeslayerif you want you can also do kimageformats17:37
Riddellgosh is that the time, I don't think I can do kimageformats today :)17:38
Riddellshadeslayer: based on sune's say so I've decided to use dhmk for debian/rules files17:38
shadeslayerfooey, ok17:38
* Riddell updates kcodecs17:41
RiddellSource: git://anongit.kde.org/kcodecs   hmm I was using the projects.kde.org URL for that in debian/copyright17:41
shadeslayerwell, that *is* where one would get the source for kcodecs17:43
Riddellspose so17:43
RiddellW: libkf5codecs: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libKF5Codecs517:44
RiddellW: libkf5codecs: description-synopsis-starts-with-article17:44
RiddellI has also started versioning the -dbg packages so libkf5codecs5-dbg based on discussions in debian channel17:45
RiddellI had also put Multi-Arch: same but I don't really know what that's good for17:46
shadeslayerdo we *want* to have names with weird casing?17:48
Riddellhow do you mean?17:48
Riddell.deb package names need to be lower case17:52
* Riddell out17:55
Riddellshadeslayer: but do remember to version them libkf5codec5-dbg (not the -dev)17:57
shadeslayerRiddell: ack18:01
shadeslayerRiddell: did you fix kcodec?18:01
Riddellshadeslayer: yep18:01
shadeslayerI'm going to upload kimageformats18:01
shadeslayerwithout a copyright file18:01
shadeslayerfortunately, they're only plugins, so no naming or symbol files18:02
shadeslayer*weird lib naming18:03
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
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Peace-Riddell: 20:20
Peace-r y there?20:20
Peace-guys i have a problem with kubuntu and palava.tv 20:33
Peace-it seems it's a problem with phonon 20:33
Peace-apachelogger: ^20:33
shadeslayersgclark: hey, saw your email20:48
shadeslayersgclark: I'd use licensecheck to find the right copyright20:48
sgclarkshadeslayer: I managed to get the command :) where do I find the licence though20:48
shadeslayeror copyright-helper20:48
shadeslayersgclark: as in the full text?20:48
sgclarkthat a program?20:48
shadeslayersgclark: yes, it's a perl script to ease copyright checking20:49
shadeslayerjust google for copyright-helper and you'll find it20:49
sgclarkI was able to grep the copyright info from source, fine20:49
shadeslayeralternatively : git clone git://anonscm.debian.org/users/modax/copyright-helper.git20:49
sgclarkthank you20:49
shadeslayerusage : ./copyright-helper.pl -f  /path/to/source20:49
shadeslayersgclark: full licenses in /usr/share/common-licenses20:50
shadeslayermmmm ... I've had too much chocolate20:51
sgclarkoh wow great program, thanks so much20:54
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
sgclarkshadeslayer: what if most files are LGPL-2.1+ but 2 files are LGPL-2 20:57
shadeslayersgclark: you can specify regex's20:58
shadeslayerso for LGPL-2.1+ you can do  : Files: *20:58
shadeslayerthen for the 2 files that are LGPL-2 : Files: src/foo1.cpp\nsrc/foo2.cpp20:58
shadeslayeror Files: src/foo1.*20:58
sgclarkand it seems 5 files not explicitly specified20:59
sgclarkI do not have any licenses with + in common-licenses, is there a difference?21:04
shadeslayersometimes the license header is not in the standard format21:07
shadeslayerso you have to read the license which should specify what license it is21:07
sgclarkugh, afraid I am completely lost here, what am I supposed to put in copyright file in debian? I am using one we did earlier and this copyright is much shorter than that /usr/share one21:09
sgclarkI was doing so well until copyright :(21:10
ScottKapachelogger: If there's more than one supported Python version, that's excepted.21:20
apacheloggerScottK: is that going away before final or what?21:36
ScottKNot sure (I've lost the bubble).  Ask barry or doko.21:36
Peace-apachelogger: 21:48
shadeslayersgclark: sorry for leaving you in the dark, had to cook dinner22:09
shadeslayersgclark: basically one puts the copyright stub22:09
shadeslayerthat's usually found in the code22:10
shadeslayeras for the cmake issue, you're missing the Qt 5.2 ppa22:10
sgclarkshadeslayer: thanks!22:13
ahoneybunhey valorie23:27
valoriehi ahoneybun23:27
ahoneybunhow are you?23:27
valorieI'm good23:28
valoriehow are you?23:28
ahoneybungood too23:29
ahoneybunreally happy about sgclark's work23:29
sgclarklook ok?23:29
valoriebeware, Riddell is trying to steal her from us23:29
valoriecan't trust those ninjas.....23:30
valoriereally, it's lovely to have lots of people doing lots of things23:30
valoriecross-knowledge makes us all smarter23:31
sgclarkI am going to remove the construction tags, hopefully some translators will do their magic23:31
valorieonce we do that on a few pages, I'll write to the translation teams asking for their help23:31
valorieovidiu-florin: did you get the help you needed to start translating on Userbase/kubuntu?23:32
sgclarkI finished them all today :) can refine as we go, but tags are right etc now23:32
ahoneybunvalorie: did you see the installation and software pages?23:32
valoriewell, we need the text to be pretty much set, or it's unfair to ask them to start work23:33
valorienot in the last couple of days23:33
ahoneybunshe combined the subpages23:33
ahoneybunlooks good23:33
valoriemain page top: This page contains changes which are not marked for translation.23:34
sgclarkvalorie: it is pretty much set, won't change much till new release23:34
valoriesame heading on http://userbase.kde.org/Kubuntu/Installation23:35
sgclarkyeah odd, googling that now23:35
valoriewe need a new image instead of this: http://userbase.kde.org/File:Kubuntu-13.04-installer_2%3D2.png23:36
valorieand here: http://userbase.kde.org/File:Kubuntu-13.04-DualBoot.png23:36
valorieand here: http://userbase.kde.org/File:Kubuntu-13.04-installer_4%3D2.png23:36
sgclarkno idea where those from. What do you want images from? 13.10?23:37
valorieand the last two as well23:37
valoriewe're working on Trusty, so they all need to be 14.0423:37
santa_yofel: hi, when building kde 4.12, did you have any problem building kalzium?23:37
valoriethose are probably placeholders23:37
sgclarkoh cool, I am installing that on my laptop tonight, will get screenies23:37
valoriepresumably the new slides are available23:37
valorieno need for that; we can get the originals 23:38
sgclarkor slides, where would one get these slides you speak of?23:38
valorieright, ahoneybun?23:38
yofelsanta_: not that I remember...23:38
ahoneybunsorry got to read23:39
ahoneybunthe installer slides?23:40
sgclarkthere is suppose to be a way to "mark page for translation" I do not see it anywhere, perhaps I do not have permissions23:42
santa_yofel: ok, I guess it's debian specific, I will have to dig deeper into it. thanks23:42
valoriesgclark: not a whole lotta traffic on the #kde-www chan, but that or the list are the place to ask23:46
sgclarkyeah, will try list if I don't figure it out, never get response in irc23:46
sgclarkok, only translators can mark page for translation. I only know english lol, anyone have a translator account?23:50
sgclarkif not I can ask yuri to do it23:52
valorieovidiu-florin was trying; maybe needs to get a translator account?23:56
sgclarkyeah someone needs to23:56
sgclarkI have no skills to justify one hehe23:56
valorieme either23:58
valorieon http://userbase.kde.org/Kubuntu/Software we need to check the canonical list of what will be included on the ISO23:59

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